
Last of the Dragonlords

by Fluttershy20

Chapter 25: Two Years Later...

Previous Chapter

Traitors. Everywhere she seemed to look there were traitors. And the news she received from across Equestria only seemed to strengthen this thought. Hoofington, Trottingham, Baltimare, and Vanhoover were rioting violently. Las Pegasus was separating itself from the rest of the country, as was Appleloosa and Dodge Junction and the other towns that rested in the deserts, forming a new country, a republic they called themselves. They were traitors, traitors all. And now her beloved sister and niece were among them.

“Princess Celestia.” Celestia turned from the window to look at her captain of the royal guard. “The squad I sent to Ponyville to search for them have returned. Not a trace has been found. If they were ever there, they’ve long gone.”

Celestia walked to down the steps to tower over the smaller unicorn. “Have you searched the Everfree forest?” she asked.

“Um… n-no, your majesty,” he replied.

“And why not?”

The coldness in Celestia’s voice made the captain’s coat stand on end. “Because… because…”

“Because you are too scared to, that’s why!” Celestia snapped. She turned away. “It doesn’t matter. You and the royal guard would create a scene, and possibly destroy half of Equestria with your carelessness. You’ll be re-deployed to keep the peace in the loyal towns and cities of the country. I will send someone with better skills than you to hunt them down. Now get out.”

The captain bowed his head and walked quickly out of the throne room, shutting the door quietly behind him. With him gone, Celestia turned to look at her student and her friends. “And what of you, Twilight Sparkle? Are you and your friends with me?”

Twilight stepped forward, her head held high and proud. “You know I am always with you, Princess.”

“Yeah.” Rainbow Dash hovered up to fly beside her. “You know you can count on us for anything. Right girls?” She looked back at her friends.

“For Equestria!” they shouted in unison, stomping the ground with a hoof and their heads high and proud.

Celestia smiled. “Why did I even doubt you?” She walked up to the throne and sat on it. “Then I will give you and your freinds this task. Do you all think you can handle it?”

“We’ll get them back for you, Celestia,” Applejack said. “In stone or in body-bags.”

“Preferably in stone, Applejack. But thank you for your devotion.” Celestia powered up her horn to glow its bright golden colour, and soon the blue case containing the Elements of Harmony appeared in front of the ponies.

“With the Elements of Harmony,” Celestia commanded, “I task you to hunt down the traitors Princess Luna Nocturnus Solaris, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Spike the dragon, and Fluttershy Firewing, the Dragonlord.”

Next autumn…

A Good Mare Goes To War

Author's Notes:

This is just a rough version of the start of the story, but also one of the most important parts.

Why is Equestria splitting apart? Why is Cadence, Luna, Spike and Fluttershy now wanted? Why those Fluttershy loved most are now after her? What great evil is causing this nightmare? These and many more questions will be revealed and answered once the story has begun.

Stay tuned.

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Other Titles in this Series:

  1. Last of the Dragonlords

    by Fluttershy20
    22 Dislikes, 10,682 Views

    Fluttershy sets out in search of answers after a dragon attack left her changed.


    25 Chapters, 269,752 words: Estimated 1 Day, 4 Hours to read: Cached
    Published Jan 8th, 2012
    Last Update Dec 30th, 2012
  2. Fluttershy is forced to take up arms once again after something tears Equestria apart.


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