
The Legend of Zelda Friendship is Magic 2: Return of Majora

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 23: East to Eleena

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In front of Link, Epona, Colin, Fluttershy, and their friends was a rather large, huge city far in the distance. "Here it is, my friends." Said Adewale. "That usbrhe beautiful city of Eleena where the eland rule over."

Link smiled, knowing that he and the others were on the right track.

"Perfect. I hope that Majora hasn't tainted that city with darkness." said the hero with hope in himself. "Come on, let's see if we can find a mask shard over there."

"Right behind you, Link." said Colin

"Uhh, I don't know." Said Storm. "I don't know if I want to face any more of those monsters." He began to shake a little.

"We'll take care of them like we did with the other bad guys that tried to stop us, baby." Said Epona. "They are all a bunch of weaklings."

"Yeah, we've dealt with these kind of monsters many times before." Said Rainbow Dash. "And Storm, would it kill ya to be a little more brave."

"Rainbow," Applejack quietly shouted next to her. "That's not very nice!"

"Hey, I was only trying to make a point. I mean he just needs to get his head in the game"

"I really want to be brave like you guys m." Said Storm. "But... I'm just too scared to try and fight."

Twilight gently pat him on the back for reassurance. "It's okay, Storm. We all get scared."

"Although you get scared more than others. Said Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy bumped her elbow to the cyan pegasus' right torso. "Rainbow Dash." She scolded her.

"I know. I know. Not helping him out here."

"How can I be braver?" Asked the timid colt.

"Just watch as we do." Pip said. "Just watch us as we fight and as much evil monsters as possible."

"Yes, the least you can do is observe how we all fight off evil." Rarity added.

"Don't worry, Storm." Said Link. "You'll he like your mommy someday. Just don't give up and keep your head up at all times."

"O-okay." Was all Epona's son replied after that. There was a small growl and everyone proceeded with caution while standing still to see what this creature stalking them is.

"Shh, what was that?" Asked Mathayus, slowly pulling out his sword.

Everyone waited for something to jump scare at them all and try to attack them territorialy, or just for hunting them all.

"Stay quiet, Everypony." Twilight whispered. She readied her magic and the other unicorns.

Link pulled out his Master Sword and Hylian shield for a fight if needed and Colin did the same thing.

All in all, they all waited once more, and there was nothing but silence and the sound of the wind rustling.

Something was not there after all, and everyone cautiously proceeded forward, but then another growled was heard and they stopped again.

"What is possibly stalking us right now?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Just keep your wits about." Said Colin.

All of a sudden, something was moving in the tall grass and a bunch of wild dogs appeared as they jumped in front of them, growling and snarling.

These dogs were probably angry because the heroes set foot in their territory. Link transformed into a wolf, and Colin followed after him, and tried to reason with these beautiful, yet dangerous doggies. Fluttershy stepped in to help out too. "Nice doggies." said Pinkie Pie in a nervous voice.

"Do not let your guard down!" said Adewale. "Painted dogs are not ones to underestimate. They are far more successful predators than lions would hunt."

"Don't worry." said Fluttershy. "I'll take care of this." She and the two Hylian-turned-wolves slowly approached the canines. "Shhh, it's okay." she said to them in a soft voice.

One of the dogs lashed at her with it's teeth, but it missed by a slight ince of her body.

With this, Fluttershy looked a little more angry and stern. "Excuse me!" She said in a more assertive tone of voice. "Did you just try and bite me?!"

All the wild dogs turned from aggressive to scared in an instant the yellow pegasus raised her voice. They bowed their heads almost touching the ground, and whimpered a little.

"We were only asking for directions!" Fluttershy continued. "Abd is that any way to behave?"

"Sorry." Was what the dogs said in her ears.

"Are we on your territory?" Asked Link.

"Yep. This is out turf." Said the alpha male. "We were just curious. May I ask why you are here at our home?"

"Just heading to Eleena." Colin replied. "Do you know where it is?"

"Oh yeah." said a female dog. She pointed to the direction with her left paw. "That eland city should be right over there. Five miles from where we are now."

"Sorry for acting so aggressive. We thought that you were one of those monsters that came here."

"Monsters?" asked Fluttershy. "Did they look like goblins with pointy ears? And another kind of monster that looks like a lizard?"

"Yeah!" a pup pointed. "There were lots of them. We managed to fight some of them off, but there are still more of them our here at our home." The young pup felt himself gently pulled by his mother.

"Those creatures are a threat to us. They tried to make fur coats out of us." said another male painted dog. "Do any of you know what those guys were?"

Link had a tough look on his face, and he replied: "I think I do." he had his eyes narrowed. "These guys seem to be threatening the wildlife around here, too."

Fluttershy made a gasp. "Oh no they won't." she said in a very bold voice. "No one tries to hurt these poor, beautiful animals that live out here in the Zebrican plains. Where are they?"

"They were heading to Eleena, too." said the alpha male. "We last saw them heading a few miles ahead of us. But I think you will need some help to fight those monsters."

"That's okay." said Fluttershy. "I don't want you all to get hurt. Did you all lose any family or friends."

"No, we didn't lose anyone." the leader reassured her. "Just a few minor injuries from those monsters. But, we'll be just fine. Maybe you can help us all out in taking care of those guys."

Smiling, Link said: "Of course. We'll take care of them for you."

The leader smiled. "Good. What's your name anyway, wolf?"


"Well, Link, when you see those monsters again, make sure that none of them ever survive, or plague over the savanna again." the leader asked the favor.

"No problem. I will send there souls to the pits of oblivion from whence they all came from." Link said, then he turned back into a Hylian. "Come on, you guys. We gotta help these guys out."

"Yes. Who knows what these evil monsters will do next to these animals?" Fluttershy added.

"No problem." said Rainbow Dash. "I always love killin' monsters with my own hooves and sending them back to hell where they belong." she did a few karate kicks to make a point. "Now come on, let's go kick some evil butt!"

"The more monsters we kill, the safer the world will be." said Mathayus. "Still, we have to move forward to save the world from Majora's plan to conquer all of it. Forward, my friends." They all pushed forward in finding these monsters and putting an end to their little rampage.

Meanwhile, the wild dog leader and his pack looked on at all the heroes. "Good luck." said the leader under his breath as he watched on. Link looked around and he didn't see any monsters such as bokoblins, moblins, or any other enemies that they have seen working for Majora.

A couple of warthogs were seen running, and squealing at the top of their breath. "What spooked these warthogs?" Zecora wondered. "We must be getting close to those evil interlopers that were terrorizing the animals around here." THey all continued walking when they heard a bunch of sheep baaing in a distance.

"Sounds like sheep." said Twilight.

"Let's see what's going on." Applejack added. Rushing towards where they heard the sound of the bleating, They saw a pair of shepherd zebras screaming and running from a horde of bokoblins, and a gigantic lizard that looked bulkier than a lizalfos, and had a clad of purple armor on him with two horns penetrating from the back of his head.

It made a guttural roar, and tried to kill the poor shepherds that were trying to hard to escape from. A bunch of sheep were running around in circles, completely scared and terrified of what was going on right now. They were too afraid to try and save their own hides, and didn't know what to do, given the fact that sheep weren't exactly the smartest type of animals.

A small number of bokoblins were terrorizing the sheep just for the fun of it. Link pulled out his bow and arrow, and shot a bokoblin in the left side of the head, killing it instantly. Then Link shot at the other bokoblins terrorizing the poor sheep, and there was only the lizard-like enemy with the purple armor and his spiky tail.

The monster turned around and stopped trying to kill the villagers when he saw Link and his friends. It growled in a demonic way and let out another roar before readying his ball and chain. It looked a little bit like Link's ball and chain he got from the Darkhammer in the Snowpeak ruins, but this one looked more deadly, spiky and more sinister, along with more spikes attached to the ball.

Fluttershy, can you calm the sheep down while we deal with this guy?" Link asked him.

"Don't worry. I'll help the sheep." As she tried to herd them and calm them all down from this uproar, Link pulled out his own ball and chain. This Lizalfos appeared to be like one of those monsters that Link fought and killed in Appleoosa. Still, it was thanks to the helmet that was blocking it's face to see what it really was, and when the monster launched it's deadly weapons at Link, it was stuck to the ground tight, and tried to pull it out and start attacking again.

This gave Link the ultimate opportunity to throw his ball and chain and hit it at the monster's head, knocking the helmet off of his face, then it fell to the ground, stunned.

"Oh, thank you for saving us and our sheep." said the male shepherd. "those monsters were terrorizing us to no end."

"You're welcome." said Link. "But it's not over yet."

It was just then the monster awoken and got back on it's feet. The monster was orange and it looked really hideous. It's eyes were a glowing red with no pupils inside, and had sharp teeth that grew from his lower jaw, and two spiral horns on the back of its head like an ibex or a goat of some kind.

This thing appeared to be a titanifos, one of the toughest of their kind. These guys were tougher than the Lizalfos, Aerolfos, and dinolfos combined. Throwing it's head back, it roared in frustration, then gripped it's trusted weapon once again. He threw it at Luke, only for him to miss again, and Link charged at the titanifos with zeal, and slashed at it's tail, making it howl in pain.

Immediately turning around, it almost hit Link with it's spiky tail, but Link jumped, and Colin jumped, landing on it's head, then he kicked it in the mouth a dozen times. Despite how hard the boy kicked it's face, The beast grabbed Colin by the the end of the shirt under his neck.

Colin looked rather scared, and nervous by what he will do to him now that the monster has him in his grasp, literally and figuratively. The titanfios readied his arm, and threw Colin at a rather long distance. Luckily, Mathayus ran to catch him two-hundred yards from where the group was fighting.

Just before Colin was about to hit the ground hard, Mathayus caught him in his arms, like a running quarterback in a football game. "Are you alright, Colin?" the darknut leader asked him as he put the boy down.

"Yeah, thanks to you." Colin replied.

Mathayus smiled greatly at his thanks.

They both ran back to Link and he was still fighting off the Titanifos. This baddie was so hard to bring down dew to the armor protecting in most parts of his body, except it's tail and head (Since Link knocked it's helmet right off) The ball and chain this guy had wasn't making it any easier for him, even though he looks a little obese.

At last, Link sliced at it's tail, cutting it off the monster's body, making it more mad than ever. It began rotating the ball and chain over his head like a helicopter, or Darkhammer did when Link battled him. Link knew that this monster was meaning business now, and he was going to fight him off harder than before.

When the Titanifos thew it's ball at Link, he made no hesitation, and retrieved it faster than before, and hit Link while his shield was up, knocking him to the ground with so much weight from that deadly, lethal weapon. "Link!" Everyone minus the shepherds shouted after seeing Link get knocked out.

"Heh. You too much trouble." said the monster in a guttural voice. "Now me kill you!" He walked over to Link to finish him off, but the hylian regained consciousness just in time to roll out of the way to the right from another blow from that deadly, spiky ball.

Having enough of this guy, Link shot a bomb arrow at his face with his bow, knocking him over a few steps. The next thing Link did was pull out his own ball and chain, hitting him in the monster's face, making him fall back a few more steps. "Had enough?" Link said to it.

"GRRRR. Damn you!" said the monster in a fit of rage. "I will destroy you!"

Letting go of his trusted weapon, he charged at Link at top speed, even though he didn't look like a runner. He was planning to gore Link with his horns. It was going faster than a train, but Link was quicker, and jumped on the left side. "You can't hurt me!" Link shouted to it. "Mathayus, now!"

"Right!" the darknut leader charged and while the titanifos was distracted, he crippled the monster by cutting off it's right hand. While it laid in agony, Link delivered the finishing blow by piercing the monster through ot's heart with the Master Sword, giving him the killing blow.

The monster gasped fell on it's knees.

Before dying: the titanifos Said with his last, dying breath: "you will never defeat lord Majora. Nothing will stop him!"

At last, he fell dead, and disappeared into purple and black dust. At last, the fight was over, and the good guys have won once more.

The two shepherds went up to the heroes and the husband said: "oh. Thank you for taking care of those friends. If not for you, my wife, and out sheep would have all been killed."

"I wish there was a way to repay you all, but we have little money on us." Said the wife

"It's okay," Link replied. "Keep your money. You don't have to give me anything in return. What matters is that you and your animals are all safe from harm."

"Once again, you all have our thanks." Said the husband.

"How are your sheep?" Asked Lyra. "Are they okay?"

"Yes. And there are no casualties." Said the Male shepherd. "Thank Zaire for that."

"Can you tell us if we are on the right track to Eleena?" Asked Twilight.

"Of course, princess of Friendship." Said the female shepherd. "You are absolutely on the right track to the city. Just continue onward down the grass."

The others smiled to hear that. "Do you have a place of refuge?" Asked Colin.

"Do not worry about us, young boy." The male shepherd reassured him. "We have a farm not to far from here. We will be just fine."

"Well. Thank you for the directions." Said Spike.

"You are quite welcome." Said the female zebra.

"May Zaire and the heavens watch over your souls." Said Adewale. The heroes continued pushing forward and the two farmers smiled gratefully at all of them for saving their hides.

"I hope they will be okay. They seem along out here in the savanna." Pip remarked. "What if a pride of lions came and attacked them in the middle of the night?"

"You need not worry about any farmers. They know how to stand up to lions, jackals, leopards, and hyenas that tried to stalk their livestock."

Next Chapter: Underwater Discovery Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 30 Minutes
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