

by ezra09

Chapter 25: At the Gala

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The double doors opened up to the huge ballroom. Hundreds of ponies had already entered to mingle and dance. A wide red carpet led to the other end of the hall and up to the top of the stairs where ponies lined up to meet the princess. Standing beside Celestia was Princess Twilight, wearing a deep purple and red gown.

“Ahah! We’re actually here!” Thistleroot said in a high voice. He wore a dark overcoat made by Rarity. She’d insisted on making all their outfits for the evening. Beside him, Pal wore a similar coat along with a hat and confused expression, as though he still couldn’t figure out how he’d ended up going with them. Cheese Wedge and Biggs followed behind them, giving the younger ponies space. They both wore formal uniforms.

Scootaloo had never actually had reason to own a dress before, though it wasn’t nearly as uncomfortable as she’d expected. It flowed from just behind her head down past her tail, leaving her legs and wings mostly free. The fabric around her shoulders was a dark purple but slowly changed as it went down until the bottom hem was a dusty orange. Rarity had put her hair up with some kind of gel, smoothing it and giving it just a bit of a sparkle in the right light.

Apple Bloom’s dress was made of several layers of shimmering red and a light pink saddle. She had an apple shaped necklace held in place by a string of bright green leaves. More leaves trailed up from her red shoes, and a green bow held her hair up.

Sweetie Belle had a blue dress with layers of white underneath, and her hair was held in place by a sparkling band.

The first thing the group did was go up to greet the princess. After saying hello to her and Twilight, they were led off to the side. They only had to wait for a few minutes before Twilight tapped Thistleroot on the side. "That's her," she said in a whisper. "Rose Thorn, Star Shine's replacement."

Thistleroot looked down at the red and pink unicorn greeting Princess Celestia, taking a long minute to study her. "Nope."


"Yeah. She's not the unicorn who was working with him. Her coat's too light, face is too wide, and her eyes are the wrong shade of blue." He shrugged. "Sorry, but that's not her."

"Oh," Twilight said, frowning. "Well, I guess we can't be too upset that somepony isn't evil. Thanks. Why don't you all get back to the gala now."

Sweetie Belle went to get ready for her performance while the others sat and mingled, and before long the lights dimmed as she stepped out onto the stage.

After the performance, they found themselves standing awkwardly beside the dance floor. Several ponies had come up to compliment Sweetie Belle on her song, but otherwise ignored the rest of them, which was a relief to Scootaloo. She thought about going to find Rainbow Dash and the other Wonderbolts, but when she turned to the rest of the group to ask what they thought, she noticed they were missing somepony.

“Where’s Thistleroot and Sweetie Belle?”

Apple Bloom pointed to the dance floor. “He figured it was only a matter of time before every stallion was asking her to dance, so he decided to beat them to the punch.” She took a sip out of some fancy glass she’d gotten from a passing waitress.

It wasn’t long before the song ended and Sweetie Belle and Thistleroot returned to the group. Within seconds, Sweetie Belle had been asked by another pony to dance and was on her way back out to the floor.

“So, anypony else want a dance with this handsome stallion?” Thistleroot asked.

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom glanced at each other before laughing. “We’ll pass.”

Scootaloo groaned a few minutes later as she tripped over her own hooves again. It only helped a little that Thistleroot wasn’t much better. Finally, after what seemed like much too long, the song ended and Thistleroot went back to drag Apple Bloom onto the dance floor while Scootaloo hunted down one of those fancy drinks for herself. If Thistleroot was going to be his usual self, she’d need one. The next song, he dragged Pal out into the crowd, much to the yellow unicorn’s embarrassment and cheers of laughter from the girls.

Apple Bloom flagged down another waitress to grab one of those fancy glasses. Her third drink of the night. They aren’t as strong as what the apple family makes, Scootaloo thought, but it’s no wonder Thistleroot finally managed to get her out there.

“So,” Apple Bloom said after she finished her drink. “Are you and Thistleroot together?”

Scootaloo groaned, mentally cursing liquid courage in all its bubbly forms. She looked back out at the crowd and answered, “No, we’re just friends.”

Apple Bloom nodded, a slight blush reaching her cheeks. “Well, is there a special somepony?”

Scootaloo sighed. “Of course not.” And please just drop it, I really don’t want to have this conversation again.

She glanced back at Apple Bloom and froze. Her friend had leaned a bit closer and was smiling brightly at her. She seemed to waver, though Scootaloo wasn’t sure if it was hesitation, or just the drinks.

Much to Scootaloo’s annoyance, she also couldn’t help but agree that Apple Bloom looked cute with the bow Rarity had picked out, especially with the faint blush and smile. Apple Bloom leaned forward just a fraction of an inch.

“Aww, come on, Pal. It wasn’t that bad,” Thistleroot laughed as the two of them reached the side of the dance floor. Apple Bloom turned toward them, blush deepening as her gaze fell to the floor.

Oh thank harmony for awkward inturruptions.

The night went on, and after she’d had another drink and loosened up, she danced with Thistleroot again and then with Pal, who was surprisingly a better dancer than the rest of them. They went for a walk through the gardens after a while, enjoying the peace and fresh air.

As they were walking back inside, Apple Bloom bumped Scootaloo followed by the soft twinkle of breaking glass. “Oh, I’m so sorry ma’am, I didn’t see you there.”

“It’s fine,” Apple Bloom said, turning to look at the broken glass.

The waitress that had bumped into her bowed her head, “Oh, but your dress. I’m so so sorry.”

“Ah said it’s fine,” Apple Bloom said, stepping gingerly around the broken glass. “Ah’ll jus’ go to the restroom and clean it up.”

The waitress nodded and started picking up the broken bits of glass in a soft orange glow. “Down that hall, last door on your left.”

“Thanks,” Apple Bloom said. She turned back to the group. “Ah’ll catch up. Rarity would kill me if I stained this dress.”

“Okay,” Scootaloo said as Apple Bloom started down the hall the waitress had pointed to.

“Uh, Scootaloo,” Thistleroot said. “Do you think you should go with her?”

“Huh? Why?”

“Well, she’s just had more to drink than the rest of us. Maybe somepony should make sure she’s okay.”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes at the idea of one of the Apples overdrinking, but shrugged. “Alright, we’ll catch up in a few.”

Apple Bloom had made it most of the way down the hall by the time Scootaloo caught up. “Oh, hey Scoot. Did you get something on your dress too?”

“Nah,” Scootaloo said. She figured if she told the truth, Apple Bloom would stubbornly insist she was fine on her own. “Just figured I’d walk with you. Those guys can get boring after a while.”

The walked for a few more seconds in silence before Apple Bloom said, “Uh, hey, Scoot?”


They kept walking in silence as the seconds stretched on. Scootaloo stopped and looked over at her friend.

Their lips met before Scootaloo could react. It wasn’t a long kiss. Apple Bloom pulled away after only a few seconds and glanced down, blushing furiously.

Several emotions and thoughts tangled up in Scootaloo’s head. The first was anger. She thought they’d at least reached an agreement. It didn’t really matter that Apple Bloom had been drinking. She also felt a good bit of fear. If she let her anger show, it might undo all the work they’d put into fixing their friendship. There was also a small part of her that had enjoyed the kiss. With all her constant worrying, it had been a while since she’d kissed someone she actually liked, even as a friend.

Apple Bloom stood there, smiling and blushing, waiting for some kind of response. It was almost a relief when ponies started screaming.

Next Chapter: Distraction Estimated time remaining: 9 Hours, 32 Minutes
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