
Harry Potter: Into Darkness Part 1

by Jabberwocky1996

Chapter 6: Pain and Loss

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Pain and Loss

What Fluttershy was trying to say was that a plume of fire had landed in the wheat field around the Weasleys. Only the fire formed a circle around the house. A plume of smoke suddenly landed in the center near the house. The smoke then was revealed to be Bellatrix Lestrange.

Molly, Bill, Ron, Hermione, the ponies and Madeline stood in the doorway.

“Why have you come here?!” Twilight demanded.

“It matters not!” said a voice.

Suddenly two more plumes of smoke appeared next to Bellatrix. The second plume revealed a half-crazed man. The third revealed a dignified man with blond hair.

Hermione and Ron recognized him.

“Gilderoy Lockhart?!” they said at once.

“And Bartemius Crouch Junior!” said the second man.

“Silence!” Bellatrix yelled “Find the boy!”

Suddenly Molly Weasley pulled her wand out and fired a spell but Bellatrix blocked it.

“You will not touch these children!” Molly yelled.

Ginny and Harry climbed down towards the door. Madeline (who had been with Pinkie Pie who was telling Madeline about Equestria) bumped into them.

“Kid, what’s going on?!” she yelled.

“We’re being attacked by Death Eaters!” Harry yelled.

“What?! I’ll get my gun!” Madeline yelled as she rushed to get her gun.

Meanwhile, outside, Molly was still holding the three Death Eaters back. Tired of this, Bellatrix pulled out her wand and fired a kill spell. It was aimed at Ron. Just then, Molly pushed him out of the way and the beam flew past her and hit the room wall just missing Harry and Ginny’s heads. Everyone fell over except Bill and Hermione who were pinned against the door.

Just as Harry and Ginny reached the door, Bellatrix smiled wickedly and ran off (Barty and Gilderoy had already run off into the wheat) into the wheat field. Harry chased after her.

“Harry! Harry no!” Bill yelled as he followed after him.

They just managed to pass through the fire without getting burned when Ginny followed after him.

“Ginny no!” Madeline yelled.

Ginny didn’t listen but followed Harry. Madeline tried to follow but the fire then blocked her path. Twilight then ran into the circle and opened a path for Madeline to cross. She then ran into the field and Twilight’s path closed.

“Wait, where’s Molly?” Hermione said logically.

They then looked down to see Molly hoping to see her okay.

But she wasn’t. She was bleeding. A lot.


Harry furiously chased after Bellatrix. He remembered everything. How she killed Sirius Black and how she was taunting him with a song that went

I killed Sirius Black! You can’t get me!

Oh, how the memories came flooding back.

Harry just kept running and running and running until the singing stopped. He stopped in an empty crop-circle like spot that was slightly swamp-like in the field. Ginny had caught up with him.

“Are you all right, Harry?” she asked out of breath.

Harry shushed her.

The wind flowed through the wheat but no other sounds. It was occasionally interrupted by sounds of someone walking through the grass.

Unbeknownst to both, Barty Crouch Junior closed in on them and he motioned for Bellatrix to sneak up on them.

“Harry!” Bill Weasley yelled from a distance.

“Ginny!” Madeline yelled from a distance.

Barty fired at the two but they dodged. Ginny blocked Barty’s shots whilst Harry fired at Bellatrix whenever he saw her. She dodged every time. Bill and Madeline came just in time and joined the fight. The firing then stopped and then silence.

They looked around but no sounds other then the wind.

Barty prepared to fire when a shot rang out and he felt a massive pain in the arm and fell back yelping in pain.

Madeline had seen him and shot him in the arm. Barty got up and hissed at her and then him, Bellatrix and Gilderoy vanished as plumes of smoke. They left but not before slamming all the windows.

“Molly.” Bill said.

The four then ran back to the house.


By now Twilight and the ponies managed to stop the fire and rushed inside to see to Molly.

Hermione put the cloth against Molly’s throat to keep her from bleeding any more. Already she had a small pool of blood around her head and Hermione’s knees. Just then, Harry, Bill, Ginny and Madeline burst in.

“Mummy!” Ginny cried as she fell on her knees to her dying mothers side and clutched Molly’s blood soaked hand.

Molly motioned for Madeline (who was a doctor) to come to her.

“I’ll tend to her.” Madeline told Hermione. Hermione then stood next to Ron.

Madeline knew nothing could be done. Molly was doomed.

Molly then leaned in to Madeline’s ear.

“M…M…Madeline….” she gasped.

“Yes?” Madeline said fighting back tears.

“Please….take care of my children….please…” Molly continued.

“I will.” Madeline said as her voice broke.

Molly closed her eyes and her breathing suddenly stopped. She was dead.

Unable to fight it any longer, Ginny broke into deep, heaving sobs.


Three weeks later, Hermione decided to make her move. She was going to tell Draco she loved him. She walked down the hall and looked for Draco. She was wearing a bright blue dress and shoes. Suddenly, she saw him duck towards the garden. She chased after him.

She made sure not to seen. She hid behind a wall and peeked from it. What she saw made her heart sink.

Yes, it was Draco but he was kissing another girl. That girl was Ginny Weasley.

Hermione ducked behind the wall and put her hand on her chest. The image crushed her. She then walked away and then waited ‘till she was alone to start crying.


Draco broke the kiss and Ginny blinked in surprise.

“D-Draco.” Ginny said “Wow.”

“Ginny, I love you.” Draco said as he closed his eyes and leaned to kiss her again.

“Draco, I’m sorry.” Ginny said.

Draco opened his eyes and blinked in surprise.

“Draco, I’m sorry but…” Ginny continued “I love Harry Potter. You’re a good friend but…I’m afraid I don’t love you.”

Draco walked back slightly. Ginny began to walk off.

“Ginny” Draco said “please. I can help you. Just let me. Please.”

Ginny turned and looked at Draco.

“Goodbye Draco.” Ginny said.

She walked off leaving Draco in the garden. Draco then sighed and returned to his class.

Next Chapter: Issues with Love Estimated time remaining: 26 Minutes
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