
Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven

by Rixizu

Chapter 12

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Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven
Chapter 12
by Rixizu

Trixie started to panic. Notary was right in front of her. What could she do? Luckily, Notary hadn’t noticed that she was awake yet. Calm calm calm calm yourself Trixie. She needed to think. She wondered if she could take Notary. She didn’t know what type of training Greengrass’s assistant had. Trixie decided to cast an illusion of herself to see what Notary's capabilities and mentally smacked herself for forgetting she couldn’t do what without her horn. Notary’s presence made Trixie’s blood go cold. She heard Notary pull something out of her coat pocket.

“It’s morphing time.”

Oh, ponyfeathers! Trixie jumped out the bed and leaped to the other side distancing herself from the yellow ranger and backed up against a dresser.

“Ha! Here to capture me huh?” Trixie taunted. “I’d like to see you try!”

No response for Notary. Her body language remained neutral and stood still like a statue. Trixie was surprised how menacing Notary’s strange robe like armor and its white tiara with flower shaped jewels was.

What the hay is she? A golem? Trixie slowly moved around the bed towards the door never once letting her eyes leave Notary. Notary in response just slowly moved her head as Trixie moved.

Notary pressed a button on her morpher and a giant round yellow bladed weapon appeared in her hooves. It was almost half the size of her body. It was a chakram Trixie believed. She pointed the blade at directly at Trixie’s head. Trixie gulped and froze in her tracks.

“So, you want me to give up right now and give myself over to you?” Trixie asked nervously. That chakram looked very sharp and Trixie gulped. Notary said nothing and continued to stare.

“I-If I don’t, you’ll cut my head off?” Trixie stuttered. Still no response from Notary.

Trixie really started to panic now. She could jump out the window…of a two-story building. Her best bet was to stall until Twilight came to her rescue.

As if reading her thoughts, Notary started slowly towards Trixie and looked ready to fight.

“I suppose you want your answer now? Right?!” Trixie said desperately. Why couldn’t she get a talkative one that loved to gloat and monologue?

Notary didn’t stop and was only a few hooves away now. From her body language, it looked like she was ready to strike.

Trixie took a battle position. At a blinding speed, Notary rushed in and swung at Trixie's head. Trixie saw a few hairs drop to the floor as she ducked out of the way. She saw a ponyquin nearby and threw it at Notary as she ran towards it. Notary just effortlessly cleaved it in two and didn’t even pause her approach. Trixie used the slight distraction to get even further away. She scanned the room for anything, anything that might help her. Not much really. Some dressers, some ponyquins with dresses, and a vanity with some makeup on it. Trixie had an idea in an instant and with everything she had rushed towards the vanity.

Trixie screamed and was almost cut in two when Notary threw her chakram at Trixie’s torso. Trixie twisted her body in time and just barely avoided it. The weapon sliced through the wall effortlessly.

Trixie sighed in relief. “Ha! That was stupid of you!” She mocked.

Notary pushed a button on her morpher and her chakram appeared back in her hooves.

“You have got to be kidding me," Trixie said in disbelief. She screamed again when Notary let it loose again. She rolled out of the way. It went through a window this time and shards of glass fell on the floor.

Notary closed the distance between the two of them and moved in for a left jab at Trixie’s ribs. Trixie deftly dodged it and did her best to avoid the next flurry of blows. She saw an opening and delivered a punch of her own into Notary’s head. Trixie winced in pain when her hoof collided with the Yellow Ranger’s helmet. Trixie jumped out of the way in time when Notary swung her right hoof at Trixie’s jaw. Trixie moved back to get some distance from her opponent after dodging another punch. Trixie started huffing in exhaustion. She knew she couldn’t keep this up. Notary’s speed was impossible and she didn’t dare try to block any attacks out of fear of the Ranger’s strength.

Trixie saw she was close to the vanity and ran towards it. Notary followed behind and summoned her weapon back in her hooves. Notary swung her chakram at Trixie’s head. She ducked and kept going. She finally made it to the vanity and grabbed the face powder and threw in into Notary’s face.

Notary wasn’t able to dodge it in time and the white powder covered her helmet momentarily blinding her. Taking advantage of this, Trixie grabbed some lipstick and started marking Notary’s visor. Notary tried punching back with quick jabs, but Trixie deftly avoided them.

Notary tried rubbing it off, but it didn’t work very well. Trixie ran towards the door.

“Ha! So much for Greengrass’s enforcer!” Trixie mocked. She screamed in horror as Notary threw her chakram in Trixie’s direction obviously guided by the sound of her voice. Trixie dodged it just in time by leaping to the right and the weapon went through the wall behind her.

Trixie saw Notary moving towards the blanket on Rarity's bed. She knew that there wasn't much time. She ran out the door to the guest room Twilight was staying in. She flung open the door and found Twilight still sound asleep on the bed. Trixie facehoofed. How did all that commotion not wake her?

“Twilight! Wake up!” Trixie yelled.

Twilight responded by just mumbling and stirring in her sleep. “I don’t think even the princess could read this many books in her lifetime.”

Trixie ground her teeth. She didn’t have time for this. She grabbed Twilight by her hooves and forcefully threw the sleeping mare out of her bed on the floor.

Twilight screamed and blurrily said, “T-Trixie what’s going on. What time is it?”

Trixie grabbed Twilight by the shoulders and started shaking her violently. “No time! We need to get out of here! Notary is right behind me!”

"What?" Twilight asked confused. Trixie's eyes widened when she saw a chakram coming right towards them. She pushed Twilight out of the way in time and winced when the blade scraped the top of her hoof. It cleaved Twilight's bed in two.

“What the hay is that?!” Twilight cried out. She used her magic to grab her glasses off a desk and put them on.

“Just shut up and teleport us away from here!” Trixie said impatiently trying to ignore the blood seeping from her hoof. They didn’t have the time for her to explain what is going on.

Twilight stared at her for a moment before nodding. Unfortunately, this gave Notary enough time to jump into the room, chakram in hoof.

Notary threw her chakram at Twilight who teleported away in time in fright.

“Really?!” Trixie could not believe this. “What about me?!”

Trixie was cornered now. Notary was blocking the door and summoned back her chakram again.

Notary readied for another attack when a pot was thrown in the back of Notary’s head.

“Take that you ruffian!” Rarity cried out.

“No! Get out here! It isn’t safe!” Trixie said in alarm.

Notary ignored the fashionista and readied her body for another swing. Trixie braced herself for the throw, but a frying pan interrupted the attack and chakram flew out of control into a wall.

Notary turned and stared in the direction of the offending frying pan.

“And there’s more where that came from!” Rarity cried out.

Notary was pelted with various kitchen utensils in a light blue aura which bounced off her harmlessly. Notary returned her chakram to her hooves and paused. She seemed to be thinking about her next target. She suddenly charged in Trixie's direction. Trixie readied herself and was startled but a sound of somepony teleporting behind her.

“Sorry, I panicked ther…” Twilight was about to say and yelled and barely blocked the attack with a magic shield when Notary changed her attack towards Twilight. Notary pounded the shield with her weapon and Twilight winced with the effort of containing her spell. She fell to the ground, in obvious pain, when her shield broke into purple shards of magic. She was defenseless when Notary aimed towards her horn to cut it off. Trixie watched helplessly too far away to help.

Notary froze in a light blue aura. Rarity gritting her teeth in the effort of containing the Yellow Ranger.

“Not so fast.” Rarity said.

Trixie used this opportunity to grab Twilight away from Notary. “Teleport us! Now!” She demanded. Twilight thankfully complied and teleported them in the outskirts of town near Sweet Apple Acres.

Trixie sighed in relief then came to a sudden horror filed realization. “Rarity!”

“On it!” Twilight disappeared again.

Trixie minded raced. She hoped beyond hope that Rarity was okay. She started pacing nervously.

In a time that seemed like an eternity, Twilight appeared with an unconscious Rarity on her back. She had blood on the right side of her head.

“Rarity!” Trixie cried out in horror.

“She’s fine. She’s just unconscious.” Twilight said much to Trixie’s relief.

“What happened?”

"Notary belted her on the side of the head," Twilight explained.

Trixie growled. You are going to pay for this Notary.

"I'll get her to a hospital," Twilight said and Trixie nodded in agreement.

“What about you?” Twilight pointed toward the cut on Trixie’s leg.

“It’s just a scratch," Trixie said with impatience, “get going!”

Twilight vanished again. Trixie collapsed on the ground exhausted. All the adrenaline she was using during the fight was gone. It felt like she just ran thirty laps around town. She was thankful they made it out of there in one piece.

Twilight appeared again in a flash. “A doctor is seeing her right now.”

“Thank goodness.” Trixie hated leaving Rarity like that, but they needed to get going.

“What now?” Twilight asked.

"We continue with the plan," Trixie said resolutely.


Ditzy sipped her tea in silence as she watched Cheerilee chat with Greengrass about some crazy adventure of her youth. She talked about how she used to be a bounty hunter. Ditzy wasn't sure she quite believed the story. The teacher seemed more at home with textbooks and grading papers than hunting down ponies. No offense to her friend, but Ditzy thought Cheerilee was too boring to once have a life like that. Oh sure, she'd heard stories but didn't really buy them. Of course, Cheerilee was a Ranger now so maybe her life wasn't so dull right at the moment. Carrot Top listened intently with a smile on her face. Ditzy thought Carrot really needed all this.

Just looking at Carrot Ditzy could tell the mare was in bad shape. It looked like she hadn’t been sleeping right or feeding herself properly. The stress and anxiety of Trixie’s arrest and everything else that had happened to her over the last few weeks made her look 15 years older. Her mane looked even worse than before both it and her tail looked like a frizzled mess and nothing Ditzy tried could tame it.

Ditzy was glad this quiet Sunday morning tea with her friends (and Greengrass) at Cheerilee’s house. It was a nice distraction for Carrot.

Cheerilee’s living room was homely enough. It had a worn, useable enough sofa with a coffee table in front of it. The walls were covered with bookshelves containing textbooks, novels, and many books on teaching techniques. She also had several fish tanks with colorful tropical fish on counter tops. The air had a slightly overpowering, but pleasant smell of pine to it.

Ditzy gingerly drank her tea. I was peppermint and had a pleasing aroma.

Ditzy frowned at the sight of Greengrass. Cheerilee had attached herself to the Duke over the last couple of day. She stared into his eyes longingly and hung on his every word. Ditzy didn’t like Greengrass one bit. Ditzy tried and failed to dissuade Cheerilee away from the Duke. The situation reminded her too much of Dinky's father. Ditzy sighed and gave up trying to persuade her friend. If Cheerilee was interested in him despite how obviously disastrous it was, it was her choice. Cheerilee was an adult after all. Though if this was Dinky instead, Ditzy would have chased him away with a broom, possibly a baseball bat if necessary.

Ditzy took another sip of her tea when the front door was violently slammed startling her.

“Open up! It’s the police!” Somepony yelled behind the door.

Everypony in the room looked at each other. Ditzy felt a pit of dread in her stomach. Cheerilee walked up to the front door and gingerly opened it. Behind it were six police officers and Night Light. Ditzy narrowed her eyes at the sight of the Viceroy. He had a self-satisfied look on his face.

“May I help you?” Cheerilee said in a tight voice.

“We are here to arrest Carrot Top on suspicions of theft.” Night Light said stepping ahead of the officer standing in front of him. The officer gave the Viceroy a dirty look.

Carrot Top eyes widened in horror and she dropped her tea cup to the floor breaking it.

"That is nonsense," Cheerilee said with a firm voice, "she would never do such a thing!"

“Yeah!” Ditzy yelled. She stood up and glared.

“Really?” Greengrass said arching an eyebrow. “You do have proof correct?”

One of the officers was going to say something, but Night Light interrupted him and smirked. “I have a witness that saw the accused steal something from Duke Greengrass’s pocket.”

“Really?” Cheerilee sounded less than convinced.

“Yes, we searched Ms. Heartstrings house, where Ms. Top is currently residing, and found it among her things.” Night Light said.

"No, you're wrong." Greengrass said and gave a pleasant smile, "I gave Ms. Top that watch."

“W-what?” Night Light said baffled.

“Indeed, I told her to take it from my pocket.” Greengrass gave Carrot Top a wink. Carrot Top looked a little baffled at first, but soon gave him an appreciative nod. Cheerilee beamed. Ditzy was just confused.

Night Light stared at a loss for words for the moment but regained his composure. He glared angrily at Greengrass. “W-well we found other things too! Jewelry that was reported missing and personal items stolen from the princess herself.”

“It seems Ms. Top snuck into her majesty’s personal chariot and took whatever she could find.” Night Light continued.

“What?” Greengrass said confused. Carrot Top dropped to the floor stunned.

“Stealing from the crown is a serious offense, tantamount to treason.” Night Light’s look had not an ounce of sympathy or warmth. “If found guilty, it won’t surprise me if you were exiled from Equestria. Maybe even… hung.”

Carrot Top started hyperventilating. Ditzy and Cheerilee stood in front of Carrot Top protectively.

“What? Are you going to fight me?” Night Light mocked. “Do you want to be arrested as well?”

Ditzy growled in frustration.

“Trying to save that pathetic little farm of yours I bet.” Night Light grinned. “Honestly, this isn’t surprising. Friends of scum are scum.”

Carrot Top started mumbling to herself the word “No” over and over again hooves on her face. It was heartbreaking seeing her like this.

“It won’t surprise me if you all don’t end up behind bars eventually.” Night Light said in a way that sounded like a promise.

“Did you know that your friend Lulamoon escaped jail last night?” Night asked. “It is still under investigation who helped her. Maybe it was one of you?”

Trixie’s free? Ditzy thought. Of course, he is telling me this so I might try to help her and get myself arrested for aiding a criminal. She started grinding her teeth. They would beat the creep somehow. That was a promise.

"She's a murderer, so the police have been ordered to apprehend her with extreme prejudice. Who knows that might happen to her in the process? She is a very dangerous criminal.” The threat was very obvious in his voice. Ditzy’s hoof started shaking uncontrollably horrified. They wouldn’t? Would they?

Ditzy froze when she heard an animalistic growl full of anger and fury. She started when Carrot suddenly stood up and trotted past her with a single-minded determination. She face was contorted with anger and hatred. Ditzy heard a crunching sound as Carrot Top’s hoof connected with Night Light’s face. The punch made Night Light fly out the door and into the street. Everyone gaped in shock.

A wolfish grin appeared on Carrot Top’s face and she took advantage of the shock and made a run for it. In a blur, she leaped past Night Light’s crumpled form and ran into the street. The police recovered from their shock and chased after her.

“G-get her you foals!” Night Light demanded covering his bleeding nose with a hoof. He pulled out his morpher. Ditzy narrowed her eyes and kicked it from behind out of his hooves before he could even attempt to transform. Night Light turned and glared at Ditzy.

"I couldn’t let you transform sir!” Ditzy lied with an innocent look. “You need medical attention!”

“Get away from me!” Night Light pushed Ditzy away. He grabbed his morpher with his magic and took off after the escaping Carrot Top.


Trixie rubbed her face. It was time to begin the plan. In front of her, she could see the train station. She tilted the sun hat over her eyes. It was go time. There were only five minutes left until the train left for Canterlot. She steeled her nerves. So much could go wrong too easily. She had to do this. Twilight trailed behind her dressed in a scarf and trenchcoat. She gave Trixie a subtle nod.

Trixie looked at the clock and it read 8:57. She and Twilight moved with purpose to the ticket seller avoiding the gaze of a police officer.

"Two for Canterlot please," Trixie said not disguising her voice.

The ticket master looked at her with surprise. “16 bits. You better hurry. The train will be leaving any time now.”

Trixie nodded and took her ticket. She rushed towards the train. Twilight had some trouble keeping up, but they were able to make it in time.

“Ticket please.” A pegasus stallion in a black suit and a black hat with gold trim said. “Hurry! Hurry!”

Trixie and Twilight gave their ticket and they entered the train. They found an open seat and sat down. The train started taking off. Trixie looked around outside and found what she was looking for. She saw a young police officer watching the area. The officer started when he spotted Trixie. Trixie in turn quickly turned away and covered her face with her hat acting like she didn’t want to be noticed.

Trixie smirked when she saw the officer take off towards Ponyville. “Perfect.” She sat back and relaxed.

“Did it work?” Twilight asked.

Trixie nodded. She knew the station would be watched. Even if the officer didn’t notice her, Trixie knew that her description would be enough to tip the police or Night Court off.

Trixie stretched and enjoyed the train ride. She watched the horizon for their destination. She saw that it was already coming up quick. She scanned the train and found what she was looking for. Chatting with her friends was a blue earth pony with a white mane. Just the type of pony Trixie could use.

Trixie trotted up to the mare. “Excuse me.” She said apologetically.

“This might be a bit of a strange request, but would you be interested in this hat.” Trixie took off her hat and presented it to the mare who eyed it curiously.

"You see, I bought it in Ponyville, but… well, I don't think it really works well with me." Trixie said. "It doesn't click if you know what I mean."

The mare nodded in understanding. “I see what you mean, it doesn’t really match your eyes.”

"So, I saw you and thought it might be picture-perfect for you," Trixie stated. She prayed that the mare would take the bait.

“I would love to!” The mare said smiling. She took it from Trixie’s hooves, put it on, and grinned widely. “It’s perfect!”

The mare eyed the bandage on Trixie's head with concern. "Are you ok?"

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just hit my head.” Trixie laughed. “That is the reason I bought that hat, this bandage is unseemly.”

“Poor thing.” The mare said in sympathy.

Trixie chatted with the mare a little and eventually detached herself away. She looked out the window and saw they outshoot their destination, but that was no big deal. Trixie gave Twilight a signal with her head and they went into the storage caboose when nopony was looking.

"Remember, I, uh, haven't teleported while moving before," Twilight said nervously as Trixie closed the door behind them. Trixie knew teleporting while moving at high speeds was a risky venture and made the process more dangerous and complicated, but it was doable.

"You'll be fine," Trixie reassured, "ready?"

As much as Trixie really wanted to go to Canterlot. She knew she couldn’t yet. She wanted to see the crime scene for herself. She knew the train traveled near the spot where Pokey’s body was found and wanted to use the train as a way to get to it quickly. She didn’t want to just read about it or hear about it. She wanted to see if she could find something everypony else had missed.

Trixie also wanted to divide the Night Court’s attention. She knew the Night Court Rangers would at least leave a few of their members behind to watch her friends in case they tried anything and the rest would go to Canterlot to find her. Besides, the last thing they would expect is for her to go back to Ponyville again.

There was something else as well. Finding where Pokey was really killed was important, but she needed to clear her name of the embezzling charges first. Destroying her supposed motivation for killing Pokey would go a long way to clear her name. Trixie had a feeling that somepony really was stealing from Ponyville’s Corona relief fund and the blame was just shifted on her. It will be so much easier and believable if they framed her that way. Trixie already had a strong suspicion who the real culprit was.

Next Chapter: Chapter 13 Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 45 Minutes
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