
Equestria's Strongest Wizard

by Vongoalyken

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: MPF and Guild Rules and Regulations

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Laxus Point of View

The new members followed me outside and behind the guild building. Behind the building was a large space from the Everfree to the guild. About 30 feet from the guild was the MPF that would not move no matter what magic hit it. As I escorted everyone to the MPF I noticed Mavis with a super excited look on her face. She was bouncing up and down while flying, I had to chuckle at this. When we arrived I turned around and saw everyone eyeing the device trying to figure out what it was and I smiled.

"Thank you for following me without any questions." I started and gained the attention of everyone. "This is the Magic Power Finder or MPF for short. What this does is measures the current amount of magic strength inside of you." At this I saw a majority of the none unicorns get ready to say something, but I held up my hand. "You don't have to be a unicorn or Alicorn to use magic." At this everyone stared at me in disbelief. I chuckled. "In case many of you haven't noticed, I'm not a unicorn or Alicorn." I said and many just looked embarrassed that they forgot that. "You can use any attack that you want to hit the MPF and it will measure your magic on a scale of 1 to 100,000. The scores will most likely be very low and I want you all to know that is natural and most of you will probably score under 200." At this many of them looked on in disbelief that their score would be so low. "The MPF will determine the power rankings in the guild, but just remember that not every battle is based on strength. This is for me to see the current position of everyone and to add a little friendly competition in the guild." I explained.

"Before we begin I would like to tell you all that you are a F class wizard. This is the lowest type of wizard their is." Everyone seemed upset that I told them this. "That is why the MPF will help determine what rank of a wizard you will be to start off with. Many of your scores will be low to begin with, but will increase over the course of time. The MPF will only be used once every six months for all members present. Any other members who join will also do this drill. Any questions before we begin?" I finished.

"What is a high score on this device?" Luna asked.

I smirked. "A high score on this device would be over 3,800. That said, a man that made that score was very powerful and was a very experienced wizard from the guild Sabertooth." I explained.

I looked around and saw a nervous look on everyone's face. "Relax. All of you. This is only your first time doing this and we will keep records of every time we go through this exercise to see everyone's progress. Now let us begin with the youngest." I said. Everyone looked a little more relaxed as the CMC and Spike stepper forward.

Applebloom went first and charged at the MPF and kicking it. Her score that appeared over the top of the MPF was 24. At this she looked around and everyone else confused until I clapped for her. She walked back to the group with a smile.

Sweetie belle went next and scored a 22 with her magic spell that she used. Scootaloo went next and charge the MPF and used her wings to help her attack it. She scored a 26 to which smiled, probably proud she was the strongest out of her friends.

Spike then walked up for his turn. He approached the MPF and used his dragon breath on it to score a 78. Which surprised everyone present. We all clapped for the four youngest then proceeded.

I then had them go boys first, followed by the girls. First for the boys was Soarin. He flew into the air and used his wings to propel himself at the MPF like Scootaloo and tackled it. His score was a 98. Big mac went next and just walked up and punched it scoring 145 points. Following Big mac was Thunderlane who flew at it while spinning scored a 95. Last of the boys was Magic Touch. I expected him to take flight as well, but instead he just walked towards it and elbowed it with some martial art that he knows. His score was a 152 and was the strongest out of the boys.

Everyone one clapped for the boys and they were happy with their scores. It was now the girls turn and Fluttershy decided to go first. She flew over to the MPF and looked like she tapped it. Her score was easily the lowest with a score of 4 points. Everyone clapped for her to encourage her and could only smile at their response. Rarity went next and scored 81 points with her spell that she used. Pinkie pie decided to go next by randomly appearing next to it and a score suddenly popped over the MPF. She scored a 94 and no one knows what she did....Neither Mavis or I caught it. Cider was next and she used her palm to uppercut the device scoring a 90. Rainbow then wanted to go, so she flew into the air and did what was known as a sonic rainboom and swiped the MPF from the side in passing. Her score was 116 points. Applejack looking competitive decided to go next and ran at the MPF and drop kicked it. She scored 120 points and returned to the group giving Rainbow a smug look to which she just rolled her eyes.

Twilight was now up and charged up her horn and concentrated very hard. Her horn started glowing very brightly and she let loose a beam towards the MPF and ended up scoring 423 points. Everyone just stared at her shocked at her score, I was also very surprised and impressed, considering the average. Celestia walked over to her student smiling and gave her a hug which made her blush.

All of a sudden, Duster made a mad dash to the MPF and jumped up and roundhouse kicked the MPF with the grace of an experienced martial artist. Once she landed, she returned to the group with everyone looking at her score of 1074 points. Everyone was starring at her shocked, but she just ignored it and looked back at me. To this I just quirked and eyebrow and looked at Mavis who just shrugged in response. Deciding to continue I had to get everyone back on track and had the princess's go next.

Celestia went first and started charging her horn and used it to enhance her body. She then ran towards the MPF and struck with both her hands in an opened palm position as a wave of magic exploded from them while shouting "Scorching Sun!". The earth and grass around the MPF was scorched and some of it was still on fire. We looked at her score and saw she scored 2187 points. To this she just smiled and returned to the group where the rest of them were just staring at her. Most figured she would probably score the highest, but were still surprised that it was so high.

Nightmare Moon was next and she summoned her giant axe and poured some of her magic into it. She then jumped in the air and brought the axe down yelling "Crescent Moon!" and scored a 2202. I wasn't surprised considering she had beaten Celestia in combat before, however, everyone else seemed to be. I honestly expected her to score higher. She returned to her sisters looking smug while Celestia had a smile on her face and rolled her eyes.

It was now Luna's turn and she had a determined look on her face. She closed her eyes and her horn started glowing profusely. Her eyes then shot open and she yelled "Void!" and a pitch black orb bigger then herself descended upon the MPF. Her score was 2690 points and she out scored both her sisters to which even they looked surprised. Luna returned to the shocked looking group with a victorious look on her face. I smiled and clapped for everyone presents.

"Well done everyone. I now have enough information to decide your wizarding ranks." Everyone had smiles on their faces and started congratulating each other even though they didn't know their ranks. Mavis and I smiled at this. "Lets head back inside to further discuss the rules and your new positions." I said as I started to leave. However, a cyan blur blocked me and glared at me. "Yes?" I pretty much knew what she wanted.

"You have to take a turn on the MPF as well! It's so not cool to make everyone else participate then skimp out on us. I mean, come on! We all want to see how strong you are!" Rainbow said.

To this I turned and saw everyone looking at me, hoping I would participate. I sighed "Very well" I said. To this everyone got super excited and started whispering amongst themselves. Twilight pulled out a notepad and got ready to take notes. The princess's were also paying close attention to me. "However," I said gaining everyone's attention. "I will not be using my strongest attack for I do not want to blow up the new guild and or Ponyville." I stated.

"Yeah right. That kind of magic if ridiculous." Rainbow said.

""Well I'm sure you'll change your mind, but now I need you all to back away from the MPF so you don't get hurt. I also need the princess's to put a shield around everyone present to protect them." I stated. They all backed up only a few feet and I got annoyed. "Go back at least 20 feet!" I shouted.

"But I wanna see your magic up close." Twilight whined. Everyone seemed to agree with her.

"This is for your own safety, now do as I say or I wont give a demonstration at all!" I said annoyed and waited for them all to get to a good enough distance and put up their shields. To this I smirked and took off my coat hanging on my shoulders. I looked at Mavis and saw her smile at me and then got into position.

Twilight Point of view

Finally I get to see some of Laxus's magic. After we moved back and put up the shield around us I saw Laxus smirk and look off into the distance as he took off his coat. He then appeared to get into position to use his magic. Everyone was making bets at what his score would be, some figured it would be close to the princess's because he wasn't a unicorn or Alicorn and their scores for him were around 3,000. However, I remember that he said he was easily stronger then Nightmare and Celestia combined. I assumed he would probably score over 8,000 points, but I could only wait and see and make sure to take as many notes as possible.


I then saw Laxus bend over and saw him inhaling. Electricity started to dance around his body as he brought his body back up as he continued to inhale. The ground then started to shake and pebbles and grass started rising in the air all around us as dust seemed to clear away from Laxus's feet! The magic power that was coming from Laxus was almost suffocating!

He suddenly shot his head and right foot forward and yelled "Roar of the Thunder Dragon!" and a giant roar that sounded like a massive dragon and burst of magic shot from his mouth! The beam was gold with electricity flowing all around it. It almost hurt my eyes to look at. When it was launched and collided with the MPF, it forced us all to skid back just from the sheer force of it! I felt a pressure on my body as I struggled to stand and continue to watch this all powerful magic as it cut through the Everfree Forest! The beam was massive and teared a pathway through the Everfree as it arched around the beam as it burned anything in its path! Eventually, the magic died out and I was able to breath again and looked at the forest to see what seemed like an endless path cutting clear through it. I was shocked at such destruction then turned to look at Laxus and he was just smiling and not winded at all. I saw his smile get bigger as he looked at the MPF and then I saw his score....It was 76,515 points! That's stronger then all our scores combined and multiplied by five! Just how strong is he?!

Laxus Point of view

I smiled at my score and saw that Mavis looked proud. I then turned to face the new guild members and saw them mimicking a fish. I picked up my coat and put it back on and made my way back inside. I figured the rest of the guild needed a minute so only Mavis and I went back inside for the moment.

"Congrats Laxus. Your strength exceeded my expectations. In fact you might be able to max out the MPF easily" She told me.

"It was a team effort, Master. I never would've gotten this strong without your guidance.... Thank you." I said. She just smiled back at me.

When I walked around to the front of the building I saw the town in a frenzy. I chuckled and continued inside the building and made my way over to the counter and sat on top of it as I started writing down the scores. Then, about five minutes later, the rest of the guild members decided to join me. As they walked in they still had looks of disbelief on their face. Everyone started sitting back down, but one. Applejack marched right up to me.

"Didja cheat?" She asked me.

To this question I quirked a brow. "You believe I cheated?" I asked.

"Honestly...no, but I have to know." she said.

I looked into her eyes and said "No." We continued to stare at each other until she just sighed.

"He didn't cheat y'all. Hes tellin the truth." She said as she went back to her seat.

I chuckled "All of you thought I cheated, even though you saw the magic I possess?" I asked and they all just looked embarrassed.

"Your like super strong! How could we not question that! Its like your a super hero! This calls for a party!" Pinkie shouted.

"We can have a party after we finish discussing your wizard rankings and the rules of the guild." I said and Pinkie just jumped in the air and fist pumped. "However," I said making her stop. "I am not a hero...' I said softly as I looked down at the floor. "So the party will be for the new members of this guild." I said as I looked back up and saw everyone looking at me with their ears splayed back and worry and concern on their faces.

"What happened to make you like this Laxus? Why do you need to be so strong?" Luna asked me.


"Laxus please let us help you!" Celestia pleaded.

"Yes. Like how you helped me." Nightmare moon said.

"My past is my own." I said causing everyone to be disappointed and sad. "My nightmares shall remain just that....Mine. For the evils I have seen, should be seen by no one." I finished. The feeling of the guild was very sad as everyone looked at me with pain in their eyes. I decided to move on to the their rankings to cheer them up.

"I am now going to announce what class of wizard you are so pay attention." I said in a loud voice so everyone could hear me. "Your class rank will be put next to your MPF score on the billboard next to the counter on your right, in front of the stairs. It will also be next to the contact board where contracts will be posted. When I say your name please stand until instructed to be seated." I said to clarify. "Luna, Nightmare moon, Celestia, and Duster." I announced and saw all of them standing. "You four are A class wizards. Congratulations!" I said as I started to clap and everyone else joined in. "Please be seated." The four sat down. "Twilight Sparkle." I announce as she stood. "You are a class B wizard. Congratulations!" We then clapped again and she blushed. "Please be seated." She sat down. "Magic Touch, Big Mac, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Soarin, Thunderlane, Pinkie Pie and Cider Blossom." I announced and saw them all standing. "All of you are class C wizards. Congratulations!" We clapped again. "Please be seated." All of them sat down. "Rarity and Spike." I said as they stood. "You are now D class wizards. Congratulations!" Another round of applause went out for the two. "Please be seated." That sat down right away. "Scootaloo, Applebloom, Sweetie belle and Fluttershy." I saw them all standing with grins on their face except for Fluttershy who was hiding behind her mane. "You four are now E class wizards. Congratulations! Everyone give yourself a round of applause!" Everyone started cheering super excited to be an official wizard now.

I smiled...they were starting to remind me of the old Fairy Tail and making the guild feel more like home. Mavis landed on my shoulders and I could hear her giggling, but let it go for now. This was to nice to interrupt, so I waited and listened to the laughing and shouting ringing through out the guild. After a bit I held my hand up in a quiet down gesture as I smiled. Everyone went quiet with smiles on their faces, excited for whatever was gonna happen next. "It is great to hear laughter ring throughout this guild, so you have my thanks." I said with a small bow. "However, I now need to explain all of the rules of the guild and restrictions you all must follow." I explained.

"To start, I would like to introduce myself to all of you." I said as I left the counter to stand on the floor. "My name is Laxus Dreyer and I am the Seventh Master of Fairy Tail." I said with a bow. "From now on I shall be referred to only by these names, master, master Laxus, Seventh Master and seventh." I announced as I stood back up and returned to the counter. Many looked at me like I was crazy. "This is a sign of respect to the master of a guild and only S class wizards and up may call me Laxus. This is a sign of respect between guild members and guild master. So until you become an S class wizard you will not refer to me by only my name. I ask that you follow and honor this rule." I said. I saw many getting ready to ask me questions, but I continued. "Please hold your questions for now." They all calmed back down.

"The second floor and basement will be off limits to all Fairy Tail wizards. To be allowed access you must be an S class wizard or higher to go up to the second floor. Once an S class wizard, you will be allowed to move into one of the rooms on the second floor and will be able to take the S class contacts that will be posted on the board on the second floor as well. The only way up to the second floor is through the stair case behind me." I said and everyone just looked at me. "If you try to fly up to the second floor. Be warned that I put spells in place to stop any of thinking about flying up there." I said as I looked at Rainbow who had a sheepish grin. "If you try anyway be warned the spell with throw you back render you unconscious. However, their are three exceptions to this rule. First: Their is a sever emergency and you have to get me while I'm on the second floor. However, you will be asked to clear your emergency with other guild members to confirm that it is in fact an emergency. I say this because I don't want to be summoned for somebody having a bad dream." I said as I looked towards the kids and saw that the adults were chuckling. This made the four blush. I chuckled as well. "Second: You will be allowed up their if I am escorting you directly. Lastly, Duster will be the exception to this rule. She is tasked with making sure the entire guild as whole is functioning and properly maintained. So she will be allowed to go up to the second floor without being an S class wizard or having me escort her." At this I turned to look at her.

"I'm placing my trust in you Duster. I expect you to follow the rules and not take any S class contracts behind my back. You will also still sleep on the first floor until you're an S class Wizard. Do you understand?" I asked her.

She stood and bowed. "Yes Master. Thank you for your trust in me."

I smiled at her and then continued. "The basement however, will be off limits to all. This includes any future S class wizards. Only being escorted by me will you be able to enter it. Like the second floor, their is also a spell on the basement door that will also knock any back who try to enter it and be rendered unconscious. It will also alert me immediately that someone tried to enter and will sound an alarm through the entire guild. However, just like the second floor their is an exception to this rule. If their is an emergency and Ponyville must be evacuated, the spell will allow those trying to get to safety to enter and lead them to the panic room." At this many looked confused again. "The panic room is behind the red stoned door on the center wall. Inside is a giant room that could fit all of Ponyville inside of it. The door can only be locked and unlocked from the inside unless you have this key." I started to pull off the key from around my neck and showed it to everyone. "The door will be almost indestructible and provisions will be constantly added to the room for safety purposes. The other doors are dangerous and have traps and other spells place around them so only I can enter them. The two rooms will be used to store dangerous artifacts or weapons that the guild will come across...along with other things." I explained and some just eyed me while others stared at me in wonder. "Their will be punishments for breaking any of these rules, but entering the basement will be the most sever." I said in a cold tone that gave everyone shivers. "Any questions so far?" I asked at the end.

"How do we become an S class wizard?" Duster asked.

I was honestly surprised that she asked a question considering her 'who gives a fuck' attitude. "I will hold an exam once a year to determine who is worthy to be an S class wizard. I will also pick the candidates for this exam and inform them of their candidacy a week before the exam. I may chose one of you or all of you, however, I will also determine if you pass or fail. I will tell all of you this right now, many of you will fail." I said causing many of them to look at me upset. "I say this because this test is determined to help protect you in a way and will decide if you are indeed ready for more difficult contracts. That is why their will be no redo's of the exam. You get one chance and only one chance every year if you are selected. My selection process is for only me to know. The exam itself may change from one year to another so their will be no use in studying or trying to gain an advantage." I explained. At this many of them looked down because they would hardly get any chances.

"However, we will redo the MPF once every six months so you may have a chance at moving up in rank that way, as well for any of you who don't get to take the exam. We will then redo all the rankings in the guild. While this does help me decide your rank just know that power is not the only deciding factor. This is also a friendly competition, so no one is better then the other, but when someone makes S class wizard, they will be expected to act as a leader. They will also be in charge of the guild if I am away on a contract, so they are to be respected." At this everyone seemed to nod in agreement to such rules, but others looked hesitant. "However, If I feel as if that wizard is abusing their power I will act accordingly." I finished.

"I will now explain contracts now if nobody has any questions about the previous topic." I said and looked around seeing if anyone else had a question. No one did. "Good. Now your wizard ranking will determine what contracts you can take and I myself will look over all contracts to make sure they are acceptable first. That being said higher rankers can ask for aid from lower rankers. As an example, say and S class wizard takes a job but would like help. He or she may ask for some Class A or B Wizards to assist them. This can only go for two class rankings. So if you an class A wizard you can ask B or C class for help. This is to protect lower ranked wizard, but also give them experience. Any questions?"

"So we could go on an S class assignment if we were asked to?" Nightmare asked.

"Yes, but only if your a class A or B wizard and any S class contacts with the help of lower wizards must be cleared through me first." I stated. "Any other questions?" No one did anything. " Very well." I said. "Everyone here is apart of the Fairy Tail family now. Maybe not by blood, but by our hearts and our ties to this guild. Like all families their will be arguments and fights, but as long as you remember who will always have your back, we will always be a family. If your walking through town and you see a fellow guild member struggling, you will help them and always lookout for one another. If your hurt by a fellow member you will forgive them if they are indeed sorry because that's what we do. And we will always keep each other in the light." I said, to which everyone got smiles on their faces as they looked at each other.

"Now I would like to address a few last details. If your home is to far away from the guild, you are more then welcome to stay here in one of the single rooms or the barracks. However, if you live in town please leave the single rooms open for those who don't." I asked and everyone agreed. "Now I have two more surprises for everyone present." I announced. "I will now give you the Fairy Tail emblem and that will make you official members of Fairy Tail." I said as I summoned the magical wooden stamp. "What this stamp does is imprints on your body and cannot be removed unless I do so. You make pick anywhere on your body you want it and what color you want it to be. So please form a line with the kids in the front." I announced and everybody got up and in line excited to get their emblem to make them official Fairies.

I looked at Mavis and jerked my head to the kitchen. She nodded and headed in to wait for my signal. Applebloom, Sweetie belle and Scootaloo all wanted their emblems on their left hand to honor their friendship and all with each others colors. Sweetie belle got yellow. Applebloom got orange and Scootaloo got white. It was very cute. Spike wanted his on his right shoulder and wanted it black. The main 6 did the same as the CMC and got all of their emblems on their right hand with each others colors. Twilight's was white. Fluttershy's was orange. Rainbow's was pink. Pinkie's was lavender. Applejack's was cyan and Rarity's was yellow. Another group of happy mares down. Those that got their emblems would return to their seat as I continued giving everyone else their emblems.

Magic got his on his chest and it was white. Cider got hers her left forearm and was a electric blue. Duster got hers in the middle of her back and wanted it red. Thunderlane got his on his bicep and was light blue like his hair. Soarin got his on his left shoulder and was the same color as his hair. Big Mac was next and got a green emblem on his right pec.

Only the princess's were left and all of them had this seductive look in their eye. Nightmare was first. She stood directly in front of me so no one else could see and had me place the emblem on her right breast's cleavage all while looking me in the eye and said "It must be gold like your lightning." I gave her the emblem and then Celestia approached with the same look in her eye. She turned away from me, but looked over her shoulder at me. "I want it right above my flank and would like it Gold." She slowly lifted her dress so only I could see what she was presenting while all the other stallions were staring intently and the mares were shocked. I looked down at her ass to see that she wasn't wearing any underwear. I was blushing from Nightmare, but I was now flushed. I could clearly see her cutie mark that was on her high thigh to her ass cheeks. She pointed to where she wanted it, but when I didn't move grabbed my hand and slowly dragged it up her leg and ass to where she wanted it. I gave her the emblem right above her crack and looked like a tramp stamp. Celestia the lowered her dress and went back to her table. Luna was last and I was already flustered, but she had her own agenda. She stood right in front of me and slowly lifted the front of her dress and I could see her panties. They looked like they were two sizes to small. "I would like it gold and right above my panties" She whispered to me. I gave her the emblem and she lowered her dress and went back to the table with a smile on her face.

I was so confused at this point. Did they know this would happen or were they just acting like they always do? Thank god Mavis was in the kitchen for that, otherwise that could have been so much worse. I finally calmed down enough to look at my surroundings and see that the princess's are smirking at me while some of the other mares look upset and the stallions looked jealous. I then look up and see Mavis floating above everyone with a red face trying to stop herself from laughing. I looked away from her with a blush on my face.

I then saw Twilight raise her hand. "Yes Twilight?" I asked.

"Where is your guild mark?" She asked.

"It is on my left abdomen. Any other questions?" I said looking around.

"Can...Can we see it?" Cider asked me.

I sighed and took off my coat followed by my shirt to show them the emblem. I noticed all the girls blushing at me while taking in my form. I saw many trace their eyes along my muscles, tattoos and scars. I then put my shirt back on and said "Alright. Have you girls finished looking at my body?" To this all of them blushed harder and all the stallions chuckled.

I sighed.... again. "Alright now time for the last surprise." I said. "Some of you have asked why I am the Seventh Master of Fairy Tail and all of you have probably wondered who the others were that came before me." I said and saw many of them nod their heads. "Well the emblem of Fairy Tail that you all received gives you another ability. A very special ability." I said and many started looking at their emblems confused. "Her existence is a secret and no one may know about her unless they are a member of Fairy Tail. Can I trust you all to keep this secret?" I asked them to which everyone nodded. "Thank you, now many of you have seen me looking of into space at times or talking to myself." Many nodded at this also. "Well I was really talking to the first master of Fairy Tail and its founder." I stated. "Her name is Master Mavis and she has been floating above you for the last five minutes." I said as I pointed up. This made everyone look up and see Mavis just floating in midair right above them.

"Hi." Mavis said.

Author's Notes:

MPF Scores of all Fairy Tail wizards

1: Laxus - 76,515 - SS
2: Luna - 2690 - A
3: Nightmare Moon - 2202 - A
4: Celestia - 2187 - A
5: Duster - 1074 - A
6: Twilight Sparkle - 423 - B
7: Magic Touch - 152 - C
8: Big Mac - 145 - C
9: Applejack - 120 - C
10: Rainbow Dash - 116 - C
11: Soarin - 98 - C
12: Thunderlane - 95 - C
13: Pinkie Pie - 94 - C
14: Cider Blossom - 90 - C
15: Rarity - 81 - D
16: Spike - 78 - D
17: Scootaloo - 26 - E
18: Applebloom - 24 - E
19: Sweetie Belle - 22 - E
20: Fluttershy - 4 - E

Next Chapter: Chapter 6: Meeting Mavis and Nightmares Estimated time remaining: 8 Hours, 42 Minutes
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Equestria's Strongest Wizard

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