
Short Stories Collection, vol. I

by fallen starr

Chapter 40: Silence [Sad]

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Silence [Sad]

Twilight sat next to Pinkie, pushing a stray bit of pink hair from the younger girls face. Pinkie gave Twilight a small smile, though it didn't reach her eyes. Twilight noticed and took her hand. Their fingers intertwined.

Placing her head on Twilight's shoulder. They sat that way for a long moment. Then Twilight felt a drop of moisture hit her hand. She turned to the side, lifting Pinkie's head so they could look each other in the eye.

Her hand brushed across Pinkie's face, wiping the tears away. Twilight pulled her close, allowing Pinkie's to press her head into the crook of her neck as she Pinkie sat on her lap. Twilight stroked the girls pink hair, soothing her.

Once the tears had ran dry and Pinkie hadn't moved, Twilight slowly pulled away. Pinkie had fallen asleep. A small smile graced her lips as she laid the girl back on the bed they were sitting on.

Twilight covered Pinkie, placing a light kiss on her cheek before turning the light out and leaving the room.

Next Chapter: Sweetie Belle [Slice of Life] Estimated time remaining: 52 Minutes
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