
Can't Be Too Happy

by iamcreativekitty

Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Celia's P.O.V

I walked into the hospital room slowly so that I didn't make much sound. Turns out, Kelsey was the only one in the room. She hadn't spotted me yet, so while I got the chance, I observed her body a little more. We were all in a rush to escape the woods without getting caught, so I never actually got to see how hurt she was. And it was true that it was bad. She had bandages wrapped everywhere and wore a neck brace. Kelsey opened her eyes and stared directly at me without saying a word.

I had no other choice but to say something to her, so I greeted her kindly.

"Hey..." I could see a little smile appear on her face, but I was sad she didn't vocally reply. I wasn't sure if it was because she was too nervous too or because of the large brace on her neck, but I continued speaking anyways. "Um, how do you feel?"

"Everything hurts," she murmured. I frowned.

"Aw, I'm sorry..." I looked around the room. "Do you need anything? Water? Or..."

"I'm okay Cece." I wanted to smile because she finally called me "Cece" again. It felt as if I was making some sort of progress and this was one of the huge milestones. But then my smile faded when I remembered what Grammar said. Surprisingly, I wasn't the one to bring it up. "Also I'm sorry for everything. I realized I shouldn't have reacted the way I did and at least try to talk about it with you. But I didn't do that. And I apologize if I ended up hurting you." Celia smiled warmly and shook her head.

"No Kelsey. Your reaction was totally valid. I wouldn't really know how to respond either. And it takes two to have a conversation, and since I was avoiding too, that's kind of both of our faults." Kelsey giggled a little.

"Yeah..." Kelsey shifted her head left to face me more and looked me in the eye. "And Cece, you're an amazing friend, and I love you dearly, but...I just can't see us having a relationship. I don't want to lie to your face and tell you that I feel the same way when truthfully, I don't." She smiled weakly. "I'm really sorry if that's not what you wanted to-"

"I-It's okay," I interrupted. "I understand and respect that. I-I just hope we can move on from this and you know, still be friends...?" I was no longer looking her in the eye. My nerves were starting to get to me, even if the conversation was going well. Maybe not how she wanted it to go, but Kelsey finally talking to her again was all she could ask for.

"Yes, yes, of course, C!" I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank god." I finally built some courage to look her in the eyes again. "And um, I should probably leave you be now. Unless..."

"You can stay! No one's here so, I need some sort of compa-"

Kelsey was cut off by a loud scream followed by unpleasant wails and sobs. My eyes widened and shot a quick look outside the room to see the nurse have the same reaction as me. Kelsey was just as shocked. "Was that Bella?"

"Oh no, I think she found out..." I said worryingly. I looked at Kelsey once again. "Sorry, I should probably check on her." She nodded understandingly and I rushed out of the room to now accompany Bella.

No One's P.O.V

When Celia made it back upstairs, everypony was gathered around Bella who was on the floor balling her eyeballs out. She didn't even question because the answer to what was going on was quite obvious. She didn't know who had the guts to tell her, but some pony told her about Zephyr and now she's grieving in Kat's hooves. She must've asked one of the guards because many guards were there, yet no Written Script. Celia opened the door to the meeting room to find Written Script with her head down and hooves over it. Gabe sat beside her, rubbing her back slowly. He noticed me and smiled but then frowned again hearing Bella's cries become louder in the background. I sat down beside Gabe and looked at Written Script who never looked up. Gabe leaned over to Celia's ear and whispered,

"She told her." Celia frowned not even wanting to imagine how it went down.

"So why is she crying?" She asked Gabe in a whisper, looking at Written Script. "I mean, I think she's crying..."

"She is. Bella blamed everyone who went with him and now she feels guilty for his death. And everypony got mad at the guards and her since you guys didn't come back with him or the Princess and Glitz. But they're mainly upset at Written Script because the guards who went with us left and she was the only pony they had left to nag. So you better stay in here because I'm pretty sure they're pissed at you too, even though none of this is any of you girls' fault."

Celia sighed heavily. Gabe was right, and he wasn't even there when it happened. Of course, she felt bad for Bella about her coltfriend, but all the ponies standing outside comforting her were not there to see what happened. Maybe the guards are to blame because they're supposed to protect, but nowhere should she and Written Script be blamed. There wasn't much they could do! She just hoped they didn't say anything about Kelsey, because she got hurt too and no one has checked up on her, not once except Celia herself. She had no clue where Grammar went. Now when she thought about it, where did he go?

"Have you seen Grammar?" Gabe shook his head no. Celia was going to get up to find him since Bella likely was upset with her, but the Bookworm burst through the doors angrily.

"So when were you planning to help us figure out what the hell happened to the princess?" she shouted. Celia looked at Gabe, and then back at Bookworm.

"I thought Written Script would tell you guys?"

"Oh she did! And about Glitz and Zephyr too. But what about you?"

"What do you mean?!"

"You thought that talking about your feelings on Kelsey with ponies was more important than informing us about the more serious shit that's happening right now?" Bookworm pushed up her glasses and continued to stare Celia in the eye.

"Well, when you put it like that, it sounds bad, but-"

"Because it is! There is no but! Why would you ever prioritize something like that over your friend!"

"I thought that one pony telling you would be enough. I didn't think you needed both of us, so I just went to go check on Kelsey since no pony else seemed to care."

"Well Celia, it makes it seem like you were just hiding from us so you didn't have to get lectured on how freaking stupid you guys are! And I promise you if Glitz was here right now, he would be getting it worse." Bookworm turned around and started heading out the door. "I'm calling my mother, this is horrendous. No pony here knows what they're doing at all and they're all focused on the wrong things."

She did understand Bookworm's frustration because she was used to it. If ponies weren't doing a certain thing right, she'd go insane. And Celia knew that all of their lives were at stake here, but Bookworm never seemed to show this much care for Abohaty when she'd stop by, so what's making her change her mind now? Celia turned back around to Gabe and he just stared at her.

"If I didn't know who she was, I'd have a hard time believing her mom is Twilight Sparkle," Celia commented.

Author's Note

Yeah, that's Kelsey and Celia in my avatar picture. Kelsey is the yellow mare and Cece is the green one :)

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