
Can't Be Too Happy

by iamcreativekitty

Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

No One's P.O.V

"Don't you think this is a little too easy?"' Glitz asked the princess as they walked down the long halls of Amirah's lair.

"The easier, the better. We just need to get Dusk Shine and Nom Nom, and get the hell out of here," Abohaty responded. Glitz chuckled. But not in a laughing manner, but more so concerned.

"There's no way you think all of this is that simple...I know the Queen isn't here, but that doesn't mean there isn't any sort of traps lying around."

"You say that now and then..." Glitz trailed off when he saw the many rooms Amirah's lair had when both of them reached the end of the hallway.

"We should split up."

"No way."

"The faster we find the two, the faster we can get out of here without running into the Queen."

"Abohaty, I am obligated to stick by you until you die," Glitz reminded her.

"Not exactly, but okay." Glitz sighed. "Listen, I love that you want to keep me safe and all, but you literally said not too long ago, that I should be making my own decisions about what I want. And I feel like the best thing for us to do at the moment is split and meet back up. I really don't wanna come back to the kingdom empty hoofed after just ditching it out of panic."

"Yeah, that also wasn't cool," he murmured. "But fine, we'll split just this once. And if I need to find you I have this tracking thingy," he looked at his bag and Abohaty raised a brow.

"Is that what you used to track me down? I swear you've never used that before."

"You ran out of my sight, I had no other choice," he said.

"So if you went to search for me, who did you put in charge of the kingdom?" she asked out of curiosity.

"The high commission pretty much," the white-coated stallion replied. "But uh, let's just get going. already have a bad feeling about all of this. It's too quiet here." Abohaty nodded and Glitz began making his way over to a doorway while she went to the opposite one.

Abohaty thought the place was huge for just one pony to live here. She started to doubt that maybe Amirah did have some sort of guard or guards living here to back her up. But if she did, they certainly would've attacked by now.

While searching around, she thought about her kingdom again. She did not handle the ongoing crisis right, and she knew if Nom Nom was here, she would be very disappointed in her. If Nom Nom were here, she wouldn't even have the choice to run away. So for once, Abohaty felt like she had some sort of freedom. But she knew her decision was still selfish because her kingdom was supposed to come first. And she would have to live with that regret for the rest of her life. Nothing that she says or does would change what she did, she just had to force herself to move forward and do better for her kingdom.

Abohaty looked up when she thought she heard movement around the halls. She assumed it was Glitz, but just to be sure, she went to go see for herself. On the other side was Dusk Shine walking around. Abohaty was going to scream in excitement that she found the prince but stopped herself because she realized how odd it was seeing him just casually walk around.

Why wasn't he looking for a way out?

"Dusk Shine?" He turned his head slowly and smiled.

"Hi dear, what are you doing here?"

"I could ask the same to you. Do you need help?" she asked.


Abohaty decided it was best if she stood right where she was standing now. Dusk Shine casually being here was strange, but him speaking like this was even stranger to her.


"Are you here by yourself?" he asked huskily. Abohaty debated in her head if she should lie or not. After all, he was being suspicious.

"Yes, but I'd hope I'm not."

"Elaborate," he demanded.

"I mean, I'd hope Nom Nom is here too but-" Abohaty's words were interrupted by abrupt laughter. She had never seen Dusk Shine act this way before, and it kind of made her scared. She started having a gut feeling that Dusk Shine partnered with Amirah but that just couldn't be possible. Nom Nom would never make a mistake like that. Since she always shamed her for her small mistakes, she always assumed Nom Nom was the cat of perfection who never missed. "What's so funny?" Abohaty asked, her voice quivering. Dusk Shine calmed his laughter and smiled.

"Come with me. I'll show you where she is."

Abohaty wanted to stay back to be safe, but knowing she had fought off Dusk Shine before, she was confident in winning a battle with him in case he randomly decided to pull a fight. Plus, she wanted to see Nom Nom because he made it sound as if she was alive and still here. So she followed him to a different room that was creepier than the last. The whole lair itself just looked abandoned and empty. But it wasn't like Abohaty had expected it to be filled with stuff because Amirah just didn't seem to be the type to decorate. She always imagined her sitting lonely in a dark empty space with nothing better to do with her life until she takes over all the princess' powers. Maybe then she'd decide to give herself a better life. But a better life was not what she deserved.

Dusk Shine and Abohaty finally arrived to where Nom Nom was. The princess was confused because she didn't see anything besides another closed door. Dusk Shine used his horn to levitate a golden key. He had it float in front of Abohaty's face for her to grab. "Why don't you go and rescue the kitty yourself?"

That was all it took for Abohaty to run back. Even if Nom Nom was behind those doors, Dusk Shine could've easily saved her himself with the key in his hooves like that. Abohaty ran as fast as she could. She tried using her magic to teleport but it wasn't working. Seconds after, she was teleported someplace else by her own will. She got up immediately and looked around at pitch blackness.

The light turned on and in front of the princess appeared to be her so-called fiancée. "Turn around." That was all he said. The princess obeyed and turned herself around slowly, not knowing what to expect. She wished she'd given herself time to process before looking.

It was the first time she has seen Nom Nom on the ground. There was no sign of blood or bruises on her body, the cat just laid lifeless on the ground with a diamond-shaped hole on her head. The hole where the diamond originally was. She knew taking it out shouldn't have killed the cat, but aside from her diamond being missing Nom Nom didn't seem to be hurt. She wanted to ask how she died, but she couldn't get the words to come out of her mouth. Only tears were building up in her eyes.

Abohaty looked to the side to see other lifeless bodies on the ground. None of them whom she recognized except for her security camera pony, Arctic. Compared to Nom Nom, his death was more clear. He seemed to have multiple stab wounds on his side and was covered in dry blood she supposed was his. She felt her hooves almost collapse but she tried to stay strong.

"It's kind of sad when you think about it. So think of it like this. Your little friend Glitz was very very lucky he had off that day. I was supposed to kidnap him and Nom Nom, but when I was about to do so, I saw two different guards standing at your door. None of them being Glitz. But I didn't let that stop me because Amirah wanted everything done that day since I informed her that you took off." Dusk Shine walked closer to Abohaty and the smile on his face slowly disappeared. "But I just wanted you to know that Glitz would've been murdered the exact same way I killed the two guards in front of your door."

Abohaty didn't dare to look away from his piercing eyes. She was scared that any wrong move would end her for good. "What's with all the tears princess? Is all of this too much to handle?" He said in the most fakest pity voice you've ever heard. "You're supposed to be the princess of Happiness, what happened to always being happy and joyful?"

Abohaty shook away all of her fears and made a run for it anyways. Dusk Shine teleported her right back to where she originally was but this time with harsher force to the ground. "You thought you'd be able to just run free with Nom Nom by your side and live happily ever after? Life isn't always unicorns and rainbows princess. I thought you'd realize that as you grew older, but I suppose not."

Dusk Shine's horn lit pink, ready for his final move until he was hit twice in the head with a long metal stick and fell unconscious on the ground. Glitz dropped the item, which turned out to be the thing he uses to track her down, and pulled out his sword. Without hesitation, he struck his sword through Dusk Shine's neck and blood splatted everywhere. Abohaty almost shrieked but kept her cries to herself. Glitz seemed to keep the same straight face the entire time. She wondered how he did it, but then again she had to remember he's a guard. This is what he signed up to do.

"You okay?" he queried walking over to her. When he came closer, he realized what was behind her were dead ponies. And when he looked closer, he saw Nom Nom and Arctic amongst those dead ponies. Abohaty was distinctly aware of that so he wanted to be strong for her regardless of how close he was to the two of them and grieve about it privately. He grabbed her hoof and slightly pulled her forward. "Come on, let's get out of here. I was able to find your spell book."

She said nothing then. And she didn't say anything the whole way back.

Not a single word.

Author's Note

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