
Equestria's Strongest Wizard

by Vongoalyken

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Meeting Mavis and Nightmares

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Author's Notes:

Thanks for the Favs and views! Over 88 of you guys are tracking and 60 thumbs up! In the last three days their has been over 1336 views! Thanks for the recognition! I will try to keep the story strong and if you have any ideas for the story feel free to share. If you don't like the story please let me know so I can get better. Thanks Guys!

MPF Scores of all Fairy Tail wizards

1: Laxus - 76,515 - SS
2: Luna - 2690 - A
3: Nightmare Moon - 2202 - A
4: Celestia - 2187 - A
5: Duster - 1074 - A
6: Twilight Sparkle - 423 - B
7: Magic Touch - 152 - C
8: Big Mac - 145 - C
9: Applejack - 120 - C
10: Rainbow Dash - 116 - C
11: Soarin - 98 - C
12: Thunderlane - 95 - C
13: Pinkie Pie - 94 - C
14: Cider Blossom - 90 - C
15: Rarity - 81 - D
16: Spike - 78 - D
17: Scootaloo - 26 - E
18: Applebloom - 24 - E
19: Sweetie Belle - 22 - E
20: Fluttershy - 4 - E

Laxus Point of View

I watched as everyone just stared at Mavis as she flew down towards me and sat on my shoulders. Many of them looked shocked to see such a young girl as the founder of Fairy Tail. Mavis then crossed her arms and rested them on the top of my head. I had gotten used to this over the last two years so it barely bothered me anymore, but that only lasted until she whispered in my ear.

"Which princess got your blood pumping the most?" She whispered in my ear so only I could hear her. I blushed and shrugged my shoulders to get her off of me and she just giggled. She then flew in front of the new wizards and introduced herself. "Hello everyone, I'm the First Master, Mavis Vermillion." She announced to the guild.

At this, many present looked on as if waiting for the punch line to some joke until Spike said "Are you sure? She looks even younger then us and is a kid." He then gestured to himself and the CMC. Mavis then pouted and was getting ready to...inform the young dragon of his mistake, but I cut her off before she could.

"She may look like a child, but she is hundreds of years old, just like the Princess's. She will be in charge when ever I am away and will also be referred to as Master Mavis. She may look young, but she is the founder of this guild and its greatest tactician to ever live. Her nickname was the Great Fairy Tactician and has been helping me train these past two years. Her knowledge of magic is probably unparalleled and even I will refer to her as Master. So please give her the respect she deserves." I said, looking over the group. "And if you make her cry...I make you cry!" I said in almost a murderous tone.

Mavis flew over and hit me atop the head. "Stop it, your scarring them! And I don't cry!" she yelled at me.

I just rubbed the top of my head and looked back at everyone. "Why was she invisible until we received our emblems?" Luna asked.

Mavis and I glanced at each other. "Like I said she is the First Master of Fairy Tail and humans don't usually live past 100. She, however, is special. She is more of a spirit then a human now. She still can use magic and interact with us, but will be invisible to everyone else." I explained. "Now I'm sure many of you have a lot of questions you want to ask at this point." I said as I looked at Twilight who was practically drooling at this point and seemed to be bursting with wonder. "However, I will ask that you hold onto them for now until I hold the next meeting." I said.

"Oh come on!" Twilight yelled as she stood up. At this everyone looked at her and she blushed and gave a sheepish grin and sat back down.

I chuckled and Mavis giggled. "There has been a lot of information shared at the moment and I believe it would be best to let it sink in. Mavis and I will be more than willing to answer questions later." I said looking at Twilight who was still blushing and everyone chuckled at her again. "I would like to get started setting up the contract board for the first and second floor. Also, I would like you all to fill out these forms so the guild knows where you live and who to contact from your family if you're injured. Please also input the address and names of all immediate family members." I said as I started handing out the forms. "Please hand the forms to Duster when done. Duster, please give them to me once all of them have been collected." She nodded. "Now any of you who will be staying in the guild please inform either Mavis or I so we know and please put your name outside the door so we know which rooms are taken."

I said as I started to make my way to the stairs. "However, you're all wizard's of Fairy Tail, you're free to come and go when you wish. You can come here in the middle of the night, but try to be respectful of those who sleep here. If you want to have a party or giant sleep over, you're more then welcome to, just make sure you help clean up afterwards. No reason to punish Magic, Cider and Duster." I said with a chuckle. "Pinkie!" I yelled.

"Yes Master Laxy!?" She said with such child like enthusiasm.

I sighed. "Please don't call me Laxy." I said with a frown and all she did was giggle. "You may start preparing for the party whenever you want." She got this mischievous look on her face, which worried me a little. "Everyone else have fun and thank you for joining Fairy tail." At this everyone just cheered and I turned to walk to the stairs only to hear a massive party explosion erupt from behind me. I turned back around to see the guild had party supplies everywhere as well as food and drinks. I looked around and saw Pinkie just smiling at me, but then she pointed two fingers at her eyes then back to me. I just looked at her baffled. I figured she was just messing with me and as soon as I thought that she turned away from me to look at something.

"That's what he thinks!" She said to the wall as if she was talking to someone. She then giggles and I decided to leave it alone and continue up to my office.

Mavis followed me into my office and sat down on top of one of the bookshelves. "So what do you think?" she asked me.

I started sorting out the contracts while we talked. "I think we have our work cut out for us, but I think many of them have potential. Can you try and figure out what a good type of magic would be for each individual to learn." I said as I continued to look through the contracts. Their was two A class contacts. "I figure give everyone a week then we'll start introducing them to the styles that might fit them." One contract dealt with acquiring the sap of a timber wolf and the other was retrieving venom from a manticores tail. I agreed with the contract rank and reward for the difficulty. "Between the two of us I think we should be able to find suitable styles for everyone and help them develop it in the beginning." I said. As I started looking at the B class contracts.

"In the beginning? Shouldn't we try to help a little more then that?" she asked me with a knowing smirk on her face like she was excited for what I might say.

The B class contract was an escort job for safety purposes. "We will, but magic is alive, as you know and I think it would be best to let them grow with their magic first then intervene if they start stagnating." I said as I looked at Mavis.

She closed her eyes with a smile on her face. "Your going to be a great guild master, Laxus." she told me. I smiled in response.

As I finished going through the other contracts I didn't see any problems with them so I cleared all of them. It was great that their was already some contracts of every difficulty. It will help get everyone started. I then started to work on the official MPF ranking list that I was going to post. I then heard a knock on my door and looked up to see Duster in the doorway right as I finished.

"Master. I brought you the forms on our information." She said as she stayed in the doorway.

"You may enter." I told her and she walked over to my desk and placed the forms on top of it. "Thank you Duster." I said as I grabbed them and started to look through them to see if any had any missing information.

"Master? Are those all the first floor contracts?" Duster asked me.

I looked at them and back to her. "Yes they are." She just stared at me for a little bit and I sighed. "Very well. Let me file these real quick and then I'll post them. Just wait a quick moment." I said as I went over to the filing cabinet and started putting the form in each members respected file. Any contract that they complete will go in their file and will be used to help determine any who would be worthy to take the exam. I turned back around and grabbed all the contracts and the ranking list. "Lets go." I said to Duster as I turned to leave. "I'll be right back Master." I said to Mavis and she just nodded. I went to the second floor board and posted Mr. Rich's S class contract. I then headed to the first floor and from over the railing I could see some of the guild members had left, including the princess's, but their were some Ponyville residents here enjoying Pinkies party.

I went over the MPF board and posted the official ranking list then to the board beside it. I started posting the easiest contracts to the hardest, from top to bottom on the board. As soon as I put up the A class contracts, Duster grabbed them basically out of my hand and folded them up and tucked them away in between her breast. I raised an eyebrow at this and chuckled. She just stared at me with her usual stone face and I smiled. "Would you please gather Twilight, Magic and Cider and meet me back at the counter. I need to talk to all of you." I said to Duster.

"Yes Master." she said with a small bow and went to gather the others.

I waited by the counter for a couple of minutes until all four approached me. I looked at them and said "Follow me." and started going to the second floor, but was stopped by a pink blur that stopped in front of me.

"Why aren't you shaking that groove thang!? You should be partying! Not working!" She exclaimed.

"Pinkie, I will join the party in a few minutes, but only after I finish talking to these four." I told her.

"Do you Pinkie promise?" She asked.

".....The fucks a Pinkie promise." I asked her.

"Its an unbreakable promise that must be upheld no matter what! Here I'll show you." She said. She then proceeded to do some motions with her sacred chant. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" She said.

I just looked at her. I continues to stare at her smiling face for about five minutes. I then walked around her and went up to the second floor with the other four following me.

"But you didn't do the Pinkie promise!" she yelled at me.

I ignored her, not wanting to do such a ridiculous promise. I led us all to my office and when I entered I saw Mavis was still on the bookshelf.

"What took you so long?" Mavis asked me.

I sighed. "Pinkie wanted me to do some foolish promise so I would come to the party." I told her.

I went and sat in my chair and the other four stood in front of my desk. "And did you do the promise?" Mavis inquired.

"Of course not." I said. "My word is enough and I already told her I would go" Mavis just smile at this.

"Uh Master Laxus? Why did you ask to see us?" Twilight asked.

I looked over the four of them. "I wanted to see you because I wanted to talk to you and ask you a couple questions since you four are going to be working here." I explained. "I'm sure the four of you have been wondering how we will continually pay for supplies with no official income." To this they all nodded. "Twilight, when a contract is complete you will take 3% of the bits earned on that contract and add it to the guilds funds. I want you to do this for all B class contracts and up." I told her.

"Only 3%?" Mavis said. "It used to be 10%. Why would you lower it?" she asked.

"Because the flow of money here is different compared to Earthland. I will also have you take 50% percent of the reward on any and all contracts I complete. So the reward from earlier today, I want you to take half of that." I said which shocked the four standing in front of me and made Mavis smile at me.

"Why would you give up 50% of your reward master?" Cider asked me.

"It is my job to make sure that the guild and its members are taken care of as much as possible. So I will be giving 50% of my rewards to the guild to help its finances." I explained. "When a contract is complete, they will be turned into you Twilight, "I said looking at her. "you will then take the 3% out of the contract and give the rest of the reward to the wizard who completed it. You will then log how much money was contributed and give the contract to me directly or Duster, so she can put it on my desk with any other paper work. But, I want you to make sure you save the contracts and write down on the top of them who completed it." I finished.

"Yes Master." Twilight said.

"Good." I smiled. "Now I'm sure your all wondering what this money will be used for." I said which caused the all to nod. "All the food and drinks in here will be free to all Fairy Tail members and any who are in need of shelter." I stated. Mavis just smiled and the other four looked concerned.

"But master, ho-" Duster started, but I cut her off.

"I understand your concern, but I want you all to trust me on this." I said and they all looked at each other. "How long would 5,000 bits be able to sustain us?" I asked the four of them.

They all looked at me and started thinking. "I would guess probably 2 to 3 years if food and drinks are free, but that's not including any repairs or renovations we might have to do. It also doesn't include anymore members that might join us." Twilight stated. The others only nodded.

"Why do you ask Master Laxus?" Magic asked me.

"Well....That's how much the guild will receive from my contract earlier today. So that means were set for quite a few years and will be even more so in a couple days, once I finish the other S class contract." I told them. Many of them remembered the contract I completed for Fancy pants and started to understand why I would donate 50% of my earnings and why food and drinks would be free. "Now since you three are working here, is there anything specifically that you might need to perform better or more comfortably?" I asked them. All of them thought about it and all nodded. I motioned to Cider first.

"Well Master, I would like permission to cut off anyone who starts to abuse this privilege and your generosity. I would also appreciate a lockbox to go behind the counter for any actual customers we might receive, so I can actually hand out change and put any income in a safe area for the day." She explained.

"Granted." I told her then looked towards Magic.

"With feeding so many people I might need more help in the kitchen." He said.

"Understandable. However, lets wait for now and see how it goes first. I doubt every member is going to show up and demand food, but if you do get overwhelmed ask your fellow guild members for any help you might need. If that doesn't work then bring the issue to my attention again." I told him.

"Very well master. I would I also like to install a freezer in the kitchen. We may all be herbivores now, but spike is a dragon and will eventually eat meat. This will also help with any griffins that may join us later on." Magic explained.

"That's a very good idea. That way I wont have to go out and hunt when ever I crave some meat." I said causing everyone to look at me surprised.

"YOU EAT MEAT!" Twilight yelled.

"Yes and calm down. Nothing sentient, just wild animals. So don't worry, I have my own rules when it come to meat." I explained and they all relaxed. "Magic, you have my permission to install the freezer and start the purchasing of meats." I told him he just nodded. I leaned back in my chair with a smile thinking about eating some meat. The last two days has been nothing, but fruits and vegetables.

Twilight the spoke up "I would like my own office here so I could have my own space whenever I'm working on the guild finances. I don't want to do our finances out in the main hall with so many distractions. I would like a standard desk, chair, bookshelf, filing cabinet and standard office supplies. This will allow me to perform my duties to the fullest." She explained.

I agreed with everything she had said. "That sounds very reasonable. Go ahead Twilight." I told her.

Duster was last. "I recommend we turn one of the spare rooms into a medical area for any injuries we might receive." She said. I quirked an eyebrow at this unexpected suggestion. For the way she presents herself, she does seem to care about others. "I believe hiring somepony to help as a nurse or doctor should also be looked into." She finished.

I looked at all of them and smiled. "These are all very good suggestions. You all have my permission." I said. "Twilight, use the funds that we received from the contract and get started on these suggestions." I told her. They all smiled. "That will be all for now, unless their are any other questions or concerns." I stated and saw that none of them had anything else to say. "Very well. Let's return to the party. Master, you coming?" I asked Mavis and saw all the others look at her as well.

She smiled and flew out the door giggling. We all chuckled as we made our way back to the first floor. As we reached the overlook I saw many more people had joined the party. I smiled as I just listened to the music, shouting and laughter. We made our way to the stairs and headed down. As soon as I reached the bottom Pinkie had attached herself to my arm and I was surrounded by the CMC. They all had devious smiles on their faces. I looked over at the four I escorted down for help and saw Magic, Cider and Twilight all chuckling at my situation. Even Duster had a small smile on her face.

"Cmon!" Pinkie practically yelled. "Time is fun and your wasting it!" At this she started to tug on my arm trying to pull me. I just looked at her. "COME....ON....I have some ponies you must meet!" and tried even harder to move me. Mavis apparently saw this.

When she did she landed and my shoulders and yelled "March!" and started giggling. I sighed and gave in.

"Fine. Lead the way Pinkie." I said and let my body give in.

She started pulling me all over the place. Introducing me to many different people. This included her bosses at Sugarcube Corner, the bakery. The owners Mr. and Mrs. Cake were happy I might be able to get rid of the excess energy Pinkie always seemed to have. After them she introduced me to school teacher Miss. Cheerilee. She was very happy to see the CMC having so much fun and not in trouble. They then started telling me how she was the greatest teacher ever. We weren't even done talking before Pinkie dragged me off again, which amused Mavis greatly. She then introduced me to Carrot top. I only got as far as opening my mouth before we were on to the next person. It was at this point that Mavis spoke up.

"Laxus, go meet that girl over their with the electric blue hair." She told me I looked around and saw the girl she was talking about.

"Oh, that's Vinyl! She rocks! Come on I'll introduce you!" Pinkie said then ran over to the girl.

I walked over and saw the girl had pure white fur and an electric blue mane and tail with another blue thrown in the mix. She was wearing these big purple shades that covered her eyes completely, but I thought it added to her look. She was wearing a skin tight, black tank top and baggy red sweat pants. I saw her looking at me as I got closer.

"Hey bro!" She said in a very chill tone. "Your the dude that owns these sweet digs." She said as she gestured to the guild.

"I suppose I am." I responded.

"That's cool." She told me then stuck out her hand. "Names Vinyl Scratch. Pleased to meet you." she said. "What's your name gigantor?"

I chuckled and shook her hand. "It's Laxus." I said. "Nice to meet you to Vinyl."

She smiled back at me. "Do you like music?" she asked me.

Mavis just giggled because she knew how much I liked to music. Certainly enough to order custom made headphones back in Earthland. I'm very glad those came with me as well as my magic pod or M-pod for short. I was also a very talented singer, if I do say so myself....and I do. In fact sometime Mavis would request I sing her a song, I always had a really hard time turning her down. I smiled even bigger at Vinyl. "I love it!" I responded.

"What's your favorite type of music?" She asked with a smile.

"I don't have a favorite really. I listen to everything." I told her.

She looked slightly disappointed, but still smiled. "I can respect that. I'm more into dubstep myself, but I wont judge. My marefriend loves classical music, jazz and blues. All the fancy stuff from high society, but I still love her. Maybe I could introduce you sometime." She said.

"I'll look forward to it." I said as I started to leave. However, Vinyl had one more question for me.

"Hey dude, whens the next time you're gonna do another inspection of candidates for entering the guild? I had a gig and wasn't able to make it earlier." She explained.

"I'm sorry to hear that. The inspection can be whenever in the day as long as I'm around to decide. Are you interested in coming by tomorrow?" I asked her.

She looked in thought and finally said. "I think I'll wait a bit. I have a few gigs scheduled for the next couple of months, but when I get more free time you can expect me ASAP." She told me with a smile on her face.

I smiled back. "Very well. It was nice meeting you Vinyl." I said as I turned to leave.

"You to gigantor!" She said in a loud voice. I only chuckled.

I turned to Pinkie. "Thank you for introducing me to everyone." I said.

She got a big smile on her face "No problem!" she said. "Their are more ponies to meet! So lets continue!" She started pulling on my arm again.

However, "I'm sorry Pinkie, but I am tired and still have some work to do." I was getting ready to leave the party. "Introduce me next time okay?" I said.

She just nodded and looked at the floor. "Okay...." she said depressed.

I saw this and as I was walking away I said "Great party by the way Pinkie!" and left as I heard what sound like a balloon inflating.

I made my way up to my room with Mavis still on my shoulders. When we were away from the party and on the second floor I asked her. "So what did you think of Vinyl?" I asked. "I think she has potential." I told her.

"I agree. It may not be for pure magic power, but their is an air about her. I think she would be perfect for the guild." She said.

I was now in my room and I made my way over to the balcony and went out on to it. I stood there and looked at the moon, remembering the night of the dragon invasion. "Have you thought of any specific types of magic to teach to anyone?" I asked. I let my mind roam about the dragons and their raw power back in Earthland, especially Acnologia. I couldn't help but wonder if I would make a difference with the power I had now compared against him.

" A few. What about you?" She asked me.

"A few..." I said distantly, thinking about Acnologia still.

"Something on your mind?" Mavis asked concerned.

"....How would I compare to the dragons or Acnologia now back on Earthland?" I asked. "Do you know how close in power we would be to each other?" I inquired.

She sighed. "Yes, I do...." she said. "....Compared to the dragons during the invasion, I would say that you would now be able to fight multiple of them at the same time. You would stand a very good chance against them considering how you killed two of them before we died." She stated. "However, That was with exhausting all of your magic power at the time. Now you'd probably be able to take down quite a few of them before you were exhausted." She further explained. "However, Acnologia is king of the dragons for a reason. He also had no problem killing other dragons and is much more experienced with his dragon slayer magic then you are and can probably transform between his old human form and the dragon that attacked Tenroujima. So I would guess he is still much more powerful then you, but you would probably be able to put up a decent fight." She finished.

"I see...."

"You'll get there Laxus. You're already much stronger and will only continue to grow. Trust me." She said as she hugged me.

I hugged her back then got ready for bed after we said goodnight to one another. I took a shower and hopped in bed, still thinking about Acnologia as I closed my eyes and his form came to my mind as I fell asleep.

Point of view Luna

I had finished raising the moon and Nightmare helped with the night sky. She still loves the night, so I let her help with it every night. However, her new title is the princess of dreams, so she helps me patrol for nightmares as well. I was dream walking while laying on my bed when I saw another approaching me through the void. It was Nightmare moon passing by all the dream units. Dream units are items that represent the dreamer. For example, dearest Applebloom's unit is her red bow or how Scootaloo's is her scooter. It varies for everypony and can change through anyponies life. I started approaching my sister and passed by Rarity's unit which was a giant diamond. Finally reaching her we hugged each other, but it if wasn't for her hair it would probably be impossible to see her in here. The void matches her fur perfectly.

"Greetings sister. Hath thou been well?" I asked.

"Indeed, and you?" she asked back.

"Well. Just thinking about somethings." I replied.

"Is it about Laxus?" she asked with a knowing smirk on her face.

"Why would thou think that?" I inquired, wondering how she knew.

"I have seen how look at him Luna. That stunt you pulled with the emblem today also showed that your trying to earn his affections." She stated.

I blushed remembering how bold I was. "Well you did as well if I remember correctly." I relied back. "I take it you are looking for his attention as well." I finished as I eyed her.

"Worry not my dearest Luna. I have no feelings for him." She said in a matter of fact tone.

This surprised me. "Why did thou pull that earlier stunt then?" I asked her.

She smirked. "I just did that to see what Celestia and you would do...and it was glorious. I never expected either one of you to go that far." She said and I just deadpanned her. She got a sheepish grin on her face. "Sorry....Old habits die hard." She explained.

I sighed. "So your not interested in him?" I asked for clarification.

"I'm interested in him, just not in a romantic type of way." She explained. " He did save our lives and seems very mysterious. I also think Celestia is probably thinking the same thing as me." She told me.

I quirked and eyebrow at this. "Thou think sister is not romantically interested in him?" I asked.

"Probably not. I'm guessing she's just really horny." she stated in a casual tone.

I blushed at her statement. I was going to respond until I caught sight of a golden glow. It appeared to catch the attention of my sister as well. We started approaching it and saw it was a gold lightning bolt that looked like it was pulsating. "Do thou think this is Laxus's dream?" I asked aloud. However, when I didn't hear her respond I looked over to see her starring at me with a (Really. You think) look. I just snorted at her and was about to respond until the bolt of lightning stated shooting out other bolts.

"It would seem he is having a nightmare." My sister said.

"I gathered that. The question is should we enter and try to help him." I stated.

"Mmh." is all I heard from her.

I was about to say something, when all of a sudden, the bolt of lightning started going haywire. Electricity was all around us and we were struck, which sucked us into the dream and immediately I noticed that we were in some kind of forest. I looked around and noticed that this wasn't a dream....It was a memory. I could tell the difference by how detailed our surroundings were. In a dream some parts of the dream are hazy and just there to progress the dream along. I looked over at Nightmare and saw that she had realized it to.

"Where do you suppose we are?" I asked her.

"I have no idea. It's not the Everfree forest, that's for sure. It's to open. My questions is, where is Laxu-" She didn't get to finish as a massive roar erupted from all around us. We instantly covered our ears and knelt down as wood, rock and dust started firing through the forest around us.

When it calmed down the two of us looked around to see a massive amount of the forest was completely gone. We flew into the air trying to find Laxus only to find a monstrosity. We looked at each other and with a nod we flew towards the beast. We figured thats probably where Laxus was. I continued to study the beast and I realized it was a giant dragon. We continued to fly towards it to find a group of ponies in a clearing by it. Almost all of them looked to be injured in someway. We landed by them deciding not to reveal ourselves, so we casted magic on ourselves to watch the rest of Laxus's memory. I then looked up and saw the size of the dragon up close, it took my breath away. This dragons head was the size of a full grown dragon in Equestria!

The dragon then hopped into the air and floated above us.

"Here it comes! Run, get your asses to the boats!" A man with a metal arm shouted.

I looked around and saw many just as scarred as me. I looked over to Laxus to see him much younger looking and started running to the boats. Nightmare and I followed him.

"Run!!! We're all going home together! Fairy Tail!" A red maned woman shouted. At this everyone got up and started running.

While on the run a small white cat started shouting. "Wendy! I thought you could talk to dragons! Cant you do something?"

The mare named Wendy responded "Its not that only I can talk to dragons! All dragons are highly intelligent!" she shouted back and the dragons roared followed immediately after.

I looked to my right to see the dragon land and cut off two other Fairy Tail members from the rest of the group. It then tried to eat them and dust covered the area.

"What's it doing?!" A stallion with a long black mane and piercings over his body said.

"Bickslow! Freed!" A mare cried.

"It cut us off!" Said the stallion who was carrying the injured mare.

"Why...." Wendy said. "Why are you doing this!? Answer me!" She shouted and all's the dragon did was stare at her.

The dragon then lifted it's massive tail and hit a very muscular stallion in the air and he screamed.

"Elfman!" A mare with glasses cried out and grew wings and flew off to catch him.

"Don't! Ever!" Yelled the red maned mare as she tried to grab her.

I looked up and saw the mare catch the stallion only for the to be knocked down hard by the dragons massive claw. I could only watch on in horror as the memory continued and saw Nightmare had the same look on her face as me.

"No! This cant be happening!" A mare said who had blue hair and was wearing orange dress.

We could only continue to watch, helpless to stop this destruction. All of a sudden a stallion with pink hair and a scarf ran towards the dragon screaming only for him to be knocked back as if her were nothing.

"Damn you!" he shouted as he recovered.

He was about ready to stand back up only for him to see a colorful shirt be thrown away by a small old stallion. Who stood between the dragon and everypony else.

"Gramps!" The pink maned stallion yelled.

"Run to the ship!" The old stallion yelled as he started to grow to be as big as the dragon and also towered over the trees. He then grappled the dragon around its neck and they started pushing against each other.

I saw everypony was as surprised as my sister and I. We were surprised by both the heroic display and the magic he used.

"Ridiculous! There's no way he'll win!" The stallion who was carrying the injured mare said.

"Master! Please stop!" The red maned woman said. "If something were to happen to you the guild would...." She couldn't finished. Nightmare and I both realized he was the current guild master at the time of this incident.

"Run!!!" the old stallion roared over us. Laxus looked very concerned for the old stallion.

Everypony present started saying that they wont give up and that they would help defeat the dragon. They seemed to be preparing for battle and encouraging one another until the old stallion shouted again.

He turned and looked over his shoulder at all of us. "Are you going to disobey your master's order's, even to the end!? You damn brats!!" At this many of the group looked distraught.

"The end..." a mare said softly.

Laxus seemed very upset as he took a step forward toward the old stallion and turned his face away in shame, like he had done something horrible.

"I'm a dragon slayer!" the pink maned stallion screamed. "If that's the enemy I'm gonn-" he was cut of as Laxus grabbed him by the back his collar.

"Run! Natsu!" Laxus said as he turned away from the battle I could see him crying. I also started crying as did my sister.

"Laxus! What are yo-" he didn't finish because he to saw Laxus's tears.

"Master! Please be safe!" The red maned mare said as everypony started to run away crying.

Nightmare and I ran with them also crying. We saw many look back with sadness over their face as if looking at the old stallion for the last time. We continued to run as we heard the sounds of the battle carry through the forest, including loud bangs and crashes, as well as the old stallions voice as he yelled as if he was trying his best to stop the dragon.

"I don't know what you're after....But you're not getting past me!" We heard the old stallion yell. "Cause my brats are behind me!" we then heard him yell followed by a giant crash. "ARRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!" We heard him yell in pain and everypony stopped and looked back. We then heard the giant dragon roar and the old stallion started screaming in pain again as we heard what sound like giants bones breaking. I covered my ears and started crying again. I desperately wanted this memory to be done with. "AUUUUGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAARRRRRR!" We heard and the pink maned stallion rushed back to where the battle was taking place. The rest of the ponies all looked at each other then nodded as we ran back to the sounds of the old stallions screams.

As we got closer we heard the old stallion's screams turn into laughing. A laugh that sounded like he had won and the dragon stopped roaring. The laughing came to an end and we heard the dragon roar again followed by two loud crashes. We ran harder and when we got their we saw the pink maned stallion holding onto the dragons arm for dear life as it knocked the old stallion into nearby rubble and we heard him grunt. The red maned mare and Laxus ran over to him to check on him. When we got there we saw he had shrunk and was holding his chest in pain. He noticed us when the mare stepped in front of him like she was protecting him.


"Erza!? You too!?" he said when he looked up at her.

"I was against it..." Laxus said gaining the attention of the old stallion. "But do you think the people in your guild would run, leaving a senile old fool behind?" Laxus finished with a smile.

"Bring it!" Erza yelled as she pointed her sword at the dragon.

At this, everypony started charging the dragon while screaming and shouting as they launched a huge counter attack. The magic that I saw was amazing. I looked back at the old stallion to see him crying. He was happy they came back for him.

"Idiots..." he said while crying.

Laxus then roared as lightning started dancing all over his body as he charged his magic power. His eyes and mouth seemed to be oozing electricity as he then yelled "Hey, morons! All the power you have! Anybody who says "I don't have any more than this", I'll kick your ass! Combine your puny Fairy Tail powers with my lightning attack and lets knock this bastard for a loop!" Laxus finished.

Four different wizards said at the same time as the others smiled at him.

"Hey! Natsu! Get outta the way!" Laxus yelled at him.

"Laxus, Now!" Erza said.

"Hey!" Natsu yelled at them.

They all then proceeded to attack the dragon with magic that was more powerful than our own. I turned to Nightmare moon. "Do you think they can win?" I asked. Hoping by some miracle they would defeat the beast.

"They are all more powerful than us. I believe they stand a chance" She said as they blasted the giant dragon through rock and into the surrounding water. We both instantly smiled and released a breath I didn't realize I was holding. I was so happy that they were all fine.

"I guess you were rig-" I was cut of as the ground beneath us started to shake and the Giant dragon flew into the sky roaring. I stared on in horror as the dragon ascended with not a scratch on it... It wasn't a dragon....it was a monster.

We looked down to the group to see them tired and exhausted. They all looked defeated and realized their attacks did nothing to the monster at all. I looked back to the beast and saw it start inhaling while sucking up the water below. A blue, glowing orb formed in its mouth and I felt my heart start beating immensely and had this terrible feeling in my stomach. I looked back to the ponies to see some crying and others trying to think of a plan. I then saw them start to form a circle and hold hands. I could only watch on in horror as the dragon got ready to attack. The ponies were all smiling at each other and I saw the old stallion say something.

Everypony looked around at one another then raised their heads and shouted as one "To Fairy Tail!!!" Then the dragon released the most massive mass of magic I had ever seen. The last thing I saw was white.

In Luna's chambers.

My eyes shot open and my body went flying through the wall into Celestia's room. I laid in the rubble in terrible pain. Celestia shot awake and looked at me confused until she realized I was hurt. She was immediately by my side.

"Luna!" she shouted frantically. "What happened!? Are you okay?!" she asked me with a worried tone. She then looked at me more carefully and gasped. "Guards!" She screamed.

The guards were their in an instant mostly because they were already on their way to investigate the loud crash that happened to be my body meeting the wall. I saw them all looking at me in shock.

"Luna! Luna! Are you okay?!" Celestia asked me again.

I couldn't even answer her as I started bawling uncontrollably as I thought about Laxus. At that moment, I didn't care how hurt I was I only felt pain for him and cursed that monster who hurt him. I continued crying and ignoring my surroundings until I passed out.

Two Minutes Earlier

Celestia's Point of view

I was awoken by the sound of a large crash. I shot up in my bed and looked around and I saw a huge hole in my wall and saw Luna lying in the rubble. I immediately put two and two together and shot out of bed and to her side. I just got her back, Faust dammit. I'm not gonna let her go now.

"Luna!" I shouted "What happened!? Are you ok?!" I asked very worried. I inspected her and saw that her wings were bent in the wrong direction and blood was starting to appear from underneath her. I gasped "Guards!!!" I screamed, as I continued to look over Luna as the guards ran in. I also saw that her right arm was swelling and had heavy bruising and saw a large gash along her right leg at the high thigh that was bleeding heavily. "Luna! Luna! Are you okay?!" I asked her again.

As I looked at her she just started crying uncontrollably. "Guards! Fetch the doctor's immediately!" I said as I started using my own healing magic to stop the bleeding from her back and thigh. Some guards ran out of the room and went to get the doctors. I continued to help Luna the best I could, but she was hurt severely. I looked at her and she continued to cry in pain.

Soon two of the castle doctors rushed into the room and started helping stabilize Luna. I looked at her to see she had finally stopped crying only to find that she had passed out. I then looked at the two doctors and I became angry as I looked back towards the guards. "Where are the others!? I want all medical staff here now!" I yelled at him, concern for Luna overriding my understanding nature.

"I'm sorry Princess Celestia, but they were busy attending to Princess Nightmare Moon..." He said in a small voice as I cut him off.

"Why does she need the medical team!? Luna is severely injured!" I screamed at him in the royal Canterlot voice.

He cowered and said "When I arrived I found out that Princess Nightmare Moon was crying and in the same condition as Princess Luna..." He told me.

At this revelation I was utterly shocked. Both of my sisters were severely hurt and needed immediate medical attention. I then started running many scenarios through my head. Were we attacked, did they have a fight. Is someone trying to kill them. So many questions and no answers until they wake up. I turned to the guard "I want both of my sisters placed in the same room with the full medical team working on them. I also want guards posted inside their room and outside their windows and door at all times. No pony gets in without my say so. I also want the castle searched for anything suspicious." I told him, but he didn't move. "NOOOOOOWWWW!!!" I roared in the royal Canterlot voice. He scurried off and I went to lower the moon and raise the sun as the doctors placed Luna on a stretcher and carried her to the medical wing.

I looked at her as she was carried out unconscious and hoped that her and Nightmare would be all right. I then went to my balcony and performed what I had done for so many years by myself.

"Never again..." I whispered to myself as tears fell from my eyes.

Next Chapter: Chapter 7: The S Class Contract and Airships Estimated time remaining: 8 Hours, 9 Minutes
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Equestria's Strongest Wizard

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