

by Lux

Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

You wandered the darkened streets of Canterlot, trying to desperately keep up with Moonflower while in a sense of irony trying not to get too close to be seen. What worked in your favor was that there were only a few ponies that occasionally blocked your path, making the trip easy. The more you perused her, the more you felt the sense of dread at what you were doing. You knew there was the choice of just abandoning this whole plan and returning back to the college. That was the safe way, living happily with her while ignoring the secret she had. But something still pulled you forward, not only out of mere curiosity but of concern of your friend’s well-being. What if this secret was something that was dangerous to Moonflower if it ever got out?

“I have to know,” you said softly as the castle grew bigger upon your approach. Finally after walking several blocks from campus, you watched as Moonflower approached the castle’s now gates. For a moment she just stood there as if contemplating what to do next, although what she was thinking was only your guess, but you wondered why she didn’t simply walk into the castle if she worked there. Before you could think more about it, Moonflower let out an audible sigh before turning away from the gates and walking alongside the fencing toward some unknown destination. You quickly sped up your pace as she made her way along the perimeter, hoping not to catch her attention or the guards. You soon found yourself making a turn down the one side of the castle proper where several buildings lined the street. You wondered if any of these were where she stayed, although why she chose to live off campus was only your guess. Perhaps her sister lived in one of the buildings or nearby. Then something odd happened as you followed her. Moonflower made a sudden turn, not into one of the many buildings but a darkened alleyway. You carefully made your way towards the alleyway taking care not to rush in in case Moonflower should make a sudden exit. You paused as you reached the corner of the building and peered around the corner into the unknown. The alleyway was a dead end, blocked by a brick wall, and dimly lit by the moon above. Aside from Moonflower, there was nopony else nor was there anything in the alley with her save for some trash cans.

Suddenly the mare turned towards the entry, causing you to pull away. You waited several tense seconds, wondering if she saw you, before peering around the corner. Before you could react, you saw Moonflower’s horn glow brighter than any unicorn that you have met, casting a blinding light that filled the alleyway as bright as the sun. You turned away from the alleyway as you shielded your eyes, not sure what sort of spell that your friend was casting. You wanted to look to see, but the light was too intense and you couldn’t risk still getting seen or worse caught in the blast of the spell. No sooner had you began to debate in your mind what was going on, the light from the spell began to fade away, plunging the alleyway slowly into blackness. Once again you turned towards the opening between the two buildings, but what, or who you saw, surprised you. Standing there wasn’t the familiar face of Moonflower, but none other than Princess Luna.

You stood transfixed at the sight of the Princess who looked like she was recovering from the spell, wondering what it meant that Luna was there in place of Moonflower. Your friend couldn’t have left without your notice unless she teleported. You knew also that she worked for as a page, but that didn’t explain why she needed to be in an alleyway or again why Luna was there. It was like you were running in circles trying to find the truth, but then something else came to mind. At first it sounded silly or even wrong, but the more you stared at the recovering Princess, you came to a surprising truth.

“Moonflower?” you said perhaps a little too loudly as the Princess’s ears perked up.

“Who’s there?” Luna said half demanding but also with a hint of surprise and dread in her tone. “Show yourself!”

There was no use running away or trying to hide. You were done with that and wanted to know the truth. You stepped out of the shadows and into the moonlit alleyway as the Princess stared at you with a blank expression.

“Why have you come to see me?” Luna said as if trying to disregard what you saw.

“I was going to ask the same thing, Princess Luna,” you said with a surge of confidence and even a little defiance, “or should I say,

The Princess stood in shock at your boldness although her expression deceived her stoic demeanor, revealing shock.

“I…don’t know who this Moonflower you are talking about, for I am Princess Luna, Guardian of the Night and Protector of Dreams.”

“Please,” you said raising a hand to halt the Princess’s explanation of her titles. “If you care about me, you will tell me the truth.”

The Princess stood silent for a moment as if to ponder what to say or do next. Finally her stoic form melted as her body slumped like a balloon deflated.

“Fine… I’m Princess Luna, but I’m also Moonflower,” she said frustrated but surprisingly calm. “Are you happy now?”

“No, I’m not,” you replied, “How…Why?”

“Why I took the form of Moonflower?” Luna said. “Well, I assume you knew who I was long ago, right?”

“Yes, Nightmare Moon,” you said regretting saying that name but also realizing why now Moonflower was upset going to that club.
“Have you considered what it would be like leaving the world you know for a thousand years, or even a year?” Luna said, “You regret what you have lost, not just the big things like friends and family, but everything! You recall losing the world you knew, but as time passes while you remember the major thing you’ve lost, you lose sense of time and history. But what happens when you return just like I did after being away? You long for friendship and family of course, but the world doesn’t stand still. It changes, and for a thousand years there is much history lost. So I decided to come to this college, not only to learn the history that I lost but to learn about ponies. I couldn’t just show up as who I really am, because ponies would treat me differently. Instead I took the form of Moonflower to blend in.”

“But why did you choose me?’ you replied as your tone dripped with venom, “Was I some kind of test pony for getting to know other.”

“That’s not fair,” Luna said. “Remember what I said before about you when we met first time? I said you have a good heart. That is why when I saw you I chose you. But something wonderful happened, I met a friend.”

“When were you going to tell me, or were you going to keep this a secret?”

“Honestly, I didn’t know when, only that I was waiting for the right time. I guess I was waiting to see if you’d understand and if you could keep a secret. I can now see that in keeping this from you I’ve upset you, but please understand that I was the same pony as Moonflower as I was now.”

After she finished speaking, you stood in silence wondering what to say until finally you replied, “So, where does this leave us now?”

“That is for you to decide,” Luna said, “but I still wish to get to know you, and I think that you desire to get to know me.”

“Why’s that?”

“When I left so quickly from the club, I sort of followed you home by tracking your dream.”

“So does that mean that…” your voice trailed off remembering what you said.

“Yes, you said you thought you were in love with me, a very flattering statement considering you knew only a little about me. I must say I am fond of you, too. Do you still wish to get to know me more?”

“Yes, I am,” you finally said as you relaxed. “I know that you weren’t trying to hurt me by being Moonflower, and I still care about you even as Princess Luna.”

“Very well, then I will still be your friend,” the Princess said, “and as for what you said in your dreams…”

With that she embraced you and gave you a long kiss that was the best you ever had.

“Let’s take it one step at a time,” she said finally as she let you go, “but I must say you’re off to a good start. Will you promise me one thing?”


“Will you keep my secret? I’d like to reveal who I am on my own terms if you don’t mind.”

“Certainly, Princess Luna.”

“Please, call me Luna. Now, you’ve come all the way to my home. Would you like to come inside and stay for a while, friend?”

“I would be happy to,” you said, “Lead the way!”

The End!

Author's Notes:

Thanks for reading my fan fiction.

I must say I'm pretty pleased about how it turned out despite my bouts with creative burnout.
Will there be a sequel chronicling the growing relationship? Perhaps, but I'll decide that soon.

Thanks again!

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