

by ezra09

Chapter 24: Royal Invitation

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Crystal Ball stretched, a look of pure boredom on her face. “Isn’t there anything else for us to do before the gala?”

Rose Thorn shook her head. “Everything’s under way. All that’s left is to wait.”

Crystal Ball sighed and flopped over.

“Why do you still wear that disguise?” Rose asked. “Wouldn’t you be more comfortable in your true form? Especially with these dampening spells constantly taxing your illusion?”

“This is the form our glorious queen wore when she first defeated the tyrant Celestia, so this is the form I’ll take until I’ve done the same.”

Rose nodded in understanding and went back to her paperwork.

“Can I ask you a question though?” Crystal asked.

“I believe you just did.”

“Why did you let Star Shine get arrested? I could have caught that Pal kid easy if you hadn’t stopped me. And now you’re keeping it a secret from everypony.” Crystal pouted. “They all think it’s my fault.”

“You remember the plan, right? You’re to kill Scootaloo on the night of the gala.”

“Of course.”

“His arrest and Thistleroot’s escape were both necessary steps in that plan. Now, they have my name and description.”

Crystal pondered that for a moment. “And when you step up to replace Star Shine as head Administrator of the school, they’re going to suspect you.”

“That’s what I’m counting on,” Rose said.

Crystal shook her head. “I’m not sure what good can come from that, but I trust you know what you’re doing. Five steps ahead of them, is it?” She flopped onto her back in front of the fire. “You remind me of my sister that way.”

“Is that so?”

“I hated my sister.”


“Scootaloo, may I speak to you for a moment?” Princess Celestia asked.

“Sure. You guys go ahead, I’ll go catch up.”

“Run,” Thistleroot whispered to Apple Bloom. “Whatever it is, she’s not signing us up for a bowling league. It’s never a bowling league.”

“Uh-huh?” Apple Bloom asked, cocking an eyebrow as they followed the rest of the ponies out of the room.

“I’m gonna have to sign us up for one sometime,” Scootaloo said, looking at the door they’d just left through. “He’d never see it coming.”

Celestia smiled and took a seat. “As I’m sure you’re aware, the Grand Galloping Gala is coming up soon. I’d like to extend an invitation to you and your friends.”

Scootaloo gave the princess a flat look. “I can’t even count the reasons why that’s a bad idea. Why?”

“For one, I think it would be fun. Nopony would want to disrespect me by starting trouble during the gala, so it would be a chance to go out with your friends without worrying. Your friend Sweetie Belle will be performing, if you want a chance to see her.”

“I haven’t seen her since I got to Canterlot,” Scootaloo admitted. “And it’s been even longer since I’ve gotten to go to one of her performances.”

“Second, Star Shine’s replacement will be there, and I’d like to give your friend Thistleroot a chance to look at her without raising suspicion.”

Scootaloo looked up at the princess questioningly.

“The new school administrator is a pink and red unicorn mare named Rose Thorn. I believe Thistleroot mentioned his kidnapper was named Rose?”

“Oh, yeah. You think she’d be somepony so obvious?”

“I don’t know. That’s why I’d like Thistleroot to be there. They wouldn’t meet, of course. He could tell us from a distance if she’s the one, and then we’ll be able to begin investigating her more deeply without arousing suspicion.”

“That makes sense,” Scootaloo agreed. “Uh, was there a third reason?”

“There were many objections when I let you and the other Elements of Disharmony go with minor punishments, all from ponies who’d never dealt with Discord personally, of course. Very few know what he can be like. Forgive me for involving politics in this, but I want to show everypony that I bear no ill will. To be frank, if anypony has the right to be angry, it’s me. If I can accept what’s in the past, so should everypony else.”

Scootaloo swallowed past a lump forming in her throat as she thought about what was being offered. The princess would definitely receive criticism for her decision, but she was still willing to side with Scootaloo.

How could she say no to that?


“We’re going to the gala, the gala, the gala! We’re going to the Grand Galloping Gala!”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes as Thistleroot literally bounced down the street. “This is the first time I’ve seen him happy about being dragged into something.”

“Of course I’m happy! I’ve wanted to go to the gala since I was a colt. All of the famous ponies, the celebrities, the actors, the thinkers, the princesses! And no chance of death or dismemberment.”

Pal shifted uncomfortably at that last part. “Uh, that isn’t a common thing around you guys, is it?”

“Define common?”


“You are going to look fabulous, Darling,” Rarity said, taking Scootaloo’s measurments. “I remember the first time I went to the gala. The glamour, the sophistication!”

“The cake?” Scootaloo asked with a grin.

“Aheh, yes, I suppose there was that too,” Rarity said, blushing. “Hmm, your mane really is quite lovely. It’s like I tell Rainbow Dash, if you’d just grow it out, you could do so much more with it.”

“But then it’d blow everywhere when I fly.”

“Fluttershy never seems to have that problem.”

“Gee, I wonder why,” Scootaloo said, rolling her eyes.

“Now,” Rarity said, turning toward Apple Bloom. “For you, I think a nice red would go well with your hair, maybe with pink accents. And you always looked so cute in a bow.”

“If ya say so,” Apple Bloom said.

A door shut downstairs and Scootaloo’s ears pricked up.

“Oh, she seems to be home early,” Rarity mused as she measured Apple Bloom’s legs.

Hoofsteps climbed the steps to the second floor of the new Carousel Botique and a white unicorn mare pushed the door open. Sweetie Belle smiled when she saw her sister’s customer. “Apple Bloom! I didn’t know you were in town.”

“Oh, yeah. Ah’ve been meaning to come by, but it’s been a hectic few days.”

Sweetie Belle moved forward into the room, head coming around until her gaze came to Scootaloo. She hesitated, smile faltering. She turned back to Apple Bloom, blinking.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Yeah, we’re getting along again.”

Sweetie Belle’s smile widened as she came further into the room to give Scootaloo a hug. She’d changed in the past few years, growing taller than either Scootaloo or Apple Bloom. She wore her hair in a series of glossy curls that fell to the side. Scootaloo imagined they complimented her face under a spotlight when she was singing. The last she heard, Sweetie Belle wasn’t quite a celebrity, but singing at the Grand Galloping Gala could be a big break.

“What are you two doing here?” Sweetie asked, looking back at Apple Bloom. She noticed Rarity marking measurments in her notebook. “Wait, are you two going to the gala?”

“Yup,” Apple Bloom said.

“That’s so great,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Alright, that’s it for the measurements,” Rarity said. “And Sweetie, I already have yours. Why don’t you girls go out and catch up?”

“That’s a great idea,” Sweetie said, grabbing Scootaloo and pulling her along without waiting for an answer. “There’s this great place on Yoke Street I’ve been wanting to show you two, but I didn’t think I’d actually get to.”

Rarity watched them go, smiling at the feeling of nostalgia.

Next Chapter: At the Gala Estimated time remaining: 9 Hours, 38 Minutes
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