
6 Friends and Luck

by Vespi

Chapter 6: The Ayan, the Magnificent, and the Ace

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The Ayan, the Magnificent, and the Ace

The rest of the day had gone by painfully slow; we couldn't believe what had happened. Everything we thought made it sound illogical, but then again being here in the first place. This entire scenario made me ask the same few questions over and over again.

How did Ayan come here in human form and here at all?

How good is medicine here? Would he ever fly again?

How is everypony else feeling about this?

The questions bobbed and weaved through my head, tormenting me until the door creaked open, it was Nico; with a bandaged wing and a happy expression on his face.

"Jesus christ Nico are you okay?" I asked, I looked down at his bandaged wing; it seemed a lot healthier than before, maybe that was because it wasn't dangling down hanging only by a thin thread.

"Yea" Nico said looking at his own bandaged wing "I'll be fine, god bless magic!"

"Magic..." Tyler said, everypony else at this point was moving towards the door.

"Yea magic!" Nico said "Saved my wing, I can fly in like 3 days they said."

"Cool story bro" Mike said "Hopefully Pinkie Pie forgot about that get well party" He quickly added "Not that we don't want you to get back, just we just had a party."

"Agreed" Dan said with a nod "I just pray to god she isn't-"

Dan was cut off by a loud knocking on the door.

Nico being the closest to the door opened the door half way, the velocity of a giant pink ball helped Nico with the remainder, it was Pinkie Pie.

"AUGUSTUS!!!!!" She screamed in glee "O my gosh O my gosh you are okay!" She said giving him a hug.

"Yea, hey Pinks" Conor said, stepping forward "Like, can we have the party some other time?" We are pretty tired and all and-"

"No silly of course not!" Pinkie said, she ran outside of the house for a moment, when she came back she had a small cannon with her.

"What the fuck is that!" Dan said stunned, Pinkie Pie + cannon = terrible things... In my opinion

"Silly it is my party cannon!" Pinkie pie exclaimed, she pulled a lever and the cannon fired what at first seemed to be a blank, then we realized that it held a small pink cover with balloons and other party necessaries.

At this point we also gave up on the idea of forcing Pinkie Pie of abandoning the party scheme.

"Yea Pinkie Pie you do, whatever the hell you are going to do with that cannon. Conor go make some brownies, and everyone else do whatever, I guess I’ll see you at 9ish or so."

Pinkie Pie shook her head "No at 8! That's what I told everypony!" She squealed, we didn't even bother to respond. I went upstairs to take a nap. For a small pony house it sure was lucky of us to have one with 5 bedrooms, and Tyler didn’t mind sleeping on the couch; even during the parties I assume.

I didn't even bother to get under the covers or anything, I just dropped down, for the moment dead to the world.


When I first felt the vibrations I thought it was some kind of Equestrian earthquake, then I finally woke up fully, it was music. I was late to the party! I tripped down the hallway but managed not to do anything really stupid in public.

When I trotted down the stairs the party was a lot like Pinkie's first one; plenty of ponies, techno music, and endless possibilities; I was about to explore on my own when I saw Mike wave me over, he was talking to 2 mares.

"Yo Vespi remember how we killed Gayan?" He asked

"Yuhuh" I said

"Man that was a wicked headshot!" he said, yup Mike was already lying, might as well go along with it.

"Yup, perfect aiming" I said trying my best to lie

"See what I mean? I got top shots." He said with a laugh.

"Yo MP have you seen Rarity?" I asked, maybe he could be honest for once.

"Sorry I haven’t" He said "Have seen Dan or Tyler either, why don't you go find them?"

I gave a shrug, who knows maybe there will be adventure on the way. As I was walking away I could have sworn I heard a familiar voice say "Do you think he saw me?"

Before I could delve into the idea I already could hear Tyler's intoxicating laugh in the distance. I half-stepped outside to see Dan, Tyler and 2 other stallions I haven’t met before running and laughing down the street.

"Hey guys what are you doing?" I asked

"We were just having a gay time using eggs and windows!" The brown pony said in a British accent.

"Shut up Doctor Whooves!" Dan turned to me "Faggot"

"Okay, what were you guys doing?" I asked

"Just throwing eggs at windows" Dan said "Care to come?"

I sighed "We have an entire party planned for Nico and you guys are outside?" I asked,

"Yup, Comon Vespi it'll be fun" Tyler said urging me to follow. I sighed and complied.

We tossed eggs at several targets, a school house, the mayor’s office (Dan’s payback), a store that sold just quills and sofas, and what I think was Pinkie’s house (I think).

Our next target was a large tree house, not those dinky little tree houses some humans had in trees. This was an actual house, with a door, glass windows, and from my best guess plumbing and electricity.

We fired maybe a dozen eggs at the house before a small purple dragon opened the door and screamed "Hey what are you guys doing to the library?" behind him I could hear someone ask "Spike who is it?"

Jesus it was Twilight! I then instantly jumped into a nearby bush and tried my best to obscurely head back up the street in which we had come. I had crawled maybe 10 feet before I heard the sound of a scream in pain and laughter. I saw the other 4 ponies run off, Tyler limping.

After I felt I had made enough distance so she couldn't see me, I got up on my hooves and headed back to Twilight's house. When I got there I saw Twilight, magically levitating a bucket trying her best to wash off the egg goo.

"Hey Twilight what happened?" When I asked her she nearly dropped the bucket.

"O hey, some ponies through eggs at my window!" She said grimacing at the windows

"I chucked a book at one of them before they got off though, so not a total lose."

"I see need some help?"  I asked

"Sure why not..." Twilight said using a wet towel to remove some of the egg.

I did what was necessary, which was nothing except to hold the bucket on my back to give Twilight an easier time, all the way being silent. Afterwards I finally began to talk again.

"Thanks again twilight for saving my friend Nico and all" I said

"You’re welcome, is he doing better?" She asked

"He actually is, in fact we are having a get well party for him right now" I gave Twilight a suspicious look "How come you aren’t there?"

"O me" Twilight said blushing "I'm not really a party mare, books are more my thing..." she said with a sigh

"I kind of like books myself" I said, I wasn't really crazy about books, but I like a good book every now and then.

"Really you do?" She asked surprised

"Yea I do any new good books you have read?' I asked

"O yes lots of them!" She said dragging me into her house, her tree house also now a library. Each shelf was full of books, books of all knowledge. To name a few I just glanced at was Full Biography of Princess Celestia, Flying and you and How to act like a Canterlot.

"Wow this is a lot of books" I said, there were books on walls, in rooms I even saw a book laying inside the refrigerator; Food for you the full dictionary of good foods.

"Yea this is a library after all" She said blushing again.

"Cool" I said absent mindedly, had to admit she was a book worm.

"Yea...” She said, dragging her hoof against the tiles of the kitchen floor "Hey Vespi" She asked


"You said you were having a party for your friend right?" She asked shyly

"Yes" I said again

"Do you mind if, I can come?" She asked

"Yea sure why not" I said with a shrug, I'm not cheating on Rarity; I'm just inviting one of her friends, right?

We headed outside and we began heading back to the house. We just did some small talk on the way there, I still wasn't cheating on Rarity, and all I was doing was talking and slowing down once and a while to watch Twilight walk. That’s not cheating,


It wasn't long before we could hear the loud, obnoxious techno music from the house. I could have sworn I saw Tyler and the other stallions watching me but then again, maybe I was just in my own world. By the time we got there the party was in full swing, the music beating, the floor shaking; it was a true party.

I eventually realized Twilight wasn't the sardonic bitch that I originally thought she was. In fact she was very, very nice. One problem though, she loved books; I mean like a lot. I'm okay with books her obsession just seemed, unhealthy.

"You sure seem a lot nicer then at first glance" I said, bringing the subject up again.

"Yea I was just kind of stressed" She said blushing

"Really? What stress?" I retorted

"O school stuff." She said school stuff? If ponies our age drink and party I doubt they are still in school, that and Rarity said she is a fashion designer.

"School" I said, no question, no exclamation, just a bland plain 'School'.

"Yea" She said, still blushing "I am after all the Princess's apprentice"

Wait, we have a princess? Amazing what you can learn and what you don't pick up on.

"Cool" I said, we were down the street from the party, might as well cut the conversation. The house was probably cramped as usual, that brought up my next question. How would a bookworm handle a party? I was about to delve into the idea some more before Twilight spoke up.

"So, ummmm are you going to open the door for me?"  She said

"What? O sorry I was in my own little world" I said, opening the door for her; I also managed to trip on a spare cupcake lying in the middle of the door (My eyes were in other places).

I was dismayed when I fell face first into the floor, my pride fortunately taking the brunt of the blow. I was lying face first into that cupcake when Mike walked over to see what caused the door to randomly open.

"Hey man! How's it going?" Mike said, lending me a hoof

"Pretty good," I said dusting myself off "What happened when I was gone?"

"O the usual" Mike began "Tyler got nailed in the balls with an egg, more 7 minutes in heaven shenanigans, Derpy's XMuffin25, the-"

"Wait what?" I asked surprised "A XMuffin25?"

"Bro I didn't get it either!" Mike said, hands in the air "It’s an XM25 that shoots airburst muffins"

"Wait who Derpy?" I asked

"The pony with the fucked up eyes" He said "She came in and strafed us"

"Anyone hurt?" I asked circumspect

"Ayan got a black eye" He said "But other than that-"

"Wait" I was stunned, it was even hard to make a decent sentence "Ayan is back?!"

"Yea man!" Dan came by fluttering with his wings "He's retelling the story again, Comon Vespi."

Retelling? Retelling what?

I didn't bother to go look for Twilight; I’d probably find her again.

"So yea" Ayan said, flipping his long hair. His hairstyle was basically Justin Biebers, just more ayanish. His brown body matched with his brown mane; if we ever needed camo we just needed Ayan; if we were infiltrating a giant dog turd.

"'I was like shooting these guys" Ayan said, pointing to Tyler and Conor "And Mike just predied me!"

"Predied?" A random pony asked

"You know a predator miss-" Ayan couldn't finish his sentence, he was about to blow our cover.

"Tyler help me with him" Tyler nodded, Dan, Mike, and Conor followed. Nico was either missing or incognito.

I pushed Ayan outside and knocked him against the windowsill.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked, the other stallions just stood behind me, waiting for what happened next.

"Telling a story" He said with a smile "What are you doing?"

"Asshole!" I screamed into his face "These ponies don't know about predator missiles and juggernauts!"

"Maybe they do" He said, using his stupid smile to break my concentration.

"No they don't you re-tard" Conor said "Bitch I am going to cut you." Conor pulled out a cherry red switchblade.

"Calm down bra" He said putting his hands up in defeat "I didn't tell anyone else, I won't tell anyone."

"Good I said." Tyler spoke up "Wait guys, did anyone tell ANYPONY!" His tone was very serious.

I couldn't help but wonder what every ponies reaction would be. Would they kill us? Laugh at us? Would it basically be Dead Space but 20% cooler?

"I haven’t" I said

"Not me" Dan said "I stay quite during sex"

"Nope" Mike murmured

"Nuhuh" Conor said

"Nope" Gayan restated

"I haven’t" Tyler said.

"Eyup!" We all turned around to see a big red stallion in the doorway, looking at us.

"Who the fuck are you!?" I asked

"Uhh, I jus came to tell y’all that dat girl the Powerful Trixie is here and causin one hoof a storm, y’all want to come rustle this problem?" The red stallions voice was a massive jumble of country speak, for a moment I didn't even know what he was talking about.

"Okay...." Mike said

"Where’s Nico?" I asked

"I don’t know" Tyler said, "I'm going to go find a mare, do whatever you want."

"Yea" Dan said, heading inside "I'm going to go find Dashie"

"I need to make some more brownies I fear" Conor said "Adios gentlemen!"

"Yea" Mike said following everypony else "I saw some nice Lavender ass coming over here, I'm going to go see if I can find it again."

"I'm going to go get my Juggernaut suit from the dry cleaners" Gayan said, heading off into the street.

"Wait what?" I asked his juggernaut suit?

"Yea man I'm now Ponyville's juggernaut" He flashed an icon of a juggernaut on his flank.

"Okay then see you"

"See you, I'd go find that Trixie thing" Ayan said running off. I was alone again, I frowned for a moment before heading inside again, might as well be the peacekeeper.

I was kind of sad that everypony had somewhere to go and some pony to meet but me, then again Rarity was nowhere to be found; I didn’t even see her in the streets; Pinkie Pie knowing I didn’t see Rarity for a whole day would be a good reason for having a party; in her eyes.

I headed outside to see what this entire Trixie problem was about, I headed outside with the bigger red pony and saw a dark blue pegasus wearing aviators talking to a light blue unicorn, wearing a hat.

"Sorry but this is a private party" Said the pegasus, I found it strange how the pony wore aviator sunglasses, and it gave me pangs of sadness of Earth and humanity.

"But I am the great and magnificent Trixie!" The pompous unicorn said.

"Sure you are, now leave before we make you" The pony looked back at me and the bigger red earth pony.

"O really?" The unicorn said with a snide smile "Come at me bro" She said her horn glowing up with a magical aura

"You 2 let's get her." The pegasus didn't even bother to take his shades off; he just trotted up to the unicorn as if he was taking candy from a baby. The unicorn didn't like that.

Before anyone could react the "Great and powerful Trixie" levitated a tree right out of the ground, this was probably the first time I had seen actual strong magic, besides Twilight levitating books.

The larger red stallion (Still don't know his name) rammed into the smaller pegasus, causing the projectile to smash into a nearby house, a bakery actually.

"Ha-ha! Who has a private party NOW!?" Bellowed the unicorn

"We kind of do" I said

"O really?" She said, picking up a nearby apple vending cart and levitating it into the air like it was just a stone.

“Eh hon that is ma apple cart! Y’all can’t just pick dem cart up!” The bigger red pony yodeled in his country accent

I could tell she was about to hit me with the cart, I had the strange feeling I was about to die; but then came Pinkie Pie.

"Bitch what did you do to my bakery!" Pinkie Pie said, jumping out of the gaping hole in the Bakery, she was clearly making more cupcakes.

"Your plebian building was in the way!" Trixie said.

"Who are you calling plebian!" Pinkie Pie said, walking straight towards the unicorn.

"Come at me bro!" The unicorn finally said, it was obvious that magic was faster than any reflexes, fortunately that pegasus knew how to fly.

He darted quickly, right off his hooves at an astounding speed, ramming right into the unicorn. She instantly dropped the cart as the pegasus mounted her and punched her in the face, hard.

"Pinkie Pie, your knife please" He said, I was expecting a chef knife or something, but Pinkie Pie had a cherry red switchblade (Just like Conor's) she tossed it into the air and the pegasus caught it, not sparing a second to bring it right up to the unicorn's horn.

"Who’s the great and powerful now bitch?" He said, I couldn’t tell what was colder; his words or the knife. The cold steel was now right on her horn almost cutting into it; I could of sworn I heard her try and say something, but tears clogging her throat prevented that.

"Pathetic." He then got off of her then said "Bitch blow this guy" at first I thought he was pointing at me, but when the other big red stallion stood forward I just let him have that.

"Pretty weird punishment" I said,

"Thanks" He said, we were both now heading inside, letting the other stallion have his way with the 'great and powerful Trixie'.

"What's her problem?" I asked

He gave me a strange look, "Are you new in town?" he asked

"Yea, me and my 5 friends just moved here, this is our house after all.

"This is your house?" He said, taking off his aviators for a quick moment just to confirm if he was seeing things correctly.

"Dam right." I said, my pride mounting "Liking the party?"

"Ehh, not as good as the Cloudsdale parties" he said "But for an earth pony show you guys are doing good."

"Yea I wish I was a Pegasus" I confessed, frankly I liked the idea of soaring in the clouds, flying, wing fucking, that stuff.

"Yea we got it made" He said with a superior smile "Hell if you had wings you'd be in the circle."

"The circle..." I asked

"The crew of pegasus that are somebodies" He said "You know, Wonderbolts, Celebrities, the Canterlot elite, those kinds.

I nodded, I didn't know who the Wonderbolts are but I knew i'd look like a idiot if I asked.

"Names Ace by the way" He said

"Vespi" I said shaking his hoof.

"I guess I’ll see you at the next party, I have to head in early for practice tomorrow."

I took a shot "You’re a Wonderbolt?" I assumed it was some kind of sports team

he grinned again "Dam right" before I could reply and keep the conversation going he took off without another word.

The rest of the night was a blur of fun and excitement, nothing really memorable happened, then again I blacked out maybe only an hour later. Also there was just one question that kept hitting me

could I get wings?

Next Chapter: the Comet Stone Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 50 Minutes

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