

by Lux

Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

The rest of the week passed by blissfully uneventful after reconciling with Moonflower. The more you thought about it, the more that you realized that it was a mere misunderstanding, one that you were glad would not derail your relationship with her. She seemed to be more forgiving than you gave her credit before. Maybe it was your initial thoughts that you were incapable of being forgiven after hurting such a wonderful mare’s heart. But she never said anything more about the event after that, and when it seemed that you were about to do so, she would change the subject by doing a cute thing of putting a finger to your mouth and making a “Shhh” sound while giving a cute smile.

To your dismay, the “date” at the restaurant was anything but the romantic time you hoped it to be. Instead it was merely another friendly moment of the two of you sharing interests over lunch. You did not dwell on the expectation of the day being lowered as you enjoyed the time with Moonflower nonetheless. It was a wonderful time learning about the beautiful unicorn sitting across from you, how she enjoyed history and loved explore new places and trying new things. She loved the night as well, not just gazing the stars but walking through the park or even sitting on a bench and taking in the city alive with activity at night. The more the two of you spoke, the more you realized how the two of you shared much in common. You could see her also loosening up more on the reluctance to speak with you before.

There was still this awkwardness though that you felt between the two of you. It wasn’t that she was lying, but there was still that ever-present feeling like she needed to ponder the questions you asked her, as if weighing them in her mind whether they were acceptable to be answered. You still didn’t know what major secret she was hiding. Your mind fluctuated between wanting to find out in an attempt to help her and leaving things as they were. It was like a battle going on in your mind, not sure which path to take that could pull you closer to her and not upset her wishes.

There was also another moment that brought back that night when things went wrong. You were in History class with Moonflower as the Professor discussed about the events of Nightmare Moon and her subsequent banishment. You could see Moonflower tensing up with each detail of the battle between the self-proclaimed Queen of the Night and Princess Celestia and the after effects of the banishment. It was as if Moonflower appeared both angry and sad at the words that the Professor said, going as far as to excuse herself to the bathroom. You knew that she needed to get away, but when asking her if she was ok, she replied stoically, “I’m fine. Let’s not talk about it, ok?”

You decided not to press the matter further and offered to give her a copy of her notes. She thanked you for them, but almost seemed that she for some reason didn’t need them. Perhaps it was because she loved history that she knew about the events of Nightmare Moon, but deep down it seemed that this was something personal as if she was there when it happened. It was a silly thought as you knew the events of Nightmare Moon’s appearance and banishment happened over a thousand years ago. Perhaps Moonflower witnessed Nightmare Moon’s return at Ponyville during the Summer Sun Celebration and it traumatized her. All your thoughts, however, you kept to yourself, as you preferred to leave Moon in peace.

Saturday night had finally appeared as you found yourself with Moonflower once again. This time the two of you spent a wonderful dinner together followed by a movie. To you it felt like this should be this way every moment, as you felt so comfortable being with her. Happily you could see that Moonflower enjoyed herself.

“I had a great time,” Moon said to her as she held your hand.

“Yeah, me too,” you replied, “but you know the best thing about tonight?”


“Being with you,” you said simply, “It just feels… nice having you here.”

“I agree, and I hope we can do this again soon,” she said as she glanced at her watch, “but unfortunately I have to get going.”

“I wish that I could spend some more time with you,” you said with a sigh.

“So do I, and if I could I would stay with you as long as you wanted, but I can’t.”

“So, where do you go at night?”

“What do you mean?’ Moon said giving you a strange look.

“Well, you said it yourself you had something to do, and I don’t think that something has to do with you getting some sleep. Otherwise, you’d just tell me that. So where do you go? Is it a late night job or something?”

“Yeah, something like that,” she said. “and before you ask, I can’t say anything else about it.”

“Oh it’s that kind of a night job?” you said giving her a wink.

“Eww,” she said pretending to gag. “Really? You think that’s how I pay for college, doing… that in my spare time? Alright, if you must know, I work as a page in the castle.”

“You mean the Canterlot Castle, like where…”

“…Princess Celestia and Luna are?” she finished saying what was on your mind. “Yep, that’s the place. I haven’t met the Princesses yet, just doing simple tasks like organizing papers, delivering important things to different ponies in the castle, stuff like that.”

“There, was that so bad telling me?”

“I guess not,” Moon said as she seemed a little upset saying where she worked. It wasn’t some big secret or something to be ashamed of, but it was as if she regretted telling you this.

“Sure you don’t want me to walk you there?”

“You so sweet, but no, I’ll walk there myself. Anyway, I’m going to be late if I don’t get going. See you later.”

Before you could ask anything else she gave you a hug and quickly turned and disappeared into the crowd. You couldn’t help but notice as you walked away that she had a worried look on her face as if there was more to her job and life after seeing you. There was something that tugged on your heart, that still small voice that called out to you the day you met her telling you that there was more to her than what she was telling you. Now that voice was telling you something new, “Follow her.”

You reluctantly weighed your options, debating whether your instinct to follow her to her job was sound enough to protect her or if this could be the end to your relationship.

“I can’t let her go, not when I think something is going to happen. I have to find her, but I have to do so secretly,” you said to yourself, the word “secretly” lodged in your throat worse than a piece of not properly chewed food. You then made your way in the direction of where Moonflower walked off to, hoping you could make it to the castle without being seen.

Author's Notes:

Just a few more chapters to go until the end of this story.

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