What's one of the more embarrassing things you could ever have happen to you? Getting a wingboner in front of all your friends seems pretty high on the list. Twilight is of course grateful for her wings, but they do have their downsides.
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What's one of the more embarrassing things you could ever have happen to you? Getting a wingboner in front of all your friends seems pretty high on the list. Twilight is of course grateful for her wings, but they do have their downsides. Lucky for her, a good friend won't mind comforting you even under such awkward circumstances.

Rated T for: Sexual themes

Featured story on June 2nd 2018

Holy shit, I didn't expect it'd be a popular story at all. Thanks you guys. <3

Slice of Life

1,727 words: Estimated 7 Minutes to read: [Fimfiction.net] [Cache]

1 Chapter:

  1. Stiff Wings [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Jun 2nd, 2018
Published Jun 2nd, 2018


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