
The Dark Entity (Being Re-written)

by Darkly

Chapter 1: Darkness Has Fallen. (2.0)

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Date: September 13, 2156.


That's all there is out there. Chaos. The Light Legion and my Dark Legion at war from just somebody lying about my plans.
All I wanted was peace, that's it, just peace. But everything that sees me instantly thinks I'm evil, all because I claimed the title of Death.

The sad part is, I'm losing this war. I never wanted war, so I never prepared for it. My army is only 4,000 strong...the Light legion has over 50,000. And they're getting stronger by the day. They're at my doorstep now, my castle is being burned at the very moment I'm writing this entry. This ink and quill are all I have left in my study because everything is useless to me at this point.

I'm just avoiding the inevitable, I'm going to perish, and the souls will no longer be judged and will be consumed by the light. The goddess of light will take my essence and destroy it, forever having me lost in the void. Heh, most think Death is supposed to be a cold, heartless being without mercy. No. I'm not. I just...forgot feelings.

I try my absolute damndest to make sure all the souls are judged properly, sending them to the right place. I never made a move against Selina, she had her job and I had mine. I can hear them, and her, she's close. My time approaches and I'm ready to accept my fate. Selina will kill me and end my reign as Death.

These last few lines of my life will tell the truth, to whoever finds this, heed my warning.
Forget your past, and move on.
Signed, Re-


"Halt Remorel! Your plans have been foiled and now is the time to surrender!" Selina and her Solar Guards busted through Remorel's door, Selina's spear at his neck.

Remorel didn't even flinch, he just finished writing and closed his notebook. His bone fingers lingering over his broadsword on his desk. Looking at his creation before being ended.

"Well!? Are you just going to sit there and let me kill you or are you going to fight!?" Selina fumed.

Her guards stayed back but had their weapons drawn on him as well.

Remorel didn't speak, just glancing at Selina as she waited for his response.

Selina flinched a little when she saw his eyes glow pure white, she's seen them before but only at council meetings, she saw his lying and dark personality when she even thought of them.

"Selina, you know I never wanted this. I only wanted peace, the past never mattered. What that human said was a lie, I would never-"


Selina came at Remorel with full force behind her attack. The spear going right through Remorel.

She halted instantly, she didn't think he would just stand there.

"Why won't you fight!?"

Selina continued to stab at Remorel with all her force but to no avail. He would either dodge or the spear would do nothing.

"Guards! Attack!" Selina ordered.

They obeyed, and they would block him from any escape he would attempt.

He was trapped.

"It's over Remorel! Surrender now and accept your fate!" Selina pointed the tip of her spear at Remorel's chest plate.

"You know I can't surrender, it's not my fault," Remorel said with a calm, straight tone.

Selina was angered by his response, she knew he was planning a surprise attack.

She channeled her anger with her magic to the tip of her spear.


Remorel was surprised by her attack, at first, he saw nothing, then he saw a tree.

And magic drainage took over him as he fainted on the ground of an unknown area.


Selina was surprised, she saw nothing, then Remorel disappeared. And all her magic drained.

"Lady Selina! Are you all right?" One of her guards asked with great concern.

"I'm fine, thank you. It is done, he is banished."

All the guards cheered as Selina went back outside Remorel's castle.

Her army stood strong. Any last remaining undead was killed or ran.

Her army stood before her, waiting for her.

"Today, darkness has fallen to light!"

Every soldier cheered and hugged each other. Some even thanked Selina for this wonderful moment.

But, deep down, she knew he's not dead. No, you can't kill death.

But she did manage to banish him from this realm though.

If only she knew where he was...


"Angel? Angel? Oh, Angel where are you?"

Fluttershy was looking for Angel Bunny, he got mad at her because she wouldn't give him carrots in his salad.

Now she's in the Everfree...alone...in the dark...



Fluttershy jumped and clung on to a tree.

A bunny hopped out from the bushes.

Angel looked up at Fluttershy and frowned.

"Heh...h-hey Angel." Fluttershy quivered.

She flew down from the tree and picked up Angel.

"Now Angel, why do you go into the Everfree whenever we fight? Hm? You know I can't keep coming in here, it scares me."

Fluttershy was about to start walking when a noise made her stop.

She turned her head to the source of the noise.

What she saw was...confusing.

It was a pure black ball of something.

And it was hurtling towards her.

She ducked as it hit the tree, she heard a pained grunt as the thing fell on her.

"AHHHH" Fluttershy heard something snap. And a major pain surging through her.

She looked at where the thing landed.

Her left leg was broken, whatever fell on her had enough force to snap it in half.

"A-a-angel, p-p-please go get h-help..." Fluttershy sobbed.

Angel obeyed and hopped off to go find the closest help.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy was able to lift enough of the heavy...thing...off to be able to escape, now she's resting on a tree and resting her leg.

She took the time to examine the creature.

She couldn't see its face, but she could see its skeletal...claws? At least, that what the look like. It was wearing some kind of armor, and it looked very heavy. It also had a pair of black wings, a lot like a bat pony. Well...black like them, they had feathers like a bird.

And...it had a really big sword. And it looked battle worn.

She didn't like whatever this thing is.

"A-angel, please hurry...."

[Meanwhile in Ponyville]

"Alright girls, it seems we're ready for our sleepover!" Twilight said excitedly.

"Uh, where is Flutters?" Rainbow asked.

Everybody looked around the room, no sign of Fluttershy anywhere.

"Um, she said she would be here, how did we miss her?" Rarity looked around, hopefully trying to spot her.

There was a slight thud and a bunny landed on Twilight.

"A-angel? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at home? Wait, where is Fluttershy?" Twilight asked.

Angel pulled on twilight and was pointing outside. Helplessly trying to pull her along.

"Ok, ok. Girls lets go see what's wrong with Flutters."

All the girls trotted out behind Twilight as she followed Angel.

[Back in the Everfree]

Fluttershy managed to move her leg to a comfortable position. She was trying to be as quiet as she can, there were some Timberwolves earlier and they didn't look very friendly.

The moon managed to be in a position to light the creatures face, and sure enough, it was a full skull. When she first saw it, she was terrified, and she didn't want that thing to wake up.

She decided it was best to move away from the creature and out of sight, just in case another heard of Timberwolves pass, or worse, a manticore.

So, she hid in some nearby bushes and waited for Angel to come back with some help hopefully.

In the meantime, she examined the creature as much as she can. Now since the moon was in the perfect spot.

It was obviously a warrior, and it was battle worn. The sword looked like it was used a fair amount, and the armor looked as if it was fresh from a fight. The hood that was covering the skull before now was lit and revealed a scratched skull with empty eye sockets. As it laid before her, she noticed how tall it was, just passing at about 7 feet.

What disturbed her the most, was the lack of breathing, even if it was unconscious, she could tell if it would be breathing.
And its claws, they are pure bone, no flesh anywhere.

The strange thing is, she somehow knew it was mystical, like how Celestia is. How she has authority in a motherly fashion.

This thing, however, had a similar presentation but was much more noticeable. It had a lot more authority than anything.

It hasn't even woke up yet and she's already thinking these things.

"Fluttershy? Fluttershy!?"

"Hey, flutters! Where are ya?"

"Say something darling so we know where you are!"

Fluttershy immediately felt relief wash over her. She called out to her friends.

"I'm over here guys, my leg is broken and I can't move very well..." She called out.

Twilight was the first one to spot her.

"There you are! What were you doing out here?" Twilight asked, a worried expression clear as day on her face.

"Angel got mad at me and ran in here, I was worried and went out to find him, a then this...thing appeared out of nowhere and broke my leg," Fluttershy explained.

"What!? Where is it!? I'll teach it a lesson about hurting you!" Rainbow boasted.

"The thing is...it's unconscious, I don't think it meant to hurt me. I don't think it even knows what it landed on. But, it's over there." Fluttershy weakly pointed the tip of her hoof towards the tree she was previously on.

"Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie, go check it out, me and Rainbow will take Fluttershy home," Twilight ordered as she used one of her wings to help balance Fluttershy while Rainbow was keeping her in check.

The other three were at the creature's feet. Gazing upon it with amazement and fear.

"Alright ladies, let's bring this fella back with us, we can't let it stay out here." Applejack said as she moved towards its left arm. Hesitating slightly when its hand twitched.

Pinkie grabbed ahold of its other arm, and Rarity pulling his hood.

"Do you think it'll be angry if we get its attire all dirty? I mean it's already worn out, it still looks nice..." Rarity said with a slight bit of regret.

"Believe me Rarity, I think it will be fine. Just look at it, I think it has to worry a lot more than its fancy clothes. Even if they make me unnerved..." Applejack said as she pulled.

"Yeah! And when it wakes up, I'm going to throw a "Welcome to Ponyville and sorry for you accidentally breaking our friend's leg but we accept your apo-"

Pinkie was cut off by a hoof in her mouth by Applejack.

"Let's just concentrate getting this fella back to Twi's ok?" Applejack withdrew her hoof.

"Aw, ok." Pinkie said with some sadness.

[Twilights Castle]

"Aaaand done! Alright, she'll need to keep that cast on for the next few weeks. She will be able to walk in no time."

"Thank you Redheart. We really appreciate this, especially at this hour." Twilight gave her thanks to Nurse Redheart.

"No problem, if it's one of the princesses friends, I'm always happy to help!" Redheart gave a smile.

"But, I do have to ask, who or what is that?" Nurse Redheart pointed towards a nearby sofa with...whatever the thing was, is laying.

"Guys! I thought I told you to hide him?" Twilight looked over to where the three ponies where.

"It....it....was heavier than you think..." Rarity huffed out.

"Maybe you just need to leave the shop now and then and exercise...." Applejack whispered.

"He wasn't so heavy Rarity!" Pinkie said with her forever frightening smile.

"That's....because...you...carried....his lighter side...." Rarity struggled to speak.

Rarity then finally and dramatically passed out on the ground.

"Drama queen..." Rainbow whispered

"Is it ok? Do you want me to inspect it?" Redheart asked, on instinct and not by choice, almost regretting it.

"I guess, it hasn't really moved since we brought it in. I just want to make sure it's not seriously injured." Twilight said with slight worry.

Redheart was worried, she has never got to examine anything foreign other than a couple of griffons and a few minotaur's.

"Oh...um... thank you, I also hope it's not too seriously injured." Redheart said as she approached the...thing.

As she got closer she noticed that it was much bigger that she originally thought and much taller. Its face was completely gone since it was wearing its hood and there was not enough lighting, which made her feel even more uneasy.

Some of Twilights friends backed away from the being as Redheart drew closer. Which didn't help her growing anxiety.

The creature was wearing black armor and its wings were the same, she noticed the skeletal form of its...hands were they?

She was just inches from its legs, and she had to crane her neck up just to look into the faceless void.

She felt her excitement turn into a slight fear and a quickening grow of anxiety.

She was starting to ask the 'What if's?'

Oh Celestia, what if this thing is evil, or even if it eats ponies!? NO! I can't back down!

She slowly pulled out her tools from her medical box and begun her work.

She was astounded that the thing was alive, but was just asleep.

"Um, how did you manage to not wake it up?" Redheart asked.

"'Wake it up?' What do you mean? It wasn't unconscious?" Twilight asked.

"No, it was just exhausted, but as far as I can tell, it was just asleep the entire time." Redheart explained.

"B-but it hit its head on a tree! And it fell on me!" Fluttershy said.

"Hmm...I wonder if it's a male or female?" Redheart asked aloud.

"What? Is now really the best time?" Twilight said with a slight blush.

"I don't feel comfortable calling it "it", it sounds insulting." Redheart explained.

Even if I fell uneasy by its presence...She thought to herself.

"Can we at least let it rest? We can ask it when it wakes up." Twilight yawned.

Redheart had to admit, it was late, and she really wanted to go to bed.

"Ok, I guess you're right, I'm going home then, and all the other princesses, they might want a gander at this being for themselves." Redheart gave her advice and walked out the castle doors.

Twilight pondered this for a moment.

"Ok, Spike takes a note. And girls, there are spare rooms out in the west wing, find whatever room you want, it's late."
All the girls nodded and headed off for bed.

"I'm ready whenever you are Twilight." Spike was readying his quill and parchment.

"Dear Princess Celestia-"

Author's Notes:

Updated 2.0

Fuck me. I'm dying. I need substanence.

Next Chapter: Awakining. Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 52 Minutes
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The Dark Entity (Being Re-written)

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