

by totallynotabrony

Chapter 11: May 1

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May 1

Would anypony miss Lamplight?  Did he have a family?  Not that he's dead.  He can't be dead.

I need a distraction.  Sugarcube Corner and shopping?  Yes please!

Say what you want about Pinkie Pie, she can sure put your mind somewhere else.  She said they were having a special on donuts.  Well, I certainly can't refuse that!

Not my best drawing, but I ate it before I could look at it too much ;)

I wonder what time it is?  I forgot my watch today.  Carousel Boutique is probably open now.  Shopping therapy never sounded so good.

Rarity's place definitely smells like jasmine.  After saying hello, she left me alone to look around.  I can't help but follow my nose.  If she bought such strong-smelling flowers, I don't know why they're not out front and center.

I think the jasmine's in the back room.  Closest to the door is definitely where the smell is strongest.  It seemed impolite to open the door.  Well, that, and it was locked.  There's a couple of smells coming from the back room.  Weird.

I ended up with a new set of saddlebags.  I'm not going to say they were cute but they totally are!  Rarity thinks so too.  She says I have an eye for it.  She's probably just saying that to get me to come back and spend money.  Does it count as being manipulated if I know I'm being manipulated?  Don't care, there are lots more cute things she sells.  Not that I can afford it, but I might have to make this a weekend thing.

5:30 pm

No, I didn't need to wear the saddlebags to dinner, but Daisy and Lily loved them.  It helped me distract them from asking about the date, which they did anyway.  I stayed vague.  I think they think it was meh.

6:45 pm

I should go

Scratch that, I am not going for a walk tonight.  Maybe not ever again.

7:00 pm

I feel like I should have told somepony official what happened.  Although, I'm not sure who.  Ponyville is too small for police.  I don't know if we have an animal control officer.  Fluttershy, maybe?  What could she do?  What could anypony do if something happened to Lamplight?

I'm sure I'll see him tomorrow.  One pm. Next Chapter: May 2 Estimated time remaining: 30 Minutes

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