
Noella 1: A Paradise of Persona

by Mariana Deep

Chapter 1: A Decade gone, A Decade to return

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Noella Equestria, a world comprised of various species and ponies living in harmony all over the world. People often stare off the track into the vast wilds a mile below, taking in the beautiful green scenery but knowing exactly what would happen if you were venture directly into its belly, home to the laws of nature. The purple dragon silently sat in his seat, his eyes locked out the open window as the wind violently yet soothingly whipped around his face. He scanned the vast plans and many small forests they had passed through, taking in the colors and smells that seem to travel along the wind.

He sighed, letting the breath enter his body and then exit, clearing his mind and quelling the obvious fear on his face. "It's been a while since I've been back." He turned his attention toward a window opposite of him, eventually letting his body flow to the right side of the train to stare out of it. "It's been a while since I've even seen it. I wonder what it's like inside now...if everyone is still the same or if everything is completely different. What if no one even remembers who I am? Dear Celestia that would be one hell of an awkward situation. No no no." He said slapping both his cheeks with his hands a few times. "Don't think like that Spike, everything's gonna fine and you know it."

"We are approaching the Ponyville central station, please gather your belongings and prepare to exit the trains, thank you for your cooperation." called the angelic train conductor.

"Alright," Spike said with a smirk as he picked up a small messenger bag and threw the strap around his person. "This is it, time to see what home is like after all these years."

"Welcome to Ponyville Central, arrival from the Everfree Gardens, gather your belongings and begin boarding shortly...repeat...Arrival from the Everfree Gardens, please stay clear of the doors and have a nice day."

The doors finally opened, letting the mob of ponies and animals alike, without warning, pile out into the station. Spike felt his entire body move in unison with the mob, as if they were one solid wave of water. "H-hey, wait a minute!" He said struggling to pull himself from the crowd. After at least a few seconds of the crowd pushing him down the stairs into the main lobby, He was able to claw himself out, panting as he finally stood onto his feet. "Give me a break, that's how people get onto a train here, It was half as calm in the Everfree."

Indeed it is, and unlike all those other stories, this isn't the same Equestria you're familiar with. Welcome to the world of Noella Equestria, a vast and unique reflection of Equestria quite different from the primitive version we're all familiar with. Who am I? Well you may call me Topaz, I am what you would you call...um...what's the word? Oh yes, your omniscient companion of sorts, and I'm just as curious as you to see how this adventure plays out. I'll chime in from time to time so let's enjoy this together. I may even let slip some info you might be curious about, how delightful.

Slowly, he turned around to view the station, based in a temple of all things. Red painted the various surroundings, the thick support poles, the balconies overlooking the city and wilds on opposite sides, the lanterns that hung up high. Spike readjusted his bag to his side and walked a few feet before looking back at the train. "I can't believe how much this place had chang--" that's when his eyes shifted to his shoulder, and he let out a silent scream. "Oh crap oh crap oh crap, where is she?! Philomena!" He called out searching the area for something. "Philomena, come on girl, where are you? Oh no, did she get trampled in that crowd, what if she dies this time, will I never see--" that's when a red and yellow phoenix landed upon his shoulder pecking him on the head as he had failed to notice. "Oh thank Celestia you're ok, thought I'd lost you for good this time." She simply cooed at the response, happy to be reunited with him. "Alright, let's get rolling girl."

As he finally let his mind rest, he returned to his earlier action, awestruck at the station and it's ability to maintain it's oriental appeal despite the futuristic trains that passed through it like a beehive, which was basically a pure shiny white car that had a glare of the sun shining off it's exterior so brightly, it could blind the princess of the sun herself. Speaking of which, the only thing to paint the sides let alone the entire car, were pictures of the famed Dusk sisters, Celestia the White Angel and Luna the Shadow Princess. Inside was a silver-walled interior with blue seats, nothing special to anyone, except for our young dragon. He observed an inch of the train he could, including the way it ran. No engine, no coal to burn, instead there lay a conductor on board who would give the train a slight magical shock to get moving. It was basically the same for all technology, a slight magical shock and it would spring to life, unlike anything anyone's ever seen. "Excuse me, would you happen to know where--"

"Hmm?" Spike turned to face the conversation and was greeted with a familiar face. "F-Fluttershy?"

"M-Mr. Spike? You're back so early, I wasn't expecting to see you for at least another day or two?"

"Well, you can partially blame my impatient scales for that one. I know the letter said you guys would come to visit me in a couple of days but I just couldn't wait, so I hopped on the first train I could over here. Besides It's been way too long since, and I wanted you guys to see me all grown up as soon as possible." Philomena quickly pecked spike in the head making him rub his head in pain. "Ow ow ok, I get it girl, I missed them geez. We especially miss you Fluttershy, well at least Philomena does." Once again she pecked his head. "Ow, ok ok, I really missed you, like you have no idea."

"Oh....um." Quickly she cowered behind her sleeves as a blush ravaged her cheeks. "T-thank you. By the way, you're um... not wearing any clothes," she said blushing even more.

"Why's that a problem, we do it all the time in the Everfree."

"Well, it's a little...inappropriate here in ponyville..."

Spike raised an eyebrow in confusion. "There's nothing wrong with being all-natural, besides nothing's showing." As her blush seem to be never-ending, he opted to change the subject. "So what exactly are you doing here, Is there somewhere you were trying to go or--"

"N-no, not at all." She quickly answered. "I was just um...waiting for someone."

This girl is terrible at lying, and trust me seen some pretty terrible lies. My partner once tried to lie his way out of eating my entire birthday cake, boy did I let him have it after--Oops, sorry I'm interrupting aren't I?

"Wait, better question, I thought you were still in the south passed ponyville, at Rose Village taking care of the animals."

Well yes, I was there quite recently actually, but something urgent came up at Twilight's clinic and I was forced to leave the animals in the care of one of my close friends, Gabbie."

"Gabbie? That energetic griffon that usually doesn't stop talking and tries to help everybody for no reason?"

"Spike, that's rude, she has a reason. And she's not energetic per se, just enthusiastic."

"That's an understatement. Wait Twilight personally called you back to help her?"

"Yes, It was her on the video screen and everything, although she was constantly walking back and forth on the screen."

"Yep, sounds like her alright. Well, I should probably make my way to the clinic then, see--"

"Wait." She said taking hold of his hand. "I-I'll escort you there."

"But aren't you like, waiting for someone?"

"W-well yes and no but...I think they'll b-be fine, I told them to meet me at the clinic if they don't see me, quickly now, come on."

"Ok ok, wait don't drag me or you're gonna--"

As those words entered Fluttershy's ears, she quickly stopped, unfortunately letting the momentum carry spike past her and down the steps into the city. He bounced off the steps 3 at a time letting out a grunt of pain before busting through the doors and into the city. He groaned in annoyance, letting the pain subside as Fluttershy quickly caught up to him. Oh dear me, I'm so so sorry Spike."

Oh that had to hurt, gonna need a doctor for that one, or dragon medic, or whatever there is that fixes dragon scales. I'm sure you didn't know, but dragons aren't too common in this world. Why? Well, that's what we'll figure out, won't we? Let's continue.

"It's fine it's fine, I'm used to this by now trust me." As he rose to his feet, Spike's eyes grew wide with both a mix of excitement and curiosity. The homes looked as if they had been pulled from Chinese culture itself, exotic-looking roofs with lanterns hanging from the corners, circle openings to enter the front yard where luscious green gardens and rocks sat upon small ponds and streams of water. One even had a variety of colorful violets and roses while another had a dash of lime green roses and tulips. The concrete was decorated with stone bricks, each outlined into its own square. From where they sat, the station was behind them straight down the middle of a cul-de-sac like street. In the middle of the circle sat a fountain with a crystal blue pillar spouting water from its center. The water would then trickle down to the large body of water below and follow the current down the street out of cul-de-sac creating a small canal that split the street in two. "No way, this is...this is so beautiful. This is what happened after I left?"

"Oh yes, I was just as surprised on my first visit back too. Being in Rose village, you grow so used to the forest around you, but this is--"

"Vibrant. Everything so...alive, so happy. It's nothing like before..." Spike said getting a slightly sad look in his eyes. "I remember the old times like it was yesterday. It was a hellhole, parents looking to feed their family turned criminal for a quick buck, the city so lost of color...and everybody was always looking down, at the ground, never up, never at the future."

"Spike..." Fluttershy was quick to bring Spike into her embrace. "Those were dark times Spike, we all were struggling, struggling to find happiness in a city that needed so desperately. We weren't alone however, somebody saw our pain and offered a solution."

'What do you mean?"

"Ponyville's princess had no idea how to restore the economy of the city to glory, she admitted it on live tv and everyone went crazy, theft, crime, it was horrible. That is until some days later, the princess stepped down as head of the city and allowed someone else to take over the role of fixing everything."

"Another person from the family line?"

"Not exactly, as of that day, the rules no longer apply to the royal family. Instead, we have adopted the idea that anyone can become the head of the city if they meet the requirements, they must also have a plan for their run as prince or princess or they will have to face potential impeachment. The current family that sits upon the throne is a really nice family of squirrels who the princess apparently knew personally. The swept in with her blessing and before we knew it, turned the entire city around within a year. Of course, it wasn't instant, there were some who were unsure of how easily they won, but nonetheless, they did exactly what they set out to do."

"Ok wow, I feel attacked. The minute I leave the city and a year later, it just fixes itself? How did they even manage it with the state the city was in?"

Fluttershy began to answer as they started to walk down the street. "No one knows really, although twilight believes they were able to finance the right places and that started a chain reaction but that's just her theory since there are a dozen other theories out there. Oh, I forgot to ask, that bird on your shoulder is a Pheonix is he not?"

Yes "she" is, and her name is Philomena."

"Oh no, I'm so sorry little birdy, so so sorry..." She uttered turning her head away in shame. However, the bird flapped off Spike's shoulder seemingly landing on the shoulder of Fluttershy. As the bird nestled up to her, she turned her teary face toward the bird. "Y-you're not mad at me?" The bird happily squawked back. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you," she said petting the bird with a finger. "Philomena huh? You're such a cutie, yes you are, yes you are."

As Fluttershy continued to play with the bird, let out a chuckle. "Yep, she's a charmer alright, always seems to convince me to feed her more than she needs."

The birds squawked back as if to retort that comment. "How long have you two been together?"

"We've been together for a while, two years to be exact. I found her in the forest injured or at least that's what I thought, I hadn't actually seen a phoenix ever before so I thought she needed help. After I took her in and started taking care of her, I began to realize that she was very young like a baby, she didn't know how to reignite just yet. Must have been a week before I decided to try something...different."


"I-I um....maybe, sort of...sung to her...a song I heard Twilight sing me when I was a baby."

Fluttershy gasped. "Oh my gosh, that is so cute." She squeaked out in a pitch Spike didn't even know could be reached.

"Don't go crazy on me Fluttershy, it was one time and I'm never doing it again," he said nervously turning away. "Anyway, next thing I know, she up to full health and we've been together ever since."

Spike turned his head back to Fluttershy only to see the stars in her eyes staring right back at him. "You don't know how long it's been since I've heard a story beautiful." she squeaked. "It's been too long since I've heard such a connection between Nature and ourselves. Last things I remember were attacks on a poor family in the west, darn the wilds for being so beautiful yet so dangerous, It's always a risk to travel among them." Thankfully it seemed as though she realized her trance-like state, shaking her head and coming back to reality. "Um, anyway we should make haste to Twilight's clinic, I'm sure she'll be happy to see you so early."

They aimed for the clinic, turning right on the street from the station and the walk there had Spike on the verge of blowing his top with excitement almost every chance he got. One block had homes 4 times the size of any regular home where gardens looked like a literal forest, another had shops selling the most expensive and exotic food Noellan kind could find, one even was packed with kids looking at the newest toys for their amusement. "This place got a serious upgrade, I should have come back earlier."

As Spike was lost in the amazement of the new city, Fluttershy stared at him, a nervous fir of sweat trickling down her face. "Mr. Spike...I...um..." she whispered.

Spike's eyes twitched as her whisper reached him. "Hmm, did you need something Fluttershy?" Spike found himself confused when he turned to see the mare staring off into the sky as if nothing happened.

"W-who me, I didn't say anything M-Mr. Spike..." Fluttershy oddly twitched, letting her eyes scatter around her surroundings before eventually realizing the clinic was close. "O-oh, we're actually pretty close to the clinic, come along," she said quickly walking off.

Terrible liar, was I right or was I right?

Spike had to near sprint as they approached the end of the block and soon, it was apparent they were coming to the edge of the city. "I thought you said you were taking me to Twilight's clinic?"

"I am."

"She set up a clinic all the over here?"

"After the incident with the city, Twilight choose a rather secluded spot for her Clinic. I believe her reasoning was "It was too out in the open, If I move somewhere more secluded, I can cut down on the number of people who interrupt my studies."

"That is literally a giant contradiction to the whole business aspect of the clinic but you know what, I've learned not to question what she does, it's just too confusing." A few minutes down the street and before them lay a group of bamboo trees seemingly blocking their path. However, Fluttershy motioned Spike through eventually setting his eyes on the 3 story building. There was a concrete path leading up to a large circle where benches sat next to a large circle hole with a pond in it, birds and ducks resting upon it. The entire place looked as though it was Camouflaged by a box of bamboo trees, likely to Twilight's specifications so that she could "study." Both Spike and Fluttershy circled the pond and proceeded up the straight path to the building, Fluttershy politely knocking and waiting for the door to open. "Ms. Twilight, are you home? I have brought a guest that I'm sure you'll be happy to see."

The door seemingly opened by itself, sliding all the way until it was revealed that no one was at the door. "Uh...you sure she's here?" Spike asked.

"I could have sworn I just saw her here not even half an hour ago. Um, Ms. Twilight?" Fluttershy said as loud as her quiet voice could. "Are you home?" There was still no answer, instead, a silence that would have been perfected by a tumbleweed passing by. "Perhaps she left."

"Where else would she even be, the library?"

"Let us check there next, maybe we'll get luc--"

"Is it a patient?!" they heard a voice yell from somewhere in the home, making Fluttershy squeak a bit in fear.

"N-not exactly," she replied.

Silence once again pierced the air, Fluttershy assuming that meant to enter and motioning spike inside. Once inside he took note of the interior design, a desk packed high with dozens of books sat in a corner just in front of a closet on the left, to the right, a set of stairs leading up with pictures lining the stairway. Adjacent to the left of the desk was a room designated urgent care and to the right, A room with regular shelves, bookshelves, what looked like an entrance to the back outside, and dozens of plates, cups, and utensils neatly stacked inside their own personal glass cabinet. "Good to see here the habit of organizing almost everything hasn't changed." Spike then took a step, turning his attention toward another cabinet hidden in the blind spot of the doorway. "What in the--She even has one for her rock collection? Twilight, you gotta get a hobby."

"I'm so sorry to make you guys wait, I'll be down in just a sec...just gotta finish one last....and..." And a second it was before she suddenly appeared in a flash of purple light, still staring at a clipboard. "Now how may I help you today si...Spike?" she said in shock. "But we were supposed to visit you in a couple of days, what are you doing here?"

"I couldn't wai--"

"Now I have to replan everything, rewrite the entire script, and pull the outfit I was going to use out of the cleaners early."

"Wait you wrote a script?"

"But then I'll need to re-practice the script for 5 hours again."

"You practiced for 5 hours? Wait you wrote a script?" Twilight seemed to pace back and forth on her ruined plan for a good minute before Spike sighed and took hold of her shoulder. "Twilight would you stop going crazy and just look at me."

It was slow at first, her eyes turning to his and confirming that he was indeed here, But then before he knew it, Twilight was wrapping him in his embrace. Her tears wetting the scales of his shoulder. "Oh Spike, my wittle number 1 assistant, I missed you so much, you have no idea, you've missed so much it's impossible to recall it all. But I'm gonna try, so--"

"Calm down Twi, you're turning into Pinkie Pie geez."

"Oh," she said with a nervous giggle. "My bad?"

Um...can anyone detect the crazy in the room, she's got more than a few screws loose if you ask me and I'm supposed to know everything.

After an uncomfortable amount of hugging time, Twilight finally released her grip and wiped a tear from her eye. "You guys really changed a lot, haven't you? I mean look at you Twi."

"Oh don't be flatterer Spike or every girl in Ponyville will be all over you," she said with a slightly too happy smirk on her face.

"I'm only 15 Twilight, I don't think society would be ok with whatever is going on inside your head."

"I was just saying Spike, you have grown to be very handsome. Before we continue though, quick what size are you?"

"Size medium I think...maybe large."

"Perfect, give me a sec." Within a blink, Twilight was gone but within another, she was back. "Quick, put this on."

"Wait a minute, don't you want to catch up first?"

"This reunion can't be perfect unless you're wearing exactly what I envisioned. And you're kind of naked, which is really weird. Here I'll help!"

"Twilight wait!"

Twilight took off in a burst of speed, so fast in sent papers sitting on a desk next to her into a frenzy. Impossibly, she stripped spike of his clothes and outfitted him with her envisioned ones. In the craziness, Philomena hovered above until she was done then simply landed upon his arm. "There it's perfect."

"I'm gonna puke..."

"Oh no don't get it on the clothes, I made them just for you."

"Well next time...just ask me to put them on...I'm gonna be sick."

"Oh nonsense, my method was faster, plus it looks great on you.

"You think so?"

"Fluttershy seems to think so," she said as the two turned toward the blushing mare.

She gasped as she hid her face behind her sleeves once more. "I-it's r-really nice..."

Philomena also began to rub her beak against Spike. "And it seems the bird on your shoulder isn't against them either, go ahead, take a look in the mirror why don't you?"

Conveniently, there sat a full body mirror behind the desk, probably so Twilight could sure her clothes were even every minute of every day. Spike took his place in front of it was surprised at how perfect the clothes seem to fit. "Wow, where did you get these?"

"I made them."

"Wait what? You made them to take to me in the Everfree?

"I planned to."

"Wow, it's a surprise it perfectly fits since you haven't seen...me?" Spike had to stop and think about for a moment before it suddenly made no sense. "How exactly...did you get my measurements.

"Oh, I took them."

"Recently?!" He said in shock. "How did you even--"

"Oh no no no, not recently, ten years ago."

Did I say a few, I meant like 20. 20/20 screws loose. Stay away from this one kids, she'll turn your entire life into a science experiment.

"That makes even less sense, h-how did you make an outfit that fits me now from measurements I had as a kid?"

"I measured you as a child and predicted what size you would be." At this point, even Fluttershy was dumbfounded. "Why, does it feel a little off?"

Spike was at a loss of words. "OK, not gonna even--y-you know what, it's perfect. I'm just going to forget that you had this made ten years ago and it fits."

"Well enough about the clothes, come sit down, I'm dying to catch up." Twilight motioned them to the table within the side room, Fluttershy quick to shut the front door before joining them. They took a seat on the small padded area beneath the table as Twilight disappeared into the kitchen. "You guys thirsty?"

"I've been on a train for like 2 hours, You have no idea."

"Great, I have a new kind of tea to offer."

"Really? Wait, it's not going to be like when you found those random plants outside and decided to make tea but turns out they were poisonous plants right?"

"Oh no no, I was just a kid back then, now I know the difference between poisonous and safe."

"I hope so, I don't want to end up like those people back then," he said as he shivered. "So many tongue colors."

"Oh don't be like that Spike, I promise this will be refreshing." She made her way back into the room, grabbing three cups from the cabinet and returning to the kitchen. Within seconds, she placed three cups of white colored tea in front of them. "Introducing winterberry tea."

"Winterberry? As in the berries from the north that never thaw?"

"Exactly. Turns out that if you brew up a specific concoction and do it just right, you can thaw them."

"You really are a know it all," Spike said as he took a small sip. "Hey that's pretty good, don't see why they don't drink this more often."

"Because it's well known that it's a hardcore aphrodisiac."

"Come again, an aphrodisiac? You're not looking to get some are you?"

"Oh heavens no, I would never not with my own assistant. I only put enough in to have a 10% chance to cause effects."

"What about the full thing?"

"Totally 100%"

"You have issues Twilight."

"Why thank you, I am the smartest you've ever known."

"That's not what I said."

"Anywho," She said as she grabbed her, sat down, and began to sip as well. "You've gone for too long Spike, today makes an even ten doesn't it?"

"Yep, ten years since everything went to hell basically, right?"

"Hey hey, no being a party pooper, we're here to happily catch up, not brood in the past, so let's talk about some happy things ok? Perhaps starting the majestic creature sitting on your shoulder?"

Spike put his claw up to his shoulder to which Philomena walked on. "It's a long story that I already told Fluttershy but it couldn't hurt to tell it twice."

As spike began to retell his story of meeting his winged companion, just outside the clinic was an unfamiliar face. The figure crept passed the bamboo with such skill, such finesse, it rivaled the greatest ninja there ever were. Although as it moved, it seemed to-- "Sneak." it uttered as it crept past around the pond. "Sneak, sneak." It continued.

Is it--is it announcing that it's sneaking? What kind of person announces that they're sneaking?

It peered through the window of the clinic, stealthily listening to their conversation despite it obviously giving itself away. "And that's why she follows me around wherever I go."

"Even to the bathroom?"

"Twilight!" he said with a nervous blush.

"I was just kidding haha, no need to get all embarrassed about it. Um...I hate to be a hypocrite, but I can't help but wonder about the west...I mean the Everfree gardens...is it doing ok?"

Spike sighed and took another sip of his tea. "It could be better. Physically, all everyone sees is nothing but beautiful jungle from end to end, but underneath all that beauty, the animals are still being....difficult. There's a layer of selfishness the animals hold over the Everfree, and its causing tensions to brew with the east again, even after they agreed to a truce."

"Don't tell me they're still fighting over the resources?"

"Yep, like cats and dogs. The east has plentiful apple orchards and grazing fields while the west has a wide variety of plants and fruits. The east wants access to the exotic nature that grows over in the west as a way to finally differentiate their own plants and fruit. Not just that, but every year, there's a time where the rains come and in the east and west, they're the worst. The west has got tree cover which allows nature to rightfully supply water to the crops that time of year while the east, things could go better."

"They end up getting too much water." Fluttershy chimed in. "I remember I had to help out a bit over there, herding into livestock into areas that were safe when the plains receive a bit too much water and flood. They have yet to be able to fight against mother nature, but the plant life in the Everfree has grown used to being overwatered and I'm sure that's what the west is counting on to help their own crops.

"But the west is being stubborn, specifically the grand chief."

"So that's where the dragon went...Hmm?" The figure quickly snuck off, loudly mind you, as quick as it came in.

I'm sure you picked it up by now, the layout of the world in question. As you been experiencing, the south is home to the more nature-oriented city of Ponyville. Here the people used to live in harsh conditions, poverty singing the anthem of this once great city. Most of those unaffected by the fight to survive lived outside the city in rural villages like Rose Village. But ever since the current princess came into power, the city is more beautiful than it ever was and only has a small amount of technology believe it or not. To the west lay the forest and jungles of the Everfree Gardens and to the east, the grassy plains of the Apple Acres. What's to the north you might ask, well that'll come in due time. For right now, the conversation is still going on.

Twilight finished her tea and sat the cup down. "I assume the people of the Everfree are more than oblivious to the situation?"

Spike let out a hardy laugh, mocking that question. "Oblivious? They act like nothing is even going on in the first place. We all know about it, just no one will do anything about it, which isn't neccissarily bad, I mean the Everfree is more, if not ten times more, dangerous than the east. We got giant snakes and bugs running all over the place not to mention the plants sometimes get a little feisty on super hot days. Our lives are just as much in danger as their crops. But enough about me and my issues, what about you Twilight, and well everyone else around here?

"Nothing much as of late. I haven't really seen Pinkie lately and Fluttershy's been helping me out with clinic when she can since I moved it. Oh, actually I've been trying to read up on your history but I just can't find anything."

"Expected as much, dragon's aren't really that common around here, anywhere really."

H-hey, I already told the reader that! Come on, what a way mess up perfectly good information that they didn't know.

Twilight let out a sentimental sigh. "I miss the good times before you left you know? Just the two in the clinic, sometimes Pinkie, sometimes Fluttershy, and even though things were bad, we still had fun."

"Fun? You were way too focused on getting your smarty pants to have fun, like the time you tried to heal that panda and ended up turning him into a bunny?"

"Hey, I was young and experienced. How about that time you decided to take the clinic over while I was gone?"

"That was fun...I...um thought I could handle it."

"There were more people with injuries than when I left, I don't think that was handled."

"Hey, I was expecting Fluttershy to help me on that one."

Fluttershy let out a quick squeak before hiding behind her cup "M-me, I d-didn't know anything about healing at the time, I was just there and Twilight wouldn't have been happy if I just let the clinic destroy while she was gone, so I-I tried but..."

Twilight giggled at her response. "Yea I think she knows more about feral healing than healing, well, us."

Spike sipped his tea as he responded. "Well, aren't we technically still animals even if we're not feral?"

"Well on that matter of speaking, yes we are and no we're not. Even the greatest scientist can't figure what makes us so evolved."

"Would have been nice to know," Spike uttered as all three of them laughed and continued their conversation. Spike talked about his countless adventures in the Everfree, how the people there taught him about the history of the world and the war. How they taught him how to traverse the vines and canopies of the trees and even how to smooth talk the ladies, a few unhelpful tips from the village elder no less. "That panda did not know how to pick up a girl at all."

"That panda knows nothing about true love, you're not supposed to have girls all over you left and right, it's supposed to be special," Fluttershy said looking to spike and immediately shying away. "At least that's what I feel like it should it be."

"Tell that to all the girls in the Everfree, it's not my fault I'm so adorably handsome."

"Oh is that so?" Twilight chimed in. "My little Spike just kept going for the heart even after he left Ponyville huh? All the girls talked about back then was a cute little dragon who kept them coming back to my clinic above everyone else."

"it's a blessing and a curse," he said dramatically closing his eyes, throwing over his forehead and leaning back. "I can't control it sometimes, but it got you business didn't it?"

Twilight picked up the three empty cups and rolled her eyes at that comment. "Get off your ego train, you dummy. Oh, by the way, I'm sure you're curious."

He raised an eyebrow. "About?"

"Seems that a certain someone couldn't wait to see you in the Everfree, she even starting packing to just go live down there, not to mention the 3 dozen muffins she had somehow baked in 2 days."

"3 dozen muffins? What the heck did she have, a muffin button? Actually, that sounds awesome."

"A muffin button?"

"Yea, think about it Twi, it's a button that summons muffins, not just any muffins, blueberry muffins, as many as you can press it."

"Ok, now who's crazy Spike?"

Not the dragon, a muffin button sounds like the best invention ever. Think about it, you would never to leave your house, just press a button, I could just eat muffins for the rest of my. entire. life. Why are we not funding this? why are you still here reading when you could be inventing a muffin button! Wait author is that reference


I'm sure someone will get it, don't worry.

"It would be revolutionary."

"Oh dear Celestia, enough about the muffin button, just go to the school.

"To see who exactly, you never told me?"

"It's a surprise, just head down to the school and see for yourself."

"If you say so," he said getting up and walking out the door.

"Wait I never gave any...directions."

Eventually, he popped his back through the door. "You never gave me dire--"

"You didn't wait for me to tell you where it is."

"My bad."

"Just go back down to the station and head left instead of right."

"Right thanks." The bird quickly made it's way to his shoulder and out Spike went. "Nice to know that no one has really changed. Alright Philomena, let's go see who's waiting for little old me. Now she said away from the station right?" Philomena stared at him with that slightly annoyed expression. "Right right, towards the station."

Spike made his way towards the train station and turned left as instructed. Within ten minutes, the school was in sight. A giant set of stairs led up to the gigantic palace like building making Spike really take in the scenery. Next to the left side of the school was a gigantic lake which sat next to the line of trees running down to the end, a noticeable sidewalk behind them. Closer to his side of the lake though was a small grove of bushes in which he ignored and continued up the stairs until the sound of someone grunting got his attention. Spike contemplated whether he should check it out or not and before he knew it, his curiosity got the best of him. He jumped off the stairs and proceeded to crawl through a small narrow entrance. After doing so, still the only room he had afforded a crouch. He slowly made his way inside which left his senses overclocked. Flowers of a wide variety of red, blue, and yellow filled the interior of this bush along with the smell of sweetness on the air, like getting lost in a wonderland of nature. The grunting continued to get louder as he proceeded farther in until finally, someone came into view sitting next to a small opening in the bushes. "Geez, just can't seem to get that one tree down."

His eyes were drawn to the animal, fidgeting in her spot to do something that he couldn't see. "Uh hey, you ok in here?"

Spike watched as the animal tensed up. "Oh no, it's a ghost, isn't it? I promise I wasn't messing anything up honest."

"I'm not here to haunt you, my name's Spike. I heard you grunting and thought you were hurt."

"Oh no no, I was just drawing a little something and was having a bit of trouble. Wait, I'm not talking to a ghost am I?"

Spike crawled into view, allowing the girl to finally see her mysterious guest. "Oh goodness, I thought I was gonna have to get myself cleansed again."


"N-nevermind, forget I said--Oh, I know you," she said as her eyes finally locked onto his.

"You do?"

"You're that dragon that arrived here on the train right?"

"How did you know that?"

"That's...not important. I'm not a stalker, you're the stalker..."

"I never called you a stalker, unless you were actually stalking me. Anyway, I'm Spike as I said before, and you are?"

"Oh right right, the whole introduction thing, sorry, I don't hang around people that much. The name's Kiki, Kiki the Squirrel, pleased to meet you.

Oh, she's such a cutie! Is the casanova dragon gonna break another heart? Find out on Noella Dragon Z--I realize the mistake I made before I made it and I still let it happen. Just forget you heard that, do not remember Topaz as the cliche narrator who has to announce every title of every episode. Sorry Dragon Ball Z love you guys! Topaz out!

Next Chapter: Introduction and Reunion Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 34 Minutes
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