
Zebrican Warlord

by Arelak

Chapter 55: Chapter 54: Marauder Politics

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"The mark of a successful raider is their ability to out run their enemy and to seize what they want with minimal effort, maximum efficiency and then most importantly: get away alive."
-An Observation-

All counted the number of Tebasi and Sebanwi gathered numbered well in excess of over four thousand even when their ever watchful "caretakers" were not taken into account. A total lack of trust between tribes was ever present as their king Sibusiso had made certain that an equal number of loyalists were keeping a close eye over them. Neither tribe could pack their camp without being fallen upon within minutes by their observers and both tribes were well aware of this aggravating fact, a fact which was only compounded by other matters. Far and south their families were across a river and they to were under lock and key should they tried to "disappear" in a vain attempt at escape. Should either make a single false step not only would they die but their families would be slain as well and all in one short, swift act.

Plan after plan had been discussed and discarded over the many long years that they had come under the heel of their foreign king, but no matter how good the plan, there was always the issue of distance along with the nagging fact that they had made only enemies since their use as mercenaries. Only one had ever regarded them as more than mere mercenaries but Halim always left them with a sour note hanging in the air, that there was something better left undiscovered about him. He was far and superior to Sibusiso and his officers in every possible way but there was the ever present cold and calculated indifference towards others surrounding him.

Everyone had a use in his book even if it was to die like drowning rats in the Seban River, if one was deemed useless one never had to fear; he would make you useful one way or another.

Khada glanced at his daughter Nyah before looking to the other minor chiefs who were trailing behind him as they made their way towards their "requested" meeting location. He could see her jaw working back and forth as they walked meaning that once more she was grinding her teeth even if he could not hear it. Like father like daughter he knew she was plagued by the same problems that never stopped running through his mind and the more he thought about their predicament and when one included the current situation that was developing it made his gut clench. There was no shortage of experience amongst those gathered when it came to such matters but the most recent order had made even the most experienced choke.

Preparations had begun weeks ago for the loyal tribes, but there was a marked lack of interest in supplying the two disloyal tribes with even a reasonable amount of food for the journey. Everything was just enough to keep them from starving till they were told to leave but not enough to get them anywhere meaningful, perhaps it was to keep them from taking their chances and running away with whatever they had. Things were already looking dire for the warriors he had been ordered to take on the most recent campaign prince Halim had led, but today was even worse because Sibusiso had a son. A son who though being old enough to be considered a stallion was every bit as mad as the one who had sired him. He had been born in the "new capital" at Umfula Ugewebe when the king had moved them north to avoid the core of his political problems. Unfortunately for the northern tribes this meant the son knew them better than the father did and enjoyed his title to the fullest.

Both father and son were so hungry for power they were utterly insane with a lust for more and Khada could swear that when the prospect of gaining greater power and wealth was presented that the two might begin foaming at the mouth. No matter how petty, no matter how insane something might be they would both jump on a chance to gain more no matter the expense involved be it flesh or coin. Gold though was their deepest desire, such things had always been worthless to the tribes but with the coming of foreign traders so long ago that no one could remember the desire to collect gold and silver grew. Now however it was a frenzied, wild and ever grasping rush to seek out more of the shiny metal and no cost was to great to achieve it. Especially when the king and his son were involved.

His eyes twitched a little as he stared at the large and well protected hut that had been erected quickly in order to provide temporary housing for the prince. It was perhaps the most twisted joke he had ever seen or heard of. A father and king no less, who was called in their language a "blessing" but wrought nothing but destruction to everything he touched while his son was named similarly.

"Isisbusiso... Why do the spirits torment us so with these two?"

Khada grit his teeth at the name, the father a blessing and the son a little blessing. Neither were a blessing, they were a pox upon them. A disease, plague and every other malady wrapped neatly into two packages that had more air between their ears than common sense. But if one was to disobey them there would be no end to the hell and torment they would have to pay, a truth which was always held over them at every opportunity.

"Hold your tongue, grit teeth and do nothing yes?" Khada's eyes tried to pierce his daughters annoyed gaze as they walked but he could tell it was failing. "Speak only if spoken to but say nothing, Isisbuso is fool but not as bad as father."

"Yes fathah..."

Looking over his shoulder at his followers he cast a backwards glare at them but said nothing, he did not need to. Every chieftain that followed him nodded solemnly knowing what he meant and Khada was certain they would do as they were told even without having to say anything. However, it disturbed him greatly that his daughters short temper might get the best of her and if it did things could go sour very quickly and there was no remedy should it happen. Having a barbed tongue was unwise when in the presence of those they were about to embrace with a smile, no matter how much they wanted to cut it out of the ever smirking host.

Khada glared at Nyah. "This meeting important, maybe if lucky they change mind and we go home."

"Feh." Nyah spat on the side of the trail. "Mad one never change mind no matter how stupid."

"Then you pray it be so. Maybe we lucky and Isibuso do something foolish and raid no longer possible."

"Much doubt, he only make it worse."

"Make it worse, maybe make it better."

Nyah nearly halted on the hoof battered trail that led though the various camps. "Make better? Hah! Never so lucky! We damned by all and spirits to! By own hands too..."

Khada opened his mouth to say something but closed it and continued to walk in silence, she was correct. His father had been given every opportunity to resist or run long ago but they had bent their knee's to the king and remained, then as time had wore on it had quickly proven to be a near fatal mistake. Now it fell on his shoulders to carry the burden and for all the shame that came with obeying a mad stallion who had not a single honorable hair on his hide and it made him twitch at times. They would receive no aid, they had each dug their own graves by taking the easy way out and now the price had to be paid in blood.

Stress was no stranger to him and as Nyah's words hung in the air he nearly reached up to run his worn and scarred hand over his heavily grayed mane. Not long ago it had been jet black with white stripes like most zebra's but in only a few short years the stress and strain had nearly made him walk hunched over. What had once been black stripes were now gray and fading at an unnaturally rapid pace but as he looked at Nyah he was grateful it was he who had born the brunt and not her. She was still young and full of life, the stress of her position had yet to sink under Nyah's fur and then grind her to dust but he knew it was only a matter of time.

At some point he would be gone, Nyah would have the unfortunate honor of being thrust into his former position either because he had been killed or was too old to leave the hut. When that day came what would happen to her? Would she fill the hole he left behind and become a ghost of her former self or make do as he had?

Staring at the makeshift throne that had been set up for the prince and the exceedingly well dressed guards that waited outside Khada scanned for any sign of the prince. They had been ordered to arrive but the only ones visible were the elaborately dressed guards in their feathers, arm bands and other decorations which screamed to all of their elevated station. Standing quietly, waiting to see if they would be sent away or ordered to remain the small party stood their ground content to wait on the other party to make the first move.

Nyah stared at the guards a moment before a slight scowl formed on her face, "Isibuso called for us. He here or no?"

Khada nearly jerked his head towards her to growl but one of the guards looked down his muzzle at her a moment before completely ignoring Nyah. He did not enjoy being left waiting as it was quite rude to demand someone's presence and then ignore them when they arrived, but he also knew that it was probably because the prince could leave them waiting. After all, they were not only the expendable ones in recent affairs but they also had several black marks beside their names. Those loyal to the king would smile at dishonoring and treating them in such a manner because they deserved it, inferiors should be treated appropriately after all.

Isibuso eventually strode from the hut with two other chieftains who took one glance at those gathered before looking away, refusing to even acknowledge their presence let alone existence. The prince however did not and after sitting on the crude wooden throne with its elaborate decorative hides he quietly counted heads before settling his gaze on Nyah for a moment. Khada followed the gaze with his eyes before motioning for his subordinates to kneel before their rightful rulers son. Shaking his head a little the young prince turned his attention back to Khada and stared quietly in thought for a moment before addressing Khada.

"That one daughter yes?"

Khada nodded. "Yes, Nyah. She take my place as chief one day."

"Not unless given blessing by king."

Khada nodded quietly.

"You know why Sebanwi and Tebasi be sent?"


"Disloyal, impossible to trust you."

"Sebanwi always follow orders, have never refused."

"Only because if you betray you die quickly... But, maybe you prove selves yes?"

Khada tried not to change his expression as Isibuso spoke but a part of him screamed in warning, there was only one real reason to send them on this suicidal campaign so did the prince have other ideas? Taking a short, quick look at the prince he noticed the gaze had shifted once more to Nyah.

"This must be joke... She geld him immediately." Keeping his thoughts to himself Khada shifted his eyes from Nyah and back to the prince. "I not understand."

"Not expected to understand, only obey. It true you disloyal but it also true you always obey but only because you not able to... Run. Also true you keep word and more honorable than tribes to far south who bicker to much, disobey king and make much noise." He glared at Khada. "And maybe, rebel."

"I still not understand..." Khada began, "but I maybe have idea...Very dangerous idea."

The prince let out a small sigh of dejection at Khada's feign of ignorance before simply pointing at Nyah. "That one catch eye, good fighter, strong, bear many foal. Understand? No? Tribes must offer wives, you no different now. In past yes, different, but not now. Good practice learn from outsiders, many wives, many hostages means less fighting. That one make good, loyal wife."

"Maybe but... Unfortunate, she take my place as next chief. Can not marry prince because that leave tribe without chief." Khada was peddling fast as he made a quick glance at Nyah.

"Oh spirits no. No. Over dead body. Kill him first." Nyah's glare at Khada was all he needed to see in order to understand what Nyah was thinking.

Isibuso smirked a little before waving his hand a little. "That not matter. Sebanwi be given new chief. Would bring you much honor to have daughter taken as wife, maybe tribe not treated so... Poorly."

"Maybe it bring dishonor to you..." Khada spoke rapidly which was unusual for him. "Many tribe say we disloyal and traitor, you marry daughter and they not-"

"When I king they do as told, forget it maybe tribe. Damage take time to repair."

"That is not why you want daughter!" Khada could see the very beginnings of a dangerous gleam in the princes eyes but to say so aloud would mean death.

"If that one is offered then maybe... What is word fancy prince used... Tra-n-gre-ti-ons? Yes. Maybe they be forgotten and certain ones in tribe not have to... Go."

Khada understood now, he was not being offered terms for peace which were worse than their current situation but instead Isibuso had just offered them their lives. Not all of them, but a few. If he would only bend to the others will and kiss his hooves Nyah would be spared along with many others from being sent to their deaths but in so doing, any shred of pride, dignity and honor they had left would be carved out and offered up on a silver platter. To do so would mean never getting it back after such an act, it was a bridge that once crossed one could never go back.

More than anything Khada wanted her to live and even prayed that her rebellious attitude might at least keep her free of it all but to leave things as they were, the odds were quite good she would die along with most of them when things turned out for the worse. To accept the offer though would mean not only disgracing themselves but also forcing his daughter to somehow accept the prince as her husband which was an impossible prospect.

"Apologies prince but not possible... Tribe need leader it can trust and she trusted, to replace would cause chaos which bad for king and prince. Also good war leader, you wise and see this. Take away and tribe become useless to king. Honored that you see we not disloyal but must still... Not accept most splendid and gracious offer."

Nyah listened to her fathers carefully worded rejection while still having mixed feelings over the sudden proposal. Her first thoughts had been to stand up and call down the prince but keeping her anger in check she had instead glared hot death at her father when he risked a small glance at her enraged visage. Another part had actually screamed to accept the offer but keep it held off till power changed hands, then stab the new king to death on their wedding night and send the kingdom into total chaos. Both would be fatal to her person but the later was a promising prospect for allowing the tribe to escape in the chaos that ensued from a civil war as the various higher chieftains fought over control. That or if they were lucky bring the Tebasi in on it and seize their own little nook and call it a kingdom.

Problem was that Halim had been married into the royal family via one of Sibusiso's daughters and that meant he would step forward immediately and make a grab for power, a prospect which made her blood run cold. Dealing with each other was one thing but having to resist an organized and dedicated assault from the foreign prince was something else entirely, a fact learned from the past two campaigns that she served under him from a distance.

"Better to go north to suicide than accept either. Calm, calm, hide expression..."

Isibuso's cold gaze caught her annoyed look as she accidentally let some of her silent thoughts slip out through her bodily expressions and after twitching at the corner of his mouth the prince's gaze hardened quickly.

"You refuse offer?" The prince stared down at them, "so be it, tribe will go north with others to raid far north and bring much wealth back for king... Or die trying."

Khada spoke up quickly, "but need supplies and plan-"

"You do as told. King decide I go to, make certain you not try anything. If tribe tries anything you all die, families all die! Understand?"

"Yes prince, but we-"

Isibuso ignored Khada. "King of Ilah refuse wagons to us... Aggravating! Say they needed elsewhere. Not matter, go anyway but need more slave to carry. We avoid fortified places and take all that can be carried. Stop only when we reach far north as king demand then turn south again and return. Understand?"

"Yes..." Khada was struck by how simple the prince's plan was both by its lack of details but also how crazed it was. "But still need food and-"

"You be given what needed when needed."

"We leave when?"

"When I say we leave."

"Yes but... Time to prepare."

"You have time but not that much time."

"Maybe prince say how many months..."

"Not months, you not need to know."

Nyah listened to the conversation drag on as her father tried to get at least some idea of how long they had along with any other information that might be useful but his words fell on deaf ears. The prince was content to sit on his throne dressed up like a mighty chieftain, but unwilling to share a single detail of when things would take place, let alone what would happen short of "go north." So far the highest degree of forethought given to the entire endeavor since Halim's father had refused to provide them logistical support was to merely take more prisoners and have them somehow carry everything.

Did he understand at all that herding an ever increasing number of slaves would mean more of them making a run for it? That it would grow increasingly impossible for them to manage the numbers until finally they spent every waking and sleeping hour watching them? Not only that but to go that far north meant so rapidly would mean forcing the slaves to run and they would never be able to keep up. So what then? For some reason her father withheld such questions and as she thought about it, so would she if in the same position.

Listening to her father ask about the two tribes being sent off in different directions and dividing their forces the only answer was that the king ordered it. What about the "accompanying" tribes that were going to follow them? Would they help? "Do not question" was the answer but there was a small consolation prize for having asked: they would not be simply sitting around. She did not doubt that for one second as she watched them drone on and on. They would be there at their backs with iklwa ready to stab them from behind should they make even the slightest mistake or if it appeared that they were not going to obey.

When the prince finally did cough up at least something useful to her father it made the ears perk up slightly because it made absolutely no sense what so ever if they were planning on stealing anything. Holding her tongue despite the utter absurdity of what was being said Nyah waited quietly wondering how long it would last and after swearing that her ears could take no more she could no longer hold it in.

"Why we here then?"

The two bickering stallions stopped, the one on his throne scowled at her while Khada had a look of both disappointment and worry on his face but she ignored him by choosing to stare down the prince. This whole debacle was a death sentence anyway so why should she care, Isisbuso was a complete lunatic as was his father.

Isisbuso snapped at her. "You here because I say so, you here because I make you offer which you foolishly refuse."

Nyah held back a sneer. "Bastard."

"Go, presence not wanted here. When it time to go you go." Khada lowered himself in a deeper bow to the prince but as he did so the prince shook his head. "Lower, you not worthy of presence."

Lowering themselves further they were urged lower and lower till all were laying flat on their bellies and Nyah's eye twitched furiously as the rough, rocky ground dug into her chest. Keeping her head and eyes away from the prince less she snarl at him all that could be done was to wait till they were sent away. Waiting for a while as hot stones and baked earth burned away at them Nyah was ready to stand and leave consequences be damned when Isibuso called from them to rise and return to their camps. A runner would be sent when the time had come for them to leave but until then they were not welcome in his camp, this delighted her but from the look on Khada's face as they walked away he was less than pleased.

Well out of earshot from any who might turn them in Nyah looked at her father while carefully weighing her words. "There is alternative... If prince accompany during raid, battles happen and that mean no promise live or die."

"Silence!" Khada glared at her. "Maybe we get lucky though."

"This end in disaster if not. They get many, many killed on purpose."

"I think that Sibusiso's plan from start hm?"

"Bad plan mean opportunity to yes?"

"No more talk of that."

"Not what I mean, we dead one way or other so maybe use it to find other way?"

"That still leave tribe trapped."

"No, no." Nyah shook her head. "Many will die if things go bad... Most certain now. Isibuso maybe not notice some go missing after battles, doubt he allow dead be burried."

"Maybe work... But that help no one, all kill you on sight."

"It idea, not say it good one but better than nothing."

Khada shrugged as they continued to walk into their camp where a long chain of haulers were bringing in large pots full of grain and filling the center of camp with them. Looking them over a moment they realized the sheer number of pots and sacks being left behind meant these were not for their weekly use but more long term. Nyah removed a lid and put her hand inside pulling up a handful of grain before allowing it to slowly fall back inside.

"Not ground." Nyah checked a few more with the same result. "This must be supply for raid to north but..."

Khada looked over the jars already deposited before looking back down the long line of haulers carrying more in. He could not count very high and neither could Nyah but as they both watched a crude estimate of how many could be fed was quickly forming. If this was the entirety of their supplies until they were dispatched to the north then something was not adding up and pulling the others aside and to a secluded spot he though to himself as Nyah grew impatient.

Nyah thumped her hoof on the hard, baked earth glaring and losing patience. "Fathah, this enough for time in camp but it not feed all of Sebanwi for long run to north. Maybe feed for... Half way if lucky, but not enough to get back yes?"

Khada gave her a grim smile, "they not plan that many survive so long. Dead no eat yes? This enough to feed maybe..." He moved his arm around the camp sectioning off a smaller portion of the camp. "That many. Sibusiso think more than half die so not send supply. I think that why prince make offer, he already know."

"So that why he make offer." She shook her head. "No, body and soul not for sale."

"We still go so bodies are for sale. Different price then hm?"

Nyah almost snarled at her father who smiled quietly to himself, her expression changed quickly as she continued to look the supplies over and then the camp. "If they want near all to die then how we survive..."

"Need better plan than one given but not easy, they watch all way there."

"We move slower? No... Move slower enemy catch us and more die, he not allow us to go back until we reach far north which take much, much time. Long march."

"If we run get there very fast and turn back sooner..." Khada closed his eyes and remembered the original map he had seen that their crude one had been copied from. "Mean more fighting if we slow but go very fast and maybe we outrun everyone."

"Fool coming with us, he try to keep up or tell us to slow."

Khada smiled suddenly. "Yes, that good. When he tell us to "go" we go. Never say we have to go slow so he can follow easy, we go faster he have hard time keeping up. They keep up to but Sebanwi gain maybe half day ahead then that give time. More time to scout and avoid battle, go around enemy, pick and choose fights." He shrugged. "At least till they catch up again."

"Maybe have better idea. Kingdom we raid yes? They not just let us raid, send army to kill us quickly. If we fast enough and far ahead of other maybe we make big circle around Isibuso's force and enemy, leave them to fight each other and run away. No one left alive to... "Watch us" and force us to obey. Great freedom to move then."

"He be special fool if allow that, very hard to do if they close or worse if prince catch up to us. Need to make big show that we obeying and not do that if we only run. Must stop and raid, leave nothing behind. Convince him we obey first but that take time and they catch up again."

"How we make time? Ah! Give all prisoners to him and make them guard, also carry what we take and it slow them down badly. They no longer keep up and become easy prey to enemy army!"

"Prince might turn back sooner and leave us to die, try and escape making enemy choose between us and following him back. If we ahead of him they probably chase us and he get away, many, many die then."

"More live if work."

"Much if and little will. He not full stupid, he sense something wrong we pay high price."

"Still chance "accident" happen and he not survive at all, solve many problems for all." Nyah rocked her head back a little and smiled. "What happen if he so occupied with many, many problems that he unable to keep track and we pretend?"

"Pretend?" Khada raised an eyebrow. "Only way to make that many problems is split forces again and again over large area and make him do same to keep track. Very dangerous, much risk. Doing so maybe fool him, he not watch each group that fan out over large area to raid and divide forces again and again to keep track."

"Also have scouts in case enemy come quickly, we run away very fast."

"Yes but he always watch most important ones of all, never take eyes off them hm?"


Khada nodded and beckoned to the other minor chieftains, "yes but not them. In his eye they not so important as us who lead them. He want to keep eye on us so they more free to act and deceive him. Do as you suggest and make his force carry all the loot make it even easier but he still not take eyes off us but maybe... If he think some run away and not come back then more sent to watch them and make it even harder to keep eye on all at same time."

"But many family trapped and prisoner. He not believe that no?" Nyah's ears perked up as her head leaned sideways in curiosity.

"He is fool, not convince him all but if he think one or two run and abandon maybe believe it. Spend much more time and forces to find out who and watch while others free to lie. That still leave problem of loot..."

"Have idea of when we go, fool sending us before harvest."

Everyone looked back at the pile of supplies that had been left and after staring for a few minutes they realized Nyah was right. Sibusiso had chosen the wrong season to go on a raid, there would be no ripe crops to steal and as such few would be on the roads to rob. Most would still be tallying up their yearly tithe ahead of harvest or still in the fortified cities and towns. However, their targets would be more rural and agrarian in nature, not industrial. Smiles spred across their faces as this reality sank in, the locals would be less likely to put up a fight since there would be no burgeoning granaries to defend nor ripened and dry crops that could be burned. Most likely they would run for the hills or scatter making their advance easier for a time, at least until the local authorities got word of what was happening that is; thus granting them greater speed.

Food would be a major issue as the locals would probably attempt to pack off what little they had left and if they kept lookouts it was quite likely they would succeed, because while each of them knew the Sebanwi were fast, everyone also knew they still had limits if the enemy had enough forwarning. Some crops would be ripe enough to eat even if they were too small or tasted poor, however the question was would it be enough to keep them going from one village to the next. Scattered out over a larger area this meant maximum forage from not just raiding but also wild plantlife and thus a greater chance to distrupt the plans of their mad rulers.

"This running game." Khada let out a small sigh. "We run fast enough they not able to prove we lie about no loot because wrong time of season. Enemy not care to much because wrong season and Isibuso no farmer. Know nothing from what I hear. If he stop to burn things it only draw enemy to him not us and we get away faster. By time we come back with little to nothing he already running away or dead if lucky yes?"

One of the chieftains let out a small huff to get attention. "What if they move very fast? React very quick?"

Nyah smiled. "Good, then we run circle and leave Isibuso to deal with them. By then he stuck with too many prisoner to handle and it cause big, big chaos. We only need outrun Isibuso, not others."

Another chief was quick to interject. "He not fall for it?"

Khada let out a hum, "he probably try to travel close or with us... So long as focus on order he not know different till to late. Probably mean he live but he lose his force, not ours. Lose long before he realize it and we make run for it because now we responsible for him. Work either way, he live or die. Not matter in end if we live."

"Maybe it not to late for Nyah to go back and-" The chieftain began to speak but was cut off as she gave him a harsh kick to the stomach.

"That for suggest I disgrace name." Another blow landed on their prone form. "That for daring to say I sell soul and body to that thing."

"Enough!" Khada yanked her away violently. "Not survive this if we kill selves before go! Agree with daughter though, what he offer not honest but betrayal. He only offer "some" not go, still plan to kill most anyway. Better we all go doomed than fewer and damned."

"This not good plan, too much go wrong and no set path." The chieftain struggled back to his hooves. "Need solid plan."

"Not possible, to great a distance and take to long, much happen along way that change plan." Khada looked him up and down quickly. "Better to be like water and move as things change. Not survive by being rigid like Halim. If we outrun them better, scatter and fool, good. Scatter and leave them to die when enemy come after us, best."

Nyah smirked "Lucky Halim's father not allow wagons yes? That only slow us more, this way he have to carry it all and run to keep up. We only need to run very fast and far now."

All of the Sebanwi gathered looked at each other a moment in silence before nodding, at least they could count on their speed but each had a nagging question: could they keep up the rapid pace the plan required.

Author's Notes:

Enjoy! Because I enjoy writing for Nyah and her father, Khada.

Next Chapter: Chapter 55: Two Weeks Estimated time remaining: 15 Hours, 33 Minutes
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Zebrican Warlord

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