
Yu-Gi-Oh! Equus

by moviemaster8510

Chapter 60: Chapter 59: Envy

Previous Chapter

In the center of the basement library of the Canterlot Castle, Celestia paced back and forth inside it, clearly distressed. Twilight and her friends were supposed to arrive two minutes ago on the dot, and there was no word from any of them.

“Where are they?” she asked herself. “I sure hope they didn't run into trouble.”

“I can guarantee you they did,” shot the echoed male voice from an unknown direction.

Princess Celestia became alert at the sound of the unknown voice, standing in an offensive stance in different directions each second.

“Who's there!” she shouted. “Show yourself!”

A magical sound like a teleportation spell erupted from fifteen feet behind her, leaving her to turn around and find out who or what appeared from it. She could immediately make out the shape of a pony from in between two bookcases, but the shadows hid all of its intelligible features.

However, the pony slowly walked out and revealed itself in the light. The first things that Celestia could make out were its khaki colored coat, its square, masculine muzzle, deep, blue eyes, and a long horn. Walking out further, his long, brown mane which was pulled back and styled to look like blades. Celestia could see a pair of wings on his sides, revealing himself as an alicorn. Lastly it's lower body was revealed, a cutie mark of a satellite with solar panels on his flank and a medium-length wavy tail.

With his appearance now fully visible to Celestia, she couldn't help but gasp, but soon retained a face of seriousness and steadfastness. The alicorn couldn't help but smirk at her reaction.

“Hello, Celestia,” he said.

“Stargazer,” she referred to him, her words venomous and hateful.

Lyra vs. Alex

Lyra's Turn: Lyra activates Emergency Teleport, special summoning a level 3 or lower Psychic-type monster from her hand or deck, choosing Doctor Cranium from her deck (ATK: 100 DEF: 100). Lyra tributes Doctor Cranium to normal summon Overdrive Teleporter (ATK: 2100 DEF: 1200). Lyra activates Overdrive Teleporter's effect, paying 2000 life points to special summon two level 3 or lower Psychic-type monsters from her deck, choosing two Mind Protectors (ATK: 0 DEF: 2200) (ATK: 0 DEF: 2200).

Lyra's Life Points: 4000 -> 2000

Lyra then activates Tannhauser Gate, targeting two monsters that she controls with 1000 or less ATK and the same type and making their levels equal to their combined levels, choosing both of her Mind Protectors (3 + 3 = 6, Lvl.: 3 -> 6) (Lvl.: 3 -> 6). Lyra overlays both of her Mind Protectors to xyz summon Photon Strike Bounzer (ATK: 2700 DEF: 2000).

Lyra places one card face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-2000 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-1

“I don't know what you're doing here,” spat Celestia, “and what you think you're doing, but I will not have you hurt anypony or anyone.”

Stargazer slowly bowed his neck, his chin level with the ground and his eyes trained right at Celestia.

“So,” he said, his voice devoid of emotion, “you've made up your mind. You side with the humans.”

“The humans?” questioned Celestia, taken aback by his statement. “What do the humans have to do with this?”

“Those creatures have poisoned their planet Earth, and now it won't be long before they poison Equestria with their vices. They must be rid of in order to ensure the survival of both worlds.”

Celestia stood still at his statement, her eyes wide and bottom jaw quivering.

Alex's Turn: Alex activates Hieratic Seal of Convocation, adding a Hieratic monster from his deck to his hand, choosing Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit. Alex special summons Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit from his hand, as his opponent controls a monster while he controls none. Next, he tributes Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit to special summon Hieratic Dragon of Su (ATK: 2200 DEF: 1000).

When Hieratic Dragon of Tefunuit is tributed, Alex can special summon a Dragon-type normal monster from his hand, deck, or graveyard and make its ATK and DEF 0, choosing Luster Dragon 2 from his deck (ATK: 2400 DEF: 1400) (ATK: 2400 -> 0, DEF: 1400 -> 0). Alex overlays Hieratic Dragon of Su and Luster Dragon 2 to xyz summon Jade Wyvern (ATK: 2500 DEF: 2100).

Alex attacks Overdrive Teleporter with Jade Wyvern, but Lyra activates Draining Shield, negating the attack and gaining life points equal to the attacking monster's ATK.

Lyra's Life Points: 2000 -> 4500

Alex sets one monster

Alex places two cards face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-4000 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-2

I can't activate my Wyvern's effect because of her Strike Bounzer, thought Alex. But with my set Mirror Force and Card of Last Will, I'll be fine no matter what she tries to accomplish.

Alex looked at Lyra, who still displayed a stoic and determined face.

“You mean,” muttered Celestia, “commit mass genocide?”

“The humans have forced their hands, Celestia,” responded Stargazer. “They've been given so many chances to change just to turn them down. Humans are evil, and they must be eradicated.”

“Don't you speak ill of the human race, Stargazer! Don't forget that–”

“Enough talk. It's clear which side you're on, and it's not mine. If you side with the humans, you shall also suffer with them.”

Stargazer crouched, ready to charge forwards. Celestia widened her stance, preparing to intercept Stargazer's attack. With a sudden crouch, Stargazer burst forwards at Celestia, his horn glowing a bright green. Shooting a beam from it, Celestia launched her own. Both spells hit each other in between the two alicorns, producing a bright flash and loud bang.

Lyra's Turn: Lyra summons Mental Seeker (ATK: 800 DEF: 600). Lyra activates Level Doubler, discarding one card from her hand to double the level of one level 4 or lower monster that she controls, choosing Mental Seeker (Lvl.: 3 -> 6).


With her three monsters on the field, Lyra gave a devious smile to Alex, her golden D-Pad glowing a bright green.

“Now,” she declared, standing on her hind legs and throwing her right arm into the air, “I overlay my rank 6 Photon Strike Bounzer and my level 6 Overdrive Teleporter and Mental Seeker!”

“What?” shouted Alex. “What kind of summoning is this?”

Knowing all too well what was coming, Twilight shuddered in wide-eyed fear as Lyra's three monsters became three dark green wisps that flew and spiraled the air. However, the ground in between Alex and Lyra opened up into a pit lit by a fiery red and orange.

“Just...” stammered Tom. “Just what's going on!”

“With these three monsters,” continued Lyra, “I construct the overlay network.”

All three monsters flew into the pit, causing a large eruption of flames to burst forth from it.

“Xyz summon!”

The flames receded back into the pit as the earth closed back up. However, a bright yellow orb with bits of molten rock and metal still dripping from it was left floating above the ground. Inside of it was the silhouette of some kind of demon huddle in a fetal position.

“The epitome of jealousy and coveting,” chanted Lyra. “Come and give me what is truly mine to own!”

The bright yellow eyes of the demon opened up as it pushed at the orb's shell with all of its limbs. Twilight looked away, unable to face the beast that nearly killed her two nights ago. With a final push, the orb shattered away, revealing Lyra's white-and-red monster to Alex and all of his friends. As the monster floated down with its feet on the ground, it roared loudly at Alex and Jade Wyvern, clearly hungry for destruction.

“Come forth!” concluded Lyra. “Element of Vice – Envious Archfiend!”


Lyra overlays Photon Strike Bounzer, Overdrive Teleporter, and Mental Seeker to xyz summon Element of Vice – Envious Archfiend (ATK: 3200 DEF: 3000).

Lyra activates Element of Vice – Envious Archfiend's effect. By detaching one xyz material from it when she controls no spell or trap cards and her opponent controls one, she can set a spell or trap card that her opponent controls to her side of the field, choosing one of Alex's face down cards.

Lyra attacks Jade Wyvern with Element of Vice – Envious Archfiend, but Alex activates Jade Wyvern's effect. By detaching one xyz material from it, he can prevent the destruction of a monster on the field by battle until the end phase, choosing Jade Wyvern. Battle damage is applied normally.

Alex's Life Points: 4000 -> 3300


Alex was forced to the ground as he tumbled just inches from Twilight's hooves. Alex's face was contorted with agony and his eyes were closed from the intense pain.

“Alex!” shouted Twilight.

“I'm okay,” grunted Alex as he opened his eyes.

“Please,” said Lyra, her voice prompting Alex to turn and face her on his knees, “that was a mere 700 life points I just dealt to you. My monster is capable of much more than your body can handle.”

“We'll see about that,” said Alex, finally managing the strength to stand.

Lyra frowned, clearly irked by his resiliance.


Lyra ends her turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-4500 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

“Alex,” shouted Twilight. “Please be careful. That monster is really dangerous.”

“Don't worry,” exclaimed Alex. “I'm always careful.”

As Alex placed his hand on his deck, he assessed his situation

She took my Mirror Force with her monster's effect, he thought. If I can at least find an alternative way of getting rid of it...

Alex's Turn: Alex activates Graceful Charity, drawing three cards and discarding two. Alex then equips Jade Wyvern with Malevolent Nuzzler, increasing its ATK by 700 (ATK: 2500 -> 3200).

Alex places one card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-3300 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-2

“Now our monsters' ATKs are equal,” stated Lyra with a flat face.

“Great strategy,” spoke Kyle to his friends. “Now Lyra can't attack his monster unless she wants hers destroyed, and with one more xyz material attached to Jade Wyvern, it will escape destruction once again.”

“Way to go, Alex!” shouted Tom.

“Kick her sorry flank!” callled Rainbow Dash.

Lyra's smug smile returned.

“Naive,” she said.

Lyra's Turn: Lyra attacks Jade Wyvern with Element of Vice – Envious Archfiend, but Alex activates Jade Wyvern's effect, detaching its last xyz material to prevent a monster's destruction by battle, choosing Jade Wyvern.


“If only it were that easy,” called Lyra, “now I activate Envious Archfiend's effect.”

One of Lyra's monster's xyz materials flew into her monsters hand as it lunged for Jade Wyvern.

“By detaching one xyz material from it when I battle an opponent's xyz monster,” she stated. “I can pay life points equal to the difference between our monsters' ATKs to have neither player take battle damage or have any of their monsters be destroyed by this battle. And then, I take control of your monster until the end phase.”

“What?” shouted Alex, surprised over the might of Envious Archfiend.

“But since our monsters' ATKs are equal, I don't have to pay a thing.”

Envious Archfiend, using its glowing hand, grabbed Jade Wyvern by the neck and pulled it to Lyra's side of the field. Once Envious Archfiend let go of Alex's monster, a green, glowing ring appeared around Jade Wyvern's neck, causing Alex to grimace.


Lyra then activates Element of Vice – Envious Archfiend's effect. By detaching an xyz material when it attacks an opponent's xyz monster, she can pay life points equal to the difference between her monster's ATK and the opponent's monster's ATK to have both monsters not be destroyed by battle and have the opponent not take any battle damage. Since both monster's ATKs are equal, no life points are paid. Then Lyra takes control of the monster that her monster battled until her end phase, taking control of Jade Wyvern.

Lyra attacks Alex's face down monster with Jade Wyvern, which was a Dragunity Aklys (ATK: 1000 DEF: 800). Alex then activates his face down Card of Last Will, drawing five cards when a monster of his is destroyed by battle.

Lyra activates Overlay Regenerate, attaching itself as an xyz material to a face up xyz monster on the field, choosing Jade Wyvern. Lyra activates Element of Vice – Envious Archfiend's effect. By detaching an xyz material from it and from an xyz monster that she controls that her opponent owns, she can target one spell or trap card in her opponent's graveyard and add it to her hand, choosing Card of Last Will.

During the end phase, control of Jade Wyvern switches back to Alex.

Lyra places one card face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-4500 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2

What a monster, thought Alex. It uses an opponent's xyz monster's xyz materials for its effect. And now she has my Card of Last Will.

Alex then noticed the green ring that was around his monster's neck after Lyra used her monster's effect.

I'm not sure what the green ring is about, but it isn't bound to be good for it. All I can do now is try and bypass that card.

Looking at his replenished hand, Alex smirked.

And this looks like just the combo to do it.

Alex's Turn: Alex activates Mystical Space Typhoon, destroying one of Lyra's face down cards. Next, Alex activates the continuous spell card Dragon Mastery, allowing him to equip a Dragon-type Dragunity monster from his hand to a monster he controls, equipping Dragunity Pilum onto Jade Wyvern. A monster equipped with a Dragunity monster gains 500 ATK with Dragon Mastery's effect (ATK: 3200 -> 3700). Alex activates the effect of Dragunity Pilum equipped to Jade Wyvern, allowing it to attack the opponent directly while halving the battle damage.

Alex attacks Lyra directly with Jade Wyvern.

Lyra's Life Points: 4500 -> 2650

Alex sets one monster.

Alex ends his turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-3300 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-0

Lyra, having taken a massive amount of damage, had been flung into the air and landed about a foot away from the wall blocking the other end of the ally. With the large drop in life points, Alex's friends cheered him to victory.

“Way to go, Alex!” cheered Twilight.

“You can do it!” shouted Tom.

“Nice one, Alex!” called John.

Lyra struggled to get up as she crawled back to her original spot.

“You...” she growled. “You'll pay for that.”

“Lyra!” shouted Alex. “My monster is stronger than yours. It will attack you directly next turn as well. I don't see how I'm going to have to pay for anything. However, I will make sure that you pay for attacking Twilight. I promise you that.”

Twilight smiled at knowing Alex always had her back. However, despite Alex's threatening rebuttals, Lyra finally stood on her hooves and began to giggle.

“You really think so?” she laughed. “You still haven't seen all of my monster's abilities yet, and then you will see the why you and your kind should fear us!”

Alex stood back in a defensive stance, ready to see how Lyra would back her words.

“You won't get away with this, Lyra,” spoke Applejack.

“Ha!” Lyra exclaimed. “Not only will I get away with it, but neither will you or your friend Twilight.”

Lyra's Turn: Lyra summons Silent Psychic Wizard (ATK: 1900 DEF: 0). When Silent Psychic Wizard is normal summoned, Lyra can banish a Psychic-type monster in her graveyard, choosing Mind Protector.

Lyra attacks Jade Wyvern with Silent Psychic Wizard. Since Silent Psychic Wizard's ATK is less than Jade Wyvern's, it's destroyed and Lyra takes battle damage.

Lyra's Life Points: 2650 -> 850

Lyra activates her face down Card of Last Will, drawing five cards when a monster that she controls is destroyed by battle. Lyra also activates Silent Psychic Wizard's effect, special summoning the monster banished by its effect when it is removed from the field. Lyra then activates her Mystical Space Typhoon, destroying one spell or trap card on the field, choosing Alex's Dragon Mastery. Without its effect, Jade Wyvern's ATK is decreased (ATK: 3700 -> 3200).


“And now,” shouted Lyra, “I attack Jade Wyvern with Envious Archfiend!”

“What did you say?” asked Alex, his voice raised by the seeming insanity of her statement.

“But their ATKS are equal!” said Rarity. “They'll both be destroyed!”

“Under normal circumstances, yes,” Lyra replied, “but because I activated that effect of Envious Archfiend's last turn, my monster cannot be destroyed in battles involving Jade Wyvern. The only card that will be destroyed is yours, Alex!”

“No!” Alex screamed.

Envious Archfiend held out its hand as if it was holding an invisible umbrella. The monster then began gripping the space in its palm, causing the ring on Jade Wyvern's neck to glow bright as the dragon roared in sheer pain.

“Jade Wyvern...” muttered Alex.

Alex and his friends could only watch as Jade Wyvern was tortured by Lyra's monster until it eventually broke apart and shattered into countless golden sparks. Alex stood demoralized as his ace was destroyed in such a manner.


Lyra attacks Jade Wyvern with Element of Vice – Envious Archfiend. Since Element of Vice – Envious Archfiend and Jade Wyvern's ATKs are equal, they'd both be destroyed, but with Element of Vice – Envious Archfiend's effect, when it activates its first effect, it cannot be destroyed by battles involving the monster that it targeted when it activated its effect. Only Jade Wyvern is destroyed by battle.

Lyra activates Mystik Wok, tributing one monster she controls and gaining life points equal to either the monster's ATK or DEF, tributing Mind Protector and gaining life points equal to its DEF.

Lyra's Life Points: 850 -> 3050

Lyra places one card face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-3050 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

There's just no stopping her, Alex thought. At this rate, my life points are going to hit 0. And that means Twilight will...

He glanced back at his terrified friends, especially the purple unicorn whose life was in as much danger as his was.

“No,” he whispered, facing Lyra again. “NO! I will not lose to you. For the sake of my friends, I will defeat you.”

“Hmhmhm,” chuckled Lyra. “I'd love to see you try.”

“I guess that's all I can do at this point, right?”

Alex's Turn: Alex activates Reload, adding his hand to his deck, shuffling it, and drawing cards equal to the amount of cards that he added to his deck (2).

Alex places two cards face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-3300 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2

No doubt she'll use her Archfiend's effect again, thought Alex. But one of these is a decoy that will protect my other card. I just pray to God that she doesn't pick the other one.

“It looks like Alex is relying on luck now,” spoke Reese.

“Huh?” asked Fluttershy, who happened to be standing next to him.

“Lyra will probably activate her face down card next turn to activate Envious Archfiend's effect. If she takes a card from Alex that could decide the duel in his favor, then he's as good as gone.”

Fluttershy whimpered, frightened by the prospect of his friend's loss.

“Hmph,” huffed Lyra. “He's already as good as gone.”

Lyra's Turn: Lyra activates her face down Trap Stun, negating the activation and effects of trap cards until the end of the turn. Lyra summons Pandaborg (ATK: 1700 DEF: 1400). Lyra then activates Element of Vice – Envious Archfiend's effect, detaching one xyz material from it when she controls no spell or trap cards and her opponent controls one and setting a spell or trap that her opponent controls to her side of the field.


“And let's see which card I took,” giggled Lyra.

Upon examining it, her pupils shrunk in horror over what she now had.

“St– Star Changer. Why would you...”

She then looked to Alex, who gave her a smug smile. He had taken the dummy as he had hoped. Lyra's face was contorted in anger. Now she was out for blood.

“Attack, Pandaborg!” she screamed. “Take down his face down monster!”

As the android panda ran to and tore apart the holographic set monster card, a small, invisible angel minus its feet, gloved hands, rope belt, wings, crown, and gold bow and arrow appeared and then broke apart into bright sparks.

“Skelengel?” shouted Lyra. “What's that doing in a Dragon deck?”

“A little gift from Lauren,” he answered as he drew a card from his deck. “When Skelengel is flipped face up, I can draw one card.”


Lyra attacks Alex's face down monster with Pandaborg, which is a Skelengal (ATK: 900 DEF: 400). When Skelengal is flipped face up, Alex draws one card.


“Hehehe,” giggled Lyra. “HAHAHAHAHA! Now take the full strength of Envious Archfiend!”


Lyra attacks Alex directly with Element of Vice – Envious Archfiend.

Alex's Life Points: 3300 -> 100


Alex was hurled back and towards the wall, shouting in pain from the raw attack of the Element of Vice monster.

“NO!” shrieked Twilight, charging her horn.

Just as Alex's body could collide with the wall, his body was suspended in the air while having a purple aura covering it. She then lifted the battered Alex back to the playing field to finish the duel. Despite crumpling down as his knees hit the ground, his steady breathing indicated his well-being.

“Nice going, Twi'” complimented Applejack.

Twilight gave a confident smile, assuring her friends that she would help in any way.

“Annoying little foal...” seethed Lyra. “But it doesn't matter.”


Lyra activates Gold Sarcophagus, banishing a card face-up from her deck, choosing Ookazi. During her second standby phase after activation, Ookazi will be added to Lyra's hand.

Lyra places one card face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-3050 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-2

Alex got up slowly to his feet, his friends ready to help him up if he buckled. Alex seemed to manage, standing with connected thighs and spread calves to steady his stance.

“Not good,” he spoke. “I have two turns to win this duel. Otherwise, her Ookazi is going to roast me alive. But now that my trap is safe, there might be a chance yet.”

“Don't kid yourself, Alex,” scolded Lyra. “There is no chance for you.”

“There's ALWAYS a chance! And if it means saving my friends from you and this Stargazer, then I will win!”

Alex's Turn: Alex activates his face down Xyz Reborn, special summoning an xyz monster in his graveyard and attaching Xyz Reborn to it as an xyz material, choosing Jade Wyvern. Alex then activates Xyz Treasure, drawing a card for each xyz monster on the field (2). Alex then activates Heavy Storm, destroying all spell and trap cards on the field.

Alex attacks Pandaborg with Jade Wyvern.

Lyra's Life Points: 3050 -> 2250

Lyra activates Pandaborg's effect. By paying 800 life points when it's destroyed by battle, she can special summon a level 4 or lower Psychic-type monster from her deck, special summoning Telekinetic Shocker in defense position (ATK: 1700 DEF: 700).

Lyra's Life Points: 2250 -> 1450

Alex sets one monster.

Alex places one card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-100 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-1

“My field's empty again,” stated Lyra. “You didn't forget, did you?”

“I say it would be hard to forget after you activated it twice already,” teased Alex.

“You're on your last hundred life points and yet you continue to talk with confidence. I'll make you think twice about that.”

Lyra's Turn: Alex activates Threatening Roar, preventing Lyra from declaring an attack this turn. Lyra activates her own Xyz Treasure, drawing cards equal to the number of xyz monsters on the field (2). Lyra switches Element of Vice – Envious Archfiend into defense position.

Lyra places two cards face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-1450 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-2

Lyra began laughing again, disheartening Alex, Twilight, and their friends even more.

“Now my monsters are safe from damage!” said Lyra. “And with Envious Archfiend's effect, your Jade Wyvern still can't destroy my monster. And come next turn, Ookazi will come to my hand thanks to Gold Sarcophagus. Face it, Alex. You're through!”

“No...” muttered Emma. “No way.”

“I don't believe it,” said Fluttershy.

“Alex lost!” exclaimed Spike with worry in his voice.

Alex's reserve was still strong and his drive to protect Twilight still there.

“I'm not through yet,” spoke Alex. “I have one turn left to save myself, and as long as my life points are above 0, my fight will not end. And as long as my friends remain in danger, my protection will also never cease. As long as I stand before you, I'll never be through.”

Just then, the chests of Alex and the ponies began to glow. A light appeared above Twilight's head.

“Huh?” Lyra gasped. “That glowing. But that can only mean...”

Then, the lights wrapped around the necks of the ponies and Alex (along with Twilight's brow), the lights soon dying down to reveal the Elements of Harmony. Along with the appearance of his necklace, Alex's black blazer and pants turned a pearly white. Finally, the top card of Alex's deck began to glow.

“The Elements of Harmony,” sneered Lyra.

“About that chance that I didn't have,” spoke Alex. “Here it is, and it's going to destroy your monster, Lyra.”

Alex placed his fingers upon his deck.

“My turn!” he shouted, drawing his final card. “DRAW!”

“Not so fast!” exclaimed Lyra.

Alex's Turn: Lyra activates the continuous trap Xyz Veil, making all xyz monsters with xyz materials attached to them unable to be targeted by card effects. Alex activates Elements of Harmony, negating the effects of a monster that the opponent controls and reducing its ATK and DEF to 0, choosing Telekinetic Shocker (ATK: 1700 -> 0, DEF: 700 -> 0). Lyra then activates the continuous trap Tyrant's Temper by tributing one monster that she controls, choosing Telekinetic Shocker, preventing her monsters from being affected by other trap cards.


“Now you have no choice but to go after Envious Archfiend!” called Lyra. “And with its effect still forbidding Jade Wyvern from destroying it, it can't do anything!”

“Jade Wyvern may not be able to do something,” explained Alex, “but I still have the effect of Elements of Harmony. After I activate it, I can activate one of three other effects, choosing the second, allowing me to draw two cards.”

“Whatever,” mumbled Lyra. “Still your funeral.”


Alex activates the effect of Elements of Harmony, allowing him to activate one of three effects, choosing the second, drawing two cards. Alex flip summons Hieratic Dragon of Gebeb (ATK: 1800 DEF: 400). Alex tributes Hieratic Dragon of Gebeb to summon Dragunity Arma Mystletainn (ATK: 2100 DEF: 1500).

When Hieratic Dragon of Gebeb is tributed, Alex can special summon a Dragon-type normal monster from his hand, deck, or graveyard and make its ATK and DEF 0, choosing Luster Dragon 2 from his graveyard (ATK: 2400 -> 0, DEF: 1400 -> 0). Alex overlays Hieratic Dragon of Gebeb and Luster Dragon 2 to xyz summon Tourmaline Griffon (ATK: 2300 DEF: 2200).

Since his life points are below 500, Alex overlays Jade Wyvern and Tourmaline Griffon to xyz summon Shining Platinum Dragon (ATK: 3500 DEF: 2500). Alex activates Shining Platinum Dragon’s effect, detaching all xyz materials from it to reveal a number of cards on the top of his deck equal to the number of xyz materials detached (5). Shining Platinum Dragon gains 500 ATK for each Dragon-type monster revealed by this effect. The cards revealed are Hieratic Dragon of Asar, Dragunity Angusticlavii, Hieratic Dragon of Nebthet, Dragon Gunfire, and Dragunity Arma Mystletainn (3 x 500 = 2500, ATK: 3500 -> 5000).

Alex smiled.

“You're finished now, Lyra.”

“How's that?” she questioned. “Sure, now its ATK is much higher, but as long as its in defense position, I take no damage.”

“Is that so? And what if your monster came out of defense position?”


“Now,” shouted Alex, “I activate Stop Defense, bringing your monster out of defense position and into attack position.”

“You can't do that! My Xyz Veil protects xyz monsters with xyz materials attached to them from being targeted by card effects!”

“Under normal circumstances, yes. But because of your Tyrant's Temper that you activated to rid the field of Telekinetic Shocker, your monster is no longer affected by Xyz Veil's effects.”

“Tyrant's Tem–” she began to ask before she suddenly realized it. “Oh no!”


Alex activates Stop Defense, switching a defense position monster on the field into attack position, choosing Element of Vice – Envious Archfiend.

Alex attacks Element of Vice – Envious Archfiend with Shining Platinum Dragon.

Lyra's Life Points: 1450 -> 0

Alex wins.

Lyra was blasted to the ground, lying motionless and still when her body slid to a stop on the ground. The holographic aura from Alex's Duel Rezzer began to fade, having Alex's monsters, Lyra's trap cards, and the white in his clothes disappear. As well, the Elements of Harmony faded from Alex, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity in a bright light.

Alex didn't wait for his friends to praise him for his win, instead running straight at Lyra. Before she could get up, Alex picked her up under her arms and shook her with each demand he made at her.

“Who's Stargazer?” he shouted. “Who else is working for you?”

Lyra weakly giggled as she slowly opened her eyes to Alex's face.

“There will be another time and place for that, Alex,” she whispered, still tired from the duel. “I think the better question now is, 'With you and your friends having had to deal with me, who was there to protect your princess?'”

Alex gasped unsure of the meaning of Lyra's statement. Using the confusion to her advantage, she charged her horn and cast a blinding light that covered the entire alley. When the light faded, Alex unshielded his eyes with his arms and looked behind him to see if everyone was alright.

“Alex,” called Emma, “look!”

Alex looked forwards and saw that Lyra had disappeared, as did the wall behind her. Alex looked behind him again to see that the other wall was now gone as well. After mulling over Lyra's last words before she disappeared, Alex finally realized what she meant. Alex darted out towards his friends direction, passing them and continuing to run into the streets of Canterlot and towards the palace.

“Alex,” called Twilight, “where are you–”

“Celestia's in trouble!” yelled Alex. “We have to hurry!”

With the words “Celestia” and “trouble” being enough of a reason, the rest of the humans and the ponies ran from the alley and to the castle.

Celestia and Stargazer continued to exchange magical blows at one another, each one being deflected by the other. Celestia then began to gallop around the room as Stargazer tried to hit her with two spells, each one missing their marks. With a hard brake, Celestia leaped into the air and cast a much more powerful ray of magic at Stargazer. Stargazer cast a deflection spell to shield him from the attack, but Celestia, steadfast as ever, wouldn't let up.

Using another burst of energy from his horn, Stargazer extended the area of his barrier and bowed it forwards, the edges aimed straight at Celestia. One final flash from his horn caused the barrier to shoot out like a large hollow beam right at Celestia. Celestia whose concentration was fully set on her own spell had little time to react. With wide eyes and an agape mouth, Stargazer's spell hit her, sending Celestia flying into a pillar where her back made contact.

Celestia fell limply to the floor, immobilized by the pain she felt. She tried scrambling back to her feet to resume fighting Stargazer, but her tired muscles could hardly respond. Her terror only increased as Stargazer's hoofsteps came closer and louder. By the time he finally stopped, she turned her head to see him standing directly above her. There was no strength left to fight. She was defeated.

“I'm so sorry you had to force me to do this,” Stargazer told her with no sarcasm as his horn's aura appeared, now a violent red as opposed to his normal green, “but the humans must pay for their crimes to their Earth, and in time, this one.”

Celestia winced and turned her head away as she saw Stargazer's head lower down to her neck, powerless to stop him.

Alex, Twilight, and the rest of her friends charged into the castle. The guards, while initially alerted by their sudden entrance, realized who they were and let pass. Alex and the others ignored them and just continued through the labyrinthine hallways, led by Twilight, to get to the library.

Upon coming inside, they saw Princess Celestia sitting in the center of the room, her head bowed in shame and regret. She looked at them with somber eyes and mouth.

“My little ponies,” she said, “I'm so sorry that–”

Her voice was cut off by red sparks covering and shocking her body. Her neck shot up in convulsive pain as she grunted, revealing a necklace around her neck. It looked similar to the Elements of Harmony necklaces, but it was made of silver and graphite, and the base was a silver downward-pointing triangle with a red diamond piercing through the top. On the very top, there was a graphite unicorn's head with red eyes along with grey wings with red bases.

“Princess Celestia!” shouted Twilight.

Immediately, everyone rushed to her aid, wondering what the matter was.

“Princess Celestia!” spoke John. “What happened to you?”

“What's that necklace?” asked Pinkie Pie. “And where can I get one?”

“Everone...” she muttered. “This artifact is known as the Alicorn Amulet. Its bearer gains immense powers, but the more they use it, darkness creeps into their hearts and minds.”

Another shock caused more groans from Celestia.

“However,” she resumed, “the pony that attacked me enfused it with an even darker magic that's slowly eating away at me.”

“Then let's take it off!” exclaimed Rainbow Dash, already rushing to Celestia's neck.

“It's no use, Rainbow Dash. Only the one who puts the necklace on can take it off, and I'm afraid he's gone.”

“He,” spoke Alex. “Who is he? Is it Stargazer?”

“How... how did you–”

“Lyra Heartstrings. She's working for him. She attacked Twilight and I and mentioned his name. It's why we couldn't make it. I'm...” he began choking up, “I'm so sorry.”

“Don't blame yourself, Alex,” Celestia cooed, stroking Alex's cheek. “You did your best to get here, and the fact that you and Twilight are okay means that you both fought valiantly to save each other.”

“Who is Stargazer?” asked Tom. “How do you know him?”

Another shock emanated through Celestia's body, restricting her answer.

“There's not much time,” she said. “I need to tell Twilight now before its too late.”

“Tell me what?” asked Twilight.

“I'm afraid I cannot tell you physically. He might still be watching. Here, let me see your horn.”

Twilight, unsure of what was happening, did as she was told tilted her head towards Celestia's. Celestia then leaned her head towards Twilight so that her horn was touching. Immediately, Twilight's vision became a bright white until it quickly faded into an ethereal, space-like realm.

Twilight found herself floating inside of it, when several words seemed to race through her head. Closing her eyes, she concentrated hard on them, hearing the words as they entered her mind, focusing on the most important ones.











The last word echoed inside Twilight's mind as her vision returned her to the basement library. Scanning her head, she saw as her friends all looked at her as if she had been in some strange trance.

“What was that, Twilight?” asked Fluttershy.

A much more violent barrage of shocks covered Celestia, causing her to scream in agony. Everyone gasped over this, their terror increasing as Celestia's body shuddered from her weakening body.

“I'm afraid I cannot allow you to be here any longer,” grunted Celestia. “It's no longer safe.”

“Celestia...” muttered Twilight.

“I SAID LEAVE!!” barked Celestia with sheer anger.

Everyone took a step back except for Twilight, who stared at Celestia with horrified and sad tears bleeding from her eyes. Celestia sighed, regretting her action.

“Forgive me, Twilight,” she spoke. “The Amulet is corrupting me. You must leave before it fully takes hold.”

“Celestia,” sobbed Twilight.

The other ponies, including and especially Spike were crying now as well as Celestia continued to bid them her final farewell. Sparks continued to cover Celestia, but she fought through the pain as she knew her time was coming sooner rather than later.

“You can never contact me, and I can never contact you. As long as I don't know where you are, you and your friends are safe. For all intents and purposes, this is the last time I will see any of you. But before you go, I just want to tell you all that I am so proud of each and every one of you. I know you can save Equestria from Stargzer. I just know...”

Twilight couldn't contain herself, she slowly approached Celestia again.

“I love you, Celestia,” she wailed, wrapping her arms around Celestia's neck.

Celestia tearfully returned the embrace.

“I love you too, Twilight, my faithful student. I know you'll discover your destiny.”

“Thank you.”

“Now go. There isn't a moment to lose.”

Twilight left Celestia and galloped out of the library. With long, meaningful glances back, the humans and the rest of the ponies filed out of the room, running and galloping to the train station to make it to the next city.

Celestia, now alone, walked out of the room and down the halls. Princess Luna was galloping in the opposite direction towards Celestia, having seen her pop out of the library.

“Sister!” she exclaimed. “I heard you screaming from upstairs, is something the matter?”

Upon seeing the Amulet around her sisters neck, Luna gasped. The sparks were covering Celestia, whose knees began to wobble with exhaustion.

“That amulet! How did it–”

Celestia placed both hooves on her sister's shoulders and addressed her with urgency and a serious tone of voice.

“Right now, I need you to declare an evacuation of the city. I must do something.”

“Sister? Whatever do you mean?”

“Don't question me!” shouted Celestia, causing Luna to shrink back slightly in fear. “I need you to do this for me. I must keep my citizens safe.”

Celestia galloped away before her sister could retort.

“Celly...” she whimpered.

Wanting to honor her, galloped to the outdoors and flew to the balcony where she could address her ponies. Meanwhile, Celestia had flown from the palace to the Canterlot Sculpture Garden. As she took a moment to breathe, she heard the strong booming voice of her sister ring out amongst all of Canterlot.

“Ponies of Canterlot!” she yelled, which came off as soft echoes to Celestia. “It is my duty to inform you that Canterlot is under a state of quarantine! An evacuation of Canterlot is effective immediately! I repeat! An evacuation of Canterlot is effective immediately! May Celestia be with you!”

Celestia looked up at the palace and smiled.

“Excellent work, Luna.”

Another burst of sparks covered Celestia, being much more painful than the ones before.

“No,” she muttered. “I must fight it.”

She wearily walked through the various statues surrounding the large hedge maze. After wandering for minutes, she came across two statues. One was of Discord. His body was arched backwards, his arms were pushed outwards, and his face displayed one of terror, the last pose he made before the Elements of Harmony finished him off for the second time.

The next statue was also of Discord, but the area around his neck was cracked, having been defeated by Lauren on the final battle of the Equus War. Celestia, her body and mind weakening more, stood in position and began to cast a spell.

“Please,” she whimpered, her eyes tearing and her body wavering, “just a little more...”

Celestia then shot a spell from her horn that wrapped around both Discord statues, causing both of them to turn to dust and their fragments to swirl with the spell. Celestia looked as the pieces began to form again at the feet, slowly transforming into Discord in the flesh. Before she could see his head take form, Celestia closed her eyes and collapsed to the ground.

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