
One of Old

by BlankBrony

Chapter 9: First kill

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First kill

How long has it been since I last killed?

Everfree Forest, 2 days ago...

Demise's POV

A celebration for the little princess? Maybe I should join...

"Hmmm? What is this?" I said while hearing a loud roar, I then saw multiple animals run away from where the roar came from. I walked slowly towards the area from where the animals ran from, I even saw little hydras run away. After a little while, I saw middle grown hydras dead on the ground, some chucks of woods from Timberwolves andbits of fur from manticores, the roars continued and I saw something interesting in the middle of all of this mess.

It was huge, some kind of bear with stars on it's blue fur, but the most interesting thing is that the stars moved like actual stars, making him look like a moving constellation. He was currently 'playing' with a pack of manticores, it got hit a few times but quickly retaliated.

"How nostalgic, It reminds me of the time Her choosen One first fought against a whole battalion of bokoblin, the same determination and courage as him." I said while contemplating the courageous celestial bear against a whole pack of bloodthirsty, posion-tailed manticores.

After a while, the bear remained victorious as he roared to claim the victory, it panted to steady himself from the bloodbath he just did, then it noticed me, it seems to examinate me as he smelled my way, after a moment he roared at me.

"How foolish of you, come then, show me what you are capable of! I deem you worthy to fight me as you remind me of an old foe, so COME AT ME!" I roared back, he seem to understand this as he proceed to rush at me, because I don't have Ghirahim, I will have to do this barehand, a true fight between beasts, victory depends completly on strenght.

"Truly marvelous, such bravery to stand against me even thought I know you can sense my power, you are the exact replica of Her choosen One, very well, I shall make this fight fair as I respect the brave souls." I said while supressing my powers besides strenght.

After he got in a melee range, he immediatly threw a punch at me, a punch I counter with another punch, the power behind his is amazing, nothing in any, well some of the worlds can't stand against my supressed power punch, and this beast right here still stand after one, truly amazing.

The punch became so powerful it started to shape the land around us, cracks started to form on the earth after each blow, it was amusing, so much so I started to laugh.

Then I noticed he started to tire out when I just started to enjoy this.

"No, I won't let you stop when I just started to enjoy this!" I screamed while making him heal some stamina. But it was no use, as he started to drift off and fall on the ground, he looked tired and in pain.

"You lack stamina but you have what it takes to be a hero, as you seem to be in pain, I shall end your life quickly." I said, but as I started to make the final blow, he died, confused by this I examined him, and I saw a stinger in his body.

"The poison killed him when he was weakened enought, at least it was as painless as it could be." I said while leaving a black flower on his corpse, the flower was made from the deepest core of my magic, as I only make it to show my respect to the foes that deserve it, the flower is Immortal, it will never die and only I can do so, so to show eternal rest to them.

"Now, if I want to go to the celebration, I need to go as a pony..." I said, trailing off to think about what form I would take, but I did notice a loud roar from afar, it sounded to come from the brave bear I left, but I didn't bother as I had something better to think about...

Canterlot, Present Time

We all heard a loud roar from outside of Canterlot, and I saw a same looking celestial bear outside of the city, unlike the other one, it had purple fur and it was much much bigger, then I tought about something.

"Say, Is this bear a mother?" I questionned to Celestia, she looked confused and taken back from this question.

"Y-Yes, it looks like it." She said still confused why I asked this. Then it hitted me, it was his mother.

"Then I know why it came here then." I stated, this made Celestia jump and look straight at my eyes, I could see she tried to fire her eyes like mine.

"What....Did....You....DO!" She exclaimed, I love how these ponies seemed to assume the worst things when looking at me.

"Hmm, before I came to Ponyville as a pony, I was visiting the Everfree Forest, then there was a loud roar and the animals started to run away from the source, because it seemed interesting, I went to the source of the roar, wich was blue bear with moving stars in it's fur, it was slaughtering manticores and timberwolf with some middle height hydras, adter he finished, he noticed me and we started to brawl bare claws as I didn't have Ghirahim, I must say he was magnificient as a foe, he reminded me of Hylia's choosen one as he showed courage and determination when he standed against me, after a while he fell from tiredness and the manticores poison killed him, to pay my respect I left behind a black flower made of my purest magic at the core of my being." I said, it took a long minute for Celestia to process the information, and when it did, she looked like she was gonna explode, but instead sigh.

"You know that what you witnessed was the natural cycle of life of an Ursa Minor, and that he was fighting in the area he was to claim it as a territory, and when you killed him, the mother went on a rampage." She said, it was plauseable.

"Well, I made this mess so I will go kill her." I said while changing in my little size calamity form.

"Wait! You can't fight an Ursa Major alone! It is too powerful!" She exclaimed to me, I just smirk.

"Did I even introduced myself to you?" I said to her in my calamity form, she blushed when she realised what she just said, then I went over the Ursa Major.

While on my way over there I could hear Celestia order the guards to fall back to let me take care of it, I could see the guards looking confused and disappointed, I could see some ponies crying and running away from the ruins of their homes.

Then, I arrived at the gigantic celestial bear, a terror of this world as it seems like.

"Well well well, is it me your looking for?" I said to her as I form in on the forteress wall she was currently wreaking, when she noticed me, she roared with full hatred and proceeded to launch a powerful slash of claw at me. But because my powers are not restrained, it didn't even touched me as it was stopped by the amount of power there is around my body.

She looked confused by this and then started to attack me slash after slash, it didn't hurt me but it did destroy the fortress wall, I was getting bored from her attemps of killing me so I rose Ghirahim high to the sky, making the sky darkened and dark clouds to form, as black smoke rose from the ground to the sky, I made an incantation.

"Beast blinded by anger! Fall in front of my power and turn to ashes !" I incantate, the rampaging beast stopped, her eyes started to flash then when the flash died down, she stood still, then fell on her four legs, her fur started to turn grey as the stars on it faded away, then bits of her started to flow off with the wind, and soon enought she was turned to ashes, and a mountain of them formed in front of me.

I heard ponies running towards me, when I turned around I saw Celestia with the girls looking at me then the mountain of ashes behind me with confused eyes.

"What... happened?" Celestia said, I looked at her then I pointed at the ashes.

"This is what became of the Ursa Major" Then I pointed at the ruined area of the city.

"And this is what came after her rampage." I said while looking back at them, they had wide eyes and horror written all over their faces.

"You...turned...an Ursa Major that caused this much damaged to the city.... to ashes?" Twilight repeated shocked, I nodded and she immediatly jumped at me, but I dodged, when I look behind and at her on the ground, she had a furious blush on her as she look at me, then recomposed herself while standing up.

"How is this possible?!!! There's no spell that could do that, and even if that existed, there's no way anything can cast it !!!" She exclaimed, I looked at her with a deadpan look.

"Shall I remind you...To who you are speaking to?" I stated with a booming voice, this made her back away in fear.

"What about the city?" Celestia interrupted with a pleading look that said 'please don't show anything to Twilight'

"Just a moment, please back away." I said while gathering calamity smoke, they all noticed it and backed away in fear but still were curious. I then released the calamity smoke in the ruined area, it was like a plague, a plague that infected the air, it was levitating the rumbles back to where they are supposed to be, taking the injured ponies to Celestia, who was to focused on my doing to notice them.

After 5 long minutes, the area was good as new, well besides the plaguing smoke that still lurked in here, but I soon gathered it inside my body. I turned around to see jaw-dropped ponies, Celestia, the girls, and the rescued ponies looked at me with blank stares, then one pony coming from behind Celestia rushed over one of the rescued ponies.

"Dad! Your safe!" The pegasus mare said.

"Yes I am, all thanks to him" the unicorn replied while pointing at me, the mare looked skeptical but when she saw the calamity smoke coming from the city to my body, her eyes widen, with tears pouring out of them.

"Thank you! Thank you so much for saving my father! Can I please ask your name?" She asked me with puppy eyes, I was still thinking of how these ponies can be so easly forgiving and accepting.

" I have no names, but recently I acquired the name of Star Demise, please to meet you miss..."

"Storm Breeze, please to meet you too Star Demise." She said while blushing a little, I don't get it, even thought I'm in my original form, they don't fear me anymore just because I saved lives. After our introduction she and and her father said their goodbyes while going to the hospital. I then looked at Celestia, who was still processing that I just saved ponies and repaired the city at the same time.

"It looks like I got a good start of introduction after all." I stated, this brought back Celestia out of her thoughts. But before she could say anything, a rainbow blur came into my vision.

"Dude! That was so Awsome! And you said this pile of ashes is the Ursa Major?! This is so awsome, well not as much as me." Rainbow Dash said while pumping her chest.

"oh poor mother... I hope it was at least painless Star" Fluttershy said while looking at the ashes with teary eyes, I nodded wich got a smile from her.

" 'Oly molly! You are one powerful stallion! I bet you could buck all o' mah apple trees with just a punch!" AppleJack said admiring the ashes.

" Darling! You must tell me what fabric your robe is made of! I was dying to ask you but I didn't get a chance with all of this mess!" Rarity exclaimed while examinating my robe.

"YAY!!!! I get to do a 'welcome to Equestria' party AND a 'Thank you for saving us from that big scary Ursy Mama' party!" Pinkie Pie said while making confetis appear out of nowhere, this didn't really confused me as I've seen many beings deforming the laws of everything.

"I need to study you! You have so much knowledge in you I can't bear to wait a minute! How did you make the Ursa Major turn to ash?! Was it dark magic?! Then if that is, how are you not corrupted by it?! And how did you made that purpulish smoke repair the city AND saving injured ponies?! Wh-" She was stopped by Celestia's wing covering her face.

"Please Twilight calm down, but for now we need to introduce him to the ponies." When she said this, Ghirahim started to pulse and glow in my hand.

"Introduce 'them' to the ponies, please forgive me." She said to Ghirahim, who gave her a satisfied pulse.

"Now come" She said and we all followed, but before that she ordered the guards to escort the ponies to the nearest hospital.

I was looking at the sky and sigh in nostalgia, it was interesting to fight again, even thought it wasn't even fair, I feel quite relaxed now. After this, I followed the ponies behind.

Author's Notes:

Here's the chapter! Hope you like it!
Also, I'm going back on the other two stories so to not make the trackers wait too long.
Till next chapter.

Next Chapter: War Estimated time remaining: 12 Minutes
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One of Old

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