
One of Old

by BlankBrony

Chapter 8: Duel

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Author's Notes:

Warning! Contain violence because of Blueblood!


How foolish of this pride-blinded mortal...

Canterlot training grounds...

Third person's POV

It was early in the morning, the duel preparation is almost done and the training ground is already cleaned. Ponies already started to gather around the training grounds.

"Please do not kill him..." A pleading mare voice said, it was Princess Celestia's one.

"Do not worry, I'll try not to, and I say try because Ghirahim here keeps sending hatred puses full of bloodlust. And don't even try to destroy him, he's the direct counterpart of the bane of evil so the Elements of Harmony won't really work on him." Another intimidating voice said, it was Demise's one. After he said that Celestia was quickly shutted down, because everything he just said was everything she just tought to do.

"*sigh*Ok, you can hurt him but do not kill him please." Celestia said, not only to Demise but to Ghirahim pulsing sword form, who looked satisfied by this plan because he stopped pulsing.

Then, they arrived in the arena, and the challenger of the mighty Demon King was already here, slashing a pony manequin the size of Demise's pony form. When the ponies saw 'Star Demise' coming in the arena, they all roared in unisson.

'How ironic, herbivores who are normally preys to act barbarically like a predator' Star thought, amused by this reaction from his entrance in a simple area a half miles wide. This got the attention of the challenger, Blueblood.

"So you came? How foolish of you to stand against me, but I shall make you less suffer as I planned for your couragous act." He said with a cocky tone, full of pride and arrogance.

"..." Star didn't say anything, he just stared at Blueblood's cocky smirk.

"Well? Got nothing to say you filthy pony?" Blueblood said when he noticed Star's silence.

"Yes I have one thing to say. You are the most foolish mortal I've ever seen." Star said while mocking the 'foolish mortal', the said mortal was quickly angered and summoned many swords in the sky.

"Shut your mouth filthy pony! Who do you think you are to call me a foolish mortal!?" He exclaimed while pointing all of the summoned magical swords at Star's body.

"How rude of me to not introduce myself, I am Star Demise. Or if I am not in this form. I am He who destroys all" Star said while making calamity smoke leaking from him, he let the malice aura infect the sky, making it darken and full of malice clouds, preventing from any magical and aerial 'disturbance'. Star's eyes glowed now looking like two compressed Sun's looking at Blueblood, his mane was firing, looking like the hellfire that rise to burn the heavens.

Blueblood on the other hoof, was shaking in fear from the imposing power leaking out of Star's body, but he still remained with his sword pointed at the embodiement of power in his pony form. The pony who were looking with enthousiasm now looked fearful at Star Demise, some thinking of who is this mysterious stallion, others thinking of what is this stallion.

"Y-Y-Y-Your illusions won't work on me!" Blueblood screamed trying not to piss himself.

"Amusing, but foolish nonetheless." Star said picking up Ghirahim with one front hoof, then stood up on his hind legs, everypony looked confused by this action. Then, Celestia who was besides Luna, who looked excited by this, annouced the start of the duel.

"Begin!" She exclaimed, Blueblood charged at Star, but Star on the other hoof, was standing still, then he brought up his sword to eye level, then seemed to slowly cut the space in front of him, still on eye level, Blueblood looked confused by this but still was charging.

Then, Star pointed his sword at the darken sky, a sky wich was now roaring after Star's action. Then dark smoke started to rise underneath his hooves swirling around his body, he then looked at Blueblood.

"Foolish pony to stand against my infinite power, feel the pain of the victims of your actions, burn in the flames of the hatred of the ones you tortured, drown in the tears of the ones you made cry, suffer in the Nightmares you brought upon the ones you made become sleepless!" He incantated, this made Blueblood stop, then he screamed at every sentence Star said, as Star incantate, Blueblood started to scream in pain, then he was burning in black flames, after this he seemed to drown as he was spasing on the ground, then he grabbed his head and screamed in agony with his eyes starting to have black bags under them.

This was repeating for several minutes, one minute each sentence, minutes that traumatized the ponies watching, minutes when the sky was darken by unlimited power, minutes when Celestia was shocked and eyes widen, minutes where Fluttershy was crying eyes closed, when Twilight tried to cast an analyse spell wich was blocked by dark magic, when AppleJack lowered her hat to not look at the scene, when Rainbow Dash tried not to cower in fear as she already shamed herself by shaking in fear, when Rarity wasn't even conscious on her sofa, when Pinkie Pie's mane deflate, her coat darkened as she looked down in saddness.

After these minutes of pain, Blueblood fainted, seeming lifeless but was still alive, his coat was burned, fire still lingering on him, he was at the same time wet and humid with water and saliva spilling out of his mouth, his eyes were fully open with black dots as pupils and black bags of tiredness under these traumatized eyes.

Star Demise looked at the spasing body of his challenger, just a few minutes ago, this same body was charging at him full of pride and arrogance, and now, it turned into a broken mind and body. Then he looked at the cursed sword somehow sticking on his hoof, it glowed in satisfaction, then seemed to rest with a glimering blade as if he was smiling while sleeping.

He then looked at Celestia, who stood still like a statue with Luna besides her as a statue like her sister.

"So... Did I win?" Star Demise said to them while smiling, making the sky go back to normal and disperse the darkened cloud seemed to give back Time it's ability to flow as the ponies started to move again with the Princess muttering between each other.

"Y-Yes." Celestia said while shaking in fear.

"Princess Celestia! Who is him!? And why isn't he banished in tartarus!?" Some Noble said.

"It is because she can't do so, as I said... I a m He who destroys all" Star Demise, no, Demise said, turning into his original form.

This made everypony cower in fear besides the main 6 and the Princesses.

"P-Please my little ponies! Calm down!" Celestia desperatly said.

"How can we calm down! This, Thing is too dangearous!" One pony said and everyone (everyone because Demise too) looked at Celestia in agreement.

"Princess! An Ursa Major was spotted near Canterlot! It is currently destroying the outter defenses!" A guard said, this made everypony run for their lives as when they looked at the outskirt of Canterlot, they could see a giant Ursa Major wreaking the walls outside Canterlot.

"Well well well, it seems like I can prove to be harmless to ponies now" Demise said, this got a confused but then understanding look from the ponies and the Princesses.

Next Chapter: First kill Estimated time remaining: 22 Minutes
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One of Old

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