
Harry Potter: Into Darkness Part 1

by Jabberwocky1996

Chapter 4: Comforting Nightmares

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Comforting Nightmares

“Well done, Mr. Potter!” Horace Slughorn said as Harry used one of the spells from the Half-Blood Prince’s book. Everyone clapped in approval. “And now” Horace continued “I would like to let Miss Twilight Sparkle to show us how she uses her magic.”

Twilight walked up and stood beside Horace. He handed her a wand but she shook her head.

“But how do you use magic?” Lavender Brown asked.

“Let me show you.” Twilight replied.

Twilight focused and closed her eyes. Her horn glowed and everyone stared. Suddenly the candles in the room started floating up. Everyone stared in awe. Even Hermione and Harry were impressed. Twilight finally ceased the glowing and put the candles down.

The class clapped with many cheers.

“Incredible!” Horace said “How do you do it?”

“Unicorn magic comes from within. It’s a skill we are born with.” Twilight said. “It’s as simple as that.”


Ron Weasley sat in front of Hermione and Harry. It was lunch. The ponies, however, could not be present. They were at their hotel room.

“So…how was it?” Ron asked.

“How was what?” Hermione asked.

“Your dinner party?” Ron responded.

He meant the party where Dumbledore talked about Tom Riddle.

“Pretty boring actually.” she said (which was a fact) “but I think Harry enjoyed dessert.”

“Your mother is inviting us to spend Christmas with her.” Harry said. “After the games, of course.”

“That’s good.” Ron said obviously focused on something else.

Hermione tapped him on the shoulder. He looked up at her.

“You’re worried you’ll lose, won’t you?” she asked.

Ron sighed. “Yes.” he replied.

“Don’t worry, Ron.” Hermione said “I know you’ll be good.”

“If you can beat Rainbow Dash” Harry said “I think you can win this thing.”

“I was just lucky then.” Ron said half-heartily “But the Quidditch…that’s the whole other thing. I don’t know if I can do it.”

“I know you can.” Hermione said.

They finished their discussion and returned to eating.


Twilight Sparkle had gathered the other five ponies in her hotel room. The day of the Quidditch match. They were preparing to go.

“Alright, guys,” Twilight said, “remember, they’re counting on us. Rainbow Dash, since you’re part of the Gryffindor team, you got to make sure the other members race faster than the other teams. The rest of us will be in the audience. Is everypony ready?”

They all nodded.

“Okay.” she said.

Her horn lit up and they all teleported to Hogwarts.


It was a cold day they picked to do the match. Snow fell softly and the wind blew. And the brooms flew through the stadium in circles.

They did dizzying aerobatic maneuvers and flew around and around in circles. The crowd cheered and roared which was accompanied by the occasional boos.

Hermione, Ginny, Harry and Draco cheered with the ponies.

“I love number 7!” Twilight said “doing 15 barrel rolls in a row can’t be easy!”

“My favorite is number 5” Fluttershy said “she seemed like such a nice lady.”

“Here comes Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie Pie yelled joyously.

Rainbow flew by and waved at them then returned her attention to the game. After what seemed like forever, the opponents all headed to the finish line. They flashed by it and the crowd cheered.

“And the winner’s are the Gryffindor Team of Hogwarts by a land-slide!” yelled the brown-haired announcer from the tryouts.

The crowd cheered even louder.

The exhausted broom riders came down from their brooms and landed safely on the ground.

The ponies, Hermione and Harry and several other students came and hugged Ron and Rainbow Dash.

They had won.


Rainbow Dash was holding a party in celebration of the Quidditch victory. Everyone cheered and drank. And they drank a lot. Ron was the center of attention. Fluttershy then came in and gave a potion to Ron.

“I dare you to drink that!” Fluttershy said.

Everybody then started chanting rhythmically “Drink it! Drink it!”

So Ron drank it. He shook his head for a few seconds then looked at the Lavender Brown. The two then shared a kiss and everybody cheered. Hermione began to feel a little bummed out. She looked to Draco. What she saw just made her feel worse.

He was standing next to Ginny. But that didn’t get to her. It was the kiss on Ginny’s cheek that did it. She then began to tear up and walked out of the room. Rarity took notice. She motioned for Harry to lean down (the ponies were only 3 to 4 feet tall after all).

“Go check on Hermione. I’m worried about her.” Rarity whispered.

Harry just flowed with it and walked up to the tower where Hermione was going. He climbed up the steps and heard her crying softly. He then sat beside her.

“How does it feel Harry” she said “when you see someone with Ginny?”

“Oh…um…” Harry said as he tried to find the right words without sounding totally stupid.

“I know.” Hermione finally piped up “I see the way you look at her. You’re my best friend.”

Suddenly Lavender and Ron came up laughing like drunk people. They stopped for a second to look at Hermione and Ron.

“Oh, I’m sorry” Lavender said totally dazed “I think this one’s taken.”

And with that they went off cackling somewhere else. Ron stopped for a second and was just about to say something when Hermione’s glare made him leave. Her glare then changed when he left and she sat down and began sobbing and leaning on Harry’s shoulder.

“It feels like this.” Harry finally said.


Twilight groaned. Her head hurt bad like someone slammed it with a crowbar. She tried to move but when she looked at her feet she gasped in horror.

She was in quicksand. And she was sinking.

“Help me!” she cried out. But her calls were answered.

Suddenly a figure began to walk towards her. It was a hideous creature that looked like an alicorn but with holes in it’s legs and mane and looked like a bug mixed with an alicorn. It had bright green eyes and mane and tail. She was Queen Chrysalis.

“Chrysalis?! Where am I?” Twilight demanded.

“This is the pit” Chrysalis said “that you left me to die in.”

“I didn’t leave you!” Twilight said “You brought it on yourself!”

Chrysalis glared at her. “Yes you did. You and your friends left me, Celestia, your brother and everything behind for another world. An inferior world.”

“But that was an accident!” Twilight replied “Besides, Equestria will be safe from you!”

Chrysalis laughed a disturbing laugh. “You think your world is safe? It is an illusion. A comforting lie told to protect you.”

“That’s not true!” Twilight yelled. Realizing she was sinking deeper and only her head was sticking up.

“Enjoy these final moments of peace.” Chrysalis said.

“No.” Twilight said with despair creeping into her voice.

“For I have returned…to have…my VENGANCE!” Chrysalis yelled.

“No.” Twilight yelled louder.

“And this new world of yours will die along with you.” Chrysalis said “I will let you live just long enough to see my work. And then when you scream I’ll snap for neck in half and only then will I allow you death’s sweet mercy!”

“NO!” Twilight yelled.

Twilight gasped and woke up. She looked around and wiped the sweat off her brow. She closed her eyes, sighed and went back to sleep.

Next Chapter: Party Wizards Estimated time remaining: 35 Minutes
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