
What was Lost

by Troutking

Chapter 23: Getting Wood (23)

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Getting Wood (23)

The dirt pressed into my foot with each step I took. The life of the jungle slowly returned, songs of birds of all sorts, roars of beasts and movement of the leaves echoed in the background. Small bits of sunshine occasionally shined through the canopy splashing orange light in my face. The day must almost be over... The temperature slowly descended, from warm to just a slight chill. The world around us darkened as we made our way back to the tree. I stared toward Twitch running beside me; his was still scared from his trauma earlier.  

We soon reached the crater, the immense tree located in the center nearly blocked out the light as well as the canopy. From the cliff we came from the entrance was visible. A much more slanted area of the crater's side, right at the bottom of the entrance was a gap in the trees but still guarded by vines and thorns. Both Twitch and I made our way around the crater instead of taking my previous method of trying to board down the cliff side.  We reached the entrance, and began to make our way down the path. Pebbles and rocks pressed into my feet. When we reached the bottom, the vines and thorns moved to side leaving a large opening for both of us.

We re-entered the opening, various flora and fauna were scattered around the landscape. The grass was strangely well kept, in the middle of being like a lawn and overgrown almost like a pasture. Fenrir rested near the tree, his face a mixture of worry and anger. His leg occasionally twitched, almost as if he was running. I wonder what he is dreaming about... I walked up to the mighty wolf and debated whether to wake him or not. I'll let him rest for now. I walked over to Twitch.

"Terra, you there?" I exclaimed

A familiar figure stepped out from the tree, "I am here Celt, how have you been?"

"Oh just fine and dandy." My voice dripping with sarcasm.

"That is good to hear. Have you done the task, I asked you?" Her face remained deadpanned.

"No, not at all. I spent the entire day faffing about doing nothing."

"That is unfortunate do come back to me when you have beaten the basilisk."

I cross my arms, "Must you do that?"

"Do what Celt?"

"Act as if you don't know what happened even though you said you knew everything that happened in your forest."

"Actually it's a jungle."

"You see this face?" I point at my face, "This is my I don't give a fuck face."

"I'll remember that face. Now if you haven't beaten the basilisk then I'll be going."

My face went dead pan, "Terra, I beat the basilisk."

"That's wonderful news Celt. Now that Myriam is gone the jungle can go back to normal."

I ignored her saying Myriam mostly due to it would take too much energy to just get her back on track. "Yes, well that's all fine and dandy but can you now make due on your part of the deal?"

"Ah, yes, you wanted bark from my tree correct?"


A small piece of wood floated over to me, “I have not had such a stange request for quite some time."

"You mean someone else asked for some of the bark?"

"Yes, a zebra came here many years ago seeking the same thing."

"Was he missing a limb as well?"

Her voice did not change tone in the slightest, "Yes, in fact he did."

I suppose it's possible, in order to make sure a potion works someone has to make it... I lower my arms back to my sides and look over to Twitch. The small changeling had collapsed from exhaustion. He snored lightly, his eye lids slightly fluttered but other than that he looked at peace. I haven't seen that kind of peace since before the accident.

"He is lucky to have you." A motherly voice spoke from in front of me.

I look at Terra, "Why is that? I'm a crazy bugbear on a most likely suicidal mission and I brought him with me."

"Had you not brought him with you then he would have lived a life of sadness and sorrow."

"I suppose that is true. When did you get all motherly?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about; I am simply saying what is true."

I grab the wood and place it inside my bag. "Well thanks. Now that we have the bark we should head out."

I begin to walk over to Fenrir in order to wake the sleeping wolf but nearly fall over, "Celt it isn't normal for that to happen."

"Nah, you kidding me. Bugbears are known to stumble around."

"While that may be true, I think you should rest here for the night. In the jungle when it is dark it's best to remain in a safe place."

I was about to say no when I yawned. I guess the fights took more out of me then I thought. "Fine, you win this round Terra."

Terra walked back into her tree, she seemed to fuse into the wood. She disappeared completely into the tree leaving no trace of her ever even being there. I grab Twitch and begin to carry him over to Fenrir. I place him down so that he leaned against the mighty wolf in order to be warmed by the fur. I slowly lowered myself down next to him, Fenrir's fur pushed into back giving my entire body warmth. I finally sit on the ground lying back onto Fenrir. Grass cushioned the ground underneath me as well as giving my legs some comfortable area to be on.

I stared up into the sky and see the stars scattered all around. Luna's moon soared across the sky radiating light across the world. Gentle breezes pushed against my skin. My body began to relax, slowly my mind began to drift. My thoughts became slower, breathing gentler and eye lids heavier. Soon my entire consciousness slipped away from me.

Next Chapter: Echoes of the Past, Fenrir's Fable (24) Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 46 Minutes

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