
Xenophilia: Further tales.

by TheQuietMan

Chapter 27: 27: Ain't misbehavin', savin' my love for you.

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Ain't misbehavin', savin' my love for you.

Chapter published 9th Feb 2013


Canterlot Palace - Royal Botanical Gardens
Early April 1217 AC
‘round about teatime.

If there was one unarguable truth, one fact that always held true no matter where or when you found yourself in the land of Equestria, it was that the earth pony known as Pinkie Pie hosted the best parties. Today was no less true than ever before. To say that the wedding of Equestria’s only human to his three pony brides had gone off without a hitch would be a… slight untruth. But once the pretty party pony had kicked off her reception banquet, any and all issues, political or personal, had been forgotten. Well, for now at least.

A fabulous feast had been consumed, both wine and song had been enjoyed (except by those underage for the wine), games had been played, dancing had been partaken in and a great time had been had by all.

At an almost deserted table at the outskirts of the dance floor sat fashion designer and businessmare extraordinaire Lady Rarity of Ponyville. She was absent mindedly swirling an almost empty champagne flute in her magic whilst quietly watching the throng of revelers happily singing and dancing in front of her.

As she drained the last of her drink, her eyes wandered around the scene, casually looking for the recently wed foursome. Rainbow and Twilight were dancing in the middle of the crowd, the unicorn’s front hooves waving in the air like that of an over excited filly. Even after all these years, once Twilight got overexcited her dancing would lose any sense of style or rhythm and would descend rapidly into exuberant flailing and bouncing.

The manically gyrating unicorn’s pegasus bondmate was bouncing around in front of her, carefully keeping just out of reach of her wife’s flailing limbs whilst staying close enough to occasionally touch hooves or rub noses when she thought hardly anypony was watching. That the daredevil flyer, who would usually rather be caught dead than make overt displays of affection in public, was willing to do so now showed just how much she was enjoying herself. Rarity felt her heart lift, to see her friends happy like this was simply a joy.

Moving her gaze away from the dance floor, Rarity spotted Lyra and Lero off by the buffet table. The human and his bride were in the midst of being mobbed by the Cutie Mark Crusaders, or just the ‘Crusaders’ as they were now known, the three fillies proudly displaying their cutie marks on their flanks for the world to see.

Luckily the Crusaders had taken off their flower-filly outfits before the post wedding festivities had begun. It was a good thing too, Rarity had singlehoofedly created all three ensembles - as well as the bridal dresses and the tuxedos for the groom and best man - and if there had been a patch of dirt or mud anywhere within a hundred body lengths of the wedding then it would be a foregone conclusion that at least one of the fillies would have managed to find a way into it.

The fashion designer’s eye caught on her sister’s cutie mark and unbidden a slightly envious sigh escaped the older sister’s lips. In Rarity’s considered opinion, Sweetie Belle’s cutie mark was easily one of the most beautiful she had ever seen.

The symbol of her young sister’s very soul was comprised of two main parts, the first being a gorgeous silver bell hanging from a delicate pink ribbon while the second was what looked like an eight pointed star partially hidden behind it. The bell was caught in mid swing, it’s clapper held partway though its upswing while the star was made up of large four pointed light mulberry star with a slightly smaller rose pink star, also four pointed, directly behind it, rotated so that its points were at forty five degrees to the larger star.

Unlike her own cutie mark, whose meaning had been cryptic and had taken her many years to fathom out, Sweetie’s mark was more open in its meaning.

The bell held many meanings such as clarity and truth and that music would play a large part in her life. But more than that it also hinted that Sweetie had a message to bring to the world and that it would be heard far and it would be heard wide.

The star could symbolize a number of things; many a unicorn had some variation of stars somewhere within their cutie mark linked to their inherent magic but the fact that, like Twilight Sparkle, Sweetie Belle had more than just a single star was indicative of great power and that she also had one star behind another pointed towards great skill in its use.

Rarity watched as Applebloom drew herself up onto her back legs in order to rest her forehooves against the human’s stomach, chatting away animatedly the whole time. Luckily the brides and groom had also changed out of their wedding outfits earlier in the day, as dirty hoofmarks were a nightmare to clean.

Puberty would be upon the girls all too soon and within a few short years all three young fillies would be able to stand and reach Lero’s shoulders with their forehooves. The young farm pony was already a horn width or so taller than her friends, a sign that her earth pony heritage would eventually leave her much bigger and stronger than her two best friends.

Not to be left out, young Scootaloo confidently flapped her wings, easily lifting herself up to the level of Lero’s shoulders. In the time since their trip to Whitetail Woods, where Rainbow Dash had first taken her new ‘sister’ under her wing both literally and figuratively, the young pegasus’ flying skill had progressed in leaps and bounds. It seemed that their polychromatic friend could be quite the tutor when she wanted to be; though some of the more ill-advised ‘leaps and bounds’ had been out of tall buildings and off of the edges of cliffs.

Rarity let out another sigh. So young; such promising, exciting marvelous lives still to come.

Casting her mind back to the cold winter’s day at the Carousel Boutique where Lero had played a huge part in Sweetie gaining her marchio dell’anca, a smile made it’s way across Rarity’s face. That a man from a species, no, from an entire world, that did not have cutie marks could be so instrumental in helping all three of the Cutie Mark Crusaders gain theirs. That all three had discovered that their lives would have so much to do with bringing joy to others and that they were shown this by a being that so many ponies had been so fearful of when he first arrived. Oh, what delicious irony.

Letting her gaze wander once more, Rarity took in the dance floor and the large number of couples gathered there. So many ponies, so much happiness to be found in the hooves of another. Would that there was a stallion out there for her. Not that she was worried about ending up an old mare, being as popular as she was kept her terribly busy, but she was the oldest of her little circle of friends and even their youngest, Applejack, now had her very own very special somepony. Even if he could be, as the farm pony herself put it, a bit of a ‘goof’ at times.

The majority of the stallions the fashionista met around Canterlot were either useless fops, hangers on or status grabbers, most of which were either repelled by her recent and rather public spat with Prince Blueblood or attracted to her just for her title alone. If only there were a stallion with honour, with poise and grace. A stallion of manners and morals and the confidence to blaze his own trail rather than being content to just run with the herd. But the only stallion that fit those traits, the only stallion who seemed to like her for being her and that she was interested in was…

“Your drink, my lady” came a cultured but gentle voice from her right. A full champagne flute floated over to her, bobbing a short distance between herself and Fancy Pants, a matching glass also held by his own chest in his magic field.

Rarity carefully took the proffered glass with her own magic and raised it towards him in a toast. Allowing their magic fields to just barely touch, a crystal clear ‘clink’ emanated from the glasses as their edges chimed against each other. After taking a small sip from his glass Fancy Pants took a seat next to the seamstress.

“I apologise for my delay in returning with your beverage, my dear. “ He began. “I was waylaid by the delightful Miss Pie who insisted I sample some of her celebratory muffins. I must say, they were rather good.”

Leaning closer so that he wouldn’t be overheard, not that there was anypony nearby to eavesdrop, Fancy Pants whispered conspiratorially. “Before we leave I really must find out if Miss Pie would sell me the recipe. They’d go down a storm in this lovely little Pâtisserie that I co-own with Donut Joe. You must promise to keep it hush-hush though, Joe does so hate to be associated with anything remotely ‘frou-frou’.“

Satisfied once he’d coaxed a small ladylike giggle from his friend, Fancy Pants settled himself back into his chair to enjoy the rest of the evening.

“I feel I must apologise for some of my friends.” Rarity gestured over to the bandstand where it would appear that a fiddle wielding Applejack had bet the cello player that she would be unable to keep up when it came to a ‘good ol’ fashioned hoedown tune’ as the farm pony insisted on calling it.

Rarity had met Miss Octavia a number of times and if there was one thing that could be said about the earth pony musician – and her rather odd friendship with the blue-maned unicorn mare over in the DJ’s booth – it was that she was incredibly competent and surprisingly well versed in many styles of music.

As the merry song reached its crescendo, cello and fiddle neck and neck, note for note, the two earth pony mares swaying from the sustained effort, the band reached their triumphant final note. Spontaneous applause broke out from the dance floor, the surrounding tables and, if Rarity’s eyes did not deceive her, one of the royal guards who quickly stopped again under the reproachful glare of one of his colleagues.

Rarity turned back to her guest. “Much as I love my friends, they can at times be rather…”

A loud crash came from behind her, it would seem that a rather exhausted Applejack had overextended her bow to the audience and had toppled forward, taking a terribly surprised Miss Octavia into the crowd with her.

“…uncouth.” Rarity finished, trying not to grimace. “Not that I would change them for the world of course.”

Fancy Pants smiled and raised his glass again. “Well I for one find them simply charming and much more entertaining then those stuffed shirts you and I have to deal with every day, are they not? After all, they are just being themselves and living their lives to the fullest and is that not what every good pony should aspire to?”

Lifting her glass and letting it ring against her companion’s once more, Rarity returned the smile.

“Yes, I concede your point, Thank you for being so understanding.”

“Think nothing of it, my dear.” Fancy Pants waved a forehoof in a good-natured dismissal of Rarity’s concerns. “I must thank you again for asking me to be your ‘plus one’ for this little soiree. I must say I’m having a wonderful time.”

Rarity could feel a blush coming to her cheeks, something that she knew her glorious white coat would be unable to hide.

“It was my pleasure, my dear Fancy Pants. Dispite what some of those tittle-tattle tabloids say, I enjoy your company for no other reason then your company itself.”

For the merest of moments a scowl flittered over Fancy Pant’s handsome features before disappearing as quickly as it had arrived. A number of so-called upper class ponies had been extraordinarily mean over Rarity’s recent inclusion into Canterlot’s elite with that useless oaf Prince Blueblood being particularity outspoken on the subject. In fact, he’d also gone so far as to petition the royal court last year in protest over the symbolic titles that Princess Celestia had decreed would be bestowed upon each of the bearers of the elements of harmony.

Pushing the royal pain from his mind, Fancy Pants once again raised his glass.

“And I yours, my lady.”

Up on the bandstand Princess Cadance – she still disliked being referred to as ‘Empress’ – had commandeered a microphone and was leading the crowd in a rendition of the same song that Twilight Sparkle had performed at the Princess’s wedding to Twilight’s brother a few years before. The lyrics had required a small amount of tweaking to cope with the multiple number of brides, but the audience were loving it all the same.

As Rarity and Fancy Pants drank their champagne and enjoyed the festivities, a pair of young mares – one a unicorn and the other an earth pony, both from Twilight’s family the fashionista believed - wandered past their table chatting excitedly. The unicorn of the two was holding Lyra’s wedding bouquet in her magic and it would seem that she was the lucky mare who had caught it when the mint green bride had haphazardly flung it out into the crowd.

Rarity’s right eye twitched ever so slightly. Three bouquets and she hadn’t caught any of them, even when she may have cheated just the tiniest bit by using her magic. Both Rainbow and Twilight’s bouquets seem to have been thrown out with specific targets in their wielders minds, their aim just a little too true for either to have been accidents.

Both Applejack and Princess Luna had needed to react quickly in order not to be hit square in their faces by bunches of flowers traveling at astonishingly high velocities; the princess gracefully catching her bunch in her forehooves while the farm pony had caught the second bunch with her teeth.

As if reading her mind Fancy pants passed comment as the two excited mares passed them by.

“Your friend Rainbow Dash has quite excellent aim. Though I would think that is to be expected from a Wonderbolts trainer.”

Rarity's blush deepened. While Fancy Pants was too much of a gentlecolt to ever mention her previous… itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny lie in public, in private he was never going to let her live it down.

“Though I would not be surprised were she to actually make it as an instructor at the academy one day.” He raised his glass to his mouth to hide an uncharacteristically mischievous smile. “After all, stranger things have happened.”

Rarity nodded, hiding her face behind her own glass. Hopefully her blush would subside soon enough.

Turning to reach behind himself, Fancy Pants brought out a small wooden box and laid it on the table in front of them, a box Rarity recognised as one her companion had left in the safe keeping of a royal guard upon their arrival at the wedding earlier in the day.

“It may not be a bouquet, my dear, but I pray this would suffice.” He said as he opened the box, displaying its contents for all to see.

Nestled in the right-hoof-side of the box and surrounded by a fine blood red silk was a beautiful white flower, its five long petals positively gleaming with the purity their of colour, just their very tips tinted with a vibrant blue.

“An elemental moon lily?” Rarity gasped. Elemental moon lilys were notoriously hard to find and to find one with coloured tips was even rarer, meaning their price was extortionately high.

While Rarity held her forehooves to her face, shocked at the magnitude of the gift, Fancy Pants used his magic to lift the bloom from where it was nestled and held it out to his companion. As she looked from the flower to his face, he turned his head so that she could get a good look behind his right ear for the first time since he had returned with their drinks.

Tucked into the side of his mane was a matching moon lily. No, looking closer she could see that the tips of the gleaming white petals were a darker shade of blue, almost exactly matching the distinct hue her of own mane.

“Oh my.“ Rarity couldn’t believe what she was seeing. “Oh my, oh my. But Fancy Pants, my dear, does this mean what I think it means?”

Fancy Pants just nodded, enjoying the look of outright astonishment on his friend’s face.

“Oh my, how scandalous.” Rarity gave a little laugh as she waved a forehoof in front of her face in order to fan herself. “A stallion to be chasing a mare. How naughty of you. Whatever will they say?”

A wide smile spread across Fancy Pant’s face, a smile he had been trying - and failing miserably - to keep in check for the last couple of minutes. “I prefer to think of it as ‘progressive’, my dear Lady Rarity. Despite the restrictive nature of my station I have always prided myself on being among the most progressive of stallions.”

Struggling for words but finding her mind a blank, Rarity simply turned her head, moving her ear towards the suspended bloom in order to give Fancy Pants better access with which to position the flower in her mane. She could feel his magic levitating the lily into place, gently smoothing down her hair and brushing against her ear as he did so.

Fancy Pants raised a hoof to Rarity’s chin… No, to his mare’s chin.

“If we are to be scandalous, I can think of no finer mare to be scandalous with.” He said, leaning in to quickly nuzzle against her face before pulling away again. Rarity was a lady after all and it would just not do for them to be seen doing anything too improper in public.

Waving a forehoof in front of her face again and doing her best to keep her heart from beating its way out of her chest, Rarity did her best to fight the blush making its way down her neck. This was a dream come true. Her very own prince charming, so thoughtful, so bold, so well mannered… and so devilishly handsome. It was everything she’d ever wanted.

If only…

Rarity hung her head, a lone tear forcing its way from her eye.

“Oh, Fancy. I love you, I really do. But you do know that while I may have the title of ‘Lady’, it is not hereditary. I will never be able to pass it onto my children.” Rarity fought back more tears, tears of shame and doubt. Would he still want her? She might as well get this out now. If it was to be a problem then best to get it over with as soon as possible and lessen the disappointment for both parties. “You must know I am not of good stock. I am no thoroughbred; my father is an earth pony meaning my foals may not be unicorns.”

“And what a fine earth pony he is.” Fancy Pants gently laid a hoof on his mare’s shoulder as she looked up at him in surprise.

“….Eh?” Was all that came from her lips.

“We’ve met, your father and I. If you remember, I was in Ponyville when young Miss Pie created all those clones of herself. I headed back to your boutique a few hours after our meeting to ensure that you were unharmed and once there I happened upon your father. “

This was certainly a surprise. Rarity’s father had never mentioned to her about meeting Fancy Pants. She was sure he would have, this was exactly the kind of thing he would love to tease her about.

“A delightful stallion if ever there was one and a loving father too.” Fancy Pants continued. “He took time out from his afternoon to tell me all about you. It would seem he is very proud of you for taking over his sister’s failing business at such a young age and singlehoofedly making it a great success. Besides, any stallion who can maintain such an impressive moustache is the kind of stallion to which I can relate.”

Moving his hoof from her shoulder to back under her chin, turning her head so she could see his face clearly, Fancy Pants looked deeply into the mare’s eyes.

“My dearest Rarity, when the day finally comes that I should leave this world to make my peace with the great artisan, I do not want to say that such trivialities as title and status held me back from love.”

A smile forced it’s way to the distraught designer’s face as she wiped at her tears with the hem of her dress. A crime against fashion the action may have been but this was an emergency.

“Oh you charmer. You say the sweetest things.”

“I don’t just say them my dear, I mean them.”

With that he leant forward and placed a soft kiss on his mare’s lips. In a situation like this, maybe a little impropriety was called for.

“I’m not at all worried about your pedigree.” He whispered into Rarity’s ear. “After all, Fleur’s grandmother is a Pegasus pony.”

Rarity felt her jaw drop. The ever prim and proper unicorn model? The terribly aloof ‘Madam Haughty’ herself, she was part pegasus? How could this be?

The mention of Fleur brought another issue bubbling to the surface of Rarity’s mind. Fancy Pants already had a herd, and his herd already had a lead mare.

“And what does Fleur think of all this? Would she take kindly to you bringing another mare into your herd?”

Rarity was worried her question could be problematic but the confident look that quickly crossed her suitor’s face put her at ease again.

“My dear, she encouraged it. She may not come across as the friendliest of mares, but it would appear that she’s somewhat taken with you. The moon lily was her idea, she may seem aloof at times but she is really quite sweet once she opens up. My lovely little bundle of nerves is not really the type to be a lead mare and I do believe that she’s hoping you may one day assume the position.”

“Oh my gosh.”

“Indeed.” Fancy leant back, giving Rarity some space. “So I take it you are open to the idea of joining Fleur and I in our little herd?”

“Well seeing as you asked so nicely, it would be terribly rude of me to refuse.“ Rarity answered playfully, her confidence quickly returning.

Lowering her voice so that Fancy Pants could barely hear her, the alabaster mare leant forward, bringing their muzzles so close that the stallion could feel the heat radiating from her skin, the warmth further fuelled by the remainder of her earlier blush. “So, if we're resigned to being scandalous together, only one question remains…"

Fancy Pants pondered her words as Rarity lent further forward, pushing her mouth up against the stallion’s ear as she whispered salaciously.

"Your place or mine?"

Next Chapter: 28: What's so amazing that keeps us star gazing? Estimated time remaining: 17 Hours, 33 Minutes
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