
"You have reached the wrong number."

by LtMajorDude

Chapter 5: 4th Scene - Witnesses

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November 14, 2015

Saturday has finally arrived, and some of the Canterlot High students are doing what they planned for the weekend. While there is that special event on the 15th, most students are excited for today, especially Vinyl Scratch, one of the popular students at Canterlot High and one of those people responsible for stopping those sirens a while ago.

The students have been invited to her birthday party, which was at The Alicorn Nightclub, the city's most popular nightclub for teenagers and young adults. There were rumors saying that today isn't actually her birthday and that the reservations were only available today.

Since Vinyl Scratch's older brother owns a majority of the club, he allowed the birthday party to be held there. The co-owner allowed it, though he was a bit hesitant about this whole birthday party thing.

Loud music started to play as the students and other guests danced at the dance floor. Sunset Shimmer sipped her Shirley Temple as she watched Applejack doing a drinking contest with another student, downing lots of virgin margaritas. Vice Principal Luna was also present, acting as the chaperone of the party and the champ of the dance floor. After all, she did love nightclubs. She and Trixie were doing a personal dance battle as Flash Sentry was dancing with his friends.

"Man, this party stinks," One of the intoxicated female guests grumbled as she was on the verge of passing out. "I fucking hate these people..."

Rarity walked inside the nightclub, a present was in her hands. She smiled when she saw Vinyl Scratch, hanging out with her girlfriend Octavia. She ran to her and hugged her. "Happy birthday, darling!" Rarity squealed.

Vinyl Scratch smiled and hugged Rarity back. The fashionista offered the present to the birthday girl, who thanked her and put the gift on the gift table.

"By the way, where's your brother?" Rarity asked. "I want to tell him the suit he requested will be ready for pickup in a week."

"He's subbing for DJ." Octavia answered as she pointed to the Vinyl Scratch's brother, using the scratch table.

Vinyl's brother waved as he bopped his head to the music. Rarity waved back and ran to the DJ. Octavia turned to her girlfriend and wrapped her arms around Vinyl's neck before giving Vinyl another birthday tongue kiss.

Sunset couldn't help but smile as she sipped her drink. It's Vinyl Scratch's birthday and everyone here is having a good time.

What could ruin it?

"Congrats on your sister's birthday." One of the gangsters said to the co-owner.

"She ain't my sister. She's the sister of the OTHER owner, who's at the party." The co-owner bluntly replied. "And I don't know if it's her birthday or not. I don't give a fuck."

At the third floor was a room full of mobsters, four to be precise, crowding against the overweight white-skinned co-owner as he drank his bottle of whiskey.

"And the fuck are you all doing here in the first place?" The co-owner spat at the gangsters. "I already paid the money to your boss!"

"Boss needs more money." One of the gangsters answered. "A week ago, some jackass broke into one of our business houses and destroyed the cash there."

"Ach, you bastards are killing me..." The co-owner grumbled as he walked to his safe. "Fuck your boss and his brother."

"His brother doesn't work for the boss. That guy has his own gang." Another gangster mumbled. "And quite honestly, I would rather be in that gang."

"Yeah. The boss is a real pain in the ass. The boss's brother even becomes close friends with his own men."

"Fuck, the other owner changed the combination." The co-owner grumbled.

One of the gangster sighed and grabbed his cell phone. After punching some numbers, he called the gangster outside the club, standing at the entrance of the nightclub.

"Yeah?" The gangster outside answered. "This may take a while? Fine. Jeez."

As he put away his phone, he saw Jacket calmly walking to the nightclub. He carried his backpack with the mask inside it.

"Hold it sir." The gangster said as he blocked the entrance. "You need a reservation to get into the birthday party."

Jacket responded by punching the gangster in the face, knocking him out. He then went inside the nightclub, seeing what seems to be a birthday party.

Jacket was told by the morgue industry to tell the co-owner of The Alicorn Nightclub that his tombstone is ready. Jacket knew what to do with that co-owner. He didn't seem to be in the party floor, so he guessed that the co-owner was upstairs. The morgue industry told him to be discrete as possible, so Jacket made sure not to alarm the party guests.

As he headed for the elevator, he took out his rooster mask and threw away the backpack. The elevator opened and Jacket walked inside. After pressing the button that takes him to the second floor, he put on his mask. He cracked his knuckles as he waited.

The elevator eventually opened.

Jacket quietly walked in the hallway, looking for any guards. As soon as the coast was clear, he opened one of the doors, knocking down a gangster in the process. Jacket stomped his foot on the gangster's neck and twisted it. He stole the gangster's silenced pistol and looked up, surprised to see a gangster with his back turned around, banging his head to the music playing in his large blue headphones.

Jacket rolled his eyes. What's with these assholes so occupied with their giant headphones? He wondered if he should tap his shoulder, punch him in the ground, and then bash his brains out. Like that dead dumbass two days ago who was listening to his own music.

Jacket had a better idea. Walking up to the thug, he snatched the headphones from his head.

"Hey man! What gives?!" The gangster growled as he turned around, only to see Jacket snap the headphones in half and thrusted one of the headphone pieces at the gangster's neck. The thug fell to the floor coughing as he frantically grabbed his severe bleeding throat. Even the Russian mobsters back in Miami weren't as dumb as these guys, Jacket thought as he walked away from the room.

He stopped when he saw another gangster walk in the room. His eyes widen as he ran away. Jacket lifted up his gun and shot a bullet at the thug's back, instantly killing him. Jacket quickly ran up to the gangster's body and took his silenced pistol. Jacket lifted up his dual pistols and walked to one of the rooms.

He burst through the door and began firing. He gunned down four surprised gangsters and splashed the floorboard with their own crimson blood. Just as Jacket was about to walk away, he stopped when he heard from one of the dead thug's phones someone talking.

"Hello? You there? I heard some guys fall to the ground, what the fuck just happened?"

Jacket fired a bullet at the phone and walked away. There goes the opportunity of being discrete...

He opened one of the doors and spotted a bunch of guys sitting on couches. One of them began to spoke. "Yeah, just put the cupcakes on the tabl-the fuck are you!?"

The other gangsters turned to the doorway only to have their faces shot by Jacket. As soon as the gangsters were all dead, Jacket closed the door and proceeded to the final door only to hear someone drop a bag in the hallway. Jacket rushed to the hallway and saw a shocked fat thug as he stared at the gangster's dead body still laying on the floor. Next to the overweight thug was a bag of cupcakes on the floor, with the label "Sugarcube Corner" imprinted on the bag. Of course, Jacket didn't focus on the bag; he focused on the fatass as he wasted his last ammunition.

As soon as the beefy man died, Jacket grabbed the bag and walked to the last room he was in. He threw the bag at one of the blood-soaked corpses. Enjoy your fucking cupcakes, Jacket thought to himself.

Jacket finally opened the last door. The four thugs inside were shocked to see Jacket and pulled out their silenced Uzis. Jacket grabbed one of them and used him as a shield as his body was plastered with bullets from his comrades. Jacket grabbed the body shield's Uzi and gunned down the remaining thugs.

Jacket threw the dead body shield and looked at the other guy in the room, the co-owner. The overweight man looked like he was about to pee himself as he backed away from Jacket.

"No wait!" The co-owner spat out in fear. "I'll give you a million, no BILLIONS of fucking cash! Just don't kill me!"

Jacket grabbed the co-owner's collar and lifted him from the ground. Let's see...Jacket could kill him by gouging out his eyeballs, decapitate him with a golf club, torch him into blazes, or just repeatedly punch his face until he has no face. Jacket knew what to do.

Jacket pushed the fat man to the ground. Jacket took out the other half of the headphone he carried with him and repeatedly stabbed him in the face until there wasn't a shred of blue on those headphones, just red.

Jacket's job was done. He got up and headed for the elevator. All he had to do now was to hope the guy on the phone didn't called for backup or something...

"Awesome party, huh?!" Flash shouted to one of his friends, who excitedly nodded back.

Sunset finished her drink as she turned to Rarity. "Shame that the other girls couldn't come."

"Well darling," Rarity answered as she drank the last of her Roy Rogers, "Twilight has to help her Crystal Prep friends, Rainbow Dash has her soccer practice, Pinkie has to help the Sugarcube Corner, and Fluttershy volunteered at the animal shelter. But yes, it truly is a shame. At least Vinyl is having fun."

"You said it," Sunset replied with a grin. "Truly the best day for her-"


All the guests of the party became shocked when gunfire was heard. From the entrance entered eight gangsters armed with machine guns and desert eagles. They reached the dance floor and began firing at the ceiling as a warning sound. All the guests raised their hands up in the air.

"Nobody fucking move!" One of the gangsters shouted. "Someone killed one of our own. Where is he or she or whoever it is?!"

"W-what are you talking about?" Luna stammered as she raised an eyebrow. One of the thugs responded by pulling out a pistol and shot her arm.

Luna screamed in pain as she knelt down and grabbed her wounded arm. The other gangster looked pissed off at the other. "The fuck did you do that for?"

"Damnit, where is that asshole!?" The other hissed as he walked around the nightclub

As soon as the gangsters were not looking, Vinyl's brother silently dialed 911. He quickly crouched for cover as he whispered to the cops. One of the gangsters noticed this and was about to run to him.

That is until they heard someone knocking at the wall near the entrance.

The gangsters turned to the entrance and saw Jacket there, leaning against the wall with crossed arms. "This some kind of fucking joke?" One of the gangsters quipped as he walked up to masked man with his rifle raised up. "Get on the fucking ground!"

Jacket pushed the rifle upward and pointed it at the gangster's head, pulling the trigger. The guests screamed in terror as the gangster fell to the floor with a bullet in his head.

"Kill the chicken freak!" The other gangster shouted as the others fired their weapons. Jacket ran for cover, avoiding the bullets.

He quickly rolled away and fired his rifle, shooting down two gangsters. Vinyl was hugging Octavia in fear as Rarity screamed.

The five surviving gangsters all split up. One of them grabbed Applejack and used her as a body shield. "Give up or this cowgirl gets it!"

Jacket grabbed a nearby pistol and shot a bull eyes at the gangster's head, causing him to let go of Applejack. She quickly ran for cover, panting heavily with sweat on her head.

Three of the gangsters tried to gun down Jacket. However, Jacket quickly dashed as the gangsters fired. As he ran, Jacket pointed his pistol and wasted all the ammo, splashing the floor with the three gangster's blood.

Flash Sentry tried to crawl away as the last surviving gangster pointed his pistol at Jacket. The masked man quickly equipped his rifle and fired a round at the gangster's chest. The gangster grabbed his chest as he fell to the floor, dead. As his pistol hit the floor, it fired off a bullet, shooting Flash in the chest. Flash's eyes widen as he rolled to his back, grabbing his chest in excruciating pain and fear. Sunset quickly crawled to him, seeing the blood leaking from his chest. He whimpered to Sunset to help him and that he doesn't want to die.

Jacket panted as he looked around, seeing the party guests all shaking from fear. He wasted no time running to the entrance and out of the nightclub. Running to an alley, he quickly removed his mask and vomited behind a garbage bin.

Jacket knew one thing. This was no longer a discrete operation.

Next Chapter: ACT II - Fatalities Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 10 Minutes
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"You have reached the wrong number."

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