
The Person Inside

by IcarusFics

Chapter 4

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I glanced nervously around the corner, checking for any staff or students walking by. The journey from the bed to the door had been strange, as I was still pretty dizzy from my “fall” before. My head had spun as I stood up, blood rushing to my head quickly. It had gone away quickly enough and now, I was getting ready to walk out.

“Just… Pretend you know where you’re going.” I muttered, trying to boost my confidence enough to step out into the hall and start walking. If Redheart or any of my friends saw me, then the jig would be up. Well, when I say friends, I mean soon-to-be-former friends.

I shook my head in frustration. I knew it was the right thing to do, and I wasn’t going to let myself convince me to not do it. It was the right thing to do.

When the coast was clear, I stepped out and began walking toward the doors of the building. My heart raced as I briskly walked closer and closer. As I reached the door, I held my hand out, ready to open it only for it to open up in front of me.

“Darling! You’re… Out of bed! What are you doing up, Twilight said that you had a concussion!” Rarity stood before me, her hair slightly frazzled and a look of worry on her face.

“Rares, you… You gotta-”

“Not another word, Rainbow. You need rest and time to recover. The girls have been worried sick about you!” She spun me around by the shoulders and began walking me back to my room.

“Rarity, please, I-”

“You know that Applejack was practically in tears, right? Never before have I seen that girl cry, but she was crying for you! Isn’t it just so romantic?” She sighed, still pushing me toward the room.

“Rarity, please listen to me.” I pleaded as she opened the door and lead me toward the bed.

“And Twilight! She was hysterical! She was trying to hide it, she always does, but she was furious. Practically fuming!

I knew why she was angry. She knew that I lied to all of them. All of my friends. She probably already told Pinkie and Rarity that I was a guy.

“Her eyes almost set alight when Applejack mentioned Sharp Quartz! She was trying to stop Applejack from outright trying to murder the girl, but I could swear she was fighting off the desire to join her.” Rarity giggled and sat down on the chair next to the bed. She was angry at… Quartz? Not me?

“So, what was it you would like to say? Sorry for interrupting you before, but it’s important you don’t hurt yourself.” She said, handing me a glass of water.

“Rarity… I… I can’t be friends with you anymore. I can’t be friends with any of you girls.”

‘Wh-what? Whatever do you mean, Rainbow?” She held her hand to her chest, clearly shocked at what I had said.

“I just… I don’t belong with you guys.”

“Nonsense! Just because you’re a different kind of person doesn’t mean we can’t be friends. Why, take me and Applejack as an example. I am a refined fashionista with impeccable dress sense, where Applejack prefers to focus much more on work and family life. We’re completely different, yet we are great friends, even if we might not show it some times.”

“Rarity, that’s… I’m different in a bigger way. Bigger than just personality, okay?”

“I’m not too sure I follow, darling.”

“Rarity, I’M A BOY!”

She sat, her face blank and her eyes unblinking. I only realized after standing in silence for a few seconds that I had thrown the glass onto the floor, shattering it and sending pieces of glass flying. My heart was racing, and my head filled with regret at what I had just done. The head of nurse Redheart peeked in the door and gasped after seeing the shattered glass.

“Oh dear, you two, don’t move. I’ll go get something to clean this up with.” She said and hurried away.

I turned back to Rarity, my eyes beginning to fill with tears at what I had done. My outburst could have hurt her.

“Rarity, I’m… I’m so sorry.”

She was still silent.

“I’m… Oh god.” I lay my head in my hands and let out the tears I had been holding in. I heard Rarity get up to leave only to feel an arm wrap itself around my shoulder.

I looked up only to see Rarity looking back at me with a warm, comforting smile on her face.

“R-Rarity, wh-what are you-”

“Shh…” She held me tighter. “You need to cry, Darling. Let yourself cry.”

I tried my hardest to hold back the tears, but eventually gave in and let them flow freely.

“Let it out.” Rarity held me tight and I leaned into her hug. I trying my hardest not to get tears on her dress, but it didn’t seem to stop her from getting soaked in my sadness.

“Rainbow, you have to listen to what I have to say, okay?”

I glanced up at her, her face betraying no malice or anger, only care. I nodded nervously.

“You are not a boy.”

“Wh-what? Didn’t you hear what I said?”

“I did, Rainbow, and you are not a boy.”

“Y-yes I am. I-I’m a f-filthy, stupid, u-ugly boy.”

“No, you are not. I know what you are, Rainbow. You’re a friend. You’re a pretty young girl who could go for a touch up and possibly some makeup lessons from one of your friends. Not going to toot my own horn or anything, but I happen to be great at doing makeup.”

“You… You’re serious? B-but I have… I was born as a guy, Rarity. I have boy bits, and a boy body.”

“No you don’t, Rainbow. You aren’t a girl in a boy's body, you are a girl. What bits you have doesn’t change that. You are a girl.”

“So you mean… You don’t… Hate me?” She almost looked offended at that.

“Me? Hate you? Heavens, no, Rainbow! Quite the opposite, really. You are an amazing friend that I am happy to know. Even if you are a little bit... Boisterous.” She laughed with a smile on her face.

“B-but… Did Twilight tell you?”

“She knows? Well, no she didn’t. You did. Just then, remember?”

“I did?”

“Yes. I honestly had no idea before, but I most certainly won’t treat you any different now. How did you tell Twilight?”

“Uh…” The events of earlier today replayed themselves in my mind. I was pushed over, hit my head, woke up here, then the nurse took off my bloody clothes and Twilight saw my…

“I didn’t exactly tell her… She saw me naked when the nurse had to take my clothes off.”

“Oh… I see. She didn’t seem angry, did she?”

“Uh, not exactly, but… I dunno, I just…”

“You thought she would hate you so you assumed the worst. Is that what all of that “I can’t be your friend anymore” nonsense was about?”

I nodded guiltily.

“Oh, Rainbow, you don’t give our Twilight enough credit! She assuredly doesn’t judge you, she knows a few trans people personally. I’m sure she was just shocked as she didn’t know it beforehand.”

“She… She knows other people like me…?”

“Of course! You know, It’s not as uncommon as you think it is. Why, I know a few myself through Carousel Boutique and I’m sure they would love to meet you, if you would like to meet them. I won’t reveal who they are for privacy’s sake, but I can ask them if they are willing to chat with you, if you like?”

Other people like me…? I… I’d never met anyone like me before. Would they be nice? How old were they? I felt like I did want to meet them, if only to talk to someone I could relate to, but… Maybe one of them would want to be my friend?

“I’d… I’d really like that, Rarity.”

“Splendid!” Rarity clapped her hands together happily. Not long afterward, the door swung open and Nurse Redheart walked in, followed by Twilight. I felt myself try to pull away as I saw her, my mind still fearful of her judging me, even if Rarity had said she wouldn’t.

“Rarity! What are you doing here?” Twilight looked between me and her in confusion.

“Well, after you ran off after Applejack to stop her from doing something she’d regret, I decided I would pay our friend a visit. Lucky I did arrive when I did, I believe my arrival stopped her from doing something that she, herself, would regret.”

“She? But… Oh! Oh yes, of course. I’m so sorry, Dash.” She looked at me with an apologetic smile.

“Now that you’re up, and Applejack has calmed down, I wanted to know if you wanted to see her. She’s been very anxious and I’ve had to stop her from rushing off to confront Quartz, but she’s relaxed now.”

My eyes lit up and the prospect of seeing Applejack again.

“Y-yes!” I shouted out before pursing my lips, realizing how loud I had been. “Uh, I mean, yes please. I really, really would like to see Applejack. Thank you.”

Twilight smiled before stepping out of the room. Redheart finished up with her sweep before heading off herself.

“Now, would you like me to stick around, dear?”

“Uh, I’d like to talk to AJ alone, if that’s fine.”

“Of course.” She smiled and stood up. “Me and Twilight will be nearby, just call if you need us.” She waved goodbye and stepped out.

I sat in silence and contemplation for a brief moment before the door opened again and Applejack walked in. I could immediately tell that something had happened. Her face was dirty and streaked with tears. She held her hands close to her chest, trying to hide the fact that her knuckles were bloody and covered in dirt.

“A-AJ!” I jumped up, only for blood to rush to my head once more and I was forced to sit down.

“S-sugarcube, Ah… Ah’m so sorry. Ah didn’t… Oh gosh.” She ran toward me and threw her trembling arms around me. I reciprocated the hug immediately and unsuccessfully tried to hold my tears back again as both she and I sobbed into each other.

After a short while, I regained my composure enough to talk to her properly.

“AJ… Oh god, what happened to you?”

“Ah…” She gritted her teeth and avoided eye contact. “Ah got real… Real angry.”

“You didn’t go after Quartz, did you?”

“No, but Ah really fuckin’ wanted to. That bitch deserves to rot in hell for hurting you, but… Ah didn’t. Twilight stopped me. Ah really should apologize to her for saying… Those things Ah said to her.”

“But… But your hands! Why are you bleeding?”

“Ah… Still had to take my anger out on something, and the brick wall just happened to be close by.”

“Oh, Applejack. Ya b-big dummy.” I smiled, wiping the tears that were still gradually collecting. “What about all the dirt?”

“Ah… May have fallen over trying to get away from Twi. Ah really… Really need to apologize to her.”

I pressed my forehead up against Applejack’s and hugged her close. She sobbed silently again as I held her as close as possible. She tried to kiss me, but she was still hysterical and she ended up just breaking down even more.

“Ah was so worried about you, Dash! Ah… Ah was so angry.”

“I know.” I hugged her tightly and brushed her hair with my fingers. “I’m okay now, AJ. She won’t hurt me again.”

“How do you know?” She said, a tinge of anger still in her breath. “Who’s to say she doesn’t get away with this?”

“Trust me, Applejack, She won’t.” A new voice spoke out from the doorway, causing both of us to spin around and see who had spoken. In the doorway stood a tall woman, with long, multi coloured hair. It almost seemed to sparkle and move in the light.

“Principal C-Celestia?” Applejack gawked and pulled herself away from my hug.

The principal laughed politely and glanced between Applejack and I.

“You needn’t pretend, Applejack. You are not in trouble, and I’m sure your girlfriend needs all of the love and affection she can get right now.”

AJ nervously reached out and held my hand before addressing the principal.

“What… What did you mean before?”

“That she wouldn’t get away with what she had done? I meant exactly that, Applejack. Before, she was only verbally abusing other students. I punished her time and time again, more than you might believe, but she still treated others with malice and disrespect. I know, as a Principal, I must remain neutral and allow everyone the chance to redeem themselves. Quartz has been given that chance time and time again. I punished you more severely only because I knew that you can change and have in the past.”

“R-right. Ah’m sorry for how Ah acted, Principal.”

“It’s quite alright. I know you have taken your punishment and learnt from your mistakes. Quartz, however… Has not. In light of what has happened, I can no longer allow Quartz to remain at Canterlot High. She will be expelled immediately and will not be allowed to further her education at this school.”

“Wait, for real?” I gawked. “You’re e-expelling her?”

“Yes. A person who physically harms another student is such a way can not be completely forgiven. She may change and learn from her mistakes in the future, but it is with deep regret that I must say she is not going to be doing that at CHS.”

A feeling of relief and guilt washed over me, both at the same time. On one hand, the person who had made my first week at Canterlot High hell was going to be expelled, but on the other hand, it wasmy fault. I had antagonized her, I had pushed her. Not only that, but I… I knew there was something left in her. That friendship she had with Applejack when they were younger couldn’t have been unfounded, right? She was friends with her in the first place, and that meant… There was still that inkling of kindness inside of her.

“P-principal… Please don’t expel her.”

Both Applejack and the Principal looked at me, clearly shocked at what I had said.

“Wh-what are you talking about, Sugarcube? She hurt you! She’s made your life, and mine, a living hell!”

Celestia nodded and approached me.

“Please tell me, Rainbow. Why would you like for her to remain at CHS?”

“Because… I believe that she can change.”

“Rainbow…” Applejack gripped my hand tighter.

“I… I know it might be hard, but I believe… Anyone can change. Applejack, for my whole life, I’ve hated who I was. I hated my body, I hated my… I hated my parts, and I hated myself. I wasn’t happy with myself, and to tell you the truth, I’m still not completely happy. But… I changed. I became… Me. All in a split second decision, I decided that I would be happy. If I didn’t do it then, I don’t think I would ever have done it. The decision she made, to push me… It was the exact same thing. A split second decision. In my case, it was the right thing to do. In hers, it wasn’t.”

Celestia nodded and looked down contemplatively. After a few seconds she looked back up.

“Rainbow, you must know this. I have no choice but to expel Sharp Quartz, but… I do agree. I believe she can change, as everyone has the ability to, but she has been unresponsive to any lessons on humility or friendship that I have tried to give her. I know that you can forgive her, and that show a lot of strength, but she has done something that needs to be punished regardless.”

I nodded in understanding.


“I can, however, let you talk to her, if that’s what you want.”

Talk to her? I wasn’t exactly sure if I wanted to confront her or talk with her, I just didn’t want what she did in a split second to ruin her life.

“Talk with her…? Uh… Maybe?”

“Rainbow.” AJ put a hand on my cheek. “Ah… Ah might not agree with forgiving her just yet, but Ah think you should talk to her. Maybe you can… talk some sense into her. Get her to realize her mistakes, ya know?”

“Yeah… Yeah, I’ll talk to her. I don’t want her to regret this for the rest of her life, I want her to forgive herself in the end. I think… I can help.”

Celestia nodded before walking toward the door before turning back to us.

“Thank you for being so understanding, Dash. You are very strong, and I am proud of you all for how you handled this situation. If you would come to my office tomorrow during first period, I will organize for you to talk with her then.” She smiled and exited, closing the door behind her.

“Rainbow, Ah’m so proud of you.” Applejack smiled with tears down her face.

“Proud? Of what?”

“You heard what Principal Celestia said. You’re so strong. So much stronger than… Me.”

“What are you talking about? You’re the strongest person I know!” I held on tightly to her hand, but she pulled away.

“No! I’m not, Rainbow! I get angry! All the time, and I just can’t stop it. No matter what, even the littlest thing sets me off. You heard what I was like! I punched a fuckin’ wall for fucks sake!”

I only realized after she was done that I had been inching away from her subconsciously.

“See? I can’t even act civilized around my fuckin’ girlfriend! God, Ah’m such a fuckup… Ah’m sorry, sugarcube, Ah didn’t mean to scare ya, Ah just… Oh god Ah’m so sorry.” She placed her face in her palms and sobbed again. I put my arm around her and held her close, letting her crying onto my clothes as I had cried on Rarity earlier.

“Applejack… You’re not a bad person. You know that, right?”

“Yes Ah am. Ah’m… Angry all the time.”

“Look, I’m not some sort of psychologist or anything, but even I can tell that you’re an amazing and strong person.”

“No I’m not.”

“Yes you are!” I gently angled her head toward me with a hand. “You might not see it, but you are strong. Do you think I’m strong?”

“O-of course Ah do! You’re the strongest person Ah know.”

“But I don’t think I’m strong.”

“B-but… Just because you don’t think you’re strong doesn’t mean… Oh. Dangit, Rainbow. You’re smarter than you let on.”

I grinned and pulled Applejack in for a kiss, forgetting about our problems in this brief moment of togetherness. Applejack tried to continue our kiss, but she began to laugh, her failed attempts to kiss me only causing her to laugh even more, and soon, we were rolling around on the bed together, laughing happily.

I smiled at her as she lay on top of me, her perfect face speckled with the most adorable freckles in the world. I pulled up a hand and poked her on the nose.

“Who’s a silly pony? You is.”

She rolled her eyes and kissed me. I began to let myself sink into the kiss before I heard a huge “BANG” come from the door. We both pulled ourselves up to a sitting position in a rush only to see Pinkie standing in the doorway with a huge, pastel coloured cannon, confetti and streamers now drifting slowly downward. In the blink of an eye, she was inches away from my face, and had a huge smile plastered on hers.

“I heard someone’s caught a nasty case of the grumpy bums!”

“Wh-who, m-me?” I stuttered out.

“Yep! You! And I know the perfect cure for a grumpy bum!”

“Oh boy, here we go…” Applejack sighed and blocked her ears. I was about to follow suit, but I was just a few milliseconds too late.


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