
Zebrican Warlord

by Arelak

Chapter 59: Chapter 58: First Day of Foalcare

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"The first mistake ever made after the first day is thinking every consecutive day will either be the same or as easy as the previous."

Sefu and Verik waited inside while Asha departed the creche in order to stand outside and see that their charges were herded inside one at a time or as small mobs. Most of the foals however were carried inside by their parents and then were lain on the various mats strewn around the hut, leaving them to sleep quietly. Unfortunately, not all were quite so serene when they were thrust inside. Watching the parents enter one at a time and deposit their offspring Verik counted them off quietly with Sefu sitting across the hut watching the door thus keeping the attention of those who were awake. Verik was content to sit quietly at his post which remained largely ignored by the parents or at least until they turned around, eyes curious for a moment before taking one last look at Sefu before leaving.

Now and then a parent would jolt, ears upright in warning upon seeing Verik but after looking at Sefu who gestured for them to be on their way they would depart hesitantly but without incident. Eventually a zebra mare walked in with a foal under her arm and after walking to Sefu she sat down, passed the squirming foal to Sefu and then leaned back with her eyes closed. Looking at them Verik wondered how big the midget would get considering how small they were in comparison to their towering colossus of a father. The tiny zebra foal was able to speak as well from the hushed conversation that took place between the two and turning his attention to the door again Verik wondered how many more would be deposited before the invisible bell rang and chaos erupted.

Watching them arrive a few at a time Verik stared at their mostly skinny forms with a small degree of concern, was this normal from living a more active life or was the food problem the cause? As he continued to watch them he had to admit they brought a small smile to his face, their half asleep faces and general smaller form bore about a kind of endearment he had never felt before though he was loath to ever admitting so openly. A few that had gone to sleep began to cause others arriving to drift their way and soon a small mass of bodies formed and they to cluster closer to each other creating a striped fur carpet that twitched now and then. When the furry mass did twitch or a tail flicked over the others it caused a rippling effect as hands or tails swished out to wave off the offending hand or tail before settling down again.

Smiling a little more he looked at Asha when she poked her head inside who just grinned back before returning his attention to foals. "At least most of them are asleep or groggy, two fighting over a stick... One scrawling in the dust, that one is trying to climb the wall in the vain hope of reaching a shelf... I wonder what it would be like to have children of my own."

The train of parents continued with Asha occasionally bringing them in but the elephant in the room was ignored or unseen. Was it that the foals had poor perception skills or was it the hour that had dulled their undeveloped senses? Most of the rowdy ones congregated with each other and bickered but the rest opted to continue sleeping and as his eyes roamed the hut a tiny set of eyes locked with his own. Staring at each other the tiny foal froze like a deer caught in the headlights of a large truck with their ears standing straight up and mouth slightly ajar.

Caught in a staring contest with each other another foal that had been conversing with them over their scrawling in the dust shook them before following their gaze and then they to looked up with similar results. Both stared wide eyed and terrified at Verik and never once dared to look away, they were utterly frozen in terror with ears splaying back slowly and mouths open.

Verik gave them a small smile. "Hello." The foals just stared and one tucked their tail around themselves before holding it while their mouth opened a little wider but no sound came out. "Either scream and get it over with or keep scrawling in the dust."

Sefu looked up quickly from his son who was now sitting in his lap and tracing Verik's gaze to the two foals, he opened his mouth to say something but the two let out a howl before he had a chance and the tiny, high pitched screams of panic caused a cascading effect as every foal in the room woke instantly and began looking around frantically. A few whom Verik had seen in passing were confused but scooted away from his presence but the rest began to join in save Sefu's son who was tucked into his fathers lap with his hands over his ears.

Asha and a few others popped their head inside to have a look at what had gone wrong as the wild evacuation began, little furry bodies raced to clear a swath around Verik as they huddled against the far wall in a dense ball. Sefu opened his mouth to say something but his wife Awe had sat bolt upright when the screaming began and as her patience waned rapidly she opened her mouth quicker than Sefu and shouted.

"Quiet! No more screaming! Go to sleep!"

Sefu winced at the forceful call of her voice as did Verik along with everyone else in the hut, Awe's voice echoing for a moment and a silence fell over the creche as all parties involved took turns looking at each other while trying to figure out what to do next or daring them to start again.

A single foal lifted her striped arm and pointed at Verik. "Monster."

Verik shrugged with his eyebrows. "Half right depending on who you ask."

"Shush you!" Awe glared at both of them. "That Verik, he be here long time now, stay here to watch you for long time. No more screaming!"

The little foal looked confused. "Daddy say it-"

"Go to sleep." Sefu's deep voice filled the creche as he set his son down and stood up, stooping so his head would miss the beams. Motioning them back to their mats the foals refused to budge from their position and letting out a sigh he scooted several mats closer to their small, densely packed refuge. "Now you sleep."

"Still monster."

"Then sit and not scream. Too early for screaming."

Ignoring Verik entirely Sefu passed him and walked outside for a minute to talk with what sounded like a worried mass. A silence prevailed quickly and once more the foals began arriving slowly, including Asha who had been sent back inside to sit beside him.

"Sefu say I sit here, maybe make foal less... Panicky."

"I wish you the best of luck but I think they wont be screaming again. Well, so long as I sit over here and they over there near the back door. After all, they just might try to chew their way out if I made a go for it."

The simple mention of the door made one foal look up and they began reaching for the lock bar but were thwarted by Awe who slapped their hands away every time they tried. Soon the older foal gave up and sat with a glare on their face focused on Awe who ignored them and went back to resting with one eye open.

"Verik?" Asha nudged him. "Why foals start screaming?"

"There is a monster on the loose and it is I."

"You not monster."

"He monster!" The little foal piped up again and pointed.

Asha scowled at them a moment before sighing. "Not monster, this Verik. Verik strange creature but not monster."

"Thank you for your vote of confidence Asha but calling me a strange creature is not helping either." Verik kept his thoughts to himself but as he watched the foals it was clear her words were not taking root.

Sefu looked inside before ushering in a final mob of foals and after stepping inside quickly he shut the door and barred it. "Pot with food outside."

Awe sat up slowly and looked as if through a haze towards the door and nodded before glancing at Verik and Asha taking stock of her options. "He cook?"


"I am not that bad a cook and you know it." Verik hissed quietly at Asha.

"You come Asha, time to prepare food for them."

Asha stood up and while Sefu kept any from making a run for the door with a threatening glare daring them to try, the two mares slipped outside quickly and the door was once more shut and locked behind them save the top section.



"Why dont the parents feed them before coming here, I know half were asleep but back where I came from when the alarm rang you kicked everyone out of bed, force everyone to eat fast, use the bathroom and then went on your way."

Raising his brow in curiosity Sefu shook his head. "Foal need different food, make them grow better, stronger. No time to do that at home, easier to send here if no one to watch at home. Some do, some not. Force feed?"

"Granted we did not need to cook our breakfast so it saved time, but it was either eat when it was put in front of you or go hungry till lunch. I take it we will have to visit the granary come lunch time?"

"No, all deliver by Zuberi and sister outside, they in charge of supply today... All days. All measure and ready, we only need cook and feed them." Sefu stared at the huddled mass of foals up against the far wall and door before sitting down in his former spot, and once his massive frame was down some of the foals scooted closer and tried to hide in his shadow.

"Well they aint screaming anymore, I consider that an accomplishment. Your wives voice carries quite well by the way."

"Awe used to foals, big family growing up, big family again."

"Family... There are... Forty... Seven. I was expecting less considering I am here."

"Parents know you not mean harm so they not care. Foals... Not so much. Not see you before. Maybe more sent tomorrow. Time tell."

"The foals live very secluded lives."

"Land around Wete dangerous, keep them close and safe. Also you not stay in Wete much, always gone hm?"

"As are you but being white furred with black stripes gives you an edge over myself, I kind of... Stand out."

Sefu shrugged. "Strange things make young ones curious or scared. Also know you not care to blend in, like standing out much."

"True, I wish to be no one else but me and as for the foals they are... Scared in this case." Verik looked them over again. "No, terrified. Mortified."

"Give time."

Asha stood beside Awe who took stock of the jars contents while muttering to herself quietly, once satisfied she pointed at them and then inside the hut. Picking the jars up they unbarred the lower door through the top section and entered the silent tomb of a creche, deposited the pots inside for the other two to watch and hurrying outside again they grabbed two other jugs and headed for the water well.

"Your husband make them very nervous."

"He not monster."

"Not monster but scare them badly, not good but also good. Keep them quiet. Make life easier. Why you ask for this?"

"Want family and learn."

Awe laughed. "Ask any and they tell you till ear bleed. Not need this to learn."

"Want to learn."

Giving a shrug Awe began a long winded speech of what to watch for, avoid and everything else Asha knew or did not know about keeping track of the foals inside the creche. She implored about Verik learning this and the response was to just tell him later, nodding ascent Asha followed quickly water jar held firmly as Awe continued to pour out a fountain of information that she hoped would keep things moving smoothly for the next two weeks.

"Oh, watch out for Isiba, he try to set hut on fire many time."

"Set hut on fire?!"

"Yes, he one with stripe that go up above eye and not down. Keep eye on him."

"Better to leave him at home?"

"Parents not want hut burned down while gone."

"No one else watch him?"

"Not want to, too much trouble."

Asha lifted the rope from the well and poured the water into one of the jars before looking down at the water. "Get extra water in case?"

"We get another jar later."

"Why you and Sefu do this?"

"Get out of hauling stone for Verik, husband get time with son."

"Oh... Not all foals here?"

"No, just three. Rest watch at home by grandmother but not so good at manage so many. Getting very old." Awe watched Asha drop the water bucket back into the well. "Break back but if it make Wete better, safe, then not care. He know what he doing?"

"Yes. Cause much trouble though."

Awe shrugged. "He always cause trouble but mostly good trouble. Not have to carry water to field ever again and when walls done... Maybe we have time to relax again. Also more food. More food good. If keep it."

"Canal mean more water for crops, plants growing better now. Not so dry."

"Big plants mean more food but not mean we keep food yes? Be nice to keep more. Maybe not allowed though."

Asha remembered Verik's plans and knew that things were well ahoof but kept it quiet. "Fareed always take too much but maybe we grow so much, more left this time."

"Maybe. Maybe he take even more and leave same as always. Come, we need to cook now."

Lifting the heavy jars and laboriously carrying them up the hill the two mares made their way back to the creche and to the small, sunken cooking area a short distance from the hut. Wood had been delivered while they were gone and after getting the fire going Awe explained how to ration out the portions for a growing foal and not a field worker. Collecting one of the jars from inside and measuring it out while watching carefully she helped with keeping things from burning, and once the larger pot was done they used old rags to lift the pot out and carry it inside the creche. One look was all they needed.

Asha and Awe stared at the strange sight that greeted them inside the hut. When they had left the creche the foals had lined the far walls opposite Verik but now the furry mass had shifted like sand in the wind. Sefu had a blank stare on his face as he gazed across the room at Verik who watched with an amused grin. The giant was acting as a magnet for the foals as they kept scooting closer to him until there was no room remaining. They had pushed and wormed their way into a giant mass in and around Sefu until he was covered in foals. His son sat dead center in his lap as the others tried to get closer for safety but were blocked as the small space around Sefu had long since passed maximum capacity.

"Time to eat." Awe nodded a location to Asha and moving to jar put it down gently before retrieving small bowls and spoons from the shelves. "Who first?"

A long silence passed as the foals judged the distance from breakfast to Verik before looking at the three zebras in the room.

Sefu tried to shift himself without squishing any foals before finally giving up. "You not go now I give to him and you get from him instead of Awe."

Whatever fire of fear he had lit worked as a few older foals gingerly stepped from their giant safety plushy and made their way over to Awe who began portioning the food out for them. As they received their breakfast the foals snatched a spoon and retreated across the room again where some where mobbed by their neighbors who were unwilling to make the trip on their own. Pushing and fighting while arguing about getting their own Sefu ordered those who had been given their food to go to one side and away from the grasping hands of those who had not. Slowly the threat from earlier took full effect as they skittered forward a few at a time while keeping a very close eye on Verik.

When they had all been fed Awe poured some water into the empty pot and swished it around to rinse and poured it into four bowls she had held back, giving one to Sefu, Asha and Verik before finally keeping the last for herself they drank what was left of the contents.

"I thought we did not get fed for doing this." Verik poured the last of the lukewarm water and gritty water into his mouth.

"No but not mean we waste." Awe sat beside Sefu. "Wash jar later when cooler. Foal get fed three times, morning, noon and before parents come to get them."

Nodding Verik watched the foals devour their food like a pack of starved piranhas and depending on the age it was clear not all has mastered the use of a spoon just yet. Some on the other hand were in such a hurry or so focused on him their spoons did not always go where it was intended but others simply spooned it down and then took to licking the bowls clean.

"I have a question Awe... How much should a foal get food wise?"

"More than this but make do anyway. Would be more but Fareed take more last year."

"Population control through starvation? Sounds like government to me." Verik watched the foals pile their bowls up without being asked to before hiding near Sefu and Awe again.

Asha nudged him and whispering motioned towards one of the foals. "Watch that one. Isiba, see mark above eye?"

"Yes but whats so special about him?"

"Try to set things on fire."

"Ohhh so that's the budding arsonist."

"Not know what that mean but no let him start fires."

Verik nodded before looking across at the other two. "So how are we managing this lot? Divide them up?"

Shaking her head Awe pointed to the door behind her. "We rotate inside and out when it time for them to play outside. Not divide up foal though, two outside, two inside all times. When time to cook again they all stay inside. Yes?"

"Are we supposed to teach them anything?"

"Why? What we teach them?"

"I dont know... Figured since Zuberi can read and write he could teach them to do the same, math, history, so on. Schooling."

"What is school?"

"Where you go to learn so you can read, write, do math, history... Unless they have political correctness running full tilt."

Sefu's head quirked sideways a little. "You go to university?"

"No, did not have the money for that and besides which I can read and write just fine. Dont need to pay someone to tell me to read a book. Graduated from high school though along with a bunch of other dumb sods who never paid attention and are probably living it up as managers or holding other high paying jobs since brains are not much of a requirement back there anymore."

"Not know what that is."

"I take it a university here teaches how to read, write..." Sefu nodded. "Then yes. There is a university here?"

"Alzamard, ancient and falling apart. Not know much about that place, maybe ask Zuberi."

Verik took in a quick breath of air before letting it out. "Considering how I strong armed him through Tendaji into "loaning" that wagon of his for hauling stone... I will pass for now. Besides, not planning on going there anytime soon."

"Not plan either, Alzamard very bad place."

Around them the foals began slumping down to the floor with their eyes slowly lidding over as they fell asleep one at a time, a few tried to hang on to awareness but failed slowly and soon joined the others. As they watched them slowly fall asleep Awe stood and motioning for Asha to stay, collected the bowls and spoons she placed them inside the cooking jar and then motioning the two left the creche quietly.

"I was wondering how long it would take before the adrenaline crash hit them."

Verik's voice was a whisper but even with the small snoring sounds it was louder than what he wanted. Sefu removed his son from his lap and placed him down on a mat before standing quietly and brushing the dust and dirt the foals had coated him with when they had fought over who got to get in closest.

"Calm before storm. When they wake have full belly, too much energy and climb walls."

"So we send them outside to run in little circles while screaming hysterically inside that fenced area?"


"Forty seven foals... I figured there would be a great many more in Wete considering the population."

"Yes but most staying home now that parent know you here, very lucky."

"Easier for us..."

The sun moved across the sky only partially before the first foals began sitting up and looking around again before settling their focus once more on Verik. One opened her mouth but a glare from Awe silenced them instantly and once most of them were awake the energy in their eyes was clear for all to see. Every foal in the creche was nearly buzzing from pent up energy that needed to be burned off and after Awe opened the back door they flooded out screaming into the fenced in lot to play. Watching them go she motioned for Verik to stay and took Asha with her leaving Sefu and Verik to handle the stragglers who were either still sleeping or had no interest in running around outside just yet. The door remained open however in the event any changed their minds but as time went on only two remained until Sefu ushered his son outside with a degree of complaint from the foal.

"What is his name?"


"I hear you have a great number of children."


"Never expected that from a towering colossus who can break bones with one hit."

Sefu stretched his legs out. "Many wives, many foals. Not strange. Maybe now? But not before."

"Suppose not considering the gender balance but... Oh well, just never expected that."

"Much to learn then."

"One never stops learning."

"Very wise but wisdom few believe and fewer follow."

"Is that why you so readily agreed to everything I have suggested to date?"

"No, some help feed Wete, other help protect."

"Fair enough. What is with the dust bunny over there?"

"What?" Sefu looked at where Verik was pointing. "That not dust."

"I know its a foal but it is rather hard to tell consider how well, she? Blends in with the floor despite being... I dont know, what is that... Pink-ish fur?"

"Yes, always hides self."

"Yes... And?"

"That one come with father, raiders sack little hamlet and some flee. Father die year ago. Had to cover in mud and dirt to hide coat so they not see them and now will not stop. Try to get her stop, but never listen."

"Sounds a little more mild that most stories I have heard so far. How old is she?"

"Not know but by look... I think she... Seven."

"Father didn't know?"

"Never say."

"So now she sits in a corner drawing patterns in the floor with her finger."

"At least she not scream when see you."

"She have a name?"


Verik stared at her a moment. "Hey Asanwa, why didn't you scream when you saw me?"

"She not answer, not talk so much now unless want something."

"Hm. Oh well." Verik removed a small piece of wood from a pocket in his cloak and after getting his crude but sharp dagger out began cutting.

"What you carving?"

"No idea, figured that if I was going to be here all day then may as well do something. The foals hiding from me was expected so I came prepared."

"Not leave shaving on floor."

"I will give them to Awe for starting more fires."

"When foal finally take interest in you..."

"I doubt they will since a lot of someones around here got it into their furry little heads that I am the devil come unto earth."

"You not a devil, they very, very bad. Very bad..."

"Oookay? Part of me wants to know but another says to just shut up and ignore what you just said."

"Maybe you should ask, stranger to this world and need to learn."

"If I want the hair on my head to stand on end I will just go talk to Nuru for a few minutes."

"She very good at that."

"Too good. Must be why you Wete zebras all have coats whiter than snow save your stripes."

Asha was sitting up against the wall of the hut while Awe did the rounds of the enclosure to make certain nothing was getting too out of hand while also looking for digging attempts. Everything had been mostly quiet since breakfast and even after lunch the foals were still going crazy despite having spent the better part of the day running in circles, fighting or playing. She had lost count of how many times they she had traded off with Awe in keeping order outside and as the mental exhaustion set in she wondered how Awe could keep up with all of them. Inside the creche the other two had maybe three to keep track of at any given time with few changes in numbers.

Awe slumped against the wall after breaking up another fight. "They so lucky..."


"Sefu and Verik, only three to watch."

"Next time they be outside to watch so we even."

"Nooo... Then foal stay inside to hide from Verik and climb walls..."

"Not if I send them outside and shut door."

"That very mean in many ways."

Awe smiled at Asha as she sat down beside her in the shade of the overhanging thatch roof. "Yes but give us rest yes? Make them keep track for day or two, trade back and forth yes? That way we not always tired."

"You not tired."

"Used to this, you are not. Get used to it though, have foal and this become much easier."

"No energy for foals this not change."

"So you not only volunteer for help to learn but hope for more hm?"

"That bad?"

"No, good, but you get more than bargain for, get easier in time but not so much easier no?"

"Not know..."


Awe stood and began walking towards the foal who was working two small pieces of wood and some dried reed from the fence together as a primitive fire starter. The foal froze a moment before hiding the material but Awe picked him up before collecting his fire starting materials and then tossed the materials over the fence and well out of reach.

Isiba glowered at her. "You not fun."

"Send you back inside with Sefu and Verik."

"Back with monster?"

Pausing a moment she nodded. "Yes, back inside."

"We all go back anyway."

"Make you spend all day sitting beside him."

Isiba squirmed in her grasp and after putting him down he wandered off to join the others leaving her to rejoin Asha.

"That one much trouble. Alwa-" Awe stopped as a foal made dead run for the fence and after making a wild jump threw themselves into the dense reed and sticks grasping the top and with a heave went over. "Asha! Get him!"

Heaving herself to her hooves Asha bolted towards the fence and praying that she would not fall short made a leap clearing the top and then hit the ground on the other side hooves skidding. After nearly falling down, she righted herself and saw the foal running wildly and gave chase. Darting through the village and around the huts Asha sped after him legs pounding harder than they had in years, while her breathing became more labored from not having to suck air so hard in just as many years. The foal darted around wildly as they fled down the hill and towards the fields but Asha stayed on them every inch of the way.

Slowly the gap began to close but the workers carrying stone blocked their way and seeing them coming they put their loads down and tried to assist in the capture to no avail as the foal zipped past. Asha leapt over one of the hauling sledges and hit the ground running again. The workers stopped to watch for a moment before going on their way and by the time the two were down the hill Asha was within reach, mustering up whatever energy the foal had left they spurred themselves on even harder but it was for naught as her hand reached out and grabbed them by the scruff of their neck. Letting out a small yelp the foal flailed a little as she forced them to a halt before spinning the around.

"Back to creche! Now!"

Still holding them by the neck she led them up the hill and breathing hard Awe was waiting on her with a large, knowing smile. Picking the foal up and heaving them over the fence to Awe, Asha opted for the front door which got strange looks from Sefu and Verik as she walked past them panting and sweating heavily. Once outside again she slumped down against the hut wall and accepted a cup of water from Awe.

"Take you long time to catch foal."

"Not know foal run so fast."

"Out of shape, too many years of walking and only carrying water. Get used to it though."

"Get used to chasing foal? They jump fence often?"

"Sometimes, hope I get to see when one jumps and Verik has to chase, that be funny."

"Not funny, make chest hurt."

"Breathe and drink, if another jump I chase this time yes?"

Asha nodded and took a long drink from the cup.

When the day was over Asha and Verik left the creche early as Sefu and Awe did not want to deal with a stampede of foals trying to mob the door, it was a very real concern for when their parents arrived to collect them and the two happily consented to their request. After seeing them off the pair wandered through Wete on their way home with Asha leaning on his side for support, Awe had kept her outside in the lot all day with her save when it was time to cook or clean things and it had taken a mental toll on her. It was also the first time since noon that the two had been able to see each other and talk as the foals had preferred to stay outside all day long rather than be cooped up with Sefu and Verik, and since the two were either assigned either inside or outside it made communication impossible except for a brief word in passing.

"Well that was easy. Let them go outside and scream, bring them in so they can huddle in a corner terrified and mute..."

"Not easy..." Asha mumbled. "Try to climb fence, jump fence, Isiba use two stick and try to make fire... One jump fence and run, had to chase all around Wete."

"Hmm... I figure she will put Sefu and myself out there next to keep an eye on them. Which one jumped the fence and tried to escape the prison camp?"

Verik listened to her mumble something but gave up trying to figure it out and in one fluid motion he swept Asha off her hooves and into her arms and continued to walk back to their hut. A yelp escaped her as he lifted her off the ground but it quickly gave way to a happy, limp form that was glad to not have to hoof it under her own power. Leaning into him as they walked back the two got stranger looks than usual from others along with a few concerned stares but her sleepily swishing tail waylaid any concerns they had.

"Were home."

"Too tired."

"I can take care of things, pretty well know where everything is now."

"Not that. Too tired now."

"Ah, all that planning shot to shit."

Asha let out a tired moan. "Want time for us but too exhausted! Not even in fields all day! How this be so hard?"

"You only had one sister to look after and I doubt you have had a need to jump a fence and hit the ground running at a full gait in a long time. I would have enjoyed seeing that though, just kind of float along and watch..."

"It not funny!"

"Oh its not funny and I am not laughing, well yes I am but I would have liked to watch for other reasons."

"Feel worse now."

"We will get our chance, its not like they can exhaust us for two weeks straight. Things will line up soon once we get used to the change of pace and then we will have more time and energy than we know what to do with."

Verik put her down on the mat and leaned in give her a small kiss before gathering things for the evening rationing.

"I hold you to that."

"Oh I know you will hold me to it but I would still have killed to watch you jump that fence and chase down that foal though."

An exhausted hand reached out and lazily slapped at his ankles. "I know why you want to watch."

"Hmm." Verik turned around and smiled at Asha. "Well either way, we got it a whole lot easier than Altayih and the others. This is going to be easy."

Author's Notes:

Expect some chapters to come more slowly in the future as I am beginning to hit the wall where I must carefully thread the great mass of upcoming events together properly so the timeline makes sense, and I also do not want to miss on any of the important conversations, meetings or other details as they unfold. However, when those chapters are written and released they will hopefully prove to be very interesting and or action packed.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Next Chapter: Chapter 59: Street Cleaning Estimated time remaining: 14 Hours, 12 Minutes
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Zebrican Warlord

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