
My Life as a Sonic OC Season 5

by Kitsulestia

Chapter 24: Fight to Save the World!

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Fight to Save the World!

*Roll's POV*

It was just down to Sumarda, Cronile, Bass, Trill, Ben, my sister in-law, Megaman, myself, Giorno's ability and a Lugia to save the entire world.

I spoke "Given the severity of this mess, I can't let Patch get involved. He's too young for battle."

Lugia spoke "And Danyelle can't be exposed to battle lest she loses her unborn children. But she'll be commanding me during the fight."

Golden Wind Requiem spoke "An enemy is approaching."

Danyelle was on Lugia's back since she couldn't fight.

Eyes shimmering, Danyelle spoke "Hold it Golden, that's just Zelestia. The time stopping hasn't reached the No Zone yet."

Zelestia spoke "Not just me though. Zarity, Zainbow, Zwilight, Zadence, Zonic and Zaria are here too. The seven of us will be helping you out since this problem concerns us too."

Golden Wind Requiem spoke "Apologies. But it will be necessary for help to defeat the enemy."

Zelestia spoke "The Time Eater is a major threat to all zones. I was able to get in touch with the gender flipped zone's rulers, Prince Solaris and Prince Artemis. They both said that nothing has happened to their subjects yet, so they're sending Dusk Shine and his friends to help along with their realm's Mobian Guard too."

Danyelle asks "Wait, you mean there's a guy 'me?'"

Zelestia spoke "Yes, his name is Daniel. But he lacks wings though, I think it's a sphinx thing..."

Danyelle spoke "Oh right, Grecian sphinxes have wings but Egyptian sphinxes don't."

I spoke "Even with 38 of us, we're still too small an army to stop the Time Eater."

Danyelle spoke "We gotta do with what we have Roll, we don't have Twirama's help for this fight."

Ben spoke "Nor Twiliterasu's godly powers... Or Lucy's powers..."

A female asks "Time Eater? Now what's that all about?"

Then we saw a little girl, whose head looked a bit like a chalice.

I spoke "A rather dangerous monster that's as old as time. We need as many fighters as possible to stop it."

Ben asks "Wait, who are you?"

The female spoke "The name is Chalice, Ms. Chalice. And normally, I wouldn't go on an exciting or dangerous adventure without those two ding-dong friends of mine, but I'll make an exception."

Danyelle spoke "I'm Alpha-queen Danyelle Hikari. The others are Ben, Sumarda, Cronile, Bass, Megaman, Roll, Trill, Zelestia, Zarity, Zainbow, Zwilight, Zadence, Zonic and Zaria. Not here yet are Betty, Daniel, the rest of their Mobian Guard as well as the Stallion Six."

Megaman spoke "I'm not just a normal 'cat' though, my soul is human.... But I don't want to talk about it though. It's too sensitive of a topic for my sister."

Ms. Chalice spoke "I get it, mum’s the word on that. But oh boy… Genderbenders, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that."

Surprisingly enough, Lan and Maylu weren't affected since their home zone hadn't been frozen in time yet.

Lan spoke "Or counterparts."

Ms. Chalice spoke "Now other counterparts, I can get used to."

Danyelle spoke "I was able to contact Mario but unfortunately, the entire Mushroom Kingdom is frozen in time."

I spoke "We can't sit around and do nothing! The fate of the world rests on our shoulders!"

Ms. Chalice spoke "That’s the spirit!"

Zaria spoke "Zarity, Zadence, Zainbow, Zonic, Zwilight, Zelestia and I will help in any way possible."

Danyelle spoke "Thanks guys. I really appreciate it."

An amnesiac Tai Lung spoke "Count me in as well."

Danyelle gasps "Wait, Tai Lung?"

Tai Lung spoke "Hello."

I spoke "Oh... This will not sit well with Viper, Crane and their friends..."

Ms. Chalice spoke "Well, bad histories aside, let’s get goin’!"

Lugia roars in agreement before the small army heads off to fight the Time Eater.

Betty spoke "This is so weird.... Seven Zone cops, a bird-dragon creature, an amnesiac snow leopard, six ponies and gender flipped versions of me and Daniel along with whatever else working together to stop a monster that's as old as time itself..."

Ms. Chalice spoke "Now don’t forget about little ol’ me, Ms. Chalice."

Danyelle spoke "Cut her some slack Chal, she's not used to seeing beings like you."

Ms. Chalice spoke "I know. Sometimes I just like messing with people."

Danyelle spoke "Don't make me use the Wuxi finger hold on you."

Ms. Chalice spoke "Now now, I’m not a villain. I know not to tangle with the cops or authorities."

Danyelle spoke "Or in my case, royalty."

Zaria spoke "Good call, too bad that type of finger hold won't work on the Time Eater..."

Zelestia spoke "There is good news, Chameleo's world hasn't being affected by the time freeze but that also means trouble for the snow leopard."

Then Chameleo showed up. “Unfortunately, only a few of us are unaffected. Wait, TAI LUNG?! But you’re supposed to be stoned by the Elements of Harmony!”

Danyelle snaps "Stand down Chameleo! That's not the Tai Lung from your world!"

Lan spoke "He's the one from my world."

Chameleo somehow turned anime white with circle blank eyes and a gapping mouth. “WHA?!” Then he turned around raggedly before falling down. “Are you freaking kidding me?!”

Lan tail slaps Chameleo across the face.

Lan growls "Leave him alone."

Chameleo spoke "Thanks. I needed that. I wasn’t caught off guard that much since Crawkashi showed me and my team that there was another mask under his mask."

Danyelle spoke "Dude, you just got humiliated.... Like I always say, "Slap in the face would be humiliating, back of the head's a wake up call"."

Chameleo spoke "Still, I needed that. Now I’m calm."

Arceus spoke "The temporal distortions are getting worse though..."

Danyelle pulled out the time gears from somewhere.

Danyelle spoke "Roll, Bass, Megaman and I will deal with Dialga. You guys deal with the Time Eater."

Lan spoke "Tai Lung, Maylu and I will go with the nekomata."

The trio of Mobians were now on Arceus's back as the two legendary Pokémon head off to the Temporal Tower.

”Well, good thing I brought these.” Chameleo said as he brought out the Chaos Emeralds. “Time to beat some Time Eater, Super Style!”

Ben spoke "Good thing I got the Sol Emeralds just in case."

Zelestia spoke "Let's go!"

Chameleo spoke "Looks like it’s time to go Elemental Super!"

Zwilight engulfed herself in fire as she transforms into Zwirama.

Crouching down, Zwirama spoke "I'll carry you all."

Chameleo spoke "I’m all good here, ‘cause I can fly!"

Zwirama spoke "Guess I'll be carrying the non winged folks."

But suddenly, an astral projection of Twirama had appeared.

Astral Twirama spoke "Even though my physical body is trapped, I can fight though!"

Chameleo became Sea Super Chameleo. “Wow! Talk about good timing!”

Both nine tailed foxpony crossfusions snarl suddenly.

Astral Twirama snarls "It's close... I can sense it..."

Chameleo spoke "Looks like it’s time once again."

Astral Twirama snarls "Damn right!"


Lugia was flying about while dodging a Roar of Time from Dialga.

Danyelle spoke "Dialga! Stop this madness right now!"

But then Dialga started changing shape, into a being that looked similar to Arceus.

Danyelle spoke "Oh ****! That's Hisuian Dialga!"

Lugia asks "Trainer say what?"

I spoke "This is bad..."

But then a tear in space appeared, with Palkia exiting it to aid Danyelle as it transformed into its origin forme as Dialga had.

Danyelle spoke "Palkia! Spatial Rend!"

Lugia fires an Aeroblast at Dialga.

Danyelle spoke "Crud, Flying type attacks are useless on a Dragon-Steel type! I need a fire type, ice type or another dragon type... Wait.. Sui! Enkai! Come on out!"

The two proto-Pokemon howl as they appeared.

Danyelle spoke "Sui, use Ice Beam! Enkai, Flamethrower!"

The combo attack of fire and ice hit Dialga.

Chameleo spoke "Time for a Sub-Zero Blizzard!"

Chameleo fired a massive blizzard at Dialga.

Danyelle shot fire from her mouth at Dialga, which had caught Arceus and the two Mobians off guard.

Lan spoke "I didn't know that was possible!"

Maylu asks "Can someone explain how the two tailed cat is able to breathe fire like a dragon?"

Chameleo spoke "Firebending."

Danyelle put a protection spell on her body before crossfusing with two of her NetNavis and attacking Dialga with what looked like a Fire Punch.

Lan spoke "That was CrossFusion! I know that power anywhere!"

Megadanyoll yowls as she flew at hypersonic speed while engulfed in fire, ramming head first into Dialga thus knocking the legendary over.

Megadanyoll spoke "That should keep Dialga down long enough for me to put these into place..."

The fusion flew over to the spot where the time gears were supposed to be put and puts them into place thus weakening the Time Eater in the process.

After unfusing, Danyelle was holding onto the NetNavi couple as she flew down to the ground.

Danyelle thinks "You got this Ben, stop the Time Eater!"

*Back with Ben and the others*

Zelestia spoke "We got this guys! The Time Eater is weakened now!"

Chameleo spoke "Alright! Keyblade Rasengan Supersonic Drill!"

Ben and Astral Twirama fire a Roar of the Elders at the Time Eater.

Zwirama fires off bolts of lightning.

Chameleo drilled right into the Time Eater’s heart with that attack.


Astral Twirama roars "ASTRAL FLARE!!!!"

*After the Time Eater was defeated and sealed away*

Zwirama spoke "It's finally over..."

Astral Twirama roars loud as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQe4X92C6CA was heard since the group had won.

Chameleo happily spoke "BOOYAHKASHA!!!"

Astral Twirama spoke "With the time gears in place at Temporal Tower, things should be back to..."

Astral Twirama vanished suddenly since the damages were being repaired.

Zelestia and Zadence hoofbump each other.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4ajYA3mIIw was now heard as time began flowing properly once again.

Feeling the wind in her fur, Zwirama spoke "Everything's normal again."

Danyelle asks "Wait, where’s Chalice?"

Chalice spoke "Yoo-hoo!"

We looked up and saw Ms. Chalice, but she looked different.

Ms. Chalice spoke "Hiya, fellas!"

Danyelle and Ben stammer "You’re a g-g-g-g-g-"

Ms. Chalice asks "A g-g-g-g-ghost? That’s right! Listen, I gotta head back home to Inkwell Isles which is right next to Acme Acres. But we’ll see each other again. *Wink!* Promise! Oh and, lovecats?

Danyelle and Ben ask "Yeah?"

Ms. Chalice spoke "Boo."

Ms. Chalice then disappeared in a puff of smoke before Danyelle and Ben held each other while they let out a scream of fright.

Danyelle spoke "G-good thing Zoey and Sakura didn't s-see that...."

Megaman spoke "L-least she wasn't a snake... I hate snakes... Uh, no offense to Viper though..."

Chameleo spoke "One thing I know for sure is that your Rainbow Dash will have a blast with Chalice if they decide to do some pranking. Well, I’m heading back home."

The seven Zone Cops head back to the No Zone as the genderflipped folks go back to their world.

I spoke "I better warn Rainbow about Mega's fear BEFORE she decides to prank him... Last thing anyone wants is a mega buster aimed at them..."

Lan spoke "I agree...."

MegaSonic spoke "S-same..."


Next Chapter: Hearthbreakers/ Thorax and Pharynx Estimated time remaining: 24 Minutes
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