
What was Lost

by Troutking

Chapter 24: Echoes of the Past, Fenrir's Fable (24)

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Echoes of the Past, Fenrir's Fable (24)

Fenrir's POV

The realm of Asgard is truly a magnificent sight to behold even by a god's standards. Large towers of a lustrous material known not to the mortals that lived below our realm.  Each monolith scrapped the skies themselves, a golden glow given off by the towers reflect of the sun light. The spires each were constructed to house the deities of Asgard, and each one smoother than a newborn's head. A dozen or more halls and palaces were scattered throughout Asgard. Each hall or palace became more and more intricate the closer you came to Valaskjalf the hall of where Hlidskjalf the throne of Odin was located.

The cheers and chants of the warriors long since past as they drink and feast all they desire echo from the great hall of Valhalla. The smell of fresh meat and brew flew through the air into my nostrils. Large walls the surrounded the grounds of our world, stood tall and proud over everything, leaving only a shadow for the enemies of the realm to cower in. The rainbow bridge, Bifrost, stood at the only entrance to Asgard.

I rested inside a small forest located in the mighty land. Large oak trees scattered various places around me. The forest itself was filled with life, birds sang their lovely songs from up above in their nests. Various animals walk past me with curious faces but none dare approach me. I lay on the grass enjoy the beauty of the forest. The day had been quiet one, the gods had not bothered me the entire day. They must have feared to lose another contest of strength to me! I release a slight wolfish cackle at the thought of the gods fearing anything.

Memories of breaking the pathetic chains that the gods challenged him to escape from. The feeling of pulling was still on my neck, the gods had suddenly taken a liking to challenging my strength by attempting to chain me up. It makes sense why would the gods wish to have a weak wolf live among them?

The day continued to pass by each moment making me more and more restless for another of the gods' challenges. While they were simple tasks and fairly easy it allowed me to prove my honor and strength to those I looked up to.  The day was soon coming to an end, slowly the sun sunk below the horizon and I decided to head back to the city. As I began to leave, a voice shouted from behind me.

"Fenrir, the gods have another challenge for you!"

I turn around to see a familiar face, "Ah, Tyr, I was beginning to think the gods had no more challenges for me!"

"No more challenges? That is like Valhalla having no more mead! Now come over here, we must make haste. Better to not keep Odin waiting."  Tyr spoke in a firm manner.

"Yes, I remember last time we did. It was truly a sight! I almost thought he was going to start Ragnarok."

He looks down to the dirt for a moment, "He was truly angry with us."

"Well, when you are personally challenged to a fight, it would be quite hard not to be angry if your brothers in arms and family did not come and watch." I give him a grin which he returned.

"I suppose not Fenrir, now come they await our arrival."

I walk over to the god I had seen as an older brother my entire life. His blue eyes, giving a gentle yet stern stare at me. The difference of height between us slowly grew smaller and smaller until I was basically the same size of the mighty warrior. He wore a rounded shield on his left arm, small bands of uru encircled the fortified the shield. His body was clothed by simple cloth pants and shirt, he wore a kilt over top of the pants. His chest was covered by a thick hide body piece made from one of his prey. Near Tyr's waste hanged a small dagger and his blade. In his right hand he held a simple spear. A massive fur pelt hung on his back contacted by two points near his shoulders. The head of his bear pelt cloak rested on top of his head.

I soon reached Tyr and stood beside him. Slowly a divine aura enveloped his body, his once blue eyes turned pure gold. He placed his shield hand on my head, slowly the aura spread across my body, giving off the feeling of divinity and peace. The light surrounding us became brighter with each passing moment until we simply blinked from existence. I could feel my body be turned from matter to energy then back again as we traversed the gap between the forests and where the gods awaited us. I felt the aura leave my body as we returned into existence. Slowly my vision returned. The gods must learn a more effective way of travel that doesn't blind any mortals that they take with them.

I began to see again, surrounding me were most of the deities. Odin stood front and center, he wore a metal chest plate that only covered the front of him. A brown cloak flowed in the breeze off of his shoulders. His grey beard hung low along with his hair. A single patch covered his left eye, a symbol of asgard was etched onto the path. Beside him were his Valkyries stood on each side of him. Many other gods also stood before me.

Thor, Baldur, Freya, Freyr and various other gods crowded around Odin. I look around my current location. It appeared I was in the middle of a monumental arena. The arena was shaped as a perfect circle, ground I stood on was solid and compact. The dirt was tinted red from many eons of combat between noble warriors. A few bones and remains peeked out of the soil. This would take a lot of my strength to even create a small crater. A wall was erected around the ground floor most likely in order to stop the participants from running.

Above the walls were the seats. Each seat was in a row of twelve taking small breaks to create pathways up and down. The seats left one large seat open for Odin if he ever decided to watch the events. In the walls were various passageways in order to allow participants or creatures into the arena. Pillars stood on each side of the doorway, if they served a reason I could not tell. The last thing that stood out in the arena was an enormous stone in the shape of a tear drop. The pillar stood taller than myself, casting down a shadow onto my body.

"Fenrir, it is good to see you once again." Odin spoke in a stern tone.

"You as well Odin, may I ask where is my father? He usually comes to these events."

Odin's face remained plain, "He is tied up at the moment dealing with a rather large snake."

"Send a snake to fight a snake?" That comment got a few snickers from the minor deities until Odin hushed them.

"Fenrir, son of Loki and Angrboda. We the gods challenge your strength once more." Odin shouted getting to the point of this meeting.

I stood firm, "I accept your challenge, Odin."

"Good, let us test your strength Fenrir, we have created a new rope for you to attempt to break."

A small dwarf walked in front of the gods. His stumpy legs moved at a steady pace. A dark metal covered his body, he wore a face mask with goggles. Only part visible of his face was his brown scruffy beard, which bounced with each step he took toward the deities. In his arms he carried a large box, made of wood. Cravings of the gods and their foes were etched into the side of the box, each character was precise to the god they showed. Dwarven creation is truly an intricate think. I thought to myself right before the dwarf reached Odin.

The small creature kneeled making him even smaller than before. His raised the box above his head to present to Odin. The god of gods used a small wooden key and unlocked the box. The lid opened slowly until it stopped at a 90 degree angle. Odin smiled for a brief moment as he stared into the container. A box so small to house a chain to bind me? It must be a dwarven enchantment to make the inside bigger than the outside. Odin reached into the box and began to pull out something. I stood in shock as I saw what this new chain looked like.

The chain was a length of ribbon. Odin held the crimson ribbon in his hand firmly. The ribbon reflected light, other than that sole feature there was no difference between it and the kinds mortals make for their fairs. Odin grabbed another section of the rope and pulled outward. The rope tightened, however it did not break.

"Surely you are mistaken Odin, chains of the heaviest metal besides uru broke like twine to my strength. Surely you are not suggesting actual twine could stop me?" I questioned the deity.

Odin stared up at me from the ribbon, "Do you question my challenge?"

"I do Odin. I will not be insulted by testing my strength against a piece of ribbon that even my father could break with minimal effort!" I growled.

"Very well Fenrir, what if we give a symbol of piece to show you can trust us?"

"That would make it acceptable I suppose but it must be something important so I know you tell me truth and not lies."

Odin furrowed his brow while thinking, "What would be a suitable symbol?"

I take a moment to think. What is important to the gods? Not any mortal things like food and drink. Weapons and be replaced. Something a warrior needs to be at full strength.

"I want one of the deities here to lay their hand in my mouth during the challenge."

All the gods backed away slightly and few released gasps of surprise. I could hear a few of the gods whispering to one another about what I had demanded. Sounds of worry echoed from the gods' mouths. Then after a moment a cold silence filled in the space creating a rather awkward moment for both me and Asgardians. Odin stepped forward and broke the silence.

"Surely Fenrir you can ask for something more reasonable for the gods to offer. None of us wish to lose either of their hands."

I stood my ground, "They may keep their hands if the challenge isn't a trick. As honorable warriors I know you wouldn't try and deceive me."

"If you know we are honorable then why question the challenge?"

"Because of a lesson Tyr taught me, you can trust your friends but never trust them blindly." Several of the gods gave Tyr icy stares which he quickly returned.

"I see well surely yo....."

"I will place my hand in Fenrir's mouth." Tyr interrupted Odin half way through his sentence.

Odin stares briefly over to Tyr, "Very well, Tyr you will put your hand in Fenrir's mouth while he attempts to complete the challenge we have set for him."

I stare in awe as do many of the other gods, he was the only one who would have ever done it. He slowly began to walk to me. Each step almost made me flinch as he drew near. He finally reached me and offered his hand. I open my mouth and put his hand inside careful not to harm it. I looked at Odin and gave him a nod. The god of gods walked up to me and tied the red ribbon tightly around my neck. I carried the rest of the ribbon over to the large rock. Near the center of monument was grove where the ribbon would fit perfectly. Odin tightened the last knot then backed away a fair distance away from me.

I began to pull the ribbon, pulling it just enough that all the slack would come out of the knots. Once I knew that the knots wouldn't give away I began to push forward. I came a few steps before I was choked backwards by the ribbon. I push forward once more only for the same thing to happen. I soon used all my force in order to snap the chain with no success. I look upward and see the various gods smiling happily. A few snickers from the very back reached my ears. Odin remained stone faced. I continued to pull throughout the night until I finally gave in.

"I suppose I fail this challenge of strength don't I?"

"Yes Fenrir, if you give up now you will." Tyr spoke calmly.

One of the Vanir named Skadi broke from the group, "Stupid mutt! This wasn't a test of your might! It was a lie just so we could chain you up!"

"What?" I asked in disbelief being careful not to harm Tyr's hand.

"This. Was. Not. To. Test. Your. Might. You. Stupid. Mutt!" She shouted pronouncing each word.

I begin to feel anger well up inside of myself, "Why? Why would you trick me?"

Odin stood forward this time, "I am sorry Fenrir, it was to protect the nine realms. The Norns say that you will commit a great offence in the future."

"You leash me because 3 old hags say that I committed a crime that hasn't happened?" My rage continued to rise.

"You cannot understand Fenrir you are still a pup." Odin declared firmly.

That was the breaking point, "Understand what? That you want to seal me an away for something that hasn't happened or may not happen? That you those I looked up to for their honor in all things used lies and deception? What don't I understand?"

I began to clench my jaw. I felt as my teeth sunk into Tyr's skin. Blood began to fill my mouth, the sweet taste covering my tongue as I dug deeper into the god's body. I begin to jerk my head left and right in order to tear the skin, more blood came rushing out of the hand. I bit down harder, I felt the first muscle get cut and the rest of them as my teeth cut them.  My teeth hit the bone. I tightened my jaw making subtle tracking noises as the pressure on the deity's hand became too much for the bone. The crunch of the bone echoes from Tyr's arm as I bite down hard one last time. The bite completely severed the hand from Tyr. I swallowed the hand and the blood enjoying every last bit of it.

I stare up at Tyr, a bead of sweat dropped down his face, "Tyr you betrayed me. I thought of you as my brother and you misused that trust. You took away my freedom, so I take your hand as payment."

Tyr backed into the crowd of gods, covering what was left of his arm. My breathing was heavy from the excitement and adrenaline of taking his hand. The gods stopped staring at me and went into a huddle. I heard a few sentences.

"We can't allow such a threat to be in Asgard." A voice whispered.

I heard various mumbles, "We could put him in a separate realm."

"No we can't allow him near the realms. We will put him in separate universe from our own." A deep voice mumbled.

"It should not have access to uru but primitive enough that they wouldn't find him."

"Why not Equis? It's magics are weak right now and there is barely enough uru to make a ring."

Odin's voice boomed, "Then it is settled, Fenrir, for crimes you will commit I hereby banish you to the realm of Equis. Where you shall never return."

Odin laid a hand on the stone pillar. A dark glow grew out from Odin's hand until the stone was covered completely. The glow began to cover the ribbon as it approached me, like a virus slowly making its way up the host. Soon the glow reached me. A cold feeling over took my body as the glow covered me. Soon I was completely blanketed by the glow. The world grew darker, with each passing moment the shadows enveloped more of my vision until I was completely blind. I felt myself pass through the void between worlds, the empty feeling surrounded me. Soon I felt the void leave my body as with the glow. I began to regain my vision. The shadows did not leave however. With what little vision I had I could see I was in a cavern of sorts.

"This was not what I wanted to happen..." I lay my head down and began to wait.

Next Chapter: A Cat named Owl (25) Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 34 Minutes

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