
Yu-Gi-Oh! Equus

by moviemaster8510

Chapter 59: Chapter 58: Scheme

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Sunday, June 31st, Canterlot, Equestria, Morning


The train pulled up to the station. Alex, Twilight, and their friends were already prepared to get off the train and head straight away to Princess Celestia. She had even assured them that some ponies that she sent would escort the printer and the case of laptops to the Canterlot Earth Stadium where registration would take place. The luggage car and the boxcar containing Tom and Alex's duel runners would also be kept intact for their train to Fillydelphia, their next destination after Canterlot.

As the train finally slowed down to a halt, the doors opened up, leaving the humans, the ponies, and the dragon to spill out of it and head right to the Canterlot Castle. As the group left the station, Lyra came out of the car two cars up from theirs. She watched the humans and ponies all run off, keeping her eyes specfically on Twilight.

I assume the train has arrived? asked a raspy female's voice in Lyra's mind.

Yes, answered Lyra to the voice in her head, but we should not attack quite yet. The day is when Celestia is most guarded. We shall attack both her and Twilight at night after the humans finish registering the ponies here. Did you acquire the amulet yet?

Negative. The curio shop that possesses it does not open for another hour. I will have Turner get it, as my appearance would... raise some questions. Remember, we aren't here to hurt anypony, just the humans, Twilight, and anyone else who stands in our way.

Copy that. Lyra, over and out.

Lyra then walked off the station and wandered into the streets, acting like a happy tourist as she marveled at the sights and grandeur of Canterlot.

Princess Celestia impatiently awaited the arrival of Twilight and her friends. Upon hearing her chamber doors behind her open, she turned to see them walking in one by one, much to her relief. The guards guarding her room promptly closed the door to prevent any outsider from entering. Twilight was equally as relieved as Celestia to see her, but her attention went to the broken window at the side of the room where Trixie's attacker had escaped from.

“Thank you for coming,” addressed Celestia, her face now sporting a serious look. “I am very glad to see that you have arrived in one piece.”

“Princess Celestia,” yelled Alex, “what is happening here? Why are Twilight and our friends being attacked? Why–”

Celestia put her hoof up, silencing him.

“I will do my best to explain,” she said, clearing her throat. “As you know, Trixie, Chrysalis, and Gilda were attacked and injured late last night. At first, I was to assume that it was their previous allegiance to Rae Sulfa Tun was the connection, but then, my own student, whom played no part in Rae's evil plans, was attacked last night as well. Twilight,” she said, directing her gaze at Twilight, “when your attacker was dueling you, was there a card that she used that you didn't recognize?”

“Yes!” answered Twilight. “It was called an Element of Vice, something to do with envy.”

“Thank you, that's all I needed.”

Alex was confused about what was going on, prompting him to listen further to Celestia's information.

“You see, Trixie, Chrysalis, and Gilda were attacked by similar monsters, but they had different titles to them. Trixie defines the Element of Vice that she faced as 'Greed,' Chrysalis, identifies hers as 'Sloth,' and Gilda remembers one known as 'Lust.'”

“Envy,” listed Tom aloud, “greed, sloth, lust. All that's left are pride, gluttony, and wrath. I guarantee you that these cards are based on the seven deadly sins in the Bible.”

Celestia was quite impressed at Tom's foresight, especially for his knowledge of the other names.

“I see, but if what Tom says is true, and I should have no reason to doubt him, that means that there are still three others out there that wish ill will to Twilight.”

“And if Trixie, Gilda, and Chrysalis were attacked,” spoke Alex, “that means that Grant, and maybe even Zelda are still at risk.”

“Perhaps,” said Celestia, “but right now, this is about Twilight, and why I think that she was attacked here as well.”

Everyone leaned in, eager to hear the hypothesis.

“After you and your friends helped save the Crystal Empire,” she began, “I stated that Twilight was set to move on to the next level of her studies. However, this next level included the shaping of her destiny.”

“My destiny?” asked Twilight.

“Yes, something that only a select few know about. I had originally planned to give you this mission when the proper time came. However, I feel like these forces seem to know of your destiny as well and wish for you not fulfill it, so the time has now come.”

“What is it, Celestia? I'll do anything!”

“Unfortunetely,” Celestia spoke with slight melancholy, “I cannot tell you immediately.”

“What?” shouted Rainbow Dash, leaping and hovering in the air. “So what are we even doing here if–”

She was silenced by Applejack pulling her back to the ground by her tail and giving her an angry look.

“Thank you, Applejack. I'm afraid that the information that I hold, if put in the wrong hooves, would completely destroy Twilight's destiny. Even now, I cannot help but feel that there is somepony who is listening on our conversation as we speak. That is why I request your return here tonight after your registration business is over. This way, my sister will maintain the night and we can go to discuss this more privately. Then I will tell you all that I should.”

“So,” spoke Kyle, “is this it for us?”

“Yes. And forgive me for harboring this information from you, but for the sake of Equestria, and possibly Earth as well, I cannot be too careful.”

Twilight herself was very disappointed, bowing her head and grimacing, but she knew that Princess Celestia had her best intentions here, especially if it was to be about something as life changing as she had promised.

“I understand, Princess Celestia,” answered Twilight.

“That is all I ask of you,” said Celestia. “You may go now. I shall send somepony out later today to deliver a rendezvous point where we shall meet tonight. Either one of you could receive it, so be on your guard.”

“Thank you, Princess. We won't let you down!”

“Very good. You are now dismissed.”

As Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Reese turned around to leave, Kyle, Emma, Spike, John, Tom, Alex, and Twilight stood still for a moment and looked at Celestia before they turned back, lest they overstay their welcome.

Walking out of the chambers, Applejack and the rest of Alex and Twilight's friends remained to let them catch up. With all that was going around her, Twilight's stress was at an all time high, something that was plastered all over her face.

“Twilight,” cooed Alex, “everything will be okay. I promise.”

“Alex,” spoke Twilight, “I want to visit Trixie and the others.”

“If it's not too much trouble,” whispered Fluttershy, “I want to come too.”

“And Gilda needs her old pal Rainbow Dash to help her out,” spoke Rainbow Dash in 3rd person.

“I also need to speak to Chrysalis,” Tom said to both Alex and Kyle.

“Tom,” spoke Reese, “we need your help registering these ponies. We'll be here all night if we don't get it taken care of.”

“It's okay,” spoke Kyle, causing the humans to turn their heads, “you can go. We'll manage.”

“Thanks, man,” Tom said with a slight bow.

“Hurry though. I do agree with Reese that we can't be here all night.”

“We'll try.”

With that, Twilight (with Spike riding her back), Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Tom quickened their pace to the exit to the castle while Alex and the others remained behind.

From the perimeter of the palace exit, Lyra continued to observe discretely looking at both Twilight's party and Alex's.

Turner, thought Lyra, have you acquired the amulet yet?

Affirmative, thought Turner. The shop owner seemed to require a bigger bribe than I had anticipated, but the deed is done. Will that be all?

Negative. I just spotted Twilight break off from the rest of the group.

Is she alone?

Negative. She's with Fluttershy and Tom Emmitt. Should I proceed to attack them?

Negative, Lyra. Not only would it be unwise to attack her during daylight, but Tom and Fluttershy would no doubt come to her aid. We can't compromise the safety of our operatives, even if we feel like we have a more open window. You still need to register for the CWDC, correct?

Affirmative. And you?

I took care of it in Ponyville, along with agent Derpy. Braeburn and Daring Do shall register in Appleloosa and Soarin will register in Cloudsdale. If this plan fails, and I have no reason to believe it will, we will need another way of dealing with these duelists.

I understand, Turner. I shall follow Alex's group to register immediately. Lastly, what of Stargazer?

Right now, he's using the changeling cave that I... vacated last night. You needn't worry. The royal guards have already combed the place; there should be no chance of him being spotted.

That's good to hear. Lyra, over and out.

Lyra, keeping her eyes on Alex and the rest of his friends, began to follow the group from a safe distance.

Tom, Twilight, Spike, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy followed a nurse down the jade green hallways of Canterlot General Hospital until they were led to a room at the end. The room itself was quite large, being able to bed the three creatures that Twilight and her friends came to see. Trixie, Gilda, and Chrysalis were both underneath their covers with several bandages wrapped around their heads, upon hearing the door open all three of them weakly lifted their heads to see who it was. They were elated, even in through their pain, to see their friends coming to visit them.

“Fluttershy,” groaned Trixie, “Spike. You came.”

“Rainbow!” spoke Gilda with much more gusto as she sat up, “'Bout time you–”

Gilda's words were cut off by her wincing, arching her back, and lying back down on the bed in agony.

“Careful, Gilda,” said Rainbow Dash as she flew to the griffon's bedside. “You don't want to break something else.”

Gilda couldn't help but giggle at Rainbow's words and her own foolishness.

“Tom,” sighed Chrysalis, “Twilight. It's so good to see you both.”

Tom walked over to the changeling's right side and put his hand on her left cheek while gently nuzzling his right cheek against her left, putting her in a greater sense of ease. Twilight greeted her with a similar hug.

“So,” cooed Fluttershy to Trixie, “are you feeling better?”

“If by feeling better,” interrupted Gilda with sarcasm and slight malice, “you mean physically and emotionally scarred, then yes, we're just peachy.”

“Gilda,” scolded Trixie, “she was just asking a question, and to answer it, Fluttershy, it's difficult to say. Sure, we're being treated and the pain slowly goes away with each passing hour, but that still can't ease the horrors we witnessed that night.”

“I understand,” spoke Twilight. “I was attacked by an Element of Vice as well.”

The statement brought upon confused murmuring to the three patients. Twilight's face remained still, knowing that they were unsure of this deviation in the connection as well.

“But...” spoke Chrysalis. “But Trixie, Gilda, and I were all a part of Rae's group, which is why we assume we were attacked. But why did they attack you, Twilight.”

“I'm not entirely sure myself,” spoke Twilight, “but according to Princess Celestia, I am supposed to fulfill some 'destiny' that these ponies don't want me to fulfill. She has asked to speak to us tonight in private so we can get more information. Until then, we're in the dark about this as well.”

“Hmph,” grunted Gilda, “figures.”

“I can understand Princess Celestia's caution,” spoke Spike. “I mean, Trixie was attacked inside Canterlot Castle with the Royal Guard inside of it. I think its safe to say that privacy is needed this time around.”

“It makes sense,” agreed Chrysalis, “but Tom, Rainbow Dash, Spike, Fluttershy, these Elements of Vice are not normal monsters. They're imbibed with a powerful, dark magic the likes of which I've never felt before. I know that Twilight is being hunted by these ponies, and so will you if you choose to protect her.”

Fluttershy couldn't help but shudder in fear at Chrysalis' warning.

“With all due respect, Chrysalis,” spoke Tom, putting his hand on Twilight's upper back, an act that mildly surprised her, “of course we're going to protect her. We don't leave our friends in the crosshairs, we stand in front of them ourselves.”

Chrysalis chuckled.

“Tom, Tom, Tom,” she sighed as she shook her head with each repetition of his name, “your loyalty and devotion to your friends is admirable, but it still won't change the fact that what you're dealing with is unlike the Equus war that you fought a month ago. These monsters are much more deadly, and if you aren't careful, they might take your life.”

Tom smirked nonetheless.

“Then I'll just have to be careful then, won't I?”

Chrysalis gave Tom a sympathetic, but unsure smile.

“So,” spoke Gilda, changing the topic, “what else are you guys gonna do while you're in Canterlot?”

“Other than serving as guards for Twilight? We were registering ponies to enter the CWDC on Earth.”

“Nice. Too bad we can't come register.”

Fluttershy looked at all of her friends sullenly, disheartened that their conditions forbid them from joining in the tournament's actions. Then an idea came to her mind, producing a slight smile.

“Tom,” said Fluttershy, “do you remember all the information that goes into the applications for registry?”

“After doing it almost a hundred times yesterday,” he answered, “pretty much.”

“Why don't you just get all of their information and register them when you rejoin with Alex and the others?”

“Good thinking, Fluttershy,” stated Spike, making the yellow pegasus blush and smile.

“Thank you,” spoke Trixie. “We owe you all one.”

“It shouldn't be a problem,” said Twilight. “Spike. Do you have a paper and quill at the ready?”

“As always,” the purple dragon spoke proudly.

“Then let's start with you, Trixie,” spoke Tom. “Forgive my formalities, but state your name.”

“Trixie,” she replied and Spike transcribed it.

Alex, Kyle, Reese, Emma, and John were already busy with the registrations of the citizens of Canterlot. Despite being a bigger city, the amount of ponies having come to register were about equal to Ponyville. Being that Canterlot was home to the elite in the social strata of Equestrian culture, many ponies considered Duel Monsters an “uncouth” game. However, there were still those who found the game entertaining and wanted to represent their city, giving the humans plenty to do while.

Applejack and the others kept watch for any suspicious ponies that might do harm to them and their friends. However, it seemed as if nothing was wrong, and things were going along smoothly. Her tension was eased even more when Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Tom, Spike, and Fluttershy returned safe and sound from the hospital. Tom found that his computer was already set up on his vacant table and went down to sit. Twilight and her other Equestrian friends went over to Applejack to lie down.

“Everyone okay?” asked Applejack to anyone.

“They're a bit banged up,” spoke Rainbow Dash, “but our being there really lifted their spirits.”

“In fact,” said Twilight, “I'm surprised that you didn't come with, Pinkie Pie. Celestia knows that they could have used your brand of cheering-up in there.”

“Wait,” said Pinkie Pie, “they sell cheering up? I sell cheering up? How has no one told me?”

Rainbow Dash groaned, “Yeah, I think they would have just preferred some R&R.”

“Perhaps you're right,” responded Twilight. “In fact, we all could use some R&R while Alex and his friends take care of these guys.

Twilight and her friends all sat down and chatted. Twilight didn't even notice as Lyra walked up to Alex's table, being next to register. Alex looked up to the beaming face of the green unicorn.

“Oh,” said Alex in surprise, “it's you.”

“Yes,” she spoke, “finally. I waited for so long. Since yesterday, in fact. Didn't I tell you?”

“You did. You had to miss out because of work if I remember.”

“You remember well.”


“Now, what do I have to do?”

“First, state your name.”

As Alex worked out with Lyra, Tom had just finished with a golden stallion with three horseshoes for a cutie mark. Just arriving at his table was a well-built white unicorn stallion. He had a medium-length wavy blue mane and a brushed tail along with a small mustache on the end of his snout. He wore a white shirt with gold buttons, a blue vest, a black tuxedo jacket, and a monocle upon his left eye. His cutie mark consisted of three gold crowns arranged in a triangle formation.

“I say,” said the stallion in an English accent reminiscent of John Cleese, “you wouldn't happen to be Thomas Emmitt, would you?”

“Why yes, I am,” said Tom, “but please, call me Tom. Thomas is my father's name.”

“Yes, yes,” he chuckled, “very good. I can't imagine that a human such as yourself could know me, so allow me to introduce myself. My name is–”

“Fancypants!” cried Rarity, rushing over to Tom's table and supporting her head with her elbows on the table, clearly smitten. “Fancy seeing you here.”

“My sentiments exactly, Miss Rarity” said Fancypants. “However, I was quite interested in your friend here. You see, when I watched him fight at that one tournament in his hometown, I couldn't help but feel a roaring passion burning inside of me. And when I heard that ponies from all over Equestria had a chance to partake in this new sport, I knew I had to be a part of it too and represent my home and country in this tournament of men and pony. And so, here I am.”

“Such a poet,” sighed Rarity.

“I'm glad to be such an influence,” spoke Tom, also winded by the zest of Fancypants' explanation. “Now, let's get started. Please state your... Fancypants. And I assume Canterlot is your hometown, correct?”

“Hmhmhm, yes I do. Wonderful place, isn't it?”

“I'll say. If only the ponies were as good as the architecture.”

“Oh dear, they haven't been too bothersome, have they?”

“A bit. I suppose that comes with being a middle-class suburban human inside the upper class section of Equestria, but I'm glad I get to register one of the more polite ponies in this town.”

“Oh, how nice of you to say such a thing. You see, I can certainly empathize with the lower classes unlike my peers, but it wasn't until I met Rarity here that true sophistication can come from the most unlikely places.”

“Oh, go on,” sighed Rarity. “But seriously, do go on.”

This earned both an earnest giggle from both Tom and Fancypants.

“Alright, but back to business,” said Tom, facing the stallion again. “And which deck would you like?”

As Fancypants continued going back and forth with Tom and occasionally Rarity, Alex was just finishing printing off a Spell Counter Spellcaster deck for Lyra. After packing the cards evenly, Alex placed them upon the table in front of Lyra.

“That will be ten bits, please,” he said.

“Right,” said Lyra, fishing a brown, leather purse from her saddlebags with her teeth. Picking the purse up by the plump side, she spilled out several golden coins from it and onto the table. Alex counted out each coin individually and was surprised that there were exactly 10 coins in total.

“Well,” spoke Alex, raking the coins in an placing them in a larger bag, “thank you.”

“No,” replied Lyra with a kind smile, “thank you.”

“You have a good day, now.”

“Oh, I will.”

Lyra grabbed both her purse and her deck with her teeth and placed them in her saddlebags, turning around and leaving in the process. As she exited the mass of ponies still needing to register, she found a wastebasket about fifteen feet from her. Trotting over to it, she grabbed her deck from her bag, and after looking both ways, she tossed the deck into the trash and trotted away.

“Can't say the same for your friend, though.”

It was already nighttime by the time the last pony registered for the tournament. As Alex, Kyle, Reese, Emma, and John were putting away their equipment, Tom was busy putting in the information of Trixie, Gilda, and Chrysalis for them. Kyle couldn't help but interest himself in Tom's actions.

“What are you doing?” asked Kyle. “We need to go see Princess Celestia after this. This is no time to be on Facebook.”

“I'm not,” answered Tom with slight irateness. “Gilda, Trixie, and Chrysalis were unable to register due to their injuries, so I gathered their information at the hospital and I just got the time to register them now. Is that alright? To do favors for a friend?”

Kyle could see that irritating Tom further would lead to a nasty argument, and he now knew that Tom had good intentions and was doing nothing wrong, so he looked down in slight embarrassment and walked away. Tom made a triumphant huff in response as he finished his work.

With the case packed, the group of humans and Equestrians left the Earth Stadium and went on to Canterlot Castle where Celestia would be waiting. The guard ponies were already moving all luggage and the two vehicles from the building and to the train station where they would go to their next town: Baltimare.

"Did someone tell you where Celestia would be?" asked Twilight to Alex.

"Some talked to me," said John. "She told us to meet her in the basement library. I assume you know where that is, Twilight?"

"Of course I do! I spent a great amount of time there during my studies when I was much older."

"Then let's not waste any time," said Alex.

The streets around Canterlot were very busy at night, with many ponies just now having dinner or socializing at parties throughout the town. This put Twilight at a greater sense of ease, knowing that only a complete idiot would attack them in the open like this.

As they too another right turn to get to the palace, Alex could see a familiar green unicorn walk out from behind a building. She then turned her head towards the group and excitedly ran to them, recognizing them just as quickly.

“Hey!” Lyra called. “Fancy seeing you here this late at night. When's your train to the next town again?”

“It's in about one hour,” answered Reese. “But we're–”

“Great! That gives me plenty of time!”

“Um, plenty of time for what?” asked Emma.

“Twilight, I heard you're quite the duelist in the Ponyville social circle. I mean, you did help defeat Rae Sulfa Tun last month, didn't you?”

“Well,” said Twilight, frowning slightly at the intense memory, “I helped beat Chrysalis, so...”

“So you are good, right?”

“I don't like to toot my own horn, but–”

“Then why don't you duel me?”

“D– Duel you?”

“You use Spellcasters, don't you? So do I. I want to see how well our decks compare. So how about it?”

“Well, you see...”

“I'm sorry, Lyra,” answered Kyle, “but we have pressing business with Princess Celestia now. We need to get going.”

“Come on, just one quick duel? I promise it won't last long!”

“Even if I did have the time,” answered Twilight, “I'm really not in the mood. I was just attacked two nights ago and I'm still reeling from it. Perhaps another time.”

“Aw,” moaned Lyra with puppy-dog eyes, “I'm so sorry to hear that. I know that a duel will help you feel better. Honest!”

“Lyra!” began to bark Kyle. “Just drop it alrea–”

“You know,” said Alex stepping up, “I've beaten Twilight's deck before. If you can beat me, you'll be doubly as good as her.”

Alex gave a joking glare at Twilight at the last statement, causing the latter to roll her eyes.

“Kyle,” Alex said to him, “we do have one hour before our train. Not to mention, I don't think Lyra's going to let up without a duel. So let me just give her a quickie and we'll be on our merry way. Is that alright, Lyra?”

Drat! thought Lyra. I knew that the attack that night was going to be too much for her. However, I now have a chance at dueling one of the bearers of the Stones of Equus, and if I'm not mistaken, one of, if not, the best among them. Stargazer will go head over hooves if he knows I beat the Alex Yuwell with my Element of Vice. Here goes nothing.

“Alright,” answered Lyra happily, “you got a deal. But hows about we duel somewhere less... crowded.”

Alex looked to his friends and shrugged his shoulders, confirming his acceptance of these settings.

Lyra led Alex and his friends to the middle of a wide alley. It really set up the specifications for a quiet duel: sparsely populated with enough space for monsters to battle. Alex stood still in the very center with his friends right behind him for support. Lyra walked on further to separate themselves from the duelist.

“Well, here we are,” said Lyra, standing on her back legs and putting her arms out to show the area. “I don't want to keep you all waiting, so let's get to it.”

“Lyra,” said Alex, “you seem like a sweet mare, but I need to set some rules now.”

“Huh? What's that?”

“This duel can last no longer than ten minutes. If we expect to see Celestia tonight and catch our train, we need to cut this as short as possible. I'm already pulling strings to do this for you.”

“And I thank you.”

“Yes, well, ten minutes, Lyra. No more, no less.”

“Hmph,” huffed Lyra with a confident smirk and a suddenly vicious tone of voice. “I don't even think you'll last ten minutes.”

Lyra's violent change in her tone of voice unnerved Alex and the rest of his friends, minus Twilight, who was absolutely terrified over recognizing her voice.

Lyra then held out her left arm, allowing a purple halo to form around her elbow and scan down the arm to the bottom of the hoof. As the halo scanned over, the golden pod D-Pad appeared on her forearm. Everyone, minus John, Reese, and Emma, recognized the duel disk, causing them to gasp in fright..

“No...” Tom muttered, “no way! That's the same D-Pad that Ahuizotl used when he attacked the Crystal Empire. Don't tell me...”

“Yes,” answered Lyra, “I work for the same pony that he did.”

“Guys!” shouted Alex, turning behind him and fanning his outstretched arms forwards, “run!”

As the group turned to leave, Lyra smirked at their attempts of escape, lifting her left hoof up and stomping it back down. Before Alex and his friends could leave the alley, a brick wall shot up in front of them and behind Lyra's exit, trapping them in.

“Help!” shouted Tom as he pounded his fist to the wall. “Someone help!”

“It's no use,” spoke Lyra. “Those walls are invisible to everypony but us, and no one can see or hear us beyond them. For all intents and purposes, we don't exist.”

Twilight, using as much strength as she could muster, charged her horn and cast a teleportation spell, causing her to disappear in the burst of a purple bubble of energy. However, as the magical plasma began to fall away, it suddenly receded back as if the spell was now working in reverse. Sure enough, as the bubble reformed, Twilight appeared, although woozy and disoriented.

"Teleportation is useless here," said Lyra. "And just try and fly away Rainbow Dash. I dare you."

Rainbow Dash tried it, flying up to rise above the wall. However, the wall only continued to rise above her by about five feet.

"What the..." Rainbow Dash muttered.

"She then tried flying above the buildings only for an invisible force to block her ascent as she crashed her head into it. Rainbow Dash, seeing that they were blocked from all possible angles, flew back down to the ground, defeated as she rubbed her forehead.

"There's no escaping here," explained Lyra.

Twilight's knees were buckling, Lyra noticing this.

“And it's a shame that your friends had to interfere that night, Twilight, then I would have finished you. And now you're too weak to even gaze at me. Even if you were to know your destiny, you'd never be prepared for it.

“But for right now, I have Alex to beat, and like your Princess, Stargazer does not like to be kept waiting.”

“Stargazer?” asked Alex.

“Enough talk!” she shouted, getting into position. “Now, face me, Alex Yuwell. I'll take your Stone of Equus and your life!”

“We'll see about that!” shouted Alex, pulling out his own silver D-Pad.

Alex placed his wrist dealer/graveyard upon his wrist and fastened it in. Next, he placed his tablet upon his wrist, causing the zones from within them to unsheathe out. Next, he pulled his Duel Rezzer from his inside jacket pocket and pressed the button in the center, turning it on.

“Duel Rezzer,” he shouted. “Activate!”

Alex tossed the machine in between him and Lyra, causing holographic auras to spread out from it and cover the area.

“Alex,” shouted Twilight, “be careful! This is the same pony who dueled me that night!”

“Careful or not,” spoke Lyra, “you'll still be crushed by me.”

“Dream on, Lyra!” snapped Alex. “Let's go now!”

As Alex and Lyra drew five cards from their decks, Twilight looked upon her human friend with fear and uncertainty on her face.

“DUEL!” the two shouted.

Next Chapter: Chapter 59: Envy Estimated time remaining: 28 Minutes
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