

by ezra09

Chapter 21: Scootaloo's Secret

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“Starshine is an idiot,” Rose Thorn said simply. “It was only a matter of time before he did something to get himself arrested. Granted, nopony expected him to screw up so soon, but it is only a minor setback.”

“We lost a chance at invading dozens of Canterlot homes, and our last chance at killing or replacing Scootaloo. I’d say it’s more than just a minor loss,” Crystal Ball said.

Rose arched an eyebrow at the young filly. “If you hadn’t let the kid slip through your hooves and warn the guards, we wouldn’t have this problem at all.”

Crystal sneered at Rose, but didn’t respond.

“As it is, the changeling’s hold on the city is strong enough, and growing every day. The dampening spells will fall soon enough.” Rose turned her attention to the ten other hooded figures in the dim room. “The only true danger is Scootaloo. If she’s allowed to regain her memories, our planning will have been for nothing. We must take her out of the picture before we move forward.”

“She’s already onto us, after the changeling’s childish attempts on her life,” one of the ponies said. “She’ll be defended now, at all hours of the day and night.”

“True, but I believe we may have a chance. Three weeks from now is the Grand Galloping Gala. During the commotion caused by our primary objectives for the night, we may have a small window to get rid of her.”

“And what if she doesn’t go?”

“She will. I’m already taking steps to be sure. Brothers and sisters, despite these setbacks, our goals are closer than ever before. In just one month, the alicorns, these immortals who would rule us uncontested for generations, will be gone from this land, and Equestria will be ours once again.”


Local School Administrator Arrested

After receiving a tip from an unnamed source, Royal Guards swarmed the manor of school administrator and businessman, Star Shine, according to authorities.

At around eight last night, Captain Shining Armor received a tip claiming that Star Shine had abducted a graduate student from Celestia’s School for Gifted Ponies, where he works. At half past ten, Royal Guards entered Star Shine’s manor. On the grounds they found a holding cell, as well as the allegedly abducted pony, Royal Guards say. The pony, whose name hasn’t been released, was reported to be unharmed.

Star Shine, founder of the local group the Cutie Mark Crusaders, is currently being detained for questioning. By order of Princess Celestia, all events planned by the Cutie Mark Crusaders have been suspended.

Captain of the Royal Guard, Shining Armor refused to comment.


“So, that’s it then?” Scootaloo asked.

“Sounds like it,” Thistleroot said, tucking the paper into his saddlebag as they walked leisurely through Canterlot. “For now anyway. There’s still the changelings to worry about, and nopony found Rose.”

“You’re sure she was Star Shine’s boss?”

“It sure sounded like it,” Thistleroot answered. “We heard her before, the first time we snuck into his place. That unicorn he was talking to.”

Scootaloo scrunched up her face, frowning. “Uh, yeah, I think I remember her. Are the guards going to look for her?”

“Yeah, but she’ll probably vanish before they can track her down. They pulled some census records when I described her. Apparently there are over 300 Roses in Canterlot alone, and over 250 of them are some shade of red.”

“Wow,” Scootaloo said. The walked for a minute in silence before she started, “Thistleroot, I’m so sor—”

“Would you stop trying to apologize?” Thistleroot said. “How were you supposed to know a psycho cult zombie would go around kidnapping your friends?”

“Even if I didn’t know, it’s my fault for dragging you into everything. And I completely understand if you don’t want to see me again.”

Thistleroot sighed and shook his head.

“You can’t really expect me to believe you’re fine with everything that happened,” Scootaloo pushed.

“Of course not,” Thistleroot said. “But I’m mad at the ponies who locked me up, not at you.”

They continued walking in silence for another few minutes. Scootaloo’s heart sped up as she considered her next words. Finally, before she could chicken out, she said, “Thistleroot, it really is all my fault.”

“Will you cut that—”

“No, just listen for a second. It’s not just a coincidence that the changelings attacked me and targeted my friends. I did something to make them angry, and they hate me. I should have known they’d try to get revenge eventually. I shouldn’t have dragged anypony else into it.”

“That still doesn’t make it your fault,” Thistleroot said. Scootaloo groaned in frustration. “So, what’d you do to make them mad?”

Scootaloo slowed, heart hammering in her chest. Her first thought was to lie. The moment he knew the truth, Thistleroot would be the latest on a long list of ex friends. She swallowed, steeling her resolve. He deserved to know the truth if he was going to risk hanging out with her.

“Do you remember about ten years ago, when that spirit Discord got free?”

“Of course,” Thistleroot said. “It was on the news all over the country, especially the second time, when he was loose for a full day. I couldn’t look at grass the same way for months.”

Scootaloo swallowed again. “I’m the reason he got free that second time.”

“Yeah, but what does that have to do with the changelings?”

Scootaloo blinked. Thistleroot’s expression hadn’t changed from the polite curiosity he’d been wearing. “Huh?”

“What does that have to do with the changelings? Did Discord do something to make them mad, and they’re blaming you?”

“Uh, no. The changeling queen helped, and I sort of arranged to have her banished to the moon,” Scootaloo said numbly, waiting for the inevitable burst of outrage.

“Ah, that would do it.” Thistleroot started walking again, only to freeze mid-stride, eyes going wide. “Wait!”

Here it comes.

“You mean the mare in the moon is the Changeling Queen? Ah, I’ve been trying to look that up since it reappeared. Why is that not in any history book?”

“Uh, aren’t you going to say anything about the whole Discord thing?”

“What do you mean?” Thistleroot asked.

“Like... I don’t know, shouldn’t you be angry?”

Thistleroot shrugged. “I was a little weirded out for a day or two, but then I remembered it was the princess that got you hired. If she was still on good terms with you, you couldn’t be that bad.”

“A day or two? Wait, you knew about it before?”

“Oh yeah. All the papers were talking for months about an orange pegasus filly, though her name had never been released. Between your cutie mark and the fact that you personally knew the princess, it was kind of hard to miss.”

Scootaloo groaned, head falling forward. “You’ve gotta be kidding me. All this time worrying for nothing.”

“You seem to do that a lot.”

They walked in silence for a few minutes. “So, I guess there’s no getting rid of you.”

“Try not to sound so excited.”

Scootaloo sighed. “I just don’t want to see any of my friends get hurt because of me.” She shook her head, and then blinked, a small smile starting to form. “Okay, if you’re going to stay around, I have one condition.”


“I want you to have this.” Scootaloo reached up, hooking a hoof through the thin chain around her neck and pulling the necklace off.

“It doesn’t really go with my eyes.”

“Oh, ha ha,” Scootaloo said, rolling her eyes. “The princess gave it to me when I agreed to go to the Cutie Mark Crusader meetings. It’s supposed to have some magical protection or something. I want you to wear it.”

Thistleroot shook his head. “She gave it to you, and—”

“It’s either this, or I stay away from you. I don’t want to cause you any more trouble.” Scootaloo looked over her shoulder. Two stallions stood together on the street behind her, Royal Guard armor unmistakable. “And it’s not like I need any more protection.”

Thistleroot grumbled to himself for a long moment before finally accepting the necklace. With a satisfied nod, Scootaloo turned to keep walking.

They turned the corner onto Scootaloo’s street and made their way up to the door. Scootaloo unlocked it as Thistleroot grabbed the newspaper off the doormat in a faint aura of magic. “Surprise, surprise. Another story about him. ‘Terrorist Teaching at Celestia’s School for Gifted Ponies’.” He pulled off the rubber band and unrolled it.

“They’re calling him a terrorist?” Scootaloo asked with a grin. “Isn’t that a little extreme? Thistleroot?” She looked back to see Thistleroot frozen in the doorway, face grim. “What’s wrong?”

Thistleroot wordlessly turned the paper toward her. On the front page was the headline, the word terrorist sticking out. Below it, staring up at her fearfully, was Scootaloo's picture.

Next Chapter: Resignation Estimated time remaining: 9 Hours, 56 Minutes
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