
Noella 1: A Paradise of Persona

by Mariana Deep

First published

Witness a reality where anthro animals and ponies live in harmony, technology co-exist with magic, and disputes are settled with combat. Spike, the last of his kind, is about to re-enter the world of Noella after 10 years of being gone from home.

Break a glass, any glass, and watch the shards as the fall effortlessly to the ground. Each little shard, no matter how big or small is another reality. Each one tells a different story, of how events play out differently, of how relationships and moral understanding change. And it all happens as they watch on, connected to our worlds by those who accept their fates and brought into them by those who chose their own.

The shard closest to your world of ponies, that is our world, that is Noella Equestria, Where anthropomorphic animals live alongside equally anthropomorphic ponies, magic and technology co-existing in harmony and the world knows nothing but peace, aside from the trend of fighting that spans the entire world. However, before animals and ponies were common, there were dragons, and with that, there was a war waged by the two sisters who felt they were a threat. Now after all those years, all that remains is one, Spike the Dragon, who finally returns to his childhood home after 10 years.

A Decade gone, A Decade to return

Noella Equestria, a world comprised of various species and ponies living in harmony all over the world. People often stare off the track into the vast wilds a mile below, taking in the beautiful green scenery but knowing exactly what would happen if you were venture directly into its belly, home to the laws of nature. The purple dragon silently sat in his seat, his eyes locked out the open window as the wind violently yet soothingly whipped around his face. He scanned the vast plans and many small forests they had passed through, taking in the colors and smells that seem to travel along the wind.

He sighed, letting the breath enter his body and then exit, clearing his mind and quelling the obvious fear on his face. "It's been a while since I've been back." He turned his attention toward a window opposite of him, eventually letting his body flow to the right side of the train to stare out of it. "It's been a while since I've even seen it. I wonder what it's like inside now...if everyone is still the same or if everything is completely different. What if no one even remembers who I am? Dear Celestia that would be one hell of an awkward situation. No no no." He said slapping both his cheeks with his hands a few times. "Don't think like that Spike, everything's gonna fine and you know it."

"We are approaching the Ponyville central station, please gather your belongings and prepare to exit the trains, thank you for your cooperation." called the angelic train conductor.

"Alright," Spike said with a smirk as he picked up a small messenger bag and threw the strap around his person. "This is it, time to see what home is like after all these years."

"Welcome to Ponyville Central, arrival from the Everfree Gardens, gather your belongings and begin boarding shortly...repeat...Arrival from the Everfree Gardens, please stay clear of the doors and have a nice day."

The doors finally opened, letting the mob of ponies and animals alike, without warning, pile out into the station. Spike felt his entire body move in unison with the mob, as if they were one solid wave of water. "H-hey, wait a minute!" He said struggling to pull himself from the crowd. After at least a few seconds of the crowd pushing him down the stairs into the main lobby, He was able to claw himself out, panting as he finally stood onto his feet. "Give me a break, that's how people get onto a train here, It was half as calm in the Everfree."

Indeed it is, and unlike all those other stories, this isn't the same Equestria you're familiar with. Welcome to the world of Noella Equestria, a vast and unique reflection of Equestria quite different from the primitive version we're all familiar with. Who am I? Well you may call me Topaz, I am what you would you call...um...what's the word? Oh yes, your omniscient companion of sorts, and I'm just as curious as you to see how this adventure plays out. I'll chime in from time to time so let's enjoy this together. I may even let slip some info you might be curious about, how delightful.

Slowly, he turned around to view the station, based in a temple of all things. Red painted the various surroundings, the thick support poles, the balconies overlooking the city and wilds on opposite sides, the lanterns that hung up high. Spike readjusted his bag to his side and walked a few feet before looking back at the train. "I can't believe how much this place had chang--" that's when his eyes shifted to his shoulder, and he let out a silent scream. "Oh crap oh crap oh crap, where is she?! Philomena!" He called out searching the area for something. "Philomena, come on girl, where are you? Oh no, did she get trampled in that crowd, what if she dies this time, will I never see--" that's when a red and yellow phoenix landed upon his shoulder pecking him on the head as he had failed to notice. "Oh thank Celestia you're ok, thought I'd lost you for good this time." She simply cooed at the response, happy to be reunited with him. "Alright, let's get rolling girl."

As he finally let his mind rest, he returned to his earlier action, awestruck at the station and it's ability to maintain it's oriental appeal despite the futuristic trains that passed through it like a beehive, which was basically a pure shiny white car that had a glare of the sun shining off it's exterior so brightly, it could blind the princess of the sun herself. Speaking of which, the only thing to paint the sides let alone the entire car, were pictures of the famed Dusk sisters, Celestia the White Angel and Luna the Shadow Princess. Inside was a silver-walled interior with blue seats, nothing special to anyone, except for our young dragon. He observed an inch of the train he could, including the way it ran. No engine, no coal to burn, instead there lay a conductor on board who would give the train a slight magical shock to get moving. It was basically the same for all technology, a slight magical shock and it would spring to life, unlike anything anyone's ever seen. "Excuse me, would you happen to know where--"

"Hmm?" Spike turned to face the conversation and was greeted with a familiar face. "F-Fluttershy?"

"M-Mr. Spike? You're back so early, I wasn't expecting to see you for at least another day or two?"

"Well, you can partially blame my impatient scales for that one. I know the letter said you guys would come to visit me in a couple of days but I just couldn't wait, so I hopped on the first train I could over here. Besides It's been way too long since, and I wanted you guys to see me all grown up as soon as possible." Philomena quickly pecked spike in the head making him rub his head in pain. "Ow ow ok, I get it girl, I missed them geez. We especially miss you Fluttershy, well at least Philomena does." Once again she pecked his head. "Ow, ok ok, I really missed you, like you have no idea."

"Oh....um." Quickly she cowered behind her sleeves as a blush ravaged her cheeks. "T-thank you. By the way, you're um... not wearing any clothes," she said blushing even more.

"Why's that a problem, we do it all the time in the Everfree."

"Well, it's a little...inappropriate here in ponyville..."

Spike raised an eyebrow in confusion. "There's nothing wrong with being all-natural, besides nothing's showing." As her blush seem to be never-ending, he opted to change the subject. "So what exactly are you doing here, Is there somewhere you were trying to go or--"

"N-no, not at all." She quickly answered. "I was just um...waiting for someone."

This girl is terrible at lying, and trust me seen some pretty terrible lies. My partner once tried to lie his way out of eating my entire birthday cake, boy did I let him have it after--Oops, sorry I'm interrupting aren't I?

"Wait, better question, I thought you were still in the south passed ponyville, at Rose Village taking care of the animals."

Well yes, I was there quite recently actually, but something urgent came up at Twilight's clinic and I was forced to leave the animals in the care of one of my close friends, Gabbie."

"Gabbie? That energetic griffon that usually doesn't stop talking and tries to help everybody for no reason?"

"Spike, that's rude, she has a reason. And she's not energetic per se, just enthusiastic."

"That's an understatement. Wait Twilight personally called you back to help her?"

"Yes, It was her on the video screen and everything, although she was constantly walking back and forth on the screen."

"Yep, sounds like her alright. Well, I should probably make my way to the clinic then, see--"

"Wait." She said taking hold of his hand. "I-I'll escort you there."

"But aren't you like, waiting for someone?"

"W-well yes and no but...I think they'll b-be fine, I told them to meet me at the clinic if they don't see me, quickly now, come on."

"Ok ok, wait don't drag me or you're gonna--"

As those words entered Fluttershy's ears, she quickly stopped, unfortunately letting the momentum carry spike past her and down the steps into the city. He bounced off the steps 3 at a time letting out a grunt of pain before busting through the doors and into the city. He groaned in annoyance, letting the pain subside as Fluttershy quickly caught up to him. Oh dear me, I'm so so sorry Spike."

Oh that had to hurt, gonna need a doctor for that one, or dragon medic, or whatever there is that fixes dragon scales. I'm sure you didn't know, but dragons aren't too common in this world. Why? Well, that's what we'll figure out, won't we? Let's continue.

"It's fine it's fine, I'm used to this by now trust me." As he rose to his feet, Spike's eyes grew wide with both a mix of excitement and curiosity. The homes looked as if they had been pulled from Chinese culture itself, exotic-looking roofs with lanterns hanging from the corners, circle openings to enter the front yard where luscious green gardens and rocks sat upon small ponds and streams of water. One even had a variety of colorful violets and roses while another had a dash of lime green roses and tulips. The concrete was decorated with stone bricks, each outlined into its own square. From where they sat, the station was behind them straight down the middle of a cul-de-sac like street. In the middle of the circle sat a fountain with a crystal blue pillar spouting water from its center. The water would then trickle down to the large body of water below and follow the current down the street out of cul-de-sac creating a small canal that split the street in two. "No way, this is...this is so beautiful. This is what happened after I left?"

"Oh yes, I was just as surprised on my first visit back too. Being in Rose village, you grow so used to the forest around you, but this is--"

"Vibrant. Everything so...alive, so happy. It's nothing like before..." Spike said getting a slightly sad look in his eyes. "I remember the old times like it was yesterday. It was a hellhole, parents looking to feed their family turned criminal for a quick buck, the city so lost of color...and everybody was always looking down, at the ground, never up, never at the future."

"Spike..." Fluttershy was quick to bring Spike into her embrace. "Those were dark times Spike, we all were struggling, struggling to find happiness in a city that needed so desperately. We weren't alone however, somebody saw our pain and offered a solution."

'What do you mean?"

"Ponyville's princess had no idea how to restore the economy of the city to glory, she admitted it on live tv and everyone went crazy, theft, crime, it was horrible. That is until some days later, the princess stepped down as head of the city and allowed someone else to take over the role of fixing everything."

"Another person from the family line?"

"Not exactly, as of that day, the rules no longer apply to the royal family. Instead, we have adopted the idea that anyone can become the head of the city if they meet the requirements, they must also have a plan for their run as prince or princess or they will have to face potential impeachment. The current family that sits upon the throne is a really nice family of squirrels who the princess apparently knew personally. The swept in with her blessing and before we knew it, turned the entire city around within a year. Of course, it wasn't instant, there were some who were unsure of how easily they won, but nonetheless, they did exactly what they set out to do."

"Ok wow, I feel attacked. The minute I leave the city and a year later, it just fixes itself? How did they even manage it with the state the city was in?"

Fluttershy began to answer as they started to walk down the street. "No one knows really, although twilight believes they were able to finance the right places and that started a chain reaction but that's just her theory since there are a dozen other theories out there. Oh, I forgot to ask, that bird on your shoulder is a Pheonix is he not?"

Yes "she" is, and her name is Philomena."

"Oh no, I'm so sorry little birdy, so so sorry..." She uttered turning her head away in shame. However, the bird flapped off Spike's shoulder seemingly landing on the shoulder of Fluttershy. As the bird nestled up to her, she turned her teary face toward the bird. "Y-you're not mad at me?" The bird happily squawked back. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you," she said petting the bird with a finger. "Philomena huh? You're such a cutie, yes you are, yes you are."

As Fluttershy continued to play with the bird, let out a chuckle. "Yep, she's a charmer alright, always seems to convince me to feed her more than she needs."

The birds squawked back as if to retort that comment. "How long have you two been together?"

"We've been together for a while, two years to be exact. I found her in the forest injured or at least that's what I thought, I hadn't actually seen a phoenix ever before so I thought she needed help. After I took her in and started taking care of her, I began to realize that she was very young like a baby, she didn't know how to reignite just yet. Must have been a week before I decided to try something...different."


"I-I um....maybe, sort of...sung to her...a song I heard Twilight sing me when I was a baby."

Fluttershy gasped. "Oh my gosh, that is so cute." She squeaked out in a pitch Spike didn't even know could be reached.

"Don't go crazy on me Fluttershy, it was one time and I'm never doing it again," he said nervously turning away. "Anyway, next thing I know, she up to full health and we've been together ever since."

Spike turned his head back to Fluttershy only to see the stars in her eyes staring right back at him. "You don't know how long it's been since I've heard a story beautiful." she squeaked. "It's been too long since I've heard such a connection between Nature and ourselves. Last things I remember were attacks on a poor family in the west, darn the wilds for being so beautiful yet so dangerous, It's always a risk to travel among them." Thankfully it seemed as though she realized her trance-like state, shaking her head and coming back to reality. "Um, anyway we should make haste to Twilight's clinic, I'm sure she'll be happy to see you so early."

They aimed for the clinic, turning right on the street from the station and the walk there had Spike on the verge of blowing his top with excitement almost every chance he got. One block had homes 4 times the size of any regular home where gardens looked like a literal forest, another had shops selling the most expensive and exotic food Noellan kind could find, one even was packed with kids looking at the newest toys for their amusement. "This place got a serious upgrade, I should have come back earlier."

As Spike was lost in the amazement of the new city, Fluttershy stared at him, a nervous fir of sweat trickling down her face. "Mr. Spike...I...um..." she whispered.

Spike's eyes twitched as her whisper reached him. "Hmm, did you need something Fluttershy?" Spike found himself confused when he turned to see the mare staring off into the sky as if nothing happened.

"W-who me, I didn't say anything M-Mr. Spike..." Fluttershy oddly twitched, letting her eyes scatter around her surroundings before eventually realizing the clinic was close. "O-oh, we're actually pretty close to the clinic, come along," she said quickly walking off.

Terrible liar, was I right or was I right?

Spike had to near sprint as they approached the end of the block and soon, it was apparent they were coming to the edge of the city. "I thought you said you were taking me to Twilight's clinic?"

"I am."

"She set up a clinic all the over here?"

"After the incident with the city, Twilight choose a rather secluded spot for her Clinic. I believe her reasoning was "It was too out in the open, If I move somewhere more secluded, I can cut down on the number of people who interrupt my studies."

"That is literally a giant contradiction to the whole business aspect of the clinic but you know what, I've learned not to question what she does, it's just too confusing." A few minutes down the street and before them lay a group of bamboo trees seemingly blocking their path. However, Fluttershy motioned Spike through eventually setting his eyes on the 3 story building. There was a concrete path leading up to a large circle where benches sat next to a large circle hole with a pond in it, birds and ducks resting upon it. The entire place looked as though it was Camouflaged by a box of bamboo trees, likely to Twilight's specifications so that she could "study." Both Spike and Fluttershy circled the pond and proceeded up the straight path to the building, Fluttershy politely knocking and waiting for the door to open. "Ms. Twilight, are you home? I have brought a guest that I'm sure you'll be happy to see."

The door seemingly opened by itself, sliding all the way until it was revealed that no one was at the door. "Uh...you sure she's here?" Spike asked.

"I could have sworn I just saw her here not even half an hour ago. Um, Ms. Twilight?" Fluttershy said as loud as her quiet voice could. "Are you home?" There was still no answer, instead, a silence that would have been perfected by a tumbleweed passing by. "Perhaps she left."

"Where else would she even be, the library?"

"Let us check there next, maybe we'll get luc--"

"Is it a patient?!" they heard a voice yell from somewhere in the home, making Fluttershy squeak a bit in fear.

"N-not exactly," she replied.

Silence once again pierced the air, Fluttershy assuming that meant to enter and motioning spike inside. Once inside he took note of the interior design, a desk packed high with dozens of books sat in a corner just in front of a closet on the left, to the right, a set of stairs leading up with pictures lining the stairway. Adjacent to the left of the desk was a room designated urgent care and to the right, A room with regular shelves, bookshelves, what looked like an entrance to the back outside, and dozens of plates, cups, and utensils neatly stacked inside their own personal glass cabinet. "Good to see here the habit of organizing almost everything hasn't changed." Spike then took a step, turning his attention toward another cabinet hidden in the blind spot of the doorway. "What in the--She even has one for her rock collection? Twilight, you gotta get a hobby."

"I'm so sorry to make you guys wait, I'll be down in just a sec...just gotta finish one last....and..." And a second it was before she suddenly appeared in a flash of purple light, still staring at a clipboard. "Now how may I help you today si...Spike?" she said in shock. "But we were supposed to visit you in a couple of days, what are you doing here?"

"I couldn't wai--"

"Now I have to replan everything, rewrite the entire script, and pull the outfit I was going to use out of the cleaners early."

"Wait you wrote a script?"

"But then I'll need to re-practice the script for 5 hours again."

"You practiced for 5 hours? Wait you wrote a script?" Twilight seemed to pace back and forth on her ruined plan for a good minute before Spike sighed and took hold of her shoulder. "Twilight would you stop going crazy and just look at me."

It was slow at first, her eyes turning to his and confirming that he was indeed here, But then before he knew it, Twilight was wrapping him in his embrace. Her tears wetting the scales of his shoulder. "Oh Spike, my wittle number 1 assistant, I missed you so much, you have no idea, you've missed so much it's impossible to recall it all. But I'm gonna try, so--"

"Calm down Twi, you're turning into Pinkie Pie geez."

"Oh," she said with a nervous giggle. "My bad?"

Um...can anyone detect the crazy in the room, she's got more than a few screws loose if you ask me and I'm supposed to know everything.

After an uncomfortable amount of hugging time, Twilight finally released her grip and wiped a tear from her eye. "You guys really changed a lot, haven't you? I mean look at you Twi."

"Oh don't be flatterer Spike or every girl in Ponyville will be all over you," she said with a slightly too happy smirk on her face.

"I'm only 15 Twilight, I don't think society would be ok with whatever is going on inside your head."

"I was just saying Spike, you have grown to be very handsome. Before we continue though, quick what size are you?"

"Size medium I think...maybe large."

"Perfect, give me a sec." Within a blink, Twilight was gone but within another, she was back. "Quick, put this on."

"Wait a minute, don't you want to catch up first?"

"This reunion can't be perfect unless you're wearing exactly what I envisioned. And you're kind of naked, which is really weird. Here I'll help!"

"Twilight wait!"

Twilight took off in a burst of speed, so fast in sent papers sitting on a desk next to her into a frenzy. Impossibly, she stripped spike of his clothes and outfitted him with her envisioned ones. In the craziness, Philomena hovered above until she was done then simply landed upon his arm. "There it's perfect."

"I'm gonna puke..."

"Oh no don't get it on the clothes, I made them just for you."

"Well next time...just ask me to put them on...I'm gonna be sick."

"Oh nonsense, my method was faster, plus it looks great on you.

"You think so?"

"Fluttershy seems to think so," she said as the two turned toward the blushing mare.

She gasped as she hid her face behind her sleeves once more. "I-it's r-really nice..."

Philomena also began to rub her beak against Spike. "And it seems the bird on your shoulder isn't against them either, go ahead, take a look in the mirror why don't you?"

Conveniently, there sat a full body mirror behind the desk, probably so Twilight could sure her clothes were even every minute of every day. Spike took his place in front of it was surprised at how perfect the clothes seem to fit. "Wow, where did you get these?"

"I made them."

"Wait what? You made them to take to me in the Everfree?

"I planned to."

"Wow, it's a surprise it perfectly fits since you haven't seen...me?" Spike had to stop and think about for a moment before it suddenly made no sense. "How exactly...did you get my measurements.

"Oh, I took them."

"Recently?!" He said in shock. "How did you even--"

"Oh no no no, not recently, ten years ago."

Did I say a few, I meant like 20. 20/20 screws loose. Stay away from this one kids, she'll turn your entire life into a science experiment.

"That makes even less sense, h-how did you make an outfit that fits me now from measurements I had as a kid?"

"I measured you as a child and predicted what size you would be." At this point, even Fluttershy was dumbfounded. "Why, does it feel a little off?"

Spike was at a loss of words. "OK, not gonna even--y-you know what, it's perfect. I'm just going to forget that you had this made ten years ago and it fits."

"Well enough about the clothes, come sit down, I'm dying to catch up." Twilight motioned them to the table within the side room, Fluttershy quick to shut the front door before joining them. They took a seat on the small padded area beneath the table as Twilight disappeared into the kitchen. "You guys thirsty?"

"I've been on a train for like 2 hours, You have no idea."

"Great, I have a new kind of tea to offer."

"Really? Wait, it's not going to be like when you found those random plants outside and decided to make tea but turns out they were poisonous plants right?"

"Oh no no, I was just a kid back then, now I know the difference between poisonous and safe."

"I hope so, I don't want to end up like those people back then," he said as he shivered. "So many tongue colors."

"Oh don't be like that Spike, I promise this will be refreshing." She made her way back into the room, grabbing three cups from the cabinet and returning to the kitchen. Within seconds, she placed three cups of white colored tea in front of them. "Introducing winterberry tea."

"Winterberry? As in the berries from the north that never thaw?"

"Exactly. Turns out that if you brew up a specific concoction and do it just right, you can thaw them."

"You really are a know it all," Spike said as he took a small sip. "Hey that's pretty good, don't see why they don't drink this more often."

"Because it's well known that it's a hardcore aphrodisiac."

"Come again, an aphrodisiac? You're not looking to get some are you?"

"Oh heavens no, I would never not with my own assistant. I only put enough in to have a 10% chance to cause effects."

"What about the full thing?"

"Totally 100%"

"You have issues Twilight."

"Why thank you, I am the smartest you've ever known."

"That's not what I said."

"Anywho," She said as she grabbed her, sat down, and began to sip as well. "You've gone for too long Spike, today makes an even ten doesn't it?"

"Yep, ten years since everything went to hell basically, right?"

"Hey hey, no being a party pooper, we're here to happily catch up, not brood in the past, so let's talk about some happy things ok? Perhaps starting the majestic creature sitting on your shoulder?"

Spike put his claw up to his shoulder to which Philomena walked on. "It's a long story that I already told Fluttershy but it couldn't hurt to tell it twice."

As spike began to retell his story of meeting his winged companion, just outside the clinic was an unfamiliar face. The figure crept passed the bamboo with such skill, such finesse, it rivaled the greatest ninja there ever were. Although as it moved, it seemed to-- "Sneak." it uttered as it crept past around the pond. "Sneak, sneak." It continued.

Is it--is it announcing that it's sneaking? What kind of person announces that they're sneaking?

It peered through the window of the clinic, stealthily listening to their conversation despite it obviously giving itself away. "And that's why she follows me around wherever I go."

"Even to the bathroom?"

"Twilight!" he said with a nervous blush.

"I was just kidding haha, no need to get all embarrassed about it. Um...I hate to be a hypocrite, but I can't help but wonder about the west...I mean the Everfree gardens...is it doing ok?"

Spike sighed and took another sip of his tea. "It could be better. Physically, all everyone sees is nothing but beautiful jungle from end to end, but underneath all that beauty, the animals are still being....difficult. There's a layer of selfishness the animals hold over the Everfree, and its causing tensions to brew with the east again, even after they agreed to a truce."

"Don't tell me they're still fighting over the resources?"

"Yep, like cats and dogs. The east has plentiful apple orchards and grazing fields while the west has a wide variety of plants and fruits. The east wants access to the exotic nature that grows over in the west as a way to finally differentiate their own plants and fruit. Not just that, but every year, there's a time where the rains come and in the east and west, they're the worst. The west has got tree cover which allows nature to rightfully supply water to the crops that time of year while the east, things could go better."

"They end up getting too much water." Fluttershy chimed in. "I remember I had to help out a bit over there, herding into livestock into areas that were safe when the plains receive a bit too much water and flood. They have yet to be able to fight against mother nature, but the plant life in the Everfree has grown used to being overwatered and I'm sure that's what the west is counting on to help their own crops.

"But the west is being stubborn, specifically the grand chief."

"So that's where the dragon went...Hmm?" The figure quickly snuck off, loudly mind you, as quick as it came in.

I'm sure you picked it up by now, the layout of the world in question. As you been experiencing, the south is home to the more nature-oriented city of Ponyville. Here the people used to live in harsh conditions, poverty singing the anthem of this once great city. Most of those unaffected by the fight to survive lived outside the city in rural villages like Rose Village. But ever since the current princess came into power, the city is more beautiful than it ever was and only has a small amount of technology believe it or not. To the west lay the forest and jungles of the Everfree Gardens and to the east, the grassy plains of the Apple Acres. What's to the north you might ask, well that'll come in due time. For right now, the conversation is still going on.

Twilight finished her tea and sat the cup down. "I assume the people of the Everfree are more than oblivious to the situation?"

Spike let out a hardy laugh, mocking that question. "Oblivious? They act like nothing is even going on in the first place. We all know about it, just no one will do anything about it, which isn't neccissarily bad, I mean the Everfree is more, if not ten times more, dangerous than the east. We got giant snakes and bugs running all over the place not to mention the plants sometimes get a little feisty on super hot days. Our lives are just as much in danger as their crops. But enough about me and my issues, what about you Twilight, and well everyone else around here?

"Nothing much as of late. I haven't really seen Pinkie lately and Fluttershy's been helping me out with clinic when she can since I moved it. Oh, actually I've been trying to read up on your history but I just can't find anything."

"Expected as much, dragon's aren't really that common around here, anywhere really."

H-hey, I already told the reader that! Come on, what a way mess up perfectly good information that they didn't know.

Twilight let out a sentimental sigh. "I miss the good times before you left you know? Just the two in the clinic, sometimes Pinkie, sometimes Fluttershy, and even though things were bad, we still had fun."

"Fun? You were way too focused on getting your smarty pants to have fun, like the time you tried to heal that panda and ended up turning him into a bunny?"

"Hey, I was young and experienced. How about that time you decided to take the clinic over while I was gone?"

"That was fun...I...um thought I could handle it."

"There were more people with injuries than when I left, I don't think that was handled."

"Hey, I was expecting Fluttershy to help me on that one."

Fluttershy let out a quick squeak before hiding behind her cup "M-me, I d-didn't know anything about healing at the time, I was just there and Twilight wouldn't have been happy if I just let the clinic destroy while she was gone, so I-I tried but..."

Twilight giggled at her response. "Yea I think she knows more about feral healing than healing, well, us."

Spike sipped his tea as he responded. "Well, aren't we technically still animals even if we're not feral?"

"Well on that matter of speaking, yes we are and no we're not. Even the greatest scientist can't figure what makes us so evolved."

"Would have been nice to know," Spike uttered as all three of them laughed and continued their conversation. Spike talked about his countless adventures in the Everfree, how the people there taught him about the history of the world and the war. How they taught him how to traverse the vines and canopies of the trees and even how to smooth talk the ladies, a few unhelpful tips from the village elder no less. "That panda did not know how to pick up a girl at all."

"That panda knows nothing about true love, you're not supposed to have girls all over you left and right, it's supposed to be special," Fluttershy said looking to spike and immediately shying away. "At least that's what I feel like it should it be."

"Tell that to all the girls in the Everfree, it's not my fault I'm so adorably handsome."

"Oh is that so?" Twilight chimed in. "My little Spike just kept going for the heart even after he left Ponyville huh? All the girls talked about back then was a cute little dragon who kept them coming back to my clinic above everyone else."

"it's a blessing and a curse," he said dramatically closing his eyes, throwing over his forehead and leaning back. "I can't control it sometimes, but it got you business didn't it?"

Twilight picked up the three empty cups and rolled her eyes at that comment. "Get off your ego train, you dummy. Oh, by the way, I'm sure you're curious."

He raised an eyebrow. "About?"

"Seems that a certain someone couldn't wait to see you in the Everfree, she even starting packing to just go live down there, not to mention the 3 dozen muffins she had somehow baked in 2 days."

"3 dozen muffins? What the heck did she have, a muffin button? Actually, that sounds awesome."

"A muffin button?"

"Yea, think about it Twi, it's a button that summons muffins, not just any muffins, blueberry muffins, as many as you can press it."

"Ok, now who's crazy Spike?"

Not the dragon, a muffin button sounds like the best invention ever. Think about it, you would never to leave your house, just press a button, I could just eat muffins for the rest of my. entire. life. Why are we not funding this? why are you still here reading when you could be inventing a muffin button! Wait author is that reference


I'm sure someone will get it, don't worry.

"It would be revolutionary."

"Oh dear Celestia, enough about the muffin button, just go to the school.

"To see who exactly, you never told me?"

"It's a surprise, just head down to the school and see for yourself."

"If you say so," he said getting up and walking out the door.

"Wait I never gave any...directions."

Eventually, he popped his back through the door. "You never gave me dire--"

"You didn't wait for me to tell you where it is."

"My bad."

"Just go back down to the station and head left instead of right."

"Right thanks." The bird quickly made it's way to his shoulder and out Spike went. "Nice to know that no one has really changed. Alright Philomena, let's go see who's waiting for little old me. Now she said away from the station right?" Philomena stared at him with that slightly annoyed expression. "Right right, towards the station."

Spike made his way towards the train station and turned left as instructed. Within ten minutes, the school was in sight. A giant set of stairs led up to the gigantic palace like building making Spike really take in the scenery. Next to the left side of the school was a gigantic lake which sat next to the line of trees running down to the end, a noticeable sidewalk behind them. Closer to his side of the lake though was a small grove of bushes in which he ignored and continued up the stairs until the sound of someone grunting got his attention. Spike contemplated whether he should check it out or not and before he knew it, his curiosity got the best of him. He jumped off the stairs and proceeded to crawl through a small narrow entrance. After doing so, still the only room he had afforded a crouch. He slowly made his way inside which left his senses overclocked. Flowers of a wide variety of red, blue, and yellow filled the interior of this bush along with the smell of sweetness on the air, like getting lost in a wonderland of nature. The grunting continued to get louder as he proceeded farther in until finally, someone came into view sitting next to a small opening in the bushes. "Geez, just can't seem to get that one tree down."

His eyes were drawn to the animal, fidgeting in her spot to do something that he couldn't see. "Uh hey, you ok in here?"

Spike watched as the animal tensed up. "Oh no, it's a ghost, isn't it? I promise I wasn't messing anything up honest."

"I'm not here to haunt you, my name's Spike. I heard you grunting and thought you were hurt."

"Oh no no, I was just drawing a little something and was having a bit of trouble. Wait, I'm not talking to a ghost am I?"

Spike crawled into view, allowing the girl to finally see her mysterious guest. "Oh goodness, I thought I was gonna have to get myself cleansed again."


"N-nevermind, forget I said--Oh, I know you," she said as her eyes finally locked onto his.

"You do?"

"You're that dragon that arrived here on the train right?"

"How did you know that?"

"That's...not important. I'm not a stalker, you're the stalker..."

"I never called you a stalker, unless you were actually stalking me. Anyway, I'm Spike as I said before, and you are?"

"Oh right right, the whole introduction thing, sorry, I don't hang around people that much. The name's Kiki, Kiki the Squirrel, pleased to meet you.

Oh, she's such a cutie! Is the casanova dragon gonna break another heart? Find out on Noella Dragon Z--I realize the mistake I made before I made it and I still let it happen. Just forget you heard that, do not remember Topaz as the cliche narrator who has to announce every title of every episode. Sorry Dragon Ball Z love you guys! Topaz out!

Introduction and Reunion

Making friends
is as easy
as losing them

"Kiki? Hmm....Kiki Kiki...I like that name." Spike said as Philomena rubbed against him softly. "Even Philomena thinks it's cute."

"How unpleasant..." Kiki uttered as she let out an embarrassed cough. "You're very sweet I suppose."

"And you're definitely...less stalkerish than I thought you were."

"I-I already said I didn't stalk you, now you're just being rude, forget I even mentioned that," she said turning her head to pout. "What the heck are you doing in this bush anyway?"

"Oh yea, well um, your grunting noises?"

"Oh yeah, that...sorry," she said, another look of embarrassment crossing over her face. "No one usually pays attention to little old me in the bush so I kinda don't expect anyone to investigate strange noises, well not like you Mr. Detetctive," she teased with a smirk.

Spike felt his own embarrassment coming on as he turned his attention away. "Is it a crime to be concerned about someone's safety, I mean what if you were actually in trouble?"

She chuckled, the situation now in her favor. "Well Mr. Hero, It's not what you think," She replied showing the half-finished drawing to him. "I wasn't grunting, more like angrily expressing frustration through sound."

"So you were grunting?" Spike asked once more.

"N-no not grunting, It was like um...angry expression noises?"

"Soooooo grunting?"

She was about to retaliate once more but lowered her head in defeat. "Ok fine, I was "grunting" because of this drawing. As you can see, I got half of it done, but there's this stupid tree on the far side that's kinda positioned weirdly. I draw it and draw it, and it just doesn't come out right."

"You could always not draw it, seems as simple a fix as any."

"You're serious? I'm an artist, of course, I can't just not draw it when I already started drawing it, what would a drawing be with a huge chunk of it missing, don't you know how weird that would look?"

"Well when you put it that way, I've never really been the type to you know," He said as he mimicked someone painting and twirling the mustache. "But then again, what's so hard about brush stroke equals art?"

"I sir, am offended. You really think art is all oh ho, I'm so artsy, look at me throw a splash of paint on a canvas and call it art?"

"Is that not how it works?"

"Oh Spike you poor little dragon, you've been clueless all your life, haven't you? Well then allow me little old me blow your simple mind with the power of art."

"I don't follow."

"Just look out there upon the lake and tell me what you see would you?"

"You're asking me to state the obvious?"

"Just get your butt by the water and look out there."

"Alright alright sorry I'm going." Spike fearfully uttered as he took a seat next to the small stream of water pouring into the bush, letting his eyes capture the scene.

"Well, tell me what you see, don't leave anything out."

"Trees, water, um..."

"No no no too basic too obvious, I want details dragon, real detail."

"Oh um...green grass and a few birds?"

"That's really all you could come up with?"

"I'm new to this ok, I'm sorry."

"Alone and the only experienced enough to educate the populace, the artist must give her all if she is to advance through this nightmare, how unpleasant."

"Wai what"

"Just sit back and allow the master to show you how it's done," she said taking a position next to him. "Look again, this time I'll help you," she said taking a paw and forcefully turning Spike's back toward the sight. "Now, the thing you're missing here, is that you're seeing everything too normally."

"Is that not how we see or am I missing something?"

"Definitely missing something. You're taking this too literally, seeing with thought instead of natural senses."

"Geez, you're starting to sound like Fluttershy's hippie friend Treehugger."

"Shhhhhhh, the teacher is explaining. you see, when you look at a scene like this and draw it, you're supposed to make people imagine what it's like to be here in our shoes, looking at this scene, hence drawing with the senses of the body. Can you see the rainbow of color that forms on the surface of the water when light hits it just right? Can you hear the chirping of the birds in the tree? Can you smell the fragrance of flowers among the edge of the water just across the way?"

"So you're using your senses to draw instead of the brain, sounds kinda complicated."

"No, what's complicated is trying to draw with that ball in the middle of the lake those dumb kids keep kicking into it. Point is, an artist sees something more than average water and trees. It's mother nature at her absolute peak." she uttered dramatically reaching towards the sky. For a moment Spike sat and stared in concern until Kiki turned her attention to his lingering silence. "W-what?"

"You're a few screws loose aren't you?"

She couldn't help but stomp her paw at that show of ignorance. "Were you even listening?!"

"Yes, yep, definitely, I promise, nature is really beautiful." He tried to reassure waving his hands in defense."

A low growl escaped as she proceeded to correct Spike. "Not just nature dummy, animals, places, and even the insects all alike have a certain beauty to them that deserves to be captured, like that bird on your shoulder."

"Never known Philomena to be a dull girl, always shining bright and ready to roll at the drop of the hat. Now if only we could calm down with the flames, swear I'm sweating half the time." Philomena angrily squawked at that comment. "If I can completely honest, I'm actually really glad animals like you exist."

"Hmm?" Kiki curiously hummed.

"Well, it's just not a lot of animals has that optimism when I was here last, it was more of glass half empty kind of deal."

"Geez, you must have lived in the wrong part of town then, cause as far as I know, everyone's been pretty happy these last few years."

"Well try ten years ago."

Kiki fumbled with her sketchbook before safely catching it as those words entered her ears. "I'm sorry, it sounded like you said ten years ago?"

"I did, then I got sent away and have been living in the everfree ever since."

"Crap, I'm sorry...I didn't know you were here during...all that..." she said turning her sad gaze downward.

"No no, it's ok, I'm just glad to see the city back on it's feet after everything that went down back then."

"I'm sorry we let you suffer for so long..."

"What do you mean?"

Kiki quickly realized she had been heard and put a hand over her mouth. "N-nothing. Um...j-just forget I said that it's nothing, I'm just sympathizing," she said returning that cute pout to her face.

"L-let's change the subject, dragons yea let's just talk about that," she said turning her gaze away. "S-so if you're a dragon, then you must know where others are right?"

Spike shook his head laying back on the green soft leaves and letting his feet soak in the water. "Not a clue, not even a lick of info about them. As far as I know, I'm the last of my kind there is, orphaned as a baby until Twilight found me."

"Must be hard I'm su-wait wait wait, Twilight? Twilight Sparkle? The Twilight Sparkle?"

"That is her full name yes. Why, she didn't experiment on anything alive again did she?" he said growing slightly concerned.

Suddenly Kiki's eyes shone like stars as she internally cheered. "Twilight Sparkle is one of my sole reasons for living!" Spike immediately cowered in fear as she closed the distance between them, only inches in front of his face. "To be raised by the great Twilight Sparkle must have been the greatest honor. Dear Celestia, I can just imagine it, to be mentored by someone so intelligent, so beautiful, so powerful, I envy you Spike the Dragon."

Spike blinked twice in confusion before pushing her face back with a single claw. "Never knew Twilight had fans."

"Fan? No no Spike, I am her future student, I have to be. Tell me, what was she like? How did she raise you? Did she teach you anything? What's her fighting style, weapon, special technique, I want details dragon."

"To be honest, we were both kids in our own right, still are. Her methods were always by the book, she followed a specific set of rules for doing most things and if it didn't turn out the way she read, she would freak out."

"Well, that doesn't sound like Twilight Sparkle at all."

"She's only a pony after all, I know that better than anypony else."

"So much for the perfect idol for my life. Oh who am I kidding, I still love her."

"Well, now it's your turn, got any family that I can call the next time you stalk me."

"For the last time I was not stalking you, stop being so unpleasant...and yes...but no."

Spike watched as her head as she turned away, a mix of confusion, nervousness, and frustration on her face. "Is it complicated?" he asked.

"Let's just say, me and my family aren't on the best of terms right now.

"I guess it's not my place to pry, sorry for asking. Besides, I was kinda surprised by something else you mentioned."

"Well wha--" she stopped squinted and covered her clothed body with her hands. "Is this some kind of plan to get me out of my clothes?"

"W-what, no no no no it's not that I swear, It's actually about Twilight's Fighting, you seemed more than a little interested."

"Oh...well like I said before I wanna know everything about that goddess Spike, her favorite food, color, book, how she sleeps, what she sleeps on, what her schedule is like--"

"You're not helping your "not a stalker" case here," he said with a giggle before a feeling of her sketchbook hitting the top of his head caused him to wince in pain.

"Unpleasant...Like I was saying, she's my idol so any information is important, but her fighting, that right there is the icing on the cake. I would give anything to learn how she handles a weapon."

"So, you're a fighter then?" he said still rubbing his head in pain.

"Well I don't mean to brag," she said with a smirk. "but I got some moves, pretty good if I do say so myself. What about you, got a little of fighting blood under those scales?"

"Uh sure," he said with a smile although the bead of sweat the rolled down the side of his face said otherwise. "You could say I learned a thing or two from Twilight.

The girl gasped as she grabbed his hand. "You mean you know something that only Twilight Sparkle knows. You have to show me."

"I'm sorry?"

"If you were trained by Twilight Sparkle, then I can learn from you and impress her when I finally meet her, please Spike you can give me a chance at greatness, please?"

"Uh, I don't think you wanna do that, I mean not to be rude but you're kind of well--"


"It's just... you know...the arms and the legs...and--"

Oh ho ho, I see now, I get exactly what you're saying, Mr. Dragon. You think just cause I'm cute and draw pictures, I wouldn't be able to hold my own in a fight?"

"I-I didn't say that, I just meant--"

"I know exactly what you meant and I'm going to inform you that you're no better. I thought dragons were supposed to big and monstrously strong looking."

"I think the size skipped a generation being honest."

"Well size or not, I want--no, need this fight Spike."

"A-are you sure, we can always--"

"No buts, Twilights secret techniques."


"Get out off the bush." She coldly stated making Spike quickly retreat from inside. They emerged back into the courtyard just before the steps up to the school, Spike setting Philomena on one before returning to a spot just a few feet away from the bush. Kiki soon emerged from the bush as well, stretching her body and letting out a relieved sigh. "Oh man, I've been sitting in there for way too long, my entire body feels like jello."

"Welp, guess we better postpone it the--"

"Ah ah ah, you're not getting out of this that easy. Set up the territory."

"The territory?

"Yes, the territory, you know the thing that makes it so that we can fight without A, the authorities getting called, or B, causing any real damage to each other?" Spike just sat in confusion as he tried to think of anything that would give him an idea, a second that only seemed make Kiki sigh. "You seriously don't know what a territory is?"

"I mean...should I? Everfree isn't really big on safety first so I've never heard of it."

"How unpleasant..." she said taking a card from somewhere in her tail.

With a swift motion, she threw the card into the air, both watching as it froze in mid-air and stayed there with blue glow in it's outline. "And that is?"

"A territory card, it sets up a box of magic that will surround and follow us around. As long as that is up there, we won't cause any permanent damage to anything or anyone. Geez, you really haven't used one of these before?"

"Never really needed to, the Everfree is kinda home to just about every giant predator you could think of so learning to survive on a kill or be killed state of mind is a must." Good going Spike, you just had to lie about being an experienced fighter when all you did in the everfree was run away from the giant feral wildlife.

"Well then, I expect you to be ruthless mister survivor, take your stance." she uttered taking her own stance."

Spike was reluctant to do so but soon bent his knees into own stance. "Ready...I think."

"Good cause here I come. Iku Ze!" she yelled as out of nowhere, the sound of glass shattering accompanied by the blue outline switching to red made Spike nearly jump out of his skin.

"What in Equestria was that?!"

"I activated the territory duh. Kind of a cheesy thing to say, but tell to the person who invented them. W-wait hey hey hey, no distractions, we're sparring here. Here I come!" She let her back foot slide bit by bit, digging in until she took off just fast enough to make spike regret his decision to even mention the fight. Kiki quickly spun a kick toward his head making him lean back with fear on his face. Crap she's fast. Just as quick, she dropped to a crouch throwing a sweeping kick to his legs. He barely managed to hop back, avoiding the kick and regaining his stance. "I may have underestimated her, she almost caught me there." He whispered.

As he caught his breath, Kiki chuckled. "Wow, two moves and I already caught you off guard. Although, this could be apart of his plan Kiki, let's not underestimate him."

"Are you talking to yourself?"

"Uh no, you're talking to your...self, s-shut up."

Ok, she's expecting something cool or...unexpected...something... I just gotta do something that will catch her off guard. Maybe just rushing in will work? The two took their stances once again, this time Spike leading the first attack as he took off toward Kiki. Upon reaching her, he threw a few right punches before heading in with his left, Kiki easily dodging this but Spike was ready. Ok, just gotta do something unexpected...maybe her leg sweep from before would work. He made a slight movement, letting his back leg come forward to sweep her own, before moving back in with yet another punch. I-I think that did it, she's vulnerable, now all I got to do is land the hit and she'll give up. he thought, her face turning to surprise as he put what little hope he had into this one attempt to prove himself. He felt good about his lie now, so sure that maybe she would call the match then and there. That is until she suddenly smiled. "Boop!" She said as Spike's face became engulfed in her tail.

"Mmmphphhpmmm," he uttered with a muffle as he struggled to remove the fluffy power move from his face.

Kiki then spun around him with a twirl, jumping back as Spike finally got the tail out of his face. "Hey, who said you could put your fluffy yet surprisingly soft tail in my face?"

"Oops." she giggled. "Although I don't see a rule saying I can't."

"Isn't that considered like a low blow, cheap shot, something?"

"Twilight must have left that part out. All is fair in a real fight Spike, if it saves your life, use it. Besides you were trained by Twilight, I figured you'd be much stronger, what gives?"

"I was um...I just wanted to see how strong you actually are is all, all apart of testing the opponent before you really give it your all you know. I'm not even worried about the tail b-believe it or not, now I know you'll use it, so I can avoid it.

"So you let me hit you to see how strong I was? That is so," she paused making Spike think he was in trouble. "Awesome. Is that one of Twilight's secrets famous secrets?"

"Y-yea sure, definitely. course she usually has a magical shield or something to do the hit taking for her."

"What was that?"

"N-nothing, let's just get back to sparring."

"Oh ok then, allow me to step up my game then."

"What are you talking about?" he uttered curiously as Kiki proceeded to remove her art pen from her pocket. "Your pen?"

"What about it?"

"It's a pen, and you're pulling it out in a fight?"

"Oh yea, I never told the secret to my art." She twisted a small ring around the center of the pen, the clicking of the mechanism inside the only sound audible until something Spike wasn't expecting happened. A color wheel appeared around the pen floating in thin air as if some ghostly apparition.

"What in the--Is that magic?"

"No...well I don't know, I've never known really. My pen isn't like most pens one of a kind actually because It creates its own ink, colored or not, allowing me to draw without ever needing to replacing anything except for paper. If it's magic, I have no idea how it works since I know for a fact that can't use magic, and it certainly doesn't seem like anyone else has invented anything similar. I've had the thing since I was a baby, never really knew where it came from either, it just kind of popped up."

"But why did you pull it out in battle?"

"Oh, that?" Kiki said with a smile as she twirled the pen around on the tips of her fingers. "That's a surprise."

"A surprise that's probably gonna hurt."

"Come again?"

"Oh nothing, I was just saying I can't wait to see what it does."

"Well then come at me Spike, nothing ventured nothing gained."

I'm gonna regret this one way or another. Spike took up stance again, this time determined to land at least one hit on kiki before this was over. He rushed forward fast as he could, throwing a spin punch to which she ducked under before he propelled himself forward with one foot to launch another punch. However, said punch made contact with something that wasn't a squirrel, like hitting a wall of slime that felt like a rock. "Ow ow ow ow," He whined as he took a second to greet what had stopped him, a physical wall of ever moving ink, colored like a rainbow. "What in Equestria is that?"

"Pretty cool huh? I call it Ink wall, turns rock hard when you put pressure on it. The ink seemingly retreated back into the color wheel which from Spike's observations acted as a full and empty meter, Slowly getting greyer or gaining more color as the ink was used or retrieved. "And oh oh, I think Twilight's gonna like this one."

She removed yet another sketchbook from her person, this one smaller in size in comparison to her original. "What now, you gonna draw me to death?"


Spike paused, that answer definitely not what he expected. "I'm sorry?"

"Yes, you are." Within a few seconds, she quickly doodled something on a few pages. "Super Ink: Crow!"

"Super what now?" She quickly tore three pages from the sketchbook throwing them to the air as they suddenly took the form of three separate crows all gunning for Spike. On fear and instinct, Spike let out a burst of green flame, watching and breathing heavily as they fell to the ground slowly blackening under the flames. Spike immediately found himself staring at her with confusion in his soul. "What in the world was that?"

"Told you, my pen isn't like most pens."

"I thought you said you didn't know how to use magic?"

"I don't."

"So creating drawings that come to life isn't magic?"

"No idea, that's all the pen's doing." So magic ink wall, bringing drawings to life, there's no way I can beat that with nothing but hand to hand." "Hey no daydreaming just yet, I got one more trick to sho--uh oh." Her eyes drifted up toward the sky, studying the sun's position before finally taking note of a nearby clock. "Oh no...oh no no no no no," she hastily said with frustration in her voice. "Can't believe I forgot all about it."

"W-what's going on?"

"I yield," she said as the red outline of the card disappeared in a flash of light before it dropped back down into Kiki's hand.

"Are you late for something, what happened?"

Kiki shifted from leg to the other, her a nervous smile upon her face as she scratched the back of her head."Ugh, it's so unpleasant but I forgot I had something to do today that's suuuuuuper important and I can not miss it for anything." Spike let out a silent sigh of relief as Kiki proceeded to pick up her actual sketchbook. "It was so nice to meet a real dragon though, even if you kinda made me question it a few times."

"H-hey, It's not my fault, I just haven't fought in awhile ok, I need a bit more of a warm-up."

"Is that so? Well then, tomorrow morning."

Spike raised an eyebrow to that statement. "Tomorrow?"

"Yep yep, morning exercises bright and early to get your blood flowing, that's what every martial artist does right?

"Uh...yea, yea it is, I just got a little lazy is all, morning exercises, I am ready for that," he replied with a nervous chuckle. "But wait wait, how early are we talking here cause--"

"Nevermind that Spike," she said beginning to run off. "It's a date, don't be late."

Spike immediately found himself blushing. "A d-d-d-date?"

"Yea, like a date on the calendar? You're so weird Spike," she said stopping for a moment to shake her head at him before giggling. "See ya weirdo."

"Yep, definitely see ya and yeah..." He uttered incoherently before she quickly disappeared into the crowd of animals nearby. "Why couldn't you just tell the truth Spike, you can't fight that well, how hard was it to say that?"

"Because you're a dummy of course." a voice uttered from behind him.

"Yep, the makes sense--wait...who--" he said curiously turning around to greet the pink-haired pony standing directly behind him, tapping her foot in annoyance.

"When were you gonna tell me you were back in town?"

"Oh P-Pinkie, long time no see," he uttered as curiosity turned to fear. "I swear I was gonna come straight to you, first thing." All that escaped her was an angered groan making a single drop of sweat trickle down his scales. "I can explain?"

Spike sighed as Pinkie snuggled deeply into his jacket, hugging him without a care in the world for anything around her as if dragging him into her morning classroom wasn't suspicious to passersby already. "Uh, Pinkie?" he uttered as she continued to snuggle. "Pinkie?... Pinkie are you listening?"

"Shhhhhhhhhh Spikey, let me enjoy this."

"But it's already been like 20 minutes, I think that's enough hugg--"

"I said let me savor this."

"As much as I would love that," Spike said removing her hands from his person and slowly pushing her back. "I'm kind of confused about why you're in Ponyville. And you're taller than me, when did this happen?"

Instantly her once poofy hair deflated and her once excited eyes drooped to the ground, the vibrant pink of her body now dull and sad. It was as if she became a cartoon character as her body suddenly became very exaggerated. Spike was hesitant at first but soon took a defensive stance as he waited for something to happen. "Uh...Pinkie?"

" I was just so glad you're back and you don't like me anymore..."

"No no no, it's not like that, hugging is nice but I'm just really confused why you're here."

"It's fine, just go, I'll be fine. I'll just sit here...and sulllllllllllllk..." she uttered seemingly deflating herself into a nearby chair.

Spike let out an annoyed sigh before extending his arms once more. "Ok ok, you can hug me again, just don't deflate."

"Yay!" She said reinflating and instantly rushing like a bullet back into his arms embrace.

"Hehe, it's nice to see you too Pinkie. How old are you?"

"13 why?" Spike felt a growl escape him to Pinkie's surprise. "Is something wrong?"

"Nope, no, nope, I'm fine." 13 years old and she's already taller than me, what kind of joke is this slow dragon growth.

"I'm not gonna have to kick you again, am I?"

"N-no no, I'm fine I'm fine, I just was thinking how great it is to see you, all "grown" up."

"Do I look cute, I thought I wouldn't unless I was super-short, then I got taller and even my sisters were saying how cute I was. For a minute though, I thought that being taller was ugly and I would just keep getting taller and taller and taller and uglier until no one likes me and calls me a troll and I have to live under a bridge and terrorize children and never see daylight again, and eventually die aloooooone," she said instantly deflating once more.

"Pinkie, you're pretty calm down."

"Oh ok!" she said with a smile. "Also..."


For just a moment, Spike felt his entire world turn black and white as the pain flowed through his arm. He let out a pained squeal as he dropped to one knee, Pinkie shaking her fist in discomfort. "Oh my gosh, your scales are so hard, it's awesome."

"W-what...was that for, I t-thought you weren't gonna hit me?" he cried out as he rubbed his arm in tearing pain.

"I wasn't going to kick you, didn't say anything about punching. Besides you deserved it, you lied to me."

"W-what are you talking about?" he choked out.

"You said you were gonna come to see me first thing."

"I did I sw--"

"Wrong, you went to go see Twilight first and then fight with that squirrel girl, I'm pretty sure that makes me your third stop."

"W-what no, I was just--wait have you been watching me this entire time?"

"Like a hawk the minute you got off the train," she uttered with a twinkle in her eye.

"How did you even know I was coming that early?"

"I didn't, I just had a feeling."

"A feeling?"

"Pinkie sense."

Riiiiight, that oh so effectively creepy sixth sense of hers, Pinkie sense she called it. Those words sent a shiver up Spike's spine as he shook his arm in desperation to work again. "Well, incredibly creepy sixth sense and even creepier stalking me aside, what in the heck are you doing here, in Ponyville?"

"I go to school here silly."

Spike shook his head in disbelief. "W-wait, you've been to going to school here, as in every day of the week?"

"Yeppity yep, and it's so much fun--"

"Woah Woah, don't you live in a village like 5 miles away?"

"Oh yea, I walk here like a lot of animals do."

"You know most other animals usually live like a block away, or 2, or 3, maybe even just a mile away."

"Yea, it's little hard, sometimes I even jog because I made some really cool friends here so I have to be on time or even early enough to talk to them. But now that you're here," she said once again jumping into Spike's embrace. "We can have the ultimate 'Spike and Pinkie are never leaving Ponyville welcome back forever party' party."

Spike sighed as he struggled to hold the girl up. "Uh Pinkie, you have to go home, your parents would be worried sick."

"Oh, I know that I already told them before I came to school today," she replied with a giggle.

"Wait what, your parents are ok with it?"

"Oh they're ok with just about anything I do, as long as I don't get into trouble, and if I do, my sisters come running fast as the wind."

"Pinkie, I'm not even sure I'm staying permanently."

"Well I am silly, Pinkie sense predicts you're staying forever, I just know it...right?"

Spike set her down nervously scratching the back of his head in the process. "Well...It's... I don't really know, I mean...maybe?"

"I heard a maybe and that's all I need to know."

"Pinkie, let's not jump ahead with assumptions here, it's a maybe, which means I might, I might not, I still haven't decided."

"Well what in Equestria would make ever wanna leave little old me, I mean I throw the best parties, I'm cute, I'm easily accessible only to you if you know what I mean wink wink."

"Gonna forget you said that." He uttered quickly.

"Spiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike, I'm so looooooonely."

"But you just said you had friends."

"Oh yea, they're really cool you should meet them one of is suuuuuuper smart and the other one has like this really hard shell and can roll--"

"Pinkie, the point?"

"Oh right," she said with a giggle before pausing for a second as if to jump back into character. "But I'm so loooooonely, my friends are fun and they always come to my parties, but it's just felt super empty without you here. What if you leave and never come back or die and I'll never know just sitting her waiting day after day after month after month after year after decade until eventually, I die from waiting so--"

"Pinkie, that's not going to happen besides, you still got Twilight and Fluttershy to hang out with, and you only knew me for like a year, you know them a lot better than you know me."

"I remember every time we hung out Spike, it was the most fun I ever had at a party...well second most fun."

"And you remember that?"

"Don't ever doubt a Pie's memory, I remember everything," she said with a confident smile upon her face before immediately jumping to an exaggerated saddened expression. Within seconds she was within Spike's embrace again, fake crying into Spike's shoulder Parties just aren't the same without everyone here."

"Just because one person isn't here?"

"Fluttershy is just super shy all the time so she sticks near the food and Twilight doesn't even remotely leave her home like she did when you were here."

"Twilight is a natural bookworm, that much is true, but I doubt she never left--"

"I drew on a calendar the days she left her house last year," she said pulling last year's calender out somewhat thin air. "She only fully left her clinic about once every two weeks, and that was just to restock on herbs and tea, she had food delivered and wouldn't even answer the door the talk to anyone."

Spike internally sighed. "Yep, that sounds like Twilight alright, darn."

"So my point is proven, the world is way more fun with you around and I refuse to let that go ever again."

"What if I'm already on the train?"

She tapped a suddenly existing Party Cannon. "Last resort."

Spike jumped a bit at the idea of such a young girl owning such a powerful thing but shook it off as fast as he could before standing up. "Is that confetti in there?"

"Yes, yes it is," she uttered with an evil little smirk.

"I don't think firing a giant confetti cannon at my train is a good idea."

"Anything that gets you to stay is a good idea."

"W-what...what if I call your sisters." he nervously retorted.

Her eyes instantly shot at Spike with a burning gaze. "You wouldn't..."

"I'll have them on speed dial tomorrow." He replied giving her a false stare of confidence.

For a moment, she seemed to wanna call his bluff, until eventually, she turned to pout with her back to him. "Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fine, I won't blast the train if you decide to leave."

"Alright then, Pinkie promise."


"Pinkie promise me."

"N-no, why would I do that."
"Come on Pinkie." She grumbled, turning her back once again to Spike. "Pinkie." Another angered grumble. "Pinkie, I know you, Pinkie promise."

"Ok ok fine, cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye or whatever..." she pouted before the sound of school bell caught their attention.

"Guess that's my cue to leave, I'll see you at Twilig--why are you looking at me like that?"

Spike watched as Pinkie stared at him, her anger still fresh on the surface. However, there was an eye twitch, then a glance upward as if to think, then a smile spread across her face, a thought had entered her brain, one Spike knew for a fact he could trust. "So Spike, if you're gonna leave me...it's only right you make it up to me right?"

Spike felt his body instinctively take a step back, making sure to keep the corner of his eye on the front door of the classroom. "I never agreed to anything...I think."

"Well...it's just that we have a show and tell today...and everyone has pretty cool things to show. I just thought that maybe..."

"You don't have anything to show already?"

"Well I was gonna show off my Party Cannon, but the teacher said I couldn't show that anymore after last year."

"What happened last year?" He asked with a touch of fear.

"Let's just say it involved a lot of confetti and...the roof."

"Um...w-well what else you got." she pointed to him. "Anything else at all?"

"You silly, it'll be awesome when I show all the kids that I actually own a real dragon."

"You don't own a dragon because the dragon doesn't know if this is a good idea. I got it, what about cupcakes, that's a good show and tell?"

"Spiiiike, don't be a party pooper, just do this one thing for me please?"

"You're asking me to be a class project and I already went through the issues of school back in the everfree, so I'm gonna just take a pass."

"Please Spike, it's only for one hour. Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please," Spike felt his entire being called into question as she continued to repeat the word. "Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please--"

"Ok ok ok ok ok, I'll do it, just don't ask me to any crazy stunts."

Spike felt a ringing sensation in his ears as Pinkie let out one of, if not, the highest squeal he'd ever heard in his life. "Sweet, I'm so glad you said yes, I was prepared to go for a long time."

"What?!" he yelled trying his best to clean out his ears.

"I said," Pinkie uttered before grabbing a megaphone. "I'm so glad you said yes!" Spike was nearly sent to the floor at that moment, covering his ear in pain. "Did you hear me that time?"

Spike stared at her with annoyance, her innocent smile doing nothing to deter his anger. "I heard you perfectly Pinkie."

The sounds of children began to echo from outside, closing in slowly. "Oh darn, break's over already I forgot, you need to hide."

"I need to hide?" Without warning and within seconds, she grabbed Spike and shoved him into the nearby closet. "Just stay quiet and when you hear me say "breath fire" jump out in a cool stylish way and just surprise everyone got it?"

"My leg is in a weird position...please help?"

"Ok, you got it, shhhhhhh."

The sound of her footsteps trailed away as the door to the classroom opened and the voices of dozens of children flowed into the room. What seemed like hours passed as time went on, Spike noting each and everything that happened outside his scolding hot prison. One kid presented a one of a kind gem no longer found in Equestria, funny thing that is seeing as how that would make it invaluable to most museums, yet here it is in the hands of a child. Another presented his father's old war collections, medals, and pictures of his father fighting off the hordes of dragons. Kind of a bad thing considering Pinkie had brought him, a dragon, to show off. Kid after kid, old stuff after stuff and finally he heard the teacher's voice. "Pinkie Pie, you're next sweetie."

As the sound of her footsteps trailed to the front of the classroom, everyone began to sound audibly confused as it seemed she didn't have anything in her hands."My presentation is one of true wonder...witness now history in the flesh." she narrated in an epic voice. "Teacher, this will blow your mind, my fellow classmates, this will be the thing you talk about for ages to come, what I have to present to you is the only thing on the planet, that can breathe fire!" Spike attempted to do as she told, but seeing as how he had been shoved into this closet in a rather uncomfortable manner, he struggled to even angle his body toward the door in a way he could jump out. Instead, he fumbled with the door handle, desperately trying to open it. "I said, Breathe fire....Breathe fire...Spike?"

With a loud thud, Spike flopped onto the ground from the closet. "Ow...uhhh," he uttered as a dozen kids stared his direction. "I mean rawr...uhh growl...I'm just gonna--"

He stood to his feet, dusting himself off before standing at the front of the classroom with Pinkie. "This, my classmates, is a real. Life. Dragon."

Kids are cruel, let's just agree on that, this won't end well.

Pinkie expected everyone to be surprised, excited, calling her the coolest kid in school however a sea of laughter flowed back her way. "You mean to tell me that's a "real" dragon, yea right, what poor shmuck did you pay to get in that costume?" A monkey sitting directly in front of the class asked.

"No no, I'm serious guys, this is a real dragon, he has the teeth and claws and everything." Pinkie said trying to make them believe, and yet, the young monkey continued.

"You're telling me," he said jumping on his desk and eventually to Spike's person. "That this thing is a dragon?" he continued poking, tugging, and pushing at everything he could on the dragon. Well, it could always be worse. "What a joke, the scales are completely fake, and last time I checked, dragons are supposed to be really big, like really really big."

"Son Goku that is enough, leave the boy alone and sit down." the teacher ordered.

"Eh, whatever, it's not real anyway," he uttered jumping back to his seat.

Pinkie stamped her foot as she pouted. "He is a real dragon Son Goku, you're just jealous cause my presentation is way better than yours."

"You kidding me, I brought in the real-life staff of the monkey king," he proudly stated as he removed a small compact object from his backpack, a small red pole. He took a stance and pressed something on the pole, making it extend slightly. "This bad boy was the sole weapon used by one of my ancestors in the war, you can even still see the chips in the wood from the battle."

"So cool..." one kid stated as he stared in interest.

"It's the real thing, I can't believe it..." another continued

Pinkie groaned in frustration. "Listen here Monkey boy--"

"Hey Pinkie, can I give it a shot?" Spike asked with a smirk.

"They already don't believe me, knock yourself out."

"Just let me handle it, I'm sure I can change their minds." Spike took a few steps toward the desk of the monkey, jumping up to sit on it. "Your name was Son Goku, right?"

"Yea Mr dragon, what of it?"

"What exactly is one thing that you think only a real dragon can do?"

"Real dragons are big." He stated.

"Well, you got me there, what else?"

"Real dragon got real scales, these are obviously made out of some fake material."

"Hmm, can't really fight that either, what else?"

"Well for one," he said as he jumped on top of the desk opening the dragon's mouth to get a better look. "All of these teeth are obviously fake, made with some type of hard material and glue used to stick them onto your real teeth. The gums are just your gums, the tongue is some type of Halloween decoration and the biggest thing you can't even breathe fire."

Spike internally smirked. "Oh really..." he said mouth still open.

"Yep, disproven, not a real dra..." The boy's trailed off as he watched as inside Spike's mouth, a small green light flickered from within, deep past the uvula. Pinkie seemed to time this perfectly as she tossed a ball of paper into the air and spike let loose a torrent of fire burning it to a crisp. It fell black and smoking to the monkey's desk, his eyes widening as he made the realization. "Oh crap baskets, she brought a real dragon..." He uttered.

"I-It's a real dragon..." One kid uttered.

"But how did she find a real dragon?" Another asked.

"You think she found it outside the city?" Another continued

"Or, what if she hatched it all by her self, what if that dragon follows her command down to the letter, what if she orders it to eat us?" Another said with fear.

"Calm down my fellow students." Pinkie chimed in. "The dragon is not under my command, he's only a friend."

"And I'm not gonna eat you I promise. Besides, it takes hours to dig the fur out my teeth."

"Why do you breath green fire?" One student asked

"Are there more of you out there?" Another continued.

"Are they as small as you?" Another finished.

"Students, students," the teacher interrupted. "Let him answer one at a time, raise your hands and wait to be called on...after me," she said quickly jumping front of Spike. "Is it true your scales are composed of one of the rarest materials in Equestria?"

For nearly the rest of the school day, kid after kid, even the teacher ignored the idea of more presentations just to ask this living proof of history any question that popped into their head. From "Can you grow wings and fly" to harder to explain like "What do gems actually taste like to dragons when they're just rocks to us."

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!" Pinkie yelled as she endlessly snuggled into spike the minute school was over, trying her best to hold in tears of joy as kids passed them at the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm gonna have to start giving you a 5-minute hug rule," Spike said with a sigh.

"I'd never listen to it."

Spike giggled at that. "Yea I know, I just feel better knowing I tried to stop you."

"Seriously, thank you for doing this, I was sure she was gonna fail me for the year."

"I'm sorry what, what do you mean fail you?"

"Uh...oops forgot to mention that part sorry. I was kinda on the last stand with my grades and the teacher said this was my last chance to improve before she made me repeat, but we did it and everyone's happy yay?"

Spike seemed unamused by this new information. "This is usually information you pass along beforehand Pinkie. Either way, I probably still would have done it so it doesn't matter, I'm cool with it."

"You are a saint Spike Dragomina Pie."

"I'm sorry...what did you just say?"

"Well when you eventually become apart of the family--"

"Pinkie, I told already I am not interested in Maud."

"But whyyyyyyyyyy?"

"I'm going back to Twilight's."

"Just tell me why?"

"Walking away," he said his voice slowly trailing off as he proceeded away from the school.

"Spike come on, just tell would you?" Pinkie replied running to catch up.

Quite an interesting chapter If Mariana Deep ould say so himself, he is the writer after all. Kiki's definitely a character I'll say, although that obsession for Twilight Sparkle can't be healthy, might even go horribly wrong. Hopefully Mr. Deep won't forget about little old us again for 4 or 5 months while he tries to battle writer's block. look at me, talking like I know the struggles of writing when I just the disembodied voice that accompanies you, readers. However, did anyone else catch glimpse of that strange figure watching from afar or is just me?

Author's Notes:

As always squids, kids, or whatever you are today
Don't get caught in the Heat
Stay Sweet of the Deep

A Friendship in the Making

If you never tried something, non-drug-related of course,
what's the harm in trying it at least once?
Never danced? Dance. Never cooked? Cook.
You might find out more about yourself than you realize.

Perhaps I should take up a job narrating all of the writer's stories, wouldn't that be quite the fun little Paradox? Topaz, the omniscient narrator. Has a nice ring to it doesn't it? Oh sorry, I need to start the chapter, don't I? Apologies.

"Was I too late or I was too early?" the dragon thought as he lazily relaxed on the school stairs, listening to the various sounds of the wind, birds, and people doing what comes daily. Had he not been smart enough to eat extra before coming out to wait for the strange squirrel he just met yesterday, sitting and or pacing for the last 3 hours would have killed him long before the boredom would. He sighed as he stood up for the 5th time this morning, stretching his tired body before checking a nearby clock. "11:00? I thought she said bright and early?" With a last good stretch, he let out a yawn. "Welp at this point, I might as well head back to Twiligh..." he paused as his ear twitched at the sound of something rapidly approaching him. "Is that...running?"

Spike tried to determine the direction of the sprinting animal eventually setting sights on a nearby street where, coincidentally, a dust cloud was forming behind somebody barreling down the street. "Sorry sorry sorry!"

"Yep, that is definitely someone running, going pretty fast too."

"Sorry sorry sorry sorry!"

"It's probably none of my business, Twilight's probably wondering where I--"


My name? "Wait..."

"Sorry sorry sorry sorry!"

"It's coming for me!"

Spike was quick to dive out of the way as the animal skidded to a stop letting the dust cloud roll over him. he coughed a few times before it dissipated, revealing an out of breath Kiki. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, I am so unpleasant, I am so so so sorry I'm late, I got held up and couldn't away until now," she said with an apologetic tone.

"It's fine, I'm ok," he coughed out waving the dust away. "I haven't been waiting long or anything."

With a gasp, she placed both hands to her cheeks in shock. "You have, geez how long have you been here?"

"One, one and a half hours give or take."

"3 hours, oh man you must hate me right now."

How is she doing that? "No no, not at all, I'm used to waiting a little bit, I was raised by the world's biggest introvert after all."

"But it's already 11:00, not exactly bright and early like I planned," she said turning her saddened expression toward the ground.

"Now come on, it's uh, it's ok, you don't have to worry about it this is bright and early for me anyway."

"I guess you're right, besides," she said as a smile instantly painted her cute face. "We could still train or...we could do something a bit more interesting."

Spike felt himself instantly cringe at the sound of the word, Interesting never sounded good coming out of anybody's mouth with Twilight spewing it back and forth over the few years he was here. "What exactly is your definition of interesting?"

"We can go have some fun."

"Come again?"

"Fun? Explore the sights, visit some places, meet some people?"

"So we're not training then?"

"Sounds unpleasant." she quickly answered.

"But you're the one who suggested it."

"Eh, training schmaning, you know how long it's been since I've actually had a day off?

"You have days on?"

"Why do you think I left yesterday?"

"Well I thought that...actually I don't have anything for this. Well, a single day of fun couldn't hurt, besides I don't really feel like getting my butt handed to me again."

"I'm sorry what was that?" she asked with a smirk. "But I thought you said you were learning how I fight?" she teased.

Spike turned his attention away, nervously tugging at the collar of his jacket. "U-uh yep, yea, yes, that is what I was doing, indeed, I'm just...really tired," he uttered with a fake yawn.

Kiki rolled her eyes as she motioned him along. "One way express to relearning your home town going onc--hey, where's your birdie?"

"Oh Philomena, she flew off somewhere around here." Spike gave a whistle and the bird appeared in it's majesty, quickly taking to Spike's shoulder."

"Oh my gosh, hi Philomena, it's been waaaay too long," she said petting and playing with the bird.

"it's almost like you wanted to see Philomena more than me." Spike teased.

"What no never," she responded sarcastically. "She's a bird and your a walking talking dragon, you have equal value. Although... she's definitely cuter."

"Wow, that makes me feel so confident. Perhaps I should just go and let you and Philom--"

"Hey," Kiki said latching onto his arm as he smirked. "Jealousy doesn't suit you?"

"I just wanted to make sure I was still relevant."

"Haha, you're so funny I could cry. Don't worry Philomena, you're still the most important one here."

"I feel betrayed," Spike uttered as Philomena slightly pecked on the head. "Ow, hey that hurt."

"I think she said 'feel betrayed, I'm the cutest one here anyway' or something like that."

"In fear of getting pecked again, I won't argue with that," he uttered as Philomena nodded in agreement.

"Well then, it's settled, me, you, and Philomena, one day of official R&R for me, and getting to know the town for you. Hope you didn't schedule anything with Twilight cause today is all about fun!" she valiantly cheered as he proudly pointed off toward the town.

"Twilight would have probably had me helping her organize anyway, so yea, today is all about fun!" Spike said joining her in her proud pointing as Philomena squawked.

"Onward!" Kiki said as she grabbed spike's hand and quickly dragged him away.

"Kids these days." a teacher uttered ascending the stairs and shaking his head in disapproval.

"So Spike, what do you want to do first?"

"I'm gonna defer to the guide on this one."

Kiki was quick to sigh in realization. "Right right, forgot you're from the Everfree. Well then, as your guide, I know the perfect first place to take you, follow me," she said taking them down a right turn.


"Hmm?" she said turning to face him, now walking backward.

"So what exactly do you do that takes up so much time?"

"Unpleasant." she quickly shot out.


Instantly she waved her hands in defense. "Oh no no sorry I just, forgive me if I'm a bit unenthused about talking about it, my job usually has me running all over. Day in. Day out."

You got a job that let's move around like that and you're complaining? "What could be so bad about being able to move around every day? Exercise is the key to survival after all."

"What could be so bad? Well, I suppose it's easy for you to question it when you have those," she said pointing to his body.


Spike could see as the annoyance in her eyes growing as she stared back at him. "Stop being so unpleasant would ya? I'm talking about your scales."

"My scales?" he said curiously looking himself over.

"I read somewhere that they work to maintain body heat instead of trapping in all of the excess heat from the environment, unlike fur, which does exactly that."

Spike couldn't help but take a second to imagine it, immediately shaking the idea from his head as the thought of it alone baked him to a crisp. "Geez, you mean--"

"Exactly, I'm literally a walking oven on any day it's above 70 degrees."

"Delivering or what?" Spike couldn't help but ask.

"Well, anything honestly."

"There's a job where you can just do anything?"

Kiki shook her hand as if to say half and half. "Well, you can't do everything if you're not qualified, but you can do a lot if open to new experiences. It works more like a daycare would, there's a board in the central park area where anyone can post for help. I've done carpentry, blacksmithing, food preparation, garden care, the whole rainbow."

This little squirrel has done all that? I hate to even admit to myself but she's got loads more confidence than I do. "But, doesn't get a little, I don't know risky?"

"How do you mean?"

"What if someone post just to trick you or something, you know," he said making the motion of stealing, stabbing, then death.

"In Ponyville?" She let out a hardy laugh that made Spike raise an eyebrow to her in curiosity. "Unlikely. Nowadays, everyone who was down on their luck has something to work for so stealing and any acts of crime will get you bad rep around here, and everyone will know who it is. Everyone. And even if you do, about 1 out of 4 animals know some type of hand to hand combat, you're better off trying to steal in Canterlot from a grown elephant than a 7-year old that could probably kick your butt."

I swear someone was telling me about how martial arts was becoming a big thing around the world, guess I never took the time actually listen to him. "Guess I lost that bet. By the way, you never told me where we were going."

"You'll see when we get there, it's a place filled with so much joy and fun that your scales will fall off just looking at the place.

"Scales take forever to grow back and it's an itchy experience, that doesn't inspire a lot of confidence."

"We'll be there soon."


"Silence." Kiki shushed as a single finger rushed to quiet him. "We're almost there just a few more minutes." The two of them turned the corner onto a new street, slowly making their way down toward wherever Kiki seemed to wanna take them. However, Spike felt an onset on anxiety and paranoia coming on as dozens upon dozens of animals simply stared him down. Some were nervous, averting their gaze upon meeting his, others were downright surprised...or shocked...or rude...or maybe perhaps curious, I'm not too sure of the word to use here, but their eyes never left his. Spike felt himself instinctively cower towards Kiki, trying his best hide behind the fluff of her tail. "U-unpleasant?!" she yelled yanking her tail away and into her arms. "Just what do you think you're doing back there, get out of my tail." She growled.

"Shhhh don't make a scene would you?" Spike whimpered as he backed up. "Everyone is already staring at me, I don't need them thinking I'm some kind of weirdo either."

Kiki paused her dramatics when she realized just what Spike had been saying. "Oh yea, everyone seems a bit surprised by you indeed, but then again, it's been long enough that dragons are technically legends and fairy tales, so of course it's gonna be a little off-putting to see something that even remotely resembles a dragon."

"Well if their job is to freak me out, they're doing an amazing job and not sure I can hold Philomena back from pecking one or two of them," he whispered, Philomena looking visibly angered and ready to start taking names any second now.

"Let's move a little faster then, the quicker we get to where we're going, the less time they have to stare."

"And the fewer people I have to flame."

"Easy there, no need to set the town on fire, let's just move," she said as they both began to speed walk.

Within a few minutes, they finally reached a potential destination, a rather uninhabited street with trees lining the end of it. "We have arrived my dear dragon, are you ready?"

"I'm rea--Is this a dead-end, cause this looks like a dead end."

"Good you're ready because we have arrived at the most fantastic place for a kid in the entire city," she said motioning him down the barren street to a wide-open area where a building twice the size of any he had seen so far sat, welcoming him with mystery and wonder. "Welcome to Derpiboorium!" She yelled presenting the building like it was a grand exhibit.

Spike had to blink twice at the sound of those words. "Did you just say Derpiboorium?"

"I know what you're thinking and yes, it's a bit strange when you first hear it but she only had a week to choose a name."

"This place looks huge from the outside, what even is it?"

"Why don't we enter the realm of fun and see for yourself.

Spike and Kiki slowly ascended the steps toward the front door, being met with a cool breeze of air as they entered. "Wind? Indoors?"

Kiki had to physically stop herself from letting out a chuckle. "It's called air conditioning dummy, I know you're not that lost."

"Air conditioning? You mean they found a way to push air through a building without even opening a window?"

"Those 10 years really didn't give you much to work with, did they? How Unpleasant..."

"How are they ev...woah," he uttered as his eyes finally gazed upon the sight before him. The place was massive on the inside, looking like it was another town altogether. Dozens upon dozens of lights, rides, and sounds filled Spike's head as he surveyed the view from afar. "What in the world is this place?"

"This is Depiboorium, Derpy's infinite stop Amusement park."

"Who is Derpy and what's an amusement park?" he slowly asked, still lost in the sight. This is so weird. he thought with shock and awe in his inner voice's tone. It's so...different from the landscape of the Everfree, so many lights, everything is moving, and this air conditioning is aweeeeeesoooome...

"Spike? Spike?" Kiki said snapping a few times in front of his face to no success. "Should've guessed he would lose it. Better to get a pass so he can drool from the inside."

As she approached the counter, a voice could be heard from inside a backroom, seemingly agonizing over something. "Oh dear, I can't believe I spilled the coffee again. It's gonna stain if I don't get it up where are those darn paper towels.

"Um, Ms. Derpy, are you back there?"

"O-oh yes, I-I'll be right there deary, please wait just a moment." The voice responded.

As soon as those words left her mouth, Kiki tossed a helmet toward Spike who, still lost in the sight, flinched as the helmet collided with his body. "H-hey, what's the b--"

"Put that on."

"A helmet?"

"Trust me."

As soon as Spike placed it around his head, a loud crash rang out from the back followed by two more thumps before finally, a grey appeared from under the counter pulling itself up to reveal the short grey pony, rubbing her head in discomfort. "It's ok, I'm ok, I just tripped...a lot."

"Are you ok?" Kiki asked.

"I'm fine dear, nothing fatal. How may I help you tod--" The grey mare suddenly beamed with excitement, placing her hands together in that motherly way as she smiled. "Ms. Kiki, what a wonderful coincidence, I was starting to think you'd never come back."

"Apologies for that Ms. Derpy, it's been a pretty busy few weeks for me, I haven't really had the time."

"No worries at all deary. I'm just glad you finally found the time. Kind of a coincidence actually, Dinky was just telling me about how she saw you and this, can you believe a kid's imagination these days, something that resembled a dragon, sparring in the plaza just in front of the school. Of course, I was young once too, but a fully able dragon, no one's seen one since forever ago, how silly right?"

"O-oh yeah, s-silly right. but let's pretend it's not silly for a--"

"I mean come on, we'd know if there was a dragon in ponyville, they're supposed to be massive maniacal beasts that spew fire everywhere they go and eat concrete like its candy." Derpy continued to giggle in doubt before her eyes finally lay upon Spike, still lost in space. "Oh I've never seen this one before, might you be new to the area dear?"

Kiki was quick to let out a nervous chuckle when Spike seemed unresponsive. "Sorry about him, he's a little...spaced out is all. Ms. Derpy, meet Spike, the totally real, not massive or maniacal fire breathing dragon I sparred with yesterday in front of the school."

For a second it seemed Derpy was in shock until she began laughing waving the response away. "I know when I've been pranked Ms. Kiki, and it worked quite well, you are quite a master of your craft."

"It's not a prank...surprisingly. Would you wake the heck up already?" she said quickly nudging him. "Say hi already."

"W-wait what, what's going on?" he uttered as she pointed to the clumsy mare. "Oh...should I say hi or--"

"It would be rude not to."

The dragon gave a quick nervous wave, Derpy observing him intently as he did so. "Are you sure this isn't an animal in a suit."

"Dragons are considered animals right?" Spike asked back in confusion.

"And can you, you know, breath fire?"

"Why wouldn't I be able to?" he said letting a little puff of flame escape his mouth.

"Oh my Celestia, it's a real dragon, you met a real dragon, it's a real dragon...Dinky was right..."

"Are you gonna... be ok?"

"Um...yes, yea, yes, just...it's a little crazy that I'm standing in front of a real dragon," she said nervously chuckling the entire time. "A real fire breathing dragon, it's a chance that I'd all but given up hope on since there were supposedly none left alive, but here you are, with scales, and those alluring green eyes...oh my I'm losing it, get yourself together Derpy," she said smacking her cheeks in preparation to focus. "Shock of a real...breathing..dragon... aside...so cool..."

Spike raised an eyebrow as Kiki snapped in front her face, Derpy seemingly have become just as lost as he was a moment ago, eyes simply staring off into space even with Kiki attempting to break her trance. "I'm seriously considering just wearing a sign that says I am a real dragon."

"Can you blame them?" Kiki responded as she continued to try and snap derpy out of it. "It's been well over 100 years or more since the war with the dragons. There are gonna some people who are a bit surprised that one still exists, even if it is a bit...smaller."

"It's not like anyone told me I'd be fun-sized for the first 100 years of my life." he scoffed.

"Ms. Derpy? Ms. Derpy snap out of it please?"

She let out a sigh of defeat before standing on top of the countertop. "What are doing?"

"Snapping her out of it, just keep that helmet tight." With a slight tinge of fear in the air, Spike watched as Kiki began to trail a single finger toward Derpy's side, eventually poking it and sending the mare high into the air, headfirst into the ceiling actually. Spike, Kiki, and Philomena all dove to the ground as she crashed to the floor, the ceiling cracking and sending chunks of it raining down on the grey mare. "Did that...work? You didn't kill her did you?"

"I'm ok," Derpy called out as she placed a hand on the counter, lifting herself up. "I must have gotten scared again, me and my jumpiness. Apologies for that, I couldn't quite process the fact that it's a real dragon, Dinky is going to be so excited."

"Sorry about that Ms. Derpy, that was the only plan I could think of."

"Water under the bridge dear, I would have been lost for a while if you hadn't. Oh my, I completely forgot you came to play, and that I must fulfill, did you have in mind what you wanted to sign up for."


With a quick motion, she jumped back on top of the counter and whispered something into Derpy's ear. "Are you sure?"


"And he'll be ok?"

"I think...maybe...let's go with sure."

Derpy closed her eyes, a smile spreading across her face as she proceeded from around the counter. "Follow me, please."

"Where are we going exactly?"

"You'll see."

Well, that's all I needed to be absolutely terrified. Derpy slowly guided them through the, a roller coaster there, bumper cars here, dozens of rides seemed intent on giving Spike a new level of curiosity as he passed them one by one. However, that curiosity was continuously cut off as Kiki yanked him along toward their strange destination. Derpy stopped as they reached what seemed to be the back of the complex, a single door with a hefty lock on it. "Just a moment," Derpy uttered. With a slow motion, she knelt down, checking her surroundings as if to keep an eye out before peeling back what seemed to be a loose part of the carpet. Underneath was an outline of a square which revealed underneath a small red button. She pressed it and like magic, the door suddenly popped open. "This way please."

Spike couldn't help but notice just how unnecessary such security seemed. All the door simply led to was a cliff overlooking a small forest. "What exactly am I looking at?"

"No more questions until we get there, you'll spoil it," she growled.

"I already don't like the idea, you're not talking, she's not talking, no one's giving the dragon any info here. Besides I can't see anything past the tops of the trees down there, that's already a red flag."

"Just jump down."

"Jump? Down there? I don't have wings, that's a suicide mission."

"Trust me and go through the door," she uttered pushing him through the door.

"H-hey wait a min--" Spike yelped as he tumbled out of the doorway and down into the trees below, Philomena simply hovering just outside the door as he fell. Spike yelled out as he tumbled through leaves and branches assuming he was most certainly going to die until his butt plopped on the dirt without so much as a scratch on him, Philomena landing gently on his shoulder. "Oh...I'm not dead? Hey, it's only like 4 or 5 feet down, that's crazy."

Kiki sighed as she too began to step out of the doorway. "I'll make sure to come by soon to see Dinky Ms. Derpy, promise," she said stepping out of the doorway and into the drop. Within a second an audible "Ow" left Spike as Kiki gasped in shock. "Oops sorry Spike, didn't know exactly where you landed.

"It's ok..." he groaned.

"Have fun children," Derpy said as she closed the door behind them.

Kiki quickly took to her paws, dusting herself off before turning back to Spike. "Come on get up, we have to get going or they're going to start without us."

No, don't ask if I'm ok or anything. "What do you mean they're gonna start without us?" Kiki simply started walking without so much as a peep, happily skipping like this was some scene in a movie. Spike had no choice but to internalize the question, getting to his feet and quickly following behind her. For a second, it seemed to be an ordinary forest, sunlight shining through the treeline as branches of leaves rustled in the wind. "Wow, it's peaceful out here...kind of a huge change from the screaming kids inside."

"Really does a good job doesn't it?"

"There's no doubt about that. Almost reminds of the everfre--" Spike stopped as something caught his ears, the sound of faint voices. "Is someone else out here?"

"You could say that." Kiki slowly uttered.

Within a few minutes of walking, the few voices soon turned to 9 or 10, then a dozen, then a few dozen, to 100. It eventually became apparent that there was a group of people out here enjoying the breeze. Oh, how wrong Spike was. Kiki motioned him along as she placed a hand upon a giant leaf-shaped wooden plank and moved it aside. Spike's suspicions were immediately confirmed and then some. Not only 100, but nearly 1000 animals were gathered in what seemed to be a rectangular stadium cheering something on that was taking place. "Is this kind of sports arena? Maybe they're playing Soccer or something?"

"Better," Kiki said with a smirk.

As innocent as it seemed Spike already knew what was taking place here as his vision shifted to the center area encased in a magical barrier, a square arena only about 2 feet of the ground, in which 2 animals stood on opposite sides, staring each other down. "Is this what I think it is?"

"Ok, I know I said no training, but I may...have lied, to you know, get you here."

Spike could only stare at her with disappointment. "You know, you could've just told me we were going to be training."

"I'm sorry, I just...I wanted to have fun and explore the city, and we still can," she reassured. "But, unfortunately for people like me, fighting for fun and training can be two separate things sometimes.

Spike groaned raising his hand making kiki close her in eyes fear. However, she let out a hum of confusion when that groan turned to a slight chuckle. "It's fine."

"I-it is?"

"If this fun for you, I'm not gonna squash your enthusiasm."

Kiki growled back, her expression visibly annoyed. "You unpleasant jerk, I thought you were pissed."

"I don't get angry that easily, fortunately, which means if you wanna go fight, I'll gladly watch you."

Her annoyed expression immediately switched from bothered to happy, jumping up and down like a giddy school girl. "Sweet, this is gonna be so fun, I'll go get my ticket."

Spike nodded in agreement before she rushed off, taking the empty seat closest to him and turning his attention to the fight already in progress.

On one side lay a strongly built female bull, hulking and tall. On the other side was a male peacock with a small frame, hands hidden as the sleeves of his robe were placed together. Each seemed calm and content, mentally sizing each other up as they awaited something. "Contestants are you ready?" a voice asked as a skunk with a microphone appeared from the crowd. They both nodded in unison. "Alright folks, get ready a rumble!" she yelled out before tossing one of those territory cards Spike saw Kiki use. It floated above the two who readied themselves. "The wheel of fate is turning! Rebel 1!" Wait a minute... you're kidding?

"Oh darn, did I miss anything?" Kiki said as she took the seat next to him. "Nope, the fight is just starting, more importantly, did you make up your own words to activate the territory card?"

"Uhhhhhhhh...no," she said turning away.

"You totally did, didn't you? No wonder I thought that was super cringy."

"I thought it was pretty cool..." she said before releasing a sigh. "No you're right, it's terrible, I was just trying something out."

"You have no idea how betrayed I feel."

His obvious sarcasm pulled a chuckle out of Kiki, who gently elbowed him. "Be quiet and watch the fight."

"Fight!" The announcer yelled out as the territory became active.

Within seconds the bull took off a like a train, jumping up and aiming her horns downward. The peacock was quick to dodge as her horns impaled the floor. The peacock attempted to take advantage of the bull being stuck, pulling out a small kunai and dashing at her. However, the bull was not an amateur, quickly forcing her horns out and blocking the impending strike. The two went at it for a moment, punching and kicking having to compensate for the size difference with peacock continuously jumping up and attacking, even using the bull's arms as footholds, while the bull seemed to be quicker than most would think, even going as far as to block the kunai with her own horns repeatedly. Spike was lost in shock as the fight continued, Kiki taking notice and smirking. "Amazing right?"

"Y-yea..." he uttered lost in amazement. So this is a real battle between real fighters. They move so fast, and each motion fluid and precise...even though they don't know what the other is going to do, they flow to the next move like a practiced routine.

As the tie-up continued, the bull took initiative, waiting until the peacock missed his next strike and grabbed his wing, tossing him skyward and making him drop his kunai. He flailed as he traveled upward then downward, the bull quickly retreating backward before charging forward and jumping to meet him. She spun in mid-air, preparing to punch before the bird regained his composure and suddenly latched his talons around one of the bull's horns. With that momentum, the bird simply tossed her larger weight the other direction, time slowing down as it seemed the only option was to ring out. Everyone began was this close to cheering as the bull skidded across the ground toward the outside of the ring, until the bull took hold of something on the ground using it to slow her speed and eventually spin her momentum back in the direction of the bird. Charging forward once more toward the already distracted bird, assuming he was victorious, she tossed what she had used, his kunai, back at him, to which he quickly blocked but didn't account for the extra obstacle. The bull charged her shoulder directly in him sending him rolling across the ring and down to the green grass below. "Ring out, Tora win." the announcer called out as people began cheering in unison, the bull simply bowing in respect.

Spike's eyes went wide at the sight, trying his best to stitch together what just happened. "In all the stories I was ever told, the little guy is always the odd one, but not here no."

"Hulking muscles and speed won't get you everything in a fight, isn't that what you were trying to teach me earlier in our fight?"

"Y-yea, that was...all me. Learn your opponent's tactics and adapt to the situation."

"Of course, I'm sure the two of them already knew their tactics, it was just a matter of being smart about certain moves."

"You mean how the bull used the bird's own kunai to stay in the ring?"

"Yep yep, exactly."

"Will the next two contestants please take their position for rebel 2?" The skunk asked.

"That's me." Kiki happily said as she jumped up. "You better be cheering me on."

"Wouldn't dream of doing anything else," he replied.

Kiki quickly made her way down the steps of the stands, landing in the grass and making her way to the ring. As she took her spot, another male skunk stood from behind Spike, slowly making his way out of the aisle and down the steps. Spike was quick to cast a glance in his direction, however, when he did so, his mind seemed to lag for a bit. Everything moved in slow motion as the skunk cast his own glance towards spike, sending a chill down his spine as half-lidded piercing red eyes seemingly studied the young dragon. What in Equestria? I...what is this? His mind suddenly began to draw blanks at every chance he tried to turn his attention away, only the thoughts of this skunk seemed to stick. But like magic or a very worried bird, time resumed for him, his head slightly hurting from a peck to it. "Ow ow, I'm ok girl, don't peck." the bird squawked in happiness as Spike attempted to locate his crimson eyed friend, who was surprisingly already in the ring. What the heck just happened? he thought shaking his head and trying to regain his senses. "Ladies and gentlemen, a stunning battle is about to take place. On this side, we have the white beauty herself, Silver Squirrel!"

Kiki didn't waste time praising the crowd as they cheered making Spike chuckled to himself. "Silver Squirrel? Wow, how much thought did you seriously put into that?" he whispered to himself.

"And on the other side, we have...actually he didn't give us a name, he prefers to remain unknown. Are you fighters ready?"

"Ready as always." Kiki excitedly cheered.

"I'll do my best." the red-eyed skunk uttered with a smirk.

"Alright then." The announcer said placing another territory card. "The wheel of fate is turning, rebel 2, fight!"

The fight began but unlike most fights, the two did take off in a burst of speed that destroys the ring. With a slow but firm motion, Kiki began to defensively step forward, the skunk placing his hands out in front as he copied the motion. They inched nearer and nearer until finally, they had only a foot of space apart. Inching forward only one more time, they placed the backs of their hands together, relaxed palms still showing. Silence was all that filled this arena at that moment, everyone including Spike wondering what exactly was taking place. The eyes of a skunk and a squirrel met, their bodies virtually statues as they sized each other up. Come on make a move. Kiki thought. The skunk was first to break, quickly throwing a high kick that was blocked by Kiki's arm. She quickly dropped to a crouch sweeping the skunk of his feet and sending him to the ground. Like an acrobat though, he jumped up backward, doing a few backflips to gain distance. "What speed..." he whispered as took yet another defensive stance.

Kiki turned to the offensive, rushing him and with the idea of throwing a combo when suddenly he threw a series of lightning-fast kicks. Kiki desperately switched to defensive, blocking the attacks with both arms and legs before spinning and unleashing an elbow to his chest area. The skunk was quick to block the strike, skidding back a few feet and lowering his arm. "Hmm." he hummed out in appreciation for the move. "Not bad."

"You think that's cool, check this out," she said whipping out her giant color pen.

"Interesting..." With perfect finesse, he jumped and twisted in the air like a tornado, throwing a crushing kick towards kiki, who used her pen as a shield. She retaliated switching between swinging it like staff to using it to defend, the skunk continuing to throw kicks like with impressive speed and precision. One more kick sent her this time skidding across the floor, the skunk following up with a set of bicycle kicks to her pen before twisting and kicking it right out of her hand, impaling the ground nearby. Kiki was quick to panic a bit, the skunk spinning another kick her way, this time with all his power packed in. However, Kiki was able to regain her faith, spinning under the kick and using her own foot to guide his own down. With her foot firmly on top of his now, she rolled taking hold of her impaled pen and in the process and quickly creating a small wall of ink to catch the skunk's foot coming back her way, swinging the pen back around to finally land a hit. With a swift motion, the skunk removed his foot, actually planting his feet on the base of the pen and using the momentum from the swing to jump back a little, landing unharmed. "Hmmmmmm..." he hummed in curiosity.

"Whew, you're no joke, all those crazy kicks and flips, It's a surprise you're not trying out for a tournament or something."

The skunk simply smirked at that comment before turning to the announcer. "I forfeit."

"Wait what?" Kiki said with shock.

"I give up."

"Y-you don't even wanna try, you were doing so good?"

"What's the point? You're the better fighter, I'm obviously leagues behind you."

"Oh um...well, in that case, the winner is Silver Squirrel."

Everyone cheered for the white beauty as the red-eyed skunk took his leave, ascending the stairs and passing spike once more. "I wonder how you'll do," he uttered in passing.

"Hmm?" Spike hummed in confusion as the skunk was seemingly already gone. "Who...was that guy?"

"You're telling me," Kiki said as she ascended to the stairs and sat next to him. "He definitely knew what he was doing, so why did he give up, just doesn't make sense."

"You got me, looked like he wasn't holding back, but you thankfully, you beat him."

"By the way," she said staring him down. "I didn't hear you cheering."

"W-what, nobody was cheering, it was just a really strange fight, don't hurt me," he said closing his eyes and waiting for the inevitable.

Kiki couldn't help but snicker before laughing to herself. "Haha yes, how does payback feel?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Now we're even. Come on, we got more stuff in the city to look at."

"Why are you the way that you are?" he whined before following her out of the arena.

"Beats? do they--"

"No, they don't sell edible beats." Kiki quickly interrupted. "it's called beats because the store owner is a huge music nerd. Makes it, produces it, recommends it."

"You mean like on a cd?"

"You know what a cd is, but you don't know what air conditioning is? How unpleasant..."

Spike and Kiki entered the store, their ears immediately being met with the wild funky fresh, hardcore, sickest beats, they ever heard. Oops, sorry personal interpretation. I mean interesting collection of music this vinyl called music. "What in Equestria is...it's really...odd...but kind of like cool."

"That my friend is what Vinyl makes, dubstep. Only really the kids are into nowadays so it's more of a personal preference than anything. That's not the point though, this isn't just a music store, this is a tech store."

"You mean they sell things like games and stuff like that."

"You know what a video game is?!"

"Y-yea, they're not completely uncommon."

"You know what that is, but you don't know what air conditioning is?"

"We lived in bamboo huts, the wind was kind of our air conditioner."

"Unpleasant..." she uttered. "Well, what have you played."

"Um... a few things on my Magicboy Advance."

"Nevermind, you are outdated and we need to fix that."

"Fix that how?" he nervously questioned.

Kiki smirked. "Hey Vinyl?"

"Hmm?" the blue-haired girl hummed as she raised her head from the book she was reading behind the counter. "Oh no way, it's little Kiki, long time no see. What's up?"

Our friend here," she said placing her hands on both his shoulders. "Is a little technologically illiterate. Think you can help him out."

Spike knew something was up when Vinyl smiled as well. "I'll get the gauntlet ready."


Spike found himself physically exhausted as he mashed buttons on a controller, Kiki doing exactly the same. "Keep going!" she yelled.

"Can we...take...a break?" he struggled to huff out.

"Not until we've defeated this freaking behemoth, the moves thrives on how many times you can press that button in 10 seconds, so keep pressing until your arm falls off."

"But we've...died like 6 times...the healers aren't healing fast enough...and it's immune to death."

"It's all about trying again Spike, try try again."

With the counter finally reaching 0, the characters unleashed their attack and finally took down the last sliver of this behemoth's 9999 health bar. They both let out a sigh of absolute relief as the thing fell to the ground dead, slinking back in their chairs and trying to catch their breath. "We did it, we finally did it...never again..."


"But what?"

"I have one more thing I want you to try."

"We're not fighting something with too much health again are we?"

"Nope, better. Vinyl, level 5."

"On it," she said beginning to rummage through a pile of games. "Heads up," she said tossing a case in their direction. Kiki caught it and was quick to slip it in the console.

"What now?"

"You ever dance before Spike?"

"...why, what did you put in there?" Spike's blinked twice as the logo and words came on screen. "Dance Star Night?"

"Well dance or no dance, you're gonna start now."

"Oh no no no, I can't dance, never tried, never will."

"You're kidding, you never even moved to a beat before?"

"Yea and everyone describes it as a horrible experience they would never experience again."

"I think you're exaggerating."

"I promise I am not."

"Well then, prove it."

Spike found himself instinctively backing up at that moment. "I'm gonna pass, you can have this one."

"Spiiiiike..." She cooed.

"I'll embarrass myself another time thank you."

"Spiiiiike..." she repeated, this time with puppy dog eyes as large as saucers.

He groaned, knowing full well the power of such a diabolical move. "I...don't know..."

"Come on, I can teach, pleeeeease?"

"Fine fine, I'll do it, only because there's no here right now."

"Sweeeeeeeeeet, come on you're gonna love it."


"Here, I'll choose the song, it'll be easy trust me."

"Ok and that one will work. All you gotta do is follow the moves on-screen and you'll be fine.

"That...sounds easy-ish."

"So easy a baby could do it." Spike waited as something popped on the screen, the sight of a black-haired animal wearing a set of headphones and a strange mask that only covered the eyes. Like a lightning bolt, the animal immediately took off dancing, kiki and him dancing in complete sync to the song. "This is the part where you dance Spike."

"O-oh really..." With a slight feeling of discomfort, he began to move slowly but surely trying to match the animal's moves.

"How unpleasant, you weren't kidding," Kiki uttered with a giggle as she watched his moves, slow, sloppy, and off-rhythm struggling to catch up to even the simplest dance moves. "You're really bad."

"Y-you're the one who suggested I try. You know what, it's just not for--"

"Yeah no, I'm not letting you back out of this," she said pausing the game. "I promised I'd teach you remember?"

"Y-yea but--"

"No buts, just listen to my exacts words and copy me, you'll get it."

Vinyl watched on as Kiki slowly but surely taught Spike the moves of the dance, a chuckle escaping her as she returned to her magazine. "Little Kiki finally found herself a friend, no more being the anti-social artist in the bushes I hope."

"So as soon as you hear that..."

"Then I spin and do that?"

"Right, that's it. Now repeat the action back to me."

Vinyl couldn't help but crack a smile as the dragon horribly repeated the action, stumbling over himself more than a few times. "Hehe, reminds me of me when I was young...couldn't dance to save my life."

A few minutes passed as Kiki finished up teaching him the routine, simple enough it seemed and thankfully made to be learned in a short time. "So you got it?"

"I...think?" Spike replied. "I mean I memorized the moves but doing them in rapid succession like that, I don't know?"

"It's all about practice Spike, you'll get the hang of it with a few tries." Kiki restarted the song, watching spike out of the corner of her eye as she too readied herself to dance. He stuck the first couple of moves but quickly began to fall on and off rhythm, nailing one move but failing to time the next. "You're not doing badly."

"I could be doing better," he uttered as his they continued to dance. When the song finished, the two of them catching their breath, their individual scores were tallied, Kiki receiving an "outstanding" while Spike simply got a message saying he needed to practice in the tutorial a bit more. "Yep, that sounds about right."

"Hey hey, don't get all negative on me now, it's definitely better than your first try right?"

"I mean yea but--"

"I said no buts, now let's go agai--"

"Hey, Kiki." Vinyl interrupted.


"Pause a moment, Spike was it?"

"Uh y-yes mam, Vinyl, right?"

"The one and only. Say, do you like the song?"

"Do I like it?"

"Yea, is the kind of song that makes you want to get up and move?"

"I mean, yes...actually no not really."

"Hmm...Kiki track 13, I think that might be something more Spike's speed."

Kiki happily obliged, flipping through the tracks until one stood out. "And play."

"A way of life?" Spike uttered as the screen faded to black loading the song.

As soon as the picture came into view, the song started, Spike immediately feeling something in his bones as it started. He began to ever so slightly nod his head to the beat, even tapping his foot in unison. Kiki was quick to notice, jabbing him in the arm as she laughed. "Looks like this is the song that will definitely get your feet moving." With that, she took off keeping in sync with the dancer on screen. "Get that butt moving Spike come on."

Spike felt a sliver of fear at the moment, his eyes shifted back and forth between the game and the ground in confusion. Should I dance...I mean I want to...but I've never been a good dancer, hell I'm not even a good fighter...but this is my chance to-- He stopped as soon as Kiki suddenly began to sing the words mid-dance. This is truly the first time, Spike realized just how amazing this squirrel was. Her voice didn't perfectly match that of the songstress, instead, casting it's own line of beauty in what seemed to be an endless sea of talent she held inside. Spike couldn't help himself, springing into the dance with an enthusiasm he didn't know he had. To a professional dancer, his movements were rather odd, completely random even, only matching the beat half the time and never really in sync with Kiki or the dancer on screen. Nonetheless, a smile was painted on his face, dancing like a weirdo, but having fun, no doubts, no worries, just moving to the beat of a song. Even Philomena was flying around above them, cooing happily as she performed what was to her, dancing. "Now that's what I'm talking about," Vinyl called out, hopping over the counter and quickly dashing the length of the store to join them.

For about an hour the three danced to their heart's content, simply forgetting about outside worry as the music moved through them. They dropped to the floor exhausted but still smiling, laughing hysterically when Spike's score popped on the screen, still saying terrible.

"I didn't think dancing would be that much fun, but I still did bad didn't I?" Spike asked.

"Terrible." Kiki happily replied.

"Utterly horrible," Vinyl added making Spike sit up in disappointment.

"But," Kiki began. "Even if it would cause a riot in the dancing community, you made the effort to at least try it, and I think that's what matters."

"Forget the moves, at least you moved." Vinyl said getting to her feet. "A lot of people these days are a little bit too insecure to step out of their shell, unfortunately."

"Well, bad or not, I had fun, this is definitely one of the highlights of being back home now," Spike said also taking to his feet.

Kiki followed suit, quickly realizing with a look disappointment that it was already getting pretty late outside. "Oopsie, I completely lost track of time."

"Welp, I guess that's it for me then, Twilight will be sweating buckets if I don't check-in, I think. I mean she was researching something, so I don't even know if she's thinking about--"

"Wait wait, hold on," Kiki said latching onto his arm. "I still got one more thing to show you."


"It won't take that long promise, besides, you were just saying how she gets lost in her research, it'll be fine."

Spike turned his gaze upward, pondering the question before sighing. "Ok ok, one more thing couldn't hurt."

"Sweet, let's go or we'll be climbing in the dark."

"Climbing? Wait what?"

Spike had no time to prepare a rebuttal as Kiki was already on her way towards the exit. "Thanks for letting us relax in here Vinyl, I'll bring you a box of--"

"Donuts." Vinyl said.


"I've been craving donuts for a week now, I need that frosted goodness but I've been too wrapped up in work to get them."

"You and me both, donuts it is," she said exiting the store.

As Spike took a step to follow suit, he felt Vinyl hand on his shoulder. "Hey, kid, come by anytime and maybe I'll hook you up with a discount, on me."

"T-thanks but why we just met?"

"You got a hell of a lot of spirit and I like that. Like I said before, people around here like to keep to their shell so you were definitely a surprise walking into my store today. Word of advice though, don't let her show you up."

"Come again? You mean Kiki?"

"I saw your little fight out in the school courtyard yesterday, she mopped the floor with you."

"O-oh...go ahead, feed the fire, tell me I'm weak," he said lowering his head to the floor in disappointment.

Great, here comes the first of many insults. "Cut that out, we don't live an anxiety-filled bubble here. Besides, Kiki is one hell of a fighter and I can tell you aren't very experienced. My advice is to make her your goal, her skill, her courage, and determination, strive to obtain the power you don't have."

"Mmm...I think I understand."

"Good, now get going, she'll be halfway across the city with that spunk of hers." Spike quickly did so, catching up to her halfway down the block crazily enough. "So where are we going?"

"To a place that I know everyone loves to be," she said pointing to a large clocktower in the distance."

"Oh sweet, we're gonna sit under the clockto--"

"Nuh-uh," she said shaking her head, repositioning her finger. "We're going to the very top."

Spike let out an audible sigh as he assumed he had no choice. "You just live for figuring out ways to raise my blood pressure every other minute don't you?"

"Come on." she giggled out. "It'll be fun, just like dancing or fighting." She quickly took off running jumping on the base of a lamp post and spring off of it to a nearby roof. "You coming?"

Fighting is one thing, dancing is another, but after all that time living everfree, this, I can do. Spike took a running start, instead of grabbing onto the base of the lamp post and spinning around it, using the momentum to shoot into the air and grab onto the ledge of the roof. As he climbed up, Kiki smirked his way. "What?"

"Hehe, well well, and here I thought I'd have to teach you how to freerun to."

"Oh haha, very funny. I grew up in the Everfree remember, I'm a natural runner through and through."

"Are you overestimating yourself?"

"Are you underestimating me?"

The two locked eyes in that second, a spark of competition now brewing between them. "Alright dragon, top of the tower wins, the loser has to do anything the winner says."

"I'll take those odds, just nothing creepy."

"Alright go!" she said quickly shooting off down the roof and hopping to another."

"H-hey, no fair!" he said following behind. The two of them hastily split up taking their own paths with Kiki dropping to the streets below while Spike stayed above. The two of them were keeping pace with each other, vaulting, running, and climbing like little Tarzan's. Spike continued to jump across the buildings until he spotted Kiki below. "Giving up?!"

"In your dreams." With extreme finesse, she jumped grabbing hold of the bottom of a sign hanging from above. Using the momentum, she swung upward and forward latching onto another pole, free of a sign, and flipping to the top of another building. Kiki smirked as she turned toward spike. "You like?"

He groaned in response, turning his embarrassed expression elsewhere. "It was alright...for a novice."

"Well then prove me wrong," she said they both approached the clocktower in question. Like monkeys, they latched onto the first thing they could get a hold on and began climbing, both of them disappearing from each other's sight. Spike found himself quickly growing fatigued, beginning to find his breath escaping him even quicker now, but still, he had to win. He continued to climb, slower and slower with every passing minute. "Darn, I'm not gonna beat her at this rate...gotta keep going..." With much regret, he finally reached the top of the clocktower, hoisting himself up on the ledge just below the clock and desperately trying to catch his breath. "Whew, I made it..."

"Made it late, but you made it."

"W-wait?" he said turning his head. "Whaaaaaaaat?" he whined as Kiki sat there, patiently waiting with Philomena by her side. "How did you--but you were climbing to weren't you?"

"Yea, I went in through a window and climbed the stairs."

"You're serious?"

"You absolute mad lad did you actually climb the outside of the tower?"

"I thought that was the challenge?"

"I'm not reckless, what if you had fallen off or something?"

"Oh no..." Dear Celestia, she tricked me.

"Looks I won Mr natural runner, you now owe me one favor."

"And you?" he said pointing to the bird. "You traitor."

Philomena quickly flew back to Spike's shoulder, cooing as if to say "don't worry, we're still friends."

I may have lost like an idiot but, he said taking a seat on the ledge as he watched as Kiki smile his way. I'm thankful she volunteered to show me around my home again, even though I'm sure there are dozens of more things to do than just fight or dance. "I should've known better than to challenge a squirrel in her own city."

"That was your first and final mistake. Now about that favo--uh...oh no," she said reaching her hand out to feel the air. When a drop of water landed on it, she quickly rushed spike underneath a small ledge just a foot over, rain beginning to pour down not even a second later.

"Oops," Spike uttered. "Looks like we didn't notice that rain cloud behind us."

"Ughhhhh, way to ruin the fun stupid rain, now it's gonna be just gonna be cold and wet going home."

"I think the cold is nice actually, although Philomena probably wouldn't agree."

"Says the dragon who can sleep virtually anywhere without so much as a shiver. heat lovers like me and Philomena don't get that luxury so shut it." Spike let out a mocking chuckle before Kiki pulled something from her person. "Anyway here."

"Hmm?" Spike hummed as she handed something, obviously based on the cold temperature combined with the wooden stick protruding from the bottom. "Ice Cream?"

"I heard from a couple of animals that their favorite pastime is to come up here with some ice cream just watch the city."

He unwrapped his own before taking a bite. "Sea salt ice cream."

"Yep, I love this stuff, it's so different from the basic vanilla or chocolate that I just can't resist. I guess you could say the fact that I'm kind of the odd one out has a hand in that."

Spike realized a change in tone with that sentence, happy at first, but rather unsure, nervous, in the end. He chose to ignore it out of respect for her privacy, although the feeling something else was happening never left him. They waited patiently as night fell, the soothing orange and red of the sunset fading to black as the stars came out to meet them. This is when Spike could truly take in the beauty of his home, something he had never been able to experience before. The city lit up with various lights and colors, sights of red and blue mixed with green and yellow, buildings faded to black leaving only a sea of shining beacons in the night, even the library had some type of projection of an all-blue dragon, doing figure eights right above the building. "This is..."

"Nice right?"

"It's funny actually, I've been to the top of the tallest tree in the everfree over 5 times and that view is nothing compared to this, at least right now anyway, nothing can beat the view of nature."

"It's a sight worth seeing you know. I've only ever been up here one other time, by myself. That first time, you never forget right?"

Spike could still detect that hint of something in her voice, the feeling to pry growing more and more dangerous. "Yep, course it's not the final destination for me."


"I mean it's not the final thing I wanna see you know."

"You mean like the rest of the world?"

"Exactly," he said excitedly jumping up. "Ponyville is nice, the Everfree is peaceful, but I wanna go see the whole world, discover the undiscoverable..or something to that effect.

"Sounds fun."

"Sounds risky too. After everything I saw in the Everfree, I'd be lucky to get halfway to Canterlot before getting eaten."

Kiki snickered, then giggled, eventually full-blown out laughing. "Spike, you're so unpleasant."

"W-what, what did I do?"

"Your imagination likes to come up with just about everything doesn't it?"

"H-hey, it's not funny," he said pouting. "I'm just being cautious."

"For someone who wants to adventure, you sure are worried for the wrong reasons. Did you not enjoy dancing, did you not enjoy watching the fights?"

"I mean I did but,"

"Take a chance Spike, go out there like you want to and explore. What's the worse that could happen, death?"

Spike stared at her with annoyance. "Yes, that's exactly the worst that can happen."

she giggled. "Welp, better not die then."

"You're too goofy for your own good."

"Cute as a button right?"

"Ugh, now you're being unpleasant."

A moment passed as Spike and Kiki sat atop the tower, both of them finishing their ice cream and setting the wooden sticks on the ledge. "Hey Spike,"


"Thanks for coming out with me today."

"Uh...no problem, I mean we're just hanging out right?"

"Y-yea, yea we are...actually, I'm just happy. You could've gone back home with Twilight, I could've just gone back to working and today would have never happened."

"Well, now I just feel sad."

"No no Don't, I'm saying thank you geez. If you hadn't waited for 3 hours for me or decided to deny my request to hang out, then it would've just been another generic day with generic things happening. Even though we only got to do like two things, I had a lot of fun, I don't get that chance being cooped up in the cast--"

Kiki let out a squeal as she covered her mouth. "I'm glad you-" he stopped, realizing her mistake. "Come again?"

"Cooped up in the house I mean, yea the house." she nervously corrected.

"What's...going on here?" Spike said taking to his feet slowly.

"Oh no no, I messed up, stupid stupid, you idiot--" she said turning to face away from Spike.

"Um, it's ok, n-nevermind, I don't need to know." He said slowly taking a step toward her. "It's fine Kiki, I forgot all about it, look, I'm rewinding my brain mentally right now."

"I--I..." she stuttered.

"You don't have to tell me, it's perfectly fine."

"I just...It was supposed to be a secr--but then I--"

"It's still a secret Kiki, you don't have to reveal it, I'm perfectly fine wit--" he started to say as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

Like a wound-up spring, she immediately shot up. "I'm the princess ok?!"

However, in her haste to reveal the secret eating away at her, she surprised Spike so much so that he stumbled backward, flailing his arms as he tipped over the edge sending Philomena rushing after him. "Son of a--" his eyes closed and feared the inevitable, smashing like paste into the ground below, until the lack of wind rushing by his person made him second guess the situation. He opened his eyes to the sight of him dangling off the side off the tower, a hand belonging to none other than Kiki's gripping his.

"I am so sorry, I didn't mean to honest, please forgive me, please please ple--"

"Apology accepted, just please pull us up." He rushed out.

Kiki reached out her free arm allowing the soaked Pheonix to travel up it and to dryness while she slowly pulled Spike into a position where his other hand could grip the ledge. Upon pulling himself up, both of them letting out a sigh of relief in safety. "Whew, that was close."

"Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry, I didn't mean to, I really didn't mean t--"

"It's ok, I'm not mad, it was an accident. Although Philo might not be so understanding," he said they watched the bird desperately trying to shake her feathers dry. "It was an accident right?"

"Of course it was," she growled. "I would never try to kill an innocent animal, even if that animal is super heavy."

"H-hey..." he said pinching his belly in disgust...wait. "Wait a minute, you're a princess?!"

My my, what a strange time to reveal such information, although she did almost kill the poor dragon and she got little Philomena all wet, that poor thing. The squirrel should be punished to the fullest extent of the law for soaking my wittle bir--sorry, got a little carried away. What's this? Is that 10,000 words I see...in one chapter. How interesting, Mariana Deep must have been slaving away for hours to reach that word count in this one chapter, It's at least twice his usual, congratulations for pushing your limits to 11:00 in the middle night master.

Now...where will our story take us next? Will it be another slice of life chapter, maybe an important one, only time will tell.

Hidden in Plain Sight

What happened...Where is...what even is this...it's just...dark...and...really really warm... With eyes halfway open and a strange warmth wrapping around him like a blanket, Spike seamlessly floated through what seemed to be nowhere space, unable to draw his focus to anything but the black warm void that surrounded him. Is this a dream? But then why...why does it feel so real to me...I can feel my claws move, I can hear my heartbeat clearly. Did Twilight cast some weird dreaming spell on me? It was then that a blue aura began to fill the space in front of him, outlining something that pulsed with intensity, vibrating the entire space like an earthquake. With each pulse, Spike held his head in discomfort, his mind becoming slightly hazy in response to the vibrations. The outline slowly became more defined, eventually beginning to shift and stir then...move. Suddenly, Spike's earlier drowsiness left him, his eyes shooting wide open as he was greeted with a startling sight, a red draconic eye staring back his way. "W-what the..."

Suddenly three different flames appeared next to Spike, one red, one blue, and one green. Like some type of playful children or pixies, the flames began to circle around him continuously, up and down, left and right, all while whispering to each other which spike could obviously hear. "He's so small Din." the blue one uttered.

"Incredibly Small Nayru." The red one replied.

"Are we sure he's the one master called for?" the green one asked.

"He has to be the one." Din and Nayru responded in unison. "Did you not feel the force Farore?"

"Indeed I did. Hmm?" Farore paused before letting out a sigh. "Apologies Din, Nayru, it seems our master wishes to speak with him."

"We can't play anymore?" they whined.

"Master says no," Farore replied, the flames suddenly retreating away before stopping in a triangle formation around the eye.

"Apologies, it has been quite some time since they've seen one..." A womanly voice echoed nearly shaking the void around them.

Spike felt his body twitch with a slight hint of fear, trying his best to comprehend what his eyes were seeing. "W-who are you, what's going on, why am I here?" He rushed out in a panic. "Am I dead, maybe asleep? What did you mean by on--"

"Be calm boy, I understand you are confused...there are many questions you have I'm sure, but I cannot answer everything...You would not understand even then..."

"Are you...a dragon too?" he curiously asked.

"Hmm..." The eye closed, the flames disappearing with it as suddenly, the entire void lit up with white. With time, the light faded revealing a beautiful castle throne room, bathed in a luminescent sapphire light that seemed to have no source. Spike took notice of himself now sitting on the room floor, his eyes widening as he turned his attention toward where the throne would be placed as there sat the answer to his curiosity. With one leg crossed over the other in pure elegance and cyan scales shimmering in the strange blue light of the room, a female dragon stared back at him the 3 flames reappearing and hovering just nearby. "You are a dragon..." he said with a hint of shock before raising an eyebrow. "Wait a minute...you're small like me, I thought dragons were supposed to be huge though." As he stood up to officially introduce himself, he was met with resistance, something tugging at his hands and feet, chains bound to his arms and legs and hooked to a wall behind him. "W-what in the--What's the big idea, let me--"

Spike stopped as the cyan-colored dragon chuckled to herself. "You are quite observant, most do not figure it out so quickly. Allow me to begin introductions. I am Ember, the master of this particular realm and these are my oracles, the ones who connect your mind to this place."

"This particular realm?" He questioned still trying to jiggle himself out of the chains. "And what's with these chains?"

"This realm is known as the Sapphire castle. Not much more than that of the castle I’m afraid.” She sat up, placing her eyes upon the dragon intently and studying him. "That aside, the Oracles informed me of a change, that which now I can sense clearly."

"You still haven't told me why I'm--"

"You are here because you are a candidate, Spike."

"Candidate? C-candidate for what?"

Suddenly the three flames began to circle him, giggling to themselves as they looped around and around. "Apologies Spike, that is all I can deliver unto you, more information would only ruin what needs to be set in motion."

Din, Naryu, and Farore began to speed up, blurring in Spike's vision and in return seemingly blurring his vision. "I...just...I," Spike felt his body grow weaker as the flames circled him, dropping to one knee as inaudible whispers filled his ears. His eyes became heavy, eventually falling to all fours as the flames finally stopped and began to speak to him in soft voices.

Thou is Destiny, Destiny is not thou...

Thou shall obtain bonds of friendship, nourishing and cherishing, until doubts no longer exist...

It shall become thy scales of revolution, delivering unto thee untold power...

Then and only then, will thy chosen truly have accepted their own destiny.

Spike couldn't fight it anymore, his entire body going limp as sleep accepted him into his embrace.

The griffon’s eyes slowly opened to the low evening light barely filling his room, a cool breeze gently drifting in. “Ugh...I told him 3 times already not to open my bucking window.” With many groans of annoyance he reluctantly slid from his bed, eyes still half closed with hope for more sleep. A few minutes passed before his eyes could fully open and assess the sight of his dirty room. “Ugh, I’m too tired to clean...buck it, not like anyone’s gonna see it.” He shuffled over a nearby mirror, watching as his groggy golden eyes traced his black-feathered body. For a Griffon, preening was everything to hygiene, of course for this young griffon, it was never one thing he looked forward to in the morning. “I really don’t wanna spend 10 minutes fixing my feathers...why can’t we just wake up looking nice ugh...”

A tea shop, quiet, simple, and fragrant with smells of various flowers, a perfect place to relax for most in the city. An older griffon sat in the kitchen, washing teacup after teacup in which dozens more sat on a shelf behind him. “Hmm...I thought that bum would be up by no--” His words were cut off by the sight of a black raven entering through a window, coming to rest its wings on the surface of a table next to the front doors. “Speak of the devil, was wondering if you’d ever get up.” The bird simply turned in the man’s direction, it’s gold eyes seemingly annoyed at the comment. “What, cat got your tongue?”

It let out a sigh as it flapped its wings and hovered behind a large pole that centered in the middle of the shop. Like an illusion, it shifted behind it and within a second, appeared the young griffon on the other side, setting a brown bag on a nearby chair. “I was pretty tired last night ok, don’t judge me.”

“Yea, staying up until 5:00 in the morning is by far your greatest idea yet.”

“Save your sarcasm Uncle.” Upon further inspection, it seemed the tea shop was empty, rather odd for a weekday. “Wait, where are all the animals?”

“Number one it’s about six in the afternoon, this is when most people stick to their homes anyway. And two, you don’t remember what tonight is?”

“Not really.”

“And to think you’ve been living here this long. It’s the Festival of Personas.”

“A festival? When in Noella did that become a thing? What even is a persona festival?”

“So ignorant, I could almost envy you.”

“S-shut up I never noticed it, what’s the big deal?”

The uncle sighed. ”First of all, it’s called the Festival of Personas, a lot of animals around here will bark your ear off if you mess it up. Secondly, it’s a festival that’s held every other month, the animals hold a celebration in the center of town that allows them to...let loose.”

“Let loose?”

“When you attend the festival, you gotta wear a mask. The whole point of this festival is to ditch your everyday stress and by putting on a mask, for most animals it’s like putting on a new face, hiding your old one and being able to really let loose without worrying your boss is watching you.”

The Nephew turned his attention to the window, watching as animals were already wearing masks while getting ready for the night. “No wonder I always avoid going to that part of town, too many animals being weird.”

“Could you stop brooding for maybe a day, you’re killing the mood?”

“Only if you stop bringing home random strangers.”

The Uncle unhooked a flask from the belt on his hip, unscrewing it before continuing. “Look, that wasn’t my fault, I had a hard day and needed someone to help me home. I was a little--”


“I’ll be honest, I was a tiny bit...drunk.”

“You’re always drunk.”

The uncle nervously paused like a deer in the headlights, realizing his nephew was staring him down as he took a swig of the flask. Slowly he screwed the cap back on and hooked it back to his belt, flashing a nervous smile back at his nephew. “Uh so...” he awkwardly uttered returning to washing dishes. “What happened with that job you said you got yesterday?”

The Nephew scoffed. “You kidding? Everything went south as soon as they got one good look at me. I know griffons are exactly common outside of our ‘magnificent’ flying city, but this is seriously stupid.”

“Did you at least try what I told you? You didn’t lose your cool like you usually do, did you?” The nephew looked away, doing his best to avoid eye contact. “Rayvin...” he uttered in an accusatory tone. “What did you do?”

A grunt was all that escaped his beak, his eyes slowly drifting back like a child who had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. “Ughhhhh...fine, I...may have lost my cool...for just a second.”

“Don’t give me that ‘for just a second’ bull, what did you do?”

“Look, It wasn’t my fault, that bucking turtle said move the bucking rocks from one side of the garden to the other, and they weren’t light let me tell you.”

“So how did you mess up something as simple as moving a rock?”

“He told me to...to do other stuff.”


“Trim the bushes, water the garden, feed the fish...”


“Yea, that’s it.”

“So what’s wrong with that?!”

“Look, he told me, move rocks and get paid, I never agreed to be a gardener.”

“And what exactly was the job?”

“An estate keeper.”

“Oh for the love of--that’s in the job description.”

“Come again?”

“An estate keeper is a housekeeper you idiot, you take care of the house, including the garden.”

“Oh for buck’s sake, why didn’t they put that in the ad?”

“Because everyone knows what an estate keeper is.”

“Ugh, whatever, I didn’t like the turtle anyway.”

“Why, was he too nice?” he teased.

“Do not give me that tone, it’s a real problem.”

“Hey, I’m a griffon too and I’ve been getting along just fine, what’s your excuse?”

“You just don’t understand, it’s just...like...ugh...how can they be so. Happy. All the bucking time, I just wanna,” he mimicked the motion of squeezing someanimal’s head.

The other griffon sighed, making his way from behind the counter to lean against a table. “It’s called making an effort.”

“An effort to do what, be nice to everyone who’s expecting me to bust in, claws and curse words galore? If they’re gonna see a griffon as shifty and rude, then why disappoint them?” he questioned with venom in his tone. “Wait no...please, please don’t say it...”

“An effort to make friends.”

Rayvin threw his hands up in annoyance, turning away from the other griffon. “I already told you, we’re griffons, we don’t need friends, we can carry our own weight.”

“Careful, You’re emo is showing.”

“Buzz off, you sound like my mom.”

“And you sound like my idiot brother who married her. Don’t tell me that’s who told you that nonsense?”

Rayvin let out a grunt as he turned back to face the griffon. “So what if he did?”

“So what? Are we just gonna ignore the fact that that’s the exact reason she left him? I mean I can’t remember the last time that old coot wasn’t bitter or yelling at the top of his lungs.”

“He has a right to be bitter and old, he did his job of raising me.”

“Don’t be an idiot, I know what you’re thinking. My brother has never been one to care for family, only if they benefit hi--”

“Don’t you say it.” he hissed. “You just feel that way because you’re jealous of fear old br-”

“Shut your break kid, it’s not like that.” the uncle interrupted. “ I hardly even envy that status, with all that responsibility on your shoulders I’d rather be homeless.”

Rayvin felt his entire body shiver at those words. “My bad...”

The uncle sighed, the flask once again leaving his hip and pressing to his beak. “No need, it’s my bad. I know how you feel about your old man, I shouldn’t have brought it up. Look, nephew, I know I’m a little hard on you but you understand why right? I just wanna make sure you’re not pulling my wing here when you say you can handle yourself.”

Rayvin still continued to stare at the floor, a few grunts escaping his beak made his inner conflict clear. “I...I can handle myself, you don’t need to worry Uncle Qrow.”

Qrow’s smile never left his beak and yet he knew deep down, his nephew was hurting inside. “I hope so. Now get your butt over here, I need help with dinner.”

“Actually,” Rayvin interrupted, taking hold of the bag and slipping one of the straps around his arm. “I had a lead on a job before I came in last night. I would like to follow up on it.”

“Oh, way to make me feel all lonely inside.”

“I d-didn’t mean t--”

“I’m just messing with you, get your beak out of here and go get that job.”


“You need the money don’t ya?”

“You’re not wrong.”

“Then keep it moving, do what needs to be done, nephew.”

As Rayvin slid the door closed to the tea shop, there were no words to explain the secret tension that left the room, both uncle and nephew letting out audible sighs of frustration as both went about their day. Rayvin made his way down the street, peering over his shoulder to make sure nobody was looking his way. With a swift motion, he turned down a dark alley, disappearing into the late evening darkness. Like magic, a raven appeared from the darkness, shooting above the buildings, the wind guiding his black feathers into the sky. Dozens of animals gave the raven no notice as was it’s intention, soaring over them like a thought in the back of the head, unseen, unheard, forgotten. The raven must have traveled halfway across the city before he finally landed at an obscure cafe. With finesse, the raven flew in through the bathroom window, Rayvin appearing in a stall seconds later. He slowly exited, taking care to survey his surroundings before making his way toward a table in the back hidden from prying eyes. With hesitation, he pulled something from his bag, scanning it and letting out yet another sigh.

“If that’s the way you scan a room,” a voice uttered making Rayvin quickly shove the item back into his bag. “Then you are worse than I give you credit for dweeb.”

“G-Gilda? What are you--”

“Doing here? I thought it was freaky that one of my best “employees” went dark for a week, got a little...worried.” Rayvin growled at the comment, Gilda flashing a cocky smile in response. “Don't give me those eyes dweeb, I was genuinely worried.”

“We talked about this, I’m...Just...what do you want?”

“I have a job for you.”

“That involves?”

Gilda took a second to survey her surroundings before pulling something out of her pocket and sliding it across the table. “A target.”

Rayvin’s eyes went wide at the sight. “I thought I told you I was done.”

“But nobody gets the job done like you do dweeb.”

“Call Gallus, what about him?”

“He’s been on his last assignment for nearly 2 weeks, we haven’t heard a single thing from him.”

“So get somebody else to do it.”

“You’re the only one in Ponyville capable enough.”

Rayvin internally cursed, his eyes scanning over the picture in front of him. “Look, I don’t do that anymore, so take this and hire a new recruit or something, I’m done I told you.”

“Well buck, I guess that’s understandable your highness,” she said beginning to stand up.

“W-what did you call me?”

“Oh, sorry about that, force of habit in the presence of royalty.”


“What, didn’t think we’d do our research on you?” she said sitting back down once more. “How crazy is it that royalty would end up working for me, that’s almost as rare as a pony eating meat.”

Rayvin paused, eyes filled with anger and anxiety as he stared back at her. “How did you...how did you find out when--”

“Griffons don’t have the security other animals do, can barely keep an ant from getting into the castle, let alone a fully grown griffon. As for your secret second life, we’ve known ever since a week after your first mission that you were indeed the long lost prince of the griffon kingdom there in cloudsdale. Imagine my surprise when I read that novel worthy backstory. A single son born unto the royal family, grew up in royal care until the age of 14 then suddenly was banished by his own father from the kingdom and forced to make do with normal life only after the king was struck with a strange illness that left him confined to his castle. I’ll be honest, I didn’t plan for a day something like this would fall into my lap, but I’m not complaining.”

“So what, you gonna expose me now, make everyone treat me differently and make me go into hiding?”

“I could...or...” with a swift move, she suddenly appeared on his lap, gently sliding the picture on the table closer to them. “You could help me out with this and get paid enough to finally fix dear old daddy. Isn’t that what you want, to restore your place in the royal family and once again be in line to rule the griffons?”

Rayvin felt his entire being shiver at the thought having to work yet another throw-away job, being subjected to overworking and possibly even the racial profiling that most griffons receive on a daily basis. “And...you’ll pay me for real this time...no tricks, full amount?”

“Dweeb, if you can nail this before the end of Friday in three days, I’ll triple it.” Rayvin paused, his mind shifting from one side of the spectrum and back, over and over. On one claw, his place as the rightful heir to the throne, on the other, risk. She could easily be lying about the pay, he could easily be caught committing the crime, the target may have more protection than he thinks, there were just too many factors to consider. Then he felt the strangest thing, a kiss on his cheek. “Come on Ray, I could throw in the special treat--”

“Keep your beak off me, I’ll take the job geez.”

“I knew that would work.”

“Your special treatment isn’t why I said yes.”

“Sure it isn’t dweeb,” she said with a giggle, hopping off his lap and beginning to walk off. “Remember, before Friday or the deals off.”

“What? You said that was just the deadline for the triple pay.”

“I lied, it’s the full deadline, get it done or no pay.”

“I swear to bucking--” Gilda shot back a cocky smirk as her form was obscured a passerby, vanishing in an instant. Rayvin turned his frustrated attention back toward the picture he was given, his eyes studying it with more hesitation than he had ever felt before. His mind felt like there was a 10-ton weight on it, his claws clenched tight enough to draw blood, the sign of true guilt. “Not again...I promised uncle I wouldn’t get into this ever again. But...” He quickly got to his paws, taking the picture and his bag and exiting the cafe. As he proceeded down the street, he felt his claws twitching constantly, trying not to imagine eyes all around him, dozens of animals looking, judging. “Ignore them Rayvin, you’ve got bigger problems,” he uttered looking back at the picture. “...I don’t have a choice. If I make him better...then he’ll have to take me back, he has to.

“Would you calm down, we got to see a good portion of the city didn’t we?”

“Yea but for only like an hour, I had so many things planned today and someanimal just had to sleep until 6 in the afternoon, there’s not even enough time to spar, good job sleepy head.”

“I said I was sorry Kiki, besides what’s the rush?”

“What’s the rush?!” she said quickly grabbing him by the shoulders. “Tonight is the Festival of Personas.”

“The Festival of Personas? Wait you mean that freaky festival where everyone puts on a mask and gets all weird.”

“Hmph, you obviously don’t know culture when you see it.”

“Culture? My Grandmaster spoke so highly of this festival, but then he always came home drunk so that kinda raised a few red flags.”

“Oh boy...yep, it’s true, this is night all animals can put on a mask and be something they’re not without a boss or a princess looking over their shoulder so you know...drink away most animals say.”

“So does being a princess not allow drinking or--”

“Of course it doesn’t. Besides, I don’t drink, I hate not having a clear head. Actually,” she paused, turning her attention toward the towering castle in the distance. “When I was young, I used to peer out the window, down here at the animals and just imagine myself walking among them, talking among them, being free of my room and the constant care...then one night, I saw something, a massive concentration of lights and fireworks, singing that could be heard all the way from the castle. I didn’t know it then but...that was my first time seeing the Festival of Personas. Well...at least from a bedroom window. I’ve never once felt free of my status, even when I snuck out of the castle to come down to the school and draw. I still felt trapped, like if someone recognized me, they’d immediately bow and serve my every need, exactly what I was trying to escape. So...that’s my goal.” she said excitedly pointing out a poster of the upcoming event. “I’m going straight to the festival. With a mask on, nobody would even have a hint as to who I am, I can finally be a normal animal, let loose.”

“That sounds like a hell of a plan.”

“Yep...” Suddenly her eyes drooped to the floor, a sense of sadness coming over her stance. “But it’s stupid, it’d never work.”

“Why not, nobody knows you’re a princess without a mask, why would they know who you are with one?”

“Because...my own mom is going to be attending this year.”


“My mother is going to be attending the festival tonight, I overheard her before sneaking out of the castle the morning.”

“But with the mask, she wouldn--”

“It’s a mask spike, not a full-on costume, my mother or her guards could pick me out of a crowd in an instant. Let’s not forget that there aren’t exactly a lot of white squirrels floating around.”

“That’s...actually a good point,” he said, letting out a sigh. “Based on what you told me yesterday at the clock tower, she sees you, its bye bye freedom and probably around the clock security.”

“Nailed it.”

“Hmm...” Spike let his mind work the problem in silence, his eyes staring intently Kiki’s.

“W-what, what are you looking at?”

“You’re going.”

“W-wait what?”

“You’re going to that festival.”

“B-but I just said that it’s useless, fooling my mom is almost as hard as getting a pony to eat meat.”

“Look, being cooped up in that castle doesn’t sound fun, even if you do sneak out. So, I wanna help you get into that festival.”

“Y-you’re serious?”

“I can always go home if you’re not feeling--”

“No no no, it’s cool it’s cool, I reeeally wanna go.”

“Then it’s a plan, but first we have to figure out how to make you completely unrecognizable, even underneath a mask.”

Kiki felt a hint of curiosity slowly make itself known. “But how, I mean we could avoid her, but...all the best stuff is usually in the center of everything, most likely where she’ll be. There’s no way she wouldn’t see me.”

“Well simply avoiding her sounds boring so let’s take a different approach. What we need is to hide you in plain sight.”

“In plain sight...like a costume?”

“Maybe, but I was thinking something a bit more clumsy-proof.”

“Hey, I’m not that clumsy.”

“You almost knocked me off the clocktower three times before we finally got down.”

“That was an...accident...”

“Aka, not going up there ever again. Anyway, what we need to do is simply change your appearance. you know, fur color or something?”

A gasp escaped Kiki. “Your a genius, dyeing my fur is exactly what I need to do, why didn’t I think of that?”

“Why didn’t you?” Spike mocked.

“Shut your muzzle and follow me, I know a mare who can do just what we’re looking for. I just hope she’s not still holding a grudge...

“What was that?”

“Uh, nothing, just excited about how I’m gonna get to go to the festival is all.” Spike gave an annoyed grunt as they took off down the street. With a turn here and a turn there, they finally landed at their destination, a mix of excitement and fear on Kiki’s face. “This is it. Oh boy...

“I can still hear you, what are you getting nervous about now?”

“N-nothing, you’re just hearing things, c’mon let’s go inside silly.” She quickly shot back with a creepily happy smile.

“I’ve got a bad feeling about this...”

A bell placed above the doorway chimed their entrance as the door slid open. In front of them was a counter, a glass case behind it holding dozens of beauty products. To their left was what Spike assumed to actually be the store itself, housing 4 chairs on each side with large dome-like machine hooked to the back of them. “What... is this pla--” Spike’s lips froze, his eyes instantly widening at the smell that now registered in his brain, covering his nose nearly a second later. “Oh dear Celestia, that is...I’ve survived plants that use tons and tons of pheromones to capture prey, but this is just...overwhelmingly strong.”

“No kidding, you’ll get used to it though, it’s kind of her thing as is all things fashionista.”

“And who exactly is she?”

“Coming darling, just putting a few finishing touches on a project!” A voice called from deep in the back of the building. “And...done.” the voice uttered before the sound of a door opening alerted them that whoever it was finally coming their way. “Apologies darling, I have been simply obsessed with trying to perfect this latest design and it is--Hmm?”

Spike watched as the mare paused, her eyes widening as she finally got a good look at him. Oh...oh wow, she is...just wow. She could not get any prettier, I mean just...those azure blue eyes and that purple hair...crap, focus Spike, focus. “Sorry for interrupting your prett--I mean mam. My name is Spike and I was wondering if you could kiss--I mean help me and my friend here out with something.”

For a moment, the mare didn’t speak, her eyes tracing Spike’s frame as if to study him. “Well well...this is quite a surprise.” Spike felt his breath escape him as the mare closed her eyes and an eerie smile crept onto her face. “You are by far the cutest thing that has ever walked into my salon.” Spike couldn’t help but blink twice as a blush covered his cheeks. “I apologize, I’m not one for believing in fairy tales.”

“Uh, I don’t quite understand mam.”

“Oh how rude, your sure adorableness seems to have made me forget my manners, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Rarity, but you may call me...beauty.”

Beauty doesn’t even begin to cover it... Spike thought as his mind became hazy at the sound of her name, not even realizing the bit of drool dripping from his mouth. Spike came to that realization as soon as a giggle came from Rarity. “Oh crap, sorry, I didn’t mean t-to stare or like--”

“Hehe, it’s quite fine actually, I find it to be quite...endearing. That aside, Spike was it, you are a real dragon yes?”

“Y-yes mam, through and through, I can breathe fire and everything.”

“So that means the scales upon your back are...authentic?”

“As far as I know, I’m the only dragon left.”

Spike’s infatuation was immediately joined by a shiver up his spine, not of excitement but fear. An almost devilish smile had crept onto the mare’s face, her eyes locking onto his. “Oh heavens, what luck the princesses have granted me.”

“Kiki?” he whispered. “She’s really pretty but now she’s starting to creep me ou-” Wait, w-what the...S-she’s gone, where did she go?! Did she just throw me under the cart or--

“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for someone of your caliber to come along. A dragon, a real dragon, gracing my salon with his presence, I can’t believe it.” Like a blur, the mare latched onto Spike’s shoulders, a strange red shine beginning to form on the edge of her blue eyes. “I need your help Spikey Wikey, you’re the only one who can.”

Spike’s blush returned, ten times the amount now. “A-as great as that sound, w-we need your help...actually...please...”

“Oh Spikey, you do this for me,” she uttered tracing a finger across his chest. “And anything you want is free of charge.”

“I’m not gonna have to fight am I?”

“Oh, quite the opposite you handsome little drake.”

Ok, this is fine. We’re cool. Even if she’s incredibly hot, I have to focus and get through this. Dye fur, get out, simple as that. “I-I-I’ll consider it...W-what is it exactly?”

“I need a source of material for my next piece and it just so happens a very handsome dragon entered my humble shop.”

“I don’t know how well fire would mix with fabri--”

“No no silly.” Suddenly that small sheen of red surrounded her entire iris, glowing with unpredictable intent. “What I need Spikey is your scales.”

“Oh that makes sense, why would you wanna bur--come again?”

“Your scales darling, they shine with a most...delectable shade of purple. If you’d be so kind as to part with a few of them, I’d be happy to fulfill your request...free of charge of course.

Spike’s infatuation dissipated like smoke on the wind, his body instinctively jumping back. “No no no no no no no, not a chance.”

“Whatever is the matter darling, why so protective of something that will most likely grow back?”

“Because it’s so. Itchy. Imagine the worst itch you’ve ever had and multiply that by a thousand, I never wanna go through that pain again.”

“Oh my...” Rarity uttered in a dramatic tone before supposedly fainting.

Spike’s quick reflexes couldn’t help but kick in as he slid across the floor to catch her in his arms. “Rarity?! H-hey, are you ok what happened?”

“Oh my, it seems I’m a bit dehydrated...I felt so weak. But to be caught by such a strapping young man...”

His infatuation in the mare didn’t stay gone long as the blush once again returned to his face. “Y-you’re gonna be fine Rarity, I swear on my life. I-I’ll get you to a clinic and--”

“Please darling, allow me to say something...before I lose consciousness.”

“A-are you sure, you look pretty weak ri--”

“Darling...Spikey Wikey...the only way to heal me...is with the love of a ki--”

“And I’m done.”

With a swift motion, he let her body drop the ground, his eyes obviously annoyed as she rubbed her back in discomfort. “H-how rude, that is not a way to treat a lady who simply wanted a kiss.”

“You say a kiss but don’t think I didn’t feel those tweezers trying to pluck a scale off me.”

“W-what a ludicrous accusation...” she said quickly sliding the tweezers behind her leg. “How rude to accuse me, a proper mare, of such an act. You’re lucky I find you so...devishly handsome or I would have the authorities here in minutes.”

“No need to go that far, all me and Kiki want is--”

“Kiki? You came in here alone did you not?”

“Uh, no actually--where is...” Rarity felt a hint of confusion as Spike searched the waiting area for his friend. After a minute, Spike let out a sound of victory, his arm reaching underneath a nearby table covered by a red cloth. “What are you doing under there?”

“No no, don’t let her know I’m here.” Her voice whispered back.

“Come out of there, you’re the one getting your fur dyed aren’t you?”

“Spike no I--” her words were cut short as Spike dragged her from under the table, a nervous smile spread across her face as Rarity finally locked eyes with her. “Oh, hey there...Rarity.”

“Well well well...What luck...it is that you of all animals would end up in my salon again...thief.”

“Oh come on Rarity, don’t you remember how good of friends we were?”

“I remember plenty you shifty little rodent.”

“You’re not seriously still holding a grudge are you?”

“Oh, I’m holding more than grudge darling.” Spike could only watch as Rarity seemed to more get more fired over the course of a minute, Kiki doing the best she could to deflect each and every word that came from the mare’s mouth. “Just admit you took it and your punishment won’t be as severe.”

“I didn’t take anything Rarity, you’re just imagining things, you didn’t believe then and you still won’t believe me now, I guess that’s how prim and proper ladies work nowadays huh?”

Rarity’s face once elegant and beautiful, suddenly became filled with anger. “Don’t you insult me just because I have proper manners, growing up in Canterlot was the best thing that ever happened to me.”

“I beg to differ.”

“Ok ok ok ok!” Spike interrupted quieting the two instantly. “I’ve seen better catfights from actual cats, what is up with you two?”

Kiki sighed. “Ms. priss over here thinks I stole something a suuuuper long time ago when I knew better to steal, I’m no thief.”

Rarity scoffed at that comment. “And I know I wasn’t hallucinating, I made sure to take count of everything I owned and something just so happen to come up missing the last day this thief was working for me.”

Spike let out a sigh. “Ugh, and I thought dealing with the twin's arguments back in the Everfree was bad. Kiki, please tell me you’re not fighting this hard for a lie?”

“What, I’m serious, I didn’t take anything.”

“Kiki...” he uttered in an accusatory tone. “You wanna go to that festival, don’t you? If you took something, now’s the time to own it.”

An annoyed grunt escaped Kiki as she turned to face away from Rarity. “I just...ugh fine.”

“So you did take something?” Rarity quickly shot back.

“I...borrowed it?”

“What did you take?” Spike asked.

Kiki let out a sigh as she turned back to face Rarity. “I took...a bottle of perfume.”

“Run that by me again, a bottle of perfume?” she nodded. “Wait, why would you hold a grudge over--”

“You don’t understand Spikey Wikey,” Rarity quickly chimed in. “It was a priceless bottle of Celeste Symphony, one, if not, the most expensive perfume known to pony kind, developed and released by Princess Celestia herself. It cost me half of what I pay for this store to get my hands on one, and took me nearly 5 years to replace after sticky paws over here ran off with it.”

“I’m...sorry about that.” Kiki tried to apologize but Rarity felt it couldn’t be justified, a fire now burning deep within her eyes.

“What was your reasoning for taking such a priceless thing from under my nose, did you ever really care about working here or were you simply using me to scope out items of value.”

“Look I--”

“Oh no no, you don’t get to escape darling, you’re going to work back every single bit until--”

“Whoa whoa whoa, Rarity please, let’s take it down a level.” Spike quickly asked.

“Why should I, she admitted to her crime, why shouldn’t there be a punishment?”

“Ok, I can see that you’re a bit... well, pissed. But the least you can do is hear her out, please? Pretty Please?”

Her face twisted with anger, her mouth opening and closing as if to want to get out an insult but words never left it. Eventually, she crossed her arms and let out a sigh. “Fine, we shall see how she justifies such an expensive crime.”

Spike motioned to Kiki to continue. “Hmm...look, I’m really sorry about that, I’m not that kind of animal anymore.”

“And why should I believe you.”

“Because the only reason I stole that perfume was to fund my art. When I sold the bottle, I used the money to buy me a few dozen art books.”

“Wait, but you were already--”

“I was afraid to ask for a raise...I didn’t want you to think I was taking advantage of you...which now that I think about it, I was not very smart.”

“Let me see,” she replied coldly.

“S-see what?”

“Your drawings, let. Me. See. Them.”

“Ok ok, just stop giving me the death stare already.”

Kiki reluctantly pulled the sketchbook from her tail and handed it to Rarity, she could swear a bead of sweat rolled down her cheek as the mare flipped through the pages. “Hmm...Interesting...I see.”

For a moment it seemed she was lost in the drawings, constantly flipping back and forth between 2 drawings then flipping to another before once again flipping back to the first. After what seemed like an eternity, she closed the book and handed it back to Kiki. “Well...what did you think?”

A long silence followed that question, a certain tension in the air never seeming to fade as Rarity seemingly empowered it with pure willpower alone. “Well...I can’t say that completely forgive her...or trust her.” Rarity began, a certain hesitation shining through every word that left her mouth. “But...I’m willing to overlook this incident this one time.”


“Yes yes, I’m already regretting it but...your art is quite detailed, I can see now that at least my hard-earned money wasn’t wasted on something so...trivial.”

“Thank Celestia,” Kiki uttered finally releasing an anxiety-filled breath.

“Be happy darling, cause that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook.”

“Wait what?”

“You may have saved yourself this time, and an even harsher punishment later, but that doesn’t mean punishment isn’t still in order.

“Oh, that’s just great, really looking forward to it...” Kiki whined.

“Don’t worry, it’ll play to your...new strengths. Now, what exactly did you need from Ms. Rarity’s salon?”

Spike took a step forward, finally able to place himself back in the conversation. “Oh yea, we need your fashion expertise on something.”

“But Spikey wikey, you’re simply divine, scales shimmering like crystals in the sunlight, the cutest little green eyes---”

“Not me...” he said letting a little blush fill his cheeks.

“Oh, you mean...” she said turning her attention to Kiki. “Is that so?” she uttered, an eerie smile once again spreading across her face. “How may I be of ssssservice darling?”

Great, she still exaggerates her s’s like a weird snake person, really missed that can’t get enough. Kiki thought as she felt a shiver go up her spine, taking a step behind Spike in fear. “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea...”

“Nonesssssense darling, you can ask anything of me...anything.”

“You know what, maybe the festival isn’t such a good id--”

“We need you to dye her fur.” Spike chimed in.

“Quite a simple task, although it wouldn’t hurt to know why?”


“Yes why, is it for the festival?”

“You could say that.” Spike nervously replied.

“I detect a hint of hesitation in that response, you aren’t trying to hide something are you?”

An exaggerated laugh left both their mouths as Rarity stared at them with confusion. “Us, hiding something, no way,” they both said. Don’t figure it out, don’t figure it out, don’t figure it out, don’t figure it out, don’t figure it out, don’t figure it out.

Rarity paused a moment, her eyes scanning their every motion and emotion. “Hmm...well I suppose it’s none of my business.” Spike and Kiki both let out a sigh of relief. “So what are we looking to do, the tail, a paw, a leg--”

“My entire body.” Kiki interrupted.

“From head to toe? That’s a steep order, and so close to the start of the festival too.”

“I know it’s a huge ask on such short notice, but I need to be completely unrecognizable.”

“That sounds suspicious.”

“Uh no no, it’s just...uh, help me out here Spike,” she whispered.

“She has a...stalker yea, a stalker. He follows her everywhere and will probably be at the festival tonight.”

“Oh my, if that’s the case then I’ll gladly do it. Your price is 700 bits.”

“Wow, that is...expensive.”

“I can’t run such an expensive salon on scraps darling.”

“So...theoretically speaking...”


“Let’s say I don’t...currently have 700 bits. There isn’t like... anyway I could put this on a tab?”

“Heavens no, this would require at least a full bottle of fur dye, I simply couldn’t fathom the loss...unlesssssssss...” she uttered, that creepy smile returning to her face as she stared at Spike.

“Oh no...”

“This is amazing, I can’t believe how different I look!” Kiki happily exclaimed as she and Spike walked down the street.

“You think Rarity has a boyfriend?”

“I mean just look at me, I knew white squirrels were rare but a black squirrel, mom will never see this coming.”

“I mean know has the crazy tick for my scales and that weird snake speech thing, but she is wow wow amazing.”

“Now all we need is the mask and I'll be completely incognito, I think there’s a shop near here that sells them actually. What kind of mask do you want?”

“If I can make her forget about my scales, then I think a first date would be complet--”


Spike shook his head in confusion, turning back to her with ignorance in his eyes. “Were you saying something?”

“You weren’t listening at all were you?”

“Y-yea, I was, I defintely was.”

“Then what did I say?”


“What. Did. I. Say?”

“You were talking about...Rar--”

“If you say Rarity, I will smack you with my tail.”


“Ugh, it’s bad enough that she started calling you Spikey Wikey. Although, if it weren’t for Spikey Wikey, we would have been out and arm and a leg so at least something came out of it. Now, enough that very awkward topic, we need masks and then we need a festival.”

“I’m actually pretty curious to see what this festival is like up close. A party is one thing but an entire festival sounds fun, of course, my drunk grandmaster isn’t giving me a lot of good expectations.”

“And Twilight?”

“Planned any and every bit of the few parties she did get the chance to throw me. If it didn’t go as planned, she kind of went off the deep end. Thank Celestia we had Pinkie Pie there to lighten the mood.”

“Oh Twilight, she’s the shiniest of gems.”

“And you’re still idolizing her, that is some extreme dedication.”

“Enough small talk, I saw a bunch of animals coming from that way with masks on, that must be where the shop is, let’s go!” Kiki excitedly exclaimed running off like middle schooler.

Spike was about to rush to follow until a certain...smell caught his nose. He turned it upward, sniffing the air, trying to track it down but ultimately came to no conclusion. “Must be something on the wind, coulda sworn I smelled a--”

“Are you coming?!” Kiki angrily yelled.

“Oh yea sorry sorry sorry, I’m coming.”

Spike rushed to catch up to Kiki. Unbeknownst to him, a certain animal with a rather familiar set of piercing red eyes gave a smile, a chuckle following it. The skunk got to his feet and proceeded in the opposite direction of Spike and Kiki, pulling a communicator from his person and placing it to his ear. “Turqoi, you online?”


“Turqoi? Turqoi, get your nose out of whatever you're reading and answer me.”

“Would you be quiet you simpleton, you’re interrupting one of the greatest read I’ve ever found.”

“More important than your mission?”

“It’s the 2nd part to the origin of magic, I never dreamed the Ponyville library would have such an interesting find, it’s truly wonder--”

“Ugh, take off your geek cap for ten seconds and give me an update.”

“Hmph, how rude. The least you could do is try and be excited about the world’s history Beryl. Now, am I to assume this hastiness means nothing came of your endeavor?”

“Tsk tsk tsk, I’m offended you think so little of me.”

“Your offense is irrelevant, did you or did you not accomplish your goal?”

“Oh Turqoi, do you even have to ask? Looks like our squirrel is partying it up tonight at the festival, and being pretty dang obvious about it. Funny thing, she dyed her fur completely black.”

“An adept plan I see, hiding in plain sight.”

“And what’d you get on your end, hopefully not a bunch of egghead nonsense.”

A sigh escaped her as the sound of pages flipping filled the silence. “That Egghead nonsense is called history, maybe you should take a second to learn it.” she coldly shot back.

“Nah, that’s all you Turqoi, I can only tolerate one bookworm in my life.”

“Don’t be surprised if you end up encased in a block of ice Beryl.”

“So did you get the info or not?”

“Even with my level of skill, I had a hard time tracking down a good source. Even so, I was able to eventually pinpoint an unusually high concentration of magic coming from a location on the edge of the city, a clinic I believe.”

“Perfect, that gives us enough time to put things in motion. You’re ok to take care of the magic right?”

“It’s not like anybody else would do it correctly. And you?”

“I just feel so bad that I was forced to walk away from my fight so awkwardly, sooo very bad that I want to make it up to that Squirrel.”

“You gonna ask her out now romeo?” Turqoi teased.

“Don’t be jealous Turqoi, it’s only natural that women fall for me.”

“Cute,” she sarcastically responded.

“First things first, I need to formally introduce myself, and what better day to do that,” he said sneakily plucking a mask off a merchant’s cart and putting it on, his red eyes shining like rubies through the eyes holes. “Then at a party.”

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