

by ezra09

Chapter 22: Resignation

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“You’re absolutely sure?” Princess Celestia asked. She was seated in her study, a tray of tea and cakes untouched on the table.

Scootaloo nodded. “I just don’t think it’ll work anymore. Half the colts and fillies in the classes I helped teach have already been withdrawn until I’m fired, and I’m tired of everypony watching me like a dangerous madpony.”

Celestia nodded. “I’m sorry this happened, Scootaloo.”

Scootaloo shrugged. “It was somepony working with the changelings, wasn’t it? My name wasn’t released back then, somepony had to tell the reporter while they were investigating the CMC.”

“Most likely,” Celestia said. “What are you going to do now?”

“Pack up my stuff and go back to Ponyville, I guess.”

“I see. If you wouldn’t mind, will you stay for a few more days? I’d like a chance to set up some protective spells at your home there, in case the changelings follow you.”

“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea,” Scootaloo agreed. She stood up. “It’s getting pretty late. I should probably go.”

“Of course,” Celestia said. “The guards outside will escort you home.”

Scootaloo turned, leaving Celestia in the darkening study, a rare look of sadness on her face.


Nopony approached Scootaloo on her way back to Dash’s place, if only because of the Royal Guards on either side of her. She made her way up the steps and into the house without a word to them, and pushed open her bedroom door. She would have thrown herself onto the bed to bury her head beneath the pillows, but somepony was already sitting on it.

“Hey,” Apple Bloom said.

“Hi. Mind moving? I want to go to sleep.”

“You mean you want to lie in bed and mope.”

Scootaloo scowled, ears flattening.

“Nopony wants to see you shuffling around like some sad zombie,” Apple Bloom said.

“Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize I might be upsetting everypony else. Celestia forbid I do something to bother all of you,” Scootaloo snapped

“Now don’t be like that. We care about you. We just don’t want to see anything bad happen, is all.”

“It’s a little late for that. Something already happened. Or maybe you missed the news this week?”

“Ah know, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make the best out of a bad situation.”

Scootaloo groaned and pushed past Apple Bloom, pulling the covers over her and knocking the earth pony to the floor. “The last thing I need right now is a peppy, silver lining speech.”

Apple Bloom stood and glared down at the angry pile of blanket and pony. “What about not wanting to push everypony away anymore?” Scootaloo didn’t answer. “You’re doing it right now. We all care about you, but you haven’t said more than two words to any of us since that story came out.”

“What do you want from me?” Scootaloo asked, flipping the blanket up to look at her friend. “Do you want me to prance around like everything’s great?”

“O’ course not, but I don’t want you acting like it’s the end of the world either. You still have friends who want to help. Who cares what a bunch of strangers think?”

“Why don’t you say that after you spend a few days dealing with the stares and whispers. One of those strangers threw a horseshoe at me yesterday.”

Scootaloo sighed. “I can’t stay here anymore. At least in Ponyville I might be able to do my shopping without the threat of violence. And I... darn it, I like it here. I like living in Canterlot. I like being able to fly by the stadium and watch Rainbow Dash practice. I even like the loudmouthed coach at the school.”

She flipped the blanket over her head again, but Apple Bloom could hear her voice shake. “I like some of those students. I liked not having everypony know who I was, like they do in Ponyville. I’ll miss all that, and being able to see Spike and Twilight and Dash and Thistleroot. I don’t want to leave. I just don't know what to do.” Her voice cracked on the last word and she fell silent. Apple Bloom sat on the edge of the bed and put a comforting hoof on where she guessed Scootaloo’s head was.


“If you don’t want to leave, just don’t,” Thistleroot said. He’d come to her place the next afternoon after noticing she wasn’t at work.

“It isn’t that easy.”

“Sure it is.”

Scootaloo sighed. “No, I just... look, this is hard enough as it is without anypony trying to change my mind.”

“Okay. There’s still one thing you’re—”

“No, Thistleroot. No one more things, I’ve made up my mind.”

“That’s very valiant of you, but don’t you think—”

“Yes. I’ve thought this through.”

“You really haven—”

“Thistleroot, I wouldn’t—”

“Will you let me finish a sentence, you melodramatic filly?” Thistleroot half-shouted in exasperation. Scootaloo clamped her mouth shut and gave him an apologetic smile. “Now, you lived in a rented apartment, didn’t you?”

“Yeah,” Scootaloo said.

“Well, I don’t mean to offend you or anything, but how are you going to pay for it?”

“I’ll find another...” Scootaloo trailed off.

“I’m not saying it’s impossible, but you should at least make sure you can get a job and pay before moving in. Every paper in Equestria probably ran that story.”

Scootaloo dropped onto her haunches, face falling. “Aren’t you supposed to be cheering me up like everpony else?”

“Sorry,” Thistleroot frowned.

Scootaloo sighed. “Well what the hay am I supposed to do then?”

“Become a hermit?”

Scootaloo smacked a hoof against her forehead.

Next Chapter: Foal's Play Estimated time remaining: 9 Hours, 53 Minutes
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