
The Mane Six goes Disney

by The Cat Charmer

Chapter 40: Mickey's Christmas Carol

Previous Chapter
Mickey's Christmas Carol

Christmas has arrived in Ponyville and the mane six are doing the same thing they did last year, this time they're waiting for a Disney invitation from someone from the Disney universe.

"Okay, any day now. Let's see what kind of holiday themed adventure were doing this year, and it better not be boring." said Rainbow Dash. "Oh, come now Rainbow Dash. None of the Christmas adventures ever get boring. I hope we'll see Mickey again this year." said Rarity. "That would be nice, he likes it when we visit him during this time of the year." said Fluttershy. Suddenly, a letter came out of the Book of Disney and lands in the middle of the floor. "Well, lookie here. A letter from Mickey Mouse, let's see what he says." said Applejack as she opens the letter and gives it to Twilight. "I hate to break it to you, girls. It doesn't sound good." said Twilight. "Well, what does it say?" Rainbow Dash asked. Twilight read the letter,

"My dearest mane six,

I hope you're having a nice Christmas so far. My friends and I wanted to invite you to our party like last time, but it's mostly for Donald. You see, Donald always wanted to celebrate Christmas with his uncle, Scrooge McDuck. But every year, he shuts him out. Scrooge McDuck cares about nothing but his money and his very wealthy bank. That's why I'm asking you girls to help Donald's uncle get to the Christmas spirit. I know I can count on you all, I never see you fail a task in all of my life. This could really help Donald a lot this year, and he will be very happy once he's reunited with his uncle.


Mickey Mouse"

"Aww, Donald is depressed this year? We've gotta help him fast!" Pinkie shouted. "Well, what are we waiting for, girls? Let's go to the Disney universe!" Twilight shouted as she teleports herself and her friends to the happiest place on earth.


When they got there, everything was filled with Christmas lights and decorations.

"Wow, they made this place a lot prettier than the last time we were here." said Pinkie. "I agree. Even the trees are a lot more bigger." said Applejack. "Don't forget the delicious cookies, especially gingerbread. I hope Donald's uncle likes gingerbread cookies." said Pinkie. "Well, Mickey did tell us that he doesn't like Christmas that much." said Rainbow Dash. "And that's why we're here. Oh, and we're right in front of the castle. Let's go inside." said Twilight as she and her friends went inside the castle.

Once inside, Mickey and Minnie were right at the entrance to welcome them. "Oh, girls. I'm so glad you're here!" Minnie shouted. "Good to see you again, glad you got my letter." said Mickey. "It's great to be back at the happiest place on earth, Mickey. Say, where's Donald?" Twilight asked. "He's in the ballroom, looking at the Christmas tree. You might wanna talk to him, he really needs it." said Mickey. "Do you think a party would help him?" Pinkie asked. "I think he needs more than a party." said Fluttershy.

They saw Donald in front of the Christmas tree mopping because of his uncle. "Oh Donald." Rainbow Dash. Donald turned around and saw the mane six right before his very eyes. "The mane six! I can't believe you're all here! Thank you so much for coming!" he shouted as he hugged them all. "Good to see you too, Donald." said Twilight. "Mickey told us about your problem and we would like to help you." said Rarity. "You mean my Uncle Scrooge? How are you going to help me with him? He'll refuse to anyone who's in a Christmas spirit, including me and my friends." Donald asked. "Well, we are going to put him in a Christmas spirit in over one night. Just wait and see." said Rainbow Dash. "All you have to do is to tell us all about Scrooge, Donald." said Twilight.

So, Donald told the mane six all about Scrooge McDuck and leads them to the bank he works at.


When they got there, they hatched a plan in order to get Scrooge McDuck to the Christmas party.

"Oh, I hope this works. I don't know what to do if it doesn't." Donald muttered in worrisome. "Don't worry, it will work. If it doesn't, we'll think of something else." Twilight promised. "Ok, Pinkie. You got your Christmas cannon ready?" Applejack asked. "Oh yeah, nice and loaded." said Pinkie as she rubs her cannon. "Ok, ready. Three, two, one. GO!" Twilight shouted as Rainbow Dash bursted the door open while Pinkie Pie fired her Christmas cannon.

Presents, ornaments, and lots of snow were everywhere in the office. Scrooge was surprised and screamed at them. "MERRY CHRISTMAS, UNCLE SCROOGE!" Everyone shouted. "Agh, what is the meaning of this? And who are you?" Scrooge asked. "Allow us to introduce ourselves, sir. I'm Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity. We're very close friends to your nephew Donald." Twilight introduced. "How dare you vandalize my office with something that makes people waste money." said Scrooge.

"But, sir. We're just here to invite you to a wonderful Christmas party. Would you like to come?" Fluttershy asked. "Not this again. Nephew, every year you asked me the same question, and you should know the answer." said Scrooge. "It's a no, isn't it?" Donald asked. "That is correct. Now, clean this mess up and leave my office this instant." Scrooge demanded. "Now, wait just a minute. That is not how you treat your nephew like that. He just wants to celebrate Christmas with you and all you do is give him a scowl. I don't care if you're in a Christmas spirit or not, you are going to that party and spend time with people who love you." said Applejack.

Scrooge was silent for a moment at her words, but he suddenly snapped out of it. "Get out of my office! I've had enough of this Christmas mess, and I never want to see any of you again! Good day!" he shouted as he kicked the mane six and Donald out of his office and closed his door shut. "Well, so much for that idea." Rarity muttered sarcastically. "My uncle shut me out again, he doesn't love me anymore. All he cares about is money." Donald cried. "There there, Donald. We'll think of something." said Fluttershy as she hugs him in comfort. "We have to try again, but something that'll teach him a lesson." said Twilight.

"You always get the best ideas, Twilight. I'm sure whatever you're thinking of will blow us away." Rainbow Dash replied sarcastically. "Thank you for that, Rainbow Dash. And yes, my idea will blow you away." Twilight replied. "Well, what is it? My Christmas cannon won't work for him, I'll probably save it for later." Pinkie asked. "I'm thinking we are going to give him a Christmas Carol story staring us." Twilight asked. "That does sound like a good idea, but how are you going to do that?" Donald asked. "I'll use my magic to teleport time travel from past to future. Some of us will be his deceased partner Jacob Marley, the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future." Twilight explained.

"Wow, I really like that idea Twilight. Let's do it tonight!" Donald shouted. "Then, let's get planning." Twilight replied.


That night, the mane six and Donald snuck into Scrooge's bank with costumes.

"Ok, Rainbow Dash. You ready?" Twilight asked. "Yeah, hopefully I'll scare the dickens out of him." said Rainbow Dash as she dresses up as Jacob Marley. "Go got him, Dashie." Pinkie encouraged. Rainbow Dash gave her a wink and snuck into Scrooge's bedroom.

The snobbish duck was fast asleep until he heard a terrible noise. "Scrooge." Rainbow Dash called in a spooky voice. "Who's there?" Scrooge asked in fear. "Scrooge." Rainbow Dash called again. "Show yourself, I'm not afraid of you." said Scrooge. "SCROOGE!" Rainbow Dash shouted as she popped out of the bed and gave him a jump scare. Scrooge screamed in fright and fell out of the bed. "Please, don't hurt me! What do you want from me?" he asked in fear. "Scrooge, I've come to warn you about what will happen if you don't respect Christmas." Rainbow Dash explained.

"What? What's gonna happen to me if I don't respect Christmas? Will I end up like you?" Scrooge asked. "Yes. I was like you, selfish and greedy. As punishment, I had to carry these chains in my afterlife. Please don't end up like me." Rainbow Dash explained. "What shall I do?" Scrooge asked. "You are going to be visited by three spirits tonight. They will teach you the meanings of Christmas. Good luck, my friend." said Rainbow Dash as she leaves the room in a flash.

When she came back to her friends, she was cracking up laughing. "You should've seen his face, it was hilarious!" she cried out in laughter. "Well, good thing you didn't break character." said Rarity. "Ok, Christmas Past. Are you ready to visit Mr. Scrooge?" Twilight asked. "Ready as you are, Twilight. Thanks for making my costume comfortable, Rarity." said Applejack. "Anytime, I've always wanted to make Christmas costumes." Rarity replied.

Twilight lifted her up with her magic and Pinkie made a huge light to signal Scrooge that the Ghost of Christmas Past has arrived.


When he saw the light, he was blinded at first until it dies down and a figure appeared right in front of him.

"Who are you?" Scrooge asked. "I'm the Ghost of Christmas Past, and I'm here to show you the times you've celebrated the holiday." Applejack explained. "You look familiar." said Scrooge. "What? Do I remind you of somebody? I look like so many people back in my day." Applejack asked nervously. "You remind me of that cowgirl who yelled at me earlier today." said Scrooge. "Nah, that was no one. Come on, we better get going." said Applejack as she takes his hand and Twilight used her magic to teleport them into the past.

In the past, Scrooge used to have a great job and a loving boss. This was before he started to doubt Christmas. "Oh, I remember this. This was when I worked for Fezziwig and we had this party. I was such a loner, and then came Isabel. My, she was like an angel to me." he explained. "Yeah, you sure did have a nice life before your obsession with money." said Applejack as they teleported to what happened a few years later.

Scrooge opened up his own bank and stopped paying attention to Isabel. She opened the door and walked right in. "Ebenezer? Are you finally going to ask me to marry you? You have no idea how much I love you. I've bought a cottage just for the two of us." she asked. "Well, you payed it an hour late. The cottage is now foreclosured!" Scrooge snapped. Isabel was heartbroken and cries when she leaves her true love forever.

"Oh my, she was the only girl I've only fell in love with. And now, she's gone." said Scrooge as he saw his younger self. "Yep, your greed of money and gold took away someone you loved most. And now, you've lost her forever." said Applejack. "You can take me back now, spirit. I've had enough seeing my past self." said Scrooge. "As you wish, Mr. Scrooge." said Applejack as she teleports him back to the present and into his bedroom.

She then disappeared from him and went back to her friends.


When she got back, her friends are preparing Pinkie Pie to visit Scrooge as the Ghost of Christmas Present.

"How'd I do, y'all?" Applejack asked. "You did a great job. Now, it's Pinkies turn to teach him a lesson." Twilight replied. "You guys are doing really good with my uncle so far. Wait till he gets the last one." Donald snickered. "Well, that's after Pinkie Pie." said Rainbow Dash. Pinkie brings out her Christmas cannon and shouted, "Ok, my cannon is ready!" Rarity shushed her and said, "Hush, Pinkie. You don't want him to hear us." "Sorry." Pinkie replied.

"Ready to see my uncle, Pinkie?" Donald asked. "Ready, launch my cannon!" Pinkie shouted as she got inside her cannon and Donald pressed the button to launch her into Scrooge's bedroom. She crashes into the window and lands on top of Scrooge. "What the? Who are you?" he asked. "Sorry about that. I'm the Ghost of Christmas Present, and I'm here to show you how people around you celebrate this wonderful holiday." Pinkie explained. "Are they miserable and upset as I am?" Scrooge asked. "No, silly. They're having the best time of their life, but some of them wish you could celebrate Christmas with them. Come on, I'll show you!" Pinkie answered as she grabs his hand and jumped out of the window.

They landed in her Christmas cannon and Donald blasted them all the way to the Disney Castle. Once they landed in the snow, Scrooge immediately looked at the window and saw his nephew's friends having the best time. "Is this where Donald celebrates Christmas every year?" he asked. "Yep, this is it. He loves this time of year, but he feels sad too." Pinkie answered. "Why? Why would he feel sad during the holidays?" Scrooge asked. "What do you think?" Pinkie asked back. "Well, Donald does ask me to celebrate Christmas with him every year." Scrooge replied shamefully. "See? That's why he's depressed every year, because of you! All he wants is to spend time with you, and all you care about is shiny stuff that makes you blind. You've been blind for a really long time!" Pinkie answered. "I have? Because of my treatment towards Donald?" Scrooge asked. "Yep." Pinkie replied. "Well, I'm sure his friends are fine without me." said Scrooge. "Not really. Take a peek." Pinkie replied.

Scrooge takes a look inside and saw Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, and Pluto getting ready for tomorrow morning. "Gee, I hope the mane six and Donald can change Scrooge McDuck's act. I'm sick and tired of his grouchy attitude towards everyone." said Minnie. "Yeah, he doesn't deserve to be alone in the darkness every year. He'll catch a cold." said Goofy. "Don't give up hope, fellas. The mane six always know how to fix things, including changing personalities." said Mickey. "How do you know?" Minnie asked. "Because they do great things for our friends in this world. And I know Scrooge can do great things, he just doesn't show it." Mickey replied. "I agree, Mickey. He needs to be happy and beloved by all of us." said Goofy.

"See? They still care about you, even though you give them a mean attitude." said Pinkie. "Mickey still has faith in me? After all this time?" Scrooge asked. "Yep, but this will be Donald's last Christmas ever!" Pinkie replied as she suddenly disappeared from him. "Spirit? Where'd you go?" Scrooge asked in fear.

Pinkie rushed to her friends really fast and stopped like a car.


"Nice work, Pinkie. I'm surprised he didn't recognize you." said Twilight. "Me too. And now, the moment we've all been waiting for." said Pinkie.

A dark shadow in a black clock appears out of nowhere in front of them and it's revealed to be Fluttershy. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I scare you guys?" she asked. "Nope, but that'll scare the dickens out of Scrooge. And after this, he'll be in a Christmas spirit." said Rainbow Dash. "That's right, all I have to do is to give him a dark future." said Twilight. "Ok, I'm ready. I hope this works." said Fluttershy as she flies away and appears in front of Scrooge.

He was terrified of the figure in front of him and asked, "Are you the Ghost of Christmas Future?" Fluttershy nodded her head yes. "Are you going to show me what Christmas is going to be like in the future?" Scrooge asked. Fluttershy shook her head no and took him to Donald's house a few years from now.

"Why did you take me to Donald's house? How come he doesn't have Christmas decorations up? He usually puts it up right when November hits." Scrooge asked. Fluttershy taps the window, telling him to look inside. Scrooge looked inside and saw Donald in the corner, rocking himself and muttering to himself. "Christmas is for selfish people. Christmas is for selfish people. Christmas is for selfish people." he muttered. "Donald went crazy and lost the faith of Christmas?" Scrooge asked. Fluttershy nodded yes and took him to the cemetery.

"Why did you bring here?" Scrooge asked. Fluttershy showed him a tombstone with a funeral going on, but no one even showed up. "Spirit, who's lonely grave is this?" Scrooge asked. Fluttershy pointed at him by telling him that's his tombstone. "What? Mine? I'm going to die alone? Donald will go crazy because of me? No, not his can't be happening! Please, is there anything I can do to make things right? I'll change, I promise! I'LL CHANGE!" Scrooge shouted as Fluttershy picks him up and flies him back to his home in the present time.

She dropped him and makes him fall into the snowy ground bellow.


Scrooge wakes up and shook his head like he had a nightmare.

"Well, I hope you've learned your lesson Mr. Scrooge." said Twilight. "What?" Scrooge asked in confusion. "SURPRISE!" everyone shouted. "Wait a minute, this was all a plan? The visions? The spirits?" Scrooge asked. "That's right. Each of us played a part of our little play. Rainbow Dash was your dead partner, Applejack was the Ghost of Christmas Past, Pinkie was the Ghost of Christmas Present, Fluttershy was the Ghost of Christmas Future, Rarity made the costumes for everyone, and I did all of the magic." Twilight explained.

"But, why did you do that to me?" Scrooge asked. "I'm sorry, Uncle Scrooge. I just wanted you to celebrate Christmas with me. We did all of this just to get you into the Christmas spirit and to stop you from your greed. So, I'm going to ask you this one question I've been asking you every year. Will you celebrate Christmas with me and my friends?" Donald explained. "Are you kidding? Yes, of course I will. I can't believe I was blinded by money. I'm sorry I was treating you like dirt for years." said Scrooge. "It's alright, Uncle Scrooge. I'm glad my friends changed your mind about Christmas." said Donald. "Ladies, thank you for changing my heart. You have no idea how much this means to me." said Scrooge.

"You're welcome, Mr. Scrooge. Everyone deserves to celebrate Christmas with loved ones, including you." said Twilight. "Come on, everyone. Let's go to Mickey's Christmas party!" Pinkie shouted.


When everyone arrived to the Disney Castle, they were amazed that Scrooge has a change of heart and will celebrate Christmas for years to come. They celebrated all day long with singing carols, delicious treats, and love for one another. And it was all thanks to the mane six.

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