
Sonic the Hedgehog x My Little Pony New Frontier

by Jaden Joynes

Chapter 32: Recovery Part 1

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Recovery Part 1

Picking up from last time, Sonic and Twilight had crashed and landed in Blaze's world following the efforts to destroy the Metal Virus.

"The Sonic and Twilight I knew were heroes, a paragon, Sonic was swift, and Twilight was smart and bright, there no challenge nor threat that they face together," Blaze as they were having tea.

"Wel those two sound impressive," Sonic said.

"In fair opinion. we haven't the foggiest clue what happens but what I can say is that everything was warped then the next minute was crashland right here," Twilight said.

Well it's clear that both of you suffer amnesia, which leaves me with two questions, what in the world did this to them, and two, what's happening in your world, now?

At the Restoration HQ

"I can't do this!" Amy exclaimed.

"Is something wrong?" Spike asked.

"Can't do any more paperwork, Spike," Amy explained. "I'm no leader.., the only reason I took the lead position was that no one was there and there was work to be done! I will do anything to go back to the old days when I was chasing Sonic to be part of an adventure with him."

"It must hurt that both Sonic and Twilight are no longer with us," Spike said then heard footsteps. "But they save us from the plague and in turn, we shouldn't give."

"Your right, but I wish I had some help..."

"Hello? Miss Rose? Am I in the right place?" Jewel asked as she walked in.

"Please, call me Amy and he is Spike, and you are?"

"Jewel, curator of Spiral Hill's Mineral Museum. I'm a friend of Tange's."

"Okay! She mentioned you before," Spike said. "What can we do for you?"

"Is more of the other way around... Tangle told me that you weren't enjoying the rigors of running things... I enjoy most of it, it's not any trouble, I would like to take over admin of restoring and giving you a break." Jewel offered.

"Oh, thank god," Amy started to tear up a bit. "You are a life-saver Jewel! I'll make sure that you're up to speed before stepping down. Organizing supplies for rebuilding and finding the people displaced by their time as Zombots."

At the Echo Mine, Tails, Tangle, and Rainbow Dash helped Rough and Tumble up from the refuse pit. After Rough and Tumble are helped out of the hole, Rough asks why they were helping them. Tangle explains that Sonic and Twilight cured the world of the Metal Virus, the liquid that Dr. Eggman tricked Rough and Tumble into using, it and gave the world a second chance; she and Tails were making sure that everyone was getting one. The skunk brothers simply burst out laughing and run away to once again run wild.

"So... those two are going behind bars at the end of the day?" Rainbow asked.

"If they don't get lost in the mines," Tails said.

"This calls for a celebration, a party at my place, and everyone is invited!" Tangle exclaimed.

"Too bad, Silver's already gone home!" Rainbow said.

At Dr. Eggman's Lab

"Status report!" Eggman said grabbing his lackeys' attention.

"So far none has been good," Cozy explained. "The Zombots had done a number on your bases, especially once the Deadly Six took over."

"Where are those miserable Zeti, anyway?"

"So, far Zavok was defeated and safely been locked away, the other five are still out there by there laying low, for now," Chrysails said.

"Then it's full steam ahead to our next project!" Eggman exclaimed. "I need to establish my next plan before Sonic and Twilight return causing me headaches. And a way to counter the Zeti without the use of the Conch."

"Not finding Starline," Shadowforce said. "We didn't look into it after you kicked him in, he could be anywhere."

Elsewhere, in Starline's repository, several Egg Pawns move boxes around. Starline himself is marking off the Eggman Empire insignias on them with asterisks. He monologues, saying that Eggman is truly the genius he thought he was but he is inept in his execution, and Sonic is the powerhouse he was expected to be, yet reckless. He finds so much wasted potential in both of them but believes he has the clarity of vision and can improve upon them. He states that he is still loyal to Eggman despite his cruelty. He claims he will conquer the world and surpass Eggman so that he may learn by example. According to Starline, when he seats Eggman on the throne of victory, he will acknowledge that he was right; he would have to listen to Starline and they will work together as equals.

In Seaside City, at the Chaotix Detective Agency, the Chaotix have become extremely very busy and disorganized with several missing persons cases.

"That the eighth-person called us about missing people... almost making me miss the day when we couldn't find work!" Vector exclaimed.

"Hello everyone!" Cream, Vanilla, The Chao, and Gemerl walked in.

"You have been working so hard to reunite everyone and their families, so we brought you lots of tasty treats to keep you going," Fluttershy said.

"You are a treasure, you two," Espio said looking at the treats.

"It's real nice of you, but we have a lot on our plates," Sweetie Belle said.

"Well that simply won't do, Gemerl, would you help?" Vanilla asked.

At once, scanning data. Preparing a database of missing persons.

"Cheese? Chocola? Put away please?" Both of them put the organized files away.

"Cream and I will handle the calls for now and update you as Gemerl processes information."

"I'll take lots of notes!" Cream said.

"So that means..." Vector started.

"We're free to do our thing!" Scottaloo exclaimed as they walked out. "Time to
find those missing people!"

At Forest Hill

"There you are, sometime you can hard to track down you know that?" Rouge glared at him. "Everything has settled down, the bad guys have gone in hiding and there's no sign of Omega, Sonic, or Twilight. Did hear a word I said?"

"Yes," Shadow replied.

"What's up? You're even brooding than usual than. If you can't about it I'll leave it be."

"I owe both of them, not they're gone, that's all."

"They're a big party at Spiral Hill tonight- interested?"


"Figured, but I thought I'd try."

In Spiral Hill Village, everyone is partying away, having a good time and Whisper was watching the Babylon Rogues and the Dazzlings since they attack the town.

"This is the best party I've ever seen, and I should know!" Pinkie said. "Good thing bring enough cake for everyone!"

Suddenly, the group is alerted to a large crash in the town.

"The life of the party is here!" They heard Cozy Glow's voice.

"You gotta be kiddin' me!" Tangle exclaimed as the group saw Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, Shadowforce, and Eggman in a large robot.

"And shall be the ending all of yours!" Eggman exclaimed.

Next Chapter: Recovery Part 2 Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 2 Minutes
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