
Last of the Dragonlords

by Fluttershy20

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

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“What another beautiful summer afternoon,” Rarity sighed as she and Fluttershy left the spa. She turned around to face her timid companion, who seemed to have her head in the clouds. “Don’t you think, Fluttershy?”

The pegasus took her gaze off the sky and into Rarity’s eyes. “Oh yes… it is a beautiful day,” she said with a smile.

“Well, thank you so much again, Fluttershy, for paying. How could I have been so stupid as to forget my bits? I’ll make it up to you by paying for you for the next three weeks,” Rarity said.

Fluttershy shook her head. “It was nothing, Rarity. I was glad to be of help. Please don’t worry about it any more.”

Rarity smiled and shook her head. “I certainly won’t. Well, I’ll see you next week then, at our usual time?”

Fluttershy nodded. “Of course, but what are you up to this afternoon?”

“Well, I’m going to go home and get my purse, then I have to go into town and get some apples from Applejack,” Rarity answered. “Why?”

Fluttershy seemed to sink to the ground a bit and buried her face in her mane. “Well… would you mind if I… I could come with you? I just need to buy some apples for some of my animal friends.”

Rarity couldn’t help but chuckle. “Fluttershy,” she said. Fluttershy lifted her head out of her mane and looked the unicorn in the eyes. “I’d be delighted if you would join me, Fluttershy.” The pegasus smiled and gestured for the unicorn to go in front; with a short bow of the head, Rarity complied and led the pegasus to her boutique. ‘Never change, Fluttershy,’ Rarity thought to herself.

Ponyville on a market day was usually busy, but today Fluttershy had never seen it so full. Ponies of different sizes, colors and breeds crammed the streets as she and Rarity fought their way through the crowds. Her unicorn companion kept close to her, knowing that she was uncomfortable with this amount of ponies around her.

All around Fluttershy, stalls of various sizes were lined up in rows, each selling fruits and vegetables from across Equestria, and maybe even beyond. As well as fruits, freshly baked bread, pies and cakes was also on sale. The smell filled Fluttershy’s nostrils and she felt more at ease, glad as well to have a good friend beside her, since she hated doing this on her own.

“Apples! Get yer apples! Get them while they’re fresh!” a voice called out from among the crowd. Fluttershy and Rarity easily recognised Applejack’s voice, even among the noisy crowd around them.

Fluttershy fluttered slightly off the ground and looked around to see where her earth pony friend had her stall set up. Eventually she spotted it a few yards away in front of them, just in front of Carrot Top’s house.

“Applejack’s this way,” Fluttershy said as she touched back down on the ground. “Follow me… if you don’t mind, that is.” Rarity chuckled as she followed the pegasus through the crowd and before they knew it, they found themselves in front of Applejack’s stall.

“Well howdy, Rarity, Fluttershy,” she greeted them with a smile. “How are ya’ll?”

“Oh, I am feeling marvellous, thank you, Darling.”

“Um, I’m well, thank you, Applejack. How are you?”

“I’m fine thanking ya, Fluttershy. Business here is slow, though, but I’ll manage. So what can I do for ya’ll?” Applejack asked.

“We’re here for some apples, actually. You see, I want some for this recipe my mother has given me,” Rarity explained.

“And I want some for my animals,” Fluttershy said.

Applejack nodded briskly. “Alrighty then, how many?”

“Um…” Fluttershy started. “Could I have ten please?”

“And could I have five please?” Rarity asked.

Applejack nodded serenely, and then quickly helped the two mares fill up their saddlebags with apples. “Right then, I believe that’s ten bits from ya, Fluttershy, and five from ya, Rarity, please.”

Fluttershy and Rarity paid their bits and were about to set off when something caught Rarity’s eye, something moving towards them in the sky, from the north. “What is it, Rarity?” Fluttershy asked once she noticed her friend wasn’t following her, her tone full of concern.

Applejack noticed this and moved in front of the unicorn. “Rarity? Ya okay?” she asked. However, there was no reply.

At first Rarity thought it to be Rainbow Dash doing a few new tricks as usual, but as it came closer, it was apparent to the unicorn that it wasn’t the pegasus, or any pegasus for that matter. Its bulk seemed larger than a bear; its skin looked as rough as bark, and its wingspan was longer than the height of the tallest building in Ponyville. It became all too clear to the unicorn what it was, and she could have sworn her heart stopped beating for a few seconds.

She wrapped her hooves around the two mares and, before any protest could be made, pushed them to the ground. The seconds seemed to last hours and for a moment Rarity considered letting go of the two and hoped the creature did a flyby, but the sound of the creature jetting flames from its mouth, the smell of burning wood and grass soon changed her mind.

Upon hearing and feeling the creature soar past them, Rarity lifted herself off the now screaming and panicking pegasus and the confused earth pony. “What the hay just happened?!” Applejack demanded, looking back to find her stall a burning ruin. Another scream from Fluttershy made Applejack and Rarity turn around and found themselves staring at the creature that nearly killed them, and their eyes dilated into mere pinpricks at the sight of the dragon that now hovered over the town.

The dragon emitted a deafening roar that was as loud as thunder and commenced its attack on the town. Flames jetted from its mouth as it scorched a row of buildings, burning fiercely and crumbling as though they were paper. At once, ponies began to run away blindly, screaming and diving for whatever cover they could find.

“Come on!” Applejack screamed to the two frozen ponies. “We gotta move, now!” Rarity regained her thoughts and senses, nodded to the earth pony and nudged Fluttershy to follow her. The pegasus, with wide, panicked eyes, nodded and ran behind them, keeping a tight grip on Rarity’s tail so she couldn’t lose her. They fought their way through the panicking crowd, and instinctively flinched every time the dragon’s roar was heard.

A nudge from a pony running past them knocked Fluttershy’s hold of Rarity’s tail and she was swept away by the panicking crowd, trying to call to them but was too quiet for them to hear. Fluttershy tried to fight her way through but she lost sight of them as Applejack and Rarity went down a small path, herself being guided seemingly towards danger.

Applejack and Rarity broke through the panic stricken crowd and took a moment to breath. The smell of fire filled their nostrils as the first buildings began to burn and they watched with horror, as the whole of Mane Street was set alight. They watched as the dragon soared back up into the air and then nose-dived back out of sight to burn down more buildings.

Rarity looked around and noticed to her horror that they were missing one of their own. “Where’s Fluttershy?!” she cried. Instantly Applejack and Rarity began calling out her name, but the dragon drowned their voices down as it swooped low over them and incinerated the buildings behind the two, forcing them to retreat into an alley.

Rarity sniffed back tears at the realisation that she’d just lost her best friend. Applejack put a hoof on her shoulder. “Don’t ya worry none, Rarity,” she said comfortingly. “Fluttershy’s smart. She’ll either head back to her cottage or get over to Twilight’s. And I have a feeling that’s where we need to be.”

Rarity nodded and slowly she stood back up on all fours. “All right, let’s go and find Twilight. She’ll know what to do.” She began running down the street towards the library, Applejack following in her hoofsteps.

They found themselves pushing through a row of whimpering and screaming ponies in one of the narrow streets. They could see Sugarcube Corner on the other side and noticed Twilight outside, guiding others to safety. Pinkie Pie was next to her, her face serious and trying to show no sign of panic.

Applejack and Rarity fought their way through the crowd and galloped towards them “Twilight!” Applejack called out to the unicorn, who turned around and smiled at them as they approached.

That smile faded quickly and her expression turned to horror. “Applejack, Rarity, get down!” Twilight screeched. Applejack turned her head, saw the dragon swooping low towards them, and immediately dived to the ground, Rarity following close behind.

The dragon bathed the houses next to Sugarcube Corner in dragon fire. They lit up quicker than oil and were soon completely ablaze, the flames moving on from house to house, until the entire street was burning.

Applejack and Rarity got back on all fours, the latter wiping off the grass and dirt that became attached to her coat, and joined Twilight and Pinkie. “Oh thank goodness you two are safe,” Pinkie said, wrapping her legs around the two in a hug.

“When I saw the market get struck I feared the worst,” Twilight said, relief plain in her voice. “Are you two okay?”

“We could be better, but we’ve got bigger problems than that, we lost Fluttershy!” Rarity screamed. “She was with us when the dragon attacked, but we got separated when everypony tried to get out of the market area.”

Twilight and Pinkie gasped. Twilight looked quickly at the ground, thinking about what to do. Go and face this dragon, or find their friends? “I’m sure Fluttershy is fine,” she said finally. “We’ll head to the library, and if she’s not there we’ll head to her cottage. It’s out of the way from the rest of town, and it would probably be the best place to stay until the dragon goes. Okay?” The three ponies nodded. “Okay, let’s go, we’re sitting ducks out here!”

They passed more buildings that were alight, the smoke burning their lungs so they held their breath as they ran through the worst affected streets. They passed some buildings that had completely collapsed. The Ponies they galloped past were running, screaming, crying, calling out for loved ones, and sometimes they passed ponies lying on the ground motionless. Whether or not they were dead they could not tell, for they only ran by.

They eventually made it clear of the worst of the fires and found themselves outside the library, the air clear and fresh as they stopped to cough up the smoke. While behind them, the sky darkened with the smoke from the blazes that went so high they could probably be seen from Canterlot.

Rainbow Dash stepped out of the library and with a sigh of relief ran up to them. “Thank goodness you’re all safe!” she said as she hugged each of them. “I was beginning to worry about where you all were.”

“Gee, Rainbow, I thought ya would be up trying to bring down that dragon by yourself,” Applejack said with a small grin.

Rainbow snorted. “Yeah, and get my rump kicked again?! No way, that’s why I’m waiting for the rest of yo-” She stopped and her eyes widened when she noticed something. “Where’s Fluttershy?”

“She’s not inside?” Twilight asked. Rainbow shook her head. “Darn it. Alright, we’ll head to her place and wait there until the dragon goes.”

The four ponies nodded and began to gallop until Rarity thought of something. “What about Spike?”

“He’s in Canterlot at the moment,” Twilight answered. “But what about Sweetie Belle? And Applebloom? And Scootaloo?”

“Sweetie’s with our parents in Manehatten,” Rarity answered. “I’m glad they’re there and not… here.”

“And my sister and Scootaloo are in Appleloosa with Big Mac,” Applejack answered. “I just hope the farm hasn’t been affected,” she added nervously.

“I’m sure Granny Smith is fine, and the farm is well away from the dragon,” Twilight said assuredly.

The five mares were now out of the main streets and, after passing a few more scorched buildings, arrived at the town centre. The town hall had collapsed and the tents and small buildings around it were destroyed, some timbers still smouldering.

As they approached the bridge heading out of the town centre a tremendous thud and a gust of wind behind them sent them toppling to the ground, landing on their faces. Twilight was the first to get up and looked behind her to see what it was.

“Um… Twilight,” Applejack whimpered, noticing Twilight’s horrified eyes. “Please tell me that was just a tree.” Twilight looked at the earth pony and shook her head.

Applejack turned around to look behind her, as did the others, and began trembling in fear. The dragon was standing only a few feet behind, its wings outstretched and were blocking out the sun. Its mouth formed into a snarl as it bared its teeth, while drool escaped from its mouth and rolled down its lower jaw.

They scrambled to their hooves and began backing away from the beast slowly, but the dragon took a step forward each time they walked seven steps back. “What do we do now?” Rainbow whispered to Twilight, her voice failing to hide her fear.

“Scatter!” Twilight exclaimed, instantly lighting up her horn and disappearing in a flash. The others screamed and ran in different directions: Applejack headed towards the town hall, Rarity ran down an alley, Pinkie dived into the water and Rainbow dashed across the bridge.

The resulting separation of the ponies caused the dragon some confusion, unsure of whom to chase and eat. Eventually the dragon decided on Rarity and moved quickly after her. But Rarity was quick and managed to find herself in the narrowest part of the alleyway, the dragon found itself unable to reach her.

A sudden blast of magic on the back of the head sent it crashing down into one of the buildings, destroying the front of the building, leaving it stunned but otherwise unharmed.

It brought its head out of the ruins and turned around to face whatever attacked it, but by the time it did the attacker was gone in flash of magenta. It began looking around, looking for wherever this pony was and where it would strike again next.

The moment it turned its body, Twilight appeared behind and fired another shot from its horn, hitting the dragon on the back of the head. She didn’t plan to kill it, just annoy so much that it would leave them alone. The dragon turned around to face her but in a flash as bright as lightning, she was gone once again.

The dragon got her sussed out quickly. It was clear to the dragon that the Twilight was teleporting from the front straight to the back and when it was turning around to face her, teleport behind it and fire another bolt at the back of its head.

Another bolt was fired from the unicorn, but the dragon dodged the shot by dipping its head, so Twilight vanished once more to try hitting it again. The dragon, however, knew what to do, it turned around once again, moved its tail to one side, and with the corner of its eye watched as Twilight appeared again, ready to fire.

The dragon swung its tail straight at Twilight, and contacted with her side with a sound of breaking bones. Twilight was flung into the air by the impact and was rammed into the side of a building to the sound of more bones breaking. She fell to the ground unconscious.

“Twilight!” Rarity cried as ran to get to the other unicorn’s side, but with a roar the dragon sent Rarity flying into a large puddle of mud, leaving her dirty but otherwise unharmed.

Satisfied, the dragon turned its attention back to the lavender unicorn, who hadn’t moved. It licked its lips and moved closer to the unconscious pony, looking forward to its meal.

“GET AWAY FROM HER, YOU BIG DUMB MEANIE!” The yelling of a pony made the dragon turn around to find a yellow pegasus with a long pink mane and tail standing in front of it, with wide eyes locking onto its own, except the ones that Fluttershy had were as welcoming as Tartarus’ gates.


Fluttershy stepped a bit closer, hoping to use her stare and somehow get it away from Twilight, but the dragon seemed unfazed by the yellow mare’s bravery; it just stood facing her. While behind her Applejack, Rainbow, Rarity and Pinkie watched in wonder as their quietest and kindest friend was unleashing a rage they had rarely seen in her.


Just as she was yelling, the dragon reared its head up, and then with a mighty roar engulfed the pegasus pony in flames.

Author's Notes:

This is the start of my first ever story.

Apologies if the vast grammar mistakes in the first few chapters are off-putting, but most of this story was done on my own with no help, no experience and only the foggiest idea of what I was doing. If I could go back and change things I would, but that would be unfair on those that read it if I changed it all the time.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it for what it is.

Next Chapter: Chapter 2 Estimated time remaining: 17 Hours, 48 Minutes
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