

by Chaos Nightmare

Chapter 10: Chapter 10 Traverse Town

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Chapter 10 Traverse Town

A day passed since Zeke came and told Twilight about the worlds, and I could not be anymore annoyed due to the fact I can't leave the tree house without her asking me to take her to another world, even though I told her that going to another world without the proper equipment which I reminded her she could not get on this world, would be dangerous.

"But Zeke brought his Rainbow Dash here." She said.

"Yes, and Zeke is an idiot for doing it. I didn't see her with the proper gear to cross worlds." I said to Twilight as she went 'hmmf' like a kid and I left the treehouse I stopped dead in my tracks. Wait, they were racing in town...oh crap! I thought to myself as I realized that many people saw another, furrier rainbow dash and from what I knew of her she was the tip to brag about stuff I needed to find her and soon

I barged back into the treehouse scarring Twilight and Spike "What?" She asked in a startled voice.

"Where does Rainbow Dash live?" I asked as she scratched her head.

"She lives in the cloud house why?"

"I just remembered that there was another Rainbow Dash and people might start asking her questions!”

"She might be at work right now." I went outside and threw my Keyblade into the air turning it into a glider. How did I ever forget they can do this? As I got on the glider, Twilight stopped me before I flew off.

"Wait! She might be at the weather factory, you can't bother her."

“but if people are talking about it? I'm dragging her out of her job and make her talk." I flew off.


A few hours passed in the cloud factory waiting room I overheard people talking about how they saw Rainbow Dash fly with some furry blue thing and people were beginning to piece together. That it looked a bit like Rainbow Dash, and I had to get to her real fast before she started bragging about racing herself. "Rainbow we need to talk," I shouted as her coworkers looked at her.

"Is that your boyfriend?" One of them asked.

"NO! He is not!" She said, all grumpy.

"Well, go talk to your boyfriend." Another one teased as she flew to me.

"Get to work in the next area, I'll join you soon." She shouted as they flew off. "What do you want?"

"Whoa, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?"

"Is that all you wanted?"

"No, I wanted to talk to you about yesterday."

"What about yesterday?" She seemingly was calming down.

"I wanted to talk to you about the person you were racing yesterday."

"You mean the other Rainbow Dash?"

"Yes that one. Did you tell anybody that she was from another world?"

"No, I know there is a reason you keep it a secret that there are other worlds. I don't know the reason but, I can keep it secret, even though at this rate it’s pointless if Zeke plans on helping people still." She said, snapping at me.

"Okay, where did all this hostility come from?"

"I don't trust you. Twilight and the Princess's might, but I don't"

"Well okay then, just if anybody asks you where racing a Changeling." I said as I left and flew off back to the library.


After the confrontation with Rainbow dash I decided to head into a new world. "Which world should I go to?" I asked myself as I took a bite out of my sandwich and a Dark Corridor appeared behind me, I turned my glider back into a Keyblade and walked through it, arriving somewhere... “Wait, isn't this the ally where Sora woke up in …?”

Traverse town? I asked myself as I took a step out of the alleyway to see Heartless and some woman with a Gunblade protecting a little girl from the Heartless. I ran in there, getting the final hit on a Shadow Heartless.

"Run!" I said as I batted another Shadow Heartless. I quickly followed them as we ran into Cid's shop from before he became the gummi shop owner.

"Where the hell is everybody?" The lady asked as the girl hugged her.

"That’s what I would like to know." I said as I looked at her. "Who specifically is missing?"

"Leon and Cid." She started mentioning as I realized that without them the plot of Kingdom Hearts 1 would be derailed, a bit as she kept listing names.

"Okay I get it this is a halfway world, right?" She tilted her head.

"Halfway world?"

"Yeah like a halfway house? I guess it also could be called a refuge world"
She nodded when I said that. "I guess I could see that."

"Now, on to the mystery of the missing people. Do you think they could have moved worlds?" She scratched her head.

"No I don't think so... Unless he found a way to bring his world back, but unless that happened I don't see him abandoning this world." I felt like this was something Zeke would do, unintentionally at least, but I couldn't be sure as he did care for the rules of the worlds and probably would try to help them, but I didn't know him that well.

"Look, I'll help a bit out here. but I got to return to my world for a bit to tell the people there that I will be gone for a short time while I help out here." I said, opening a dark corridor.

She grabbed my shoulder. "Why should we trust somebody who uses that darkness." She said pulling me to the ground as my dark corridor closed.

She placed her sword to my face as I pulled out the Keyblade to counter her. I then got up as we crossed blades. "Face it lady you have little options here, either you suck it up and fight at my side or I leave you here to rot alone." I said as she put her blade down "Look I'm not trying to be your enemy it's just I can't travel between worlds without the darkness." I opened my corridor again, but quickly closed it when I realised she hadn't said Merlin.

"Why did you close your portal?" the little girl asked.

I turned around. "Is there a wizard living in this town by any chance?"

"Well, there Is Merlin. but I think he went with the others. Wherever they are."

"Before we continue, I never got your name."

"Its Lightning"

"Huxley, now let’s check if Merlin did leave because he might be home or at least the stuff he left behind can help us." I said as I opened the door to see if there were any heartless and there were none. "Okay, where does he live?"

"In the third district, but the door from the first to third is down. Cid was suppose to repair it, but, you know"

"Okay the cost is clear let’s move." I said as we all ran out of the shop to the second district, where we encountered Heartless. "Great, keep running." I said as we ran passed the Heartless as we ran to the corridor where the door where we were surrounded by heartless. "Great!" I pulled my Keyblade out and swatted a few small flying Heartless and we ran for the door to the third district.

"Okay we are close to Merlin's house." Lightning said as we jumped over the railing of the stairs. "It’s over there" She said, pointing to the fire picture on the wall, as we got there we were trapped between a wall and Heartless.

"How do we open it?" I was hoping that the solution was the same as in the game.

"I don't know, I've never visited Merlin." I cast fire at the door, opening it. Thank god.

"Quickly, move!" I said as the we ran in, the door closed on us as soon as we entered. looking at the lake with the house in the middle, this was the place. "I guess that's his house." I said as they got into the water to swim across. "Yeah I think I'll just do this." I snapped my fingers to create a dark corridor to the other side.

"It’s okay Sarah, I got you." Lightning said as they swam.

As they got to the other side I helped pull them up. "Okay, now we need to find a way in." I said as we looked around the house.

"I found it!" Sarah said as we came to where she was.

"Okay now to knock." I knocked on the door and after a few moments it opened by itself. "Well I guess we just go in?" I was confuse. We took a look inside, it was as messy as the game showed, but the stuff was here. "Hello?" I called out to no answer, I turned to Lightning and Sarah. "Search the house for anything useful." As I said that, as a voice came from the ceiling.

"Stop!" the voice said as a man emerged from a slowly opening roof tile. "What do you think you are doing in my house?"

"I take it you are Merlin?"

"Yes, I am."

"Good. We need your help."

Next Chapter: Chapter 11 Gummi Town Estimated time remaining: 6 Hours, 16 Minutes
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