
Who is doing this?

by Smexy Sombra

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Screams, Ponies, and pain OH MY!

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Chapter 2
Screams, Ponies, and pain OH MY!

A/N: Okay, so a lot of people decided on option A. I will agree though that the idea from the monkey ninja was extremely funny. I would have done it if I hadn’t already started the chapter.

“Okay, We have decided celestia!” The spartan said to the sun goddess. “We believe it would be funny if we just dropped him into Canterlot!”

The sun goddess snickered at her idea. “This is going to be fun.” She said as she dragged the human to a platform next to her computer. Gently placing him on the platform she walks back to her computer and began to type with her magic. After a few minutes of typing, she let her hoof hover of the enter key and looked upon the crowd.

“Is everypony ready?” She asked and got a torrent of agreements and positive feedback. “Alright then. Let’s watch him- Oh wait!” She quickly grabbed a syringe from the desk and walked over to the human. Giving him the needle’s liquid she ran back to the computer and slammed her hoof upon the enter key.

“Princess what did you give him?” A pony in the crowd asked. The sun princess grinned and chuckled.

“I gave him a booster. It will wake him up and give him a somewhat clear head.” She said turning to the screen next to her and pulling up a pillow to lay on. “Let’s watch shall we?”

The screen flared to life and everyone laid down. Some had chairs others had pillows. Some even had picnic baskets to eat while they watched. The platform glowed bright and soon followed by a bright flash and loud bang. Everyone looked at the area the human once was and saw that he was gone. The princess chuckled and looked back to the screen.

“Let the show begin.” She said.

“Wait, princess?”

“Yes, church?” She said to the blue spartan.

“If we drop him in won’t her get hurt?”

“Of course not! Our world has a lower gravity than his, so his fall will be dampened.”


(1rst person view:Slayer)

I awoke to the sound of the wind rushing by my head. I slowly opened my eyes to see a cobblestone road rushing up to meet me.

“Oh what the FUUUUUUUUUU-*SMACK CRASH CRUSH.*” I said as I hit the road. I had slammed into the ground and rolled into a few things before stopping. I opened a pain eye to see I was in a sort of alleyway and it smelled awful. I slowly got up and groaned in pain. My shoulder was in a lot of pain, but it wasn’t broken. Hopefully. I checked the rest of the of my body and found lots of bruises. I stopped when I heard a noise next to me.

“Well hel~lo there.” I blinked and slowly turned my head to the side. “You want to have some fun big boy?” The creature in front of me was not only coming on to me, but was a FUCKING CHANGELING.

“AAAAAAAAAAH!!!” I screamed at the creature and I scooted towards the alley opening.

“AAAAAAAAAAH!!!” It responded right back.

I bolted out of the alley holding my shoulder and tripped over something on the way out. I face-planted and slowly got up. Still slightly dazed by the fall, I got up and shook my head. I looked around and saw LOTS and LOTS of ponies. Small ponies, big ponies, winged ponies, horned ponies, and even a certain blue winged horned pony.

My eye began to twitch involuntarily as I ran back into the alleyway with all the ponies watching. I walked into the corner, sat down, and clutched my knees in my arms and slowly began to rock back and forth. The changeling had recovered from my freak out and was staring at me.

“Um you okay....whatever you are?” It asked getting closer to me. I just blinked and continued to rock back and forth until I heard voices.

“What was that?”

“You saw that right? wh-...”

“Your highness! shall we go check it out?”

“Of course our dear guard. We art curious of what a strange creature that was.”

I was poked by the changelings holed hoof. “Come on whatever you are! Get up! your gonna get sent to th-”


“Dungeon. buck. RU-MMMPH!” The changeling was gagged and thrown against the ground. The other guards started to come towards me and I...Well I flipped.

I lept up and kicked the nearest guard in the head. Then I picked him up and threw him against the other guard. I tackled the guard near that was holding down the changeling and picked up the shifting creature. It used his magic and took the gag out.

“What are you doing you silly thing! RUN!” without a second thought, I bolted out of the alleyway with the changeling in my arms. ‘Wait why am I helping this thing? Oh yeah cause I just assaulted several guards and ran off with a public enemy. Gre~at.’ I thought as I continued to run.


Translation: run unless you want to die.’ I thought. I continued to run until I heard something behind me. Hooves. Lots and lots and lots of hooves. I chanced a look behind me and saw guards. You take a guess how many. Apparently when one changeling is spotted there is a riot. When a changeling that is being held by a runaway, guard assaulting, unknown creature they call the army.

I saw that the train station was the only way out of the place and took the chance. I ran just as the thing took off and jumped onto the back of the train just as it sped out of the tunnel.

“We can’t stay here.” the changeling said. “You need to hide somewhere.....Um how about untying me huh?” It said. I looked at it as I saw the light of the end of the tunnel coming up. I quickly untied it. By that I mean I just slipped them off of it. ‘Ponies aren’t very good at tying knots.’ I thought.

it slipped out of the rope and looked around. Then it took a step back to get a good look at me. I looked it over as well. it mostly looked like a normal changeling, but it’s eyes were yellow, Or gold depending on your view and the light in the immediate area.

Then it bit the sleeve of my jacket and pulled me over to the edge of the end car. “Climb onto the bottom of the train.”

“WHAT!?” I yelled at it. It flinched and looked at me with pleading eyes.

“Come on! We need to hide and my wings are hurt by those stupid guards!” It said. I groaned and looked over the edge.

“Is there any other way?” I asked looking at it. It placed a hole filled hoof on it’s chintin chin.

“Well if you don’t mind being pressed up against me in a storage compartment then I gu-..wait where are yOU!”

I grabbed it's hoof and dragged it under with me. Everything was SOOO much lighter here and I could pick up ponies easy and it was easier to climb onto stuff. I wonder why?

Anyway I climbed onto the bottom of the car and held on for my dear life. The changeling, on the other hand, the changeling was resting on my stomach and was staring at me.

“I swear to god if you kiss me I will kill us both....” I glared at the small black creature that was laying on my chest. It huffed and laid it’s head down so it was staring at me.

Several minutes passed before we heard creaking above us. The changelings quietly whimpered as the creaking stopped right above us. We heard some muffled voices. They left and I sighed.

“Next stop....” I looked out from under and see a familiar sight. “Oh no...Ponyville.”...


Celestia chuckled and looked at the audience. “Alright everyone I have a few good ideas. Either A) I can tell my student about this and have her cause a massive search for him or B) I can tell queen chrysalis that the human is with her daughter! Well that all I got. Anyone else have an Idea or are those good?”

Celestia looked over the crowd as the murmurs erupted. ‘Well I'm getting a drink.’ She got off her pillow and went to the cafeteria.

Next Chapter: Chapter 3: Okay seriously? Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 40 Minutes
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