
Zebrican Warlord

by Arelak

Chapter 54: Chapter 53: Final Touches

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"Is it irony that politicians and those who hold power only clean the streets when it might affect them? Or is it merely a reflection of how evil and complacent they are? That they care not until they have something to gain, but even then their methods are... Brutal, to say the least. The black uniforms and boots shall march forth to stamp out anything which might get in their way."

Xerin shook his his head slightly as he walked away from the curled and wet form of Tasid which was huddled into a protective ball shaking in total fear and panic. It had not surprised him one bit to hear such treason from the nobles lips, quite the opposite in fact; they were expected. Tasid was an ungrateful little worm that coveted higher positions of power than he would ever be capable of but that did not stop him from dreaming. Fortunately for his sake he was far too comfortable and lazy to actually try and seize anything more than a little land in the region he supposedly "controlled." Claiming power took great exertion and time, neither of which he was even remotely capable of committing to as he was devoid of such traits.

"Which is probably why he is still alive and not mounted on a pike."

How laughable it had been a few years ago when he made wild claims on the various tribes that were just outside of his jurisdiction but Tasid had made them anyway. Only one tribe had fallen into the snare either because their chief was either incompetent politically or a fool. It did not matter though, they had violated the law and as such had to be punished even though it was a minor infraction. Taxes had been raised across the sultanate and many simply could not keep up with the demand, a fact Fareed did not care about and in general took bodies as compensation if they fell far too short of expectations but this tribe... Oh how they had failed to meet expectations despite being on such fertile lands.

They had paid the price in full, Tasid was given more land to manage because despite his faults he was never late on paying what he owed. The welp did not need advisors to run his little fiefdom but there were limits and those had been hit years ago. It was aggravating to know he was allowed such freedoms but they were not so much freedoms as liberties which could and would be snatched away at any moment. So why did Fareed put up with him? True it was not really worth the effort to replace him but the lands would be better off in the hands of another and tax revenue would increase, this being despite having been forgotten and with near full isolation from the sultanate at large.

"Maybe Fareed keeps him around as a whipping stallion... He is rather amusing when he is not acting like a disgusting slob."

That had to be it, there was simply no other excuse for permitting that creature to exist and defile the air of the palace. It was utterly worthless otherwise and smiling a little to himself Xerin relished at having been given the perfect opportunity, along with all the justification needed to voice such an opinion to Tasid. With any luck the noble would remember the lesson well and keep his head down for the next couple of weeks until everything concluded and the guests left. If not, well... He did not doubt Fareed would allow for some private "tutoring" to get him sorted out and put back in place so long as there were no obvious nor permanent marks remaining afterwords. One did not want the visitors to see bruises, black eyes or wrappings on other visitors as it would be unseemly, what was the word Fareed had used? Uncivilized.

Which was exactly why he had been so careful, just enough force to get the job done but not enough to cause any lasting harm that could not be healed before the guests arrived. Tasid would be walking with a limp for a day or so but that was acceptable for the time being as there were no guests due as of yet.

Walking the hall quickly to get caught up with Fareed the tall Arabian stallion quickly found his employer and partner waiting on him with a blank face outside the doors to a more private section of the palace grounds. A door was quickly opened on command and the two walked into the spacious interior of the building that served as an outer cloister of sorts which led into the royal living room deeper inside along with a private office among other things. It was one of two and the oldest buildings and thus being the smallest overall, it was also quite spacious in its own right as it had many a number of rooms attached. All of which would be for the visiting dignitaries, thus keeping them separated from Fareed's private chambers which were not far away but more spacious and luxurious. Xerin wondered what the history behind the two buildings was but quickly ignored it.

Fareed looked around the room a moment before waving the guards and servants away, there was a rush as they quickly hid or went about taking up various positions to guard their charges from harm around the rooms and once satisfied with their isolation Fareed turned to Xerin.

"Your absence from our little walk?"

"Tasid was mumbling aloud again and made a few remarks which I could not allow to pass."

"Planning to overthrow me again is he?"

"I would take the threat seriously if he were not so lazy and complacent... Is that why you allow him his degree of freedom?"

"Becoming discontented with the situation are we?"

"Not at all my lord, I would simply prefer to kill him now and save all the effort that is being wasted on him."

"I see..." Fareed paused a moment thinking the prospect over a moment before giving a slight shrug. "Iuny is hardly worth the effort and restoration would be quite costly, with few rewards in the long run mind you due to a lack of field space. Should I place someone else in his stead they would beg me for resources to repair the damages that have been done over time due to his families neglect and what would I get out of it? More crops? From a river that produces but a fraction of what the Thriti provides?" Fareed paused a moment thinking over the prospect of killing Tasid again before shaking his head. "No, he is amusing at times and useful where he is. You did not cause any permanent damage..."

"The only damage that will remain is in his head where it belongs so that if Tasid dares to get out of line again he will remember the pain." Xerin let out an unamused sigh. "I hardly touched him and he fell over his own hooves and wet himself."

"He is indeed quite soft and yes I see the look in your eyes... But in his case that is a saving grace, had he any true constitution or endurance beyond the bedroom my dear Tasid would not be alive."

"Ahh... So he is your whipping stallion?"


"I guess we all need ways to amuse ourselves at times."

"It can get quite boring here as you can imagine and I have no interest in the kind of... "Activities," that he takes pleasure in or most others."

"Is that why it takes so long to produce a single heir to the throne?"

Fareed narrowed his eyes a little at Xerin who remained stone faced. "The assigned guard is keeping a close eye on him yes?"

"At all times my sultan, the guard is rotated regularly without his knowing to prevent exhaustion but also to make certain he is not looking for an opening to cause trouble."

"Tasid? He does not have it in him to willingly cause trouble, it is his stupidity and lusts which cause all of his woes and political problems. Speaking of his lusts, you have made certain Tasid is not permitted near, nor to touch, any of the supplies nor special servants which are being prepared yes? When we passed him he was outside of the training room and as a future note he is no longer permitted to be anywhere near them. Understood?"

"Crystal. I shall have another squad assigned to keep an eye on him just in case."

"Yes, yes..." A long winded sigh left Fareed as he closed his eyes and shook his head. "It used to be so much fun to read my spies reports of his fumbling and stupidity... His utter ineptness at politics and how he blundered from one catastrophe to the next but I must admit the idea of simply removing the fool has come to mind as of late. After a time the novelty of his continued existence wears off but it is such a bother to replace him."

"The officer I sent has dispatched several reports and has done quite well, it might be worth while to consider leaving a military governor in charge. Tasid could simply be... Removed. It would be as if he never existed and I imagine they would dance and sing praises to you in the streets."

"I do not doubt it but by leaving him there he also acts as a diversion by providing the locals someone else to focus on and despise. Without him present to cause years of trouble on end they would instead look at me and that would mean a constant occupation force in a remote region of my kingdom and I do not care to expend such resources. They are on the outer edge after all and quite isolated from anything of great importance. A governor would only mask the issue and provide less a focus for their contempt."

"A military governor would solve that quite easily all the same but as you wish. However, should you ever change your mind..."

"Yes, yes. You would be more than happy to "remove" him." Fareed let out a disgrutled hrumph. "So long as he knows his proper place and stays there is all that matters."

"I made certain of that."

"Antagonizing is not the same as teaching someone their place but I value your efforts with this troubling case."

"Still I must ask, having him present during the day to day activites might not be..."


"One hesitates to use that word my liege."

"He is a sick bastard but steps have been taken, you know this."

"True but he is prone to outbursts."

"Which is why he will be kept isolated most of the time and provided a room farther away from the guests that will help prevent any sounds from carrying over. I had a room specially muffled with heavier curtains just in case."

"I still do not see how this is worth the effort."

"Of course it is. On the eve of a gathering, to have one of my nobles not present after avoiding the gathering for so long and then to have them removed?"

"Ones dignity and face must always be kept up."

"You are learning. Good."

Fareed took one last look over the room before moving to another and clapped his hands loudly. A servant poked his head into the room quickly and after giving them instructions they quietly shouted at someone to bring what had been requested. Rushing into the room with an arm full of scrolls and papers the young stallion hurried to Fareed's side before lowering their head and then waiting as a the paper requested was fished for. Snatching it out quickly and offering it to the sultan the servant backed away with head still lowered and waiting, while Fareed stretched the document out and read over it before looking around to make certain everything was exactly as it was supposed to be.

"All the purchases are in place as instructed..." Fareed continued to read down the list of various items required to make the ambassadorial suite worthy of a visiting prince or princess. "Including the finest of rugs for every private room. Good. Next, services."

Rolling the paper up he passed it to the servant who presented another document hurriedly and after reading down it Xerin raised a finger pulling the sultans attention away.

"That reminds me... The document must be updated as we lost one before coming here."

"Ah, yes..." Fareed's eyes glazed over a little remembering the distasteful encounter with Tasid who was quite set on having at the corpse. "That... You! Quit hiding! Find out which piece of property was lost and have this document updated at once."

Almost running across the room a servant nearly fell over bowing low as they accepted the scroll before racing from the room as fast as their hooves allowed.

Xerin watched them flee for a moment before turning back to Fareed. "I know you purchased quite a number of extras this year for training but we have already lost a number of them."

"Wheat from the chaff Xerin, wheat from the chaff."

"It is not the appetites of the dignitaries that worries me..."

"He gets two and this is well known to him, break them before it is over and he will have to pay for them or worse."

"Perhaps it would be quicker to geld him?"

A small smile graced Fareed's face. "While an entertaining thought, no. But there will be no less than four special servants for each visiting ambassador along with a dozen in reserve for the more rare connoisseurs of nightly activity."

"Expecting any Tasids?"

Fareed hummed a moment before requesting another scroll and reading it for the millionth time shrugged. "There is always one or two but it is usually the ones sent from Samati that almost always have the most unique tastes and desires. Last year the ambassador had quite the taste for colts and she had a hard time keeping her hands off them, even kept one as her personal "wine bearer." Before her visit it was a stallion who could not get settled down at night without a handful of fillies and mares in bed with him. He was ever the gentle-stallion though, perfect manners practiced to perfection and a true testament to noble blood lines. Properly bred and with the finest etiquette I have ever seen, it was a great pleasure to have met him and I sincerely hope their queen sends him again as I have missed our discussions."

"So long as they do not cause you any issues they are perfectly safe and will remain unscathed. Heavens help anyone who dares to harm a hair on their head. You my dear sultan have not a single scruple in your bones... Which is why I like you."

The sultans eyes looked over the paper before settling on a particular name and humming aloud spoke it. "Princess Nawra of Labrad..."

Xerin heard the name before suddenly narrowing his eyes and catching Fareed's eyes quirked his head towards the paper bearing servant. Taking the silent hint the servant was sent away with the wave of a hand quickly so that only the two of them remained in the room.

"Just prior to our meeting with Tasid a sealed document came for you, I believe it has to do with a certain someone who was supposed to be dealt with."

Reaching under his uniform that hid the chainmail beneath Xerin removed a small folded and wax sealed document from a hidden pocket. Handing it to Fareed the sultan looked it over a moment checking the seal and its primitive stamp which to most would bring absolutely no attention unless one knew what to look for. The secret was in the small details that most could not interpret. Glancing up at Xerin briefly and satisfied with the trust and position that had been emplaced on the mercenary general, the sultan broke the seal and began reading.

"They failed and the one in question is still very much alive... Have gone into hiding in foreign city to avoid leading anyone back... A most satisfactory attempt was made according to their handler. Ah well."

"Will you have them disappeared?"

"Of course not! They are a valuable asset and have a long running history of being quite capable when called upon. One can not expect to have their plans go according to plan all of the time but I had hoped she would be removed."

"It is my understanding that her brother Jubril is less than satisfactory as a candidate for the throne and quite the militant, would it not be better to have Nawra remain?"

"Ah, I see... You misunderstand my intentions Xerin. You see Jubril I can deal with, he is far more simple minded and desires power which is something I understand quite well. His sister on the other hand is, what do they call them again... Yes, she is a dreamer, a twinkle hooved little do gooder who has high aspirations and a powerful sense of morality, ethics and justice. I myself have a strong sense of justice but her kind have the tendency to cause far more harm than her brother."

Xerin shook his head a moment while remaining blank faced.

"You are entirely military minded Xerin and this goes far beyond. This little princess would act like a great shining beacon, a candle that would attract a great number of moths to her and inspire a kind of loyalty that is quite dangerous to those of us who keep the status quo. A rocker of ships or from what I have been told of her, one who will flip the ship upside down. Power is a precious commodity and her aspirations will grant her great power unimagined but in so doing put her at odds with me and fighting one such as her is a long and hard battle, not just on the bloody fields of battle but on the streets as well politically. We once had a priest in the city much like her but thankfully he was too old to cause much harm but if this one gets into power... She is what... Around twenty or something if I recall... Well that would mean having to put up with her inspiring the peasants for another forty years at least unless an assassin cuts her reign short."

"But her brother outright seeks war."

"Exactly! He can be bought, traded and bargained with. Jubril has a price, Nawra does not. Or does she..."

"I still believe it would be better to have one who does not prepare for war sit on the throne, if it were not for her brother I could have sailed a small fleet down the river and delivered Labrad to you on a silver platter."

Fareed almost smiled at Xerin, despite being a mercenary he also had aspirations of his own and worked tirelessly to attain them. It also brought a bit of warmth to his heart that the mercenary also fully understood where he was a superior and inferior to others in power and ability, and thus kept himself well checked. A rare commodity indeed to know ones own limits and not aspire beyond them.

"There is no doubt in my mind that you would have done so, yet at the time had you done so certain others would have made things quite difficult in the long run."

*Phah!* "We would still have the city and one less enemy to contend with."

"Patience Xerin."

"Shall another be sent?"

"Hm? No. That would draw too much attention for the time being. No, we shall enjoy the festivities and then send the army west to conquer more land from that rabble in Salai and if we are fortunate the city itself as well."

"A rumor has reached my ears that a king... Subsi, Sweb... Sibusiso... Yes that is the name. A rumor has made it out that he is planning to raid far to the north and directly into your lands which would be quite the feat considering the distance."

"Mmm... His name rings a bell, quite the madstallion from what I have heard. Had many of his bastard children slain so his remaining son would have no opposition. Cant blame him but all the same it was quite foolish. How long would it take a force to march far enough north to be a threat to Mjesani?"

"If they had enough supplies and kept a steady pace... I have not truly studied a map that shows anything quite so far south as his lands but depending on where they muster before setting forth they might be able to make the distance in about a month depending on terrain and opposition. There are no proper roads leading from their land which will hamper their efforts more than anything and I doubt the leadership in Bwani will allow their passing to begin with."

"Quite the march for a raid..."

"A mad king indeed. By the time their forces arrived our own would be halfway to Mjesani and prepared to oppose them while their forces are exhausted from such a march."

"There is another rumor though that Bwani lost their most recent engagement with a neighboring kingdom and that might... Open the door? For them to advance faster."

"An army can only march so fast and for a certain period of time before tiring. Even raiders would have a hard time as their very nature would give them away the farther north they advanced, the fleeing peasantry would be a dead giveaway."

"I suppose that is true but what if they moved fast enough to overcome those fleeing?"

Xerin let off a hard laugh before becoming stone faced again.

"That would mean forgoing armor, most equipment, baggage train to carry the loot back with but in order to close the gap so rapidly as to arrive within a week or two... They would have to run the distance at full speed or nearest to it while only stopping for the night to rest. My own forces, which are well drilled and have outstanding endurance, would be incapable of keeping up such a pace for very long even without their kits. I do suppose they could live off the land for a time but that kind of speed is unheard of."

"I will have my spy master take a more serious interest in the far southern kingdoms now that they are getting delusional with what they think is possible... I want to know more about this Sibusiso and these magical flying forces of his that he seems to think will cross kingdoms in a fraction of the time it takes other forces."

"As would I. Still, the possibility of a threat exists."

"Yes it does and my plans to take Salai are unchanged. However, you will probe this matter and if there is any truth in that rumor, you will also keep a small force stationed at Mjesani to aid in their ability to resist local raiding parties or at worst a siege if this Sibusiso is particularly daring."

"Understood. I take it you will have General Adil lead the attack on Salai again?"

"That is his one job, to capture whatever I tell him to."

"He failed you last time."

"Unforeseen events and he has proven himself very capable in the past."

"As you wish."

Fareed paused before looking towards the door. "The time?"

A servant poked their head inside and gave a rough estimate of the time. Fareed nodded quietly and beckoned for Xerin to follow him as it was time to make their way to the throne room.

As they left the room Xerin glanced inside a few as they walked. "If I may ask, how many dignitaries are coming? Have any stated they are unable to send anyone?"

"Your plans for having them under guard will continue as planned, none have changed their mind including the ambassador from Salai."

"Take him prisoner?"

"Her. And no, that would be impolite."

"I see..." Xerin shook his head as they walked.

"Allowing the ambassador to come means they will not suspect the attack and if I did not invite them but all the others..."

"I understand."

"We can expect a few ahead of the others such as the one from Samati and Labrad. All the rooms are prepared and they will have barely gotten ready to leave yet so we can expect the first arrivals to make it within the next ten days. They shall stay the full length of time because it pleases me to have their company and after about month or so they shall be permitted to leave."

"And Nawra?"

"She shall be afforded every protection possible just as the rest will be guarded with the utmost care! But that does not mean I shall not have some fun with her."

"Why her?"

"My agent may have failed this time so why waste our pointless meeting? I had no intention of playing host to her to start with."

Fareed closed his eyes for just a moment as they left the building to begin winding their way through the palace grounds and back to the throne room. A small smile crept to his face and opening his eyes quickly he smiled more as the runner returned with the updated servant list and taking it from them immediately read over it carefully scanning for specific details.

"Perfect. These two shall do wonderfully."

"My sultan?"

"What better way to have fun with a "saint" than to tempt and toy with them? These two here... This colt and filly have been trained, have good marks so far and will be perfect. I will have their trainer burn it into their minds every day that failure to temp her and bed the princess will result in their death but if they speak of it they will be whipped to death."

"And I thought only Tasid could come up with something like that."

"If I can not kill her at this time perhaps I can crack that hide of hers and get her to think differently at least in one way. After that... The sky is the limit. Yes, these two, you! Tell the trainer to see me immediately!" Watching the servant take the paper and double check the slaves number they bolted off once more. "Then again it is always good to have a little blackmail up ones sleeve hmm? The noble and pious princess caught with a colts dick lodged in her royal ass while she fondles and fingers a filly. Well, one of the two would be just fine. Hmm... I think I will make certain she has one stallion and one mare as well who are instructed the same. Have the trainer teach them a little extra to probe for any... Oddities that she may have, such as her brother Tasid has."

Fareed continued to think it over and Xerin could see the gears grinding rapidly as he spoke quite matter of factly.

"Maybe I can have the stallion gelded so there is no risk on her part... Or no, have him offer himself up after having taken potions that prevent foals from being made but instead have it be a fertility potion... Yes, that would work too. High and mighty princess bearing the bastard foal of a slave whore. That would destroy her image. She would not fall for that though, no... Not one like her... Maybe train them to give hints that if they fail to truly pleasure their assigned guests they will be horribly punished for not doing their duty? Just enough incentive to bait her with pity. Drugging her wine so she loses her inhibitions also works but if detected by the poison taster that would end in disaster. No... A mind game. Yes, I shall toy with her mind every day of her visit until she cracks. Ah, I know. I will assign a sacrificial slave to her, tell them to spill something on her or make an inappropriate pass and that if they do their "freedom" from bondage is guaranteed. My word will hold when they are taken outside and beheaded in private with the princess watching, this of course freeing them or maybe have them turned into a eunuch... Yes the later will do more to damage her if she does not take the other bait provided. Maybe if I let it slip into her ears that if the other servants fail to appease her they will be switched out and disposed of... I wonder if she does indeed have a price, blackmail material is preferred but I will take whatever I can get."

"To think I would find someone more merciless than myself."

"Ah but we are a coin my friend. Without the other we are not whole, you who are a fighter but a horrible politician and myself who is perfect in the later but not the former."

"Thank you for the compliment my sultan."

As they walked Xerin remembered the first few years that he had worked for Fareed and the number of plans he had come up with to dethrone him. Back then he was not trusted with anything more than being given simple tasks despite having risen in favor, but he also knew it was because Fareed could see right through him. There was always a certain look in the sultans eyes whenever their gazes met, like he could see some of the same desires and aspirations for power. Fareed however was happy with what he had but not above taking more if he could but that meant having someone else who was well trusted and capable, seeing as Adil was just too jaded it precluded him while elevating himself. Adil was loyal, competent but increasingly jaded, the last being his greatest fault.

However, as time wore on Xerin had taken to liking Fareed and as the years continued to pass he began to actually enjoy the conversations they would have at times. Even listening to Fareed was greatly amusing and interesting to him and now his plans of having a coup had been scrapped, but for other reasons that were far more important. Fareed was the brother he never had and it was quite clear the sultan felt much the same way despite the fact he was not of royal birth and of a very minor noble family from Saddle Arabia. To be treated so well was not just an honor but one that was nearly unheard of. Fareed was right, they were two sides of the same coin, each one complimenting the other and with their combined abilities they had kept the country held together without fail but he also knew that the situation was quite grave.

None of that mattered though, it was the peasants lot to do and die when and where ordered to do so. He also liked the status quo right where it was as the massive slums provided some of the best mercenaries he could hope to find, true cut throats that if offered enough money would rape and then finally slit their own mothers throat without a second thought. It was not entirely true of all the slums but there were a few key areas they recruited from, there was a certain power centered there that seemed to draw in just the right kind. The same was true within the city but they were not very useful as they centered on the ever growing brothels and other useless areas. Only a few precious gems were out there and he made certain to harvest them regularly as they came of age which had meant his own special branch of mercenaries was now flooded with recruits.

It was crude and barbaric at times but the methods used to train the recruits was highly effective and when it came time for promotions they nearly killed each other to prove they were the ideal candidate for the job. Of course they had to prove their loyalty in some way that would cause anyone else hesitation and years ago there had been a lot of hesitation from them. Now that these areas just felt... Right to him, like a second home despite their hovels, death and nightmares. But since this change had become ever more present the recruits coming of age and especially those born there were utterly merciless and loyal when offered what they could only dream of: power, money, a home and as they soon learned, all the pussy they could get their hands on one way or another.

True peasants in every sense of the word. But loyal and dedicated. One recruit had stood out more than any other though, a young cross breed of Arabian and Zebra. Ideal because he was tall, strong and had a willpower that made others falter when facing him. A smile crossed his face as he remembered him, his first act had been to start a fight with the trainer who promptly broke his arm and a leg. The recruit was a wild animal, not an equine and that had been beaten out of him till he was now one of the finest officers he had. But the loyalty test had been like nothing else.

What had possessed him to give it? No one else had been asked anything so strange, outlandish or depraved but when taken aside the officer proctoring the test before granting him the rank and privileged of officer did not bat an eye when he asked the stallion to bring his own sister and mother to the barracks for use by the platoon. Never once did he bat an eye and before days end it was done. Why had he allowed it? He had standards and that went beyond anything he ever considered acceptable of his own forces but this time it had felt perfectly normal.

Fareed and Xerin halted as the later was yanked violently from his thoughts and reminiscing as a furious and cussing furry ball of rage hurried past them towards the throne room. The sultan glanced at Xerin who shrugged and following the young officer into the throne room where she joined her grandfather Fareed came to a halt just behind her as she continued to swear violently in a hushed tone. General Adil had seen them and tried to snap her out of it but the two had arrived before he got the chance and it was not until Fareed spoke that she stopped her incessant slur of insults.

"I do not consider it acceptable to use such language within the throne room but to have it come from one of my best officers tends to garner my attention. Explain yourself Ismat."

Ismat spun rapidly on her hooves and straightened up quickly wiping the angry look off her face before starting to mumble words, a glare from Fareed along with a hand on her back from Adil made her stop before taking a deep breath.

"A thief cut my coin purse and made off with it, I nearly had them but they employed some kind of trickery against me on the market street where the clothing-"

Fareed waved her off not wanting to hear it. "Did you not have guards?"

"No..." Ismat's ears threatened to flatten but she tried to remain tall and at attention as Fareed addressed her. "I prefer to travel alone."

"You would do well to take guards with you and I would expect my officers to be wise enough to do so."

Ismat's pupils shrank a little catching the hint of doubt in her that was apparent in Fareed's words. "I have no excuse my sultan but I believed the streets to be safer than that... It will not happen again."

"Is she trying to hide her guilt by blaming me for the streets not being safe?" Fareed looked her over carefully.

Xerin stood to one side looking her over. "What were you doing carrying a coin purse? I know you never carry one openly but hidden."



"The money was for buying a gift."

"Ah yes..." Fareed hummed aloud. "I do believe it is your birthday come the end of the month, correct General Adil?"

The old stallion nodded. "Yes my sultan."

"Very thoughtful of your grand-daughter to be seeking a proper gift of such proportion it draws the attention of thieves. I had thought they would avoid such a well known face as yours Ismat."

"You flatter me."

"Perhaps. I do not know who stole from you but they will be sought out and punished for stealing from a noble and one of my officers at that. Now then, about why I had you both summoned here today, which also has to do with you Ismat. The streets will need cleaning but first of all clearing of the riffraff before the ambassadors get here. General Adil, you are already well aware of what needs to be done and which routes they will be taking. General Xerin will provide the personal guards where they are needed but the army will provide the bulk of the forces for keeping the rabble away. That includes the thieves..."

General Adil bowed his head quickly."Understood sultan."

"Let us retire to the back room where we can go over the details better as I do not believe there are any pressing matters today that require attention?" Fareed looked at the gathering of advisors who all shook their heads in unison. "Good, let us go then."

Ismat watched the sultan and Xerin walk ahead of them while far enough that their distance would not be considered insulting. Only a certain few were permitted to walk so closely to Fareed and Adil while one of them could not with her at his side. This meant waiting on her grandfather to leave and then plodding along far behind him as manners dictated. Was he serious about finding the pickpocket? Most likely not but his words had rung with a dangerous degree of truth.

She also knew exactly what he meant by "clearing the streets" and it would be a complete bloodbath depending on who commanded if anyone failed to run or hobble fast enough to get away from the ranks of spears that would advance on them. This was merely a precursor to future events as once the initial sweeps were done the soldiers would be patrolling near constantly until they were marched away towards their campaign objective. Mercenaries would fill the gaps soon after but not before the dignitaries arrived first. The very first site the ambassadors saw would be the long and deep rows of well dressed and equipped soldiers lining the streets to guide them safely to the palace. This would continue until all had arrived and it would horribly disrupt daily life in the city, it had been suggested that this time they manage it a little better to avoid the merchant district from being entirely shut down for a full week as new routes and time tables were established.

Fareed had strangely enough agreed after having put up with years of complaints about profits lost and as Alzamard was now the trade hub for anything moving within the region it meant he lost profit. That was unless goods were moved by a river farther to the east or the extreme south and then by sea their ability to keep goods moving was vital. That did not stop Fareed from allowing the bandits to have their way however, but even then they would cease to exist for a month or two till all the ambassadors were sent safely home.

These gatherings disgusted her completely, a month of eating, drinking and pleasure while kissing Fareeds flank and then each others. Nobles would also be present in force which made it even worse as they jockeyed with ambassadors for trade concessions which was probably why Fareed allowed them to attend. Not that it was without perks of course. If she were chosen this year to attend it meant getting to partake at times as she too was of noble birth and by right could be invited to participate.

So far that honor had fallen on the head of the family, Adil. But, he had hinted that perhaps this year she would have the great honor of joining him as he had talked to Fareed about allowing her to stay for at least some of the festivities when her duties allowed. Part of her wanted to see with her own eyes what went on, but another part dreaded the prospect as if it were a seeping plague that swam in the air and that if it made contact with her fur, it would worm its way in making her more like the other nobles whom she was growing to despise.

Once she had asked what happened during these events and he had explained a great deal of it but had hesitated to explain other parts as she was "too young to understand" some things. But, after hearing the rumors that had filled the hallways over the years and then seeing the burdened wagons of slaves being brought in she had figured it out on her own. Part of her did indeed enjoy the prospect of the acrobats, dancers and other entertainment that was provided but the rest felt like someone had forced a large stone down her throat and into her stomach quite unwillingly.

"Let us begin." Fareed looked directly at Ismat who was still lost in her thoughts. "General Adil, I have decided that Ismat will be given the important duty of clearing the streets of rabble beforehand. She will be joined by an officer provided by General Xerin... What was his name? Ah, yes. Captain Mueadhab."

"Oh gods not him."

Author's Notes:

New character time but not just yet... Enjoy the story and for those new readers who want to donate a dollar to help keep things running on my end, visit my patreon! So what kind of Captain will this Mueadhab be... Keep reading to find out! Those who donate on patreon got a recent art dump of characters, hope you folks enjoy them so make certain to have a look. This one took a bleeding long time to do. Wanted to give a perspective from Xerin instead of Fareed while showing the day to day workings in the palace. Lots of house projects to go and do now.

Next Chapter: Chapter 54: Marauder Politics Estimated time remaining: 15 Hours, 56 Minutes
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Zebrican Warlord

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