
Zebrican Warlord

by Arelak

Chapter 58: Chapter 57: Got It Easy

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"They got it easy."
-So sayeth everyone who was not there-

Raswan chased one of his younger siblings back inside one of the huts that belonged to his extensive family, and after making certain they would not be making another bolt for freedom began his hike down the hill. Being up this early was very unusual, but everyone else had already risen for one reason or another and two hyperactive foals did not help the matters either. Especially when one kept smacking small rocks together in a mock representation of the masons building the walls, which was compounded by said foal also making a tiny rock wall directly in front of the doorway which had resulted in their father falling flat on their face. Raswan was grateful to be free of it all and on his way to whatever newest disaster was awaiting the tiny gathering of newfound friends, including one unique "employer." He wondered what Verik would be doing besides taking care of the foals at the creche as today was the first day of his new duties and passing by the hut on his way all he saw was Sefu just arriving to take up his own duties. Would anyone leave their foals in their care today or keep them home somehow?

Giving a low, bowing nod followed by short wave Raswan watched Sefu go inside with his sword before returning without, most likely waiting on the three others who would be joining him. Walking down the main road, since it was now impossible to take the direct route due entirely to the crude walls that slowly but surely continued to grow in height every day he began thinking about something important: trying hard to remember where Shahid and Altayih slept at night amongst the masses of other refugees.

Passing around the bottom of the wall and through the masses of crude shelters a single figure stuck out as it sat on a mat all on its own. Walking up to the stallion Raswan looked Altayih over as he sat huddled on a mat with soot covered fur and his tail pulled tightly around himself. Trailing his eyes to the side to the smoldering remains of what remained of Altayih's dugout Raswan raised an eyebrow out of curiosity.

"What happen? No hear cry of alarm for fire."


"Ants... So burn home down to get rid of ants? Or ants set fire to hole?"

"Yes to the first and no on the second." Altayih gave an odd look at Raswan for a second before shaking his head. "Nothing would drive them out, even killed their "queen" or whatever the captain said but they refused to leave so I did what had to be done."

Raswan stared at the blacked hole in the ground. "Ah. Still not understand why you need to set fire to home. Nuru know special mix that drive them away, kill them all so they not come back."

Altayih looked at the hole a moment and then at Raswan as his eye twitched. "Had someone simply told me..."

"Everyone know, I think. Not captain but-"

"Well not one neighbor saw to tell me such a wondrous thing existed."

"Fire not get rid of ant so you know."

"Do I require that special mix or would pouring lamp oil down their hole suffice?"

"Have lamp oil?"

"I have nothing but my exquisite rags that adorn my body and this," Altayih held up a crude spear. "Miraculous contraption of the most finest work."

"Spear not that good."

"That is called sarcasm Raswan."

"Still no home anyway."

Altayih slumped a little as Raswan leaned on his spear. "Thank you, your most astute observational skills are well noted."

"Welcome. No new homes though, much tearing down and new construction now but not think Tendaji grant you home since no family or foals. Not Wete either. Tell Verik?"

"He does not know about the self imposed arson as of yet, but now that I know about Nuru's ant cure I would prefer it if he did not find out. Ever."

Raswan smirked a little as he nodded. "Yes. Shahid have room maybe?"

"Shahid lives in an even smaller hole than my own most spacious vermin infested apartment. His grave is so small that he has to force himself in and then pry himself out come morning like a cork from a wine bottle."

"Not lose food supply I hope?"

"No, its over there in a pile that the ants have been trying desperately to raid since their incursion into my home." Altayih gestured to a few small baskets that were piled up. "Shahid managed to dig his grave deeper so he can at least stuff the supplies at the base of his hole."

"Tell Verik, he help. Be easy to find today to, at creche with foals or at hut with Asha."

"No. I intruded on something once and I refuse to risk life and limb doing so again so early in the morning, maybe later though."

"What you mean?"

"I will handle this on my own."

"Hm. Ask anyway."

"Raswan, I value your advice but to walk into that hut risks ones hide if they were to enter at the wrong time. From now on I knock first."

"Ohh... Maybe find you someplace to sleep until rebuilt or dig new hole."

"Yes... Dig a new hole to sleep in. Gods I miss my old bed back home, why o' gods do I remain here?"

"Because you find it amusing yes?"

"Besides that."

Raswan shrugged. "Go back mean admit defeat?"

"That is a most astute observation my friend. But it would be nice to have a real home one day, one where there is a solid roof... A proper bed, kitchen, clean linens and just maybe a servant or two to keep it clean and handle the daily chores." Altayih smiled as he stared out over the fields. "What about you?"

"Be nice to have own hut and food."

Altayih tried to hold back a small laugh but couldn't and started giggling to himself as Raswan glared. "I wonder which of us is more mad: you who wishes simply for a roof over his head or myself who wants a house and amenities. Your greatest wish is so simple and sincere, to simply have a home and live while I want to live exceedingly well despite my lowly station."

"Not mad to want life."

"True. Gods knows if we survive this we will have earned that right."

"Have idea though, maybe it work or maybe not."

"Yes, one more of the famous Wete maybe, maybe ideas."

Raswan glared at Altayih and gave a small annoyed nickering sound. "Family hut too crowded but plenty of room beside hut. Maybe you come stay with us."

"Sleep outside the hut? Most generous of you."

"No, help you build small shelter against side of hut. You share supply with us we share with you. Tendaji not deny you that, not in way either or risk losing shelter because we live above wall."

"That seems a somewhat..." Altayih stopped and mulled it over. "Well a rather permanent solution considering the state of affairs in your fair village, town or whatever Wete really is. I have noticed that once something goes up it tends to stay there till it rots away or collapses."

"Or is burned down." Raswan smirked. "Not think Tendaji allow for much building or digging until walls done, burn your home so he not so interested in giving you material to build again. Maybe you scavenge though yes? Still need tool to dig new hole somewhere and you have spear, not good for digging. Better you come stay with us."

"Your family would not be offended by having a mercenary living amongst you?" Altayih gave a half tired smile. "And one that serves the most debatable creature in town? One who has claimed lives through the most excessive use of violence you or I have ever seen in all our lives combined, all the while with a smile on his face?"

Raswan stared flatly at Altayih. "Make him sound like monster, hear stories to and watch duel, not understand him bashing head in then but do now. Still wince at remember and not like but understand."

"Yes of course we all understand now. He is quite the believer in making certain someone stays dead and that everyone watching knows not to challenge him. But, the little fact that I serve him will not cause issue? I am rather tired of my neighbors giving me strange stares at night as it is. One even tried to exorcise my presence if his expression and gestures were any hint."

"No, no. That not happen, family not hate him nor you for being servant of his. Not chase you away if ask for help, also say you friend of mine so that make it okay." Raswan gave Altayih a concerned look. "But, you not burn hut down if spider crawl up leg... Yes?"

Altayih gave Raswan a flat stare. "I will not burn down your hut, nor my lodgings. It is good to have friends though when one has lost their "home" hm?"

Nodding quietly Raswan walked to the pile of baskets and looked them over before picking one up and walking back. "Store this at family hut, take care of rest later yes? Much to do today."

"Ah, how could I forget? Today is the day we begin training others to fight as we learned in secrecy." Altayih began collecting the rest of the baskets and after a few minutes of awkward organization so he could carry it all at once including the spear, he joined Raswan as the zebra headed back up the hill. "We should collect Shahid on our way up to save time and maybe he can carry a few of these."

"Not know Shahid live this way."

"He does indeed tend to keep to himself."

"Maybe worry."

"Over Shahid?" Altayih thought it over a moment before shaking his head. "No, he is on edge over his sister Alriyah but he is doing well enough."

"Maybe worry about Verik to."

"Whatever for?"

"Know what he thinking now and... Not know how to say."

"You do not trust him."

"Trust him yes! But... Worry."

"Well in that case my striped friend, allay your fears for we are all worried about what goes on inside that scrambled mind of his. A creature with a fantastic story of having popped into existence like a blooming desert flower, countless feats and aspirations that make a madstallion blush with shame and emperors claims to glory looks modest... Quite the creature of myth he is hm? Maybe one day he will become mythology and if we pull this off maybe us as well."

"If not die first."

"Yes, well everyone is worried about him apparently, some more than others so do not fret your striped head over it. Oh and by the way, Shahid sleeps in that little pokey hole over there. The one with the, yes the pile of dirt, rocks and the spear sticking out."

Raswan slowed his pace as they neared the road and a gathering of extraordinarily crude shelters and dugouts. Altayih guided the zebra down and around the other holes till they were near a small pile of stones with a spear planted in the ground. From the outside it looked like a spiders ambush hole with a dusty mat thrown over top to keep the dust and any sudden rain out.

"You still alive this beautiful morning Shahid or did you expire in the night?"

Altayih listened and after hearing nothing put his baskets down and then used his hoof to remove the makeshift mat roof before kicking a little dust inside. A hacking and choking sound came from the hole along with a string of curses as Shahid crawled out of his hole bearing a galled look.

"What you want?!"

"It is time to rise my sleeping prince of the wee hole, we have much to do today including training Tendaji's little... I dont know what to call them yet."

"Already..." Shahid stopped for a moment before sighing in dejection. "This end badly."

"Nonsense my fairer furred friend! So long as we teach them something in the next two weeks that allows them to do just half of what we have been doing to them I doubt they will care."

Raswan scowled. "Not going to cheat Tendaji?"

Altayih feigned a shocked expression for a moment before smiling. "Of course not, but it takes time to learn what we did not to mention many a bump over the head."

"And a cracked rib." Shahid spat the dust out of his mouth. "Captain not help on what to do, not say much if anything." Standing upright and dusting his coat off Shahid grabbed his spear before looking at Altayih questioningly before changing his mind about helping to alleviate the excess basket problem. "Kick dust in hole again I kick flank."

Raswan and Altayih nodded to themselves for a moment before the Arabian stallion sighed. "The captain had no reason to ask for help because no one could, he is still the only one who really understands how any of these... Tactics, are supposed to work but we will manage somehow."

Shahid gave a skeptical laugh. "That very bad and not help."

"But it is true, the four of us went through everything hoofstep by hoofstep and despite being three we have not forgotten what we learned yes? We all know what worked, what did not and all sat around together each day listening to his little speeches and looking at the diagrams he drew on the ground. Every success, every failure... And let us not forget what we decided was impossible due to a lack of numbers is all stored right up here." Altayih tapped his head. "We know what to do and he walked us through it, granted we should do better because we learned and improved things. What was it he said? Fill in the gaps? All that we must do is apply what we have learned."

"That not a plan" Raswan shook his head.

"It is, we just need to follow the guideline he started us with and despite it being crude they are useful because at least it's a start. He was quite... Methodical, in what and how he explained things to us."

"Too crude, work with us but not if there too many."

"I think that was the beauty of what he showed us... We do not need to be elaborate in our plans, he called it "keep it simple, stupid" yes? Yes. That is why it will work for us, we just take it as he did one step at a time and... Iron out the kinks as we go. All three of us know how the drills are supposed to work, we learned through trial and error. Each of us also knows the tactics quite well because we have used them to rather devastating effect on the locals and all we really need to do is teach them how to pull it off."

Shahid rubbed the sleep and dust out of his eyes. "Where we start then?"

"From the beginning, with simply learning to listen to instructions."

"That very wise." The three stallions flinched as they realized Jelani had been spying on them with a questioning look on her face.

"A good morning to you Jelani." Altayih gave her a small nod and bow.

"You ready?" Looking them over before settling on Altayih's soot covered form she closed her eyes and decided against inquiring as to his state of person.

"Ready as we can be. May I inquire as to how many were volunteered into this little impromptu training camp?"

"Not have to volunteer anyone, Tendaji want more than twenty and get them. But have to tell some go away, too many."

"That is... Fortunate?"

Jelani gave them a crooked smile. "Tendaji very interested after Sefu keep telling him how you win battle after battle. Want to send many, Sefu say unwise and I agree."

"Is that good or bad?"

"Maybe both for you. Forty were chosen."

"Ahaahahaaa..." Altayih's anxious laugh died off. "I do not think that is possible."

"Tough, Tendaji expect you to teach them."

"I do not recall our captain agreeing to being ordered, that it was a most gracious offer of his own. Probably in exchange for favors."

"Yes, yes." Jelani waved him off. "Sefu and I say that but Tendaji maybe to eager hm?"

"I do not know what the captain will charge him for it but I think we are all a little concerned about something else... A certain spy and his mysterious counterpart."

"Take care of him."

"Oh gods-"

Jelani waved a hand. "No, no. Tikam alive. Verik was right, dead spy warn Fareed so send out on patrol, Sefu and myself hand pick the rest so less chance of spy. Tikam not come back from patrol for long time now."

"The captain would probably say something akin to "but if the other spy learns of us training forty warriors it will raise the alarm" or something like that."

"Not help it. Train farther away now though, they told not say one word."

"A spy would have their means."

"Take risk anyway."

"As you command-"

Jelani cut him off. "You moving?"

"My home has been... Overrun as it were, so I shall be staying with Raswan and we were on our way to leave my meager belongings with his families hut."

Motioning them off Jelani followed beside them and back into Wete. "What you teach them first?"


"Sefu already teach that. He very good at that."

"As captain taught us there are different kinds of discipline. Sefu is painfully good at teaching discipline but only for how you fight, what our captain taught us is something else that is for more..." Altayih paused. "I think he called them linear tactics. Not that we really use them now that I think about it..."

"Verik teach you things you not use? Why?"

"High hopes and aspirations that one day he shall have an army? I do not know but it did indeed help us work together, especially when you ganged up on us..."

Jelani let out a snort at Altayih's comment. "Warrior need to know how to fight many at once."

"Most true my dear striped lady-" Altayih closed his mouth for a moment when Jelani gave him a combative stare that dared him to finish the sentence. "Our captain taught us to fight as a single "unit" and not as independent warriors such as what you teach. Your discipline is outstanding but only works under certain conditions as we have already proven."

Jelani remained quiet as they left Altayih's belongings at Raswan's hut and after a quick explanation to his family the four departed and made their way hurriedly to the training grounds where a mob had gathered. Altayih, Raswan and Shahid looked at the gathering along with the pile of shields and training spears set aside. They all glanced at each other before settling their gaze upon Altayih who sighed and stepped forward. As all eyes turned upon the Arabian stallion he fought over what to say but could not come up with anything as they all stared and waited on him to say something.

Jelani watched from the side for a moment before clearing her throat quietly. "Lets see you teach them what Verik teach you then."

Letting out a quick breath Altayih remembered Verik's long winded textbook like explanations that at the time meant absolutely nothing, but it began clicking in his head and after doing a quick head count to make certain Jelani had not been joking he pulled Raswan and Shahid aside. "We will teach them exactly as we learned, lets start them off by getting in a line."

Raising his hand a little Shahid whispered a question, "how many deep? Only four back then but Verik say it work better when-"

"Two deep, twenty wide."

Jelani watched with mild amusement as the three stallions approached the mob of young and old warriors alike while listening to Altayih's instructions. Confusion reigned as the mob organized itself slowly and painfully until they were in the semblance of a formation, a smile curled into the corner of her mouth as Altayih tried to explain what they would be taught and after a few near arguments broke out things simmered down. She had thought about stepping in but a simple glare from her had simmered down the hard cases. Thankfully, most gave up quickly when they were reminded by Raswan as to just how many times they had lost in twenty to four battles including one or two where the odds were even steeper.

Once the explanations were over Altayih focused again on what they would be taught and after muddying his way through the itinerary they were told to grab their training equipment. Watching the rush Jelani was pleased to note just how many shields had been constructed from leftovers but as they reformed questions were raised again when those bearing shields were moved to the front and those without to the back, a few understood as they had been on the receiving end and thus remained quiet.

Altayih spoke up loudly. "The one with the shield defends and holds the enemy while the one without stabs them from the side or over the top! But for it to work you need to know how to move and fight together, not as a mob!"

One of the older zebras gave out a mumbled complaint, "already know how to stand in line and stab."

"Can you do that while walking and not leave the battle line behind?" The response was lack luster. "It is easier to just teach you all at once, at least for this, and not in pairs on simpler matters as there are only three of us. Learn to keep in step with the ones beside you and once that is possible we will do something different. Maybe how we ambushed you or how we- Never mind. You need to learn to hear the instruction and follow it while staying together, that means listening and moving when and where you are told. Some of you saw us bring down several of you without saying a word but by gesturing and then moving together. So lets start simple, by moving. Everyone, face left."

Jelani held down a small laugh as some turned left, a few looked confused as to why they should but a couple others turned in the opposite direction. Warfare between the tribes, rare as it was did not take organization such as this and while she had a basic understanding of what was happening, no one had ever been interested in learning until now. Fortunately, they had learned the easy way through Verik's shenanigans. Thus there was no loss of life and through this a painful example had been made. Keeping her eye on the mob as they learned to forgo their traditional single combat training or massed mob tactics and adopt a more unit based function brought her eyes to Raswan and Shahid who were trying to get everyone turned the right way.

Keeping her eye closely on Altayih as he stared with his jaw slightly open Jelani could only smile ear to ear. She had seen that face before on Verik when she had followed them into the bush when the four had "snuck off" to train in private with much the same result. The Arabian was sobbing inside as he stared in disbelief that it was even possible that such a thing could happen on a larger scale and with at least some training unlike how they had started out. Sitting down to listen carefully to the instructions and also learn Jelani watched intently as they made another attempt.

Taking a breath Altayih spoke as clear as he could. "Alright, again... Fa- Left face."

Altayih watched as the somewhat organized lines turned in the correct direction but it was so shuffled and slow it hurt. Giving the command to move forward caused more mass confusion as they immediately bumped into each other before stopping to argue with whoever ran into them. Keeping his jaw firmly locked while he cried inside from the chaos that was ensuing he wondered how long it would take to get them to where they could at least follow the instructions. Verik's "basics" had proven anything but and after a great deal of changes were made a very simple formula had emerged and seeing how the two lines had reacted it made even more sense now. Admittedly many of them had learned a great deal of the same basics from Sefu on being able to move together or stop, but not in such tightly nit ranks. Being able to move with the one next to you quickly and efficiently was required for the rest of what he had planned and so far it was a skill most largely lacked.

"Shahid, Raswan!" Altayih waited as the others quickly gathered and drawing on the ground pointed. "The captain was right, we need to break them down into smaller groups for this to work and then combine them. I had hoped we could do this as a larger unit but apparently not. Shahid, you take fourteen, Raswan twelve and I will take the remainder. Train in ranks of two, get them so they can at least walk and move with each other while not tripping one another."

Raswan glanced as the arguing mob. "How do we decide who we take?"

Without answering Altayih looked once at Shahid who yelled at them to line up again and as Altayih walked down the lines would stop and section off a group. As he finished and watched Shahid and Raswan pull their mobs away and begin drilling them privately he stared at his own group while just catching Jelani on the side who was trying to keep a straight face.

"Captain, I understand why you thumped your head against that tree now... I envy you right now, you only have to watch over a handful of foals. Gods above you have it easy and what I would do to trade places with you right now."

Author's Notes:

Here you go! Donate or comment if you so desire but comments are welcomed, I dont know how well understood something is or if you actually found something amusing without feedback! So what do you think of the story thus far? Drop a comment. Busy as hell next week though, not sure if I can get another chapter out.


Next Chapter: Chapter 58: First Day of Foalcare Estimated time remaining: 14 Hours, 35 Minutes
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Zebrican Warlord

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