
[Displaced] Entity Of Water

by DisplacedWriter

Chapter 12: Water Fort (Xover 3)

Previous Chapter

Author's Notes:

Cross Over With TheUltimateBrony-Class-S aka displaced TF2
WARNING: Story gets suggestive near the middle or end of the story, alcohol drinks mentioned, foul language used.


~~~Third Person Limited: Demoman: Alasdair~~~

Today is the first of two relaxing days of the week, at least for Demo and most of the others, but Engie is still working in that spare room that he has restricted us from using, which is fine since it hasn’t stopped him from doing his stuff. Demo is heading to the mini-bar that he had Engie help me make to get a drink, and to get some junk food, after remembering the original Demoman’s diet made it so that if he had ‘real’ food his body would think he was poisoned.

He gets into the mini-bar and notice Heavy and Engie at it and holding a couple of drinks themselves and Heavy with a sandwich- er… sandVICH, as he likes to correct them on it. Heavy is listening to Engie talking, seeming really into what he is saying, something about how “the administrator was really into that” or something. Engie always says weird things when he had a couple of his favorite beers, then again… who didn’t?

He pulls out his favorite alcoholic drink, Snake Venom, back home, this beer was set the world record as being the strongest beer at 68 percent alcohol. All of their food and other supplies come from Engie’s Dispensers meaning they are all Earth based foods and drinks. He lifts the beer bottle to drink when suddenly something hits him in the head, and yelps in pain from the hit.

“Ah!” Demo shouts, rubbing the pain on his head away. “Hey Engie! I thought you said this place wouldn’t start falling apart anytime soon?”

Engie looks over his way, confusion visible from his tilted head, “Yeah, what hit you? I didn’t see it.”

He looks down and finds a rather large looking red-colored gem that seems oddly familiar, and picked it up. When he did he heard a voice in his head:

“My name is Echo, I am the entity of water and former god of destruction, if you seek my aid, hold this emerald to your chest, speak this prayer and I shall be there.
The servers are the 7 Chaos. Chaos is power... Power enriched by the heart. The controller is the one that unifies the Chaos.“ The deep shallow voice echoed to all who held the gem, or in this case, the whole base heard it as they were all the same different in multiple bodies.

Demo, Engie, and Heavy all looked at each other with a surprised look on all of their faces. Engie then brought out his walkie-talkie and changed the channel to talk to the others.

“Hey team?” Engie says to the radio, receiving words inaudible from Demo’s distance from him. “Yeah, we heard it too, meet us in the intel room, we have got something amazing to tell you.”

~~~In the Intel Room~~~
~~~POV switch: Third Person Omniscent~~~

All of them were gathered: Demo, Heavy, Engie, Sniper, Scout, Spy, Medic, Soldier, and Pyro; they were all waiting for the news, or waiting to tell the others the news.

“So,” Engie started, “I bet you all are wondering what it was that we heard earlier?”

“Talk about hitting the nail on the head, hard hat,” Scout says, annoyed.

“Well,” Engie began, holding out the red gem, “this little guy was the cause of it, and if I am not mistaken from the stories that we have read… I believe that this is a token.”

Those that had drinks, such as Soldier with a lower grade beer and Scout with his Bonk!-a Cola soda, did a spit-take and stared. Engie, Spy, and Medic all looked at the gem with thoughtful expressions, then looked at each other.

“Well,” Scout says suddenly, “what are we waiting for? Let’s summon this guy and get ourselves a friend that isn’t just a pony!”

“Scout,” Spy says, “we must be cautious with Displaced, for there are those that are good and those that are evil. So we must be prepared… in case of the worst case scenario.”

“He’s right,” Medic said, “we must be prepared, have your weapons at the ready.”

When Medic said that Demo pulled out his grenade launcher, along with Soldier who pulled out his rocket launcher. Heavy pulled out the minigun and started whirring the barrel, while Scout loaded his scattergun. Spy instantly loaded his revolver, Engie setup a LVL 3 Sentry and pulled out the Wrangler to manually aim the sentry, and Sniper aimed his sniper rifle. Medic pulled out his Crusader’s Crossbow, and Pyro pulled out the flamethrower.

Engie then pulled out a paper he wrote on and repeated the written words: “The servers are the 7 Chaos. Chaos is power... Power enriched by the heart. The controller is the one that unifies the Chaos.”

The red gem gleamed brightly then energy enveloped its form. It levitates into the air, forcing its way out of the Engineer's hand. The jewel’s light intensifies and lights up the room in an radiant flash.

Suddenly, the jewel was surrounded by an orb of water swirling constantly around faster and faster, soon growing in size to become bigger than the gem itself.

Slowly, the water begins to take shape, first the legs, and then the tail and mane, both braided into a ponytail (no pun intended). Soon, two slits form upon its force, eventually the rest of the body follows suit, taking on the form of that of an unicorn stallion wearing an solid red scarf around its neck and lower head.

The gem slowly submerges from out of the creature, floating down back into the hand of the hard-hat wearing human. Soon, it’s slits open up, revealing two glowing emerald colored eyes, it had no pupils, however there is enough hint in those eyes to tell you there are indeed pupils.

With its body fully formed in the current world, it looks around in utter confusion that eventually fades to pure amusement. It does not open its mouth, yet strangely, an echoing voice is heard from within it’s body.

“That would be most unwise.” the creature comments, it’s voice full of caution. Unknowingly to the humanoids, the creature had a grip on a source of power hidden within it’s structure: Two chaos emeralds to be exact.

Demo looks over to Engie, and waited on him, as he was looking at this creature of water. Cautiously, Engie lowered his Wrangler, lowering the sentries targeting system. Once he did that, Demo and the rest of the team lowered their weapons as well and they all smiled sincere smiles.

“Sorry ‘bout that,” Engie says, apologetically, “we were being cautious since there are different types of Displaced out there and we had to take precautions to make sure we didn’t get ended by the bad ones, you know what I mean?”

“You need not to worry, I understand the caution. I’ve had an encounter with an bad Displaced before, he was also a bit overpowered and thus, could not trust him.” Echo say, raising a hoof to push up on the red scarf. “This is his token, don’t worry as it is inactive and merely serves for looks and to allow me to live among the other ponies as one of them.” Echo explained as he looked around at all the humans in the room. “Would this version of Equestria be that of a different form? Or are you much like myself, a human displaced in body that does belong to them? I need clarifications if you do not mind. “ Echo said.
“It is very much the second,” Spy clarifies, “but, since I’m curious, and you don’t have to answer if you’re uncomfortable with answering these questions, was the gem that brought you here a Chaos emerald?” Spy gestures towards the red gem.

“Nay, ‘tis an fake, however it does hold the same wave lengths of the original, its energy flow is a lot more slow, thus if you were to try to power anything, it would take longer to provide a charge. For now, it only serves two purposes: As a slow source of energy and as a token to summon me. “ Echo explain, his emerald eyes still looking around at everyone, he had to remember caution in case any of them appeared to be scared, paranoid, or worst trigger happy. But of course their weapons cannot harm him, unless one or two of them happens to be chaos magic or anything related to ice.

“Then,” Engie started, “did you or someone create it? Because as far as I’m aware only a couple of beings I can think of can create something like that.”

“I am the one who created those fake emerald tokens. Does that clear up your confusion?” Echo asked, he was beginning to think that perhaps they don’t know who he was Displaced as.

“Well then,” Engie says, looking to Spy, then back to the pony of water, “since you not Discord, I think your… damn what was his name…?”

“I believe it was Chaos,” Spy says, “the god of all Chaos energy and destruction, creator of the Chaos Emeralds and Master Emerald, and only comes in the form of water.” Spy then has his hand on his chin when he suddenly gasped. “While we were all being cautious, we forgot to get your name and to introduce ourselves!”

The creature blinks in confused, then shifts to a deadpan expression. “Did my token not introduce me? I did say that I am Echo, entity of water and former god of destruction.” He said, he quickly raises an hoof before any of the humans could speak. “One moment, let me shift to a more proper form so you are no longer straining your necks to look down upon me.”

He crouches low, then suddenly begins to spin, twist, and whirl around, forcing his body to stretch to lengths that would most likely break or kill a human. The speed of his chaotic movements soon widens his form’s width. Eventually, he takes on a form similar to the humans, although a little slender plus lacking the real appearance of a human. His colors remained the same, easily hinting that he is a monster and not an actual normal being.

To say that the group of mercenaries was shocked was an understatement, most were slack-jawed, frozen in shock, or just had looks of astonishment on them.

Eventually, all of them came to, and eventually got used to seeing the creat- to seeing Echo, like this.

“Sorry, “ Engie said, “I barely caught the fact that we needed to say something specific to summon you and barely managed to memorize the phrase and get it onto paper. After all, we are still fairly new for displaced, so we weren’t expecting a token like this, much less so soon, after getting the base up and running-”

“Anyways,” Spy interrupted Engie’s rambling, “you can call us by our profession, or you can call us by the names we pick out for ourselves.”

There is an twitch in Echo’s left eye. “I have a serious question, and I need you to answer me as soon as possible.. Is the spirit of chaos in this world currently free, or in stone? I'd rather not repeat history unless you wish for half of Equestria to be merged in a flood. This is not a threat, this is a warning in which I will explain after you’ve answered, it is of utmost importance that I know the timeline. “ Echo said, his head darting around again. “He could of sensed my chaos energy or magic- Oh by the Gods, I pray that your base is not close to Canterlot…”

“First off, and in order,” Medic starts, “he is more stoned than Anne Hathaway. Secondly, we are in the Everfree Forest near Ponyville, I couldn’t tell you how far away we are but… I could confirm we are several dozen miles from Canterlot Castle and, in fact, you are AFTER he was released the first time. Though, now that I think about it there will be a time when he is released again except to be reformed, successfully even.”

“Wait,” Spy said, worriedly, “I think we may or may not be in trouble because, there is a possibility that Princess Celestia now senses you here and may not know you are a friendly.”

“Princess Celestia, I am not worried about. If your timeline is the same as mine, then the elements have chosen new bearers to continue Celestia’s legacy. However, if those six come here, I can simply warp space and time to keep my distance. It would be unwise for me to remain as the beam has a rather unpleasant effect on me. I do not turn to stone, but I do become nothing but an frozen ice-cube..” Echo shudders at the old memories. “I’ve suffered enough at the hoofs of the windigos two times already and I do not wish to relive that nightmare again.” He takes a deep breath then lets out a gentle sigh to try and calm himself down, although he did not need the air, the action itself had a relaxing effect on him, it reminded him of an form he once had thousand of years ago, his original form whose name escapes him.

“Well,” Engie says, looking to the others, then back to Echo, “we know the feeling, kinda, we were going to help Princess Celestia defeat Discord the first time he appeared in Equestria; but ended up in the blast of rainbow that turned Discord into stone which in turn also stoned us. For one-thousand years we had to deal with that maniac telepathically talking to us, some of us were patient, but others were resistant to his insanity with their own.” He says that statement while pointing to Medic and Soldier.

“Well,” Medic starts, “I actually believe I’m clinically insane, but, as long as I don’t start talking to myself, then I will be a harmless as Pinkie Pie.”

“Tell me, were you all displaced simultaneously? I’ve never heard of people going to the same Equestria.” Echo asked, keeping his senses wide for any magic that may approach here, unless the Gods smiled upon him and it turns out that the Everfree Forest is far too dangerous for a mere pony to enter.

“Er...,” Medic starts, with a focused look on his face, “I guess you could say that.”

“The reason for-” Engie starts, when interrupted by an alarm blaring.

“Shit,” Engie says, looking a bit nervous, “that was the perimeter alarm, only creatures besides Displaced can trigger that.” He ran towards the next room where there were screens showing different areas of the Everfree. The other mercenaries and Echo all followed as Engie sat down in the chair in front of the monitors, looking for anything unusual.

Echo followed silently, well as silently as a watery human can move anyhow, he has a lot of questions for those creatures, mostly on how all of this worked, it all looked familiar but again his mind refused to cooperate, all it can provide is annoyance, anger, and frustration. He mentally lets out a sigh, no use trying now, the main focus is now. Echo looks up at the strange multiple boxes, all filled with information, visuals, and data.

“Where is it?” Engie asked himself, wondering what creature set off his alarm and if it was even dangerous. Then, there was a noise everyone in the room stood stock still, and Engie saw something in one of the cameras, moving, big, and purple with white dots.

Engie’s eyes widened, unnoticably underneath his goggles, as he heard another noise a slight vibration with it was felt.

“Shit,” Engie cursed, “shitshitshit, ok this is bad, REALLY bad. Everyone gear up, we have an Ursa Major heading straight for our base!”

The others looked shocked for a few seconds before their faces hardened into glares and they all nodded to each other. They all got their guns and ammunition, and made sure their melees were in good condition before heading to the entrance, while Echo followed.

Echo was thinking deeply about this, his power alone even at two emeralds he would still be sensed by those sensitive to chaos, either as magic or as energy, Echo possessed both. One was unlimited and tame, while the other was limited but unpredictable. He looked over at the humanoid with the goggles. “Hey… uh…” He goes silent, not knowing this person’s name. “Hard-hat. I’m going to regret this, but i’m going to help out, I will be keeping my power at a low amount as to appear harmless, she’ll still be curious of my presence and not tell her ponies to be hostile. Now, which one of you can deal the most damage? Either per second or with a single blow.” Echo asked.

“Um,” Heavy says, looking at the others, “we don’t know, this is our first REAL fight, so we have yet to compare how much damage each one of us can deal.” Heavy and the others had sheepish looks on their, faces, except Pyro, for it was impossible to tell what face he was making at all, but he held his head down.

Echo let out a long annoyed groan. “Ok, plan B then. Once we arrive wherever this Cosmic Bear is at, I’ll need one of you, any of you, to have physical contact with me, doesn’t matter which part of the body as long as you’re touching. Yes, I know it probably sounds awkward, but trust me on this one.” Echo explained. If push comes to shove and if numbers alone cannot take it down, then Echo will fight it himself, surely two chaos emeralds should be enough to at least match a quart or half of it’s height, but that’s just a rough estimate.

“Actually,” Engie says, slowly starting to smile a smile that would’ve put Pinkie’s to shame, “I have an idea.” Engie looks to the others, “You guys go and hold off that thing as long as you can,” Engie then looks to Echo, “Echo, your with me, I need you help with something and you might be the only one to help me finish it.” Engie starts hurrying down the corridor across the intel room.

Echo follows, but he is beginning to lag behind as he is not used to this form. Unable to catch on, he leaps into the air, spiraling and transforming at the same time. He lands in his original unicorn form, smaller and faster, his water hoofs making noise along the metallic floor. “What’s the plan, hard-hat?” He asks the human in front.

Engie looks toward Echo, noticing he was back in pony form, “I was working on a room that might help me and my team in situations like this, heck before I was Displaced as the Engineer from TF2, I didn’t know the Engineer could build this room.” He rounded a corner and went up some stairs into a room with automatic garage-like doors. “However, I needed something called australium to power it and realized Equestria wasn’t gonna have, but then I had a light bulb. Could you possibly make another Chaos Emerald specifically for powering electronics? Our generator won’t be able to handle the strain this room would give it.” Engie looked at Echo, awaiting his answer.

“For an slow charge, use my token, but if you’re looking for something more powerful.” Echo said before igniting his horn in red and silver, and soon two emeralds moved from out of his body. “You can use the real chaos emeralds, I have only found two in my world, I have not found the last remaining five, but Celestia, I mean my Celestia, took it upon herself to find them for me.” Echo explained as he levitated the red one within hard-hats reach. “I would've given you chaos magic, but I do not know how it would react to being in the machine, it is like a disobedient child: It will only do what it wants to do.” Echo said.

“Eeyup, figured as much,” Engie says as he nodded, “I would only trust chaos powers if it were contained within an object much like the Chaos Emerald. Never trust free roaming chaos energy, it only goes so far in listening to anyone or anything. ...Oh and in case if you were wondering what this room was built for, is respawning, which means if we die by the hands of a living creature we would be brought back to life here.” Engie heads over to the control panel, red emerald in hand, sticks it in and the rooms hums to life with energy. He turns back towards Echo, “Welp, now that’s done we can get to the fight.” Engie hurries to the entrance with Echo in tow.

So by hard-hats explanation, this is, in an sense, literally bringing in an army, even they do come in nine at an time. “Just remember, hard-hat, the emerald is mine after all and I cannot leave it here, I will stay in this world until you find an alternative power source. Second, since I am now one emerald less, my chaos powers won’t be as effective.” Echo explained.

“We, won’t need to keep it,” Engie started, “I can’t believe I hadn’t thought of it before but, if I can have my Celestia charge a crystal with her magic then I can use it to power the room. If she can, she could even make it a self-charging crystal that will automatically replenish any magic with the power from the sun.” Engie surprised himself with his own understanding of magic and technology, and wondered how he knew this would work himself. “Anyways,” Engie then continued, “we won’t need it for long, just until this bear is dealt with.”

“So basically, it’s like solar panels as a crystal.” Echo said. Honestly, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to know that, even as magic, it’s still kind of the same rays. “How long have you guys been here?” Echo asks.

“It’s much more complicated than that, but essentially, yes.” Engie says, “If you exclude the thousands years of mind torture from Discord while stoned, then I’d say… almost two weeks.” Engie, surprised by this fact, thinks for a moment then concentrates on the present.

“Look at it this way, hard-hat. At least my token didn’t come sooner, otherwise it might of been much worst.” Echo commented. If His token didn’t come sooner and he has been summoned, not only would Equestria suffered a worse fate, but there would of been a extra person staying along with them.

“True,” Engie agrees, “it most certainly would’ve been worse, we probably would’ve had to abandon this base and/or worse, would probably have died.”

Engie and Echo reached the entrance to find Medic has been working overtime to keep the others all healed while Soldier kept the U. Major distracted with rockets and rocket jumping which seemed to do little to no damage upon impact. Heavy was still going in hot, Demo was injured and couldn’t fight at the moment, and Pyro was using his flare gun to keep the beast’s attention away from Medic. Every now and then you would hear the sound of a bat hitting a baseball, see the baseball hit and stun the Ursa temporarily, obviously Scout. Sniper was using one of the sniper nests on the base to fire at the beast from, and every now and then you would see a long range jarate, talk about a helluva arm. Engie now pulls out a toolbox and sets it down as it opens up and he starts smacking it with his wrench and goes to pick up more metal from a nearby dispenser and continues to smack what appears to be a sentry, which then levels up once, then twice. Then, Engie pulls out his Wrangler to manually open-fire on the beast and put a shield around the sentry.

“Echo!” Heavy shouts, “Medic! Is team time!” he says smiling.

“With pleasure.” Echo says, quickly leaping forward and twirling, quickly shifting back to human form. He places an firm three fingered hand on Heavy’s shoulder. “You may feel short but strong movement..” Echo says as he raises his other hand, causing a silver gems to float along arm and into his hand. “This is the power of Chaos… CONTROL!” There is an sudden jolt, as if gravity had released a small explosion, Heavy and anyone without physical contact of Echo, can feel a pull from behind them, or in front depending on their location, coming from the former chaos god.

Time stood perfectly still, everything around them was inverted colors. Sound was dead in this realm, the only thing heard was Echo and his passengers, Heavy and Medic can still feel that slight powerful tug. “You’ve got seven seconds, make it count.” Echo said quickly.

“Alright,” Heavy says, then turns to Medic, “Charge me doctor!” Heavy then takes off towards the beast with his fist raised and wearing what looks like bear claws on them.

“It’s time to practice medicine,” Medic says menacingly, as he activates the ubercharge for the Kritzkrieg, increasing Heavy’s damage output to almost three times its standard damage.

Heavy then landed hit after hit seemingly doing no damage, then decided to hit harder and faster, landing over twenty hits that would kill a normal man with just one, in just seven seconds.

That same gravitational pull exploded again as time resumes to normal, the chaotic energy that was released, returned to its original source. Echo stares in disbelief that nothing was inflicted, no blood, no wounds, not even a scar! Echo decides to try something with a bit more punch… in an literal sense if Heavy is willing to try this experimental move. He pulls on the emerald’s power, suddenly pushing the energy into Heavy’s body, the russian man feels a rather powerful rush, his chest felt like something slammed into it, but there was no pain. Heavy can now hit even harder, like a weaker version of a super form.

“I AM,” Heavy shouts, while hitting the Ursa with each syllable, “BULLETPROOF!” He then lands another thirty or so hits in rapid succession that the Ursa fell onto its side while its front left and rear right legs were broke from these powerful hits. Even though it could no longer get up, the Ursa still swung its paw in an attempt to get those nearest to it, missing completely. Heavy then charged head first towards the head. Then, get swallowed whole by the beast when it clamped it jaws down on Heavy, and everyone just freezes in places in shock at what just happened. Yet, not long after Heavy was eaten, the beast’s face contorted in pain and suddenly a large hole was torn open and a very, VERY bloody Heavy came out of the hole with nothing but a few cuts and bruises.

“...And that,” Heavy says, “is why you chew your food before you swallow.”

Everyone was in shock that Heavy was still alive, then, Medic starts laughing, then one by one the rest of the group started laughing hysterically. When everyone stopped their laughing fits, they all planned a celebration the next day. Heavy then collapsed, and when Medic checked him out, his diagnosis was that he was utterly exhausted and just needed a few hours sleep.

“Doctor, keep an eye on him, his chest is going to be feeling heavy for a while and he will be a bit jittery and jumpy after he wakes up, this was his first rush of Chaos Energy after all. Anyone else might not have been able to handle it, except maybe a robot.” Echo explained, looking around at everyone. So far of what he’s learned, perhaps the monsters here are stronger compared to His Everfree Forest.

“Don’t worry,” Medic says, confidently, “if it is really bad the medi-gun should heal anything unnatural to his body, hell, it can regrow someone’s missing limb if it needs to. Yet, if worse comes to worse, we can just ask the Elements of Harmony to help, I mean if they can disperse chaos from the land then why not the same for one’s body?”

“...I don’t mean to question your medical opinion, but what I gave him was chaos energy, pure raw power. Think of it this way: He’ll feel like he ran a marathon while being awake for twelve hours from a caffeine rush.” Echo explained, giving the doc a firm glare. “Trust me. I know the difference between the two. Chaos magic is wild, while chaos energy is powerful. Remember that, doctor.” And Echo means it, he’s had first experience with it when Discord pumped him full of the magic.

“...Ok,” Medic says, looking at Heavy worryingly, “just if something unusual starts to happen to him, you promise to come as soon as possible to help?” Medic looks at Echo with a heart-wrenching expression.

Echo went silent at Medics words, he takes a deep breath and exhales out softly, “After he wakes up, keep your voice to an whisper, allow him to relax in a quiet peaceful room for a hour. On a side note, I don’t plan to do that again except as a last resort.. “ Echo said, he regretted the idea and for even using it, but the russian man needed that extra oomph when modern weapons weren’t quite cutting it.

“Alright,” Medic says, less worried than before, “I’ll do as you suggest, but… if you ever need any help of any kind… call us and we will come running.” Then Medic’s eyes widen, before he facepalms, then grabs his radio and changes the channel to contact Engie. “Engineer?” Medic calls. “Yeah?” Engie responds. “We forgot about making our own token.” Medic states. A facepalm is heard and then Engineer responds, “Alright, I’ve got an item ready so, yeah see you over there.”

A couple minutes later, Engie arrives with what seems like a Mann Co. Crate Key.

“Is that it?” Medic asks pointing at the key.

Engie nods, “Yeah, took some spare metal, fiddled with it and accidentally made this.” Engie flipping and looking it over, like he was seeing it for the first time.“So… I just say something to it? A speech of some kind?”

“Your first token, huh?” Echo said, letting out a chuckle, his voice mimicking his keepsake. “Remember the message you heard from mine? All it takes is your name, who you are, and what you wish to provide for other displaced. However, since there is nine of you..” Echo stopped to think about this, slowly pacing back and forth with the back of his hand under his chin, and the other arm folded over his chest. A idea soon forms in his head. “Either you can all pitch together, speaking each one word in your message, and then on the last word, you all speak together, like saying ‘until then’ in your own way..” Echo shrugged his arms. “Best I can think of.”

“Huh, well, I think I have an idea, and the rest of the group doesn’t need to do it.” Engineer then look s at the key in his hand and holds it up like a christian would a cross and spoke these words:

“Hello, I’m known as Engineer of the Red Team, there are nine of us: me, Scout, Sniper, Spy, Heavy, Demoman, Pyro, Medic, and Soldier. What we are called is our specialty and we will provide what we can. You can call one of us by saying our name or call all of us by saying Red Team. We are Mercenaries, but we have hearts, if you are evil beware our Fort!”

And with that the key seemed to multiply and the copies disappeared into nothingness.

“Well…” Engie said, “...did it work?” He looked at the key he had in his hand.

Suddenly, a key fell into the water that made up Echo.

“Well, that was convenient.” Echo said with an chuckle. “Yes, it did work. Basically, when you made your token, the void took hold of it and scattered it across the multiverse and into the hands of Displaced, or in this case: Over their head, they might a little bruised though. Don’t worry, it’s just how the void delivers it at high speed. Oh, by the way? You might want to build yourself an interrogation room with lie detectors, truth serums, the works. That way, you can test each Displaced and see if they’re good or bad, the moment you find any you dislike, just say this simple line: Your contract is sealed/over/etc- I DON’T MEAN RIGHT NOW, you’ll send me away by accident.” Echo said quickly.

“Most of this,” Engie states, “we already kinda knew. The interrogation room and such won’t be such a bad idea. And lastly, I also knew that, meaning at any point I could’ve just made you leave with your Chaos Emerald in my possession, but I didn’t.” He shrugs his shoulders once he said this.

“Just testing, just testing.” Echo said with a sigh. A moment of silence sweeps through the forest until finally the birds resume their song. “...Either your Celestia is slacking on her duties, or she knows something I don’t.” Echo commented, not liking how they’ve been ignored despite unleashing chaos energy into the air, Celestia, nor her six bearers, have come seeking the base out. “..Maybe she can’t sense me?”

“Well…” Engie says, scratching his chin, “I could go check on her I have set up a Teleportation Relay from here to the castle, I’ll go check on her.” He walked towards the teleporter room.

Echo at this point decided to go find a place to sit down at, using this moment of peace to mentally prepare himself incase something goes down, like if she suddenly pops in, Echo would rather leave his emerald behind than to risk being frozen in ice for a thousand years.

Demo walks up to Echo beer in hand, and holds it out in his direction. “A drieeenk?” Demo slurs.

Echo frowns a this. “I’m made of water, I can’t drink nor can I eat.” Echo said slowly to the drunk blackman, hoping he understands what he’s saying. Honestly, Echo envied those guys, at least they got working functioning bodies made of flesh, he can’t even remember what tasting was like.

Demo just stared at him like he just what the sun was, “Men neeed alllllllllll offffff theirr orgons funcshuning proporly to lieeeeeeeve and I make miiiine puump alcooohool, yoooooouur excuuuuuusssse doon’t woooorrrk” He slurred almost gibberish words that Echo somehow understood.

“...Um… yyyeeaa, i’m gonna go over there.” He points in an random direct and heads there. Thank the gods Echo can’t smell, so there’s at least some good here that doesn’t make him miserable, poor guy can’t even sleep nor can he die.

“He’s right you know,” Spy says suddenly next to him somehow.

Echo blinks in surprise at the sudden appearance of a suited man. “About what, agent man?” he says as he doesn’t know his name. “His body pumping alcohol or men needing organs to live?”

“Both,” Spy says matter-of-factly, “and please call me Alexandre or Spy if you must. That man over there is a scientific phenomenon, making his very blood alcohol, and when the man back in the original TF2 universe was attacked by blood sucking machines meant to find liquid austrailium, he gave them ‘alcohol poisoning’, machines… think about that for a moment.”

“Considering what I am, Spy, I’m not surprised. I’m a living entity of water that’s been kept alive by both chaos energy and my own spirit.” Echo said, probably failing see the Spy’s point or message.

“And you have the… energy to do impossible things, yes?” Spy asks, as he pulls out his disguise kit/cigarette case and pulls out a cigarette and lights it.

It started off as a soft chuckle, and then an laugh. “Oh, you have no idea. What you saw was only with one emerald.” Echo said, not wanting to give too much hint, he barely knows those people, oh sure, hard-hat means well, but the rest?

“Well,” Spy starts, “have you attempted to make it so you can enjoy drink and food with the powers? I mean, if I were immortal and a god I would find life to be depressing seeing things rise and fall for all of eternity. Why not try using your powers just once to help you enjoy immortal life just a little more?”

“...I did enjoy it for a time, thousand of years ago when Starswirl was himself and when Clover the clever was alive, I was innocent, merely experimenting and learning from what I was able to see from my formless pool of water, I had no emeralds back then, all I could do was send echos of my voice and manipulate the chaos magic in the air. All of that changed when the Windigos froze me, I had nothing but nightmares. I need not tell you what I felt. Picture it like being in stone, except replace annoyance with fear.” Echo said and stopped to let the spy soak in the information.

“...I see…” Spy says, his voice now more somber, “what happened to them, Starswirl and Clover?”

“I don’t know what happened to Clover, all I know was the kid-.. I mean colt, stopped hanging out with Starswirl when that wizard started to get a bit too absorbed into his work. I managed to meet up with him and he got interested in Chaos Magic that I was able to control. This was of course was before I learned about Chaos Energy and the emeralds. So, time went back, I taught him, he got a bit crazy and.. Well. Take a look at Discord and you’ll see what I mean as my worlds Starswirl became Him because of me.” Echo explained, shaking his head. “Yes, I do enjoy the powers I possess, but it’s a little annoying when there are many things mortals enjoy that I cannot do. I mean sure, I can replicate it in water form, but not the functions. I’ll probably be able too once I find the other emeralds before it falls under the wrong hands.” He shakes his head again. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have brought that up, my mind… kind of fell apart.”

“It is nothing you should apologize for,” Spy started, looking at Echo, “from the sound of it, you just didn’t know what your powers could or would do if left unchecked. I kind of understand that feeling, Spy is the biological father of Scout, meaning I’m technically a father and Spy the original, never did anything to raise him properly. I technically hate myself for what I did to my son-”

The sound of the teleporter room door sounded and we see Engie walking with a sort of limp with his leg.

Medic ran up to him, “Engineer are you-,” Medic started.

“Don’t. Ask.” Engie stated with an odd look in his eyes and walked towards the crew quarters and stopped and looked at Echo. “Found out why the Princesses never... sensed you…” he stated. “They were to busy looking for ‘something’ else… especially at this time of the month.”
He turned back toward the crew quarters and walked to his room.

Echo looked between Engie’s retreating body and the Medic, struggling with conflicting thoughts, he couldn’t ask about the leg nor could he ask about what they were looking for, especially when hard hat sounds a bit upset. “Do you… want to talk about it?” Echo asked after finding the courage, he didn’t even use the nickname, not wanting to spark anything or hit a nerve. Hopefully, what happened isn’t Echo’s fault.

“Trust me, you don’t wanna know,” Engie states, seemingly out of breath, “in fact if you wanna know you can probably go through the teleporter and they still won’t sense you even if they see you.” He then continues to open his bedroom door, enter his room, and close the door. Then a sign lit up saying ‘sterilization’ and then all the other team members eyes widened and looked at each other in surprise.

Finally, Spy says, “The lucky sonuvabitch… he just got lucky…”

Echo blinks a couple of times, he looks over at the teleporter, then looks over at spy in confusion, pure, unfiltered, confusion. “..I can’t tell if this is an good thing, or a bad thing.” Echo said with a frown, he was feeling a small amount chaotic activity from Hard-hat, like something bad happened to him, but now the Spy’s comment is making him think that something… ‘Interesting’ happened. Overall, Echo wanted to get to the bottom of this,

With a deep breath, he makes his way over to the teleporter while taking on slightly taller unicorn form, no doubt someone might be protesting behind him, but he ignored him, soon stepping right through the warp with his mind on one thing: Get ready to warp if things look ugly on the other side.

~~~Canterlot: Guards’ Barracks~~~

There is not a single guard or maid in sight, the place sounds so silent that you could probably hear a pin drop. On the door to the guard barracks there is a note with following written on it:
“Dear, Members of Celestia’s Day and Luna’s Night Guards,

Today is that part of the month again where their Majesties are dealing with their monthly ‘mare problem’ so it is recommended that anyone, male or female take the day/night off.

Iron Knaught, Captain of the Day Guard
Dark Naught, Captain of the Night Guard

~~~Canterlot: Storage Room~~~

“So, my second theory along with Spy’s words rung true.” Echo whispered to himself, his voice still echoing despite the lower voice. “Although this… ‘mare problem’ makes me worried, assuming my thoughts have not betrayed me.” Echo said, he believes that there is an certan ‘pregnancy’ problem, or someone is having trouble getting to that stage. He looks around slowly, trying to get re-familiarized with the castle, if it is anything like the one back in his world, getting to the Throne room should be easy.

Echo began to tread lightly now with two plans on his mind, choose an water form to hide within, or freeze time for an more successful escape. Echo wanders throughout the castle, his eyes scanning around for any guards or any signs of the royal twins.

Then, there was a small noise from hall behind him, small muffled, but audible. Sounded like a female voice, though this direction was the opposite direction from the Throne Room.

Echo’s ignites a silvery glow as he follows the direction of the sound, he walks with caution in his step, each time he moves, his watery hoofs would clip clop, as if the sound was being slightly drowned out by water. If Echo did not have a chaos emerald, his disguise would of been more obvious.

Each time Echo turns his head, he could swear he felt chaotic activity enter his body, the feel all too familiar, it was a sign that something did happen that left negativity in the air.

Another noise is heard, more audible, less muffled, like a female groaning, but still kind of muffled.

For any normal stallion, they would of probably ran away in fear, but for Echo, his curiosity and worry was getting the best of him as he moved closer and closer to the sound of an female, either she is in danger, or… well, you might get the idea. Echo did not dare speak out of fear of being found out, he only wanted answers to Hard-hat’s injury.

Echo proceeds deeper and deeper into the castle, his ears following the sound as best as they can.

Echo comes to an interesting part of the wall, for looking at it makes him feel instantly bored for looking at it.

He frowns at this, so much for following the sound, but his curiosity will never leave him and will probably scratch at his metaphorical mind for the rest of his life. Echo lowers his head to inspect the wall, as if it held secrets. He assumes it is coming from behind it, however if he is mistaken, he will still stand and listen for the actual direction.

Another noise comes from the wall in front of him it definitely femaling, probably groaning, and something else… a wet noise? The noise is still muffled but definitely coming from the wall that always seems to make him bored when even glancing at it.

Echo provides quite an legendary deadpan expression. “Yep, Spy was right.” Echo said in his mind, seems a certain someone is getting it on with someone. Sadly for Echo, his power is focused on destruction, not dispelling enchantments or forcing the wall to open and it would be most unwise to even try to destroy the wall, who knows what unholy wrath may come upon him. With his curiosity satisfied, he goes to turn around and leave just as equally quiet as he came. Yes, disappointing Echo is disappointing.

On his way he accidentally bumps into the armor stand holding up Captain Rank guard armor, which then promptly falls over and makes a large amount of racket. Nothing is heard, even the noises from the wall have gone silent. Then, there is a large groaning noise, as if an age old door was being opened, and the noise was in the direction of where noises were coming from before.

Echo froze on the spot when the door opened, he was expecting someone to come out and chase him away or worst just beat the holy horns out of him… But nothing happened. Usually when lovers are caught in the act, they would of done something bad now, was this all a ruse? A trick? Echo’s curiosity has been resparked.

He keeps his horn glowing the emerald’s power, very cautiously and very slowly moving forward toward the door, Echo was ready to react to anything that is thrown his way.

No noises came from the now visible door, but, yet, it is now inviting like an urge to move forward.

“Welp, I’m gonna hate myself in the morning.” Echo said mentally to himself, now finally moving through the door.

It is just barely bright enough to see that there is a stairway leading downward the urge stronger now to move and… a perfume in the air? Not one that Echo knows of.

Echo raises an eyebrow, he was honestly expecting an hidden room, but it only leads to more of a mystery, perhaps it’s not exactly as he expected? He continues deeper into the stairway, determined to get to the bottom of this, if they wanted this to be a secret, they would of put more effort to hide it, soundproof the walls, make a room accessible via teleport, anything other than this that makes everything so obvious to said-secret. “I bet they’re calling me crazy back at base.” Echo says mentally.

After a bit of climbing downstairs, there is an open yet dark room, here the ‘perfume’ is strong and can’t smell anything through it, and felt the urge to press on felt stronger, when he realized something, ‘how am I smelling?’

Echo’s eyebrow just couldn’t raise any higher than that, it had been way too long since he smelt.. well anything? He frowns at this realization, while it is a good thing he can smell, it won’t be so when he goes near the black drunk. Due to the smell’s enchantment, his body moves on its own accordance, his curiosity wondering just what kind of magic is capable of this sorcery.

Suddenly, he has the feeling of being watched, like prey being sized up by its predator, yet, he is not guard, nor does he care, the urge to keep going was so powerful, there was no resisting.

Echo’s own curiosity combined with the magic was driving him nuts, he wants to know about the magic, he wanted to find its source and its creator. Unable to resist, he has no choice but to press on deeper and deeper into the depths of the castle. He’s never been in here before nor does he recognize it.

Suddenly he feels a presence behind him, his senses are overwhelmed by the smell, the urge, the presence, he turns around without second thoughts. The last thing he hears before his all of his mind becomes foggy is this: “Hello would you like feel the true warmth of the day and the true sensations of the night?”

~~~5 hours later: Everfree Fort~~~

All of the team, except Engineer were waiting by the teleport waiting for Echo, but are starting to expect the worst.

“Screw it,” Spy says, activating a disguise for Royal Guard, “I’m going in, wish me-”

Echo appears in the teleporter, with wide eyes and the feeling in the back of his legs slowly coming back. He then notices that there is a ‘Royal Guard’ in the base not freaking out at the bipeds and the pony before him and looked at him for a moment as if asking a question.

The Guard then smiles sheepishly as smoke appears around, him and reveals Spy in his place. Him not wanting to know as of the moment, left it be, and looked at Medic.

“Is there anyplace I can go to recover for a bit?” Echo asked.

Medic pointed out the recovery and Echo walked with a noticeable limp towards it.

Once he left the room the Spy, then looked at everyone else cleared his throat and said, “Well, the moment has passed, back to work!” And everyone left for their workstations.
~~~Everfree Fort: Recovery Room~~~

Echo wore an expression mixing between happy and confused. “They did it.. I don’t know how they did it, but they did it..” Echo started to laugh hysterically. “They somehow made love to me and I felt it…” He said. At this point, Echo was confused beyond reasoning. A creature made of water, somehow got some and got it going with THE. ROYAL. SISTERS! He wasn’t sure weather to be happy, or disturbed about the power they wield just to do it, with an watery creature that never had the tools to do it, but lo and behold, they somehow made it happen.

“Perhaps Spy was onto something when he suggested I could somehow make it work to the point I can eat and drink, and by god if this world can make me smell, by God he can do every other senses!” Echo send before into another fit of confused happy laughter. Soon, it died shown, replaced by random singing reverbing through the door. At this point, the mates of TeamFort were just as equally confused as Echo.
~~~The Next Day~~~

The members of Everfree Fort were probably imagining it, but they thought they saw Echo… happy? When Medic saw it, he thought he had officially lost his marbles, when Pyro saw it he thought he was wearing the Pyrovision goggles again. Spy thought he had smoked too much, Demo thought he was drunk when he hadn’t even drank a drop of alcohol yet, and Scout thought that the world was gonna end because they saw Echo happy.

Engineer went back to Canterlot today, and confirmed that the Princesses were in fact normal again. And he managed to get not only a solar magic powered gem but a mix of solar AND lunar magic, meaning it recharged during the day and night. So, for Echo that means he can go back to his Equestria with both of his Chaos Emeralds.

Echo was singing away, his voice pretty much reverbing. “The hills are ali~ve with the sound of mu~sic.” He sang, not giving a damn of where he knew the song from. “Hellooo all you awesome people!” He said as he entered the main hall, or wherever that was place was when he sat down to wait for Hard-hat to come back.

Engineer enters the mini-bar from the teleporter room and finds Echo still looking happy, as Pinkie Pie when she is throwing a party. Walking over he catches the attention of Echo and waves him over to walk and talk.

“Eeeeehhh, Hard-hat!” Echo says with that same happy attitude, even if he is acting out of character instead of his calm intelligent self, he hasn’t felt this good in forever. Hell, he doesn’t even remember a time where he was actually happy, oh sure maybe a weak smile or an smirk, but never did he remember a time where he was truly happy.

“Hey, Echo,” Engie says, still caught off guard by the sheer amount of positive energy, literally, emitting from him, “I’ve got some good news!”
“Oh? And what would that good news be, Hard-cap?” Echo asks. Was he as happy as him? Nah, couldn’t have been from what Echo went through. Hard-hat was miserable yesterday.

“Well, I remembered what you said,” Engie started, “with never leaving this Equestria, without your Chaos Emerald and I found a suitable replacement. So, now if you want to head back to your Equestria you can, and maybe even be able to have the same thing happen twice,” he winks towards Echo, “if you catch my drift.”

“That is excellent news, where did you find the replacement?” Echo asked, then laughed when Hard-hat suggested he’d get it twice. “Not likely. Luna is an overprotective hothead who will hold a grudge but give it up for her sister while Celestia is too motherly and battle-hardened to even try it, she only wants me for the sake for learning Chaos Magic so that they know how to fight against it or use it if an war ever happens. Let’s just say, in my Equestria, Princess Luna never became Nightmare Moon.” Echo said.

“Well,” Engie says, thinking back to earlier, “I got the replacement from both Celestia and Luna, when they infused their power into a rare crystal called the ‘Twilight shard’ making so that it not only recharges during the day, but during the night as well. Oh well, maybe there might be another alicorn to ascend at some point in your Equestria, but who knows.”

“Who knows indeed? It’ll be fishing in that pond and it’ll be a long time. I mean I’m not saying it in a negative way, it’s just the ponies in my world are very friendly, like they’ll give their friendship to anyone. I mean Spy over there could come with me and everypony would be saying hello and be all hunky doory.” Echo commanded with an laugh, an real laugh of amusement.

“Well, if we need your help with anything else I’ll let you know, but don’t forget you can always call on us for help should you need it.” Engie said as he pointed at the key Echo had on him.

“Indeed I will, friend.” Echo reaches down to shake both of Hard-hat’s hands. “Indeed I will, and I have you to thank for bringing me here.”

“No, thank you, but your smile is all thanks I need,” Engie says, “but I believe now is the time where we part ways, until next time my friend, for now our contract is sealed.” A portal appears next to Echo.

“Until next time, hard-hat!” Echo says, raising his hand in an salute. “Until next time. Keep that Token Chaos Emerald handy when you need its energy.” He finishes the salute before leaping through the portal, causing it to blip out of existence. To this day in forever, a Displaced goes home Happy.

~~~Alex’s: Engineer’s: POV~~~

“Welp,” I say to myself, “the was a crazy couple of days, well at least one good thing happened, there’s a satisfied customer.”

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