
The Legend of Zelda Friendship is Magic 2: Return of Majora

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 22: Thinking Over Details

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The city of Veneess was being rebuilt a little, at least the houses that were destroyed or burnt down were being put out and rebuilt. Link watched on as many fires were put out and some construction heats faintly.

"I'm sorry about the city, my king." Link said to Goende, who was right next to him on the left."

"No need for an apology, Link. It was not your fault. Although, I wish I can say the same thing about myself."

He bowed his head in shame again. Link put a reassuring hand on the Cape buffalo's side. "It's okay. We forgive you and everyone else forgives you."

"If anyone is to blame for all of this," Said Colin. "It's Majora for sending those monsters to attack Veneesa."

"Right you are, Colin." Said Epona. "When we find him, I wanna give him what for!"

"Same here." Said Rainbow Dash.

"Well, we only have a few more shards of the Fierce Deity's mask to go." Twilight reminded everyone.

"We hate to leave and all, but we gotta world to save." Said Mathayus. "This one and our homeworld."

"Good luck my friends." Said Goende. "And I hope you will take care of that monster after all that he has done to us and our beautiful city."

"We will, my king." Said Zecora. "Well, I suppose Eleena is where we must go next. Let's not was any time my friends."

The Cape buffalo bid their farewell to Link, Twilight, and the others, and some of the folk even called out: "come back soon!" And "visit us again!"

Venturing off into the savanna again, they looked around and tried to look for any more monsters that Majora might have conjured up and cause some havoc.

So far, they haven't seen any sign of kargaroks, guays, bokoblin, moblins, lizalfos, or any more of those baddies. Still, they could never be too careful around this type of biome.

Some venomous snakes, lizards, or carnivores like lions, jackals, hyenas, or leopards might stalk them in the grass at any time now.

While walking down the grass, Link was thinking things over about trying to acquire the full mask that belonged to his ancestor in trying this ancient enemy.

Maybe this was a very bad idea to try and find the mask shards in the first place. One shard had completely corrupted one official with it's dark powers and almost destroyed him on the inside. Perhaps that was a very bad idea from the start as soon as this little scavenger hunt began in the first place.

Link paused for a moments and pulled out the mask shards in front of his hands and looked deep into their eerily beautiful beauty. Something in these little pieces were downright suspicious, and he knew that there would be a twist in getting all the shards of the mask.

“Link, are you alright?” Asked Fluttershy.

“What?” The hero snapped out of his train of thought. “Yeah. Sorry. I was just thinking.”

“About what?” Asked Storm curiously.

“Maybe the mask is not a good idea after all. You all saw what that shard we found did to Goende, what if that could happen to me when I wear the mask? Or maybe Celestia and Luna could be next in Being corrupted by it’s power.” He then out the shards back in his magic pouch.

Spike was the next one to speak, and he said: “Aw come on. That can’t happen, and besides, we saved Goende from being fully corrupt by the dark powers.”

“Yeah, But still Spike. What if I am not in complete control in myself when I wear it after I put it all back together? What if i’m Not as strong as my ancestor when he used it?”

“Come on, Link.” Said Colin. “I know you well, and I know you can do it. You are a legendary hero from a line of saviors of Hyrule.”

Fluttershy was the next one to talk. “And you will be just fine.” She added.

“Look, I appreciate your guys’ concern about me, but... I still don’t know about this plan about me using the mask against Majora.”

The Darknut Chief then remarked: “You have strength that I can sense within yourself. That strength and courage are your greatest weapons of all, and you know how to be brave when needed.”

“We’ll always find a new way of defeating Majora if the Fierce Deity’s mask does not work for us all.” Said Adewale. “Still, it does not mean you can never try the first method of solution.”

“I just want everyone to be safe and I don’t want to find myself to be hurting or maybe even killing my friends and family because of the mask corrupting me with its dark powers.”

“Come on, I don’t think you’ll lose yourself.tou can fight it if it does.” Said Lyra. “And Mathayus is Right, you have a large amount of strength in you.”

“We’ll never know until we unite the mask in whole.” Said Thorax. “We’ll Just have to wait and see what happens when Link puts on the mask.”

“You have nothing to worry about, Link.” Said an echo, which sounded like a man’s voice. From the heavens, came a spirit that everyone recognized before, and it was the Hero of Time himself, still wearing his green tunic from when he was still alive. “Hello Link.” He said boldly. “It is good to see my descendant again.”

“Ancestor.” Link recognized him. “Nice to see you again too. But... I need some advice, what if the mask is too powerful for me to control? What if I lose myself to it’s dark power?”

Silent, the Hero Of Time Link was emotionless with his eyepatch still covering his one eye. “That I cannot say.” He admitted it. “But, when I wore the mask, it was of good use to me, and it helped me defeat Majora and save Termina from it’s impending doom from the moon.”

“Yeah. But that was so many years ago. This is here and now.”

“Perhaps, But that mask probably has not changed at all since I last wore it. And, you noticed, but you have one of my most trusted items in your possession.”

Yes, the ancient hero was talking about the Great Fairy Sword. Link pulled it out from his pouch And showed it to his ancestor. “Princess Zelda gave it to me, and it is so powerful probably enough to be equated to the Master Sword.”

“You can always have a backup plan if you need it. After all, there is always plan B in numerous situations, especially in times of dire need of being saved. Courage and strength runs in our family line, one child to another over the generations.”

Link was a little silent and didn’t say anything back to him in response.

“Who is that?” Thorax Asked Spike in his right ear.

“Link’s ancestor, the Hero Of Time.” Spike whispered back to him. “He is a legendary hero.”

“Oh. Interesting.”

“Look around your Link.” Said the deceased ancestor. “You are never alone. You have your good friends to help you in need whenever possible. Trust them, and have faith in them, because they only want to help you.”

“Yeah. That is a fair point.”

“I know you can defeat him. I know I have mentioned this before but: I am very proud of you, and your strengths. Just follow your heart and recognize right and wrong in your perspective.” The. The Hero Of Time Link slowly faded and the light aroundnhim started to glow dimmer. “Good luck, Link. May the light guide your path in every step of the way.” Then he disappeared into nothingness.

“Didn’t see that coming.” Said Big Mac.

“Totally.” Pinkie Pie added.

“So, do you still doubt yourself? Do you feel better now?” Applejack Asked the Hero.

“Actually.... I do feel a little better. Maybe my ancestor is right. Maybe I am worrying about this too much.”

“That’s the spirit!” Pip exclaimed boldly. “Well, I think the mask can help us as long as Link knows how to use it.”

“Got That Right, Pip.” Link agreed. “Now come on, we need to get to Eleena.” Then they all continued moving along the grass and down a dirt road to where it might possibly lead them all to the eland city of Eleena.

Next Chapter: East to Eleena Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 41 Minutes
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