
Gohan's Second Chance

by Kuraekakashi

Chapter 1: What Happened? (Edited)

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Cell had been defeated. He was finally dead.

This was a time to celebrate, right?

A time to be happy?

That wasn't the case for the savior of humanity, Son Gohan.

But why? Why wasn't that the case?

Gohan saved the world from Cell, at the cost of Goku's own life. They wanted to wish him back, but he refused to return.

Well, what happened next?

Almost everyone Gohan knew turned on him. Piccolo, his own mother, and just about everyone he knew.


They thought Gohan caused Goku's death.

It didn't make any sense.

Only three people remained loyal to Gohan. Krillin, Bulma and Vegeta.

Krillin's loyalty made perfect sense to Gohan. Krillin knew Goku by heart, and understood why he sacrificed himself for the world.

Bulma had the same reasons as Krillin.

Vegeta, however, was rather weird and unexpected. He had a hatred for Goku, but why was he so loyal to his son? Wouldn't he be like everyone else, and hate him?

No. Only Vegeta himself knows why he even cared to be on Gohan's side at all.

Actually, it's because Gohan saved his as-"Would you fuck off, author!?" Vegeta yelled.

Fine, don't be a dick about it.

The fact that almost everyone wants to kill Gohan astonished even Bulma and Vegeta.

Vegeta killed many races, "fucked up a ton of shit," and even blew up a ton of planets.

Piccolo was Goku's nemesis and even killed him before.

Trunks even had Gohan as his master in his future.

It just showed Gohan that everyone will turn on you in a minute, no matter how close you are to them or hypocritical they were.

The heartbreaking realization made Gohan want to just fly into the sun.

Where is Gohan today?

It's only been a year since the Cell Games. Since then, he only has armor given to him by Vegeta. He's barely surviving. He's homeless, starving and dying.

Piccolo, Future Trunks, Tenshinhan, Yamcha, and Chi Chi were searching for Gohan, as they desired to kill him.

Gohan was surprised someone like his mother, or even Piccolo would resent him for something like that.
Especially his mother. She married the guy, knowing his pure yet dumb nature.

She knew he would sacrifice his own life as he did before.

But... Now it's Gohan's fault.

And Piccolo was being a huge hypocrite in doing so.

Going to Capsule Corp wasn't an option because everyone would know he was there.

Gohan refused suicide, no matter how tempting it was.

He refused it, as he considered it a coward's way out.

"And... And I don't want to be a coward!" Gohan says.

But he doesn't want to fight.

He can't bring himself to hurt his mother even in self defense. He loves her too much for that.

Having to kill the person who once trained Gohan for the greater good who now hunted him was definitely not something Gohan wanted to do.

Killing his friends in self defense would make him spiral into a depression that would never disappear.

He hypothesized that he'd go insane.

His final option other than fighting for his life...

Was the dragon balls.

Gohan has been in search for the Dragon Balls, and Bulma gave him the dragon radar.

Gohan had just gotten the seventh dragon ball.

Vegeta had helped, and so did Krillin.

The seven dragon balls were on the ground.

"Go ahead, make your wish." Vegeta said, arms crossed.

"Alright... I just want to thank you two. You guys are the only ones who forgave me." Gohan said.

"Don't sweat it, Gohan. I'm sure Goku would've done the same." Krillin said.

"I don't care that Kakarot's dead, nor do I care about you in the slightest, but I do have a debt to repay. So make your wish." Vegeta said.

"O-Okay... Alright, Arise, Shenron!" Gohan yelled.

Out of the seven balls, a huge dragon emerged. It was Shenron, the eternal dragon.

"You have summoned me. Make your wish, and I shall grant it." Shenron said.

Gohan looked at Krillin who nodded to Gohan with a serious look. Then, Vegeta gave him a reassuring smile, which was unusual.

"Okay... Mighty dragon! Grant my-" "Hold it right there!" Piccolo interrupted.

Gohan turned around in surprise. He saw Piccolo alongside Tenshinhan, Yamcha, and Trunks.

"W-Why!?" Gohan asked.

Vegeta went Super Saiyan. "Hurry and make your wish, runt!" He said before clashing with Piccolo and Trunks.

Krillin fought with Tenshinhan and Yamcha.

"Dragon! Send me to another place! Or world! A place where I won't be hated like they hate me, please! It can be anywhere! It can be full of unicorns and ponies for all I care!" Gohan cried. Tears rolled down his face.

"No!" Trunks said before being punched by Vegeta, who was then kicked by Piccolo, who was charging something in his fingers.

"You wish to be taken to another world, where you shan't be hated as badly as them?" Shenron asked.

"Yes! Please!" Gohan yelled.

"Your wish is granted." Shenron said as his eyes glowed.

"Makankosappo!" Piccolo yelled. A very powerful beam came out of his fingers aimed for Gohan.

The beam impaled Gohan in the stomach.

At that moment, Gohan went unconscious. He was teleported at that moment as well.

The beam managed to go halfway through Gohan's body.

"Damn it!" Tenshinhan said.

"He's gone now! Why can't you guys just forget about him!?" Krillin asked.

"He caused Goku's death, twice! That's not cool, man!" Yamcha said.

"That dumbass is dead, get over it you dolts! Prepare for death!" Vegeta yelled before charging at his opponents.


Gohan tried opening his eyes...

"Can you hear me?" Someone said.

"I... I can..." Gohan said.

Gohan was in some sort of limbo.

"I know you're hurt badly, but the place we're sending you off to will be perfect!... But not at first glance." Someone said.

"W-Who are you...?" Gohan asked.

"Me? I'm just the guy who sends people off to other worlds because of a wish. Someone appears here once in a blue moon. Well, have fun!" He said.

'Fun... I wish.' Gohan thought.

Author's Notes:

I know the edits don't justify a few of the dumb things like Piccolo's betrayal, but I tried making the first chapter make a little more sense.

Next Chapter: Gohan In Ponyville, and vs Nightmare Moon (Edited Heavily) Estimated time remaining: 23 Hours, 35 Minutes
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