
Xenophilia: Further tales.

by TheQuietMan

Chapter 26: 26: Sting Like A Bee - by SpinelStride

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Sting Like A Bee by special guest author SpinelStride
Chapter published 31st July 2013


Rainbow Dash panted, sprawled out on the grass. Lyra settled herself down companionably beside her.

"Nice sparring with you as always," Lyra said amiably. "I don't think any other pony in town could have kept it going that long."

Rainbow Dash had to take several seconds of wheezing before she could find enough air to reply. "Thirty seconds is long?" she gasped out, finally.

Lyra nodded. "I don't think I've had a round go that long since I was expert-rated. You're getting very good at not being where I'm casting."

Rainbow Dash knew she should take it as a compliment - Grandmaster Lyra Heartstrings sparred with other Grandmasters, after all, and saying Rainbow Dash had outlasted them on the field was no small praise. But... "I never got within fifty feet of you!"

Lyra patted Rainbow Dash's neck. "You dodged fifteen straight spells before I caught your wing, casting at the speed of magic. That's a level of talent, skill, and very close to precognition any pony should be proud of."

Rainbow Dash groaned. "It still ended up with me face-first on the ground. I was sure I'd at least lay a hoof on you this time."

Lyra chuckled and patted Rainbow again, not urging her up yet. "I promise you, as a Grandmaster, those moves would have been enough to get you in reach of most ranking practitioners of the Still Way. That wasn't any style I recognized. What exactly was it?"

Rainbow Dash managed to give a small, proud smile upward. "Totally new thing I came up with. A couple of weeks ago, after we were practicing hoof-throws, and then you showed me some of your horn-throws? I went over to visit Fluttershy, because sitting in a chair and talking quietly was sounding real good right about then. And I saw how she flies around the place and it just came to me. She flies so slow, it's all herky-jerky, you know? But move like that at fighting speed, and it's way harder to hit the right spot." She flexed her wings to the sides and winced. "Felt like the air was made out of rocks, moving like that."

Lyra smiled back. "I strongly suspect that the pegasi in Equestria who could actually manage to do that can be counted on a single hoof."

Rainbow Dash gave a tired but proud smile. "Well, I am awesome like that." Then let her head drop back to the ground. "Still not enough. Gyehh. I mean, I knew you were gonna totally whoop me, and I bet you were holding back as it was, but I thought I'd do better than that."

"So what are you going to call your new technique?" Lyra asked. "It's more than a move, but not so much a new school in and of itself, and it certainly doesn't fit in any of the existing pegasus schools."

Rainbow Dash smiled a little again. "I'm thinking I'll call it the Flutterdash." She groaned. "And if I show it off at a competition sometime, maybe I can get everypony else to sprain their wings trying to copy it."

"Very humble, I'm sure," Lyra commented, and started rubbing carefully at Rainbow Dash's wings. "Hold still, now. I'm no Lero, but I can help with this."

Rainbow Dash blushed anyway. "Careful," she said. But Lyra's massage was helping, so she tried to relax and just enjoy it. "Say, Lyra? You don't think Twilight could take you for thirty seconds?"

Lyra snorted. "If Twilight and I seriously went at it, the fight would be over within two seconds, one way or another. If I had her distracted, surprised, or frantic enough to have her head out of it, I would have about one shot to take her down before she started reacting. If she saw me coming and was thinking clearly, there would be absolutely nothing I could do. She could teleport, put up a shield, turn me into a potted plant, reverse gravity, negate my spells, and grow a mustache on me for good measure. Skill is one thing, but Twilight's magical ability is a thing out of legend. I'd have as much luck trying to spar with the Princesses."

Rainbow Dash flexed her neck, stretching. She stayed on the ground, though. She'd hit down pretty hard. "So... you're not going to teach her unicorn fighting techniques? I kinda wondered if you might. We do run into dangerous stuff sometimes."

Lyra let out a low whistle. "You really want to see how much of Ponyville is left after Twilight Sparkle develops reflexes to use trained, deliberate violence when startled?"

Rainbow Dash considered that. "Iiiiii withdraw the question." She pushed herself to her hooves, then stretched her legs and wings. "Nnnnngh... All right. Ready for round two?"

Lyra lifted an eyebrow at her. "You want to try again? A straight-up spar, standard starting distance?" She smiled and got to her hooves. "You do recall what I said about me taking on Twilight, don't you? It'd be like me trying to spar with the Princesses."

Rainbow Dash gave her a toothy smile. "I guess that's the difference between us, then. I'd love to go wing-to-wing with Princess Luna sometime. I bet Luna knows all sorts of awesome thousand-year-old forgotten fighting techniques and stuff."

Lyra smiled quietly back. "And Princess Celestia?"

Rainbow Dash rubbed the back of her head with a hoof. "I kinda already did fight Luna that one time, when she was Nightmare Moon, and then she totally pranked me good on Nightmare Night. So that's one thing. I can picture getting in the air against her. I kinda think they'd fight different, anyhow. Luna might like the challenge and stuff and even do the whole draw-it-out-for-honor thing, but I have this feeling that if it was a real fight then Princess Celestia would just blammo me into the ground and walk on by."

Lyra smiled and settled into her stance. "I'm glad to know where I rank. Next to Luna, is it?"

Rainbow Dash gave her that brash smile again. "Remind me who blammoed me into the ground a couple of minutes ago," she said. "Now, ready?"

Next Chapter: 27: Ain't misbehavin', savin' my love for you. Estimated time remaining: 17 Hours, 49 Minutes
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