
Short Stories Collection, vol. I

by fallen starr

Chapter 39: Eternity's End [Sad]

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Eternity's End [Sad]

Twilight Sparkle stood in the secluded spot. Many years had passed since it had begun, and she was one of the only three people who still knew about it. She was certain she was the only one who still visited. She sat in the middle of the six stones, allowing the grief she always felt when coming here to wash over her.

Rain or shine, she would come and spend the day here every year. This day of the year would be special to Twilight forever. She would always remember the day she had made her first true friends. She would always remember the day her mentor had started her down the road to becoming a Princess. Sometimes, the memory was cherished, a treasure that kept Twilight going during her dark hours.

Other days, she wished she had never started down that road. She wished she could had simply stayed a unicorn forever.

No, not forever. Until she died. She lifted her head, her gaze staying on each dark grey stone, taking in the features as if afraid of ever forgetting. Though she had long ago memorized the words etched into the stones, she read them aloud.

Her voice was hoarse, barely above a whisper. "Rainbow Dash, Brave 'til the end." That was all it said. She remembered the outrage she and the others had felt when that was all the engravers had written. None of what they wanted had made it onto the stone.

Rainbow had been so much more. Loyal to a fault. Twilight let out laugh, even as a tear rolled down her cheek. "You were too good for the Wonderbolts, Dashie. They didn't deserve you." Twilight still remembered the last Wonderbolts show she had actually watched. Rainbow Dash was performing her signature Rainboom, when something went wrong.

"And here comes the Rainboom!" the announcer yelled as Dash began her decent. Twilight watched with a grin. Her friend was still the only pony alive to have accomplished a Rainboom. Dash was nearly at the breaking point when she was suddenly flung backwards.

Twilight jumped to her hooves, her mind racing. Seeing Dash heading straight for the box she was in, she tried undoing the barriers around it. She was too late. Dash hit the barriers—

And broke through them. She landed just inside. Twilight rushed to her side, feeling for breath. A small sigh escaped her as she felt a small puff of air leave the blue snout. The medics made it to her just seconds later, rushing her to the hospital. Dash was gone before arriving.

Twilight moved to the next grave. "Applejack Apple, Always there." As with Rainbow, Applejack's gravestone didn't say nearly anything Twilight wished it said. Twilight hadn't been there when Applejack had gone—she had been found leaning against a tree in her orchard, her hat pulled down over her eyes as if she were taking a nap. "I should have been there to help. I'm sorry."

"Fluttershy, Gentlest of ponies." Twilight sighed. "Oh Fluttershy." Twilight closed her eyes for a moment. Though Fluttershy had been afraid of the Everfree, one of her animals had been injured and she went looking for it. The stare didn't work on Timberwolves as it did on regular animals. A chill went down her back as she remembered staring at the closed casket.

The next headstone was Rarity's. Twilight stared at it for a moment. "Rarity, the bringer of beauty." She didn't remember who had decided to put that. Probably Sweetie Belle. It was true, though. Even as an older mare, Rarity was beautiful. Though her physical beauty paled in comparison of her spirit. Twilight still wished she had been in Rarity's Canterlot shop that day. She knew the story well enough, though. Pinkie had been there, offering treats.

Rarity watched as a unicorn father and foal walked into her shop near closing time. She glanced at the schedule she had, then looked up with a smile. "Ah, hello. You must be Arcus and Dolly?" The pair nodded. "If you will come with me, there is still one other family here, I'm afraid. You don't mind being in the same room." She led the way to the back, where several foal-sized winter items were laid out. "I only ask that you take no more than one coat, and two of the others."

The stallion tensed as he saw the other stallion who was with his son. Rarity noticed the look the two shared, a sinking feeling in her stomach. "Oh, look daddy, this one is cool." Dolly held up a dark colored hat with a hole for her horn to go through.

The young colt ran over. "I want that one!" he said, snatching it off the filly's head with his magic.

Arcus stepped forward. "Dolly had that first, you'll give it back." Not waiting for the foal to move, he jerked the garment away.

"If my son wants that one, he'll have that one."

The two stallions began a tug of war with the head covering. "Excuse me." Rarity tried to stop them, but they ignored her. She stepped closer, her brow furrowing. "I would like for you not to be rough with these, they are quite expensive." She jumped away as a hoof narrowly missed her. Arcus hit the other stallion on the neck.

The stallion retaliated. Rarity watched in horror as the stallions landed punch after punch on each other. Finally, they separated, both glaring at each other.

Pinkie was hold both foals, who were shaking with fear. Rarity stepped forward to ask the stallions to leave the shop, but was hit with a blast from Arcus.

Twilight turned to Pinkie's stone, blinking away tears. She gently traced the engraved letters. "Pinkie Pie, Smile." She had chosen that one. The twins hadn't been happy about it, but it described Pinkie perfectly. "You are still my very best friend, Pinkie." She leaned her forehead against the cool of the stone. She didn't cry. Her eyes simply fluttered shut as she sat silently, just remembering. "Oh, Pinkie, how I wish you were here." She sighed again and raised her head. Pressing her hoof against the engraved name, she almost smiled.

Pinkie Pie hadn't changed with age. Some of that may have been the youth spells she allowed Twilight to cast, but those didn't affect anything but her physical appearance. Still, she hadn't been hopping anywhere lately. She and Twilight were in Canterlot Castle, having lunch.

"What have you been doing lately?" Twilight asked. Even if lately meant since their last lunch together a few days ago, Twilight was interested. By now, she had learned to love every second she spent with her friends.

"I've been thinking," she said. She sat her tea cup down and looked at Twilight. Her normally smiling face took on a serious expression. "I think it's time for me to go."

"But you just got here. We haven't even had dessert yet!" Twilight laughed. Dessert would always be Pinkie's favorite part.

A sad smile graced Pinkie's lips. "No Twilight. Not from the castle. From Equestria. From our pleasant little Equis planet."

Twilight visibly paled. "P-Pinkie, no. Don't be s-silly."

Pinkie looked down. "I love you, Twilight. You've been my best friend for so long. That's why I haven't left yet. But I can't live forever. Nopony can. Well, except Princesses." She looked into Twilight's eyes. "I don't want to leave you, Twilight. It is time, though. Just…smile for me, okay? Know that you are my favorite Princess."

Twilight was fighting tears now. Her voice was shaky as she spoke. "No one can chose, Pinkie. It doesn't work like that."

Pinkie gave a small laugh. "We both know I'm not a normal pony. I've always been weird. Different."


Twilight welcomed the tight embrace Pinkie gave her. They stayed like that for several moments, Pinkie comforting Twilight. "It'll be alright. I Pinkie Promise. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," Pinkie whispered into Twilight's ear.

They pulled away, Twilight wiping tears from her eyes even through the faint smile.

"Please, Twilight?"

Twilight looked at Pinkie, taking in her mane, her fur, her cutie mark, her face. "Okay."

The rest of the day was spent  with the two simply being together. The next day, Pinkie was found still snuggled in her bed, a smile on her face.

Twilight sniffed again. She tore herself away from Pinkie's grave to the view the last one. Everypony knew dragons lived thousands of years. She hadn't planned on giving Spike up for a few centuries.

Only, dragons didn't live that long. Five hundred was average for a dragon. Spike had only been three hundred. He had grown big. He had been sent on a trip, to try to talk to the other dragons. His mission was to see if dragon kind was interested in forming an alliance with ponies.

All they received back was a single scale. Since then, several different dragon tribes had came forward and allied themselves with Equestria. Twilight avoided all of those meetings.

"You'll always be my favorite little guy, Spike." She leaned down and kissed the headstone. A tear rolled off her muzzle and hit it, darkening it in spots.

She moved away, her gaze again traveling the circle. Finally, she curled up into a small ball and closed her eyes. At least she would spend the night with her friends.

Next Chapter: Silence [Sad] Estimated time remaining: 53 Minutes
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