
Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven

by Rixizu

Chapter 13

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Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven
Chapter 13
by Rixizu

Sleuth listened patiently behind a window out of sight as Viceroy Night Light ranted and rambled as his fellows. He was furious with Duke Greengrass for not helping when Ms. Top escaped.

“As I said Night Light.” Greengrass continued. “I was startled by the sudden outburst. What do you expect of me?”

“I expect you to help me stop those damn Rangers.” Night Light yelled. “Now one is on the loose somewhere. As if Lulamoon running around wasn’t bad enough!”

Sleuth rolled his eyes. Shouldn’t that be the police’s job? He didn’t buy the reasoning that the police needed them because of the Ranger’s dangerous powers. For some reason, the chief and several higher-ups thought they were vital in containing the Rangers.

“Relax.” Archduke Fisher said confidently. “She’s on her way to Canterlot, we will grab her there.”

Night Light got into Fisher’s face. “Are you sure my daughter is helping her?”

“Positive. She was seen at the train station.” Fisher nodded.

Huh. That complicates things. Isn’t she a first class unicorn mage? Sleuth thought. And who knew what tricks a unicorn could pull out of their hat sometimes.

Night Light scowled. “I’m going to Canterlot. I’m going to have to teach her a lesson.”

"No," Greengrass said simply.

“What!” Night Light demanded.

"You are too close to this Viceroy," Greengrass said. "You are being too emotional. Trixie will use that against you. I suggest you stay in Ponyville and help capture Ms. Top."

“And let you capture Lulamoon?” Night Light challenged.

“No. I will stay here. I’ll have Notary and Vinyl go. The two will be well suited to the task. Vinyl knows the city like the back of her hoof. I don’t think we should divide our forces too thin.” Greengrass said.

“And what are you going to do Fisher?” Night Light asked narrowing his eyes.

Fisher grinned. “Hunt Carrot Top of course.” He gave a laugh. “That little filly interests me. She’s done an ample job evading the police. Who would have guessed that filly had such fight in her?”

Night Light rubbed his sour nose. “So, it would seem.”

“According to my reports, she’s hiding the Everfree now.” Fisher seemed delighted. “She is going to be quite the hunt.” Sleuth almost fell over in surprise.

Night Light looked startled. “Is she insane?”

Sleuth had to agree. She must be pretty desperate to hide there. The Night Court is going to have their hooves full.

"Quite possibly," Greengrass commented.

"I agree with the Duke," Fisher said, "Notary is a capable and ruthless mare. She will find Lulamoon and catch her. No doubt about it.”

“We need calm minds for this.” Greengrass nodded.

Night Light scowled and considered this. He finally relented. “Fine, my presence might complicate the search. I’m not exactly on the best terms with my daughter right now.” He gave a rueful laugh. “She’s probably doing this to spite me. She’s always been a stubborn filly.”

Night Light looked away. “I think it would be best if I didn’t see my daughter right now.” He stared at Greengrass right in the eyes. “Your mare better not hurt a single hair on her head Greengrass, or I will end you and destroy everything you have.”

Greengrass gave a gracious bow. “That is why I am having Vinyl accompany her. She’s an expert at sleep spells. Notary can be… a little too forceful at times.”

“I am holding you to that.” Night Light said with a threat and exited the room.

I see they are busy. Sleuth thought as he snuck away. Unsurprisingly, the Night Court members didn’t say anything incriminating. He didn’t trust them. He didn’t like the way they were plotting and scheming against the Galaxy Rangers or pushing the police around like they owned them. He’d been keeping his eye on them for a while. As Greengrass said, Night Light was too close to this. He had a personal vendetta, and it was getting out of control.

This only strengthened his gut feeling that something didn’t smell right about all this. The higher ups seemed a little too eager to solve this case. Despite the evidence, Sleuth had his doubts about Lulamoon’s guilt. He was a bit glad for Lulamoon’s escape. It gave him a little more time to investigate. He was determined to find the real truth of the matter free of the Night Court's machinations.

Sleuth blinked. Wasn’t that Lulamoon right now? She was some distance away, but he could definitely see her headed towards the outskirts of town. Sleuth smirked and followed her carefully.


Trixie scanned the area as she peered through a bush. It took about an hour, but she was finally able to find the area Rarity talked about. Squinting her eyes, she could the message Pokey supposedly left pointing her as his killer. Nopony was around so she tentatively entered the clearing. Twilight and Trixie decided to split up. Trixie would search the clearing while Twilight searched the cliff area.

Trixie started to shake as she approached the blood stain on the wall. She was consumed with intense emotions. Sadness at losing a friend and anger at herself for not being able to protect Pokey. She stroked the bloodstained wall and looked down. She felt tears building up around her eyes. She forced herself to get it together. Pokey was counting on her.

Trixie examined the bloodstain. It looked like a skid mark. Trixie agreed with Rarity that Pokey wasn’t stabbed here. If he was, then one would expect a large pool of blood under him, right? Trixie wondered the exact time Pokey was stabbed and how long it look before he was thrown in this quarry. However, there was more blood than Trixie expected. In fact, the stain looked a little odd. It seemed possible that Pokey moved around a bit before he died. Not much, but Trixie could see it. Pokey must have been too weak from blood loss. He might have been alive when he was dropped in here before he succumbed to his wounds.

Trixie stared at the bloodstained message. Trixie guessed it kinda looked like Pokey’s writing, but it was still too good for a dying pony. She looked around for anything else of note around the wall. After five minutes, she gave up. It didn’t seem like she could learn anything else.

“Hey did you find anything interesting?” Twilight yelled from atop the cliff.

“A little, you?” Trixie looked up and saw Twilight standing above her.

Twilight horn lit up, and she was standing next to Trixie. She shook her head. "Nothing, unfortunately. The police looked over this place pretty good."

Trixie sighed. She guessed as much. It was a long shot to think the police overlooked a vital clue.

Trixie and Twilight started back to Ponyville. An idea struck Trixie as they walked. Maybe it would be a good idea to steal the police file on her case and see what they learned. Twilight’s magic should make that pretty easy. Trixie really wanted to read Pokey’s autopsy report.

Trixie noticed that Twilight wasn’t following. She spotted Twilight looked at some birds playing in the trees. “Is something the matter?”

"I wonder if they saw anything," Twilight muttered to herself.

Trixie blinked. “What?”

“The birds. I wonder if they saw anything. They’re a lot of birds around here.” Twilight repeated. “We should ask them.”

“Twilight, what are talking about?” Trixie was baffled at this statement and wondered if Twilight had lost her marbles.

"One, even if they could tell us, it isn't like the court system would accept their testimony," Trixie said in a tone like she was talking to a small foal, “two, they are just dumb animals.”

The birds suddenly turned and started glaring at her. Okay, that was weird. She shook her head and thought it was only her imagination.

"No Trixie," Twilight said, "they are smarter than they look."

Trixie snorted. “They have brains the size of pebbles. Would they even know what they saw even if they did see something? The only thing they can do is poop and eat and not much else. They are probably some of the stupidest creatures in the animal kingdom.” She considered them really annoying pests that never shut up.

Trixie screamed as the birds suddenly flew towards her and started pecking at her face. She tried and failed to bat them away with her hooves. Luckily Twilight created a barrier around Trixie. The birds chirped angrily when they couldn't get to Trixie anymore and flew away.

"Thanks," Trixie said in a strained voice. Stupid birds.

“Are you okay?” Twilight asked.

"Yes, fine," Trixie said rubbing her head which still stung, "so, what exactly is this talk about asking birds if they saw anything?" She was very confused what Twilight was getting at.

“I have a friend that can talk to animals!” Twilight proclaimed. “I was thinking we could have her ask around and see if any animals saw anything.”

“What.” Trixie was sure she heard that wrong.

Trixie considered herself a rational pony and the idea that somepony could talk to animals was pretty ridiculous. “Twilight…ponies can’t talk to animals. That’s absurd.”

“This one can.” Twilight got a little defensive. “She talks about all the time in her letters.”

"Twilight, have you actually seen her do this?" Trixie asked.

“Well… no.” Twilight admitted.

“But my friend would never lie about this!” Twilight said a little too quickly. “She’s a very nice, honest pony!”

Trixie stared at Twilight who started to squirm a little at Trixie’s glare.

“Fine. Let’s do it.” Trixie said finally with a sigh. She guessed it was worth a shot. Why not? It was a lead at least.

Twilight clapped her hooves together. “Let’s go! She doesn’t live too far away from here, actually.”

“And who exactly is this animal whisper?” Trixie asked.

"Her name is Fluttershy," Twilight explained, "she's been my pen pal for years!"

Trixie blinked. “Fluttershy?” That weird animal pony that lives near the Everfree? She has vague memories of meeting her back during the Longest Night.

“You know her?” Twilight asked eagerly.

“Vaguely.” Trixie had heard of the mare a few times. The only thing Trixie really know about her is how much she loves animals and that she was a complete hermit.

“Do you know where she lives?” Twilight asked. “I have a vague idea where she lives, but I rather not wander around Ponyville all day.”

Trixie nodded. “I think so.”


"There is it up ahead!" Trixie said as they finally approached Fluttershy's cottage. The trip took longer than expected and all this walking was wearing her down. They had to go uncomfortably near Ponyville too, but Trixie was confident nopony recognized her. Not having her trademark cape and hat made her harder to notice.

“It’s beautiful.” Twilight proclaimed in glee. “It’s just the type of place Fluttershy would live.”

Fluttershy’s cottage was two story house that was in front of a little stream with a bridge. It was covered in bird’s nests. They were in the trees in front of the house, they were hanging from posts near the windows, and bizarrely enough, in the green foliage that covered the roof. Trixie could see animals playing about around the house. This was definitely a house where an animal nut lived. It smelled of nature and Trixie wrinkled her nose at the odor.

Twilight put up a hoof. “You better let me handle this.”

Trixie raised an eyebrow. “Why?”

"She has a social anxiety disorder," Twilight explained, "she's afraid of being around ponies. That’s why she’s lives all the way out here.”

"I see," Trixie said. Oh yeah, that’s right. She was pretty shy the last time I saw her. What a bother.

“She’ll be more receptive to a friend. Wait here.” Twilight started heading towards the cottage.

Twilight tentatively walked up to the door and gave it a soft knock. Trixie could hear an “Eep” from inside then a loud crashing sound. Twilight blinked in surprise. Trixie was confused. How the hay can somepony react so violently to knocking on their front door?

Silence. Twilight waited for Fluttershy to answer the door. A minute passed. Then five minutes. Trixie groaned and started pawing the ground with a hoof in annoyance. Ten minutes passed and still nothing. Trixie was tempted to throw the door open and drag the mare out. Twilight knocked the door again, amazingly patient given the circumstances.

Finally, a voice sounded behind the door. “W-who is it?” Trixie had to strain her ears to hear what was being said.

“Fluttershy? It’s me Twilight! You know, your pen pal.” Twilight answered in an equally soft tone.

“Oh my gosh! Is it really your Twi?” Fluttershy exclaimed.

Twilight nodded. “I read your transcript of Fallen Angel. I said that it made me cry at the end.”

Fluttershy opened the door. "Oh my gosh, it really is you Twi!"

“It’s nice to finally meet you!” Twilight chirped.

Fluttershy dragged a hoof around the ground shyly not meeting Twilight’s eyes. “You should have written first. This is such a surprise.”

“I know this is sudden, but we need your help! It’s a matter of life or death!” Twilight proclaimed.

“Huh?” Fluttershy said in bafflement.


"So, um, would you like some more tea Ms. Lulamoon," Fluttershy said in a voice that was almost inaudible. She pointed towards Trixie’s almost empty teacup.

"It's just Trixie," Trixie said testily.

Fluttershy’s face turned to one of panic. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to offend you!”

"It's fine," Trixie said slowly. She waved a hoof dismissively. "And this tea is excellent, but I think I have had enough thank you.”

“So, um, are the biscuits okay?” Fluttershy said a bit worriedly. “I’m pretty sure I overcooked them, so they are probably terrible...”

“No.” Trixie resisted the urge to sigh. “They’re perfect.”

“Do you want another cushion?” Fluttershy asked. “You look a little uncomfortable.”

“I’m…fine.” Trixie was almost at her wit’s end. For the last hour, Fluttershy fussed over every little thing. She was constantly worried about offending her guests. It made telling their story very tedious. It was like the mare was terrified that they would scream at her if she offended them for even the smallest slight. Trixie was glad Twilight left out the part about Trixie being the prime suspect and that she was wanted by the police. That would definitely complicate things.

Remember this is for Pokey. Remember this is for Pokey. Remember this is for Pokey. Trixie repeated in mind trying her best to stay composed. She hated walking on eggshells like this.

"Everything is perfect Fluttershy," Twilight said with a smile, "you have been a perfect host."

Fluttershy sighed in relief and sat down in a chair. It amazed Trixie how patient Twilight was. All this fussing didn’t bother her at all, apparently.

“So, will you help us?” Twilight asked with a hopeful look.

"Um, well, I guess I could," Fluttershy said after a moment of thought. "I'm probably not going to be much help, but I would be glad to help Twi." She gave a weak smile.

“Thank you so much!” Twilight grabbed Fluttershy’s hoof and shook it.

"Um, I'm glad to be of help," Fluttershy said awkwardly. She didn't really like being touched.

“Just a moment.” Fluttershy went to an open window and whistled. Soon a bird that appeared to be a blue jay flew towards and approached her. She spoke to it in hushed tones and Trixie watched the scene in wide-eyed bewilderment. Twilight was right.

"He, um, says that he doesn’t want to help you, Trixie," Fluttershy said with a wince, "he said you're a jerkface. Sorry..." The bird nodded in agreement.

“What.” That was all Trixie could say.

“He, um, said that they don’t like how you yell at him and his friends every morning to shut up.” Fluttershy continued meekly. “He said you’re a very mean pony. Sorry.” Fluttershy said the apology so quietly, that Trixie wasn’t even sure she heard it.

Trixie started baffled jaw agape.

"Trixie's very sorry. She didn't mean to hurt your feelings Mr. Bird!" Twilight said quickly. "She really sorry, right?" She elbowed Trixie in the ribs painfully.

“Yes! Sorry of course!” Trixie said.

Fluttershy translated, and the bird shook his head. “Um, he doesn’t believe you. Sorry.” Fluttershy muttered the apology so weakly it came out as a squeak.

Trixie’s eye twitched. She did her to control her emotions. Why must everything today be such a bother? She breathed in and out several times. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I was being so mean to you. I need your help. My friends are in danger! I will do anything to protect them. They are everything to me…” Trixie said sincerely.

Fluttershy translated, and the bird chirped happily. "He accepts your apology. But, um, he wants you to give out bird seed every morning as a way of apology."

"Done," Trixie said without a moment of hesitation.

The bird nodded in approval, chirped, and flew away. "Um, you see, Mr. Blue jay said that he would ask around if any birds saw anything," Fluttershy said. "He will be back shortly. If that's okay with you I mean. I'm sorry for making you wait."

Trixie was really really getting tired of all the apologizing but thought it best not to voice her annoyance. Fluttershy would just apologize for apologizing so much.

It took an hour for Fluttershy’s bird friend to come back. A crow came flying in behind it and it cawed several times. Trixie trapped her hooves in anticipation.

“Mr. Crow says that he was flying around minding his own business when a figure appeared out the sky and dropped to the ground. It had something wrapped in a tarp on her back." Fluttershy translated.

They must have dropped out of an invisible chariot. Or maybe teleported? Trixie thought. “Continue.”

“Well, um, this figure had a cloak on, so he can’t really identify her, but he’s sure it was a pony.” Fluttershy continued.

“Anyway, the culprit dropped a body out of the tarp into the pit below her. She then used a hoof to write something on the wall. She, well, jumped in the air and vanished into thin air." Fluttershy finished.

“Was there a flash when the figure disappeared?” Trixie asked.

“Um, no. Mr. Crow doesn’t think so. They just vanished from sight in the air.” Fluttershy explained.

“I see.” So it probably wasn’t teleportation then. Trixie was glad to have a clearer picture of what happened, but that didn’t give her much.

“Can he tell us anything specific about the figure?” Twilight asked.

Fluttershy translated this the crow who cawed back a reply. “He says that he was too far away to make much out, but he did notice that the pony was female and he’s pretty sure she was either a unicorn or earth pony.”

Fluttershy gasped when the crow started speaking again. “Oh, no. Poor Pokey!” She started to cry.

Trixie stood up. “What is it?”

“M-mr. Crow says that Pokey tried to move so the mare punched him in his wound to stop him.” Fluttershy started sniffing. “How could anypony be so cruel?”

Trixie scowled. Her opponents were ruthless to be sure. She resisted grinding her teeth.

“Sorry, but that is all he knows.” Fluttershy drooped her head. The crow caws a few times. “Oh, Mr. Crow says that he is sorry for your loss Trixie.”

"Thanks," Trixie said somberly.

“Um, he says if it is any consolation, your friend's eyeballs were really tasty so he didn't go to waste," Fluttershy said hopefully.

“…Thanks.” Trixie really didn’t need to know that and made a face of disgust.

Fluttershy thanked the two birds and they flew off. Thoughts raced through Trixie’s head. An invisible chariot. That definitely meant it was possible that Pokey was stabbed in Canterlot. She was on the right track there. She doubted that there was any trace of the tarp left, so that was most likely a dead end. She wondered if there were any clues left on the chariot itself. What if some of Pokey’s blood accidently leaked on the chariot’s floor from the tarp? Or maybe a bloody hoofprint from that punch? It also was helpful to learn that multiple ponies were involved in Pokey’s murder. She wondered all the ponies involved would be so tight lipped about it.

Trixie mulled this over in her head drinking the rest of her tea while doing so. She noticed Fluttershy was off getting some more tea.

Twilight clapped her hooves together. “This is wonderful Trixie. We have more to go on now!”

“Yes, I think it might be a good idea to check the personal chariots of Greengrass and Fisher. I am not sure if Nigh- I mean your father has any chariots too.’ Trixie tapped her chin.

Twilight shook her head. “No, he doesn’t. He hates flying. He’s afraid of heights. He enters a panic attack if he’s too high up.”

“That narrows it down a bit.” Trixie sighed. “Uh, you don’t happen to have something to check for blood in those saddlebags of yours? Or a spell maybe?”

Twilight beamed. “Of course!” She pulled out a spray bottle out of her saddlebag. The bottle said “C8H7N3O2 (Luminol)” on it.

"That's convenient," Trixie said amazed.

Twilight snorted. “What do you take me for? I always bring some with me!”

Trixie opened and closed her mouth. She decided that she really didn’t need to know why that was.

Suddenly Fluttershy screamed. Trixie rose from her seat and ran towards the kitchen prepared for anything. The front door was busted open and blue and pink bursts of energy slammed into Twilight before she could react. She fell to the ground with a thud.

Trixie froze as three thugs came through the front door grinned widely. She eyes widened. These thugs look familiar. Another a unicorn thug came through the kitchen door holding Fluttershy around the neck. She whimpered terrified.

“Ha! You think we won’t get you back for whatcha did Trixs?” One of the thugs said. He was a red unicorn with a black mane.

Oh, ponyfeathers. It's the thugs that kidnapped Dinky! Trixie thought in alarm.

"Cuzza ya, the boss is behind bars! We ain't gonna letcha get away with that!" A burly pegasus said.

“Indeed.” Said a new voice. It was old and wizen. “She’s got a lot to answer for!” Out of the door stepped a new pony. She was an aged pegasus mare. She had a wicked smile on her face.

“You are going to pay dearly for humiliating me Lulamoon!” Vicereine Puissance said in a snarl.

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