
My Life as a Sonic OC Season 5

by Kitsulestia

Chapter 23: The One Where Danyelle, Pinkie, Li and Sakura Know

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The One Where Danyelle, Pinkie, Li and Sakura Know

*Danyelle's POV*

I was at Sugarcube Corner when Mrs Cake had mentioned something about Cadence and Shining's foal. Knowing that I couldn't blab to Twilight about it, I had to keep my mouth shut until the two had arrived. Which also meant that I had to keep Megaman, Roll, Trill and Bass quiet about it too.

Sakura spoke "Hey Dany."

I spoke "Oh hey Sakura."

Sakura spoke "Pinkie looks a bit more excitable than usual ever since Mrs. Cake got a special order. For what, I don’t know."

Li spoke "Maybe it has something to do with Shining Armor and Princess Cadence."

“You know about their visit?” I asked.

Sakura spoke "But we can't tell Twilight about it though."

"Phew!" I sighed in relief.

Li spoke "I think it'd be best if we keep this a secret from Twilight until Cadence arrives. But then again, Cadence doesn't know about Twilight's unborn foal either."

"Oh man! This will be a double surprise!" I said as Sakura and I couldn't help but squeal in excitement.

Li clamps my mouth shut.

Li spoke "Hush! Twilight might be nearby...."

"Right. Sorry." I apologized.

Li spoke "Best to keep your NetNavis quiet about it too..."

I spoke "Good idea given that Junior can't talk yet so I don't have to worry about him blabbing."

But then Carmina showed up. "Hey, Danyelle."

Megaman spoke "Oh hi Mina."

Carmina spoke "I'm actually looking for someone. He's... *Blush* really good at blending in."

I ask "Is it Chameleo?"

Carmina stammers "*Blush* N-No. It's... *Blushing madly* ...Espio."

I burst out laughing.

But Carmina started hiding her face, blushing rose-red.

I ask "Wait, you're serious?"

Carmina spoke "*Meekly* Yes."

Storm was watching Carmina from his hiding spot.

I snicker "Don't look now but I think some albatross has a crush on you..."

But for some reason, Carmina started blushing more. "Ugh! I feel like I'm being torn apart!"

I spoke "It would have been easier if genders were reversed... But I don't think that would ever happen."

Jet had whacked Storm with a book.

Storm stammers "GAH!!! B-B-Boss!"

Jet spoke "Just tell her how you feel."

Storm stammers "B-But boss..."

Jet asks "do you want to lose her to the chameleon?"

Storm stammers "N-No..."

Jet spoke "get going you big oaf."

Storm stammers "O-Okay, boss."

Using my magic, I push Carmina over to Storm.

Surprisingly enough, Bass started chuckling.

Li chuckles "that was funny."

"Go on, Mina. Be yourself." I advised.

Corina had dive bombed Jet in a tackle hug.

Megaman groans "I still remember that one time when I had a bandage stuck to my butt...."

I spoke "I said I was sorry!"

Megaman groans "That was so embarrassing...."

Jet exclaims "What the?! Corina!"

Corina spoke "Hey Jet."

Jet spoke "Why’re you here? And I’m just asking."

Corina spoke "Silly hawk, I missed you!"

Jet asks "Really? That’s it?"

Corina asks "Yes, why else?"

But then Jet pinned Corina on the ground. “Nothing wrong with that. And I missed you too.”

I spoke "*ahem*"

Sakura's tail suddenly bristled up.

Sakura asks "Did you sense that Li?"

Li spoke "Yeah..."

The two wolves ran off to their house but they couldn't find Aki or Ame.

Sakura whimpers "N-no...."

“This is not good.” I dreaded.

Lillian spoke "Definitely not..."

Roll asks "Who would do such a thing?"

But then I started picking up Aki and Ame’s presences, but it was from where that really worried me. “Girls, I think I know where they are.”

Li growls "Let me guess... Eggman has them?"

“No.” I answered. “I don’t know why, but they’re in the Everfree Forest.”

Sakura asks "Why there?"

“That’s just it, I don’t know why.” I responded.

Yuki carried the twin pups over to where I was.

Yuki spoke "I got them."

“Did you find anything strange?” I asked.

Yuki spoke "Yeah, I found the remains of a broken robot. Aki must have short circuited it somehow. As well...."

Aki had the mark of the Mobian Guard on her left shoulder.

“Whoa…” I awed as I saw that mark.

Sakura spoke "My brave daughter..."

“Looks like we found the future bravest.” I noted.

Li spoke "Yeah."

Li's ears twitch.

Li spoke "I hear the train coming in!"

“That’s gotta be Cadence and Shining Armor! It’s a good thing we had that cake to surprise them about Twilight baked early.” I said.

Li spoke "Good call, it's one less cake that Mrs Cake will have to make."

“Yep. When it comes to surprises like this, it’s best for Mrs. Cake to make one cake at a time.” I agreed.

Shadow was in a daze since Maria was playing with his ears.

I spoke "That's adorable."

Sakura spoke "Heehee! Agreed. Almost like a dog being petted behind the ears."

Li asks "Wait, what about Storm and Mina?"

I giggle "They headed off to her personal dimension for a bit of fun."

Then Sumarda showed up. “Heehee! A bit is an understatement. They’re having a real whale of a time together!”

I growl "Sumarda.... not in front of Aki and Ame!"

Sumarda asks "You do know that I put earmuffs in their ears, right?"

I spoke "You have five seconds to run before I use Chaos Blast on you."

Sumarda spoke "I’m already gone along with the kids’ earmuffs."

Sumarda disappeared, before I looked at Aki and Ame, who seemed to have been wearing earmuffs before the sound-blockers disappeared along with the Draconequus.

I snicker before spotting Cadence and Shining.

I spoke "Hey Shining, Cadence."

Cadence spoke "Hey, Danyelle. It’s good to see you-"

Cadence saw Aki and Ame, and couldn’t help but squeal in excitement.

The wolf pups hide behind Sakura since they were a bit afraid of the pink alicorn.

Cadence immediately calmed herself as she gently walked toward the young pups.

Sakura spoke "They're rather skittish around strangers though."

I spoke "Anyways, I haven't told Twilight that you were coming for a visit. Plus Twiliterasu has been bouncing off the walls... Much to Whitty's annoyance..."

Cadence spoke "Well, Twilight will be in for a surprise when we tell her about it."

Junior was on his aunt's head.

Cadence gasps "Is that…?"

I spoke "Yeah, he's my nephew. I just call him Junior."

*Meanwhile with Pinkie*

Pinkie was trying to distract herself with things so she could keep the secret from Twilight.

Pinkie exclaims "Aw man, what am I gonna do?!"

Cheese spoke "It's bad enough we also have to keep the secret about Twilight's foal..."

Pinkie spoke "I’ve also been getting liberal on those Pinkie Promises lately."

The Tri-Pies look at each other before crawling away somewhere.

Cheese spoke "Uh Pinkie, the Tri-Pies are gone..."

Pinkie shouts "WHAT?!"

Cheese spoke "I think they're at Twilight's castle..."

Pinkie spoke "We need to go, NOW!!!"

*Some time later,*

Twilight was resting on a pillow since she was sleeping.

Flash spoke "Oh hey Pinkie."

The Tri-Pies were slumbering beside Twilight.

Twiliterasu spoke "Woof {Hello pink pony.}"

Pinkie asks "Hey guys. Wait, Twilight, why are you preserving those carrots?"

Twiliterasu spoke "Woof {It's in case her brother and sister in law don't show up.}"

Twilight spoke "I think Twiliterasu is trying to say that Cadence and Shining Armor won’t be here until tomorrow."

“WHAT?!” Pinkie gasped as she jumped onto the chandelier, hyperventilating. “You’re saying *Puff* that we have to *Puff* wait for *Puff* another whole day?!”

I was in a nervous sweat since I also had to keep quiet about Cadence's pregnancy.

All of a sudden, a portal opened up before a two tailed fox that looked just like Tails fell out.

Dusting off the clothes, "Tails" asks "Hey MegaSonic, any idea where we are?"

MegaSonic spoke "No idea, buddy."

"Tails" spoke "I don't think we're in DenTech anymore...."

Roll and Megaman materialize.

"Tails" spoke "Woah, that pink cat almost looks like Blazell..."

I spoke "Talk about seeing double...."

Tails spoke "And I thought seeing another me was strange."

Sonic spoke "The Kingdom Hearts version of me was wicked awesome though."

“Sonic, that was only the other Sonic’s keyblade warrior form.” I reminded my adoptive brother.

Sonic spoke "I know that Dany but he was awesome! And something tells me that he's got it bad for the KH version of Rainbow."

But then Chameleo showed up. “Man, talk about being naïve.”

I conk Sonic on the head.

Shining and Cadence soon arrive.

Cadence spoke "Hello everyone."

Twilight spoke "Cadence! Shiny! I’m glad you’re here!"

Flash spoke "Easy Twi, you should be resting. Gingerheart's orders."

It was clear that Twilight had a cast on her front left leg since she had been attacked by Black Widow.

Twilight spoke "Oh right, sorry if I don't get up right away. I got attacked by Widow earlier but I sent her flying with a roar."

I growl "That mare is too dangerous... Shadow! I got a job for you."

Shadow asks "Hmm?"

I spoke "Capture Black Widow alive and bring her here."

Shadow scoffs "Tch."

Shadow used his Chaos Control to start searching for Black Widow.

I spoke "An attack against royalty is a serious crime."

Twilight spoke "I'm so lucky I have the roar. Without it, I would have been a dead mare."

Chameleo asks "You do remember that you still have your friends and family, right?"

I spoke "What Twilight meant is that if she died, then the Elements of Harmony are rendered useless."

Chameleo spoke "I knew that. After all, I'm an Element of Magic myself."

I spoke "I'm just a keen Mobian that holds the rank of Alpha Queen. Oh, hi Thorax."

The timid Changeling had dropped his disguise.

I spoke "Shining Armor, don't you even THINK of attacking Thorax. He's a good Changeling."

Shining Armor spoke "Fine."

Chameleo spoke "Huh. That’s new. But I better head back."

Chameleo went back into the portal he came out from.

Soon enough, there was a lot of swearing since Shadow was dragging a half blind unicorn mare by the tail.

Twilight had to put a sound proof barrier around the Tri-Pies.

“Good call, Twilight.” I said.

Twilight spoke "Pinkie would hit me if her daughters were exposed to swearing this early."


Shadow just dropped her. “I’m a hedgehog, not a rat.”

Sonic spoke "Yeah, I’ve been called that sometimes."

MegaSonic spoke "Same...."

A pair of reddish pink hands had covered Lan's eyes, freaking the two tailed teen out.

A reddish pink Mobian vixen giggles "Heehee! Guess who?"

Lan spoke "Not funny Maylu."

Lan turns around before catching his girlfriend off guard by kissing her, not caring if the ponies were watching.

Cadence couldn’t help but giving a big Pinkie Pie smile.

Roll spoke "That's adorable..."

Twilight spoke "*ahem* Pinkie, could you gather the others? They need to hear this."

Pinkie spoke "On it!"

Cadence spoke "Oh. Well, me and Shining Armor wanted to tell you something too, but it can wait."

Twilight's ears twitch in amusement.

Soon enough, Lillian and the others arrive.

Shade had whacked her husband despite holding a young echidna girl in her arms.

“You can do it, Twilight.” I encouraged my friend.

Twilight spoke "Okay... Cadence, Shining, friends, I have an announcement. I'm expecting a new foal and judging by Cadence's reaction, she's expecting as well."

Cadence was blushing since Twilight had embarrassed her.

Shining spoke "Aw, we couldn’t even surprise you."

Twilight snickers "Fiercest of the Pony Guard, remember? Not many things can catch me off guard."

Pinkie spoke "Both of the cakes are here!"

Twilight spoke "Oh good! I'm starving! Carrying twins isn't easy since one is bigger than the other..."

Cadence asks "Hmm… Cake-eating contest, Twilight?"

Twilight spoke "Oh, you’re on, Cadence!"

Roll spoke "Bad idea ladies, too much sugar in your diet will cause you to behave the same way as Kiki."

Twilight spoke "Come on, this is only a one-time thing."

Roll spoke "Fine... And no size change spells Sumarda."

Sumarda spoke "I wasn’t really planning on that this time."

I spoke "Wise choice, I don't think Cronile would want his wife char-grilled."

But then Cronile showed up directly behind me. “What was that?”

I lash out with a back kick aimed right between Cronile's legs.

I growl "Didn't your mother tell you not to sneak up on a pregnant female from behind?"

Sumarda gasps "Crocy!"

Twilight spoke "He was warned."

Lan thinks "Note to self: Don't aggravate a pregnant female...."

I snarl "I hate being jumpscared!"

But then all of time froze entirely, except for me, Ben, Sumarda and Cronile.

My NetNavis were unaffected though.

Roll asks "What gives?"

I growl "Something is close... I can sense it..."

Sumarda growls "You… How dare you…"

I growl in an ultima tone which had cut Sumarda off "First off, the whole char-grilled thing was just a joke. Secondly, Cronile shouldn't have snuck up behind me."

After hearing the explanation, Sumarda calmed down. “Okay. I’ll let that go.”

I spoke "I hate being jumpscared though."

Megaman spoke "Uh guys, time is still stopped and I don't think this is Sumarda's doing...."

Sumarda spoke "No, it is. It’s just now that you explained why you did that, I’m not gonna do THAT to you and Ben. But when I make time flow again, you both will each weigh at least a thousand pounds, and this time, like normal people at that weight, it will be real hard to move or get up. But fortunately, this will only last 24 hours, so consider this payment for hurting my husband’s jewels like that."

I shot flames from my mouth at Sumarda.

I growl "It was his fault for sneaking up on me from behind."

Megaman snaps "SIS! SUMARDA! SHUT UP AND JUST LISTEN! Something is causing time to freeze up all over! I got half a message from Sharkman before Manehattan became frozen in time."

Sumarda just facepalmed. “Alright, fine. I’ll won’t do anything. But do something like that or hurt my family again, and you won’t like the consequences.”

I spoke "Just warn me next time before sneaking up behind me, I hate being jumpscared."

Megaman spoke "The last thing Sharkman said was "find the gears".... I don't know what kind of gears he was talking about..."

I spoke "The Time Gears! That must be what's throwing time out of whack!"

Sumarda spoke "Oh boy… That means that Mystery Dungeons have appeared, and Dialga’s transforming into Primal Dialga."

Arceus appears before the group.

Arceus spoke "It is more than that young ones, another threat is causing the time gears to disappear. None of the alicorns can stop this threat since it is far older than Queen Leilani. Only the eight of you can stop the Time Eater and restore balance."

“The Time Eater? Again? We might need to get help from the past again, maybe even the future this time.” I said.

Arceus spoke "I have looked into the future but it's not a pretty one. Mobians, chakats and all non pony species are all in limbo plus the three pony tribes are divided. But it's up to you eight to save the world."

Megaman spoke "It's clear we can't ask for help from the other realms since this problem is affecting them."

I ask "But what do we do?"

A voice spoke "Maybe I can be of some assistance."

We turned around and saw Golden Wind Requiem.

I ask "If you're here... Then where's Giorno?"

Golden Wind Requiem spoke "Frozen in time as well, I’m afraid. But fortunately after stabbing myself with the arrow, I managed to find a way to travel through frozen time. And during that period of frozen time, not even my user, Giorno Giovanna, is aware of my abilities."

Megaman spoke "Roll, Trill, Patch, Bass and I were lucky to have taken cover in my sister's 2DS before this mess started. The six of us along with Ben, Sumarda and Cronile are the only ones left."

Golden Wind Requiem spoke "But until time starts flowing again, I'm free to join you on your journey. I remember Chariot Requiem becoming a stand without a user after being pierced by the arrow and his user's body, Jean Pierre Polnareff, died. Jean Pierre Polnareff still lives inside the turtle, since his soul has made itself at home in the turtle's body."

I spoke "It's up to the nine of us to stop the Time Eater."

Lugia pops out of its ball.

Lugia spoke "Make that ten."


Next Chapter: Fight to Save the World! Estimated time remaining: 32 Minutes
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