
Harry Potter: Into Darkness Part 1

by Jabberwocky1996

Chapter 3: Love and Brooms

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Love and Brooms

The ponies sat with Harry, Ron and Ginny. Dumbledore had called a feast for tonight for reason no one knew.

“Where is Hermione?” Fluttershy asked “I thought she would be attending.”

“Oh, she’s over there.” Harry said as he waved to her. She waved back.

“Kinda reclusive of her.” Rainbow Dash said.

“I’m sure she’s thinking of her studies.” Twilight said “After all, the Quidditch tryouts are tomorrow.”

“Why should she study for that?” Ginny said “She doesn’t even participate.”

“You never know.” Ron replied.

“I’ve noticed Draco hasn’t been around lately.” Pinkie Pie said.

“Well, you know how he is.” Lavender Brown said from the table next to them.

Suddenly, Dumbledore came in. He then cleared his throat. Everyone turned around and paid attention.

“Students, I’d like to thank our new guests for being here.” he said pointing to the ponies. Everyone clapped. “As you know, each and every one of you was searched upon your arrival here tonight. And you have the right to know why. Once, there was a young man. Like you. Sat in this very hall. Walked this castle’s corridors. He seemed a student like any other. His name…Tom Riddle.”

Pinkie tried to hold back a giggle at that name. Dumbledore glared at her and she shut up.

“Right…” Dumbledore continued “Of course, he’s known now by another name. Which is why as I stand looking out at all of you tonight, I’m reminded of a fact. Every day, every hour and perhaps even this minute, dark forces try to penetrate this great castle. But remember, their greatest weapon is you.”

Everybody gulped.

“Well, now off to bed, pip, pip!” Dumbledore said his voice now cheery.

Everybody got and murmured to themselves.

Draco headed straight for the door but Rarity tapped his shoulder. She motioned for him to lean down. He did.

“Ms. Granger would like to see you in the garden, please.” Rarity said as she walked out.

Draco just went with it and headed towards the direction of the garden. Hermione went towards the washroom to change into her Yule Ball dress.

“Where’s she going?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“That’s none of your business.” Applejack said “She’s just bein’ herself.”


Draco entered the garden and looked around.

“Hermione?” Draco called out.

Suddenly a twig snapped. He turned. Hermione walked out from the shadow in her Yule Ball dress. Draco blinked in surprise.

“Wow…” Draco said “you look beautiful.”

Hermione smiled. “Thanks.” she said.

“What’s the point?” Draco logically asked.

“Well” Hermione said “remember the Yule Ball during the Quidditch World Cup?”

“Yeah?” Draco said.

“You never asked me to dance with you.” she said.

“But, Hermione, you didn’t ask me. Besides I was dancing with another girl.” Draco responded.

“Well, I wanted to dance with you, but I couldn’t.” Hermione said as she held out her hand. “I’d like to remedy that.”

Draco did some eye-searching.

“Draco?” Hermione said as embarrassment crept into her voice “Would you dance with me?”

Draco turned his attention to Hermione and sighed. He took her hand and they started waltzing through the garden. They danced for a while whilst everybody else in Hogwarts was heading into bed.

“Is this a date?” Draco asked.

Hermione smiled. “Maybe.”

They then stopped waltzing and Draco kissed Hermione’s hand. She blushed.

“Thank you.” Hermione said.

“You’re welcome.” Draco said.

Hermione then closed her eyes and leaned in to kiss Draco.

“Hermione?!” yelled an o-so familiar voice.

Hermione gasped quietly. She looked behind her. That was Ron’s voice. She turned back to Draco.

“I…I have to go.” she said as she walked inside.

Draco blinked. “Uh, good night.”


Ron Weasley looked around. As he paced the staircase Hermione peeked from behind a wall.

“Ron?” she said.

Ron turned around. He saw Hermione in that Yule Ball dress. That sexy…colorful…silky…smooth dress.

“Ron!” Hermione said louder.

Ron snapped back into reality. “Oh, um, yeah, sorry.” he said.

Then a logical question popped into his head.

“Why are you in your Yule Ball dress?” he asked.

“Oh…um…” Hermione said as he tried to find the right words “I…it’s none of your business!”

“Well, it’s time for bed. You coming?” Ron asked.

Hermione sighed. “Yeah, in a moment.”

“Alright.” Ron said as he walked off.

Hermione sighed in disappoint and went to go change.


Twilight climbed into her hotel room bed and looked at roof. At had been a most exciting two days. She then turned and looked out her window. Was a full moon. She smiled.

It’s fine. She thought What could go wrong?


It was a particularly cloudy day for the Quidditch tryouts. It looked like it would rain any second.

Not that it stopped the tryouts in the past.

Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Draco, Lavender, Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom with the ponies and several other students sat in the arena seats.

A young woman with brown hair stepped into the center field with a piece of paper. She folded it open.

“Alright” she said “you all know the rules but because we have a guest” she said looking at Rainbow Dash “I’ll re-state them. No knocking other opponents off their brooms. No using of wands. And try to survive. Good luck and may the best person win.”

She walked out without saying another word and headed up to a tower. Ron and several other students got on their brooms.

Rainbow scoffed.

“Child’s play.” she said.

She lined up next to Ron and cracked her wings to circulate them. She snorted with pride. No way she could lose.

The brown-haired lady grabbed a microphone.

“One…two…three!” she yelled before honking an air horn.

The brooms and Pegasus flew off the ground and began circling around the arena. Faster, faster and faster they went. Rainbow flew ahead of the last two brooms and closed in on the others. Ron flew faster and faster. He didn’t notice Rainbow Dash coming up behind him. She then was neck and neck with Ron.

“I told ya Ron!” she yelled “I’m the fastest there is! Whoo-hoo!” she whooped. She flew past Ron.

Ron doesn’t take losing a bet lying down. He flew faster and faster.

Rainbow loved the wind flowing in her hair. The feel of it. The Ron Weasley zooming past her.


“Hey!” she yelled.

She pumped her wings faster and faster. She was just behind Ron. They were closing on the finish line. The two flew through the tarp that was the finish line and a white flash occurred.

“It’s a photo finish!” the brown-haired lady in the tower yelled.

The broom riders and Rainbow Dash lay on the ground, exhausted.

“See?” Rainbow panted “I never lose! That $10.00 is mine.”

“You didn’t hear her?” said a guy in the back row of broom riders “It’s a photo finish. Hold the $10.00, okay?”

“Ladies and gentleman” the brown-haired lady in the tower yelled “the winner is…Ronald Weasley! Who is now Captain of the Gryffindor Team!”

This lead a rousing cheer from the students sitting in the seats. Rainbow’s jaw dropped. She didn’t even bother to look as she handed the $10.00 to Ron.

“Thanks.” he said.

She didn’t answer. She just stared, jaw open, into the sky.

Next Chapter: Comforting Nightmares Estimated time remaining: 40 Minutes
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