
The Mane Six goes Disney

by The Cat Charmer

Chapter 39: Anastasia

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Pinkie Pie is on her way to Sweet Apple Acres to drop off sugar for Applejack. "Here you are, AJ. Three pounds of sugar." she said. "Thanks, Pinkie Pie. I just don't know why those fillies are spreading rumors me being adopted." said Applejack. "Adopted? I don't think so, you're born right here on this farm. Maybe you should stop listening to the rumors. You'll never know if they're true or not." said Pinkie. "Well, that's why you have to figure it out all by yourself." said Applejack.

Suddenly, the Book of Disney is calling them. "Well, I'll be. The Book of Disney is calling us, let's go!" said Applejack as she ran towards the castle. "Wait for me, Applejack!" Pinkie shouted as she follows her friend.

When they arrived, Twilight opened the book and revealed the new chapter. The next story is Anastasia. She began to read,

"A long time ago in Russia, there lived Czar Nicolas and his big family. His mother Duchess Marie is visiting the family to see her youngest granddaughter Anastasia. Since she's been traveling, she rarely sees her and gives her a music box that plays her lullaby. Then, she gave her a locket that says 'Together in Paris' which opens the box. Anastasia was so happy about living with her grandmother in Paris. But, the celebration didn't last long. An evil man broke into the party and was seeking revenge on the family. His name was Rasputin. Nicolas told the traitor to leave, but Rasputin decided to curse the family and wanted to make sure every single member was destroyed. Consumed by the hatred of the family, he sold his soul to destroy them. He led an angry mob to break into the palace kill everyone in there. Anastasia and her grandmother were the only ones who made it out alive, thanks to a kitchen boy. He led them to a secret passage way so they can escape without being caught. While they were escaping, Rasputin tried to kill them. But, he ends up drowning under the ice. They made it to the train station and Anastasia tries to keep up with her grandmother, but the train was too fast. So fast that she fell and hit her head hard, knocked unconscious. Anastasia was never seen again. Ten years later, people have been spreading rumors about her being still alive and Marie is holding ten million to the person who brings her home in Paris. Two conmen named Dimitri and Vladimir are searching for every girl in Russia that looks like Anastasia, but found no one."

After she's done reading, she and her friends got sucked into the book.


They found themselves in a snowy area of St. Petersburg.

"Um, what is this? It's so cold." Fluttershy asked she she begins to shiver. "I didn't know that we're going somewhere cold. It's even worse than Arendelle." said Rarity. "So, what are we doing here anyway? Is there somebody here we can help?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I'm not really sure. But, there are two conmen we can see." Twilight replied. "Or we could ask that young woman over there. It looks like she's lost." said Applejack.

They saw a young woman looking at the signs and was talking to herself. "Excuse me, miss." said Twilight. The woman turned around and saw the mane six in surprise. "Oh. Hello, I didn't see you there." she said. "It's alright, ma'am. We just don't know what to do around here." said Applejack. "Me neither. All I want to know is to find out who gave me this." said the woman as she gives Twilight her locket. "Together in Paris." she read. "If I go to Paris, that means I'll find my family." said the woman. "We could, and we'll help you find them." said Fluttershy. "Really? That sounds great, but who are you guys?" the woman asked. "I'm Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends. Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie." Twilight introduced. "Nice to meet you. I'm Anya." she introduced.

"So, shall we go to Paris? It'll be fun." Pinkie asked. "Yeah, and it can take a long time to get there." said Applejack. Anya thought for a moment and said, "Of course. I'll found out who I really am." "What do you mean by that?" Twilight asked. "Well, I've lived in an orphanage for as long as I can remember. I don't remember what happened before I got there. And now, I'm with you guys trying to help me." Anya explained. "Oh my. That's so sad." said Fluttershy. "Don't you worry, dear. We are going to Paris as soon as possible." Rarity promised.

"Of course we are. Paris, here we come." said Anya as she and the mane six play around the snow as they went towards St. Petersburg.


"Seven tickets to Paris, please." said Anya to the ticket holder. "Do you guys have a passport?" he asked. "Passport?" Anya asked. "Um, I don't think so." said Fluttershy. "No passport. No ticket!" he shouted at the girls as he slammed his doors on them.

"Ugh, now what? We can't just walk to Paris or use magic to get there." said Rainbow Dash. "I agree. It'll waste my magic if we teleport to a place that's far away, plus I'll need it just in case we run into something evil." Twilight explained. "Well, there's gotta be a way to get there." said Pinkie. "Do you think we should ask someone to take us there?" Applejack asked.

Then, an old lady walked toward them and said, "See Dimitri." "Who?" Rarity asked. "Where can we find him?" Anya asked. "At the old palace. But, you didn't hear it from me. Go on." said the old lady as she leaves. "Okay, that was weird. Is it the good weird or the bad weird? That is the question." Pinkie asked. "Well, she did say we should find someone called Dimitri. Do you think he can help us?" Anya asked. "I think so. Let's go the old palace and see if he's there." said Applejack.

"Good idea, Applejack." said Twilight. "I hope he's nice." Fluttershy muttered. And they're off to the old palace.


When they got there, it was dead quiet as they were looking around to find an entrance.

"Wow. It looks like no one has been here in years." said Rarity. "I know, right. Who would do such a thing to the royal family?" Rainbow Dash asked. "How do we get in?" Fluttershy asked. "Well, since all of the windows are covered up. I think I should knock them over." said Applejack. "Uh, are you sure it's a good idea?" Anya asked. "Trust me." said Applejack as she kicks the wood to the ground, making a loud noise. "I hope no one hears that." Fluttershy muttered. "I think Dimitri is supposed to hear us. After all, we do need his help to get to Paris." said Twilight as she and her friends went inside the palace.

Once inside, the mane six and Anya looked around the area. "Hello?" Anya shouted. "Anybody here? Dimitri?!" Twilight asked. "Where could he be?" Fluttershy asked. "I don't know, he's gotta be here somewhere." Twilight replied. Anya was looking at the dusty plates and other things like she recognized them. "This looks so familiar." she muttered. "Wait, you've been here before?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I don't really know, but I wish I could remember." Anya replied. The mane six looked at her in curiosity as she begins to sing,

(Dancing bears,

Painted wings,

Things I almost remember,

And a song someone sings,

Once upon a December.

Someone holds me safe and warm,

Horses prance through a silver storm,

Figures dancing gracefully across my memory

Someone holds me safe and warm,

Horses prance through a silver storm,

Figures dancing gracefully across my memory.

Far away,

Long ago,

Glowing dim as an ember,

Things my heart used to know,

Things it yearns to remember

And a song someone sings

Once upon a December)

As she sings, she was twirling around the ballroom as the mane six watches her. Then suddenly, figures of people appeared of of nowhere and danced with Anya. Her family was there too and walked towards her. Anya was dressed in a gorgeous ballgown with sparkles and a tiara.

After that's done, they hear a voice coming from a young man. "Hey, what are you doing down there?!" he shouted. The mane six and Anya made a run for it until he stopped them. "Now, how did you get in here?" he asked as he looks at Anya in a peculiar way. "Excuse me, sir. Are you Dimitri?" Twilight asked. "Uh yes. How'd you know my name?" he asked. "Well, we're looking for you. Thinking you can take us to Paris." Anya explained. Dimitri looks at her, then the painting behind her. Then, his friend Vladimir showed up. "Vlad, do you see what I see?" Dimitri asked his friend. "No." Vladimir replied. Dimitri puts his glasses on him so he can see better. Vladimir gasped in excitement and said, "Yes. Yes, I can't believe we've found her."

"Uh, what's going on here?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Something's going on with their smiles, they're getting suspicious on me." said Pinkie in a concerned way. "Yeah, they're staring at me like I'm famous or something like that." said Anya. "Oh, yes you are." said Dimitri. "What are you talking about?" Rarity asked. "See that painting? Your friend looks exactly like the Grand Duchess Anastasia and we have searched far and wide to find her. And here she is, right there in front of us." Dimitri explained. The mane six saw the painting and knew what he meant. "You're right. She does look like her, but is she really her? Anastasia has been missing ever since the palace was attacked, and Anya doesn't remember anything from her past." said Rarity. "That's why we're going to Paris, Rarity!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"Oh, you want to go to Paris. Is that way you wanted to see me?" Dimitri asked. "Yes, can you help us?" Twilight asked. "Of course, with every little detail about royalty. Trust me, you'll like it." said Dimitri. "Are you sure? Since when do you know royalty?" Pinkie asked. "I've known them ever since I was a child." Dimitri replied. "So, do you have tickets to Paris? For the seven of us?" Twilight asked. "Right here. Just come with me, and you'll be just fine. So, what do you say?" said Dimitri. "Could you give us a minute?" Twilight asked as she and her friends do a group huddle.

"I think we should trust Dimitri." said Applejack. "What? Are you crazy? What if he tricks us?" Pinkie asked in concern. "I know, but he's the only way for us to get to Paris." Applejack replied. "But, what about me being the grand duchess?" Anya asked. "Maybe that could be the answer to your problem. Your family must be a part of royalty since you recognized this place." said Twilight. "You're right. I think Dimitri has the answer to all of this." said Anya. "So, shall we go with his plan or what?" Fluttershy asked. "I think so." said Twilight.

"Dimitri!" Anya called as she and the mane six ran towards him. "Did you call me?" Dimitri asked. "I don't really know if I'm the grand duchess or not and we were thinking you have the answer." said Anya. "Alright, shall we ladies?" Dimitri asked.

"Girls, we are going to Paris!" Anya shouted.


So, everyone went on the train as Dimitri promised and are on their way to Paris.

"Well, Dimitri. It's like we've never doubted you when you said you're taking us to Paris." said Applejack. "Hey, a promise is a promise." Dimitri replied as he was about to sit down, but Pinkie was blocking his seat. "No weird smiles on this seat!" she shouted. "Pinkie, just let him sit down." said Twilight. "It's fine, I'll sit next to you." said Dimitri as he sat between Anya and Twilight "Sorry about her, she just gets suspicious when it comes to good looking men who smiles all the time." said Rainbow Dash. "I heard that!" Pinkie shouted.

Dimitri laughed at her. Anya was playing with her locket and was slouching. "Stop playing with that thing and sit up straight." Dimitri scolded. "She seems fine to me." said Fluttershy. "Nonsense. Since Anya is going to be a lady, she should start acting like one." said Rarity. "Oh, right." said Anya as she sits up. "What? You listen to her and not me?!" Dimitri shouted. "Well, she's my friend and I agree with her about acting like royalty. So, stop bossing me around!" said Anya. "Oh snap!" Rainbow Dash laughed.

"Ugh, I hate that woman." Dimitri muttered. Anya stuck her tongue at him for being negative. Rainbow Dash laughs at him some more. "Maybe you should be more positive when it comes to royalty. After all, I am a princess and I know everything about it." said Twilight. "Thanks a lot." Dimitri muttered sarcastically. "I would do the same thing too, you know." said Applejack.

As the train moves, Dimitri and Anya are having a conversation about what happened earlier. "Look, I'm sorry about earlier." said Dimitri. "I'm sorry too. Are you going to miss your home?" Anya asked. "I don't have a home." Dimitri replied. "No. Russia." said Anya. "I used to live there, now I'm not. End of story." said Dimitri. "But, it was your home. I'm sure you've had friends there." said Anya. "I don't have any friends, all I have is Vlad." said Dimitri. Twilight and Applejack opens the door where they're at to see what's going on. "Well, look who's getting along." Applejack teased. "No, we're not. We're just talking and that's it." said Dimitri. "Take it easy, partner. It's just a joke. I think you need something to eat since you're getting crabby. Here, have an apple." said Applejack as she shoves an apple into Dimitri's mouth. He immediately spit it out and said, "I'm not hungry." "Well, I'm glad you two are doing just fine without fighting each other." said Twilight. "He's not bothering me or anything like that." said Anya. "I hope not." said Applejack.

"Okay, what is it with you guys being so nosy on me? Besides, your pink friend doesn't like me because of my smile!" Dimitri shouted. "We're not being nosy, we just wanted to be your friend. And you don't have to shout when we ask you about something!" Twilight shouted. "Come on, let's just get going. I'm getting hungry." said Applejack as she and her friend leave. Fluttershy was about to go in as she heard the conversation. "What's the matter with Dimitri?" she asked. "I don't know, but I have a feeling he's hiding something from us." Applejack replied. "Maybe he's just lonely or had a terrible past." said Fluttershy. "I guess we'll never find out." said Twilight.

A few hours later, Vladimir showed up with his passport to Dimitri and said, "This is why I hate traveling. Everything's in red." "Red? You know what, I say we get off of this train." said Dimitri as he starts packing his things. While the mane six and Anya were taking a nap, Pinkie was looking at those flying green goblins and they scared her. She screamed as she accidentally woke everyone up. "Pinkie, what's wrong?" Twilight asked. "Those goblin things. They were staring right at me." Pinkie replied. "That's weird." said Rainbow Dash. Dimitri opens the door and said, "Uh, girls. I think we have a change of plan. If you follow me, please." "Why? What's going on?" Twilight asked. "Just come on." said Dimitri. He realizes that Anya is still sleeping and woke her up. She accidentally smacked him in the nose as he yelped in pain. "I'm so sorry. Oh, it's you. Never mind." she said. "You hurt my nose!" Dimitri shouted as he covers his nose and leads the mane six and Anya to somewhere they can't be seen. "Men are such babies." Anya muttered. "Nah, just this one." Rainbow Dash muttered back.

When they arrived to where Dimitri lead them, the mane six and Anya got very suspicious about this. "Um, Dimitri. Why did you lead us here?" Twilight asked. Dimitri was stammering at her question. "Oh, I see. You're trying to get rid of all of us, are you?" Pinkie asked in concern. "No. No, it's not that. It's." said Dimitri.

Before he can say anything, they heard a loud boom and we're moving faster. "What just happened?" Rarity asked in fear. They all looked and found out that they've been separated from the train. "This cannot be good." said Dimitri. "What do we do?" Anya asked. "We've got to turn this thing around. I'll check it out." said Twilight as she went to the engine room of the train and found no one. The engines were way too high and was burning up. "Anybody here?" she asked. Her response was fire blowing onto her face, but she covered herself with her magic.

"We're going way too fast!" Anya shouted. Twilight jumped down and shouted, "Nobody's driving this train." "Now what? Who knows what could happen if it keeps going." Pinkie asked. "I think we should jump off the train." said Applejack. "Did you say jump?" Anya asked as she looked down and saw a pretty deep drop. "It's too far for a drop!" Fluttershy shouted. "Any other ideas?" Rainbow Dash asked. "We can separate this cart from the engine and we'll chain it to the road." Dimitri suggested. "Are you sure that'll work?" Twilight asked. "I like it, let's do it." said Rainbow Dash.

Rarity zaps the connection between the cart and the engine apart while Applejack and Dimitri get the anchor. But, she ends up tripping over a box. When Dimitri went to tie the chain up, he didn't expect Anya to help him. "Not you! Where's Applejack?" he asked. "She's busy at the moment." Anya replied. "Need a hand?" Rainbow Dash asked. Anya then helps him up back to the cart. "If we live through this, remind me to thank you." said Dimitri. All three of them pushed the chain to the ground and hoped the plan will work.

The anchor lands on the road, but it didn't stop the cart. "I thought the chain was going to stop the cart." said Twilight. "I thought so too." said Anya. "Please tell me there's a nearby train station." Fluttershy muttered. "Things cats just get any worse. Can it?" Applejack asked. Suddenly, the anchor snapped and made the cart go faster. What's even worse is that a bridge was destroyed. Everyone gasped at the sight. "You were saying?" Anya asked. "I think we should get off the train now." said Applejack. "Good idea." said Twilight.

Everyone got their stuff and were about to jump off the train. "Well, this is our stop." said Anya was everyone jumped off the cart and falls into the snow. The train falls into the pit below as it explodes into smithereens. "Phew, that was a close one." said Pinkie. "You said it. But, I do wonder why that train was acting like it wants to kill us." said Rarity. "At least we made it." said Fluttershy. "Hey, your plan kinda worked Dimitri. What do you think?" Applejack asked.

"I hate trains. Remind me to never get on a train again." said Dimitri.


As they are on their way to Paris, the mane six and Anya have been discussing on what they shall do when they get there. Meanwhile, Vlad was very excited to see the Empress' first cousin.

"Oh, Sophie!" Vladimir shouted as he jumps around in glee. "What's he excited about?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Something about Sophie." Twilight replied. "You have know idea how much she means to me. We are going to see her when we get to Paris. This is going to be amazing." Vlad explained. "Wait a minute. I thought we were going to see the Empress." said Anya. "Yeah, I thought so too. Is there a change of plan?" Applejack asked. "Actually, you have to see the first cousin to prove you're Anastasia." Dimitri replied. "Wait, what?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Dimitri!" Twilight shouted.

"Oh no. No no no. Nobody asked me to prove I'm the grand duchess." Anya shouted. "We have to. What if it's true?" said Dimitri. Anya angrily walked to the bridge and looked at her reflection. "You should've told us that when we first met you." said Twilight as she walked towards Anya to comfort her. "Tell me, Anya. What do you see?" she asked. "I see a skinny little nobody, with no past and no future." Anya replied in grief. "I see an engaging fiery young woman who is seeking to find out where she belongs. Don't you see? That's why me and my friends came here, to help you." said Twilight. Anya smiled at her.

Dimitri walked towards them and asked, "So, are you ready to be grand duchess?" "Not now, Dimitri." said Twilight. "What?" Dimitri asked. "Just don't know why you guys are always mad at him. After all, he is taking us to Paris." said Fluttershy. "Thank you, Fluttershy." said Dimitri. "Do you think we should get going now?" Rainbow Dash asked. "That's right, I'll bet Sophie will be glad to see us." said Vlad. "She'll be most likely be glad to see you." said Rainbow Dash.

Anya thought for a moment and said, "Guys. Start your teaching." "Alright. I know everything about royalty and you will be a princess in no time." said Twilight. "And I will teach you how to wear a beautiful ball gown, or teach you how to waltz when you dance with a handsome man." said Rarity. "Leave her history to me, girls. Because I know everything about her past." said Dimitri. "Go for it!" Pinkie shouted.

So, the mane six and Dimitri taught Anya about everything that happened in her past including her ancestors, what she did during her childhood, and more. Twilight and Rarity taught her how to act like a princess. While doing those things, they board upon a boat which will lead them to Paris.


During their long boat ride, Dimitri bought a simple blue dress for Anya.

"Here, I bought you a dress." said Dimitri. "You bought me a tent." said Anya as she took a peek inside. "What are you looking for?" Dimitri asked. "The Russian circus, I think it's still in here." Anya replied. "Just put it on." said Dimitri. Rarity came in and saw her dress. "Oh my, it is a lovely dress. But, it needs some more sparkle." she said. "The dress looks fine to me." said Anya. "Nonsense, you need to be beautiful for Dimitri." said Rarity. "Why would I be beautiful for him? It's not like he's in love with me or anything like that." said Anya. "Oh, we'll see about that darling." said Rarity as she uses her magic to make Anya's dress more sparkly.

The others were wishing for her to show up so they can prepare her for a ball. When she finally arrived, they were all amazed how beautiful she looked in the now sparkling dress. "Wonderful. Now, she's ready for a royal ball." said Vlad. "She sure does, I really like the sparkles." said Fluttershy. "Don't you? Thanks to me, and I can tell Dimitri really likes it." said Rarity. "Now, let's start the dancing lesson. Anya, put you hand on his shoulder and the other one on his hand." said Twilight.

As the two began dancing, it wasn't right. "No, you're doing it wrong. Let the man lead." said Twilight. So, Anya let's Dimitri dance with her and they're doing it perfectly. "That dress looks beautiful. You should wear it." said Dimitri. "I am wearing it." said Anya as they continued dancing. They twirled and danced all around the deck with happiness and glee. The mane six and Vladimir watched them having their moment. "Well, Twilight. You taught them very well." said Applejack. "Thanks. Look at them, I've never seen them so happy." said Twilight. "I think they're in love." said Rarity.

"I feel a little dizzy." said Anya. "Me too. I think we should stop." said Dimitri as they stoped dancing. "We have stopped." said Anya. "Anya, I." said Dimitri. "Yes?" Anya asked. Dimitri leaned over and was about to kiss her, but he stopped. "Hey, what's going on over there?" Pinkie asked. "You're fine." said Dimitri as he pats her hands and leaves. Anya looked at him in odd, so did the mane six. "Why just happened? You two did so well, and now he left just like that." Fluttershy asked. "I don't know." Anya replied.

When night came, everyone was ready for bed and Dimitri was already asleep. "Look at him, he can sleep through anything." said Vladimir. "Mind if I wake him up?" Pinkie asked. "Uh, I don't think that's a good idea." said Applejack. But before she can, she accidentally tripped on his bag, popping out a little box that looks like a music box. "Ooh, what's that?" Pinkie asked as she picks it up.

"Pinkie, can I see that?" Anya asked. Pinkie gave her the box and she took a good look at it. "What do you think it is?" Twilight asked. "Looks like some type of jewelry box." said Rainbow Dash. "It's smaller than a jewelry box." said Rarity. "Jewelry box? Are you sure that's what it is? It looks more like a music box." Anya asked. "Well, since we found it in Dimitri's bag, I'm sure he knows what it is." said Applejack.

"I hope so too, but we need some sleep for tomorrow." said Twilight. "I agree. Goodnight, y'all." said Applejack. "Sweet dreams, girls." said Anya as she falls asleep.


That night, there was green smoke lurking around the room until it found Anya while she's sleeping.

Then, it turned into butterflies and forced her to get out of bed. But, she's still sleeping. Pinkie woke up from the sound of her getting up and realizes something's wrong with her. "Girls, wake up! Something's wrong with Anya!" she shouted. "I'm sure you're hearing her dreaming about something. Just go back to sleep." said Rainbow Dash. "No, you don't understand. She was sleep walking and was following glowing butterflies." said Pinkie. "What?" Twilight asked as she got up and understood what her friend was trying to say. Then, her friends gasped at the sight. "Where could she be?!" Fluttershy asked in worrisome. "Applejack, wake up Dimitri. We'll probably need his help." said Twilight as she and the others went up to find Anya.

Applejack went towards Dimitri and shook him. "Dimitri, wake up! It's an emergency! she shouted. Dimitri woke up from her strength and asked, "Applejack, what?" "Its Anya! She disappeared!" Applejack shouted. Dimitri looked at her bed and didn't see Anya. "Anya!" he shouted as he went up to find her. Applejack followed him.

Once she got up, she saw her friends try to find her. But, it's hard due to the thunderstorm. "Did you guys find Anya yet?" she asked. "We found her over there, and I have a feeling she's gonna jump." Twilight answered. "I see her! I'll get her down from the deck." said Dimitri as he races towards her. "Be careful, Dimitri! The storm is really rough!" Rainbow Dash warned. "Oh, I hope he makes it." said Rarity. A huge wave splashes onto the mane six, making them soaking wet.

Dimitri ran as fast as he can to get to Anya as she was about to jump. "Anya! Stop! Anya, no!" he shouted. The mane six followed him, just in case he accidentally falls. Then, they hear Anya scream in fright as Dimitri catches her in his arms and brought her to safety. "Dimitri!" Rarity shouted. "Anya!" Applejack shouted. "Is she alright?" Twilight asked. "Anya, wake up!" Dimitri shouted.

Anya immediately woke up from her dream and shouted, "The Romanov curse! The curse!" "What are you talking about?" Dimitri asked. "I keep seeing so many faces. So many faces." Anya cried as she embraces Dimitri. He hugged her back and said, "It was a nightmare. It's alright, you're safe now." The mane six sighed in relief. "Thank goodness we saved her just in time." said Rarity. "Me too, who knows what could happen." said Rainbow Dash. "Let's keep her close when we get to Paris. I think Rarity was right about something wanting to kill us." said Twilight.

So, everyone sticked together all night as the storm passes.


When they finally arrived at Paris, they were on their way to meet Sophie and see if Anya really is Anastasia.

Vladimir knocks on the door and saw his true love. "Sophie." he said. "Vladimir. Oh, I see you've brought some guests. Come in. Come in, everyone." said Sophie as she leads everyone into her house. "It's very nice to meet you Sophie. And we have someone we would like to introduce you to." said Twilight. "May I present, the Grand Duchess Anastasia." said Dimitri as he introduces Anya to her.

"Oh my. She does look like Anastasia, but she has to answer some questions for me. Ok?" said Sophie. "Ok." Anya replied. So, she began asking questions that were pretty easy, but it was boring for the mane six. Rainbow Dash was sleeping throughout the whole thing, Rarity drank too much tea, Pinkie was hanging upside down, Applejack was messing with her hat, Fluttershy nervously strokes her mane, and Twilight was paying attention to the whole thing. "Finally, I have this simple question. How did you escape from the attack of the palace?" Sophie asked.

Everyone thought about the question since this one is a bit tricky. Anya thought about it too and said, "There was a boy, a boy who worked at the palace. He opened a wall. That's silly, walls opening." Dimitri gasped silently right when Anya said it. He was there when the attacked happened ten years ago and he saved her and her grandmother from getting killed. "So, did she complete the task?" Twilight asked. "Well, she answered every question." Sophie answered. Everyone cheered at the fact Anya completed her task, except for Dimitri.

"Alright, we get to see the Empress." said Pinkie. "I'm sorry, I cannot allow it." said Sophie. "Oh, come on! We came all this way for nothing!" Rainbow Dash complained. "Is there another way to see her?" Twilight asked. Sophie thought for a moment and asked them, "Do you like the Russian ballet? The empress and I love the Russian ballet, we never miss it." "Yeah, let's go to the ballet." said Rainbow Dash. "That could work." said Twilight.

"We did it! We'll be rich!" Vladimir shouted. "Vlad, she's the real thing." said Dimitri. But, everyone was too busy celebrating about tonight. "This is going to be amazing. I can't wait to go to the most beautiful city ever!" Rarity shouted. "I can't believe that Sophie is taking us shopping for the ballet! Shopping in Paris, can you believe it?" Anya asked in glee.

Later on that night, Sophie took everyone shopping while exploring the city. Meanwhile, Dimitri was sad at the fact that he will lose Anya when he brings her to her grandmother. "Paris holds the key to her past. Yes, princess. I've found you at last. No more pretend, you'll be gone and that's the end." he said in grief.


While everyone was waiting for Anya to show up, the mane six were wondering why Dimitri was acting strange.

"It's taking a while for Anya to get ready." said Rainbow Dash. "Give her time, darling. After all, a lady does need to look her very best." said Rarity. Dimitri sighed in grief and Applejack noticed it. "What's wrong?" she asked. "Nothing, I'm fine." Dimitri replied. "No, you're not sugar cube. You've been mopping all night. Can you tell me?" Applejack pleaded. Dimitri sighed and said, "Remember when Anya said a boy opened the wall at the palace? I was the boy that got her out of there. She's the real thing, Applejack."

The others will listening to the conversation and could not believe what they had just heard. "I can't believe it. Anya really is Anastasia, and we're finally bringing her home like she wanted." said Twilight. "This could be one heck of a surprise." said Rainbow Dash. "Wait till Anya hears about this, she'll be thrilled!" Pinkie shouted. "I always knew you truly cared about her, Dimitri." said Rarity. "Princesses don't marry kitchen boys." said Dimitri. "Well, we have to tell Anya that she's really a princess." said Applejack.

"Tell me what?" Anya asked as she suddenly appeared in front of them. "To tell you how beautiful you are." said Dimitri as he takes her hand and leads her inside. The mane six groaned in disappointment and followed them into the theater. Once inside, they saw Anya's amazing beauty in her glittering dress. Dimitri was speechless when he saw her. "Beautiful, isn't she." said Applejack. "Uh, yes. Come on, we should get to our seats." said Dimitri as he walked up to Anya. "Yeah, the shows about to start." said Rainbow Dash.

When they got to their seats, they saw Empress Marie on the other side. "There she is, right there." said Dimitri. "Please let her remember me." Anya muttered. Then, she show begins. Anya was really nervous about meeting her grandmother as she was ripping the paper to shreds. The mane six were too busy watching the show to notice what's going on behind them. Dimitri held her hand by telling her it's alright.

Once the show is over, they immediately went to the room where Marie is and to present Anya to her. "Ok, girls. Wait right here." said Dimitri as he went inside and almost closed the door. "I hope it goes well." said Anya nervously. "Don't worry, Dimitri promised." said Applejack. While waiting, they're hearing the conversation between Dimitri and Marie. "Oh my, it doesn't sound good in there." said Fluttershy. They also heard at the fact Dimitri is a con man wanting her reward and were shocked in horror. "Dimitri is a con man?!" Rainbow Dash asked. "I always knew something was wrong with his smile." said Pinkie. "I can't believe we came all this way just to get money from a heartbroken woman." said Twilight in despair.

Then, Dimitri was thrown to the ground by the security in front of them. The mane six and Anya glared at him in anger. "We heard your conversation, Dimitri. Every. Single. Word." said Twilight angrily. "Oh, it's the truth. She really is Anastasia, I'm not like those liars out there." said Dimitri. "You used me, just to get her money." said Anya. "No, it's not it. I mean, I used to when I first met you guys. But." said Dimitri. "I knew it! You and your stupid smile has ruined my chance to like you! Now I see you're nothing but a big meanie." Pinkie shouted. "Girls, please listen to me. I'm telling the truth." Dimitri pleaded. "No, I've had enough of you causing too much pain on us. So, leave me alone!" Anya shouted as she slapped him in the face and leaves with the mane six. Except for Applejack.

"Anya, please listen to me." Dimitri pleaded. Applejack walked towards him and offered him her hoof. "Aren't you going to be with your friends? I betrayed them." said Dimitri. "No, I ain't. I think you're telling everyone the truth and I truly understand how you feel towards Anya." Applejack explained. "You believe in me?" Dimitri asked. "Eeyup." Applejack replied.

So, they hatched a plan to get Marie talk to Anya and prove to her that she's her long lost granddaughter by stealing her car. Dimitri began driving in high speed. "Uh, howdy your highness. We're not kidnapping you or anything like that. We just wanted you to see your granddaughter you haven't seen in a while." Applejack explained. "I've had enough of this. Stop this car!" Marie shouted. Dimitri didn't listen and kept on driving.

Once he stopped, he opened the car door and said, "You have to talk to her! Just, look at her!" "Please, your highness. We are telling the truth and we're not like those crooks who want your money." Applejack pleaded. "And how am I going to believe you?" Marie asked in disbelief. Dimitri pulls out the music box so she can recognize it. "Do you recognize this?" he asked. Marie gasped and asked, "Where did you get that?" "Ma'am, if you please follow me." said Applejack as she leads Marie to Anya.

When they got there, she knocks on the door to wear Anya and her friends are staying in. Twilight opens the door and asked, "Applejack, where have you been?" "Just to get somebody who wants to see Anya." Applejack replied as she reveals Marie to her friends. "Oh my." Anya muttered. "Is this the woman who claims to be my granddaughter, young lady?" Marie asked. "Yes, ma'am. This is really her, and she needs help with her past." Applejack replied.

"I just want to know who I am. A family. I don't remember them. That's why I'm here, to find answers." said Anya. "You're a very good actress. Best yet in fact, but I've had enough of this." said Marie as she was about to leave. "Wait, your highness. Don't leave." Applejack pleaded. Then suddenly, Anya was smelling something familiar and asked. "Peppermint?" "An oil, for my hands." Marie replied. "Of course. I spilled a bottle, the carpet was soaked. And it forever smelled of peppermint, like you." said Anya. Marie came back into the room and sat down. Anya sat down with her. "What's that?" Marie asked as she noticed her locket. "Oh, this. I've had it for as long as I can remember." Anya replied. Marie looked at the locket and said, "It was our secret. My Anastasia's and mine." said Marie. "Here, maybe this will help too." said Applejack as she gives them the music box. "The music box. I used to play this while you're away in Paris." said Anya as she opens the music box with her locket and it starts playing.

Marie was in tears as she realized that she has found her Anastasia at last. "Anastasia. My Anastasia." she said as they embraced for the first time in years. The mane six cheered at the success and Applejack ran outside to tell Dimitri about what happened. "Dimitri! Dimitri, you were right! Anya is Anastasia! I'm really glad I never doubted you!" she shouted. But, Dimitri wasn't there. He was gone.

"Dimitri?" Applejack asked.


The next day, Anya and the mane six were getting ready for a ball to celebrate the return of the lost princess.

"Oh, Anya. I'm so happy for you. This is who you are, a princess." said Twilight. "Thank you, Twilight. If it wasn't for you girls, I wouldn't be reunited with my grandmother." said Anya. "Don't forget Dimitri. He helped us get here." said Applejack. "But, he lied." said Pinkie. "I know he did, but he changed his ways and now he's in love with Anya." said Applejack. "Wait, Dimitri loves me?" Anya asked. Applejack nodded yes. "Oh, I always knew that he has feelings for her. That is so romantic." said Rarity.

"Wow, it sure is nice out. Wanna have a nice walk in the garden?" Pinkie asked. "Sure, why not." said Anya as she and her friends went outside in the garden. Suddenly, their entrance was blocked by a huge hedge which frightened them. "Uh, what just happened?" Applejack asked. "How did this thing get here in the first place?" Rainbow Dash asked. Twilight uses her magic to zap the hedge, but it didn't work. "Ok, this is getting weird." she said.

"Anastasia." an evil voice called. The mane six and Anya covered themselves in fear. "Who's there?" Fluttershy asked in fear. "Anastasia." an evil voice called again. Suddenly, huge plants began chasing the girls as they ran for their lives. And then, they ended up in a huge bridge. "Oh no, we're too far away from the palace." said Rarity. "Now what?" Pinkie asked. "Whoever you are, leave us alone!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "Anastasia, your imperial highness." said a voice as he reveals his face to the girls.

It was Rasputin as he laughed evilly at them. The mane six and Anya gasped at him as they backed away. "That face." Anya muttered. "Oh, look at you. You have grown into a beautiful flower. And me, a rotten corpse." said Rasputin. "What do you want from us?" Twilight asked. "I want your friend to be dead because of what her family did to me. I tried to kill her before you arrived in Paris. Remember?!" Rasputin explained. "Wait, that was you? You caused the train to go haywire and almost causing Anya to drown herself?!" Rainbow Dash asked. "That's right, but you were in the way. This time, I'll make sure to kill all of you!" Rasputin shouted as he uses his magic to destroy the girls dresses. "Oh, it took me forever to get this dress done." Rarity complained.

And then, he destroyed the bridge with the mane six and Anya hanging onto it. Rainbow Dash got up and tackled Rasputin, but unleashed some of his demon friends to attack her. "Come on, I can do this all night!" she shouted as she fights them off. Anya and the others screamed for help as Rasputin laughs at them. "Finally, the curse will be complete!" he laughed evilly.

Suddenly, Dimitri comes to the rescue by punching him in the face. "Wanna bet?" he asked angrily and saw them hanging on for dear life. "Dimitri!" Anya shouted. "Hang on, I've got you." said Dimitri as he grabs Anya's hands. "If we live though this, remind me to thank you." said Anya. Twilight flew up in the air and lifts everyone with her magic. Then, she sets them down gently. "Thanks, Twilight." said Dimitri. "Your welcome. Now, let's get rid of this freak!" Twilight shouted as she zaps Rasputin in the chest. But, he summons a huge statue Pegasus to attack them. "No!" Anya shouted. Dimitri and the mane six screamed as they were surrounded by the monster. "Now, I have to deal with you." said Rasputin. "I could've said it better myself!" Anya shouted as she tackles him to the ground and fights him.

Then, his reliquary fell off of his hands and Anya steps on it with her shoe, causing it to crack. The statue Pegasus was destroyed and the fallen rocks landed on Dimitri, knocking him unconscious. "Dimitri!" Applejack shouted. Anya saw this and shouted, "This is for Dimitri!" She steps on it even harder. "No! Stop!" Rasputin pleaded. "This is for my family! This is for my friends!" Anya shouted as she steps on the reliquary even harder than before. "Give it back!" Rasputin shouted. "And this, this is for you!" Anya shouted as she completely destroyed the reliquary. She ran towards the mane six and Dimitri to protect them. They witnessed Rasputin getting destroyed by the demons, getting turned into a skeleton and then became nothing but dust.

After the battle was over, the mane six and Anya checked to see if Dimitri is alright. "Dimitri. Dimitri, wake up! Please wake up!" Applejack pleaded. "Maybe I need to heal him. That could help." said Rarity as she begins her healing spell on Dimitri. Then, he began to wake up. "Dimitri!" Anya shouted as she hugged him hard, causing him to feel pain. "Oh, thank goodness you made it. I thought we were going to lose you." said Twilight. "I know, all men are babies." said Dimitri. "You're not a baby, you saved us from Rasputin." said Rainbow Dash. "I can't believe he was the one who destroyed your family, Anya." said Fluttershy. "I know, but I still have my grandmother." said Anya.

Applejack noticed the crown and gave it to Anya. "They're waiting for you." said Dimitri. "Dimitri, my life wouldn't be complete without you." said Anya. "Anya, I." said Dimitri as they leaned for a kiss. The mane six watches them in awe. "Well, girls. I think it's time for us to go." said Twilight. "You're leaving? Where are you going?" Anya asked. "To other adventures and maybe help another princess." Twilight replied. "We will miss you girls. Thank you for helping me find my family." said Anya. "You really are amazing. I hope I'll see you girls again." said Dimitri.

"Bye Anya! Bye Dimitri!" the mane six shouted as they disappeared. "Bye, girls." said Anya and Dimitri. Dimitri then lifts her in the air and twirled her around.


When they got back from the book, the mane six were dizzy from what happened.

"That sure was fun, wasn't it." said Applejack. "It sure was, AJ. Thanks to you." said Rainbow Dash.

Next Chapter: Mickey's Christmas Carol Estimated time remaining: 15 Minutes
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